A Short Review The Man With The Twisted Lip
A Short Review The Man With The Twisted Lip
A Short Review The Man With The Twisted Lip
"The Man With the Twisted Lip" is a short story that deals with the abduction,
and presumed murder, of the rich investor, Neville St Clair. The abduction had
been observed by Neville St Clair’s wife, and although the police had arrested a
suspect, the beggar, Hugh Boone, Sherlock Holmes had been retained to
uncover all of the events.
This short story is one with many twists and turns and sees Holmes and Dr
Watson travelling from an opium den in London down to Kent and back to
London again.
Arguably, the tale of "The Man With the Twisted Lip" tells the reader more about
the character of Dr Watson than it does of Sherlock Holmes. The detecting
prowess of Holmes has already been well established by Sir Arthur Conan
Doyle beforehand, as had the lengths the detective would go to in support of his
client. In the story of "The Man With the Twisted Lip" we find, though, the
lengths that Watson would go to for his friends, and not just for Holmes; Watson
willingly goes into the dangerous opium den at the start of the story to find Isa
The CBS television series Elementary has used "The Man With the Twisted
Lip" as a title for one of its episodes. However, the plot of the episode bears no
similarity with the original story.
Dr Watson soon locates Isa Whitney in the "Bar of Gold" and quickly has Isa
packed off in a cab back to his wife. It soon becomes apparent that Isa Whitney
is not the only person Watson knows in the opium den, as Sherlock Holmes
reveals himself to the doctor. Holmes, though, is not there to partake of opium
but is rather trying to uncover what has happened to Neville St Clair.
Holmes and Watson travel together down to the St Clair residence in Lee, Kent;
and on the journey, Holmes explains to Watson the case that had been brought
to the detective by Mrs St Clair.
Neville St Clair is an apparently wealthy man who had made his home in Lee
but still travelled daily back to London to deal with his business interests. On
one particular day, Neville St Clair had departed early for London, and shortly
afterwards, Mrs St Clair had received a telegram that also saw her travelling
into the capital.
In London, Mrs St Clair had found herself walking down Swandom Lane, the
same road where the Bar of Gold is to be found, and at that point, had seen her
husband’s face at the open window above her. No sooner had she seen her
husband, though, than the face had disappeared, almost as if it had been
forcibly wrenched back to prevent Neville St Clair from looking out.
Mrs St Clair had tried to enter the building where she had seen her husband,
but the building's owner had blocked her path; entry only occurred when a
couple of patrolling policemen aided her.
There is no sign of Neville St Clair, though, and the only person found upstairs
is a beggar, Hugh Boone. The policemen, of course, think that Mrs St Clair has
been mistaken, but the discovery of children’s bricks, a present that Neville St
Clair was going to buy for his children, soon has a more thorough search being
The second search uncovers some of Neville St Clair’s clothes, and some blood
is also found on a window sill overlooking the river. Hugh Boone is arrested on
suspicion of murder, although the beggar claims the blood on the window sill
comes from a cut on his finger. Subsequently, though, Neville St Clair’s coat
washes up from the river, and in its pockets is a large amount of small change;
just the sort of change a beggar might have collected.
On the face of it, it seems apparent that Hugh Boone has done away with
Neville St Clair for some unknown reason, and so Holmes is on his way to tell
Mrs St Clair that her husband had been killed on the day that he had
A spanner is thrown into the works, though, when Mrs St Clair reveals that she
had just received a letter from her husband, with a signet ring enclosed. Now it
seems that Neville St Clair is very much alive.
Faced with this new evidence, Holmes and Watson both return to Baker Street,
and taking up a pipe of shag, Holmes sits down to ponder the problem. This
thinking time does the trick, and halfway through the night, Holmes wakes
Watson, and the pair make their way to Bow Street, where Hugh Boone is
Inspector Bradstreet takes Holmes and Watson down to the cells, but rather
than question Boone, Holmes takes up a wet sponge and washes the face of
the beggar, soon though Hugh Boone is revealed to be Neville St Clair.
The dramatic uncovering soon sees Neville St Clair explaining the whole
situation. Several years earlier, Neville St Clair had been a journalist, and one of
his stories saw him posing as a beggar to find out just how much could be
earned. The results had been surprising, and indeed, Neville St Clair had taken
a leave of absence from the newspaper to beg in order that a debt could be
Of course, Neville St Clair soon got around to thinking how much better off he
would be as a beggar rather than a journalist. Indeed, despite fines and hired
rooms in Swandom Lane, he was making far more than he ever could as a
On the day when Mrs St Clair had spotted him, Neville St Clair had just finished
begging for the day; but in order to avoid detection, he had quickly transformed
himself back into the well-known beggar Hugh Boone.
No crime has been committed, but Hugh Boone had been a problem for the
police for many years, so in order to avoid scandal, Neville St Clair promises
that his days of begging are now behind him.
Breve reseña
"El hombre del labio torcido" es un relato corto que trata del secuestro, y
presunto asesinato, del rico inversor Neville St Clair. El secuestro había sido
observado por la esposa de Neville St Clair, y aunque la policía había arrestado
a un sospechoso, el mendigo Hugh Boone, Sherlock Holmes había sido
contratado para descubrir todos los acontecimientos.
Podría decirse que la historia de "El hombre del labio torcido" cuenta al lector
más sobre el personaje del Dr. Watson que sobre Sherlock Holmes. Sir Arthur
Conan Doyle ya había establecido de antemano la destreza detectivesca de
Holmes, así como los extremos a los que llegaría el detective en apoyo de su
cliente. Sin embargo, en la historia de "El hombre del labio torcido"
descubrimos hasta dónde llegaría Watson por sus amigos, y no sólo por
Holmes; Watson se adentra voluntariamente en el peligroso fumadero de opio
al principio de la historia para encontrar a Isa Whitney.
Sin embargo, todo se complica cuando la Sra. St Clair revela que acaba de
recibir una carta de su marido con un anillo de sello. Ahora parece que Neville
St Clair está muy vivo.
Ante esta nueva prueba, Holmes y Watson regresan a Baker Street y, tomando
una pipa de tabaco, Holmes se sienta a reflexionar sobre el problema. A media
noche, Holmes despierta a Watson y ambos se dirigen a Bow Street, donde
está encarcelado Hugh Boone.
El inspector Bradstreet lleva a Holmes y a Watson a las celdas, pero en lugar
de interrogar a Boone, Holmes coge una esponja húmeda y lava la cara del
mendigo, aunque pronto se revela que Hugh Boone es Neville St Clair.
Por supuesto, Neville St Clair no tardó en pensar en lo mucho mejor que le iría
como mendigo y no como periodista. De hecho, a pesar de las multas y las
habitaciones alquiladas en Swandom Lane, ganaba mucho más de lo que
nunca podría ganar como periodista.