Langford Bylaw No. 1000
Langford Bylaw No. 1000
Langford Bylaw No. 1000
Development Servicing
Bylaw No. 1000
WHEREAS Council may appoint a person to be called an Approving Officer to exercise the jurisdiction
conferred on him by the Land Title Act or the regulations or any other Act or regulations;
AND WHEREAS the Approving Officer appointed by the City of Langford has established procedures for
examining proposed subdivisions which information is available to the public;
AND WHEREAS the Council may by bylaw impose subdivision application fees pursuant to Section 931 of
the Local Government Act;
AND WHEREAS Council may by bylaw regulate and require the provision of works and services in respect
of the subdivision or development of land, pursuant to Section 938 of the Local Government Act;
NOW THEREFORE the Council of the City of Langford in open meeting assembled enacts as follows:
1.1 This Bylaw may be cited as the “Langford Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw
No. 1000, 2009”.
2.1 The provisions of this Bylaw apply to all lands within the area incorporated as the City of
Langford. This Bylaw does not apply to any subdivision or building permit for which application
was made prior to the date of coming into force of this Bylaw provided that such application is
completed within 12 months of adoption of Bylaw 1000.
2.2 The purpose of this Bylaw is to regulate the subdivision and development of land and the
arrangement, design and construction of highways, works and services, in order to:
(b) Ensure that subdivisions and developments are developed in harmony with the
environment and are suited to the use for which they are intended.
2.3 This Bylaw should be used in conjunction with the Schedules to this bylaw, Langford Zoning
Bylaw, 1999 (No. 300) and the Langford Official Community Plan Bylaw, 2008 (No. 1200). Users
of this Bylaw are advised that they should also be knowledgeable of the requirements of other
applicable enactments including without limitation the:
(a) Land Title Act;
(b) Local Government Act;
(c) Community Charter
(d) Strata Property Act and Bare Land Strata Regulations;
(e) Agricultural Land Commission Act;
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(f) Real Estate Act;
(g) Land Survey Act;
(h) Forest Land Reserve Act;
(i) Waste Management Act;
(j) Highway Act;
(k) Builders Lien Act;
(l) Water Act.
2.4 As a condition of
The owner of the land is required to provide works and services in accordance with the
standards established in this bylaw, on that portion of a highway immediately adjacent to the
site being subdivided or developed, up to the center line of the highway
3.1 No provision of this Bylaw depends for its validity on any other provision and if any section,
subsection, clause, sub-clause or phase of this Bylaw is for any reason held to be invalid by the
decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the
remaining portions of this Bylaw.
In this Bylaw,
“Approved Product List” means the product list established by the City Engineer from time to
time for the purposes of this Bylaw. (Bylaw No. 1817)
“Approving Officer” means the Approving Officer appointed pursuant to the Land Title Act for
the City of Langford.
“Blast or Blasting” means the use of explosives for the purpose of moving, displacing or breaking
rock or other material;
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“Blaster” means the person, firm or corporation engaged by the Owner to conduct Blasting and
includes an agent, contractor or employee of the Blaster;
“Building Code” means the British Columbia Building Code, latest edition.
“Cal” or “caliper” means the diameter of the tree trunk measured 15 cm from the ground level
or from the top of the root ball in the case of a tree grown in a nursery. (Bylaw No. 1494)
“Capital Regional District Water Services (CRDWS)” includes any organization assuming the
responsibility for the retail water supply in Langford.
“City Engineer” means the company, person or persons appointed from time to time by the
Council as City Engineer or Director of Engineering, or any employee authorized to act on their
behalf. (Bylaw No. 1669)
“Community Plan” means the Langford “Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 1200, 2008” and as
“Completion” - for the purpose of assessing applications, means a Servicing Agreement has been
executed or a pre-construction meeting has been held with City representatives.
“Construction Acceptance” means the City’s acceptance of the construction of Works and
Services provided by a Developer pursuant to this Bylaw, subject to the obligation of the
Developer to remedy defects and deficiencies becoming apparent during the Warranty Period.
(Bylaw No. 1494)
“Contractor” is the person, firm or corporation under contract with the City or developer to
provide labour, equipment and materials for the execution of the works.
“Cul-de-sac” means a highway of which one end is designed to be permanently closed to motor
vehicles, or which is terminated by a natural feature and which provides a vehicular turning
“Deep Sewers” means those installed at greater than 3.0 metres below finished grade.
“Developer” means the owner or authorized agent engaged in the process of subdividing or
developing the subject property.
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“Development” means any improvement to residential, commercial, industrial, institutional or
municipal lands, highways and rights-of-way, including the construction, alteration or repair of a
building pursuant to a building permit.
“Diameter at Breast Height (DBH)” is measure at 1.3 m from natural grade on the highest side of
tree. For DBH of multi-stem trees that stem out below 1.3 m, each stem shall be considered its
own tree requiring assessment and replacement.
“Director of Parks, Recreation and Facilities” means the person appointed to that position from
time to time by Council as the Director of Parks, Recreation, and Facilities, (also known as the
Manager of Parks) or any employee authorized to act on their behalf.
“Final Acceptance” means the City’s acceptance of Works and Services provided pursuant to this
Bylaw at the end of the warranty period with all defects and deficiencies remedied to the
satisfaction of the City Engineer. (Bylaw No. 1494)
“Final Approval” means the Approving Officer’s signature on the final plan of subdivision. (Bylaw
No. 1669)
“Highway” includes a street, road, lane, bridge, viaduct and any other way open to the use of
the public, but does not include a right-of-way on private property, other than an access route in
a bare land strata plan that, in the opinion of the City Engineer must be designed to City
standards in the interest of public safety and emergency access.
“Landscape Retaining Wall” means a retaining wall that is not a Structural Retaining Wall.
(Bylaw 1513
“Lane” means a Highway which provides a secondary means of vehicle access to one or more
Parcels of land. (Bylaw 1513)
“Maintenance Period” means a period of one year starting from the date of Constructional
Acceptance – Landscaping (CA-L), unless a greater period is specified in this Bylaw in relation to
deficiencies and replacement. During this period, the Developer must maintain all offsite
horticultural (i.e. trees, shrubs, sod etc.) and non-horticultural (i.e. irrigation, pavers, benches
etc.) elements as approved in design drawings.
“Medical Health Officer” means the Medical Health Officer for the Vancouver Island Health
“Municipal Sewer System” means the network of pipes and infrastructure placed so as to
receive and direct sewage from two or more parcels of land to a treatment facility, which is
owned and operated, by municipal government or City.
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“Parcel” means any lot, block or other area in which real property is held or into which real
property is subdivided, but does not include a highway or portion thereof and includes the
remainder of a parcel.
“Potable Water” means water, which is approved for drinking purposes by the Medical Health
Officer pursuant to the Health Act.
“Professional Geoscientist” means a person who is registered or licensed as such and is in good
standing under the provisions of the Engineers and Geoscientists Act. (Bylaw 1513)
“Right-of-Way” means land or any interest in land acquired for the purpose of:
“Statement of Conditions” means the letter issued by the Approving Officer for the City to a land
owner or agent that outlines the legal, servicing and procedural conditions that must be met
prior to obtaining subdivision approval.
“Structural Retaining Wall” means a wall that is structurally independent from a building or
structure but is required to support the building or structure, or a wall that supports a road.
(Bylaw 1513)
“Subdivision” means the division of land into two or more parcels, whether by plan, descriptive
words or otherwise, and includes boundary adjustments.
“Subdivision Approval” means approval of the subdivision of land granted by the Approving
Officer when all relevant requirements of this bylaw, the Land Title Act and any other relevant
bylaws and legislation have been fulfilled.
“Substantial Performance” means the stage of construction completion when all Works and
Services as certified by the Engineer of Record, are capable of completion or correction and are
ready for use or being used for the purpose intended. (Bylaw No. 1669)
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“Walkway” means an area of land improved primarily for the use of pedestrian traffic.
"Warranty Period" means a period of one year starting from the date of Substantial
Performance, unless a greater period is specified in this Bylaw in relation to particular Works or
Services, during which the Developer must remedy any defects in materials or workmanship and
other deficiencies that become apparent in the Works and Services. (Bylaw No. 1669)
“Works and Services” means construction such as roadways, lanes, gas, drainage, water and
sewer systems, earthworks and slope stabilization, sidewalks, walkways, boulevards,
landscaping, street lighting and underground wiring, and includes works and services whether
on highways, rights of way or common property, to be provided for in a subdivision or
development of land under this bylaw.
“Works and Services Agreement” means an agreement between the City and the owner in
accordance with s. 940 of the Local Government Act that works and services will be completed
to service a subdivision or development by a date specified in the agreement and that sufficient
security has been provided to the City to secure the construction of those works,
“Zone” means a zone established by the “Langford Zoning Bylaw, 1999 (No. 300)” and as
amended from time to time.
“City of Langford Subdivision Servicing Bylaw No. 500 and all amendments thereto are hereby repealed.
___________________ _____________________
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City of Langford
Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw No. 1000
List of Amendments to Bylaw No. 1000
Bylaw Date
Number Adopted
1 s.944 Delegation Bylaw – Delegate the Power of Exemption of Minimum 1321 21 Feb 2011
Frontage Requirements to the Approving Officer
2 Minor adjustments to improve the usability of the bylaw 1292 7 Mar 2011
3 Redefine the definition of Development 1352 19 Sep 2011
4 Replacing Section 6.1.1 and adding a map as Appendix A as Figure 6.1 within 1361 3 Oct 2011
Section 6.1
5 To amend the definition of “Development” and replacing Section 6.1. 1376 19 Nov 2012
6 To delegate the power of exemption of minimum frontage requirements to the 1459 18 Feb 2013
Approving Officer
7 Housekeeping issues, sanitary servicing clarification and addition of Schedule 1494 20 Jan 2014
14 for landscaping
8 Add definitions to Section 4.0, Replace Section1.1.2.3, Replace Section 2.1.1, 1513 28 May 2014
Replace Section 3.1.3, Replace Section 3.1.5, Remove drawings R13 to R16 from
Schedule 4 and add Drawing R18 and R19, Replace Table 4.1, Add a new
paragraph to the end of Section 5.1.1, Remove Figure 6.1, Replace the phrase
“Strata Title conversion of an existing two-family dwelling” to “a strata
subdivision of a two family dwelling, Replace text below Section ii,
Delete Section 9, Replace Section 9.3, Delete Section 9.6 and Replace Section
10 Replacing Table 1-1 “Applications and Fees” 1539 20 Oct 2014
11 Amending Section 1.12.1 and replacing Sections 6.4.5 and 9.3 1555 7 Apr 2015
12 Replacing Sections 4.11.4,,, and Drawing C15 1574 15 Jun 2015
13 Replacing Sections 4.18.1,, 4.18.3,, adding Section 1618 4 Apr 2016, amending Schedule 11, and replacing Drawings E3, E4, and E7 in
Section 11
14 Replacing Table 1-1 “Applications and Fees” in Schedule 1 Procedures and Fees 1635 16 May 2016
15 Omnibus Amendment. 1669 20 Feb 2017
16 Replacing Table 1-1 “Applications and Fees” in Schedule 1 Procedures and Fees. 1707 8 June 2017
17 Replacing the phrase "six month" in Section 1.5.1 with "twelve month, 1783 16 July 2018
Replacing the phrase "six month" in Section with "twelve month, adding
section, inserting section 1.8 Air Space Parcel Subdivision and
renumbering subsequent sections accordingly and Replacing Table 1-1
“Applications and Fees” in Schedule 1 Procedures and Fees.
18 Omnibus Amendment. 1817 1 Apr 2019
19 Replacing Table 1-1 “Applications and Fees” 1849 4 June 2019
20 Replacing Table 1-1 “Applications and Fees” 1901 29 June 2020
21 Withdrawn 1947 N/A
22 Replacing Table 1-1 “Applications and Fees” 1967 19 July 2021
23 Replacing Table 1-1 “Applications and Fees” 2046 20 June 2022
24 Housekeeping Amendments 2103 17 July 2023
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Bylaw No. 2103
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B. This Bylaw may be cited for all purposes as "Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw,
Amendment No. 24, Bylaw No. 2103, 2023 .
1.1.1. Any property owner or other person wishing to subdivide land must obtain a statement
from the Approving Officer of the complete conditions which must be fulfilled in order to
obtain approval of a subdivision and shall pay an application fee plus an additional fee for
each parcel proposed to be created in addition to the number of existing parcels. Copies of all rights of way, easement and covenant documents pertaining to the
subject property; One (1) paper copy and a digital PDF drawing of the proposed subdivision; (Bylaw
No. 1669) A letter of authorization from the owner if an agent is acting on their behalf.
1.1.3 In considering a subdivision (application for Statement of Conditions, or request for Final
Approval or at any time during), the Approving Officer may request that additional
information be provided by a registered professional in regards to natural and or
geotechnical hazards, both on-site and off-site, which may impact the subdivision (as
noted in s.86 of the Land Title Act). These may include but are not limited to: avalanche,
debris torrent, earthquake, erosion, flooding, fire, rock fall, land slippage and unstable
soils and tsunami.
1.1.4 All reports that relate to the feasablility of any lands within or adjacent to the project are
being prepared by the registered professional and to be provided to the City.
1.1.5 The design engineer that is providing their professional seal and signature in regards to
the works must ensure that any reports and reviews (including geotechnical work) shall
be provided. The work must also be identified on the plans and coordinated with a
registered professional of that field. This shall include all private lands, municipal works
and lands, and adjacent lands that have been directly or indirectly impacted by the
subdivision as necessary.
1.2. Referrals
1.2.1. The City will forward referrals to all relevant City departments and external agencies
whose input is required by law or required in the opinion of the Approving Officer
regarding the application for subdivision approval. Should the agency require a fee for
this referral, the City will provide this information to the applicant. The applicant will be
responsible for paying the applicable fees to that agency at that time. The City will not
process payments to other agencies.
1.3.1. Where the proposed subdivision is a boundary adjustment the appropriate application
fee is required in accordance with Table 1.
1.4.1. If, in the opinion of the Approving Officer, the subdivision layout has changed
substantially so that additional referrals and a new Statement of Conditions is necessary,
or the Statement of Conditions has expired without application for an extension, the
existing file will be closed and a new application and fees will be required.
1.5. Extensions
1.5.1. If the applicant cannot apply for approval of the subdivision within one calendar year from
the date of issuance of the Approving Officer’s Statement of Conditions, the applicant
may request one twelve month extension and pay the extension fee in accordance with
Table 1. (Bylaw No. 1783) The applicant may be subject to new bylaw requirements or fees after one year
of the initial application even if an extension has been granted. If no request for extension has been made prior to the expiration of the
Statement of Conditions, the applicant must apply for a new Statement of
Conditions. Despite subsection 1.5.1, the Approving Officer may consider issuing more than
one extension if, in the opinion of the Approving Officer, work has substantially
progressed towards completion during the period of the current extension and is
reasonably expected to achieve subdivision approval prior to the expiry of the
newly requested extension. (Bylaw No. 1783)
1.6.1. Applications for approval of a phased strata plan must be accompanied by a fee in
accordance with Table 1.
1.7.1. For a Bare Land Strata plan that amends the plan to create fee simple lots, the fee to
examine the plan shall be in accordance with Table 1, Unit fees for Pre-Design Meeting of
a Subdivision.
1.8.1. Applications for approval of an Air Space Parcel Subdivision must be accompanied by a
fee in accordance with Table 1. (Bylaw No. 1783)
1.9.1. Any applicant intending to construct works or services required for the approval of a
subdivision or development shall arrange for a pre-design meeting and pay, at the request
for the meeting, an administration fee and a fee for each parcel to be created in addition
to the number of existing parcels.
1.10.1. All construction drawings required for subdivision or land development that require the
review of the City Engineer for approval to construct on site works and services, shall be
accompanied by a fee in accordance with Table 1 of this Bylaw.
1.10.2. The applicant shall submit one (1) copy of drawings for those Works and Services
prepared by a Professional Engineer for approval by the City Engineer. See Schedule 12
for Drafting Requirements. (Bylaw No. 1669)
1.10.3. Concurrent with the submission of construction drawings, any Professional Engineer
engaged by the applicant must provide the City with a letter that: States that the Professional Engineer will advise the City Engineer of any
severance of engagement during the course of design and construction. Sets out construction cost estimates for the Works and Services, certified by the
Record Engineer. (Bylaw No. 1669) States that the Professional Engineer will provide Storm Water Management
declarations as outlined in Section 5.14.
1.10.4. Any construction of works and services required under this Bylaw prior to approval to
construct by the City Engineer is at the owner’s risk.
1.10.5. Boulevard, street tree and irrigation design shall be provided by the professional Engineer
or other recognized professional. Any street enhancements within a City right of way or
easement shall require design by a recognized professional unless otherwise dictated by
the City Parks Manager.
1.11. Acceptance of Civil Works and Services by the City. (Bylaw No. 1669)
1.11.1. The City will not issue Construction Acceptance of Civil Works and Services that are to be
owned and maintained by the City until the Works and Services have been approved and
installed, and: (Bylaw No. 1669) The Record Engineer has certified Substantial Performance and concurrently
identifies all defects and deficiencies in the Works and Services and any
outstanding items; and (Bylaw No. 1669)
1.11.3. Upon Acknowledgement of Substantial Performance the City will add the Works and
Services to the City’s maintenance contract. (Bylaw No. 1669)
1.11.4. The developer shall remedy any defects or deficiencies and complete all uncompleted
work identified at time of Acknowledgement of Substantial Performance and shall
provide to the City, in addition to the security required by Section 1.15.1, security in the
amount of 2 times the amount estimated by the Record Engineer as the cost of remedying
defects and deficiencies and completing the Works and Services. The return of this
security is conditional upon correction of defects and deficiencies and completion of the
Works and Services. Security may be in the form of cash or a letter of credit. (Bylaw No.
1.11.6. Geotechnical certification required by Schedule 3 of this bylaw shall be submitted prior
to Acknowledgement of Substantial Performance. (Bylaw No. 1669)
1.11.7. The developer shall provide to the Director of Engineering within 2 months of
Acknowledgement of Substantial Performance: (Bylaw No. 1669) One AutoCAD and one PDF copy of the Record drawings. (Bylaw No. 1669) Acceptance by the appropriate utility of all utilities installed within road rights of
way. (Bylaw No. 1669) Electrical declaration from the provincial safety authority. (Bylaw No. 1669)
1.12.1. Any applicant intending to apply for final approval of a subdivision shall pay the
appropriate application fee.
1.12.2. If the Approving Officer’s signature has expired and the plans require re-approval due to
delays beyond the control of the City, a fee must be paid in accordance with Table 1.
