Based on the universe created by Daniel Servitje. Many thanks to Anne Heemskerk, Megan Pisarik
Lead Designers: Sarah Madsen, Brian Suskind and all members from our Dragonbond community!
Writing: Sadie Lowry, Anne Gregersen, Jeffrey Lee, Ben Special thanks to the Loot Tavern team!
Disclaimer: This is a book of fiction. The publisher respects
Additional worldbuilding: JC Alvarez, Tom Babbey, all cultures, beliefs and religions. No dragons were harmed.
Rubén Bañuelos, Daniel Ehrli, Alastor Guzmán, George
Mann, Mark A. Latham PDF Version 1
Game Design: Sarah Madsen, Brian Suskind, JC Alvarez © 2024 Draco Gaming Inc. DRAGONBOND and
their respective logos Great Wyrms of Drakha, Battles of
Publisher: Draco Studios Valerna, Lords of Vaala, Endless Sagas and Tyrant of the
Creative Director: Daniel Ehrli Cursed Coast are trademarks of Draco Gaming Inc in the
Art Director: Tom Babbey USA and other countries.
All characters and their distinctive likenesses are property
Logo and Brand Design: Tom Babbey, Heidi Badillo, of Draco Gaming Inc. This material is protected under
Renato Escalante the copyright laws of the United States of America. All
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Layout Design: Heidi Badillo of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited
without the express written permission of Draco Studios
Cover Art: Rodrigo Gil & Irene Aretia and Draco Gaming Inc.
Interior Illustrations: Irene Aretia, Tom Babbey, Rodrigo
Gil, Florian Stitz, Chris Seaman, Steve Prescott, Todd © 2024 Draco Gaming Inc.
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O n the craggy shores of the Dreamsea, within the
shadowed streets beneath the red spires of Kara Tibor,
Crimson Hawk agents move silently, transporting their
quarry with quiet efficiency. If anyone sees them, their WARNING:
disguises present nothing more than weary porters stoically
managing their latest delivery. A chest of dragon eggs, bound
Spoilers Ahead!
for Draavia, fetches a high price in this den of villainy, and This book is intended for the GM
many have paid with their lives. only! This section contains major
In Corim, a king holds court with his son, unaware of spoilers for the plot of the Tyrant
the spies that slink through his illustrious halls. Not all are of the Cursed Coast campaign!
who they seem, and loyalty in this land is hard to come by Players, turn back now!
as a jealous neighbor plots an invasion.
In the skies above, a flying nwoda shard-ship charts
a course to the City of Crimson Spires. On the deck, a
young woman looks out over the night-dark landscape, a
determined set to her jaw. Within his quarters, an ellari
wizard studies his scrolls and tomes, searching for the clues
he’s missing. Essential Plot Elements
Somewhere beyond, a group of adventurers await their call.
Welcome to the Cursed Coast. This adventure and the rest of the Tyrant of the Cursed
Coast campaign assumes the survival of Aeryn, Maandros,
and Prince Isandor. Maandros himself cannot die, as
Running the Adventure he is kept alive by his lingering Dragonbond and his
connection to the shattered Tear of Kadmos. Do your best
Tyrant of the Cursed Coast is a campaign spanning levels 1 to otherwise keep these main NPCs alive over the course of
through 20. This book includes the first portion of these the adventure.
adventures, which covers 1st through 5th level. It is important to remember that Maandros knows
Tyrant of the Cursed Coast: Year One begins with characters nothing of who he once was, and most of the history
of 1st level. Each chapter presents a portion of the adventure, involving Mordavian and his dragon has been relegated to
optimized for 4 to 6 characters of the associated level. The dusty history and muddled by time and retelling.
characters gain a level at the conclusion of each chapter. They
should reach 5th level by the conclusion of this book.
This adventure can be run with characters built from
any source, but we recommend using the player options
Forgotten History
found in other Dragonbond books, such as Itza’s Guide Before the Dreambleed and the time of the Dragonbonded
to Dragonbonding, for the most immersive and balanced Covenant, an ellari by the name of Mordavian was one
experience. of the most powerful of the Dragonbonded in Valerna.
This book is intended for you, the Game Master, His dragon, Izxerxes, was a creature of immense power
and contains spoilers for the Tyrant of the Cursed Coast and strength, and he harbored a deep desire to become an
campaign. It is recommended that you read the entire
azhurma in his own right. Together, they fought against
adventure before you run it. It assumes you have access to
the core rules, such as the fifth edition System Reference the Protogons, against Kadmos, and both for and against
Document 5.1 rules set. the Altanesi Empire. They conquered a great kingdom
All creature stat blocks for monsters and NPCs used in west of the Primalians, and Mordavian became the most
this adventure can be found in appendix A at the end of powerful of the Valernian Dragon Conquerors.
this book. When a creature’s name appears in bold type, When Mordavian joined the Dragonbonded Covenant,
that’s a visual cue pointing you to the creature’s stat block he refused to give up his titles. Influenced by the ambitious
with the same name in appendix A. Izxerxes, he argued that the world was in such turmoil
Any new magic items found in this adventure are listed that the Dragonbonded Covenant had a duty to use their
in appendix B, and you will be directed there by the text powers to bring peace and stability. That they should
each time a new magic item is introduced. not be simple champions of petty mortal realms but
Any additional rules new to this adventure or setting, enforcers, peacekeepers, kings! His arguments divided
such as new spells or rules for Dragonbonding, can be the Covenant, but most Dragonbonded determined
found in appendix C. 3
In “Den of Thieves,” the second part of this adventure, The characters escort the duke and his guards to
the party must discover the location of the map and Dalenda, encountering Draavian scouts, refugees, and
find a way inside one of the Crimson Hawks’ hives, monsters along the way. Once they reach Dalenda, they
compartmentalized tunnel networks beneath the city itself. find the great city stretched thin—monsters have been
Whether they decide to barter or deal with the Crimson attacking from Vision Valley, a place where the faari reign.
Hawks, or attempt to use stealth, subterfuge, or pure brute If the characters can secure Dalenda’s safety, the elven city
force, the characters make their way into the hive. can offer its aid against the Draavians. But more than monsters
The characters contend with poison gas, traps, locks, and lie in Vision Valley, and the Draavian invasion looms…
unexpected foes before they finally reach their destination:
a smuggler’s cache in the depths of the tunnels. Only once
they retrieve the map and escape the hive can they return to
Maandros and Aeryn and set off to the adventures that await
Chapter 4: Under Siege
in the Cursed Coast—and beyond! (4th Level)
Chapter 2: Shrine of the In this conclusion to Tyrant of the Cursed Coast: Year One,
the characters return to Corim (with or without any
much more difficult than expected, and the new realm of however, was that the temple-city was built over the ruins of
Draavia is instead more of a vassal state, paying Tyveria a much older city, possibly built by the Altanesi and toppled
handsomely for the privilege of being left to their own during the Dreambleed, and the xibac have now largely
devices. Draavia is heavily industrialised, with huge mining moved underground into a fortified, subterranean realm of
operations scarring the landscape and tall chimneys belching unknown size. It is whispered that the first necromancers
smoke day and night, blackening the sky. once dwelt in that dark necropolis, and that the xibac are
House Draavia clings to the old ways, making them now privy to ancient lore that bolsters their powers.
especially hated by Ysvalians, who remember only too well The Náhuinn are besieged from all sides: Their territory
the horrors of the Blood Geas. Until very recently, the to the west, nearest the coast, is much coveted as a route
Draavians forced the orcs of the Cursed Coast to work their between Allaria and the Aunai States, and the ocelinn fight
mines, but now the orcs have rebelled, organizing together as tooth and nail to keep their neighbours at bay. To the south
the Orcannad and carving out their own territories, proving lies the Vision Valley, and thus the southern border is lined
to be a constant thorn in the side of Draavian ambitions. with thrumming obelisks of Source slabs, designed to repel
the mysterious feydh from Náhuinn lands.
The Crimson Hawks The biggest new addition to the game is the concept
of dragonbonding, a process by which a mortal and a
dragon form an intimate, indelible link between their
An organization of thieves and assassins, the Crimson souls and life forces. This grants both the dragon and
Hawks are more than just a gang of cutthroats. Hired by the mortal immeasurable power, but it also comes
rich collectors, career smugglers, and aspiring kingmakers, with its own risks—if either the mortal or the dragon
the Crimson Hawks have a reputation for efficiency and, dies, so does the other.
more importantly, leaving no trail behind them. They You can read more about the process of
don’t come easy, and they don’t come cheap. Any who go dragonbonding in appendix C.
looking for them better be worth their time, or they may
end up on the Hawks’ very long list of victims.
The City of Crimson Spires is a primary stronghold for
the Crimson Hawks, and they have multiple safehouses,
hideouts, and tunnel networks known as hives scattered Running this Adventure
throughout the city. Though they are able to operate Escape from the City of Crimson Spires introduces players
mostly out in the open, old habits die hard, and privacy to Rhaava, the world of Dragonbond: Endless Sagas, a
and secrecy is the bread and butter of any organized crime. setting rich with history, conflict, adventure, and dragons!
You should feel free to modify or adjust any part of the
adventure to better fit your table.
The characters reach 2nd level at the conclusion of this
Adventure Hooks
This adventure presents several hooks described below
to get the characters involved in the story. All hooks lead
Crimson Hawks to receiving an offer of employment from Maandros in
Symbol “Message from a Wizard,” which begins the adventure.
Newly Arrived
The characters are new to the City of Crimson Spires and
Mark of Membership have been looking for work appropriate to adventuring folk
Every Crimson Hawk receives a tattoo when they earn such as themselves. A friendly barkeep named Fasga has
full membership. The size and location of the tattoo is up promised to keep an eye open in exchange for a bit of help
to the Hawk, but it is always a stylized feathered blade— with overly rowdy customers. This morning he reported that
the signature weapon of the Hawks. Additionally, each a small wooden box arrived for the characters.
member carries at least one feathered blade as a weapon
and typically has a Crimson Hawk medallion or coin
made of tyvalite, copper, or another red-colored metal A New Leaf
on their person. They can give the coin to someone who
has contracted them, whom they owe, or who otherwise The characters have formed a crew and have been working
has their favor to show they have earned the attention of for the Crimson Hawks, in one capacity or another, for
a Hawk. Presenting such a token to a Hawk will earn the a while now, but the life of a criminal hasn’t worked out.
bearer and their companions some leeway when making For some it is for moral reasons; others angered the wrong
requests or seeking passage through a Hawk-held area, person. But for whatever reason, the characters all need a
though it does not grant blanket permission and access to new line of work. Luckily, a missive in the form of a small
Hawks and their holdings. wooden box has just arrived.
Alternatively, a Hawk who wishes ill will on someone
may gift them said coin or medallion—but with a heavy
scar through the insignia. The next time the bearer shows
the marred token to another Hawk, they are quickly—and
permanently—dealt with.
The Hawks have a total of 12 gp and a potion of healing.
Aeryn is wounded and exhausted but isn’t in any
immediate danger. She knows she is in no shape to chase
after the dragon and its abductors.
If the characters stayed to aid Aeryn, she storms
over to them once the Hawks are dealt with and says,
Aeryn “Appreciate the help, but those bastards are getting away
with the hatchling!”
The three Hawks who escaped with the hatchling fled On the map for the tower, there are five vertical
into the tower on the southeast corner of the square. Aeryn sections displayed; each is 30 feet high, the distance it takes
pleads with the party to go after the hatchling and recover for the stairs to wrap around the wall of the tower.
it. If needed, she quickly promises a bonus payment of On the ground floor, bundles of goods are stacked
50 gp from her mentor Maandros. She pushes hard, as in the center of the chamber, below a cargo lift that’s
she wants them to set off after the hatchling immediately, currently elevated to near the top of the tower. Two ropes
before the trail goes cold. If they ask, she tells them that extend up from a pulley system tethered to the ground and
they can bring the hatchling to the Rapscallion, a shard- loop through pulleys in the ceiling, one connected to the
ship moored at the city’s skydock. lift and another attached to a heavy weight.
