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Campaign Notes

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Campaign Notes

Adventurers are considered to maintain a

Modest lifestyle (PHB 157) unless otherwise
When you make your character, you can
Optional Rules roll once on the Trinkets table (PHB 160).
Feats and Multiclassing are not available in
this campaign. Adventuring Options
Permitted Sources for races, classes, and
spells are the Player’s Handbook only. Falling Damage
Disallowed Spells: Leomund’s tiny hut and Falling damage uses a d12 and ignores
revivify (replace with mass healing word for resistance to bludgeoning damage.
the Life Domain cleric’s 5th-level domain Negative Hit Points
spell). Whenever damage would bring a character
with levels below 0 hit points, but doesn’t
Character Generation kill the character outright, track the leftover
damage as negative hit points. A character
Ability Scores cannot become conscious unless he or she
Generate ability scores using best of 3 on receives healing equal to his or her negative
4d6. hit point value. Any magical healing still
Experience Points stabilizes the character as normal (D&D 3rd
Characters receive 1 XP per gold piece Edition).
worth of treasure recovered, not split Slow Natural Healing
between the party. Characters don’t regain hit points at the end
Characters that die, or replacement of a long rest. Instead, a character can spend
characters start with 10% less experience Hit Dice to heal at the end of a long rest, just
points, to a maximum of the last level they as with a short rest (DMG 267).
have attained.
New players start either at the bottom or Spellcasting
middle of the tier of play the campaign is in,
determined by DM. Fewer Concentration Spells
Hit Points Any spells with a casting time of 1 action
Hit points must be rolled at each level (math that makes an attack roll when cast, or any
says bigger hit dice have better odds!) spell that requires a costly material
This is Your Life component, does not require concentration.
If you use the tables on page 61 of e.g. witch bolt & stoneskin
Xanathar’s Guide to Everything to create a Limited Summoning
backstory for your character, and abide the Whenever you cast a spell that creates or
roll of the dice, you gain inspiration daily at conjures a creature(s), you can only choose
dawn for 1d4+6 days when play starts. the option to create or conjure one creature.
Wealth & Equipment You can still create or conjure additional
Roll your starting wealth by class (PHB 143) creatures by casting the spell at a higher
instead of choosing starting equipment. level, as normal.

Errata Fighting Styles
Great Weapon Fighting (p. 72). “you can
Actions reroll the die” has been changed to “you can
Opportunity Attack (p. 195). Add the take the die’s maximum result.”
following sentence: “You can replace this Protection (p. 72). Add the following
melee weapon attack with an attempt to sentence: “If that attack misses, you do not
grapple or shove the target.” expend the use of your reaction.”

Class Features Races

Elemental Disciplines (p. 80). Add the Human (p. 29). Add the following trait:
following sentence: “If you spend at least 1 “Growth Potential. Whenever you gain the
ki point as part of your action on your turn, Ability Score Improvement feature, you can
you can make one attack with an unarmed increase an additional score by 1. The score
strike or monk weapon as a bonus action” you choose must be different from the
(TCE 78). one(s) increased by that feature.
Frenzy (p. 49). Add the following Spells
sentence “When you complete a short or Counterspell (p. 228). An ability check
long rest, remove all levels of exhaustion with your spellcasting ability modifier is
gained from this feature.” always required to counter a spell,
Improved Critical (p. 72). Add the regardless of the spell’s level.
following sentence “When you score a Forcecage & Wall of Force (p. 243 &
critical hit with a weapon attack, you gain a 285). These spells provide a saving throw to
bonus to the damage roll equal to your avoid the enclosing effect as per wall of
fighter level.” (Unearthed Arcana: Three stone.
Subclasses) Polymorph (p. 226). You must choose a
Pact of the Blade (p. 107). Add the beast found in the find familiar spell
following sentence: “When you attack with description as the form the target of this
your pact weapon, you can use your spell takes.
Charisma modifier for the attack and
damage rolls, instead of Strength or Beyond 1st Level; Character
Dexterity.” (XGE 55). Advancement
Ranger’s Companion (p. 93). Add the (p. 15). Character Advancement
following text: “When you gain the Ability Level Experience Points
Score Improvement feature, your 1st 0
companion also gains that feature. If you 2nd 1,000
bond with a new companion, it gains that 3rd 2,200
4th 4,500
feature for every time you gained it.
5th 8,500
Additionally, if your companion died within 6th 16,000
the last minute, you can touch it and expend 7th 26,000
a spell slot of 1st-level or higher to restore it 8th 38,000
to life with 1 hit point. (UA Revised Ranger & 9th 51,000
TCE 61). 10th 64,000

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