• Approved road names included on the plan (Road names must be approved
by the Fire Department and in accordance with City street naming policies);
1.11.4 The owner must provide proof that property taxes are up to date prior to final approval.
1.13.1. In the event that an owner of land wishes to obtain approval of a subdivision or issuance
of a building permit prior to the construction and installation of works and services
required by this bylaw, the owner may enter into a servicing agreement with the City. All
Works and Services Agreements may be executed by the City of Langford Council. (Bylaw
No. 1555)
1.13.2. A Works and Services Agreement will only be considered after approval has been given
for Construction of Works.
1.13.3. Any owner intending to enter into a servicing agreement pursuant to this section must
provide to the City a letter of credit, or cash equal to 100% of the cost of the works and
services required, the estimate of which is to be certified by a Professional Engineer, and
must provide a date for the completion of the works and services for the purposes of
s.940 of the Local Government Act. The security shall be returned to the owner upon
Construction Acceptance by the City, less any amount retained as security for the owner’s
obligations during the Warranty Period. (Bylaw No. 1494)
1.15.1. During the Warranty Period, the developer shall remedy all defects and deficiencies
becoming apparent in the Works and Services, and shall provide upon Acknowledgement
of Substantial Performance by way of cash or a letter of credit, security in the amount of
10% of the actual cost of the Works and Services as certified by the Record Engineer, to
ensure performance of the Developer’s obligations during the Warranty Period, which
shall be returned to the Developer upon Final Acceptance. (Bylaw No. 1669)
1.15.2. The actual cost of the Works and Services for the purposes of Section 1.15.1 shall be
certified by a Professional Engineer and approved by the City. (Bylaw No. 1494)
1.15.3. The City may draw upon the Warranty Bond in whole or in part at any time prior to the
expiration of the one year warranty period for repairs pertaining to the installation of the
works and services, if the developer fails to do so within a reasonable time period as
stipulated by the City Engineer.
1.15.4. Should a deficiency be noted at any time during the one-year warranty period, the
warranty provider will be notified and given 30 days to repair the deficiency to City
standards. After acceptance of the repair, the City may elect to extend the warranty
period for the repaired item for up to one year.
1.15.5. The one year warranty bond shall be returned at final acceptance.
Section Admin
Application Type Fee
Unit Fee
1.1.1 Application for the Approving $545 Plus, per new lot created:
Officer’s Statement of $200 for <500m2 lots (any zone)
Conditions (Residential Lots) $200 for >500m2 and <835m2 lots in an R2 zone
$200 all other residential
1.1.1 Application for the Approving $650 Plus, per new lot created:
Officer’s Statement of $500 for Commercial or Industrial
Conditions (Commercial or
1.3.1 Boundary Adjustment $915 Plus $250 per each additional lot line to be adjusted
1.4.1 Revised application for a $915 Plus, per new lot created:
Statement of Conditions (when $200 for <500m2 lots (any zone)
applied for within one year of $200 for >500m2 and <835m2 lots in an R2 zone
original application) $200 all other residential
1.5.1 Extension of a Statement of $325 12-month extension
1.5.1 Signature Expiration (or re- $125
2.1.1 Every owner of land proposed for subdivision or development shall provide, locate and
construct at their own expense; Canada Post community mailboxes, highways,
sidewalks, boulevards, street trees, irrigation systems, plant material, lawn, transit bays,
street lighting, water distribution systems, fire hydrant systems, sewage collection
systems and drainage disposal systems on the lands or highways immediately adjacent
to the lands being subdivided or developed as required by this bylaw, in accordance
with the City of Langford Supplements and the Master Municipal Construction
Documents (MMCD) latest edition, in that order. (Bylaw 1513)
2.2.1. All services shall be provided underground and within the municipal road right of way
unless otherwise exempted by this Bylaw.
2.2.2. No statutory rights of way on private property for City or private utility services are
permitted without the approval of the City Engineer. Any permitted rights of way shall
have the City of Langford named as a third party.
2.2.3. Rights of way for storm or sanitary services, where permitted, shall have a width equal
to twice the depth of the service, unless certified for trench stability and construction
safety by the geotechnical engineer of record or a different width is approved or
required by the Director of Engineering. Rights of way shall be unobstructed and be
reasonably accessible for maintenance as approved by the Director of Engineering.
(Bylaw No. 1669)
2.2.4. If the storm drain and sanitary sewer are located in the same trench, the right of way
width shall be measured from the centre line of each pipe.
2.3.1. Community Mailbox location and accessible access shall be shown on the construction
drawings and must adhere to Canada Post current standards. Canada Post shall review
and approve all new community mailbox locations.
2.4.1. Where applicable, publicly accessible transit stops shall be designed and installed in
accordance with the requirements of the service provider.
2.5.1. The City Engineer requires that the owner of lands, for which an application to subdivide
or develop will or has been submitted, shall prepare and submit to the City for approval,
to the satisfaction of the City Engineer prior to any demolition or land alteration, a
mitigation plan at the owner’s expense in accordance with sections 2.5.2 through 2.5.6,
as they may apply to the lands. The mitigation plan is required where there are
reasonable grounds to anticipate any discharge of contaminants, pollutants, silts,
airborne particulates (dust) or materials (toxic or natural) to any watercourses,
municipal ditches and sewage systems, public or private lands, waters or the
2.5.2. The plan shall include a statement of the expected nature, amount and concentration of
contaminants, pollutants silts, airborne particulates (dust) and materials (toxic or
natural) from the land which are expected to be discharged to adjoining lands, water,
watercourses, utility systems or the atmosphere during the course of subdivision,
construction and development of the land to construction completion.
2.5.3. The mitigation plan shall state the pertinent environmental or health and safety
standards that will govern the proposed discharge of contaminants, pollutants silts,
airborne particulates (dust) or materials (toxic or natural) to the air, soil or water during
the course of subdivision, construction and development of the land.
2.5.4. The mitigation plan which requires works and services or facilities to control pollution or
discharge during subdivision and development of the lands will include detailed plans
and specifications of the works and services or facilities sealed by a Professional
Engineer. Where a mitigation plan requires these works and services or facilities, the
owner of the lands or their designated representative shall submit a letter of supervision
that is an undertaking to inspect the construction, operation and decommissioning of
the pollution control works and services and facilities.
2.5.5. Where applicable, the mitigation plan shall be referred to the Ministry authority having
jurisdiction including Provincial and Regional agencies, where a discharge is anticipated
to a municipal utility system or to the atmosphere.
2.5.6. Every person shall implement the mitigative measures at the owner’s expense in
accordance with the approved mitigation plan for the lands and adhere to the approved
mitigation plan submitted to the City when: Carrying out construction, excavation, repair, demolition, or any other activity
ancillary thereto; or
2.5.7. The City may issue a notice in writing to a person not in compliance with Section 2.5.6 of
the Bylaw requiring the person to comply with Section 2.5.6.
2.5.9. If the City takes action pursuant to Section 2.5.8 of this Bylaw, the City may recover its
costs as a debt from the owner of the parcel on which the activities listed in Section
2.5.6 are being carried out. An amount due to the City under this section may be
collected in the same manner and with the same remedies as property taxes, and if due
and payable on December 31 and unpaid on that date is deemed to be taxes in arrears.
2.5.10. Any person who contravenes Section 2.5 of this Bylaw commits an offence and upon
summary conviction shall be liable to a fine not exceeding $10,000.00.
2.5.11. Each day that a contravention of Section 2.5 of this Bylaw continues shall constitute a
separate offence.
2.5.12. This Bylaw may be enforced by means of a ticket in accordance with the Community
Charter, SBC 2003 c 26 and in the form prescribed in the Community Charter Bylaw
Enforcement Ticket Regulation.
2.5.13. Employees of the City appointed by Council for the enforcement of city bylaws or
members of the RCMP are designated as Bylaw Enforcement Officers for the purpose of
enforcing this Bylaw.
2.5.14. The words or expression shown in Column 1 of Schedule "15" which forms part of this
Bylaw designate the offence committed under the Bylaw section number appearing in
Column 2 opposite the words or expression.
2.5.15. The dollar amounts shown in Column 3 of Schedule "15" establish the fines for the
corresponding offences shown in Column 1.
2.6 During construction of the subdivision or development, the developer must ensure that all
streets adjacent to the subdivision or development are cleaned every Friday before 3:00 p.m.
for the duration of works on site, and as required by the City Engineer. If the developer fails to
do so, the City may arrange for the street cleaning at the cost of the developer, which cost
shall be payable to the City immediately upon the presentation of the City’s invoice to the
3.1.1. A geotechnical plan showing the intent and scope of all geotechnical works on and off
site is be required and must be certified by a Professional Engineer and submitted with
the construction drawings for approval. The Professional Engineer must apprise the City Engineer of any changes,
alterations or unforeseen circumstances relating to the geotechnical works. Inspection reports for all geotechnical works and findings relating to on and off
site works for the subdivision or development are to be copied to the City
3.1.2. The Professional engineer shall provide a digital photographic record of all complete and
certified works. This shall include a photograph of each prepared building site, retaining
walls and slopes. The elevation of walls or slopes shall be indicated by a levelling rod.
3.1.3 For retaining walls greater than 1.2 meters above finished grade:
3.1.4. Stacked rock (non-face mortar) and lock block walls are not permitted adjacent to
collector roads unless part of a comprehensive landscape design and as approved by
the Parks Manager (Bylaw No. 1817)
3.1.5. All retaining walls within the existing or future road rights of way must be approved by
the Director of Engineering and Parks Manager on a case by case basis with regard to
the effect on surrounding uses, maintenance, and visual impact. (Bylaw No. 1669)
3.1.6. Masonry walls may not be constructed on top of non-mortared stacked boulder walls
without express written permission from the City Engineer and certification from the
Professional Engineer of record.
3.1.7. All slopes greater than 30% created by the construction of the development or
subdivision are to be shown on the as-constructed drawings and certified stable by a
registered Professional Engineer, for the B.C. Building Code earthquake design.
3.1.8. Areas of fill must be recorded on the engineer’s as-constructed drawings and certified
by a Professional Engineer as to load carrying capability and long term stability for
intended use.
EARTHWORKS Schedule 3 - 1
3.1.9. The as-constructed drawings shall show any retaining structures including geo grid ties
backs, anchors and other Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) devices as certified by the
geotechnical engineer, all relative to the property lines. The digital as-constructed
drawings shall be to UTM coordinates.
3.1.10. Any retaining wall, cut or fill slope greater than 45 degrees from the horizontal and
greater than 1.2m in height finished grade to finished grade, must be fenced with 1.2m
high black chain link at the top of the wall of slope. Alternative fence types may be
approved by the Director of Engineering, with s.219 covenants in place to ensure
maintenance over time. (Bylaw No. 1669)
3.2.1. Notification and monitoring for any blasting required for the construction of a building,
subdivision, development, utility installation and/or road works are required in
accordance with this section. These requirements apply where the volume of rock to be
blasted for the entire site exceeds 500m3 (in situ), except that no blasting shall be done
within 300 metres of a School or Hospital, until notice as required in this bylaw has also
been given to the Senior Administrator of the School or Hospital by the owner or
contractor and has provided notice to the City Engineer. Further notice must be given
to the Senior Administrator, or their designate, at least two hours prior to each actual
blast, stating the approximate time of the blast.
3.2.2. Where blasting is required for site development and servicing, the blasting contractor
shall indicate the estimated location and approximate quantity of the proposed blasting
program and shall include a blasting schedule.
3.2.4. Where the volume of rock to be blasted for the entire site exceeds 500m3 (in situ), the
City Engineer and owners and occupiers within 300 metres of the perimeter of the blast
site shall be given 48 hours notice in writing of the commencement of any blasting by
the Blaster and at least seven (7) days notice shall be given of any blasting expected to
continue for more than one calendar week. The area of proposed notification shall be
submitted to the City Engineer and may be modified at the discretion of the City
Engineer on the basis of the likely impact of blasting, and all notification of owners and
occupiers required under this bylaw shall be given in the area as approved by the City
Engineer, with a copy of the notification provided to the City for public display.
3.2.5. The notice shall describe the work to be done, the expected date of commencement,
duration of the project, methods to be used to safeguard life and property and warning
methods used to signal an impending blast and the name and phone number of the
representative of the Blaster or Owner who will provide additional information.
EARTHWORKS Schedule 3 - 2
3.2.6. Blasting shall be exempt from all provisions of this section if the blasting is specifically
authorized by a statute or regulation other than the Local Government Act, or if the
blasting is, in the opinion of the City Engineer, required on an urgent basis to lessen or
eliminate an imminent threat to life, safety, property or public transportation routes
and communication systems.
3.2.8. Any person who contravenes Section 3.2 of this Bylaw commits an offence and upon
summary conviction shall be liable to a fine not exceeding $10,000.00.
3.2.9. Blasting for the purposes of Development is not allowed on any subdivision or single
property after 18 months following the first blast on the site or lot per owner
3.2.10. The City may issue a notice in writing to a person not in compliance with Section 3.2 of
the Bylaw requiring the person to comply with Section 3.2.
3.2.11. If a person fails within 24 hours to comply with a notice issued under Section 3.2.10 of
this Bylaw, the City by its employees or designated authority may notify the blasting
regulator of British Columbia (WorkSafeBC) of the non-compliance.
3.2.12. If the City takes action pursuant to Section 3.2 of this Bylaw, the City may recover its
costs including but not limited to reparations as a debt from the owner of the parcel on
which blasting is being carried out without the required notifications or insurance being
provided. An amount due to the City under this section may be collected in the same
manner and with the same remedies as property taxes, and if due and payable on
December 31 and unpaid on that date is deemed to be taxes in arrears.
3.2.13. Each day that a contravention of Section 3.2 of this Bylaw continues shall constitute a
separate offence.
3.2.14. This Bylaw may be enforced by means of a ticket in accordance with the Community
Charter, SBC 2003 c 26 and in the form prescribed in the Community Charter Bylaw
Enforcement Ticket Regulation.
3.2.15. Employees of the City appointed by Council for the enforcement of city bylaws or
members of the RCMP are designated as Bylaw Enforcement Officers for the purpose of
enforcing this Bylaw.
3.2.16. The words or expression shown in Column 1 of Schedule "15" which forms part of this
Bylaw designate the offence committed under the Bylaw section number appearing in
Column 2 opposite the words or expression.
3.2.17. The dollar amounts shown in Column 3 of Schedule "15" establish the fines for the
corresponding offences shown in Column 1.
EARTHWORKS Schedule 3 - 3
4.1. Classification and Width
4.1.1. The City Engineer shall determine the classification of the highways to be constructed or
improved. The width of right-of-way and the design speed for horizontal elements shall
be determined from the highest future classification of the highway which, in the
opinion of the City Engineer, will result from the subdivision or development proposed
and in accordance with the Official Community Plan. Reference shall be made to the
City of Langford Street Atlas for road classifications and attached road cross sections in
this bylaw.
4.2.1. Vertical curve criteria shall be in accordance with the Transportation Association of
Canada (TAC) standards for the appropriate level of service.
4.3.1. Road grades and crown are to be in accordance with Table 4-1 and Figure 4-1 of this
Bylaw and the following criteria: Minimum grade of roads shall be 0.5% measured at the gutter line. Maximum
grade of roads shall be 12% measured at the gutter line. Maximum grade in any direction on the turnaround of cul-de-sac shall be 6.0% Maximum grade of local road or cul-de-sac approach to a collector shall be 5%
for a 15 m length measured from the edge of the collector right-of-way Maximum grade of local road, cul-de-sac or collector approach to an arterial
shall be 3% for a 15 m length measured from the arterial right-of-way edge Normal crown shall be 2%. Intersections with Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure roads shall be
to Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure standards. Deleted. (Bylaw No. 1669) A design speed of 30 km/h is permitted for local roads and cul-de-sacs subject to
approval by the Director of Engineering. Cautionary speed signs must be posted
on all roads with a design speed 30 km/h. (Bylaw No. 1669)
4.4. Super-elevation
4.4.1. Horizontal curves on local roads and cul-de-sacs shall not be super-elevated unless
approved by the City Engineer. Collector and Arterial roads with a design speed of 60
kmh or greater and with no direct access to the road from the adjacent development,
may be super-elevated in accordance with the Transportation Association of Canada
(TAC), current edition.
4.5.1. Where possible, the horizontal alignment of the road shall be centred in the highway
right-of-way. This may be varied by the City Engineer to suit local conditions.
4.5.2. The minimum centreline radius of curve shall be in accordance with the Transportation
Association of Canada (TAC) standards, current edition based on design speed.
4.5.3. Where, in the opinion of the City Engineer, a local road or cul-de-sac, has been designed
to ensure consistently low driving speeds, the minimum centre line radius may be
reduced to suit the minimum service vehicle.
4.5.4. All horizontal curve design must be suitable for the use and design speed.
4.6.1. Cut and fill slopes, including ditch slopes, within four metres of the road edge shall be a
maximum grade of 6 horizontal to 1 vertical. These slopes shall be planted with grass or
trees and shall be made stable under all conditions up to the predicted 1 in 200-year
weather or earth movement events. The Director of Engineering may approve alternate
cut and fill slopes on a case by case basis and as certified by the Geotechnical Engineer
of Record. (Bylaw No. 1669)
4.6.2. Slopes greater than 4 horizontal to 1 vertical, the stability of which, in the opinion of the
City Engineer, directly affect the safety or stability of the highway, must be completely
within the road right-of-way or subject to a Covenant under s.219 of Land Title Act or a
Statutory Right-of-Way agreement which, in the opinion of the City Engineer, provide
reasonable guarantees for the safety and stability of the highway.
4.6.3. Hand rails or traffic barriers are required for public safety unless otherwise dictated by
the City Engineer.
4.7.1. Cross Sections shall be in accordance with Table 4-1 and the reference drawings that
accompany this schedule.
4.8.1. The minimum compacted gravel base and asphalt requirements shall be in accordance
with this Bylaw.
4.8.2. A Typical Road Structure shall be in accordance with the reference drawing (Typical
Road Pavement Structure – TYP) that accompanies this schedule.
4.9.1. All topsoil and organic material shall be removed from the roadways and walkways prior
to placement of fills on or cuts of the subgrade as directed by the Professional Engineer.
4.10.1. Where the longitudinal road grade is less than 3%, invert gutters shall be continuous
through the parking space and barrier curbs are permitted for the parking space.
4.10.2. Curbs shall be non-mountable on all roads except cul-de-sacs, roads within intensive
residential development and local roads.
4.10.3. Curbs shall be continuous through private road (up to three lanes in width) or driveway
intersections with a public highway. The curb shall be continuous with either a curb
drop or invert gutter.
4.10.4. If the storm water management plan for the subdivision or development requires
bioswales parallel to the road, flat concrete curbs are permitted.
4.10.5. Backfill material behind curbs and islands shall consist of growing medium to meet the
current edition of BC Landscaping Design Standards based on road classification.
4.11. Parking
4.11.1. A parking plan is to be provided concurrent with the drawings submitted for
construction review and approval. The City Engineer may require additional parking and
no parking signage based on the width of proposed roadway.