This encounter assumes that the adventurers followed
the Hawks without stopping to help Aeryn. When they
Ascending Danger enter, they can see the Hawks about 60 feet up the
staircase, moving at half speed because they are carrying
The three Crimson Hawk ruffians with the hatchling flee the hatchling. The Hawks are intent on fleeing, but
into the tower on the southeast corner of the plaza. if attacked they use their hand crossbows to shoot at
the characters while continuing to move upward. Five
The tower appears to be made of native marble Crimson Hawk ruffians from Rottrad Square enter the
blocks, smoothed and set with precision. It is 60 feet tower at the end of the first round.
across at its base and rises 160 feet above the square, However, if the characters enter the tower after helping
with narrow arrow-slits spaced evenly across the Aeryn, the three Hawks carrying the hatchling have already
exterior. A single archway provides ingress. reached the top and have alerted three additional ruffians.
All six Crimson Hawk ruffians begin the encounter at the
top of the stairs when the characters enter.
The characters who enter the building in pursuit of Clever characters may decide to use the counterweighted
the Hawks find it to be a hollow cylinder with a staircase cargo lift to rapidly ascend. Doing so requires the character
circling up the inside of the tower. The stairs are 5 feet to use an action to hold the rope going up to the lift in one
wide, with a 30-foot open space between opposing sides. hand while cutting the rope attached to the weight with
the other. When this occurs, the character is hauled straight
Hive Entrance
Along with being a favorite haunt of the Crimson Hawks,
the Dart & Dagger also contains a secret entrance to their
tunnels beneath the city. One of the private rooms, a
lounge scattered with heavy rugs and plush cushions, hides
a trap door in the far corner of the floor. The trap door
opens to area H8 (see the map in “The Smugglers’ Hive”
section, later in this adventure).
The Smugglers’ Hive
The hive described here is only a tiny sampling of the vast
A soft red metal from Tyveria, tyvalite is a key maze of tunnels and rooms that honeycombs the bedrock
component in some magical rituals, its high beneath the City of Crimson Spires. These hives are
malleability making it easy to shape and scribe. It is controlled by the smugglers’ unit of the Crimson Hawks
also folded into steel and used in weapon crafting, within the city and are used primarily for their business.
giving a beautiful striated appearance to blades and
other metal weapons and making it easier to layer
enchantments into them. The Crimson Hawks’
tokens are often made from tyvalite. Raw tyvalite is
The Poison Fog
typically worth twice the value of gold by weight. Portions of this hive (areas H2, H4, and H6) are filled with
a low-lying toxic fog. For every 10 minutes a character
spends in the fog, they must make a DC 10 Constitution
saving throw. A character who covers their mouth and
nose with cloth or other filtering mask has advantage on
The Truth about the the saving throw. On a failure, a character progresses to
poison level 1 on the chart below. Each subsequent failure
Poisoned Hive increases their poison level by 1. They suffer the effects of
their current poison level and all lower levels.
The source of the poisoned fog within the hive is nothing Lesser restoration or a similar spell removes all poison
so overtly malicious as a curse. When the Crimson Hawks levels caused by the poison fog. An affected character
stored the crates of tyvalite within the hive, a clutch of reduces their poison level by 1 after completing a long
passive juvenile termeszek, a type of giant, organized rest, ending the effects from their previous poison level.
mine termite, sensed the metal and burrowed into the old For example, a character suffering from poison level 3—
cistern (area H6 below). They then crawled through the dizziness, cough, and a rash—drops to poison level 2 after
hive in search of the metal, broke the doors to the storage a long rest, no longer experiencing a rash but still suffering
rooms, ripped open the crates holding the tyvalite, and from dizziness and a cough.
gorged themselves on the metal before creeping back to
the cistern. They’ve remained there, in a partial state of Poison Fog Effects
hibernation, ever since.
If the characters agree to help Sangra with the smugglers’ You gain a persistent cough and have
disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks.
hive, she leads them out of the Dart & Dagger, when
they’re ready, and through a maze of streets. A character A heavy rash breaks out over your face, arms,
legs, and chest.
who succeeds on a DC 14 Wisdom (Survival) check is able
to keep their bearings; otherwise they quickly lose track of You become extremely disoriented and have
4 disadvantage on all attack rolls, saving throws,
which way they came from. After roughly twenty minutes and ability checks.
of walking, they all arrive at the doors of a warehouse,
where Sangra unlocks a padlock on the doors and ushers
them inside. The fog is seeping into the hive through a hole in area
The warehouse is dusty and nearly vacant, with a few H6, bored by juvenile termeszek. See the description in
empty or broken crates in the far corners. She leads them that section for more details about the hole and the fog.
across the 40-foot by 60-foot space to a lift at the back. A successful DC 14 Intelligence (Nature) check
“This will take you down into the dark,” she says. “I allows a character to realize the fog here is likely a natural
shall wait here for your return. The longer you are down occurrence, not unlike radon or ethane, and that it is
there, the more the fog will affect you. Do not waste your probably leaking into the hive from a breach somewhere. A
time—or mine.” result of 16 or higher on this check allows them to identify
When the characters enter the lift, they are lowered 20 it as a gas known as stone blight, as it is often found in
feet into area H1 (below). mines and other subterranean areas.
h4 h4
h13 h12
Up to H7
h11 h12
Up to H7
h11 h12
h11 h12
h9 To H10
being affected by the fog. See “The Poison Fog” earlier in the space over the course of 10 minutes. If the characters
this section for more details. close the door, the fog is cut off, and any that made its way
The hallway stretches unimpeded throughout this into the interior dissipates after 10 + 1d4 minutes.
particular hive. The storage room mostly contains empty shelves and a
Secret Door. The door to H3 is hidden. Characters few crates.
with a passive Wisdom (Perception) of 15 or higher, or Treasure. The crates hold 5 short swords, 5 longswords,
who succeed on a DC 13 Intelligence (Investigation) 5 crossbows, and 100 crossbow bolts.
check, notice the seam of the door in the rock wall. If the
characters previously discovered the secret door to H9, the
DC of the check to discover this door is reduced by 2. A
successful DC 12 Dexterity check is required to activate
H6. Cistern
the mechanism that opens the door. This room is an old cistern that has been repurposed as
Hatch. A hatch at the end of the southern wing of the part of the Hawks’ hive.
tunnel leads up to the northeast corner of H7. As the characters enter this room, read the following:
H3. Saferoom The walls of this room are curved, forming a cylinder
roughly forty feet wide and forty feet tall. The room
is dark, with no magical lighting to brighten the
The hallway to this room is hidden behind a secret door in
H2 (see “Secret Door,” above). space. The fog is thick here, and on the south side
The fog has not yet penetrated the hallway to this area. of the room, a rough-hewn, circular opening about
If the characters leave the doorway open, the fog fills the five feet tall has been drilled into the wall, continuing
space over the course of 10 minutes. If the characters close on into the darkness of stone and earth beyond.
the door, the fog is cut off, and any that made its way into Greenish fog pours from the opening and spills in
the interior dissipates after 10 + 1d4 minutes. soft swirls around a pile of rock and rubble scattered
Inside the room is a cot, a chamber pot, and a footlocker. in front of the burrow.
Treasure. The footlocker contains five sets of common
clothes, 10 days’ worth of rations, and a potion of healing. On top of the rubble sleep three juvenile termeszek.
The termite-like termeszek raise their heads and look
curiously at the characters when they enter, their antennae
H4. Smuggler Storage twitching, but they are aggressive only if attacked or if a
character comes within 5 feet of them.
These two rooms are nearly identical, and both doors Development. The characters can spend an hour
leading from the hallway have been broken open from moving the rubble to fill the mouth of the burrow, which
the outside. Each room is filled with the poison fog. The stops the flow of fog long enough for the Hawks to make
rooms contain shards of broken crates that once held more permanent repairs. The use of move earth, shovels, or
tyvalite being smuggled into the city from a Tyverian mine. other tools reduces the time to 30 minutes.
If the characters take the time to investigate the broken
crates, they find a lot of dirt, as well as a stamp on the
crates of a ring bisected by a spear. A successful DC 13 H7. Small Warehouse
Intelligence (History) check reveals it is the house sigil of
a maghyr family that owns a number of mines in Tyveria. This building measures roughly 40 feet by 50 feet. A
A result of 15 or higher on the check also allows the Crimson Hawk ruffian is playing darts in the northwest
character to know the mines produce tyvalite. corner, facing the northern wall. He is bored and
The doors between these two rooms and the antechamber distracted, and any Dexterity (Stealth) checks to sneak past
of H5 are closed but not locked. The hallway on the other him or catch him off guard are made with advantage.
side only has wisps of fog in it. If the characters leave either Two hatches leading into the Hawks’ hive—one in
doorway open, the fog fills the space over the course of 10 the northeast corner and one in the southwest corner—
minutes. If the characters close the door, the fog is cut off, and are hidden by barrels of pickled fish and crates of wine.
any that made its way into the interior dissipates after 10 + They can be discovered with a DC 13 Intelligence
1d4 minutes. (Investigation) check or a DC 16 Wisdom (Perception)
check. Both hatches are locked and require a successful
DC 13 Dexterity check with thieves’ tools to unlock.
H5. Secure Storage The hatch in the northeast corner leads down into area
H2. The hatch in the southwest corner leads down into H8.
An antechamber, with doors to H4 on either side, leads to If the characters arrived here on Aeryn’s direction, she
a locked door into a storage room. was unaware that there is more than one hive entrance.
Inside, the antechamber and storage room are free from
fog. If the characters leave the doorway open, the fog fills
Running this Adventure Having secured the map, Maandros directs Dwaru, the
shard-ship captain, to plot a course for the area it marks,
The characters will reach 3rd level at the conclusion of this hoping to uncover the shrine and any secrets it holds
adventure. before returning to Corim.
C2. False Entrance The cavern appears empty, save for two open chests
on the western wall. A pair of doors, carved of stone,
stand closed against the northwestern wall.
The passage widens out into a natural chamber, with
another passage snaking away to the north. To the
west, a pair of badly burned bodies lie near an open Examining the chests reveals them to be empty, their
trap door in the cave floor. locks likely picked.
Entrance. The double doors (AC 17, 27 hit points)
have been carved into the semblance of scales, looking like
After the fall of Mordavian, his remaining loyalists
the hide of some ancient wyrm due to the lichens that have
fashioned a false door here and placed a glyph of warding
grown over their surfaces. The doors have no handles and do
beneath it to further protect Izxerxes’s eggs from discovery.
not open when pushed, but they can be forced open with a
The bodies are two members of the Crimson Hawks, part of
successful DC 25 Strength (Athletics) check. Otherwise, the
the team that was sent here to loot the shrine. They were killed
doors will only open if activated by a magical phrase which is
when they opened the false door and activated the glyph.
written on the map, in Old Altanesi.
Investigating the bodies reveals little, as they are badly
If, for some reason, the characters do not have a scroll
burned. Their compatriots removed any useful gear or
of comprehend languages and none of the characters know
items of value from the corpses before moving on. One of
the language, they can still attempt to speak the phrase
the bodies has a tattoo of a feathered blade—the symbol
aloud, as many of their own native tongues will have been
of the Crimson Hawks—on her right ankle, hidden
derived from it. To get the correct pronunciation of the
beneath her boot.
phrase (which translates into modern tongues as, “We
come in both humility and pride, to bestow and receive
C3. Wasp Nest honor”), a character must succeed on a DC 13 Intelligence
check is necessary, and speaking the phrase aloud; doing so
Most of the northern side of the cave is taken up causes the doors to grind open, allowing access to area S1.
by a large, irregular mass of dried mud, riddled A character who speaks Late Altanesi has advantage on the
with holes. Littering the cave floor are the bodies ability check. If Aeryn is with the party, she can properly
of several wasps the size of dogs and the corpses of pronounce the phrase if the characters cannot.
two humans. Portions of the mud construction have
crumbled and broken off, likely due to the battle
that obviously took place here.
