Extracted Pages From Yr6 Comprehension (Fiction, Nonfiction, Poetry Text) + Answers Yr6 - Comp - v2
Extracted Pages From Yr6 Comprehension (Fiction, Nonfiction, Poetry Text) + Answers Yr6 - Comp - v2
Extracted Pages From Yr6 Comprehension (Fiction, Nonfiction, Poetry Text) + Answers Yr6 - Comp - v2
River Rescue
“Finest sport in the world and it can be very exciting when you catch a fish,” diving towards the edge of the bank.
said Uncle Ted as they walked along the river bank, “now this looks a lovely Uncle Ted over balanced and fell into the river just as the dog leapt through the
spot for us to set up our rods.” He put down the bags and boxes he was rushes into the water right into the path of the male swan which reared up and
carrying and spread out a rug. flapped its wings wildly. The dog paddled away quickly and was soon
Laura and Paul were staying with Uncle Ted for the weekend and when he’d scrambling back up on to the path. It hurtled away from its owner at top speed
said he’d take them out for the day while Auntie June was busy, they’d as the man ran after it shouting and waving the dog’s lead.
expected something a bit more exciting than spending the day sitting on the As soon as the dog had gone, the swans turned their attention to Uncle Ted as
river bank waiting to catch a fish. he splashed about in the water.
“Now, I’ve got rods for you both,” said Uncle Ted and they waited patiently while “Help!” screamed Laura after the man, “Don’t just leave us! Help us!” But the
he assembled them and opened the box containing the hooks and weights. dog and his owner had disappeared around the bend in the river.
An hour went by; Laura thought it was the longest hour in her life. Apart from Paul snatched up one of the rods and waved it towards the hissing, angry
seeing a couple of ducks and a man walking his dog, nothing had happened. swans, “Get back! Get away!” he shouted but only succeeded in making them
“Wonderful!” said Uncle Ted, “nothing like a day by the river for cheering you more angry.
up.” Uncle Ted was swimming frantically towards the bank but didn’t seem to be
“And boring you to death,” whispered Paul to Laura. making any progress and they were just beginning to panic when they heard
“What time’s lunch?” asked Laura. another voice and the hum of an engine, and looking up saw a small boat
Uncle Ted looked at his watch, “Oh, another half hour or so,” he said. heading towards them. It was the dog owner. He steered the boat towards the
Half an hour passed and they began to unpack the picnic that Auntie June had swans, they backed away and sailed away in the opposite direction.
given them. There were sandwiches and sausage rolls, crisps and cakes, “Here! Let me help you,” said the man to Uncle Ted and he reached over the
bottles of fruit juice and a flask of coffee. Paul had just taken a bite of a tuna side and hauled him aboard the boat.
sandwich when Uncle Ted leapt to his feet and yanked hold of one of the rods. The man moored up the boat and helped Uncle Ted climb out onto the bank.
“We’ve got one!” he yelled reeling in the line as fast as he could, “get the net The dog was standing up on its hind legs peering over the side of the boat. It
ready! Quick!” gave a friendly woof. It didn’t seem to realise that it had caused such a
They put down their sandwiches, hurried to get out the net and watched as calamity.
Uncle Ted jerked the line out of the water. There was nothing on the end of it. It “I’m sorry about that,” said the man, “I’m Bob by the way. He gets a bit excited
was very disappointing but not half as disappointing as returning to their lunch does Toby. He’s made a bit of a mess of your lunch.” They looked at the half
to find that a wiry brown terrier was munching his way through their eaten sandwiches
sandwiches. “I thought you’d run away and left us,” said Laura, “it was really scary.”
Uncle Ted shouted loudly at the dog and its owner appeared and “Well, the boat was just round the corner, you see, and I knew Toby
shouted at Uncle Ted at exactly the moment a pair would jump onto it as soon as he saw it. Now what about sharing my
of silvery white swans swam into view followed lunch with me?”
by three cygnets. The dog dropped the It sounded like a good idea and they knew Bob was trying to be kind but
sandwich, barked enthusiastically and raced Uncle Ted was wet through and they decided it would be best if they packed
up the river bank towards the swans. up and went home.
“Come back, Toby!” yelled his owner as “Sorry about that,” said Uncle Ted as they drove to the main road, “spoilt
he chased after him. our day, that did. And I’m going to be in a lot of trouble with your Auntie
“Mind those rods!” yelled Uncle Ted, June when she sees my clothes. I told you fishing was exciting!”
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Theme 4 Rivers Fiction
Section B
1 What did Uncle Ted think about fishing?
River Rescue
Section A 2 ‘Laura thought it was the longest hour in her life’. Why did she think this?
Choose the best word or group of words to fit the passage and put a ring 3 How do you think Uncle Ted was feeling when he leapt to his feet and
around your choice. yanked hold of one of the rods?
Laura and Paul were staying with Uncle Ted and
4 What was more disappointing than finding there was nothing on the end of
1 Auntie Joan. Auntie June. Auntie May. Auntie April. the fishing line?
and sandwiches. Suddenly Uncle Ted leapt to his feet and shouted 7 Why do you think the author used the words ‘silvery white’ to describe the
4 “We’ve got one!”. “Look at that dog!”. “It’s got away!”
Uncle Ted overbalanced and 8 Which two of the following phrases best describes the disaster caused by
the dog? Give reasons for your choices.
5 ‘fell into the water’. ‘leapt through the rushes’. ‘munching his way through the sandwiches’
‘leapt through the rushes’
‘tripped over the dog’. ‘dived at the dog’. ‘raced towards the swans’
‘hurtled away from its owner’
Suddenly they heard the hum of an engine as
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