4.11.2. Curb-side parking shall be allowed for against one (1) road edge where the road’s paved
width is equal to or greater than 8.5m. “No Parking” signage shall be installed on the
non-parking road edge as per MUTCD guidelines.
4.11.3. No road-edge parking shall be allowed where the road’s paved width is less than 8.5m
unless provided for in dedicated parking stalls or scallops. “Parking in Designated Areas
Only” signage (or signage as allowed for by MUTCD) shall be installed in conjunction
with the parking scallops.
4.11.4. One on-street parking stall shall be provided for every two lots in a residential
development. (Bylaw No. 1574)
4.12.1. Where a local road terminates and there is future access to lands beyond; a turnaround
shall be provided to the satisfaction of the Fire Chief and may be provided on private
property if protected by a right-of-way and covenant registered in favour of the City.
The turnaround shall be signed as a ‘fire access’ with no parking allowed. The right-of-
way and covenant shall be discharged when the road connection is complete.
4.13.1. Sidewalks shall be brick pavers in areas designated on Figure 4-4, attached. All other
areas shall be concrete sidewalks.
4.13.3. Brick paver sidewalks shall be 60mm thick where non-mountable curbs are specified
and 80mm thick at driveway crossings, crosswalks and parking bays.
4.13.4. Sidewalks shall be continuous grade and not drop through the driveways.
4.13.5. Sidewalks shall be located in accordance with the appropriate road cross section
4.13.6. The crossfall of the sidewalk shall be no less than 2% and no more than 5% towards the
road. The back, of sidewalk can be dropped such that the maximum crossfall does not
exceed 5%. (Bylaw Nos. 1669, 1817)
4.13.7. Where non-mountable curbs are required, ramps shall be provided at all intersections.
4.13.8. One Tactile warning strips in accordance with CSA B651-12 must be provided on each
side of all driveway drops and on all driveways serving commercial, industrial and
multi-family residential developments. Tactile warning strips shall be exposed
aggregate for brick sidewalks and shall be a two brick wide stamped pattern if the
sidewalk is concrete, adjacent to driveways, drops in grade and crosswalks. (Bylaw No.
4.13.9. In addition to the sidewalk requirements for each classification of road, the sidewalk
width shall increase by 25% for sidewalks fronting schools, playgrounds, shopping
centres, bus stops, trail systems, beaches and other community facilities, and for
proper circulation of pedestrian traffic.
4.13.10. Sidewalks are to meander where possible to avoid existing trees and natural features
where deemed appropriate by the City Engineer.
4.13.11. Service boxes shall be located in boulevards where possible. Where inadequate
boulevard exists or there are utility conflicts, services boxes may be located in sidewalk
if utility lids are non-slip. Where grades exceed 4% the Director of Engineering may
approve utility lids within the sidewalk on a case by case basis as part of the
comprehensive design. Service boxes may be located within drive ways in accordance
with the specifications of the individual utility provider. (Bylaw No. 1669)
4.13.12. If a manhole is permitted in a brick paver sidewalk, a 150mm thick x 150mm minimum
wide square apron shall be provided around the manhole castings.
4.13.14. Sidewalks adjacent to cul-de-sacs shall terminate at the curb return at the bulb, unless
sidewalks are required to provide access to amenities in or beyond the bulb.
4.14.1. New or replacement street signage within the development and at interfaces with
existing roads shall be provided by the developer.
4.14.2. Proposed street sign locations are to be identified on the construction drawings.
4.14.3. Name blades are to be mounted on approved post-top cast aluminum brackets. See
Table 4-2.
4.14.4. All Regulatory and Warning signs (as classified in MUTCD) are to be High Intensity
Grade Encapsulated Lens Retro reflective material. All other signage may be Engineer
4.14.5. All new or replacement signs are to be in accordance with the standards and
specifications of the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices. (Bylaw No. 1669)
4.14.6. All materials will meet the CGSB Specifications as to quality and colour in accordance
with Section 308 of the General Specifications for Highway Construction.
4.14.7. Delineator reflective sheeting will be a minimum of 100 mm wide by 200 mm long and
will be in accordance with CGSB Specification 62-GP-11M.
4.14.8. Sign posts will be telspar or approved equal with 1.75” x 15” long telspar break offs
secured with 3/8” hex bolts or “J” bolts.
4.14.9. Sign bases shall be 16” high, have a 10” square bottom, a 8” square top and shall have
a 2” telspar inset strengthened with 2-1/4” telspar. The top of the base shall be flush
with the finished grade.
4.14.10. Sign posts in the core area as identified in the Official Community Plan shall have
galvanized sleeves for the full height of the post from concrete post base to the
underside of the sign to post fastening assembly.
4.14.11. All necessary hardware for installation of signs, such as lag screws and washers, will be
of non-corrosive material to avoid discoloration of sign and delineator faces.
4.14.13. New installations and replacement of street name blades are to be installed according
to the following table (4-2):
All intersections Two sided 100mm ‘Helvetica Medium, uppercase black IP 150mm x
in the Core area extruded vinyl lettering on white EG reflective background, 400mm –
aluminum c/w full-colour coat of arms 800mm
All Collector Two sided 100mm ‘Helvetica Medium, uppercase black IP 230mm x
Roads extruded vinyl lettering on white EG reflective background, 400mm –
aluminum c/w full-colour coat of arms and detailing 800mm
Private Two sided 100mm ‘Helvetica Medium’, uppercase white EG 150mm x
extruded reflective lettering on blue EG reflective 400mm –
aluminum background 800mm
Other Two sided 100mm ‘Helvetica Medium, uppercase black IP 150mm x
extruded vinyl lettering on white EG reflective background 400mm –
aluminum c/w black IP vinyl coat of arms 800mm
4.15. Driveways
4.15.1. Any driveway unable to meet the following criteria must obtain written approval from
the City Engineer. The minimum driveway width shall be 4.5 metres pavement from road edge to
property line. A driveway access will not be permitted within 7.5m measured from the edge of
the driveway to the edge of the closest curb return. Driveways shall be minimum 1.2m from any street tree, streetlight, fire hydrant,
utility kiosk or any above ground structure within the right of way, unless the
utility can be protected by a bollard or curb to the satisfaction of the City
Engineer. Water meters are not permitted within the driveway. All other
requirements for individual utility providers must be met. (Bylaw No. 1574) A Bylaw 33 permit for driveway construction from the curb to the property
line shall accompany all building permits, and is required for modification to
existing driveways and addition of new driveways within the road right of way.
4.16.1. The length of a cul de sac road may not exceed 305 metres measured from the
centreline of the intersection highway to the centre of the cul de sac bulb.
4.16.2. Notwithstanding the above, the length of a cul de sac may not exceed 183 metres in
areas of extreme hazard severity classification as identified in the wild land/urban
interface and urban/urban intermix assessment in Chapter 2 of NFPA299 1997 edition as
4.16.3. The cul de sac bulb right-of-way radius shall be 15.0 metres with a paved surface radius
of 13.0 metres and as shown in MMCD Supplement RS1.
4.16.4. The cul de sac bulb shall have an island located at the center of the bulb. Parking spaces
within cul de sac islands shall be provided. Parking spaces shall be delineated by line
4.16.5. Cul de sac islands shall be in-filled with 150mm thick coloured stamped concrete in a
brick paver design or landscaped. If landscaping is selected for cul de sac islands, it shall
be approved by the City Parks Manager.
4.16.6. The City Engineer may approve a temporary two point turn in lieu of a cul de sac for
local roads less than 120 metres in length and the geometry is approved by the Fire
Chief for emergency access if the road is to be extended in the foreseeable future. The
road must be appropriately signed for fire access and shall substantially comply with the
Building Bylaw for geometry. The road must be designated with a maximum speed of 50km/h or as specified
by the City Engineer. For all cul-de-sacs, the radius of paved surface is to be a minimum of 13.0m in a
15.0m radius right of way.
4.16.8. Local road and access lanes are permitted to a maximum of 45m in length with no turn
around when accessed via a local road only and approved by the Fire Chief. (Bylaw No.
4.17.1. Any portion of any road constructed under this bylaw must be within 305 metres of a
highway that has two routes available to emergency vehicles to access that point on the
highway. These routes shall be constructed in accordance with the City of Langford
Building Bylaw or a higher standard and may be constructed on private land provided
that they are protected by a statutory right-of-way for emergency access in favour of
the City of Langford. The maximum length of road allowed past the emergency access
road is 183m.
4.17.2. Emergency fire, police and medical access must be available to every parcel within a
subdivision or development in accordance with the following criteria and City of
Langford Building Bylaw.
4.17.3. An emergency access plan must be evident on the construction drawings and be
reviewed by the City of Langford Fire Chief prior to approval. The plan must show how
emergency access routes will be protected and what, if any signage will be provided by
the developer.
4.17.4. A emergency access road may be greater than 12% grade, but not more than 14% for
100 metres or more if, in the opinion of the City Engineer, a fire-fighting staging area
can be reasonably provided. The City Engineer and Fire Chief may waive any of the
requirements of this section if they each determine that the overall emergency access
plan for the subdivision is acceptable.
4.17.5. Fire hydrants shall be located within 10 metres of fire fighting staging areas.
4.17.6. If fire staging areas are required as part of the overall emergency access plan approved
by the Fire Chief for the development, they shall be a minimum of 8 metres long
(measured in the direction of travel) by a minimum of 6 metres wide and have a
maximum grade of 6% in any direction. The staging area must have drive-in access for a
fire truck from the adjacent road. (Bylaw No. 1669)
4.17.7. Where the fire-fighting staging area is located on private property it must be protected
by a right-of-way. The developer must provide breakaway bollards that must not cause
any delay in access, as well as signage to prohibit parking or other obstruction of the
fire-fighting staging area.
4.17.8. The subdivision or development plan must show driveway grades that have a maximum
6% grade for 4 metres of driveway directly adjacent to the proposed building for
emergency medical access.
4.18.1. All public highways and hard surfaced walkways shall have street lighting installed.
(Bylaw No. 1618) All wiring to service these lights shall be installed underground in ducts and
labelled in the junction box. Lighting shall be designed by a Professional Engineer for any public street
lighting on collector and arterial roads and at local road intersections with the
above noted classifications. The design shall not consider existing BC Hydro davit arms and are to note their
removal on the design drawings. (Bylaw No. 1618) Conduits must be extended to the limits of the project and contain a string in
the junction box. Lighting levels shall be in accordance with the most recent edition American
National Standard for Roadway Lighting published by Illuminating Engineering
Society of North America. For trails and walkways that are not adjacent to roadways, low mount
pedestrian lighting such as bollards is permitted. Nothing shall be attached in any manner to a streetlight pole or base with out
the permission of the City Engineer. Davit (‘cobra’) overhead street lighting shall use GE Evolve light-emitting diode
(LED) lighting fixtures, Refer to the Approved Product List for model numbers.
This requirement may be waived by the City Engineer should the lighting be
installed in an area of existing high-pressure sodium (HPS) lighting. In areas
where HPS lighting is required, designs are to use Philips Lumec Helios Series
fixtures. (Bylaw Nos. 1618, 1669, 1817)
4.18.2. Construction shall be in accordance with MMCD and BC Electrical code published by
Technical Safety BC.
4.18.3. Streetlight installations shall have a controller base with a secure lockable
compartment, provided in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications and as
noted on Drawing E9, unless the new streetlights are connecting to an existing circuit
with a controller base. Shall be in accordance with MMCD: Type B for post-top lights; Type C for
ornamental streetlights; and Type C for davit (‘cobra’) overhead streetlights.
(Bylaw No. 1817) The City Engineer may approve a poured in place concrete base if site conditions
preclude the installation of a pre-cast concrete base. Poured in place concrete
base must be designed and certified by the Professional Engineer.
4.18.6. Where traffic signals, electrical outlets, irrigation timers, signage or other forms of
infrastructure other than a streetlight require electrical power, then a BC Hydro
approved metered service is required, refer to the Approved Product List. In instances
where the estimated power consumption is very minor and a separate BC Hydro meter
is not economically warranted, the City may approve an alternate solution, for example
battery power or sub-meters from adjoining private services. (Bylaw Nos. 1669, 1817)
4.18.7. Electrical outlets are required for all davit (cobra) streetlights unless waived by City
4.18.8. In cases where the streetlighting might be extended, the City Engineer may require the
conduits to be upsized.
4.18.10. Streetlights must be fitted with an appropriate baffle or shield to deflect light away
from private residences without compromising the effectiveness of the light on roads
and walkways.
4.18.11. All streetlights requiring banner arms shall have the banners supplied and installed at
the time of streetlight installation.
4.18.13. Drawings: Table showing IESNA lighting design criteria and design achieved
illumination levels and uniformity (Bylaw No. 1618)
4.18.14. Construction Acceptance for all streetlighting will require: (Bylaw No. 1494)
4.19.1 Documentation from the asphalt plant shall be provided for all projects (this will include
reference to the mix design type for the material provided and the most recent
applicable mix test report(s)). One sample shall be taken each day of operation. If the amount of asphalt
concrete mix placed exceeds 500 tonnes (metric), an additional sample shall be
collected each time after that limit is reached. These sampling requirements
shall be adhered to unless specified and recorded otherwise at the project pre-
construction meeting. A Marshall Test Report shall be provided for each sample taken.
4.19.3 The project Engineer shall provide certification for both the final product and all works
and services. Refer to work requirements in MMCD.
4.19.4 Core testing shall be performed upon project completion to verify asphalt thickness and
density. The requirement for core testing may be adjusted or waived at the discretion
of the City Engineer.
4.20.1 Documentation Documentation from the concrete plant shall be provided for all
projects (this will include mix design information and daily batch reports for the material
provided). One sample shall be taken each day of operation. If the length of curb, gutter or
sidewalk installed within one day exceeds 300m lineal or 100m3 (whichever is
first), an additional sample shall be collected each time after that limit is
reached. For all other installations, if the volume of concrete cast exceeds
100m3, an additional sample shall be collected each time after that limit is
reached, unless the installation is a specialized poured-in place structure(s), in
which case sampling shall be performed for every delivery. A Concrete Test Summary Report shall be provided for each sample taken. These sampling requirements shall be adhered to unless specified and recorded
otherwise at the project pre-construction meeting. Additional sampling and
testing may be required at the discretion of the City Engineer.
BM1 Local Urban & 12.0m 110.0m 6.0m mountable 1.8m Heritage single
Cul-de-Sac one side Black & gold
Intensive Res. One side
BM2 Local Urban 12.0m 100m 8.0m mountable 2.0m Heritage single
R2 Density one side Black & gold
One side
BM3 Local Urban & Cul- 14.0m 8.0m mountable 1.8m Heritage single
de-sac one side Black & gold
R2 Density One side
BM4 Local Urban 15.0m 8.0m mountable 1.8m Heritage single
R2 Density one side Black & gold
One side
BM5 Local Urban & 16.0m 36m + 3.6m mountable 1.8m Heritage double Median with NMC
Cul-de-Sac - both sides Black & gold
Entrance Island centre
BM6 Rear lane 6.0m n/a 5.0 Invert in centre none none Invert crown
BM7 Bear Mtn. Pkwy. 18.4m n/a 4.3m + 4.3m Flat 300mm 1.8m Heritage double Median with NMC
Minor Collector one side Black & gold
BM8 Bear Mtn. Pkwy. 18.4m n/a 10.6m Flat 300mm 1.8m Heritage single No median
Minor Collector one side Black & gold
One side
BM9 Bear Mtn. Pkwy. 10.7m n/a 4.3m Flat 300mm none Heritage single Wetland split
Minor Collector one lane Black & gold
Split (southbound) One side
BM10 Bear Mtn. Pkwy. 10.0m n/a 4.3m Flat 300mm 1.8m Heritage single Wetland split
Minor Collector one lane one side Black & gold
Split (northbound) One side
BM11 Bear Mtn. Pkwy. 24.5m n/a 12.9m Invert 600mm 2.0m Village standard Landscaped median
Minor Collector centre turn lane both sides w/ centre lights
Village Centre possible
5.1.1. SD-1 illustrates the major water courses within the City of Langford. Existing major
storm water control and/or treatment areas are shown. These areas are to be
preserved unless professional storm water management studies indicate otherwise.
The areas of the municipality where storm water infiltration and storm water detention
(storage) are required for development are also shown on SD-1.
The City Engineer may allow or require the use of storm water infiltration works in areas
designated on SD-1 for storm water detention, if the City Engineer is of the opinion that
soil conditions on the site in question are suitable for storm water infiltration, and may
allow or require the use of storm water detention works in areas designated on SD-1 for
storm water infiltration if the City Engineer is of the opinion that the soil conditions on
the site in question are not suitable for storm water infiltration. The City Engineer’s
opinion shall be based on the contents of a storm water management plan for the site
prepared by the Engineer or Geoscientist of Record. (Bylaw 1513)
5.1.2. For all subdivisions and developments in all areas of the City of Langford, drainage
structures and features are required that will maintain the quality of site drainage
water, minimize erosion and retain sediments.
5.1.3. In the infiltration areas, the sandy and gravely soils have high infiltration potential and
surface drainage conveyance structures are limited, therefore the primary means of
storm water discharge will be by infiltration.
5.1.4. In the detention areas, storm water storage is required to control post development
storm water release rates. Storm water storage may also be used in other (non-
detention) areas as an alternative to upgrading downstream conveyance capacity if
analysis shows capacity to be inadequate for the design flows. Except where infiltration
is required and achievable, a municipal storm drain is required to serve each existing
and newly created lot.
5.1.5. Where parkland in excess of 0.25 ha has been dedicated to the City in conjunction with
the proposed subdivision or development, storm water detention and treatment
facilities may be located within the park, if in the opinion of the City Engineer the
treatment and detention area will not detract from the aesthetics of the park and will
not affect environmentally sensitive areas within the park and the usefulness to and
safety of the public.
5.1.6. If, in the opinion of the City Engineer, a community detention area for future
developments within a specific storm drainage catchment area would be preferable to
permanent on site storage facilities, then permanent storage and treatment areas on
site may not be required. The developer shall provide land dedication or cash in lieu of
this community detention area (by DCC or otherwise) and shall provide temporary
facilities and the infrastructure to direct storm water to those future detention areas in
5.1.7. A storm water management plan prepared by a Professional Engineer is required which
will show: (Bylaw No. 1669) Scaled topographic site plan with existing cadastral and proposed development
layout. Drainage catchment areas showing contributory area to the site, onsite
subcatchments, cumulative catchments and points of discharge.
5.1.8. Within the areas where storm water detention is required, the Professional Engineer
shall certify that for all events up to the estimated 200 year runoff event there will be no
increase in water levels or rates of erosion at any point in the watershed as a result of
the development compared to original site conditions, before the removal of natural
5.2.1. All structures intended for occupancy shall be designed with the underside of the floor
system situated 600 mm (1000 mm adjacent to Millstream Creek, between the Trans
Canada Highway and Treanor Ave.) above the 200 year peak flood elevation.