The cave continues to the west, but alarmingly
several wasps are still alive, busy pulling wriggling
larvae from the wreckage of their hive.
of each aspect, which allowed them passage to the next trial. Inscribed on the arch above the doors on the far side
If detect magic is cast, the amber crystal aura registers as of the room, written in Old Altanesi, is the phrase “To
K’aab, a mix of evocation, necromancy, and transmutation; be loyal and serve with honor, you must be resolute and
the red crystal gives off an aura of Id, a combination of strong of mind.”
abjuration and enchantment; and the blue crystal radiates Investigating the statues finds their throats are hollow
an aura of Fai magic, more specifically a mixture of and descend down into the statues. The stone inside
conjuration, divination, and illusion magic. is covered with char. A successful DC 12 Intelligence
A character who examines the crystals and succeeds on (Investigation) check reveals small holes in the jaws of the
a DC 16 Intelligence (Arcana) check can intuit the proper statues leading to some mechanisms, and a successful DC
way to activate the crystals. If a character casts detect magic 15 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools seems to disarm
or touches one of the crystals, the DC of the check is the trap within.
reduced to 13. Test of Will. This chamber was fashioned to test the
Each crystal can be activated by casting a spell of one resolve of initiates to Mordavian’s cause. Recognizing the
of the schools of magic present in its aura on the crystal, illusion within the trial for what it is revealed a more able
which it absorbs. This will cause the crystal to radiate light candidate, but the commitment to endure the trial itself
equal to that of a torch. A crystal can also be activated by was the trait being sought after here. If anyone stands
touching it and intuitively manipulating it with the mind. upon the dais and remains there for 1 round, the eyes of
This requires a successful DC 13 Intelligence check for the four statues begin to glow and a rumble starts in their
the Fai crystal, Wisdom check for the K’aab crystal, and throats, rising to a deafening roar. These effects cease if the
Charisma check for the Id crystal. A character with at least dais is vacated, starting again whenever a creature is on the
one mote in the relevant Vaala aspect gains advantage on dais for 1 round.
the ability check. If at least one creature remains standing on the dais for
When all three crystals are activated, the doors to area two rounds, fire erupts from the mouths of all four dragon
5 open. statues, engulfing everything within 10 feet of the dais.
Forcing the Doors. Should the doors leading to area The fire is an elaborate illusion that triggers regardless
S5 be damaged or opened in any way other than via the of any attempt to disarm the statues. All creatures in the
ritual, the crystals each release a pulse of magical energy, area must make a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw, but if
encompassing the room.
a creature believes the trap was successfully disarmed,
The Fai crystal inflicts terror upon each creature within
it gains advantage on its saving throw. On a success,
30 feet, as per the fear spell, unless it succeeds on a DC 13
the creature realizes the flames are merely illusory. On a
Wisdom saving throw.
failed save, a creature takes 22 (4d10) psychic damage.
The K’aab crystal sends out crackling beams of energy,
Creatures that drop to 0 hit points from this damage
targeting each creature within 30 feet with a +4 spell
attack. On a hit, a target takes 5 (1d10) force damage. are automatically stabilized. Another creature can take
The Id crystal will reduce the effectiveness of each an action to revive an unconscious creature, and the
creature within 30 feet, as per the bane spell, for one hour, unconscious creature awakens with 1 hit point.
unless it succeeds on a DC 13 Charisma saving throw. So long as at least one creature is on the dais when the
The spell effects last for the full duration unless illusion is enacted, the doors on the far wall will open and
dispelled, the affected creature leaves the shrine, or the allow access to the ramp that slopes down to area S6. A
crystal that cast the spell is destroyed. Each crystal has AC click and a quick scraping sound can briefly be heard to
13 and 5 hit points. If a crystal is destroyed, the remaining the southwest as well, like a latch opening.
crystals will release another pulse of magical energy, Treasure. Searching the southwest corner of
repeating their effects and resetting the duration of an the chamber with a successful DC 17 Intelligence
effect if a creature fails its save again. (Investigation) check reveals a hidden compartment in the
When all three crystals are destroyed, the doors can be belly of the dragon statue in that corner. The compartment
pushed open. can be opened with a successful DC 17 Dexterity check
with thieves’ tools, revealing three potions of greater healing.
This compartment opens automatically when the test is
S5. Chamber of Resolute Will passed, making a click and a quick scraping sound, and it
closes again after 1 minute has passed.
Forcing the Doors. Should the doors leading to area
This room is eight-sided, like the others you’ve
S6 be damaged or opened in any way other than via the
seen, and contains a small raised dais in the center.
ritual, the statues produce a larger blast of real flames, and
In four of the corners stand statues of rearing
all creatures in the room must make a DC 13 Dexterity
dragons, their open, toothy maws aiming down
saving throw, taking 22 (4d10) fire damage on a failed
toward the dais. A pair of double doors stands
save or half as much damage on a successful one. Reduce
across from the entryway.
the damage by 1d10 for each dragon statue the characters
have successfully disarmed.
The damaged frescoes show dragons and their bonded The room wraps around the circular, innermost
companions in a variety of activities together: studying, sanctum room. On the other side, a pair of heavy bronze
hunting, flying, and fighting. The frescoes cover both the double doors stand, green with age. The doors are locked.
exterior and interior walls, which wrap around left and They can be opened with the keys from area 8, or with a
right to meet on the other side, where a pair of chests sit successful DC 18 Dexterity check with thieves’ tools.
in front of another set of double doors.
Treasure. The chests are unlocked and hold ceremonial
dress for the celebratory ritual. The left chest holds six S10. Egg Chamber
crimson silk robes embroidered with golden thread, worth
10 gp each. In the right chest are six golden dragon masks, This hemispherical chamber glows with soft white
worth 10 gp each, and a successful DC 13 Intelligence radiance coming from a globe of magical light
(Investigation) check or a passive Wisdom (Perception) hovering near the center of the ceiling and reflecting
score of 13 or higher reveals a false bottom inside the chest. off the gold dome of the room. The floor is polished
The compartment beneath it contains a pair of bronze keys obsidian, with a shallow depression about four feet
that unlock the doors that lead to area S10. in diameter at its center. Lying in the depression
are four large eggs. In the center of the eggs is an
S9. Inner Sanctum irregular shard of ruby red crystal that glows with a
light of its own.
The hall here extends away again to the left and right, An enchantment has been woven around the central
wrapping around to meet somewhere ahead. The depression, slowing time around the eggs to a crawl
walls are polished granite. Tiny crystals in the stone and keeping them alive and viable while the shrine
sparkle in the radiance of small globes of soft, white remains abandoned. However, when the doors to the
light that hover near the ceiling, positioned every 10 egg chamber are opened, the spell is dispelled. The first
feet along the curving paths. The floor is made of character through the doors can make a DC 18 Wisdom
interlocking tiles of red and russet that resemble scales. (Perception) check; on a success, they catch a glimpse of a
translucent golden dome glowing over the eggs just before
it dissipates into glittering nothingness.
district. As a result, there are many alleys and passages that Council of Ankorae
get no sunlight.
Though King Yvandran is the monarch of Corim, he
entertains a council of advisors from the various sects
The Cursed Causeway of ankorae philosophers (all use the noble stat block).
On the eastern side of the city, outside the wall, is the Currently, there are five such advisors; Lyndyn Xandar,
Cursed Causeway. This raised piece of road started as a Arendor, Vyneth Pilar, Theriel Lore, and Fellion Tenith.
small dock built to harbor water vessels waiting to pass They all serve at the whims of the king but also by the will
through Corim due to either lacking the permits or being of their people, placed in these positions by their fellows
unable to pay the required tax. As time went on, the Cursed and interpreting past events to best advise Corim’s nobility.
Causeway grew to be more town-like in appearance,
offering services and goods for the ships stuck outside of
Corim. Eventually, it became the go-to spot for the crews of
smaller vessels who had business within the city but didn’t
At the Palace
want to pay the fee for sailing through. The characters are escorted by servants to their guest
quarters, where they can prepare themselves for
presentation to the king. Aeryn eventually rounds them
Corim Defenses up, having changed from her traveling gear into a sky-blue
gown, her hair done up in the latest courtly fashion.
The Tempered River, though it is the cause of much of Aeryn informs them that King Yvandran is currently
Corim’s prosperity, is also its major weak point. Its flow holding court and that Maandros will meet them there
interrupts the protective wall going around the city and with the eggs and the strange gem, which they will present
allows for threats to approach Corim from the river as well to the king.
as by land.
To protect themselves against water-based threats,
Corim has massive gates constructed at each river In the Throne Room
entrance. The gates are shaped like fans, and if the city is
attacked, they fold out to close off the river. There are two When the characters enter the throne room, read or
of these fan-like gates at each waterway entrance, one on paraphrase the following:
each side of the river. When unfolded, they are designed
to look like the wings of a bird. The throne room is half filled with petitioners,
Not only do these gates block off entry to the city but courtiers, and city officials, all with their attendants
they also affect the flow of the Tempered River. The gates in tow. A regal-looking man, obviously King
can be closed to completely cut off the stream through Yvandran, sits on a throne carved of white stone.
Corim, thereby forcing the water to flow around the city On a smaller throne to his right, a young man sits,
instead of through it. Doing this can deal a massive blow listening intently. Behind the throne, on a raised
to an advancing army, as the redirected water washes platform of its own, sits a large brazier shaped like
away supplies and siege equipment, bringing chaos and a dragon claw, seemingly carved of the same white
destruction upon the opposition. stone as the throne. A flame with a strange, silver-
white heart burns between the claw’s talons.
The Corim Ruling Family Aeyrn finds a place within earshot of the proceedings
but backs away from the throng to wait for Maandros.
Led by the current King Yvandran, the ruling royal family
Allow the characters time to roleplay with Aeryn and each
are known for their good natures and fondness for revelry.
other while they await their turn. She can quietly answer
King Yvandran (noble) is a proud human in his 40s with a
any questions they may have: The young man is Prince
weakness for the finer things in life. He is an avid socialite
Isandor, the king’s only son. The flame behind the throne
who cares more about maintaining profits for the city than
is the Omnium, the ever-burning flame of Corim, and
upholding its defenses, confident in his position of power.
it promises the return of one who will restore the Aunai
With his late wife Caleah, Yvandran has only one child.
States to their former greatness.
His heir, Prince Isandor, is in his early 20s and has been
When the time seems right, the throne room door opens
trained in the arts of noble diplomacy since he was born.
and Maandros enters with a wooden box in his hands, followed
His position as heir, paired with the education provided by
by two servants carrying a large trunk. He spots Aeryn and
teachers and priests throughout his youth, makes him more
the characters and moves toward them, but his entrance has
serious than his father, but he still lacks the confidence that
drawn the attention of the king, who quickly finishes with
he can effectively rule the city.
his current petitioner before calling out “Maandros, old
friend, what have you brought for me this time?”
At this point, the characters spot one or more figures, For example, they might describe cutting through an
dressed in servant’s livery with sacks over their shoulders, animal pen, vaulting stall fences, and dodging pigs before
exiting the palace grounds toward the bridge that leads to leaping on the thief and bringing them to the ground for
Sandorn’s Hallows. Maandros urges them to pursue and the city guards to grab while they head off in pursuit of
retrieve the stargem and the eggs. the rest.
Successful Theft
There are multiple ways the chase scene could resolve, and
each has consequences. A few of the variables are listed here.
Maandros explains that he was able to magically locate Leaving for Dalenda
another stargem near Dalenda and asks that they retrieve The characters and the duke’s caravan (see “Duke Jasaan
it during their mission to escort the duke. Then he gives Niaathidas”) depart for Dalenda. While traveling, the
them an amulet of mind protection (see appendix B). characters will witness the effects of the brimming tension
with Draavia, see a glimpse of the Fell knight awaiting
“Here.” He holds out a pale amulet, a circular one them in part 3, and prevent the duke’s assassination.
that shimmers with iridescent colors under the light. The travel portion of this adventure includes choosing
“I used the stargem to create this for you—it should a path and weather effects (see “Travel to Dalenda”), as
serve you well in the wilds of Dalenda. The more well as daily encounters (see “Overland Encounters”) and
stargems you find, the more I can make. And, should social encounters in the evening (see “An Alliance with the
we somehow recover all of them… Why, that would Duke”). In general, there will be three rolls over the course
be a tale for the ages.” of a travel day, as follows: one for the weather effect at the
start of the day, one for the encounter that occurs during
the day’s travel, and one for the encounter with the duke in
He answers any questions the characters may have, the evening when the characters have stopped to rest.
then gives them more details about the location of the next In addition, there are two fixed nighttime encounters.
stargem if they haven’t asked. When the caravan is three days away from Dalenda, proceed
to “Fell Knight’s Plea.” When the caravan is one day away
from Dalenda, proceed to “Moonlit Assassination.”
The Next Stargem
Maandros explains that near Dalenda lies Vision Valley
and, within it, the Fellwood. The forest is the home of
many feydh creatures, and though it is no safe place
to travel, he senses the stargem within old ruins (see
“Asterismal Ruins” later in this chapter). He bids the
characters to be careful, then departs.
