Catch Up Friday

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Division of Lapu-Lapu City

Babag National High School

Name: Position/Designation:
Michael R. Arioste Teacher III
Date: Learning Area: Grade Level: Quarter: Duration:
September 27, 2024 TLE-ICT, CCS 10 First 45 minutes
Learning Competency/ies: Understand the principles of peace education and how they relate
(Taken from the Curriculum Guide) to effective communication in contact center services
Key Concepts /
The learners demonstrate an understanding of the principles of peace education and how
Understandings to be
they relate to effective communication in contact center services
Adapted Cognitive Process Dimensions (D.O. No.
Domain 8, s. 2015)
1. Objectives
Categories: Behavioral Verbs:
identify, retrieve, recognize, duplicate,
Knowledge Remembering list, memorize, repeat, describe, Understand the principles of peace education and how
interpret, exemplify, classify,
they relate to effective communication in contact center
Understanding summarize, infer, compare, explain, services
paraphrase, discuss
execute, implement, demonstrate,
Applying dramatize, interpret, solve, use,
illustrate, convert, discover
differentiate, distinguish, compare,
Develop effective conflict resolution techniques
Analyzing contrast, organize, outline, attribute,
deconstruct applicable in the workplace, specifically in customer
Skills coordinate, measure, detect, defend,
Evaluating service
judge, argue, debate, describe,
critique, appraise, evaluate
generate, hypothesize, plan, design,
develop, produce, construct,
formulate, assemble, devise
Categories: List of Attitudes:
Receiving Phenomena - Awareness, willingness to hear, Self-esteem, Self-confidence, Wellness,
selected attention Respect, Honesty, Personal discipline,
Behavioral Verbs: ask, choose, describe, erect, follow, Perseverance, Sincerity, Patience, Critical
Attitude give, hold, identify, locate, name, point to, reply, select, sit, thinking, Open-mindedness, Interest,
Growth in Study, use Courteous, Obedience, Hope, Charity,
feelings or Responding to Phenomena - Fortitude, Resiliency, Positive vision,
emotional Behavioral Verbs: aid, answer, assist, comply, conform, Acceptance, Determined, Independent , Foster a positive,
areas. discuss, greet, help, label, perform, practice, present, read, Gratitude, Tolerant, Cautious, Decisive,
calm, and
A settled way recite, report, select, tell, write Self-Control, Calmness, Responsibility,
of thinking or Accountability, Industriousness, Industry, cooperative
Valuing -
feeling about Behavioral Verbs: work, complete, demonstrate, Cooperation, Optimism, Satisfaction, demeanor when
someone or Persistent, Cheerful, Reliable, Gentle, handling difficult
differentiate, explain, follow, form, initiate, invite, join,
something, Appreciation of one’s culture, Globalism,
justify, propose, read, report, select, share, study situations with
typically one Compassion, Work Ethics, Creativity,
that is
Organization -
Entrepreneurial Spirit, Financial Literacy, customers
reflected in a Behavioral Verbs: adhere, alter, arrange, combine, Global, Solidarity, Making a stand for the
person’s compare, complete, defend, explain, formulate, generalize, good, Voluntariness of human act,
behavior identify, integrate, modify, order, organize, prepare, relate, Appreciation of one’s rights,
synthesize Inclusiveness, Thoughtful, Seriousness,
5. Internalizing values - Generous, Happiness, Modest, Authority,
Behavioral Verbs: act, discriminate, display, influence, Hardworking, Realistic, Flexible,
listen, modify, perform, practice, propose, qualify, question, Considerate,
List of Values:
Love of God, Faith, Trusting,
Spirituality, Inner Peace, Love of truth,
Values Kindness, Humble
A learner's principles or standards of MAKA-TAO
behavior; one's judgment of what is Concern for Others, Respect for human
important in life. rights, Gender equality, Family Appreciate the importance of peaceful communication
Go beyond learner’s life on earth, Solidarity, Generosity, Helping, and empathy in fostering a harmonious work
include more than wealth and fame, Oneness environment in the contact center industry
and would affect the eternal destiny MAKAKALIKASAN
of millions intentionally add values Care of the environment, Disaster Risk
to yourself and students everyday. Management, Protection of the
Peace and order, Heroism and
Appreciation of Heroes, National Unity,

2. Content Peace Education and its Application in Contact Center Services (Catch-up Fridays)
3.LearningResources Internet Sources, Hand-outs, Multimedia PowerPoint, DepEd Cookery curriculum guide

4. Procedures
Motivation: Show a short video clip illustrating conflict in a customer service setting (e.g., a
4.1 Introductory Activity customer upset about a product or service).
(__10__ minutes). Discussion: Ask students, “What went wrong in this situation? How could it have been
handled differently?”
Group Role-Playing: Divide the class into small groups. Each group will receive a case study
or scenario where a customer is upset with a product/service.
One student will act as the customer, while another will take the role of a customer service
4.2 Activity(_20___ minutes).
representative. The goal is for the representative to apply peaceful conflict resolution
techniques to resolve the issue.
Allow each group time to act out the scenario in front of the class.
Discuss the importance of calm communication and empathy in the contact center
4.3 Analysis(_5___ minutes). industry. Ask: “How does peaceful conflict resolution benefit both the customer and the
company? What impact does it have on the workplace environment?”
Summarize key learnings:
Peaceful communication leads to better customer satisfaction.
4.4 Abstraction(_5___ minutes).
Conflict resolution skills are essential for maintaining professionalism.
A peaceful workplace reduces stress and improves teamwork
Ask students to think of a time when they experienced or witnessed conflict in a customer
4.5 Application(__15__ minutes). service setting. How would they apply what they learned today to handle that situation

4.6 Assessment (_5__ minutes). Formative quiz

Assessment Method Possible Activities

Observation Investigation, Role Play, Oral
(Formal and informal observations Presentation, Dance, Musical
of learners’ performance or Performance, Skill Demonstration,
behaviors are recorded, based on Group Activity (e.g. Choral Reading),
assessment Debate, Motor & Psychomotor Games,
Talking to Learners / Hands-on Math Activities, Written
Conferencing Work and Essay, Picture Analysis,
(Teachers talk to and question Comic Strip, Panel Discussion, Students will write a reflection on the role-play activity,
learners about their learning Interview, Think-Pair-Share, Reading highlighting the importance of peace education
Analysis of Learners’ Worksheets for all subjects, Essay, principles in resolving customer disputes in the contact
Products Concept Maps/Graphic Organizer, center industry
(Teachers judge the quality of Project, Model, Artwork, Multi-media
products produced by learners Presentation, Product made in
according to agreed criteria) technical-vocational subjects
d) Tests Skill Performance Test, Open-Ended
(Teachers set tests or quizzes to Question, Practicum, Pen and Paper
determine learners’ ability to Test, Pre and Post Test, Diagnostic
demonstrate mastery of a skill or Test, Oral Test, Quiz

4.7 Assignment (__5__ minutes). Fill-in below any of the four purposes:
 Reinforcing /
strengthening the
day’s lesson
 Enriching / inspiring Research two common customer complaints in the contact center industry. Write a brief
the day’s lesson report on how peaceful communication and conflict resolution can be applied to address
 Enhancing / improving these complaints.
the day’s lesson
 Preparing for the new
4.8 Concluding Activity
(___1_ minutes)
1. Remarks Wrap-up

2. Reflections
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation.

B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation.

C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson.

D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation.

E. Which of my learning strategies worked well? Why did these work?

F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to share with
other teachers?

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