(Reference: City of Langford Official Community Plan, Map 16, 200 Year Flood Plain.)
Where adjacent flood elevations are not available the hydraulic profile shall be
extended through hydraulic analysis to the development site, except where the site is
clearly above the estimated flood elevations. All habitable structures shall also be
protected from flooding by grading drainage away from the structure and providing
overland flow routes through the site that are capable of safely conveying the 200 year
runoff event. These routes, if not on roadways, shall be maintained in perpetuity and
protected with rights of way in favour of the City.
5.3.1. All minor systems, those designed and installed as part of the works and services for the
subdivision or development, shall be designed for a 10 year peak flow rate. The site
must allow for 200mm of ponding onsite to be directed to an overflow route either
piped or overland.
5.3.4. Where, in the opinion of the City Engineer, future development or subdivision shown in
the Official Community Plan for the City is probable for the lands adjacent to the
development or subdivision, storm sewers must be extended to the property boundary
and terminated with a cleanout or a manhole. A right-of-way in favour of the City must
be provided for this storm sewer on private property for access and maintenance.
5.3.5. Storm drainage conveyance or disposal systems are required in the road right of way
adjacent to the subdivision or development for all new and existing highways.
5.3.6. If a vertical seepage pit is installed for in ground storm water disposal for the 1:25 year
storm, the developer is not required to treat storm water with a oil separation device
prior to disposal unless the disposal system is constructed in conjunction with required
improvements for an auto repair or service facility, gas stations, or property zoned for
industrial uses. Vertical seepage pits shall be designed in accordance with SD-7.
5.4.1. Runoff calculation for subdivisions and development of Small Sites may be by the
Rational Method. Analysis of upland and downstream catchments, up to a maximum of
10 ha, may also be calculated with the Rational Method. Calculations shall be submitted
in tabular form in accordance with SD-2 and certified by a Professional Engineer. For
larger catchments reference shall be made to the Storm water Management Plan for
pre-calculated values. The values shall be verified by the City prior to use by the
developer's engineer. Original calculations for Large Sites and areas exceeding 10 ha
shall be performed with a hydrograph method. Design parameters shall reflect BC west
coast conditions.
5.4.2. If in the opinion of the City Engineer conditions warrant, a tributary area plan shall
accompany the runoff calculation and include: Scaled topographic site plan with existing cadastral and proposed development
layout. Drainage catchment areas showing contributory areas to the site, on-site
subcatchments for each inlet, manhole and outlet. Locations of other drainage structures including silt traps, oil grit separators,
and storage chambers.
5.4.3 Rainfall intensity shall be taken from the intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) curves
provided in SD-3. The minimum initial time of concentration shall be 10 minutes. For
catchments which will remain undeveloped, the time of concentration shall be
calculated using good engineering judgement.
5.4.4 Where soils will be exposed by land clearing, measures shall be taken to minimize
potential erosion following the concepts illustrated in SD-4, including: Scheduling works for the period April through October inclusive, to the extent
practical. Suspending construction activities during rainy periods and when soils are
5.4.5 All disturbed surfaces shall be protected against the loss of soils through the use of silt
fencing as shown in SD-5 to be located wherever surface drainage will leave the site as
overland flow. Watercourses and ditches shall be protected by placing the silt fencing
along the bank of the channel. Bare areas subject to erosion shall be covered by hand
placed straw mulch.
5.4.6 Where disturbed catchment areas exceed 0.20 ha, a sediment basin as described in SD-
6, shall be constructed. This requirement may be waived in rocky areas or if
construction is completed in the April to October period and finished with a non-
erodible surface. Erosion and sediment control measures shall be constructed before
clearing and earthworks commence and remain in place until at least 80% of all building
construction and landscaping are complete. Sediment traps may be converted to
constructed wetlands at this time. Sediment traps shall be clear of sediments on
September 30 each year and re-excavated any time the available storage has been
reduced by one-third of the original volume.
5.4.7 Despite the requirements of this section it shall be the responsibility of the professional
engineer to specify appropriate measures and ensure that sediment-laden water and
any other deleterious substances do not leave the site or reach aquatic habitat areas.
5.5.1 Specifications
Above this maximum velocity, special consideration must be given by the Professional
Engineer to incorporate pipe materials and construction methods, including pipe
anchorage, scour protection and energy dissipation to the satisfaction of the City
The choice of pipe material shall be in accordance with the current edition of MMCD. No
corrugated metal pipe (CMP) or corrugated steel pipe (CSP) is permitted. (Bylaw Nos.
1669, 1817)
5.5.2 Pipes may be laid to the minimum vertical and/or horizontal radius of 60 metres or as
recommended by the manufacturer, providing the design velocity (full pipe) is increased
to 0.914 m/s for the curved section.
5.5.3 Mains shall have at least 1.0m cover and be deep enough to provide drainage to 0.6m
below the existing or proposed basement floor elevation of each property being
serviced based on a 2.0% grade from the main obvert.
5.5.4 When a stormwater pipe is installed such that it crosses below an existing asbestos
cement (alc) watermain, the existing watermain material shall be replaced with ductile
iron pipe for a distance of at least two (2) metres beyond each edge of the trench of the
service crossing the watermain.
5.6 Manholes
5.6.2 Manholes shall be provided at all changes in grade, pipe size, horizontal alignment (for
non-curvilinear sewers) and at the upper end of mains not to be extended in the future.
Only one curve, horizontal and/or vertical, is permitted between manholes. In addition
to the foregoing, additional manholes shall be constructed so that the maximum
distance between manholes is as follows:
5.6.4 Outside drop manholes will be permitted, if in the opinion of the City Engineer, the
circumstances preclude the use of normal manholes. These shall be constructed
wherever the change in invert elevations though the manhole are greater than 600mm.
Elevations changes greater than 600mm shall be by way of an outside drop only.
Allowance shall be made in the design for the effect of the resulting turbulence on the
hydraulic capacity of the system.
5.6.5 The relative elevations entering and leaving a manhole must not reduce the hydraulic
capacity of the system.
5.6.6 Allowances for energy losses or changes in velocity are to be determined in accordance
with sound hydraulic principals.
5.6.7 The City Engineer may approve situations involving a large pipe flowing into a smaller
pipe at steeper grade.
5.6.8 Stubs shall be placed in manholes to allow for future connections. The length of the
stubs shall be 600mm maximum from the outside of the manhole. The end shall be
securely capped to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Grades shall be suitable for
future extension of the system.
5.6.9 Manhole benching shall be a steel trowel finish with a constant grade from the inlet(s)
to the outlet. The benching inside radius shall be no less than three times the branch
diameter. Pre-benched manholes are permitted.
5.6.10 All channels shall be constructed to permit use of a pan and tilt camera having
dimensions of 600mm x 150mm diameter.
5.6.11 The obvert of pipes entering a manhole shall not be lower than 50mm above the obvert
of the outlet pipe. The internal channel in the manhole shall have an elevation
difference of 5% from the inlet to the outlet.
5.6.12 Manhole and cleanout lids are to be set to match existing or planned grades both
longitudinally and transversely. If the highway grade is greater than 6%, manhole
castings shall be encased in a concrete surround poured to 150mm below the rim.
5.6.13 All manhole barrel and sections shall be installed with rubber gaskets and mastic and
shall be grouted inside with rapid set non-shrink grout. If, in the opinion of the City
Engineer the water table may be high enough to affect the manhole, fibreglass bases in
a concrete liner may be required.
5.6.14 Inlet and outlet pipes shall be grouted inside the manhole with rapid set non-shrink
5.7.1 Storm sewer service connections of adequate size, but not less than 100mm Ø shall be
provided from a main to the property line of each new or existing parcel, which forms
part of the development or which fronts a highway or other right-of-way in which the
sewer is to be constructed and shall be constructed in accordance with MMCD S8.
(Bylaw No. 1817)
5.7.2 All service connections shall be provided with an inspection chamber at the property
line or at service the right-of-way boundary in accordance with drawing SS-S9.
5.7.3 All service connections shall terminate a distance inside the property line equal to the
depth at the property line for new parcels unless otherwise approved by the City
Engineer and at property line for existing parcels at a location agreed upon by the
owner. All stubs must have a 1% minimum gradient from the inspection chamber into
private property in accordance with the Building Code and 2% minimum from the sewer
main to the inspection chamber, in accordance with the MMCD Documents.
5.7.4 Where deep sewers exist, the service stub shall be terminated within 1.0 vertical meters
of the minimum basement floor elevation and marked with a 2x4 stake. The service
connection shall have a long radius sweep and be installed at no more than 45 degrees
from the vertical.
5.7.6 Wherever possible, adjoining lots shall be serviced with one 150mmØ service connection
with one 100mmØ stub and one inspection chamber for each lot, or may terminate at a
150x100x100 duplex inspection chamber.
5.7.7 All service connection locations shall be located with a 40mm x 90mm stake painted
green complete with a green insulated wire from a nail on the stake to the service
connection cap and the depth to invert marked.
5.8.1 All inspection chamber (IC) lids and collars shall be installed in accordance with drawing
SS S9. The lid cams shall be securely tightened to ensure that they are not subject to
vandalism or misuse. (Bylaw No. 1494)
5.8.2 All inspection chambers shall have a cast iron chamber cover and concrete surround in
accordance with drawing SS S9.
5.8.3 Any inspection chamber set in a slope greater than 3% shall have a cast iron chamber
cover and concrete surround in accordance with SS S9.
5.8.6 The inspection chamber lid shall be fastened to the riser pipe with a stainless steel
machine bolt as provided by the manufacturer.
5.8.7 Where property line is within 1 meter of the backside of a sidewalk or curb the
inspection chamber shall be installed using cast iron inspection chamber cover specified
in drawing SS S9, in a cast in place concrete apron protruding from the sidewalk or curb
toward the property. This apron shall be constructed to the same engineering
specifications as the sidewalk and shall provide a minimum of 200mm of concrete from
the edge of the cast iron lid to the edge of the apron. An expansion joint at the sidewalk
or curb to apron interface shall be provided.
5.8.8 Inspection chambers shall be a minimum of one meter apart from centre to centre
when installed, unless, in the opinion of the City Engineer the clustering of services
would be beneficial to site servicing and layout, in which case the sewer and drain
connections may be installed on one adjoining property line.
5.9 Testing
5.9.1 CCTV videos and reports are to be accompanied with half size drawings. CCTV videos
required prior to hot-mix asphalt concrete.
5.9.2 If in the opinion of the City Engineer conditions warrant, the storm drainage system
must be flushed and re-videoed prior to the 1 year warranty inspection.
5.9.3 Minimum quality control test frequencies specified are the minimum number required
to determine sufficient trench compaction. The contractor shall perform as many tests
as are necessary to ensure that the works and services conform to the requirements of
the contract regardless of the minimum number required as follows: Trench bedding (mainline) – one test for every 75m of trench. Minimum one
between any two manholes. Trench backfill (mainline) – one test for every 75m of trench at each 1.0m fill
depth. Minimum one between any two manholes. Trench bedding (service) – one per service lateral under a paved surface. Trench backfill (service) – one per road crossing at each 1.0m fill depth. Roadbase – one for every 75m of trench with a minimum of one between any
two manholes.
5.10.1 Catch basins are detailed as per drawing SS S11 shall be provided as required to collect
from a maximum area of 400 square metres of road, at the beginning of curb returns to
which water flows and at low points. Leads will be a minimum 150 mm diameter. Rim
elevations shall be 25 mm below finished pavement grade. (Bylaw No. 1817)
5.10.2 The catch basin grate must be a ¾ grate. (Bylaw No. 1817)
5.11.1 Storm sewer inlet structures shall be provided when the following conditions are
encountered: Type I inlet (MMCD drawing No. S13) used where a ditch carries storm water
into the storm system of the proposed subdivision or development. Lawn basin (MMCD drawing No. S12) in local low spots where storm water is
unable to reach the storm system by a ditch.
5.11.2 Headwalls other than those described in Sections and must be
mortared rock or precast concrete. Sandbag inlet headwalls are permitted for repairs to
existing sandbag headwalls only. (Bylaw No. 1669)
5.12.1 Inlet and outlet structures shall be mortared rock or precast concrete unless otherwise
approved by the City Engineer.
5.12.2 Cast in place reinforced concrete outfall structures shall be provided at all watercourses.
In all cases energy dissipation shall be provided to reduce maximum outlet flow velocity
to 1.0 m/s.
5.13.1 Stormwater detention (storage) may be combined with a constructed wetland or oil/grit
separator chamber or provided in a sperate detention facility such as a pond or
underground chamber. The 2-year event shall be controlled to prevent watercourse and
aquatic habitat impacts. The 10-year event shall be controlled to protect downstream
conveyance capacity. The required live storage volumes and corresponding release rates
are tabulated below. Where both 2-year and 10-year control is required, the combined
storage requirement is also provided. See table below:
5.13.2 Where in-ground disposal is permitted, vertical seepage pits shall be provided and
installed in accordance with drawing SD-7. Seepage pits shall be protected by a catch
5.13.3 Drainage water quality improvements for all subdivisions and land developments shall
be achieved preferably with a constructed wetland as shown in SD-8 and to the
satisfaction of the City Engineer. With outlet control and sufficient live storage, the
wetland may also serve as a detention pond. The permanent water surface area (as
defined by the outlet culvert invert) shall be a minimum of 1% of the contributory
catchment area. The constructed wetland shall have a normal outlet capacity for the
peak 10 year design flow and an emergency overflow capacity for the 200 year peak
design flow that is routed in such a way that it does not flood downstream property or
subject it to erosion. Constructed wetlands should have maintenance vehicle access.
Where constructed wetlands are not used, proprietary systems with filtration media
may be approved if certified performance and a specification for the site are submitted
for approval by the City Engineer.
For Small Sites, or small catchments within Large Sites that cannot be directed to a
constructed wetland, the following alternative storm water treatment techniques may
These treatment facilities shall be designed on the basis of the post development peak
"6-month" event which is deemed to be 60% of the 2-year peak flow. Oil/grit separator
chambers may be proprietary or non-proprietary. Design criteria for non-proprietary
separators are included on the standard drawings. These concepts are expected to
remove approximately 90% of the sediment particles larger than 100 microns (0.1 mm).
5.13.4 For these subdivisions and developments, the designer is encouraged to use
combinations of engineered wetlands and ponds to conform to the water quality and
runoff rate requirements.
5.13.5 The following facilities may be used alone or in combination to achieve the desired
detention and treatment. SD-14 shows a typical flow control manhole for use at stormwater detention
facilities where only the two year event is being controlled. SD-16 illustrates a detention facility that will serve a 0.5 to 1.0 ha site that will
have no remaining native vegetation and is rocky with 15% slopes and must
provide detention for both the 2 year (watercourse protection) and 10 year
(storm drain capacity protection) events.
5.13.6 Stormwater storage volumes may be reduced if used in combination with an infiltration
system designed in accordance with good engineering practice. The reduction in the
storage requirement shall be proportional to the percentage of peak 2 year event post
development discharge that is infiltrated to ground. Stormwater storage may be
eliminated if the peak 2 year event post development discharge downstream from an
infiltration system does not exceed the release rate tabulated above.
5.14.1 An applicant for subdivision or building permit may be required to submit a storm water
management report by a professional engineer. The report must make reference to
Land Development Guidelines for the Protection of Aquatic Habitat and Stream
Stewardship: A Guide for Planners and Developers, available from BC Environment, and
must indicate how the development conforms to those guidelines. The engineer
5.14.2 The following statement by the design engineer for the stormwater management
system is required in the report as described above in Section 5.14.1: (Bylaw No. 1669)
“I confirm that the Storm Water works and services have been designed in
accordance with the Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw No. 1000
(and as amended from time to time), and to meet normal standards of safety for
the public and the occupant of the land and surroundings.
To the best of my knowledge, no nuisance or increase in flood levels are
expected resulting from the project for the design storm events in the bylaw.
Overland flow routes for the major event have been accommodated in the
design.” (Bylaw No. 1669)
5.14.6 Where ever possible, storm water from private commercial/industrial property is to be
disposed of on that property and storm water from public road is to be disposed of in
the road right-of-way. Storm water run-off from roofs or paved areas shall be passed
through a water purification device or pond which in the opinion of the City Engineer
removes impurities in the water to the same degree as a StormCeptor™.
6.1 General
6.1.1 New subdivisions and development may only be created and occur when serviced by
the municipal sanitary sewer system.
a) Each parcel is a minimum of 40ha in area and has a sufficient area for
sewage disposal to comply with the Sewerage System Regulation under the
Public Health Act, or has the benefit of an easement for access to such an
area for sewage disposal on another parcel that is a minimum of 40ha in
b) Construction of a building on a lot that has been vacant since September
20th, 2004 (the date of adoption of the West Shore Utility; Bylaw No. 876).
c) Construction of an accessory building.
d) Construction of a building that replaces, alters, or increases the floor area of
an existing building.
6.1.2 In areas not served by the municipal sewer, but contained within the West Shore
Environmental Services contract area for sewer service [defined in the agreement dated
September 20th, 2004 (Westshore Utility; Bylaw No. 876)], development (except for any
form of subdivision other than a strata subdivision of a two-family dwelling) may occur
without connection to the municipal sanitary sewer system provided the following
conditions have been met: (Bylaw 1513)
a) The owner grants to the City a covenant under s.219 of the Land Title Act that
requires the owner to connect the building to the municipal sanitary sewer system
within 6 months of a sewer main being installed in a highway or City statutory right
of way abutting the parcel on which the building is located.
b) Payment of the Sewer Capital Recovery Fee (SCRF) to West Shore Environmental
Services or the City of Langford is made prior to the issuance of a building permit
authorizing the construction of the building.
c) Installation of all on-site plumbing necessary between the building and a point 1.0 m
from the boundary of the highway or statutory right of way that the City designates
as the future location of the sewer, to allow the building to be connected to the
municipal sanitary sewer system in accordance with the BC Building Code, and the
works are installed in accordance with the permit prior to occupancy of the building.
The City may require the owner to install works for either a 100mm diameter gravity
connection or a 50mm diameter force main connection. Notwithstanding Section 6.1.2, in areas not served by the municipal sewer, but
contained within the West Sore Environmental Services contract area for sewer
service [identified in the agreement dated September 20th, 2004 (Westshore
Utility; Bylaw No. 876)], the following forms of development may occur without
connection to the municipal sanitary sewer system: (Bylaw No. 1494)
6.1.3 Wherever, in the opinion of the City Engineer, future development or subdivision shown
in the Official Community Plan for the City is probable for the lands adjacent to the
development or subdivision, sanitary sewers must be extended to the property
boundary and terminated with a capped stub or a manhole. Size and location shall be
suitable for the future extension to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.