Jasaan Conversations
Jasaan asks for help writing home to his husband,
1 Alluin. He shares a couple of lines of poetry, asking
if they’re overwrought or acceptably romantic.
Jasaan shares a humorous story from one of his
diplomatic excursions, usually involving a noble
committing an absurd faux pas or scandalous
courtly gossip.
Duke Jasaan Niaathidas Jasaan is unnerved by the atmosphere, and the
guards share stories of boldness and bravery to
Overland Encounters
Thick, dark clouds hang heavy, but only the
occasional peal of thunder interrupts the sea of gray.
Light rain beats down all day. The caravan’s travel
speed isn’t impeded thanks to the characters’ As the characters travel from Corim to Dalenda, break up
preparations, but in combat encounters, the wet their travel using encounters with wild beasts and scenarios
ground is considered difficult terrain.
that foreshadow the oncoming Draavian invasion. Choose
The blue sky peeks through the cloud cover, an encounter or roll on the Overland Encounters table once
4 offering an occasional ray of warmth and
per travel day.
These encounters can be flexible for your party’s needs.
Humid fog rolls in, smothering visibility. The charac-
ters must slow down to exercise caution, halving You can run one per day or one every other day. You
their travel speed, or else any attack rolls against can use the suggestion from the party’s chosen path (see
Duke Niaathidas during the first round of a combat “Path Adjustments”) or run the encounters as is. It isn’t
encounter are made with advantage due to the recommended to run more than one encounter per day.
cover of fog.
Encounter Tags. The encounters have tags: Draavian
Howling winds ravage the region. Have a random Scout Encounter, Feydh Encounter, Monster Encounter, and
player roll a d20. On a roll of 11 or above, the wind
6 is at the caravan’s back, and it travels twice as fast. Reputation Encounter. The first three tags are relevant to the
On a roll of 10 or lower, the wind beats against the paths, while the Reputation Encounter tag will be relevant to
caravan, and its travel speed is halved. the party’s time in Dalenda (see “Thoroughness or Speed” in
A light drizzle falls, occasionally smelling of odd part 2) and the political situation in the next chapter.
things: mushrooms, honey, clean linens, longing. Encounter Balance. The encounters are balanced with
A rare sunny day invigorates the caravan, and they the assumption that Jasaan’s guards are fighting as well.
travel twice as fast. If you don’t wish to run the guards in combat, adjust the
encounter balance accordingly. If you wish to run the
guards but want to speed up combat, you can run the
Path Adjustments guards as one unit that deals 18 (4d6 + 4) damage against a
The following sections give details about the paths and single target per turn.
suggested adjustments for the travel encounters (see
“Overland Encounters”) based on the chosen path for Overland Encounters
more flavor. These are optional to include. A character D6 ENCOUNTER
trying to predict or prepare for the travel conditions who
1 Caught You Fair and Snare (Feydh)
succeeds on a DC 14 Intelligence (History) check knows the
information presented in the following sections, including 2 Crashed Cart (Reputation)
what affect each path might have on their travel. 3 Draavian Assault (Draavian Scout)
Winding River Path. This path is easier to travel 4 Feydh in the Fog (Feydh)
but harder to do so stealthily. Its steady, low elevation
5 Fleeing the Fighting (Reputation)
provides a gorgeous river view, but unfortunately it leaves
the characters in plain sight. Any time the party has an 6 Panlin and Fitz (Monster, Reputation)
encounter with the Draavian Scout Encounter tag, add 7 Scintillating Serpents (Monster)
two additional Draavian scouts. 8 Scouts vs. Feydh (Draavian Scout, Feydh)
The characters have been ambushed by five Fai goblins. Fai Goblin
Their arcane net has AC 12, 20 hit points, and immunity
to poison and psychic damage. A creature can free itself
or another creature from the net with a successful DC 14
Strength check. Alternatively, if the net is destroyed, all
creatures restrained by it are free.
The goblins attack with reckless abandon, including
attacking creatures ensnared in the net, unless they see an
opportunity to please the Fell court. If only one creature
is restrained by the net at any point, they pick up the
net and fly away, carrying the creature to Bele’s court to Crashed Cart
prove themselves to a Fell awakener. A creature in the Reputation Encounter
net can continue to attack the goblins or the net, freeing
themselves before they are taken to the court. A large cart is strewn across the path ahead, the bulk
If the opportunity for kidnapping never presents itself, of it slumped into a pit. Overladen with curios and
the goblins instead give in to mischief. They release volleys fancy silks, it’s obviously broken, and its driver is
of arrows, then smugly teleport away, staying infuriatingly nowhere to be seen. Signs of wreckage beyond the
out of reach as they mock the characters in Oneiric. Once pit—torn cloth, scattered necklace beads, and a
three of the goblins are defeated, the remaining goblins flee. snapped hair comb—lead into the vegetation.
Successfully Stolen. There is a chance that the Fai goblins
will make off with a character. If an NPC is captured, they
The cart belongs to Jemis (Aunai human commoner),
can be mysteriously returned to the party after they restore
a cunning trader who was run off the path by two black
the Fell Knight of Stars at the end of the chapter, as a thank
bears. A character can track her with a successful DC 10
you from Queen Bele. If a character is captured, shortly after
Wisdom (Survival) check. On a failed check, the characters
the party arrives in Vision Valley, the character reappears,
still find her, but it takes them an hour and Jemis only has
with hazy memories and a quest from Queen Bele: Venture to
1 hit point remaining when they reach her.
the Asterismal Ruins, remove the cancer from her lands, and
The characters find her up a tree, using her club to
restore her knight. It is implied the character’s safe return is
stave off the black bears that circle the trunk. The black
advanced payment for their compliance.
bears, seeing they’re outnumbered, run when the characters
arrive, and Jemis climbs down and introduces herself.
Jemis thanks the characters for their help, but has
a request for them: If they help her track down her
two horses that fled, draw out her cart, and fix it, she’ll
give them a hefty discount on her wares. This takes the
characters half a day to accomplish. However, if a character
tracking down the horses succeeds on a DC 16 Wisdom
Queen Bele
The characters are attacked by a deadly unit of The Fell Knight. If the characters attempt to speak
Draavian scouts emerging from the surroundings. Five to the spirits, the spirits are secretive. They switch to
bloodclaws wearing black and gold armor attack, targeting Common, saying, “Are you friend of the feydh?” If the
anyone who looks weak or unarmored. The characters characters deny this or speak of making an alliance with
easily recognize the armor as the colors of Draavia. Dalenda, the spirits scorn them, calling them “friends of
The Draavian scouts fight to the death. If a scout is dreamless elves,” and disappear.
captured or questioned, they spit blood and grin, refusing If the characters say they are friends of the feydh, the
to say anything. A character who succeeds on a DC 21 spirits whisper to each other, their voices like cold breezes
Charisma (Intimidation) check can shake their confidence, through the fog.
but even then, the Draavian scout only says, “You’d better
hurry. Blood lies on the horizon.” If their hands are free,
“Then listen for the Knight of Stars. The court
they’ll then drop an explosive alchemical potion, requiring
wants her back. Abandoned by dreams, she is
each creature within 30 feet of them to make a DC 14
nightmares now—only nightmares. Do not deny
Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes
her, friend of the feydh, or never wander the fog the
3 (1d6) piercing damage and 3 (1d6) fire damage from
rest of your waking days.”
the explosion. On a successful save, a creature takes half as
much damage. The Draavian scout does this whether the
impact will kill them or not. The spirits disappear, taking the fog with them.
The characters don’t know this yet, but the feydh magic Through a patch of thick vegetation—ferns, grasses,
in the region is acting strangely due to the imprisonment trees, or whatever else fits the current surroundings—a Fell
of the Fell Knight of Stars, a dream elf trapped in ruins (see fox is being attacked by Draavian scouts. Three shev and
“Asterismal Ruins” in part 3 of this chapter). For now, if they two shev stealthblades are killing the majestic feydh crea-
give Panlin a belt, he is grateful and pays them 10 gp for it. ture for refusing to take them to the dream knight they’re
He sets about fixing Fitz, something that will take him half a seeking to steal power from. The characters don’t know this
day. He does not ask the characters to stay to escort him, but yet, but the Fell fox belongs to the Fell Knight of Stars, a
he agrees if they offer. Because Fitz is broken, Panlin and Fitz faari trapped in ruins (see “Asterismal Ruins” in part 3 of
do not participate in combat along the way. this chapter).
Fitz is a Large amalgamation of an antique desk,
a repurposed steam engine, massive cogs, and many
dangerous appendages. The construct expresses
its opinions through spurts of steam, creaking
wood and slamming desk drawers, and the
occasional squeaky chirrup from the cogs.
If the characters escort Panlin to Dalenda,
he departs from them soon after to study Fitz
but pays them 50 gp for their trouble.
A New Ally. If the characters give Panlin
a belt and offer to escort him to Dalenda, he
can be used as a witness for the characters’
reputation and supports them without
question. As a member of the Grand Guild
skilled in Fai, his opinion carries weight. See
“Seeking an Alliance” in part 2 for details.
Scintillating Serpents
Monster Encounter
The Aftermath
Greater Precautions If the duke survived, he shakily thanks the characters for
This assassination scenario assumes that the duke their aid and offers a potion of healing to the character
and his guards sleep separately from the characters. most wounded from the fight. His guards feel guilty about
If the characters insisted that they sleep in the same succumbing to the sleep gas and apologize, vigilantly
tent quarters as the duke, a character can perceive keeping watch in rotations until dawn.
the alchemist before the alchemist uses its first vial If the duke was assassinated, the guards oscillate between
if they either have a passive Wisdom (Perception) drowning in guilt and blaming the characters for not acting
score higher than 18 or are awake, keeping watch, quickly enough. Emmi, who does not blame the characters,
and succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom (Perception) says the characters must now be the ambassadors and speak
check. Otherwise, a character makes the saving throw on Corim’s behalf. They’ve come too far and Corim needs
against the alchemist’s first vial along with the guards help—now. They can deal with the ramifications when they
and the duke. return to Corim.
The guards automatically fail the saving throw. If The guards, having grown fond of Jasaan, hold a burial
a character is with the duke, you can choose whether for him before they move out, and they continue to accom-
to roll for the duke, or to have the duke automatically pany the party to Dalenda.
fail for drama.
The stealthblade always moves in to start killing Arriving at Dalenda
the duke as soon as the alchemist has thrown the
first vial. In this scenario, the steathblade starts 55 The characters arrive at Dalenda the next day, with or
feet away and always takes the fastest route toward without the duke in tow. If Jasaan survived and fell
the duke, using its light crossbow if it isn’t within unconscious fewer than three times during travel, he gives
melee range. the characters a stone of good luck for their excellent work
keeping him safe.
The characters and Jasaan, if he survived, can head
to the Dalendan palace to begin forging the alliance.
Noteworthy Sites
precious time addressing local concerns. Before heading to
the ruins, however, the Fell descend and attack.
The first half of part 2 is the “Dalenda Gazetteer.” The
adventure resumes with the “Seeking an Alliance” section. Within the tranquil city of Dalenda, life is vibrantly
abundant. Many locations of great importance to
Dalendan life are just as useful to travelers.
Dalenda Gazetteer
Hall of Two Branches
The brilliant ivory spires and sheltered gardens of Dalenda
are like an oasis within the harsh Cursed Coast. This small This ornate ivory structure seamlessly incorporates two
city of ellari has flourished since the Dreambleed, finding intertwined trees into its structure and is the heart of
independence and individuality outside of Allaria. Dalenda’s dualistic ideology. Dalendans believe all things
Shaded beneath the boughs of two towering trees, are half of a greater whole, including individuals. This
Dalenda has cultivated a culture entwined with the Fai temple is staffed by pairs of sages who provide counsel to
aspect of Vaala and what it represents. Dalendans weave Dalendans with troubled relationships, who suffer from
dreams into every artistic aspect of their lives and only a lack of inspiration or dreams, or who have stagnated
consider themselves complete when they find and dedicate pursuing personal goals.
themselves to another, an individual known as their faihei. Visitors who are respectful of dualism can receive
guidance from the temple’s sages. Additionally, the sages
can provide spellcasting services as clerics or druids.
58 Dalenda
Thoroughness Speed
gives them his thanks and rewards them with one potion
or of healing.
