Week 3.2 Understanding Character Perspectives in Wonder by R

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Understanding Character Perspectives in Wonder by R.

J Palacio
Character What is their Literary Technique #1 + Literary Technique #2 + Literary Technique #3 +
perspective like? 2 examples in the text + 2 examples in the text + 2 examples in the text +
Analysis of the effect Analysis of the effect Analysis of the effect
Self-conscious, First-person narration Internal dialogue Casual diction
hyper-aware of "I have to admit to admit…” p.36 "Until a few days before, we still 'What's up', he said, nodding at
himself and weren't sure I would be going… But me.
others, brave, "I went straight to room 301… Now Mom, I could tell wasn't so sure 'Hey Jack', I answered..." p.37
just like other I was glad… I knew exactly where anymore." p.35
kids his age yet to go…" p.37 "Henry still couldn't get his lock to
more mature “I could tell she was about to open... The funny thing is… I most
than most his cry…” p.36 definitely would have offered to
age. Thoughtful. help..." p.40
Observant of Effect: Invites the reader to Effect: Invites the reader into
both the actions understand that although August is August's thought life and inner Effect: Invites the reader to
and motivations nervous about attending motivations, demonstrating that he understand the ways in which
of others. High mainstream school for the first has empathy for his parents, August really is just a normal 10
emotional time, he managed to navigate his especially his mother. year-old.
intelligence. first day with resilience.

Jack Will

Patient and very Device: Metaphor Device: Simile Device: Semantic Field
protective of
August. She is “August is the Sun. Me and Mom “But after she died, I held on to “Padawan braid, Star Wars, Geeky,
used to her and Dad are planets orbiting the that secret and let it cover me like Lightsabres” p. 98
parents always Sun. The rest of our family ad a blanket” p. 87
focusing on friends are asteroids and comets Effects: Palacio uses this semantic
August and floating around the planets Effects: Palacio uses this simile to field to describe how much Via
keeping herself orbiting the Sun.” p. 82 describe how Via feels about her cares about August. When August
organised and on grandmother. She feel comfortable cuts off his braid, she knows
top of things. She Effects: with her and feels secure when something is wrong or he’s being
is adaptable with Palacio uses this metaphor to around her. “Let it cover me like a bullied. She knows this because
Miranda and Ella describe what Via feels. She feels blanket” can signify that she is she cares about August.
no longer being that August is the centre of hiding her true feelings with the
her friend and attention and feels left out. You secret as “a blanket”.
she wants to be know this because the Sun is the
independent and centre of the galaxy and that’s how
live her own life it is for August too.
without her new
friends knowing
about August.


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