6.1.4 Each parcel in a subdivision which is not connected to the municipal sewer system shall
have an area for sewage disposal approved by the Capital Health Region Environmental
Health Officer or shall have secure access to such an approved area for sewage disposal
on another parcel.
6.1.5 Any existing in-ground disposal system in a development or new subdivision shall be
decommissioned and removed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer if it is the intent
of the developer to provide a new in ground disposal system or to connect to the
Municipal Sewer System. Any existing sewage disposal systems shall be shown on the
construction drawings.
6.2.2 Mains shall have at least 1m cover and be deep enough to provide drainage at 2%
minimum gradient from 600mm below basement floor elevation to obvert of pipe
crown for new parcels. Cover shall be 0.6m at ditch inverts.
6.2.3 When a sanitary sewer pipe is installed such that it crosses below an existing asbestos
cement (alc) watermain, the existing watermain material shall be replaced with ductile
iron pipe for a distance of at least two (2) metres beyond each edge of the trench of the
service crossing the watermain.
6.3 Manholes
6.3.1 Manhole structures shall be in accordance with MMCD S1 and S2. Manholes 3.0 to 5.0m
deep to be 1200mm diameter, manholes deeper than 5.0m to be 1500mm diameter.
(Bylaw No. 1817)
6.3.2 Manholes shall be provided at all changes in grade, pipe size, horizontal alignment (for
non-curvilinear sewers) and at the upper end of mains not to be extended in the future.
Only one curve, horizontal or vertical, is permitted between manholes. In addition to
the foregoing, additional manholes shall be constructed so that the maximum distance
between manholes is as shown in TABLE 6-5. Services 200mm and larger require a
manhole when connecting to a mainline of the dame size or larger. The invert of the
incoming service shall match the centreline of the mainline pipe. (Bylaw No. 1817)
6.3.3 Manholes in gravel areas shall have a 1.5m square 50mm thick asphalt or 100mm thick
concrete apron.
6.3.4 In cases where the sewer will be extended in the near future and the end of the present
construction is within 45m of an existing manhole, the City Engineer may allow the use
of a cleanout structure in accordance with drawing SS-S6 in place of a manhole.
6.3.5 Outside-drop manholes will be permitted, if in the opinion of the City Engineer, the
circumstances preclude the use of normal manholes. These shall be constructed
wherever the change in invert elevations through the manhole is greater than 600mm.
Elevation changes greater than 600mm shall be by way of an outside drop only.
Allowance shall be made in the design for the effect of the resulting turbulence on the
hydraulic capacity of the system.
6.3.7 Allowances for energy losses or changes in velocity are to be determined in accordance
with sound hydraulic principals.
6.3.8 The City Engineer may approve situations involving a large pipe flowing into a smaller
pipe at steeper grade.
6.3.9 Stubs shall be placed in manholes to allow for future connections. The length of the
stubs shall be 600mm maximum from the outside of the manhole. The end shall be
securely capped to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Grades shall be suitable for
future extension of the system.
6.3.10 Manhole benching shall be a steel trowel finish with a constant grade from the inlet(s)
to the outlet. The benching inside radius shall be no less than three times the branch
diameter. Pre-benched manholes are permitted.
6.3.11 All channels shall be constructed to permit use of a pan and tilt camera having
dimensions of 600mm x 150mm diameter.
6.3.12 The obvert of pipes entering a manhole shall not be lower than 50mm above the obvert
of the outlet pipe. The internal channel in the manhole shall have an elevation
difference of 5% from the inlet to the outlet.
6.3.13 Manhole and cleanout lids are to be set to match existing or planned grades both
longitudinally and transversely. If the highway grade is greater than 6%, manhole
castings shall be encased in a concrete surround poured to 150mm below the rim.
a) 100mm high manhole frame castings are permitted in unpaved areas only.
6.3.14 All manhole barrel and sections shall be installed with rubber gaskets and mastic and
shall be grouted inside with rapid set non-shrink grout. If, in the opinion of the City
Engineer the water table may be high enough to affect the manhole, fibreglass bases in
a concrete liner may be required.
6.3.15 Inlet and outlet pipes shall be grouted inside the manhole with rapid set non-shrink
6.3.16 All manhole and cleanout lids must be cast to include “Langford Sanitary” (Bylaw No.
6.4.1 Sanitary sewer service connections of adequate size, but not less than 100mmØ shall be
provided from a main to the property line of each new or existing parcel, which forms
part of the development or which fronts a highway or other right-of-way in which the
sewer is to be constructed and shall be constructed in accordance with MMCD S7.
6.4.3 All service connections shall terminate a distance inside the property line equal to the
depth at the property line for new parcels unless otherwise approved by the City
Engineer and at property line for existing parcels at a location agreed upon by the
owner. All stubs must have a 1% minimum gradient from the inspection chamber into
private property in accordance with the Building Code and 2% minimum from the sewer
main to the inspection chamber, in accordance with the MMCD Documents.
6.4.4 Where deep sewers exist (those installed at greater than 3 meters below finished
grade), the service stub shall be terminated within 1.0 vertical meters of the minimum
basement floor elevation and marked with a 2x4 stake. The service connection shall
have a long radius sweep and be installed at no more than 45 degrees from the vertical.
6.4.5 Duplex lots shall have a 100mmØ service connection to one inspection chamber. Lots
with duplex potential shall have a 100mmØ service connection. (Bylaw No. 1555)
6.4.6 Wherever possible, adjoining residential type lots shall be serviced with one 100mmØ
service connection with two 100mmØ stub and two inspection chamber (one for each
lot) or may terminate at a 100x100x100 duplex inspection chamber.
6.4.7 Service locations shall be marked with a 40mm x 90mm stake painted red complete with
a red insulated wire from a nail on the stake to the service connection cap with the
depth marked.
6.5.1 All inspection chamber (IC) lids and collars shall be installed in accordance with drawing
SS S9. The lid cams shall be securely tightened to ensure that they are not subject to
vandalism or misuse. (Bylaw No. 1494)
6.5.2 All inspection chambers shall have a cast iron chamber cover and concrete surround in
accordance with drawing SS S9.
6.5.3 Any inspection chamber set in a slope greater than 3% shall have a cast iron chamber
cover and concrete surround in accordance with SS S9.
6.5.4 Wherever an inspection chamber is covered by a cast iron chamber cover, the clearance
between the cast iron lid and the plastic lid shall be a minimum of 75mm.
6.5.6 The inspection chamber lid shall be fastened to the riser pipe with a stainless steel
machine bolt as provided by the manufacturer.
6.5.7 Where property line is within 1 meter of the backside of a sidewalk or curb the
inspection chamber shall be installed using cast iron inspection chamber cover specified
6.5.8 Inspection chambers shall be a minimum of one meter apart from centre to centre
when installed, unless, in the opinion of the City Engineer the clustering of services
would be beneficial to site servicing and layout in which case the sewer and drain
connections may be installed on one adjoining property line.
6.6.1 At the lowest pump delivery rate anticipated to occur at least once per day, a cleansing
velocity of at least 0.9m/s shall be maintained. The maximum velocity should not
exceed 3.5m/s.
6.6.2 An automatic air/ vacuum relief valve shall be placed at high points in the force main to
prevent air locking, in accordance with good engineering practice.
6.6.3 Force mains should enter the gravity sewer system at a point not more than 600mm
above the flow line.
6.6.4 The minimum size for mains discharging raw sewage shall be determined for each
specific project by a Professional Engineer.
6.6.5 Force main service connections shall be a minimum 50mm Ø, and shall have a check
valve and a ball valve at the property line.
6.6.6 Force main service connections shall be within 1 metre of the property line on the
municipal right-of-way.
6.6.7 A tracer wire shall be installed for the purpose of locating the force main and a warning
tape clearly marked “CAUTION BURIED SEWER LINE” shall be placed a minimum of
300mm and a maximum of 600mm above the obvert of the force main and service
connections. The tracer wire shall be installed along the obvert of the force main and
service connection.
6.6.8 All force mains shall be designed to prevent damage from imposed loads, or from water
hammer or column separation phenomena.
6.6.9 Pipe bedding shall be a minimum depth of 150mm of sand under and 300mm above the
6.6.10 The minimum depth of a force main shall be 1.0 from finished grade.
6.6.11 Cleanouts shall be provided at all low points in the system and at the system terminus.
6.6.13 All force main gate valves shall be right hand closing and suitable for raw sewage
application. Spacing shall be a minimum of 300m.
6.6.15 A gate valve on the force main from the pump station is required.
6.6.16 Force mains shall be hydrostatically tested to a minimum 150 psi for a minimum of 1
hour with zero allowable leakage.
6.7 Testing
6.7.1 All sewer systems must be tested to MMCD standards prior to Construction
Acceptance. The contractor must provide the City Engineer with 24 hours
notice of the test. (Bylaw No. 1494)
6.7.2 All sanitary sewers must be video inspected and the Professional Engineer must
certify that all the videos have been viewed and that the sewer and connections
are clean and free of defects prior to submission to the City Engineer for review.
6.7.3 CCTV videos and reports are to be accompanied with half size drawings. Air
tests and videotaping are required prior to hot-mix asphalt concrete paving.
6.7.4 The system must be flushed and re-videoed prior to 1 year warranty inspection.
6.7.5 Minimum quality control test frequencies specified are the minimum number
required to determine sufficient trench compaction. The contractor shall
perform as many tests as are necessary to ensure that the works and services
conform to the requirements of the contract regardless of the minimum
number required as follows: Trench bedding (mainline) – one test for every 75m of trench. Minimum
one between any two manholes. Trench backfill (mainline) – one test for every 75m of trench at each
1.0m fill depth. Minimum one between any two manholes. Trench backfill (service) – one per road crossing at each 1.0m fill depth. Roadbase – one for every 75m of trench with a minimum of one
between any two manholes
7.1.1. The use of sewage lift stations is permitted providing all design options that would avoid
lift stations have been considered. The City Engineer shall approve the proposed lift
station location. Submersible sewage lift stations are preferred however, larger capacity
sewage lift stations or lift stations with special design or siting requirements maybe
7.1.2. Any lift station must be constructed fully functional, operational and with City-specified
software installed. The SCADA (kiosk software) consultant shall be selected and retained
by the City.
7.1.3. A preliminary design report shall be submitted by the Professional Engineer to ensure
that the City’s concerns are addressed prior to commencement of detailed design. This
report shall include a cost analysis for operation and maintenance. The report shall
provide detailed information on the following design criteria in accordance with
Sections 7.1.4 through 7.2.6 of this document.
7.1.4. Standby power and/or peakflow storage maybe required. The City Engineer shall
determine which options are more economically feasible based on location,
environmental concerns, storage capacity required and the availability of an external
emergency power source. In the case of standby power, an on-site emergency
generator is required. The selection of an appropriately sized generator for lift stations
will be based on design criteria in accordance with this bylaw. The generator must be
sized so that it will not be required to run at more than 80% of its total capacity while
having all pumps running simultaneously. (Bylaw No. 1817)
7.2.1. The structural, mechanical and electrical components of the lift station shall be designed
to the OCP ultimate population build-out, in consultation with the Planning Department
staff and in accordance with the City Sewer Master Plan for the designated catchment
7.2.2. Ideally, the lift station shall be located in an area where receiving sewers, water mains,
and provisions for 3-phase power supply are concurrent and shall be located for
convenience of operation and maintenance.
7.2.3. A Professional Engineer shall demonstrate that the lift station will have a minimal
negative impact on the adjacent neighbourhood. These considerations should include,
but not be limited to, lighting, odour, noise levels and maintenance operations.
7.2.5. Landscaping A landscape plan shall be provided. The following items shall be adhered to:
• 1800mm (6’-0”) high cedar wooden fencing along property lines adjacent to
residential housing.
7.2.6. Protection from vehicular damage for the kiosk shall be provided. The siting of the kiosk
should be the primary method of protection; however, if suitable siting cannot be
achieved, engineered concrete walls, berms, or other alternates may be used, as
approved by the City Engineer. Any such protection devices must be compatible with
the overall landscaping scheme and be engineered to withstand vehicular impact.
7.2.7. If the lift station is located in an existing or proposed residential area and, in the opinion
of the City Engineer security or aesthetics are an issue, the kiosk and any above ground
components of the lift station shall be enclosed in a building. The form and character of
the building shall be residential in nature with an asphalt shingle gable roof and muted
natural colour scheme.
7.2.8. Where the lift station is located in an area of drainage concern or flood plain, the station
shall be designed as fully submerged. Electrical components shall be constructed above
the 200-year flood elevation.
7.2.9. A Professional Engineer shall approve the ground conditions at the lift station location
and shall certify that all geotechnical works carried out in conjunction with the lift
station construction have been performed under their supervision.
7.2.10. Lift Stations providing service to more than 5 single-family dwellings shall use 3 phase
power. Phase-converters are not permitted.
7.2.11. Functional odour control shall be incorporated into the lift station or, at the discretion
of the City Engineer, future odour control shall be provided for.
7.2.13. The minimum emergency or peak flow storage above the high level alarm shall be
provided by a separate chamber. Storage shall be designed to accommodate a minimum
of one hour of peak flow plus one hour of average daily flow, for maximum Official
Community Plan build-out for the catchment area(s) or larger if, in the opinion of the
City Engineer a larger catchment area shall apply.
7.2.14. Where standby power is required by the City Engineer, fuel degradation shall be
addressed in the Design Report.
7.2.15. In the case where the valve chamber is a separate structure the design shall incorporate
a flexible joint between it and the wet well structure.
7.2.16. Provide a 20mm diameter threadolet fitting and liquid filled pressure (100φ face) gauges
located on each pump header for testing purposes. Location as approved by the City
7.3.1. Wet well design shall be certified by the Professional Engineer in consultation with the
pump manufacturer. A report on hydraulics shall be provided including but not be
limited to comment on air entrainment, vortexing and cavitation, and shall reflect the
operation of the proposed pumps in the proposed wet-well design.
7.3.2. Provide a minimum 38mm water supply stand pipe with stop drain and Camlock fitting.
7.3.3. A water supply for wash down shall be provided within 10m of the station and be sized
for available flow and pressure. A ball shutoff valve shall be provided. A reduced
pressure principal backflow preventer shall be installed in accordance with the AWWA
Canadian Cross Connection Control Manual (latest edition). Test results for the RP
device shall be submitted to the City and CRD.
7.3.4. The piping arrangement shall make a provision for wet-well pump-out from an area near
the access hatches. This may be achieved by a camlock fitting and piping sized
appropriately for the City’s maintenance contractor’s pumper truck.
7.3.5. Provide a minimum 150 mm diameter aluminum or hot dipped galvanized pipe vent
with vandal proof screen on the outlet for the ventilation of the wet well. Such vents
shall be fitted with flanged fittings at the station roof to allow for future removal and
adaptation for odour control devices. All accessory colours shall be in accordance with
approved landscape designs.
7.3.6. The outlet pipe and all other connections to the station shall be brought to within 1.2 m
of the expected ground line around the pump station by the use of risers either on the
inside of the station or attached to the outside of the station. Steel piping shall be powder coated inside and out with 2 coats 3M “Scotch
Kote” 206N fusion bonded epoxy coat to AWWA-C213. Surface preparation
shall be SSPC-SP10, blasted clean. Exteriors of valves shall be epoxy coated with 1 coat Cloverdale Paint “Prep-
Tech” epoxy penetration sealer prime coat #83020 and 2 coats Cloverdale Paint
“Clova Mas-Tic” epoxy #83100, minimum dry film thickness 6 mils. Option for stainless steel piping (no coating) Type 316L to ASTM A312 Schedule
10S, Minimum wall thickness: long radius bends. Flanges to be full face 150 #CL
slip or weld neck.
7.3.8. All concrete stations must be designed and constructed to prevent sulphide attack. The
concrete surface of the wet well shall be treated with the following or as approved: One coat Sherwin Williams “Kem Cati Coat” epoxy filler Dry Film Thickness (DFT)
10 mil and 1 coat Sherwin Williams “High Solids Catalyzed Epoxy Coat” DFT 6
mil, surface preparation in accordance with manufactures recommendations; or One coat Canus Industries (604-552-2375) IMC-XYG UARD Series 4000, colour
off white, DFT 4-6 mil, surface preparation shall be pressure wash and degrease;
or Two Coats Bar-Rust ICI 236 Devoe Coatings. Surface preparation shall be sweep
blast and pre coat in accordance with manufacturers recommendations.
7.3.9. If, in the opinion of the City Engineer, the force main arrangement creates a
maintenance issue where a flush valve may not be effective, pig loaders are required.
7.3.10. Any drain line from any chamber to the wet well requires a backflow preventer valve.
7.4. PUMPS
7.4.1. All pumps shall be Flygt three phase, solids handling pumps (one pump is to be
complete with a mixing flush valve), or approved alternate.
7.4.2. Actual test results for the proposed pumps shall be provided to the City in order for
efficiency to be confirmed.
7.4.3. The pump manufacturers must supply references for parts availability together with
details of servicing expertise available.
7.4.4. Pumps are to be assembled complete with lift out slide rail system, cast iron discharge
elbow; upper and lower guide rail support, pump rails and galvanized pump lifting
7.4.6. Pumps shall have non-clog impellers that will pass a minimum 50 mm spherical solid.
7.4.7. All pump valves shall be located in a separate valve chamber. Alternate designs shall be
subject to approval by the City Engineer. A check valve and isolation valve for each
pump must be provided.
7.4.8. Locate the isolation valve and, where possible, locate the check valve in a horizontal
position. Levels in the wet well shall be transmitted to the PLC by means of a submersible
pressure transducer suspended within a stilling well in the wet well. (Bylaw No.
1817) Stilling shall be fabricated from 150φ SCH 40 PVC pipe perforated with 12φ
holes at 50mm c/c for the submerged section. Two Flygt ENF-10 or approved equivalent float switches shall be mounted in the
wet well to signal high level and low level alarm. The float switches shall take control of the level measurement system upon
failure of the pressure transmitter.
7.6.1. Chamber covers shall be Flygt Safe-Hatch™ or approved equivalent (size to be approved
by the City Engineer). An H-20 load rating shall be required where vehicular loads on
the chambers are possible.
7.6.2. All chambers shall conform to Work Safe BC confined entry regulations.
7.6.3. A Work Safe BC approved aluminum ladder for access to wet well shall be provided. The
location of the ladder shall not interfere with the removal and installation of the pumps
and equipment. The ladder must be designed to extend and lock at a maximum of
600mm above the high water level float to permit wet well access, and at a distance
above the roof of the wet well in accordance with current Work Safe BC regulations.