If Jasaan is alive, he queries whether they can be of further
assistance. The characters can go straight to the forest Missing Brother
to investigate the feydh phenomenon, but they can also The characters are directed to the Dreaming Boughs
address some of the other concerns Commander Jyoon to speak to Kikani and Navash Vaahun, the innkeeper
mentioned to gain more credibility with the court. Doing and bartender. Kikani explains that her brother goes
so would slow them down, so if you are tracking time, out weekly to gather herbs for her kitchen stock, but he
ensure that the players are aware that spending the time hasn’t returned since he left yesterday morning. She’s very
to investigate these concerns delays them in the face of an worried but scared of going out to find him herself.
imminent invasion. The characters get directions to his favorite herb-
Commander Jyoon’s two other concerns are a missing gathering spot outside of Dalenda, which is a few hours’
supply wagon and a missing person. If the characters travel away. The characters arrive to see a field with plants
investigate them both, the leaders of Dalenda are grateful and and dirt torn up, as well as splatters of blood. A character
give them a cloak of elvenkind before they go into the ruins. can track the blood with a successful DC 14 Wisdom
If the characters completed two encounters in part 1 (Survival) check, which reveals a trail leading north. After
with the Reputation Encounter tag and left the NPCs in an hour of travel, they find Kikani’s brother, Kovanu,
those encounters with a positive impression of them, the under a broken-down wagon. He’s wounded and hiding
NPCs have vouched for them or will vouch for them, and from the feydh stalking the area.
they receive the cloak of elvenkind without completing the A once-forgotten fury and two dreamwrit spirits
side quests. They can still complete the side quests if they are hounding him, and once he is in the open again, they
wish, but the Dalendan leaders already have some measure will attack him and anyone escorting him back to the city.
of trust in them and are willing to invest in their success. Once back home, Kovanu tearfully reunites with his sister.
She is so relieved, she doesn’t blame him for having only a
handful of cilantro to show for it.
Once-Forgotten Fury
Asterismal Ruins
The Huntsman 71
The abode is overseen by Ayora’s Fell fox in the absence of Faint embers stir in the fireplace, looking almost
the knight herself. like stars among the coals. Lined along the mantel
The following locations are keyed to the map of the are varying glass bottles with different liquids inside.
Asterismal Ruins. Above is a painting of a starry night sky over an
open field.
A11. Abode Antechamber
The painting is secretly the magical passage to the
When the characters first enter the abode, read or
final room where Ayora awaits (see “Starfield” later in this
paraphrase the following:
section), though it gives no indication of that. The bottles
contain potions. A character trying to identify the liquids
Looking at the grandeur of this enclosed space, it’s who succeeds on a DC 16 Intelligence (Arcana) check
easy to imagine the Fell court and its crown existing recognizes the potions as:
in this hall. The floor is an expanse of gold marble, • a thin, plain bottle with maroon liquid (potion of
the dark ceiling is littered with pinpoint stars, and healing)
tapestries on either side weave stories of the Solar
Crown and the Lunar Crown, the duke and duchess • a zigzag bottle with blue liquid (potion of climbing)
of the court that was. • a round bottle with red liquid (potion of poison)
In the room ahead, shrieking and crashing break • a square bottle with blue liquid (potion of heroism)
the silence, the sound of blades being dragged down • a small vial with black liquid (torpor)
splintering wooden doors.
A character who searches the fireplace itself and succeeds
on a DC 17 Intelligence (Investigation) check finds a
curved bottle with purple liquid among the embers (potion
This antechamber holds little of note—aside from the
of psychic resistance). The character takes 3 (1d6) fire
tapestries, which depict the crowns of this court—but
damage if they pull it out with their hand.
the size of the chamber allows the characters to stay out
Dreamscape Doorway. There is no inscription above
of sight of the feydh creatures in the great hall (area A12)
this painting. A character who says the Oneiric words that
when they first enter the abode.
Firo gives them (see area A15) while standing before the
painting sees the images begin to glow and move—it is now
A12. Great Hall a portal the characters can climb into to proceed to Ayora’s
Dreamspace abode (see “Starfield” later in this section).
This hall was built for socializing with the court:
an ornate banquet table, a still-flickering fireplace, A14. Throne Room
fine chairs and benches along the table and walls. A
painting of an open field under a starry sky stretches
Two thrones sit at the far end of this throne room,
across the wall over the fireplace. Old, broken
and the wall behind them bears a large, circular
masquerade masks litter the corners, and chairs and
window surrounded by decorations with solar and
side tables are being broken in the siege happening
lunar imagery. Smaller windows along the walls
on the far side of the room.
throw light into the room in circles and crescents,
Up a few stairs lie a huge pair of ornate doors.
and the gold marble floor is softened by a black
Massive feydh beasts tear at them in a frenzy, trying
carpet with gold embroidery that trails up to the
to get inside.
thrones. The ceiling above holds more pinprick stars
that seem to drift over its surface. The emptiness of
the room magnifies every sound.
The doors (AC 15, 21 hit points, immunity to poison
Arched above the large window at the back
and psychic damage) are being assaulted by two once-
is an inscription in Oneiric. A creature moves out
forgotten furies and a once-forgotten longing. For now,
from behind the thrones—no, two. Two monstrous
the door is holding, but if the characters don’t intervene,
feydh lunge down the stairs and attack.
the Fell monsters continue to assault it in pursuit of the
Fell fox they chased through here.
The door to the throne room (area A14) is locked. The characters are immediately attacked by two
It can be broken open, or its lock can be picked by a once-forgotten prides—the Solar Crown and Lunar Crown
character who succeeds on a DC 15 Dexterity check using of the Fell court that resided here. They can escape this
thieves’ tools. combat by opening the portal in the window at the end of
the room to enter the Dreamspace, and they receive an extra
boon from Ayora if they leave the Fell crowns alive.
They attack immediately. Ayora is compelled to defend Crowns. If the characters left the once-forgotten prides
the stargem until she is defeated (see “Freeing Ayora” alive, Ayora is thrilled and gives them a ring of shooting
below), at which point she has failed, and the characters stars, as well.
are free to claim it. Once freed, she can also restore the Tahra. If the characters saved Tahra or help Ayora bury the
ruins to a balanced state, soothe the monstrous feydh, and once-forgotten zeal, she offers to summon a Fell fox for
stop the attacks on Dalenda. She communicates this to each character to ride back to Dalenda. Agreeing saves
the characters during combat if they are uncertain about them a day of travel. Once they’ve returned to the city,
fighting her. the Fell foxes disappear back into the woods.
Tahra, the once-forgotten zeal that defends Ayora, If she and the characters are on good terms, Ayora
knew Ayora’s fighting style from when she was a Fell who promises to aid them in the future, should a situation arise
fought alongside her. If Tahra hits with her Harrowing where they need assistance. Then she leaves to find Firo,
Rive attack against a blinded creature, the creature takes an joyfully reuniting with her Fell fox, and the characters are
additional 3 (1d6) psychic damage. free to return to Dalenda, passing back through the portals
Glass Falling Star. A character can crush Firo’s glass that now stand open. If they pass any once-forgotten Fell,
falling star as a bonus action, after which it emits a bright the creatures eye them, but do not attack.
gold burst of light. Each allied creature within 30 feet If the characters return to Luciliae or the Huntsman
gains resistance to damage from Ayora’s and the once- and are on good terms with them, they are similarly
forgotten zeal’s attacks. This resistance lasts until the start overjoyed, and while they have no rewards to give, they
of the character’s next turn. too promise their aid in the future. They join Ayora in her
Roleplaying Ayora. Ayora is exhausted. She has been quest to find the remaining once-forgotten Fell and reform
fulfilling her duty, vigilantly defending something she them into who they once were.
doesn’t understand, even after falling into a long slumber
because of it. She has seen those she loved returned to
life as beasts, and she has not been able to give her full Returning to Dalenda
attention to them. She is surprisingly straightforward If the characters return to Dalenda having freed the Fell
and solemn for a Fell being, struggling to hang on to the Knight of Stars, Sovereigns Jijivashna and Tuvoro are
idealism of wishes and dreams that stars represent. pleased with their work and promise troops of Dalendan
In combat, she lets the one-forgotten zeal target the Dreamshapers to return to Corim with the characters
weakest characters and instead engages the ones that seem when they depart.
cunning or tactical. She is a competent fighter, though she The characters can remain in Dalenda to wrap up any
finds little joy in it anymore. outstanding business they have, though their NPC allies
Freeing Ayora. Once reduced to 0 hit points, Ayora remind them that the Draavian invasion is imminent and
does not die. Instead, she falls to her knees, returning to 1 they should hurry.
hit point as the duty binding her to the stargem is broken. Travel back to Corim is uneventful, as few things are
The characters can now seize it. interested in attacking a battalion of Dalendan Dreamshapers.
Freeing Tahra. Ayora believes the once-forgotten zeal,
a warrior she served with, named Tahra, is beyond saving
as she has tried to appeal to her friend countless times.
However, a character who appeals to the zeal by asking it Corim Has Fallen
to remember Ayora and succeeds on a DC 20 Charisma On day 16, regardless of where the characters are in their
(Persuasion) check can cause the zeal to stop attacking for adventure, they receive an arcane message from Aeryn.
one turn as it struggles to remember its friend. If the zeal
is alive when Ayora is defeated and the characters have
succeeded on at least one of these checks, the zeal stops “Corim has fallen. I don’t know who still lives. Find
attacking, and Ayora is overjoyed, believing she may have a me in the tunnels below the Wives. The broken tower
chance to restore Tahra given time. may offer you passage.”
She thanks the characters profusely as she had all but
given up hope, and having that hope restored gives her A character who succeeds on a DC 10 Intelligence
strength for the work ahead. (History) check or who grew up in Corim is familiar with
the Wives. A twin-towered cathedral of knowledge in the
center of Corim, it was built to resemble the layout of the
Dénouement city as seen from the sky. The Wives is a place for grieving
and honoring the dead, as it is the main entrance to the
Once Ayora is freed, the characters can take the stargem, Corim catacombs.
and Ayora assures them that feydh monsters won’t appear This adventure seamlessly transitions to the start of
and attack Dalenda anymore. She thanks them profusely the next chapter, “Under Siege.” The characters can lead
for their help and may do the following as well: Dalendan troops north to team up with allied troops moving
toward Corim, which is where the next adventure begins.
Once-Forgotten Fell. If the characters left any once-
forgotten Fell alive, Ayora is pleased and gives them a
potion of greater healing. 75
A fter an exhilarating adventure within Vision Valley, the
characters make a return to the city of Corim.
rougher shape (see “Corum Under Occupation” later in this
section) and some of the ankorae advisors have died while
in the hands of General Szando. Every three days over 20,
an additional advisor dies from torture and their horrid
Returning to Corim conditions, in this order: Arendor, Vyneth Pilar, Lyndyn
Xandar, Fellion Tenith, and Theriel Lore. See “Saving the
As the characters approach Corim, along with any King” later in this chapter for more about the advisors.
Dalendan troops they were able to recruit, soldiers wearing
foreign colors of black and gold line the battlements and
the walls are marred from a recent battle. The Assembled Aunai Troops
The city of Corim, until now ruled by King Yvandran,
has been taken over by outside troops. The invaders hail Outside the city, the other allied troops of Aulara and Eugara
from the neighboring Tyverian territory named Draavia, have formed camps on the north and east sides of the city.
united under the command of General Szando id Draavia. The characters and their accompanying troops from Dalenda
He believes, falsely, that he has figured out a way to force a can cross the Tempered River outside the city walls to convene
Dragonbond to occur and is convinced the city of Corim with the other armies. Eugara has sent 250 archers under
holds the secret to fulfill this ritual. He has taken over the leadership of Tiernan of Cliffport. Aulara has sent 500
Corim and taken King Yvandran hostage in the hopes that infantry under the leadership of General Aelia Volpix.
he can extract the information and create a Dragonbond The Aunai States were hesitant to send more forces, for fear
between himself and a mighty dragon. of leaving themselves undefended in the event that Draavia
decides to continue to conquer the coast. The provided troops
are enough to mount an offensive against the city if needed, but
Delayed in Dalenda not without the likelihood of mass casualties among the Aunai
forces and citizens alike. The best chances lie in sending small
If the characters took more than 20 days to return from strike teams into the city to dismantle the Draavian occupation
Dalenda, there are several consequences: The city is in from within. However, the troops from the other Aunai States
were sent to defend a city, not to retake one that had already
been conquered, and so they’re not optimized for such stealth
Corim Under Occupation
and infiltration missions.