7.7.1. The lift station shall be equipped with a duplex or triplex automatic pump control kiosk
in a powder coated aluminum enclosure for outdoor mounting. The kiosk must be located a minimum of 3.0m from the station lid, and the
control portion of the kiosk (with indicator lights and switches) shall face north
(because of sun reflection concerns). The kiosk shall be constructed so as the operators will be standing on a drained
concrete pad at least three inches higher than the adjacent ground and at least
one foot larger in dimension than the radius of all the door swings. The internal panels of the control portion of the kiosk shall be hinged for ease of
operation. The adjacent control enclosures shall be hinged at opposite sides to
allow for both enclosures to be opened simultaneously allowing a service
technician visual access to both enclosures simultaneously. The kiosk construction shall meet the requirements outlined in this Schedule.
7.7.2. A luminaire shall be erected in accordance with Bylaw 1000 at the lift station site and
shall be situated to provide adequate levels of illumination for the wet well and kiosk
during emergency night-time events. The luminaire shall be a maximum of 3 metres
from the kiosk.
7.7.3. Provide a Hand / Off / Auto (HOA) switch to operate and/or override photocell on
7.7.4. Provide a separate 25mm orange communication conduit complete with a spare pull
cord for this luminaire to the control equipment side of the kiosk for the antenna cable.
7.7.5. A variable speed explosion-proof exhaust fan with high and low speed switch (with VFD
Program Module) must be used which will be running constantly at low speed and
which has sufficient capacity to exchange the total volume of air inside the well at least
6 times an hour with means for detecting failure. At high speed, the fan must purge
noxious fumes while maintenance personnel are in the wet well, per Work Safe BC
Confined Space regulations. (Bylaw No. 1817)
7.7.6. The control kiosk shall contain the following components in the power distribution
compartment: Automatic transfer switch (rated the same as the main service disconnect)
complete with network capability. (Bylaw No. 1817)
7.7.7. The control kiosk shall contain the following components in the control compartment: An orange RPVC communication conduit(s) complete with a spare pull cord shall
be provided from the control compartment of the kiosk to either a
telephone/cable pole drop or an active underground telecommunication utility
pull box. The telecommunication provider shall be approved by the City
Engineer. The Contractor shall be responsible for making arrangements for the
installation of the telephone or cable connection. (Bylaw No. 1817) 1500W ceramic heater (on dedicated 15A circuit with receptacle).
7.7.8. The control kiosk shall contain an operator control panel comprised of IDEC SLC30 series
indicators, pushbuttons, and switches arranged in a 3x7 (duplex) or 4x7 (triplex) matrix
as shown in Table 7-1.
Pump 1 Run (Green Pump 2 Run (Green Pump 3 Run (Green Vent Fan Off-Low-High
Indicator) Indicator) Indicator) (3 Position
Pump 1 Status (Red Pump 2 Status (Red Pump 3 Status (Red 120V Control Power
Indicator) Indicator) Indicator) (Green Indicator)
Pump 1 Over Temp Pump 2 Over Temp Pump 3 Over Temp UPS Low Battery (Red
(Red Indicator) (Red Indicator) (Red Indicator) Indicator)
Pump 1 Leak (Red Pump 2 Leak (Red Pump 3 Leak (Red High Level Float (Red
Indicator) Indicator) Indicator) Indicator)
Pump 1 Overload Pump 2 Overload Pump 3 Overload Low Level Float (Red
(Red Indicator) (Red Indicator) (Red Indicator) Indicator)
Reset (Round Red Reset (Round Red Reset (Round Red Lamp Test (Round
Pushbutton) Pushbutton) Pushbutton) Black Pushbutton)
All indicators shall be 24 Vdc LED type. Engraving shall be 4mm high.
7.7.9. Run-time totalizers for each pump shall be installed in the control panel for each pump
directly below the column of indicators and controls for each pump as shown above.
7.7.10. The control kiosk shall be equipped with a GE Fanuc VersaMax PLC for control,
monitoring, and SCADA functions. The following components shall be supplied, installed,
and wired by the Contractor as shown in Table 7-2.
7.7.11. The PLC shall be mounted within the control enclosure and the HMI shall be mounted
on the door directly to the right of the indicator/control panel. (Bylaw No. 1817)
7.7.12. The PLC software to operate the pump station must be provided by the City’s software
consultant. The Contractor shall demonstrate end-to-end functionality of each PLC point
to the field equipment to the City Engineer prior to the software installation by the
City’s approved software consultant. The Contractor is responsible for commissioning
the software. The Contractor shall supply all necessary equipment and wiring to provide
the following points connected to the PLC (in the order shown – note that references to
P3 can be deleted in the event of a duplex pump station).
7.7.16. The pump station shall be equipped with a Shaw cable hard wired service and modem
for use with the City’s SCADA system. The modem shall be mounted in a mounting
bracket adjacent to the control compartment but not inside so as to permit easy access
for viewing the indicator light and setting the reset button. The modem shall be
connected through a router firewall to the communications port on the PLC.
7.7.19. The pump station shall be equipped with an ABB Kent Taylor MagMaster flow meter
(Model MFF/G) on the station discharge complete with remote transmitter with 3 line
display and keypad, and 4-20ma interface for connection to the PLC. The Contractor
shall submit the proposed bill of materials to the City Engineer for approval prior to
procurement. The Contractor shall supply the City with a calibration certificate for the
above noted meter. The digital readout from this meter shall show the rate of flow in
litres per second and total volume pumped in cubic meters.
7.7.20. The Contractor shall submit shop drawings for the Kiosk, electrical and pump control
system for approval by the City Engineer prior to fabrication.
7.7.21. Motor cables, power cables etc. must be continuous from within the pump station to
within the kiosk unless an adequate exterior pull pit and junction box in installed.
7.7.22. Provide digital As-Built drawings based on the City’s current “Construction Drawings and
Drafting Standards“ with elevations based on NAD 83 coordinates. Provide one
laminated weather proof set and two paper sets of acceptably indexed operation and
maintenance manuals as set out in this Schedule that contains all information for
controls, monitors, pumps, and data collection. These manuals shall be contained
within appropriate binders. A laminated wiring schematic shall be provided for all
systems and permanently adhered to the inside of the right-hand control panel door. This specification shall apply to the design, testing and supply of pump station
kiosks. This specification is intended to establish the minimum quality
benchmark for the enclosure, heating, and wiring (Figure 3). For the purpose of this document, the kiosk shall mean a CSA-4 Housing
complete with heating designed to contain electrical and electronic
7.7.24. Warranty
The Contractor shall warrant that all products are free from defects in material and
workmanship. The warranty period shall be one year from the date of acceptance by the
City. Any product warranties in excess of one year shall be assigned to the City. During
this warranty period, the Contractor shall repair or replace any defective product free of
cost to the City. This shall include all shipping costs. All defective products shall be
repaired or replaced immediately upon notification. (Bylaw No. 1494)
7.7.25. Materials Unless otherwise noted, equipment shall be fabricated from 5052-H32 sheet
aluminum of at least 3.2 mm (1/8 ins) thick. Miscellaneous hardware other than screws, nuts, bolts and washers shall be
stainless steel. Other hardware coatings must be submitted to the City for
approval. Connecting hardware (i.e. screws, nuts, bolts and washers) 9.5mm diameter or
smaller and shall conform to the following: All hardware shall have unified national thread form (ANSI) and shall be 18-
8 or 316 stainless steel. All nuts and bolts 1/4-20 and larger shall have UNC (Unified National
Course) threads and hexagon heads, and shall bear suitable markings to
identify their grade and origin of manufacture. All machine screws smaller than 1/4-20 (e.g. 8-32 UNC, 1024 UNC) shall be
Robertson pan-head. All screw heads shall be sized so only one screwdriver
is required when working on the panels. No pressure adhesive cable ties shall be used where equipment and/or
wiring is to be mounted to the inside of the control enclosure doors, a
3.2mm powder coated aluminum stand-off liner shall be welded to the
inside of the door to facilitate the use of fasteners. All welds shall be in accordance with CAN/CSA W59.2 - Welded Aluminum
Construction or be certified by a Professional Engineer (in an appropriate field)
registered in the Province of BC. All exterior seams shall be of continuously welded construction. All exterior
welds shall be ground smooth. Kiosk doors shall be fabricated from sheet aluminum and have a separate
stiffening panel welded to the inside door skin. Kiosk doors shall be hinged to the kiosk using three hinges evenly spaced on
each door. The hinges shall be non ferrous metal and equipped with a grease
nipple for lubrication such as Marr Weld-On Hinge Limited Model #AFSSP-10GF. Each door shall have a door stop to hold the door open at 90 degrees. The gasket shall be of one continuous piece per side (i.e. four strips per opening)
and shall be permanently bonded to the metal. The gasket shall be of an appropriate length so as not to have gaps at gasket
joints or to shrink over time. The surface of the gasket shall be covered with a
silicon lubricant to prevent sticking to the mating surface.
The power distribution and control compartment on the kiosk shall be equipped with a
100W equivalent LED rough usage bulb, receptacle, and light switches. The two light
switches shall be wired as a three-way circuit. (Bylaw No. 1817)
Each kiosk shall be equipped with a 1500W ceramic heater complete with fan. This
heater shall be installed on a shelf mounted near the bottom of the kiosk in the control
section. The Contractor shall supply all electrical equipment as described in the bylaws
and shown on the drawing. Alternative products must be approved by the City
prior to start of fabrication. The Contractor shall provide equipment layout details with the shop drawings. An inner mask shall be installed to protect personnel from electrical hazard. The
mask shall have cut-outs for circuit breaker toggle mechanisms. Knock outs in
the mask shall be provided for all spare breaker spaces. All equipment shall be mounted on to the equipment mounting panels and shall
be secured using 8-32 inserts. All equipment shall be labelled using vinyl adhesive equipment labels with 10
mm high black characters on a white background as shown in Figure 7-1. Figures 7-1 and 7-2 illustrate control wiring methods and standards, and are also
used to establish the minimum quality benchmark. All conductors shall be stranded RW90 unless otherwise noted. Conductor size
and color-coding for control wiring shall be as shown in Table 7-6. The wiring shall be neatly bundled and ty-rapped to the equipment mounting
panel at 150 mm intervals as shown in Figure 7-1. No ty-wraps or any other wire bundling device shall be found inside or partly
inside any wire bundles. All wiring shall take the neatest route to its termination point. All wires shall be free of splices or through connections in their entirety. Provide 8-32 inserts and ty-rap mounts for the attachment of wiring as shown in
Figure 7-1. Wiring and terminal blocks shall be labelled according to the conventions shown
in Table 7-7. All wiring and equipment mounting shall be done in a neat manner
as shown in Figures 7-1 and 7-2.
WDU6 Terminal 102020
WPE6 Ground Terminal 101020
WAP2.5-10 End Section 105000
WEW 35/2 End Bracket 106120
WTW 2.5 - 10 Partition 105010
WSI 6/2 Fuse Terminal 101400
WOV6 Jumper Bar As required
TS35 Mounting Bar 38340
Aluminum Equipment
Mounting Panel
Terminal Block
Grafoplast Wire
Marker (typ.)
Mounting Bar
Terminal Block
Figure 7-2 All control wiring shall be labelled using wire markers from Grafoplast as shown
on Figure 7-2. The enclosures shall be powder coated gray. The Contractor may alternatively
submit proposed powder coat procedures to the City representative for
approval. All exterior corners shall be rounded to a radius of 3.17 mm (1/8 ins) minimum. All sharp edges shall be de-burred to a radius of 0.4 mm (1/64 ins) minimum in
order to reduce hazards to service personnel.
7.7.35. Testing
The Contractor shall perform testing of all control wiring including heating and ventilation
within each kiosk. The tests shall be witnessed by the City Engineer and the City SCADA
The City will require the following conditions to be met prior to delivery: The cabinets and wiring have been reviewed and accepted by the City Engineer. The cabinets shall be 100% complete and operational (see All control wiring shall be tested to the satisfaction of the City Representative. Any equipment which has been rejected shall be repaired or replaced within a
time period acceptable to the City. All costs associated with these repairs and
for the testing of a failed product will be borne exclusively by the Contractor. The City will allow the manufacturer to externally identify the kiosk as to its
origin. The location, size and method must be visually pleasing and approved by the
City prior to implementation. All labelling installed by the manufacturer shall be set square on the kiosk. Adhesive stickers shall not be used in labelling the kiosk exterior.
7.7.38. Labelling All products shall be labelled with the Contractor’s company name, model
number, panel rating and the date of manufacture. This label shall be located on
the inside of the kiosk in an easy to read location. The Contractor shall also provide aluminum engraved labels with black painted
lettering on the outside of each kiosk. The wording for the kiosk ID plate will be
provided by the City. The Contractor shall supply and mount a waterproof plan pouch (400mm high
500mm wide) on the inside of the left door of the control compartment. The
pouch shall be secured to the inside. The Contractor shall supply a 400mm deep by 500 mm wide fold down shelf
attached to the inside left-hand control panel door. The shelf shall be large
enough to hold an open 75mm ring binder and shall have a 6mm restraining lip
on the three outer edges. Submission Produced on ISO A1 size paper (other sizes shall meet the approval of the
City Representative). After the City Review, the drawings will be returned to the Contractor. The
Contractor shall revise the drawings to the satisfaction of the City Engineer
prior to fabrication.
7.7.41. Packaging Shipping documentation shall include the purchase order number and an
itemized bill of materials. Each kiosk shall each be lag bolted to two 10cm x 10cm posts along the shorter
sides of the kiosk to be used for support when the kiosk is being lifted or moved. Any product damaged in shipping shall be repaired or replaced at no extra cost
to the City. The Contractor will assume all responsibility for getting the product
to the City in proper working order.
7.8.1. ELECTRICAL The generator should be Manufactured by Kohler/John Deere (diesel type) sized
so that it will not be required to run at more than 80% of its total capacity while
having all pumps running simultaneously and based on the following
information: (Bylaw No. 1817) The generator shall have provisions to reverse the phase rotation through a
transfer switch. The generator will be designed to have minimal impact on adjacent property
owners. Therefore, sound attenuation will be extremely important. A maximum
sound emission of 65 dba’s at 6 meters will fulfill this requirement. The generator shall be linked to the lift station PLC thus enabling an operator to
remotely monitor the operation of the generator. The generator will have fully electronic monitored features including the
following: an external temperature sensor which will activate a circulating 1500 Watt
block heater Weatherproof junction boxes shall be mounted on a rigid steel post adjacent to
the Generator location. One junction box will contain the communications
connection from the PLC to the generator controller. A minimum 16-pair
industrial grade cable will be permanently wired to the controller at the
generator with enough cable to comfortably extend to the weatherproof
junction box. The second junction box will provide power to the 1500-watt
block heater. The contractor shall be responsible for all City consulting electrical engineers
costs incurred for PLC and central monitoring station software upgrading,
commissioning and testing. Maintenance manual shall be in accordance with Section 7.9 of this Schedule. The Warranty Period shall, despite any other provision of this Bylaw, be two
years from the date of Construction Acceptance. (Bylaw No. 1494)
The operation and maintenance manual for the lift station shall comply with the following
format: General Introduction Forcemain General
7.9.7. ELECTRICAL General General General Troubleshooting
C Utility contracts
D Maintenance contracts
E Warranty Certificates Powder coating products used for coating aluminum components shall meet the
following requirements : Scope
This specification shall apply to the application of powder coating products on aluminum
omponents. The powder coating process, as specified below, shall be tested on at least
one piece from a given batch of aluminum components to ensure a high
quality coating for that type of component before the complete batch is
powder coated. If there is uncertainty about the quality or appearance of
the powder coating, City approval shall be acquired. Where possible, items to be powder coated shall be free of dents, scratches,
weld burns, ripples, pits, and abrasions before powder coating. Pre-Treatment1 Alkaline cleaning, (or equivalent) as required, to remove process oil, grease,
and dirt.
If Dried in Place pre-treatment method is used in step 3, steps 4 and 5 are not required.
All items to be powder coated must be completely dry and pre-heated as required to
help prevent out-gassing before powder coat application. Application For porous castings, a powder coat type shall be selected to help prevent
out-gassing. Powder coat must be applied to meet the powder coat manufacturer’s
specifications. Powder coat thickness shall be no less than 2.5 mils at any location.
8.1. Each parcel in a subdivision within the City of Langford shall have a water supply provided
by the City or Capital Regional District Water Service (CRDWS) as determined by the City
8.1.1. All designs for extensions of the City or CRDWS water system shall be reviewed and
approved by a drinking water officer in accordance with the Drinking Water Protection
Regulations under the Drinking Water Protection Act.
8.1.2. Individual wells may be permitted in areas outside the CRDWS service area provided
that each parcel shall have a proven source of potable water of not less than 4000 litres
per day.
8.1.3. Individual wells are permitted for non-potable water uses on City owned land.
8.1.4. Where water is to be supplied by the CRDWS, the CRDWS specifications shall have
precedence. If CRDWS specifications are silent on any issue, the specifications in this
schedule shall apply.
8.1.5. Each parcel in a subdivision or development which is provided with a water supply from
the City or CRDWS shall have sufficient pressure in the water supply at the property line
to meet the requirements of the BC Building Code and shall be shown to have sufficient
pressure to meet the requirements of the BC Building Code for water pressure at the
faucet at the highest point at which a plumbing fixture could be installed on the parcel
having regard to the restrictions in the City Zoning Bylaw and in any Covenants
registered on the property. A Professional Engineer shall approve and certify the
required pressures.
8.2.1. Where water supply facilities (pump station or PRV station) are located within a road
right of way or a statutory right of way in favour of the CRDWS and/or the City of
Langford within private property, the facility meet the following landscape
requirements: All utility boxes, including generators to be wrapped with anti-graffiti wrap (all
sides and top of box). Anti-graffiti warp images shall be approved by the City
Parks Manager. 1800mm (6’-0”) high cedar wooden fencing along property lines adjacent to
residential housing. Fully automatic irrigation system to City of Langford specifications.
8.4.1. Where a final road pattern of a subdivision creates a watermain network with excessive
dead ends, a supplementary connection of a minimum of 150 mm diameter shall be
required to an existing main and may necessitate the provision of a Right-of-Way over
private property in favour of the City.
8.9.4. Where it is necessary for a watermain to cross other underground services the crossing
shall be made at an angle greater than 20o. The vertical clearance between sanitary
sewers or storm drains and the watermain at the crossing point shall be not less than
450mm. For all other services, the vertical clearance shall be not less than 150mm.
8.11. The watermain replacement work shall be done by the City or CRDWS at the Applicant’s
expense, and this shall be indicated on the Design Drawings.
8.15.2. For Commercial, Industrial, Institutional and Multi Family Zones, as identified in Bylaw
300, fire hydrants are required every 90 metres.
8.15.3. In addition to the requirements of this bylaw, fire hydrants shall be located at 150 metre
intervals along all collector and arterial roads regardless of the density of development
adjacent. For 4 lane arterial roads with, or designated to be constructed with a raised
median, fire hydrants shall be located on both sides of the road at 250 metre spacing
per side.
8.15.4. Fire flow demand shall be in accordance with the current “Water Supply for Public Fire
Protection”, by the Fire Underwriters Survey (FUS) for the existing or anticipated land
use. Residual pressure at the flow rate shall not be less than 140 kPa (20psi) anywhere
in the water network.
8.15.5. For residential applications only, If FUS recommended fire flows are not available, or the
subject property is outside the Capital Regional City Water Services service area, a
reduction to the prescribed fire flows may be permitted providing the property is
charged with a s.219 of the Land Title Act covenant that requires all buildings over 300
square feet in floor area to be provided with residential fire sprinklers in accordance
with NFPA 13D. (Bylaw No. 1669)
8.15.8. Hydrants shall be located in the boulevard and should preferably be located at or near a
street intersection; otherwise they may be located on the projection of the property line
dividing two lots. In selecting the location for a hydrant, the probable route of the fire
engine shall be considered.
8.15.9. A hydrant shall not be located within 3 m of a utility pole or light standard, within 1 m
horizontally of underground service pipes or open ditches, or within 2.2 m of the curb
8.15.10. Whenever practical, hydrants shall be near the highest and/or lowest point of the
8.15.11. The design drawings shall indicate the final elevation to which the hydrant flange is to
be set. Any adjustments required after the system is in service will be made by the
City at the Applicant's expense.
8.16.2. Provision shall be made for expelling air by the installation of air relief valves where
8.16.3. Double acting air valves shall be installed at all high points on watermains 200mm and
8.17.3. Provision shall also be made for expelling air during filling by the installation of double
acting air valves or test points where necessary. The initial flush shall be through a port
which shall be a minimum of ½ the diameter of the main.
8.18.1. Service connections shall be installed to each proposed lot in a development or to each
duplex dwelling unit, shall be connected to the main in a road allowance, and shall be
installed at right angles to the main, within the boundaries of the lot being served,
except in the turning area of a cul-de-sac. No service connection is to be provided to a
lot by way of a private easement over another property.
8.18.2. Service connection separation shall meet the CRDWS separation requirements. (Bylaw
No. 1494)
8.18.3. Traffic islands with planting areas shall be provided with a 19mm water service.
8.18.4. On a panhandle lot, service connections shall be extended from the meter location
along the access strip to the main body of the lot at the time of subdivision
8.18.5. If a development requires a private fire line as well as a domestic water service, the fire
line shall be completely separate from the domestic service.
8.19.1. There shall be no physical connection between a public and a private potable water
supply system, nor between either a water system and a sewer or appurtenance
thereto, which would permit the passage of private water or any sewage or polluted
water into the potable public supply.
8.19.2. No pipe, valve or fitting which has been exposed to raw sewage shall thereafter be
included in a potable water system, either temporarily or permanently.
9.3. Where a proposed single family residential subdivision creates new lots that front on an
existing highway serviced by overhead wires or a building permit is issued for a single family
dwelling that fronts on such a highway, electrical and telecommunications services may be
overhead on the municipal road and to the dwelling if one or more existing single family
residential dwellings exist with overhead or above ground service on the block face for
which the subdivision would be approved or the building permit issued. (Bylaw Nos. 1513
and 1555)
9.4. All utility services, junction boxes, transformers and service facilities shall be located within
the road right of way or as approved by the Utility owner if not in the road right of way.
(Bylaw No. 1494)
9.5. Every attempt shall be made to locate junction boxes, vaults and transformers in boulevard
areas and not sidewalks. These should favour one side of the sidewalk and not be located in
the middle of the sidewalk. If there are no alternatives, the services shall be installed at the
edge of the sidewalk and shall have “non-slip” lids. No junction boxes or vaults are
permitted when the road grade exceeds 4%. Utility lids must be surrounded by a 150mm
thick by 150mm wide square concrete apron.
9.7. Existing electrical transmission systems may remain overhead in the frontage of a new
subdivision or development unless, in the opinion of the transmission service provider, the
proximity of the proposed structures will be in conflict. (Bylaw No. 1513)
9.8. All new three phase transmission systems in the City Centre area as identified in the Official
Community Plan shall be installed underground, unless otherwise permitted by the City
Furnish all labour, materials, equipment, permits and services necessary for the complete supply
and installation of a properly operating irrigation system as indicated on the drawings and specified
10.2.1. All irrigation designs for city approval must be designed by a certified irrigation designer
– turf/commercial classification as certified by IIABC or IA.
10.2.2. Line voltage wire shall be CSA approved and follow the Canadian Electrical Code (CEC).
Line voltage wire must be installed by a certified electrician with the requisite
10.2.3. The contractor shall install the irrigation system in accordance with all applicable
plumbing regulations.
10.2.4. All irrigation components and installation to comply as a minimum to irrigation industry
association of British Columbia (IIABC) – standards for landscape irrigation systems.
10.2.5. The Contractor shall be a member in good standing of the irrigation Industry Association
of B.C. and have met the qualification standards currently applied to contractors by that
10.2.6. The Developer is required to provide warranty for all irrigation equipment outlined in
this specification and on irrigation drawing(s). Design Drawings: Minimum 7 business days prior to scheduled work, the
irrigation contractor will provide the City with a set of professionally designed
and drafted irrigation documents at the same scale as the project design plans
with a complete list of materials for review. Drawings will indicate all
components, models, and materials from water supply to irrigation heads. All
underground service information is to be clearly shown on design drawings. Record Drawings: Upon completion, the irrigation contractor must submit 2
prints of digitally drawn as-built drawings. The prints will indicate the location of
connection points, backflow preventers, sleeves, main lines, lateral lines,
emitter lines, valves, controllers, and any other component installed.
Dimensionally locate pressurized components and pressurized lines from
buildings, curb lines or other fixed site features. Main lines, individual zones,
and associated components to be drawn on separate layers. Copy of backflow
test to be included. Zone Map: Contractor to provide 2 laminated copies, in letter sized format, a
zone map indicating type of zone (shrubs, trees, etc..), colour coded, general
valve locations and valves keyed to controller station numbering. One copy is to
be attached to inside of controller cabinet. Record irrigation drawings must be submitted to and approved by the Director
of Parks, Recreation and Facilities in “.dwg” and “.pdf” format.
10.4.1. Irrigation system to have a dynamic operating pressure between 50 and 90psi.
10.4.2. Irrigation systems to have a minimum 10psi residual pressure available while the critical
station is operating.
10.5.1. Plastic Pipe: Plastic pipe shall be rigid un-plasticized PVC. The pipe shall be
homogeneous throughout and free from visible cracks, holes, foreign material, blisters,
deleterious substances, wrinkles and dents, PVC 1120 conforming to requirements of
CSA B137.3. Schedule 40 Polyvinyl–Chloride (PVC), for all pressurized lines and for hard
surface sleeving. 150mm SDR 28 pipe may be used for irrigation sleeving. (Bylaw
No. 1817) Heavy-duty, plastic, commercial grade electric remote-control valve, with flow
control. Irritrol 100 series Century Plus series valves, or Rain Bird PGA valves
must be used. Irritrol Omni regulating module or Rain Bird PSR Dial Valve Pressure regulator
must be used on all drip emitter line and hanging basket zones. When zone flows are less than 5gpm, Irritrol 700-.75 valve must be used. All control valves shall be installed in a rectangular thermoplastic valve access
box of proper size as required for EASY ACCESS AND REPAIR to the valves.
Access boxes shall be complete with approved thermoplastic cover and stainless
steel bolt. Rotors: Toro T5P, or Rain Bird 5000, 3500 (Bylaw No. 1817) 1” Rotors: Toro 640 Series or Rain Bird Falcon. Stainless steel only on all
playfields. Spray Heads: Rain Bird 1800 or Irritrol I-PRO spray* bodies. Irritrol Total Control or as approved by the Parks Manager. (Bylaw No. 1817) Controller cabinet: to be lockable aluminum, weather proof, hinge and hasped,
mounted securely, minimum 600mm above finished grade. On all installations,
the cabinet will be powder coated the same colour as the adjacent street light
poles. Cabinet size must be sufficient to house the controller and duplex
receptacle. Locks are to be supplied by the City. Cabinet mounting: cabinet is to be mounted to 100mm square steel tubing – set
in concrete base (min. 600mm depth), powder coated colour to match cabinet.
Location of post to be 900mm from sidewalk, 3m min. away from intersections
and preferably within shrub beds.
10.5.8. Wire: Control: single strand copper wire TWU-40 #14 gauge. Control wire to be any
colour except white. Common: single strand copper wire TWU-40 312 gauge. Common wire to be
white in colour. DL2000 (RGP-412) c/w Root guard, with red stripe. Manufacturer, Toro -3.8 Lph,
300mm emitter spacing. WELD-ON P70 primer must be used when gluing pipe. (Bylaw No. 1817) WELD-ON 705 PVC glue must be used after primer. (Bylaw No. 1817)
10.5.12. Miscellaneous: Disc Filter: 38mm super 80 mesh Arkal disc filter. Unless system has greater
than 500 lineal meters of drip emitter line, then a 50mm Dual HP 80 mesh, Arkal
disc filter is required. Battery operated timer: Toro DDCWP (2-4-6-8 zones) or as approved by Parks
Manager. (Bylaw No. 1817) Swing Joint Assembly Fabricated with three (3) threaded Schedule 40 PVC
elbows and one (1) threaded Schedule 80 PVC nipple. Minimum 6” nipple for
sprays and medium Rotors. Minimum 10” nipple for 1” Rotors. Backflow Prevention Assembly: Watt Series 007 Double Check Valve Assemblies.
10.6.1. Obtain and pay for all permits, fees and taxes associated with the installation and
operation of complete irrigation systems.
10.6.2. Separate zones are required for turf, trees, shrubs, annuals, and hanging baskets.
10.6.3. Valve manifolds are encouraged to be centrally located with as many valves on one (1)
manifold as possible. Valves are to be attached to piping with SCH80 UNIONS at both
the inlet and outlet of each valve. Valves are not to touch each other or the valve box
sides. Valve boxes are to be supported with one (1) brick in each corner. Minimum
distance to lid 100mm. Minimum 6” of clean pea gravel under manifolds wrapped in
landscape cloth to protect from dirt. All wire connections must be properly
waterproofed and a minimum 30” expansion coil left in the box. Wires should be
neatly coiled so as not to interfere with maintenance. See Details P1-P15 for complete
installation requirements.
10.6.4. The Contractor shall obtain all underground service information and shall be solely
responsible to locate all existing services in the vicinity, prior to commencing work.
10.6.7. Lateral lines shall be installed a minimum of 300mm below grade to top of pipe in all
soft landscape areas.
10.6.8. All piping within sports fields shall be installed a minimum of 450mm below grade to
top of pipe.
10.6.9. Subsurface drip emitter line is to be installed 100mm below surface of growing
medium. Perimeter emitter drip line to be minimum 2” to maximum 4” from
perimeter area. Secure emitter drip line with minimum 6” wire staples every 4’-6’ and
at all fittings (tees, elbows etc.). Emitter line shall be used for the footers of all emitter
lines. See Detail P1- P15 for complete installation requirements.
10.6.10. All piping shall be flushed prior to installation of subsurface drip emitter line.
10.6.13. All sprinklers shall be installed on swing joints using PVC 90-degree street elbows and
PVC Schedule 80 nipples, no Marlex fittings permitted. Rain Bird prefabricated swing
arms allowed on temporary systems only. When using 12” popups use swing joints on
the bottom inlet only.
10.6.14. When using precision nozzles, elevate heads ½” in turf and 1” in beds to eliminate
back siphonage of debris. Do not install below soil or mulch level.
10.6.15. Sprinklers shall be installed a maximum of 25mm away from any retaining wall,
sidewalk or solid boundary. Curb locations are preferred.
10.6.16. All trees will have two emitter loops per tree as follows: (1) 1.82m diameter emitter
loop and (1) 0.9m diameter emitter loop per tree, annual plantings will have a 350mm
spacing for groundcover and a 450mm emitter line spacing for shrubs.
10.6.17. Flow rates through meters, backflow prevention devices and valves shall not exceed
manufacturer specifications.
10.6.18. All emitter line ends to terminate into a Polyethylene header or footer to create a
looped subsystem. Emitter run lengths not to exceed manufacturers recommended
10.6.19. Each emitter zone to have a drain valve installed. Drain valve to be located at low
point of emitter zone, installed in a polyethylene tubing footer. Install a 6” round valve
box; 50mm from lid. Minimum 1 for every 10gpm. See details P1-P15 for complete
installation requirements.
10.6.20. Each emitter zone to have a vacuum release valve installed. Vacuum release valve to
be located at the high point of emitter zone (installed in 6” round valve box; 50mm
from the lid). Minimum 1 for every 10gpm. See details P1- P15 for complete
installation requirements.
10.6.21. Drain valve and air vacuum release valve to be accessible inside a lockable 152mm
round valve box.
10.6.22. All beds to have drip emitter line and to be separately zoned from turf. Trees located
in beds already watered with drip emitter line do not require a separate zone.
10.6.23. Hanging basket irrigation zones will include a separate shut off for each pole located
adjacent the pole base in a 150mm round valve box.
10.6.24. Hanging basket irrigation zones will include a minimum 19mm horizontal supply line.
The lamp standard will be supplied with a 12.5mm vertical line running inside the
10.6.25. All backflow devices shall be installed with SCH80 unions at the inlet and outlet.
Immediately downstream of the device a 19mm hose-bib shall be installed for
winterizing. The backflow device test certificate must be submitted to the Parks
Department upon completion. See details P1-P15 for complete installation
10.6.26. All disc filters shall be installed with SCH80 unions at the inlet and outlet as well as
isolation valves to assist with cleaning. See details P1-P15 for complete installation
10.6.27. All capped main line pipes are to include a hose-bib in a lockable valve box to ensure
lines can be cleared out before Winter. Wire for future extension to be neatly coiled
with a minimum 30” length. See details P1-P15 for complete installation
10.6.28. Irrigation sleeve diameter to be a minimum 150mm or twice the diameter of main or
lateral line running through it, whichever is greater.
10.7.1. Any damage to paving, planting or any other structure due to settlement of improperly
compacted trenches shall be promptly repaired at the contractor’s expense to the
satisfaction of the City of Langford.
10.7.2. Surplus material shall become property of the contractor and removed from site.
10.7.3. All irrigation systems will require inspections by the Director of Parks, Recreation and
Facilities or a City of Langford staff member as designated by the Director of Parks,
Recreation and Facilities with 2 business day notice according to the following table 10-
10.7.4. The Contractor shall balance and adjust the various components of the irrigation system
to ensure the efficient operation of the system. This includes the adjustment of pressure
regulators, part circle sprinklers and individual adjustments of the controllers. Also make
minor changes in sprinkler head locations to provide full coverage as part of work.
10.8.1. Provide a written guarantee for all workmanship and materials for one year from the
date of Substantial Completion as certified by the Project Administrator.
10.9. Irrigation shall be installed in the following boulevards within the City of Langford:
01 53 01 – Temporary Facilities
01 53 01 – Temporary Delete This Section
31 23 17 – Rock 1.6 Measurement for Add Clause 1.6.6 which reads: “Payment for
Removal Payment trench rock will be by cubic metre. For
measurement purposes, the volume of trench
rock is defined as that amount below
subgrade in areas of mass rock removal or
below natural rock surface, extending down to
200 mm below the lowest designed pipe or
service invert in the trench and having a width
of 450 mm plus the overall external diameter
or dimension of the service or services being
installed. For two services in common trench
this means the width of the two outside
diameters, plus the separation between the
pipes plus 450 mm. Payment for the
excavation of structures shall extend 500 mm
from the outside faces of the structure and
shall extend to 200 mm below the lowest
elevation of the structure.
31 23 17 – Rock 1.7 Seismic Survey and In Paragraph 1.7.1 replace the Phrase
Removal Monitoring “Contract Administrator” with “Contractor”.
In Paragraph 1.7.2 replace the word “Owner”
with the word “Contractor”.
32 11 23 - Granular 1.4 Measurement for Revise Paragraph 1.4.1 to read: “Limit for
Base Payment payment to be to the face of curb as shown on
the Standard Detail Drawings.”
03 30 20 - Concrete 3.10 Control Joints Revise Paragraph 3.10.1 to read: “In sidewalks
Walks, Curbs only, “Zip strip” to be installed as control joints
and Gutters at maximum 3 m intervals.”
33 11 01 - Waterworks 2.0 Products Delete these sections and replace with (C.R.D.
Water Department) Engineering Specifica-
tions and Standard Drawings.
33 40 01 – Storm Sewers 3.10 Service Connection Delete the first 2 words of “Where specified,”
Installation from Paragraph 3.10.3 to read “Install
inspection chambers at, etc.”
3.11 Cleaning and Flushing Revise Paragraph 3.11.6 to read: “Remove
foreign material from pipe and related
appurtenances by power flushing with water.”
Delete the remainder of the Paragraph.
3.12 Inspection and In 3.12.1 replace the phrase “under 900mm in
Testing diameter.” with “prior to Acceptance of Works
and services and prior to Final Acceptance of
works and services.”
Add Clause 3.12.4 which reads: “The
Contractor shall carry out power flushing and
video inspection of all storm sewers. The
results of the inspection shall be delivered to
the Contract Administrator at least 14 days
prior Acceptance of Works and services and
prior to Final Acceptance of works and
services. Inspection records shall illustrate
flow through the pipe for all design grades less
than 2%.
Add Clause 3.12.5 which reads: “The
inspection record shall be in a form acceptable
to the City.”
Add Clause 3.12.6 which reads: “Inspection
video shall be submitted to the City in
electronic format.”
33 30 01 - Sanitary 3.11 Cleaning and Flushing Revise 3.11.6 to read: “Remove foreign
Sewers material from pipe and related appurtenances
by power flushing with water.”
Delete the remainder of the paragraph.
3.12 Leakage Testing The preferred method of leakage testing is the
General low pressure air test. All other tests will be
carried out at the discretion of the Contract
3.18 Video Inspection Revise Paragraph 3.18.1 replace the phrase
“under 900mm in diameter following
completion of installation with “prior to
Acceptance of Works and services and prior to
Final Acceptance of works and services.”
Add Clause 3.18.3 which reads: “Inspection
records shall illustrate flow through the pipe
for all design grades less than 2%.”
Add Clause 3.18.4 which reads: “The
inspection report shall be in a form acceptable
to the City.”
Add Clause 3.18.5 which reads: “Inspections
shall be submitted to the City in electronic
Add Clause 3.18.6 which reads: “Prior to the
end of the maintenance period, or when
directed by the Contract Administrator, the
Contractor is to carry out power flushing and
video inspection of all mains. The results of
the inspection are to be delivered to the
Contract Administrator at least 14 days prior
to the end of the maintenance period.”
33 34 01 - Sewage 3.14 Cleaning and Flushing Revise Paragraph 3.14.4 to read: “Remove
Force Mains foreign material from pipe and related
appurtenances by mandrelling or swabbing.”