With Corim fallen to the Draavians, resources are running
Both armies have supplies and weapons that they can sell
thin fast. Though the city stores enough supplies for its
to the characters. There are also a few battlefield merchants
citizens to survive for a while, they won’t last forever.
that traveled here when they heard a siege was under way,
While the Draavians have imported some food for the
intending to profit off the armies. They have more rare and
citizens to keep them compliant, it is far too little to
interesting items for purchase, though at an inflated price.
sustain the population for more than a few weeks.
No one in the encampments knows if King Yvandran
Getting supplies in the city is tough, and prices for
or his son Isandor still live, nor do they know the status
adventuring gear, equipment, and services are doubled due
of Maandros. The Aularan forces say they arrived at the
to the occupation. When the characters are exploring the
outskirts of the city with Aeryn several days past. Despite
streets of Corim for more than 30 minutes or when they
their commander’s protest, Aeryn and Valerixlia, the
cross into a new district, roll on the table below.
dragon hatchling, entered the city under cover of night,
intent on a rescue. Occupied Corim Encounters
Until now, the armies have been hesitant to move on the
city without news from those inside, worried that any overt D10 ENCOUNTER
action will cause the Draavians to execute hostages. Instead, A group of four hired assassins (use the spy stat
they’ve been harrying any Draavian forces outside the city block) attack the characters from the roofs with the
intention of incapacitating them and handing them
walls and attempting to slow any reinforcements coming over to the Draavians.
down the river.
A bandit captain and their three thug lackeys
appear from an alley, drawing weapons and
The Draavian Takeover
demanding the characters hand over any money
and food that they have.
Three Draavian vampyr officers are drunkenly
The Draavians were able to take Corim through cunning 3
raving about in the street, threatening nearby
rather than force. By sending in a series of soldiers in small civilians. They all have the poisoned condition due
to being drunk.
numbers, hidden away on trade vessels and entering on foot
over the course of several weeks, the Draavians were able to gain Four bandits are in the process of robbing two
commoners of their food and coin.
control over the river gates and place operatives in strategic
positions within the palace staff. When their ships came A group of four commoners, all with three levels of
6-7 exhaustion, are sitting on the ground and begging
sailing up the river, holding thousands of Draavian troops, for food.
the defenses of Corim could not react, and the Draavians
8-10 Nothing happens.
entered with little resistance from the unprepared city.
Shortly after, King Yvandran, as well as most of the If the characters took more than 20 days to travel to
Corim military chain of command were imprisoned or Dalenda and back in chapter 3, the city of Corim is looking
dead, leaving the city wholly in the hands of the Draavians. much worse for wear. Prices for adventuring gear, equipment,
and services are tripled, and the characters are more likely to be
made victims of pickpockets and thugs. When rolling on the
Corim Overview Occupied Corim Encounters table above, roll twice and use the
lower result.
Though the city is occupied, day-to-day life is still maintained
in Corim, to a certain extent. Stores are still selling wares,
despite the Draavian presence, and the civilians of Corim are Xibac Mercenaries and Draavia
left to their own devices—for the most part. With the city The Draavians, though a part of the Tyverian empire,
occupied, supplies are scarce, and many citizens have had to are small in comparison to the Aunai forces they
resort to stealing in order to survive. The Draavians do not care have angered by attacking Corim. When unified, the
about the people of Corim stealing from their peers, but if they nations of Aulara, Dalenda, and Eugara present a
are caught stealing from Draavian supplies the punishment for formidable foe for the Draavians and a threat to their
such a crime would be both public and severe. mission of claiming command of the Cursed Coast.
When the Draavians laid siege to Corim, the Cursed To fill out their ranks, the Draavians made an
Causeway was leveled and burned by the advancing allegiance with a xibac lord to raise mercenaries
Draavians, leaving many dead and the infrastructure of the as xibac undead to assist in the occupation. These
district destroyed. Sadorn’s Hallows is the northern district xibac troops are used as fodder in battle, ensuring an
that sees the most Draavian activity. additional degree of safety for the Draavian military. As
long as the military chain of command is maintained,
The characters can move through the city, though at
something made all the more likely by its officers
some risk, as long as they remain on the northern side not seeing combat, Draavia stands a better chance at
of the river. If the characters attempt to cross the river achieving its goals.
into the southern part of the city, refer to “Crossing the
Tempered River” in part 3 of this chapter. 77
Stop and Frisk right wall of the smaller tunnel, also pointing further into
the catacombs. The only difference is that the wall in the
If the characters enter the area around the Wives equipped smaller tunnel also has a crown carved into it.
with visible weapons, two vampyr officers stop them The arrows are directions back to the Wives, and they
and demand to know why the characters need to be so have been carved on the right side of the walls whenever
well equipped for conflict. A character who attempts to there are tunnel offshoots. They are carved into the stone
convince the officers that they have a legitimate reason so that lost wanderers can find their way out by touch. The
for carrying their weapons must succeed on a DC 15 crown symbol represents the status of the deceased and
Charisma (Persuasion or Deception) check to be allowed points to a section of the catacombs containing tombs for
to move through the area undisturbed. the wealthy. Both routes will eventually lead the characters
On a failed check, the officers insist on confiscating to the same destination.
any martial weapons in the characters’ possession. If they
refuse to turn over the weapons, they are given the option
to leave the area or remain and taste the wrath of the
Draavians. Should the characters remain in the area, the
The Main Route
officers turn hostile and call nearby officers to assist them The main route is much larger than the offshoot tunnel,
in combat, meaning that one additional vampyr officer being 15 feet across and built wide enough that two
joins the combat at the beginning of each round. wagons can pass by one another. More tunnels branch
If the characters attempt to run away from the area off along the route. However, these tunnels have been
around the Wives, the Draavians give chase for 5 rounds, damaged during the siege and have filled with debris,
after which they let the characters go. making passage through them impossible.
Once the characters have walked down the tunnel
for 15 minutes, they come upon a large pile of rubble
Hiding in the Crowd blocking the way. Read the following aloud.
The characters can avoid the Draavian soldiers entirely by
making a group DC 14 Dexterity (Stealth) check as they
move through the crowd. On a failed check, the characters A pile of collapsed bricks and earth blocks the passage
are spotted by the Draavians who accost them as detailed in ahead, reaching up to the ceiling. The damage looks
the “Stop and Frisk” section above. On a successful check, recent, as if it came as a consequence of the attack on
the characters blend in with the crowd and can traverse the the city. Only a small gap remains at the top of the
area without having to interact with any Draavians. pile, offering passage to the other side.
The Crown Route The sarcophagus at the furthest end of the room is the
most recent, being only a few centuries old. It is the least
After walking the tunnel for 10 minutes and making yet lavish of them all, made of simple gray stone where the
another turn, the characters are looking down a 30-foot- others are carved marble. This sarcophagus contains the
long passage that ends at a large, stone door. The passage last member of the Duscari bloodline, the member who
looks no different than the ones previous, but a character betrayed a prior Corim sovereign.
who examines the area and succeeds on a DC 15 Wisdom The lid of this sarcophagus feels heavier, requiring a
(Perception) check notices that one of the floor tiles leading successful DC 16 Strength check to open. A character
toward the door is a slightly different color than its neighbors. who examines the sarcophagus first and succeeds on a DC
17 Intelligence (Investigation) check notices it is trapped.
Corim badge
Exiting the courtyard, the characters find themselves on The crowd is dense, slowing down movement like
a bustling but narrow street. Read the following aloud. difficult terrain. Keeping an eye on the allai requires a
successful DC 13 Wisdom (Perception) check, with a
character losing sight of her on a failed check. A character
The people walking the busy street look ragged and
can find her again by scaling one of the nearby buildings
tired, moving with their heads down and wearing
for a bird’s eye view and repeating the Wisdom (Perception)
dirty clothes. The buildings framing the street are
check. The characters can also choose to follow the allai
leaning out over them, almost joining at the top
along the rooftops, thereby avoiding the crowd.
and hiding most of the sky above. The buildings
No matter how they choose to follow the allai, she notices
look rickety and are barely held together with the
them following her but keeps walking at a normal pace.
crude craftmanship allowed by fraying ropes and
untreated wooden planks.
GM Guidance: Contacting the Resistance
With the characters unable to see anything other than the If the characters do not follow the allai resistance
people walking the street right in front of them, Aeryn suggests member to the Drowned Prince Tavern, or if they
climbing a nearby building to get a better vantage point. lose her in the crowd, the next time they take a short
The building is 45 feet tall, and its rickety construction or long rest, the resistance finds them. The allai and
provides plenty of hand holds for would-be climbers. To three other resistance members (use the spy stat
scale the building, a character must succeed on a DC 10 block) corner the characters and demand to know
Strength (Athletics) check three times, successfully scaling who they’re working for. Convincing the resistance
15 feet of the building on each success. On a failed check, members that the party is on their side requires a
a character slips down 15 feet before getting a hold again. successful DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) check.
If a character fails the check by 5 or more, they fall to the
ground landing prone. Aeryn follows whoever attempts the
ascent, climbing up alone if no one volunteers.
After the characters have completed the first two quests Maandros agrees with the plan but advises patience. He
given to them by Maandros, their investigation provides believes disrupting the Draavian forces prior to assaulting
them more leads to follow and more means of weakening the palace would greatly increase the chances of success
the Draavians prior to confronting them directly. With and that rushing the castle would present unnecessary risk
the exception of the first two missions given by Maandros, to both the characters and the captured king.
doing these missions for the resistance is entirely optional, As it is the characters who will be rushing the Gleaming
and the characters can choose to rush the palace rather Citadel, it is up to them to decide when they are finished
than keep working with the resistance. completing resistance missions and want to attack the
All information about the quests can be found in the castle. Once they decide to move against General Szando,
“Resistance Missions” section later in this chapter, with the go to part 3 of this chapter.
rewards for completed missions and details on gaining new
ones found within the relevant quests.
Resistance Missions
Moving on the Palace In whatever order they choose, the party can undertake
Once the characters have completed the two initial several missions to sabotage and assist in breaking the
missions given to them by Maandros, they are given the occupation. Their success or failure in these missions has
opportunity to storm the palace. With the information a direct impact on the difficulty of the final confrontation
about general Szando’s personal defenses, as well as the with the vampyr General Szando. Information about the
location of King Yvandran, Prince Isandor is eager to different missions can be found in this section. The order
attack the castle and to clear the city of the Draavian in which they are made available and advice on how to
menace. He suggests that a small group, like the characters, present the missions can be found in the “Working for the
could infiltrate the keep and cut off the head of the snake Resistance” section earlier in this chapter.
by taking out Szando and saving his father.
Beyond the wooden door is a small, stuffy room. There Mission Rewards
is a rank scent of smoke and sweat inside, and in its
center is a tiny campfire barely big enough to give off Shari and Jahan know a lot about what goes on within the
light. Standing by the fire are two young Draavians Draavian army and about General Szando. By talking to
wearing common clothes, each wielding a flail. The them, the characters learn the following information.
pair of Draavians look emaciated and scared but stand Szando’s Defenses. General Szando carries a ring of
determined and ready for a fight if it proves necessary. protected dimension door on his person at all times. Jahan
was with the crew that initially found the ring for the
general and provides details about how it works. Jahan
The two Draavians are the defectors the characters were tells the characters that they should prioritize ridding the
told about. They use the statistics of a vampyr officer, general of the ring before attempting to defeat him. The
except they only carry a flail, their AC is 11, and neither
defectors also mention that he almost always has at least
of them are wearing heartsparkers (see appendix B). The
two vampyr officers with him as protection.
defectors are afraid that the Draavian soldiers have found
them out and have come to capture them. Once the Szando’s Location. Shari shares that General Szando,
characters make it clear they are not working with the when not directly overseeing his army, spends most of his
Draavians, the defectors lower their weapons. time at the top of the Spindle, the massive spire in the
Information on Szando. The two defectors are named center of the Gleaming Citadel. Szando believes it brings
Shari and Jahan, the first a naval officer and the second a him closer to the dragons whom he wishes to bond with so
spymaster in training. They were both respectable officers desperately.
when they were still with the Draavians, privy to plenty of New Mission: The Heartsparker Shipment. The
information about the inner workings of the army. If the defectors share that a new shipment of heartsparkers arrived
characters explain that they are looking to stop the occupation recently, on a river boat called the Violet Caper, and will
and promise they won’t rat out the defectors, the defectors soon be distributed amongst the Draavian officers. The boat
are willing to share information about both General Szando is docked in the Wider district and is under guard, but if the
and the Draavian army operation. See the “Mission Rewards” shipment is destroyed or stolen, the Draavian officers would
section below for the information provided by the defectors. be much easier to deal with in the future. See “Mission 3:
The Defectors’ Story. Shari and Jahan explain that The Heartsparker Shipment” for more details.
they could not abide by the cruelties they saw their fellows New Mission: Reclaiming Supplies. The Draavians have
commit while serving the army. This was already a matter of claimed much of the food stores in Corim for themselves,
concern for them while they were still in Draavia, but at the causing the local population to starve. The Draavians
time, escaping the army was too great a risk—both to their store most of the food in a camp in Sadorn’s Hallows. The
own lives but also to the lives of their families. By hiding defectors don’t know whether sabotaging the food storage
out in Corim until an opportunity for escape presented would deal a blow to the Draavians, but allowing the
itself, they could be presumed to have been killed in battle food to be redistributed back to the population of Corim
rather than defected, thereby sparing their families imperial would greatly help the citizens. See “Mission 5: Reclaiming
punishment for their treason. Supplies” for more details.