12.1.1. Introduction
The City of Langford’s Contract Drawing and Drafting Standards are to be applied to all drawing
submissions made to the City. These standards are necessary to ensure that the City receives
consistent drawings compatible with the City’s corporate GIS system.
The City of Langford’s Contract Drawing and Drafting Standards are based on current versions of
the industry standard software by Autodesk and ESRI. AutoCad Map 3D and ESRI ArcGIS are the
preferred drafting, design and GIS programs to be utilized by all contractors to the City. The
only file formats that the City of Langford will accept are AutoCad .dwg files or ESRI .shp file sets.
12.1.2. General All submitted digital drawings must reference the UTM Nad83 coordinate
system. All X-Ref drawings must be included with submissions, preferably
incorporated into the drawing itself.
The drawing sheets will include single or multiple view ports depending on the
amount of design detail required to be shown. Each view port will include a
scale that best reflects the amount of detail required to be shown in the view
port. The User Coordinate System (UCS) can be rotated to allow better viewing
of the design works, but a north arrow must always be shown and the amount
of rotation must be recorded in the title block.
All drawings submitted will comply with the City of Langford’s Detailed Mapping
Specifications available from the City’s website or the City’s GIS staff. All street names and street types shown on submitted drawings must be
spelled and represented correctly. This information is available from the
current street map on the City’s website. All works must be tied to current City of Langford parcel data. All new parcels must be tied to a minimum of two control monuments. Drawing must note scaling factor, north arrow and rotation angle if UCS is
applied. Drawing Submission packages must be complete and clearly labelled and
include the City’s file reference. Final packages will include 1 sealed colour hard
copy drawing at an appropriate scale for quality review as well as a colour .pdf
representation of the hard copy drawing. To accompany the hard copy
drawings and .pdf file is the digital file used to compile the hard copy drawings
in either .dwg or .shp.
12.2.1. Introduction
The City of Langford’s cadastral fabric is updated on a regular basis with new plans and
additional control points to ensure the most accurate parcel information is available.
Prior to preparing drawing submissions for the City, contractors must obtain the current
relative data sets from the City’s website or from the City’s GIS staff. The files listed
below will be available on the City’s website and must be referenced in all new drawings
submitted. Langford.ctb Images and other support files may be requested from the GIS department as
Note: The City of Langford cadastral will be provided to the contractor as reference in
the area of works. Although the cadastral information will be available, any
property lines, iron pins, or control monuments adjacent to the works, within
the limit of construction must be surveyed.
12.2.3. All contractors will be required to download the most current / appropriate Title Block
from the City’s Website. The drawing contractor is to fill out and update the attributes
upon each submission of drawings.
The purpose of these standards is to establish a set of trail types and design guidelines for new trail
construction and trail upgrading within the City of Langford. (Bylaw 1817)
13.1.1 Any unique trail situations other than those presented below are to be approved by the Parks
Manager. (Bylaw 1817)
13.1.2 Construction of stairs and railings shall meet the BC Building Code requirements.
13.1.3 Trail signage is required for all trails. Requirements for trail signage will be determined by the Parks
Manager and may include, but are not limited to: The standard for signage that identifies those parks and trails developed and maintained
by the City of Langford; Trail Signage Standards – Approved Symbols for Facilities (from Park Facility Standards, BC
Parks 1993); Trail Signage Standards – Approved Symbols for Pedestrian and Bicycle Traffic (from
Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Canada, Roads and Transportation Association of
Canada) N.B. Pedestrian and Bicycle traffic signs should be reduced by one-half or one-
third the size normally required for vehicular traffic. See the UTCDC manual for vehicular
Table 13-1: Design Criteria and Standards for Trail Width and Surfacing
Trail Type Design Criteria Tread Width Surface
Hiking Trail Pedestrian/hiking only; single file Min: 0.45m Gravel
Max: 0.6m
Nature Trail Natural Areas/Corridors of minor Min. 0.3m Compacted native
creeks; low level use; multiple Max. 1.0m; soil and aggregate
simultaneous users (eg. walking, complete with 0.5m or mulch where
jogging, hiking, mountain biking - min. on each side of needed.
pedestrians and cyclists); trail trail (unobstructed Base to be native
infrastructure (occasional benches, clear width) and material.
viewpoints, bollards, stairs, 2.4m clear height
occasional waste/recycling Preferred widths to
receptacles, signs -directional, be provided where
instructional, interpretive) there are no
13.2 Irrigation
Irrigation shall be undertaken in accordance with specifications and locations set forth in
Schedule 10.
All trees planted within Parks and Trails complete with municipal irrigation shall be
installed in accordance with the specifications set forth in Schedule 10, Schedule 14 and
Schedule 11, details L1(a), L1(b), L2(a), L2(b), L2(c), L2(d) L2(e), L3(a), and L3(b) as
14.1.1. Landscape plans, Irrigation plans and detailed landscape cost estimates must be
submitted to Parks and approved prior to commencing landscape work on any park,
boulevard or public land within the development boundary. (Bylaw 1817)
14.1.2. Landscape plans must be drawn and approved by the landscape professional of record
as follows:
14.1.3. Landscape plans should be drawn by or coordinated by a Civil Engineer who has been
engaged to provide Landscape details and supervise the works on install for: Boulevard areas on existing roadways for subdivisions which create less than 3
new lots.
14.1.5. The developer must submit a detailed landscape cost estimate for the supply and
installation of frontage (off-site) landscape works prepared by a Landscape Architect
or other qualified professional approved by the Director of Parks, Recreation, and
Facilities. Cost estimates should include supply and installation, and are not limited
to: Granular trails, and any other hard surfaces (Bylaw 1817) Fencing (eg. Chain link fence, split rail fence, etc.) (Bylaw 1817) Site furniture (eg. Trail bollards, lighting bollards, benches, wastereceptacles,
bike racks, etc.) (Bylaw 1817) Record landscape drawings and Record irrigation drawings for both production
and submission (Bylaw 1817)
14.1.6. Ensure all minimum utility offsets, driveway offsets and sightlines are met and therefore
all boulevard tree locations show on the drawing are confirmed viable. If there is
inadequate space within the road right of way, the Director of Engineering and Parks
Manager may require a 2 metre wide statutory right of way on either side of the
dedicated road for the purposes of planting and maintaining trees, irrigation and
ancillary fittings. (Bylaw Nos. 1669, 1817) Minimum tree planting setbacks measured from the centre of the tree trunk,
from above and below grade utilities and property lines are as follows:
14.1.9. Landscape plans, civil drawings and Irrigation plans submitted for approval must include
the following information: (Bylaw 1817) Key Plan, north arrow, date, scale and bar scale; (Bylaw 1817) All existing and proposed above and below grade utility services, alignments and
fixtures, such as utility pedestals, fixtures, art installations, monuments, statues,
street lights, walkway lights, signgage, amenities, catch basins, manholes, high,
intermediate and low pressure lines, overhead power lines, sewers, sanitary,
water lines, gas lines, etc.; (Bylaw 1817) The surveyed location and size of all existing trees of 15cm caliper within the
municipal right-of-way; (Bylaw 1817) All proposed landscaping including but not limited, to boulevard trees, shrubs,
shrub beds, sodded or seeded turf grass areas, playgrounds, walkways, artificial
turf, etc (Bylaw 1817) Plant List including plant material botanical and common names, cultivar /
variety, minimum caliper or height, root treatment (eg. Balled and Burlaped,
wire basket specification, tree spade or potted), total quantities of each plant
and remarks including special comments or unique installation criteria; (Bylaw
1817) Irrigation design drawing to reflect either extending existing municipal irrigation
from the adjacent development or a new CRD dedicated City water meter
connection for the development offsite landscaping. (Bylaw 1817) CRD dedicated water meter connection, dedicated live line power, double check
valve assembly, controller, valves, mainlines, lateral lines, Irrigation Schedule,
Valve Schedule, Critical Analysis and Reference Notes Schedule are required as a
miniumum, to be included on the irrigation drawings. Refer to Schedule 10 for
further irrigation design and record drawing submission requirements. The
dedicated water meter connection and live line power for the irrigation system
14.2.1. Plant materials to be nursery grown stock and comply with British Columbia standard
for container grown plants and Landscape Canada Standard guide specification for
nursery stock. All nursery stock must be viable, free from pests and disease/invasive
species and undamaged. (Bylaw 1817)
14.2.2. Plant material is to be true to name, type and form and be representative of their
species and variety. Plant material to be compact and properly proportioned, not weak
or thin, or injured by being planted too closely in nursery rows; plant material shall have
healthy tops to a size proportionate to root requirements typical of the species or
variety. (Bylaw 1817)
14.2.3. Rootballs and growing medium in containers must be free of invasive and noxious
plants. (Bylaw 1817) Boulevard trees are to be provided in the road allowance at a density of one
tree per 12 lineal meters of frontage. If in the assessment of the Director of Parks, Recreation and Facilities, the
density of one tree per 12 lineal meters of frontage cannot be
accomplished without compromising sound arboricultural practices, due
to the size or other characteristics of the frontage, the developer shall pay
cash-in-lieu to the City in the amount of $1750.00 for each required
boulevard tree that cannot be accommodated, to be used by the City to
provide boulevard trees in other locations. Coniferous trees are to be a minimum height of 3.0 m from ground level or as
approved by the Director of Parks, Recreation and Facilities. For coniferous
trees that are tall and columnar, the rootball is to be a minimum of 700 mm
(27.5”), for tall and broad, the rootball is to be a minimum 850 mm (33.5”). Shall be planted in accordance with Schedule 11, details L1(a), L1(b), L2(a),
L2(b), L2(c), L2(d), L2(e), L3(a), L3(b). For recommended boulevard tree species, refer to Approved Product List.
(Bylaw 1817) All trees are to be installed at the correct level relative to the finished grade.
The trunk flare shall be 25 – 50 mm (1-2”) visible after the tree has been
planted. All trees installed in lawn areas must have a 1.2 m (47”) diameter mulched ring
that is maintained by the developer until the Parks department has issued final
construction acceptance. All trees planted must have burlap, rope/string, wire basket and other
restricting elements removed from top 1/3 of rootball. Minimum spacing shall be based on spread at maturity. With the exception of
naturalized areas, shrub size at planting shall be a minimum of 300mm height
for deciduous shrubs and a spread of 450mm for coniferous shrubs or as
approved by the Parks Manager. (Bylaw 1817) An arborist report or tree survey may be required as part of the landscape plan,
at the discretion of the Parks Manager. Existing trees to be retained must be
protected with a tree protection barrier, prior to commencement of any site
works. Tree Protection barrier as per Schedule 11, detail L4 or as per directed by
a Certified Arborist and approved by the Director of Parks, Recreation and
Facilities, is to be installed and maintained for the duration of the development. Any tree that has been identified by the Director of Parks, Recreation and
Facilities to be damaged to the point of replacement, must be replaced in
accordance with Table 14-1 and section 14.2.6.
14.2.7. Irrigation
Irrigation design drawing to reflect either extending existing municipal irrigation from
the adjacent development or a new dedicated City water meter connection for the
development offsite landscaping. (Bylaw 1817) If the irrigation design does not reflect extending existing municipal irrigation,
the Developer must supply a municipal irrigation system complete with a new
dedicated water meter connection and dedicated live line power to all City
boulevard trees in accordance with Schedule 10 and details within Schedule 11
(P1-P15). At the discretion of the Parks Manager, Parks will accept battery
powered controllers, or a sub-meter may be supplied from a private property
water source. A covenant may be required for trees in the SRW. Metered power for the municipal irrigation system must be provided. The
dedicated City water meter must service all water requirements the City may
have within separated boulevards and the road allowance/frontage (i.e.
municipal drip irrigation, shrub beds, etc.). Sod within the road allowance/frontage (from back of sidewalk to property
line) is not to be watered by the dedicated City water meter. The Developer must extend the municipal irrigation system (eg, mainline stub
off, lateral stub off and wiring, etc.) to the development boundary limits for
future development irrigation connections. (Bylaw 1817) Plantings for medians and at driveways, intersections, and pedestrian crossing
locations and any other locations specified by the Director of Engineering where
sight lines are critical must not exceed a height of 1 m (3 ft) above the existing
vehicular driving surface. Density and spacing of plantings are to be approved by
the Director of Parks, Recreation and Facilities.
14.2.9. Turf Grass Seeding/Sodding and Artificial Turf. (Bylaw No. 1669) New turf grass whether seeded or sodded shall be inspected by Parks
department staff for acceptance after three (3) mowings for seed, and two (2)
mowings for sod. Refer to Schedule 11, details L6(a) and L6(b). Any approved application of artificial turf must be in accordance Schedule 11,
details L3(a), L3(b), L3(c), L3(d), and L4(b) for artificial turf installation
specifications. Articial turf product speficiations shall comply with Table 14-2. For Artificial turf plastic wood nailer board refer to Approved
Product List and Schedule 11, details L3(a), L3(b), L3(c), L3(d),
and L4(b). All areas designated for topsoil and blending of restored areas shall conform to
the current BCSLA/BCNLA Landscape Standard and the Canadian System of Soil
Classification. Topsoil / growing medium shall be free of building materials, invasive or noxious
plant and their reproductive parts, non composted wood, wood waste, insect
pests, plant pathogenic orgnisms, ice, chemical pollutants or substances at
levels toxic to plants, and other extraneous materials that detract from the
desirable physical and chemical properties required for landscaping purposes.
(Bylaw 1817) The analysis will include measurement of percent sand, fines, (silt and
clay), and organic matter to total 100%, pH, lime required to achieve
pH6.5, water soluble salts, total carbon to toal nitrogen ration, total
nitrogen and available levels of phosphours, potassium, calsium and
magnesium. (Bylaw 1817) The analysis shall outline the testing laboratory’s recommendations for
amendment, fertilizer and other required modifications to make the
proposed growing medium meet Canadian Landscape Standard
requirements. (Bylaw 1817) The contractor shall ensure that the soil submitted for laboratory
testing, as recommended by the lab, is a representative sample taken
from the soil that will be delivered to the site. (Bylaw 1817) Structural soil composite shall be composed of growing medium and clear crush
granular components in accordance with the following recommended base
ration of materials: (Bylaw 1817) Minimum topsoil depths shall comply with Table 14-3 (Bylaw 1817)
14.2.11. Mulch All planting beds should be top-dressed after planting to a settled depth of
50mm with high organic low wood content mulch. (Bylaw 1817) All common fill shall consist of granular material free of rubble or debris greater
than 2mm and shall not be toxic to plant or animal life.
14.3.1. Construction Acceptance – Landscaping will be issued by the Parks Manager once all the
following conditions have been met: (Bylaw Nos. 1669, 1817) All landscaping has been installed, inspected and approved by the Parks
Manager and there are no outstanding deficiencies. The required irrigation inspections as noted in Schedule 10, Section 10.7, have
been completed through the installation process. The irrigation system has
been confirmed fully operational with complete head to head coverage during
the Construction Acceptance-Landsaping inspection and there are no
outstanding deficiencies. (Bylaw 1817) Record landscape and Record irrigation drawings have been submitted to and
approved by the Director of Parks, Recreation and Facilities in “.dwg” and “.pdf”
format. A“New Installation Backflow Preventer Test Report” confirming the double
check valve assembly has passed CRD inspection has been submitted to Parks.
(Bylaw 1817) All new turf grass seeding is fully germinated/well established and has been
mowed to 200 mm height three times. (Bylaw 1817) All new turf grass sod is fully knit/well established and has been mowed to
200mm height twice. (Bylaw 1817)
14.4.1. Upon the issuance of Construction Acceptance – Landscaping (CA-L), Warranty and
Maintenance Periods of 12 months (1 year) shall commence from the indicated inspection date
as approved by the Parks Department. During the Warranty and Maintenance Periods, the
Developer must: Keep a logbook (Table 14-4 Site Maintenance Inspection Log), recording each
maintenance visit, operations carried out, materials used, damage to
horticultural and non-horticultural elements, and any conditions that require
attention or monitoring; (template from CLSA will be included, see attached) Provide warranty for the materials, workmanship, and services; and
14.4.2 The Parks department will retain 10% of the off-site landscaping bonding until the
successful completion of the warranty period.
14.4.3 The Parks department, after acceptance of the repair, may elect to extend the
Warranty and Maintenance Periods for the repaired item for up to one year.
14.5.1 Prior to Final Acceptance – Landscaping (FA-L) issuance, the offsite landscaping is to be
owned and maintained by the Developer in accordance with Section 14.4.
14.5.2 Prior to Final Acceptance – Landscaping (FA-L), upon the completion of the required
Warranty and Maintenance Periods and when requesting final approval, the Developer
must provide all maintenance logbooks to the Parks department. A final inspection will
be scheduled once the maintenance logbooks are deemed satisfactory by the Parks
14.5.3 Upon satisfactory review of maintenance logbooks, the Parks department will schedule a
final inspection within 30 days. Final inspection is to include a representative from: City
of Langford Parks Department, City of Langford’s pertinent maintenance contractor, the
installer, and Developer. This is to ensure transparency and consistency between
inspectors and developers.
14.5.4 FA-L will be issued upon the successful completion of the Warranty and Maintenance
Periods, including the rectification of any outstanding deficiencies or repairs. Any
remaining bonding for off-site landscaping shall be released by the Parks department.
SCHEDULE 15 Schedule 15 - 1
Bylaw No. 2103
Appendix A
category Needs Comments/locations
Annuals/Seasonal Bedding
• Plant Condition
• Water/moisture
• Pest/disease controi
• cumvation
• Weed and invasive
• Fertilization
Shrubs1 Grm.mcllcover and Perennials
• Genera1 Condition
Pest/disease co:ntro:I
• Pruning/shearing
• Weed and invasive
Exlsting and Nei.v Trees
Genera! condition
• Water/moisture
.. Pest/disease control
• Pruning/repair
.. Stakes/arborties
Bas.e damage/glrdling
• Fertilization
• Weed and invasive
• General appearance
• Mowing he1ght
.. Water/moisture
Pest/disease contml
• Weed control
• Fertilization
Artifidaf Turf
Bylaw No. 2103
• General appearance
• Weed control
• Utter/waste removal
• Repair
?avecil/Graveled/Bare Areas
• Surface condition
• Weed controf
• Curbs/stops/dividers
'Irrigation SVstem
• Heaids/riser:s
• Pressure
• Coverage
• ControHers and settings
• Drip
Dr�i:ns/0.itches/Water Courses
Non-Hortkulturail Efement Maintenance (i.e. Pav]ng, signage, lighting. fences, play equ1pment, art_.
• General appearance
• Equipment deaning fi.e.
pressure washing and
dea:nLng play structures)
• Repa1r
• Graffiti removal
• Lltter/v.iaste removad
• Garbage receptacle em pb;ing
3 t1me:s per week