At the river floor are several bones. A successful DC the den without the giant water louse noticing requires a
13 Intelligence (Nature) check reveals that they are mostly successful DC 18 Dexterity (Stealth) check. If it does notice
fish bones, besides a few belonging to smaller surface intruders, it immediately attacks.
animals like cats, dogs, and rats. The bones form a trail at Dealing with the Giant Water Louse. The characters
the bottom of the river, leading to a large hole carved into can attempt to deal with the giant water louse indirectly.
a wall of the stone docks beneath the surface of the water. With a big enough distraction, such as spreading blood in
From its rough appearance, it is clear that the hole was dug the water outside the den, the predator slinks out of the
out with claws rather than tools. hole to investigate.
The characters can also try to kill the giant water louse.
The louse continues to fight until it has less than 15 hit
The Trail of Bones points remaining, after which it flees the area. Unless
The trail of bones grows denser as it nears the hole. A compelled to do otherwise, the giant water louse stays at
successful DC 15 Intelligence (Nature) check after surveying least 5 feet beneath the surface of the river.
the scene suggests that, based on the feeding habits and Finding the Package. Finding the package requires
hunting methods, paired with the dug-out den, this could a character to make a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception)
be the work of a giant water louse. check while searching the water louse den. On a success,
the character spots a little lump of burlap near a pile of
humanoid-looking bones, the remains of the Hawk that
Entering the Den was carrying the package. A character who does not have
The den is completely filled with river water, and it is about darkvision or a light source automatically fails this check.
30 feet across with a 10-foot-high ceiling (see “Den of the The package can also be found by rummaging through
Giant Water Louse” map below this page). Entering the den the den for 10 minutes, but only if the giant water louse is
is as simple as swimming inside but doing so without caution either dead or remains outside the den.
alerts the giant water louse resting within. Swimming into
Mission Rewards
Once the Draavian soldiers are removed from the Shrine
of Prosperity, the Corim citizens quickly move in and start
claiming the goods stored inside. Though plenty of people
are taking supplies only to benefit themselves, just as
many start organizing food runs to distribute and hide the
supplies all over the city.
As a result, in part 3 of this chapter, when the
characters storm the Gleaming Citadel to fight General
Szando, the northern side of the Gilded Crossing bridge
has no Draavian soldiers guarding it, as a group of Corim
The State of The Drowned Prince
civilians lure them away upon recognizing the characters. The tavern is empty, with no resistance members in sight.
In addition, on the southern side of the same Gilded Maandros and Aeryn are not there either. The only people
Crossing, only a single vampyr officer and bloodclaw are there are Prince Isandor hiding in the back room, currently
guarding the bridge. being attacked by the assassin.
The assassin is a human Crimson Hawk member sent
to infiltrate the tavern under the guise of being a resistance
member. The assassin then hid before transforming into
Prince Isandor with a hat of disguise and convinced the
resistance members, as well as Maandros and Aeryn,
to leave the tavern with the explanation that Draavian
soldiers were moving on the building. The assassin was not
Heron Hold means the characters can be more flexible about their point
of crossing. With the distraction, there are fewer soldiers
When the characters are moving on the castle and the stationed at the palace, making crossing the river at that
allied troops have commenced their assault on east Corim, section easier.
read the following aloud. The river varies in width, being around 300 feet wide
near the Gleaming Citadel and closer to 600 feet wide by
Heartstreets and Wider. When crossing, the characters
The loud, deep sound of a horn booms through the
must succeed on a group DC 14 Dexterity (Stealth) check
city. It fades into brief silence before it starts again,
once for every 100 feet they cross the river. On a failure,
a drawn-out call of warning, demanding attention
the vampyr officer on watch notices them. The officer
from any who would hear it. Then there is the sound
shouts an alarm, and they and their assigned soldiers move
of stone striking stone, of catapulted rocks crashing
to the estimated landing point of the characters, waiting
into water. The assault has begun.
for them to make shore.
Sailing Across. There are plenty of smaller jetties and
The characters are still on the northern side of the rowboats in Corim, abandoned due to the Draavian
river, after having talked to Maandros and Isandor at the occupation. Sailing across requires the character who is
Drowned Prince in the Hills district, and must now move steering the vessel to make a DC 14 Dexterity check using
on the castle. water vehicles. This check replaces the group Dexterity
(Stealth) check mentioned previously in this section and is
made once for every 100 feet the boat crosses the river.
Crossing the Tempered River If the group fails the Dexterity check but are disguised
as Draavians, a character must succeed on a DC 16
To get to the castle, the characters must first make it Charisma (Deception) check to convince the vampyr
across the Tempered River that separates the northern and officer they are who they say they are.
southern parts of Corim. When the Draavians took over Swimming Across. The characters can swim across the
the city, they blew up three of the four bridges connecting river, but the Tempered River is filthy with trash, debris,
the two sections, leaving only the western-most bridge, the and refuse. Prior to making the Dexterity (Stealth) check
Gilded Crossing, intact. mentioned earlier in this section, the characters must make
Being the only crossing to the southern side of the a DC 13 Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the foul
river, it is heavily guarded. The characters can choose river water in their face makes them gag and cough, giving
whether to sneak across the river without being noticed or them disadvantage on the Dexterity (Stealth) check.
to fight their way across.
To get the king out of the hole, the characters must of the oubliette. On a failed check, the character fails at
break the grate confining him in the oubliette. The grate pulling the king all the way up and lowers him down
has an AC of 19 and 27 hit points, and it’s immune to to the floor again, unharmed. If the character fails the
poison and psychic damage. There is no lock on the grate, check by 5 or more, they lose their grip on the rope and
as the bars have simply been hammered directly into the the king falls to the bottom of the oubliette, taking 2d6
stone floor. bludgeoning damage and landing prone.
Blowing Up the Grate. The characters can use a stick A character can also descend into the oubliette and climb
of Draavian explosives to blow up the stone around the up with the king on their back. This requires a character to
oubliette, thereby dislodging the grate from the floor. succeed on two DC 12 Strength (Athletics) checks to climb
Doing so weakens the grate’s hold on the stone, allowing the 30 feet out of the oubliette, climbing 15 feet of the rope
a character to pull it free. Wrenching the structurally on each success. On a failed check, a character slips down 15
weakened grate from the floor and removing it requires a feet before getting a hold of the rope again. If a character fails
successful DC 17 Strength (Athletics) check. the check by 5 or more, they fall to the ground landing prone,
Placing the explosives on the grate itself would put King taking 1d6 bludgeoning damage for every 10 feet they fell.
Yvandran in danger from the explosion, and if the characters The king on their back takes the same amount of damage.
try to do so, the king below the grate protests intensely.
Freeing the King. Many days in the oubliette with little
food has left the king in a pitiful state. Lowering a rope Getting King Yvandran to Safety
down the hole for him to climb up proves useless, as he is The castle is still teeming with Draavians and the king
too weak to pull himself up. ashamedly admits that he is beyond worthless in a fight
To get the king out safely, the characters can hoist him in his current state. Instead of joining the characters as
out by lowering a rope and instructing the king to tie the they ascend the Spindle to confront General Szando,
rope around his waist. A character must then succeed on the king asks to hide near the spillway into the castle, as
a DC 13 Strength (Athletics) check to pull the man out the Draavians are unlikely to look for him there. If the
Confronting Szando
When not attending to his military duties of overseeing
occupied Corim, Szando spends most of his waking hours
at the peak of the Spindle, the tallest tower within the
Gleaming Citadel. It is the place in the city where he can
be closest to the sky and the dragons he believes he can
bond with.
When the characters first make it onto the Spindle
landing, read the following aloud.
A character within 5 feet of Szando can attempt to Regardless of who is king after the invasion, Isandor tells
wrench the ring away from him by using an action to make the characters he hopes they plan to stick around, as they
a Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check will no doubt be called on again in times of need.
contested with Szando’s Strength (Athletics) check, gaining
possession of the ring on a success.
The characters can also attempt to break Szando’s
concentration by attacking him with ranged or reach attacks
Maandros and Aeryn
through the antilife shell barrier provided by his ring, or by Maandros is pleased with the characters’ performance,
affecting him with spells. When damaged by a weapon or particularly if they managed to save the king and his advisors.
spell, Szando must make a Constitution saving throw to He praises them the way a mentor would praise his students.
maintain concentration on using the ring or have the spell He quietly mentions to them, away from prying ears, that he
fail. If interrupted in this way, Szando tries to use the ring is researching a lead on more of these stargems and that they’ll
one more time before declaring his escape a lost cause and be the first to know if his search is successful.
attacking the characters. Aeryn celebrates with the characters, offering drinks and
carousing when they’re up to it. She is not quick to forgive
the Draavians for what they did to the city and talks openly
Szando’s Escape about retaliation. However, she recognizes that Corim is not
Should Szando manage to escape, the characters can attempt capable of such military action at the moment and, instead,
to catch up to the general before he leaves the castle. If the sets her sights on helping rebuild the city.
characters received the ring of feather falling from saving King
Yvandran, it can be used to jump from the Spindle and land
safely at the tower’s entrance. Otherwise, the characters can
sprint back down the tower to attempt to catch up with
Rebuilding Corim
Szando before he makes a run for it. Rebuilding the city takes months. The bridges over the
After using the ring, Szando calls nearby soldiers to his river are the king’s priority, as the flow of goods through
position to defend him against the characters; one vampyr the city is hampered by their destruction. However, many
officer and two bloodclaws arrive at Szando’s position after citizens were killed or had their homes looted during the
5 rounds. invasion and subsequent occupation, and helping everyone
spreads the city’s resources thin.
Capturing General Szando
Side Quests
If the characters capture General Szando instead of
killing him, he can provide important information The characters have the opportunity to aid the city during its
about Draavia and their intentions later in the reconstruction. Below are some possible side quests they can
storyline. learn about.
Rout Out the Remains. There are reports that a few pockets
of Draavian forces remain hidden within the city. The
characters must locate and either capture or kill the
In the Wake of Escorting Supplies. Due to the disruption in the city’s
waterway and to its port infrastructure, shipments of
supplies that would normally enter through the docks are
the Invasion being unloaded further up the coastline and transported
into the city by wagon, making them prime targets for
Once General Szando is defeated or has fled, the remaining bandits. The characters must meet the newest shipment of
occupation is easily broken as the Draavia soldiers flee supplies and escort it safely back to Corim.
Gleaming Citadel and the city itself. Recovering What Was Lost. When the Draavians attacked,
they sank many ships in the Tempered River. One such
ship carried a particularly valuable item; the merchant
The King and the Prince who owns it requests the characters locate and return it.
for centuries. In the Aunai States, ancient guardians are often
employed as protectors of areas, such as libraries and vaults,
rather than people, as they can be left to their own devices
for many years at a time. All ancient guardians are equipped
Stat blocks for creatures in this book can be with an auditory alarm system that goes off when they are
found here. destroyed, alerting those nearby that danger is afoot.
The ancient guardians see anything living as a threat as a
baseline, and they can be taught to consider certain people
Aeryn neutral and thereby not attack them. This includes their creators
and owners, as well as people wearing a distinct mark which the
Aeryn is a young woman with rich black-brown ancient guardian can recognize.
hair, tanned skin, and gray-green eyes. She has Most of the guardians are built from old Altanesi golems,
the air of someone who holds her own in a fight either unfinished or somehow drained of their magic. These
and shows the signs of past battles with the pale ancient vessels were repurposed by Aunai inventors.
scar along her jawline and several more on her
bicep. She’s often dressed for a city excursion in
flowing pants, tall boots, a fitted studded leather
Ancient Guardian
vest, and bracers. Large construct (Fai)
Arachnid Nightmare seems to appear out of nowhere and quickly vanishes after
An arachnid nightmare is a feydh creature that possesses attacking. Its movement in the Dreamspace before coming
the ability to slip in and out of the Dreamspace at will. It back to the physical world makes it seem like it can teleport.
Warrior’s Tactics. During her first turn, Ayora has BONUS ACTIONS
advantage on attack rolls against any creature that Dream Master. Ayora teleports up to 30 feet to an
hasn’t taken a turn yet. unoccupied space she can see.
Honed Blade. Ayora has advantage on attack rolls made
for opportunity attacks. REACTIONS
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Ayora fails a saving Protector Knight. When a creature Ayora can see hits an
throw, she can choose to succeed instead. allied creature within 30 feet of her with an attack, she can
Stellar Guardian. Once per turn, when Ayora hits with a mark the attacker, giving her advantage on attack rolls
melee weapon attack, the target takes an extra 7 (2d6) against the marked creature until the end of her next turn.
psychic damage, and a friendly creature of her choice
within 30 feet of her gains temporary hit points equal to
the extra damage dealt.
Skills Perception +3
Senses passive Perception 13
Languages —
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
Bloodclaw Bloodclaw
For those humans who cannot thrive in the arenas of Tyveria,
Medium Humanoid (Human, Id)
joining the ranks of the Blood Emperor’s own army offer one
of their only outlets for advancement. However, the military is Armor Class 13
as ruthless as any fighting pit, with fierce training that instills Hit Points 65 (10d8 + 20)
loyalty to the Empire above all. Speed 30 ft.
Bloodclaws are the foot soldiers of Tyveria. Taught to be
fearless and heedless with their own safety, they charge into STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
battle to kill as many enemies as possible before they die and 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 8 (-1) 12 (+1)
empower their vampyr with their blood. Wieling bladed arm
extensions made of sharp tyvalite steel, bloodclaws leap into Saving Throws Str +5, Con +4
enemy forces to eviscerate anything that moves. They wear Skills Athletics +5, Intimidation +3
little armor, both for increased mobility and to spill more of Senses Passive Perception 9
their own blood on the battlefield for their vampyr captain Languages Common, Tyverian
to utilize. Challenge 1 (200 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
Multiattack. The bloodclaw makes two Blood Blade
Blood Blade. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5
ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) slashing damage.
Consuming Bloodlust. When the bloodclaw takes
damage, it can deal an additional 3 (1d6) necrotic
damage to itself. If it does so, until the end of its next
turn, all of its attacks deal an extra 3 (1d6) damage.
Crimson Hawks
Feathered Blade. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2)
piercing damage.
The Crimson Hawks are a secretive organization of Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range
assassins, smugglers, and other various and sundry 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.
criminals-for-hire. Headquartered in Kara Tibor, the REACTIONS
City of Crimson Spires, where they rule openly from the Tactical Retreat. If hit by a hostile creature’s melee
shadows, the Crimson Hawks are an influential group attack, the operative can immediately move up to its
within the Cursed Coast and across Valerna. speed without provoking opportunity attacks.
Feathered Blade. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach
5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.
Hand Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range
30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.
Tactical Retreat. If hit by a hostile creature’s melee
attack, the operative can immediately move up to its
speed without provoking opportunity attacks.
Multiattack. The dream imp makes two Slap attacks
against a single target.
Slap. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) bludgeoning damage and 1 psychic
Disconcerting Laughter. The dream imp emits a shrill
giggle. Each creature within 20 ft. of it that can hear
it must succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or
become restrained until the end of its turn.
Fai Tongues. The dream imp casts tongues on itself,
requiring no material components.
Invisibility. The dream imp magically turns
invisible until it attacks or casts a spell,
or until its concentration ends (as if
concentrating on a spell). Any equipment
the dream imp wears or carries turns
invisible with it.
Fai Leap. The dream imp can teleport up
to 3 times in quick succession, moving no
more than a total of 30 feet. This can be
used in conjunction with its Slap attacks.
Skills Perception +2
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
Languages Common, Oneiric
Challenge 1 (200 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
Multiattack. The spirit makes two Hollow Chill attacks.
Hollow Chill. Melee or Ranged Spell Attack: +5 to hit,
reach 5 ft. or range 30 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3)
psychic damage.
Enveloping Fog. The spirit targets one creature it can
see within 60 feet of it. The target must succeed on a DC
13 Wisdom saving throw or take 5 (2d4) psychic damage
and have disadvantage on its next attack roll before the
end of its turn.
One with the Fog. The spirit takes the Disengage or Hide
Fogshift (Recharge 5–6). When the spirit is hit by an
attack, it can reveal that the creature is attacking an
illusion of it, and that its true location is somewhere else.
The spirit takes no damage and instead appears in an
unoccupied space within 60 feet of its original location
as the illusion fades.
Fai Step. The ellari teleports up to 30 feet to an
unoccupied space it can see.
Counterspell. When a creature within 60 feet of the ellari
casts a spell of 3rd level or lower, the spell fails and has
no effect.
Fai Fall. If the ellari falls, it can cast feather fall on itself.
Parry. The ellari adds 5 to its AC against one melee attack
that would hit it. To do so, it must see the attacker and be
wielding a melee weapon.
Fai Goblin favor. Mortals who agree to a game or a bargain with a Fai
goblin often fall afoul of a tricky clause or loophole and find
Small, winged feydh with wild hair and a mischievous themselves spirited away to the Fell Courts.
disposition, Fai goblins are deviously dangerous foes. Fetches. Tricky and often spiteful, goblins will sometimes
They serve the Fell Courts by bringing mortals into the force a mortal into making a bargain by taking a mortal
Dreamspace, typically through riddles or trickery. Fai goblins baby and leaving a fetch in its place. The fetch, an enchanted
do not prefer using violence as a first or even second resort, trinket or poppet that provides a clue to the child’s
but they will fight viciously if backed into a corner. whereabouts in the Fai Woods, fulfills the goblin’s sense of
Agents of the Fell. Often found within the Fai Woods, equal exchange: If something is taken, something should
goblins travel through Valerna in search of mortals to fulfill be left behind. Typically, the distraught parent will follow
their needs. These mortals, called Spirited, are vital to the the clue to find the goblin and be tricked or coerced into
Courts’ survival, bringing with them their dreams and tales. accompanying them to the Fell Courts in exchange for the
Though the goblins have a strong tendency to obey the return of their child.
rules, their rules are often skewed heavily in the goblins’
Fai Goblin Dreamspace. Similarly, once a day, it can use an action to open
a passage, allowing creatures to pass through from one to the
Small Feydh (Fai) other, for up to 1 minute.
Fai Ancestry. The Fai goblin gains advantage on saving throws
Armor Class 14 against being charmed, and magic can’t put it to sleep.
Hit Points 21 (6d6) Glamoured Shroud. The Fai goblin has advantage on
Speed 20 ft., fly 30 ft. Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide.
Dream Crossing. Once a day, the Fai goblin can use a bonus BONUS ACTIONS
action to slip through the barrier between Rhaava and the Fai Step. The Fai goblin teleports up to 30 feet to an
unoccupied space it can see.
Opportunistic Predator. If the Fell fox successfully hits
with its Paws attack and the target falls prone, the Fell fox
can make a Bite attack against the prone target.
Battleaxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
114 one target. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) slashing damage.
Giant Ant
A giant ant can be ridden or used as a draft animal.
Giant Ant
Large Beast (K’aab)
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage.
Small Humanoid (Gnome, Fai)
Armor Class 12
Hit Points 14 (4d6)
Speed 25 ft.
Multiattack. The godao makes one Dagger or two
Repeater Crossbow attacks.
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach
5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing
Repeater Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
range 90/240 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing
Multiattack. The golden genius makes two Dagger or two
Light Repeater Crossbow attacks.
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2)
piercing damage.
Light Repeater Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
range 90/240 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage.
Drink Magic (Recharges after a Long Rest). If the
hamanimi is the target of a 3rd-level or lower spell or
spell-like ability that requires a Wisdom or Charisma
saving throw, it can choose to counter the spell, negating
it. Additionally, the hamanimi regains 4 (1d8) hit points per
spell level.
Multiattack. The hamanu makes two Gore or Poisoned
Talons attacks.
Gore. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) piercing damage, and the target
must succeed on a DC 11 Strength saving throw or fall
Poisoned Talons. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach
5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) slashing damage, and the
target must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw
or become poisoned for 1 minute. A poisoned creature can
repeat the saving throw at the end of its turn, ending the
effect on itself on a success.
Feydh Performance. The hamanu hums, sings, plays an
instrument, or performs a rhythmic dance. Each creature
that can see or hear the hamanu must succeed on a DC 13
Wisdom saving throw or become incapacitated until the
end of the hamanu’s next turn.
Weeping Wounds. The hamanu targets a poisoned
creature that it can see within 30 feet of it. The target must
succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or suffer 2
(1d4) poison damage each round until it receives magical
healing, uses an action to make a successful 11 Wisdom
(Medicine) check, or takes a short rest.
Armor Class 12 (15 with mage armor) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Hit Points 40 (9d8) 18 (+4) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 7 (-2) 12 (+1) 8 (-1)
Speed 30 ft.
Skills Perception +5, Stealth +3
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Damage Immunities necrotic
9 (-1) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) Senses passive Perception 15
Languages Oneiric
Challenge 3 (700XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
Saving Throws Int +7, Wis +4
Skills Arcana +7, Deception +5, History + 7, Perception +4
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11 Keen Hearing and Smell. The wolf has advantage on
Languages Allai, Ellari, Common, Old Altanesi, Late Altanesi Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3
Pack Tactics. The wolf has advantage on an attack
roll against a creature if at least one of the wolf’s
Immortal. If Maandros is reduced to 0 hit points, he allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn’t
falls unconscious but is stabilized. At the next dawn, he incapacitated.
awakens with full hit points. Maandros cannot fail death Night Camouflage. The dark wolf has advantage on
saving throws. Dexterity (Stealth) checks made in dim light or darkness.
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) piercing damage. If the target is
piercing damage. a creature, it must succeed on a DC 14 Strength saving
Spellcasting. Maandros casts one of the following spells, throw or be knocked prone.
using Intelligence as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC Necrotic Breath (Recharge 5–6). The wolf exhales a
15, +7 to hit with spell attacks). cloud of dark energy in a 15-foot cone. Each creature
At will: light, fire bolt, mage hand, prestidigitation in that area must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw,
3/day each: detect magic, dreamwalking*, Fai jump*, taking 18 (4d8) necrotic damage on a failed save, or half
mage armor, magic missile, shield, suggestion as much damage on a successful one.
2/day each: counterspell, fireball, fly, greater invisibility
1/day: dreamlance*
*see appendix C
Medium Humanoid (Any Ancestry, Any Aspect) ACTIONS
Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Armor Class 15 (breastplate) target. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) piercing damage.
Hit Points 9 (2d8)
Speed 30 ft. REACTIONS
Parry. The noble adds 2 to its AC against one melee
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA attack that would hit it. To do so, the noble must see
11 (+0) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) the attacker and be wielding a melee weapon.
Nwoda Nwoda
The sky dwarves of the Enkharan Desert, known as nwoda, Medium Humanoid (Dwarf, Fai)
are an adventurous, clannish people, filled with wanderlust
but also with strong ties to their homeland and the floating Armor Class 13
Hit Points 97 (15d8 + 30)
gem clusters where they make their homes. The best-known
Speed 25 ft., flying 20 ft. (hover)
trait of sky dwarves is their ability to make stones fly, and to
perform incredible acrobatics themselves, with the floating
magic they call yahum.
A nwoda is a muscular dwarf with gemlike growths 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 11 (+0)
where other humanoids grow hair. The color of these
growths depends on the dwarf ’s clan, be it Yuman Saving Throws Dex +5, Wis +4
Skills Acrobatics +5, Nature +5, Perception +4, Survival +4
(amethyst), Yaku (ruby), Kuti (sapphire), or the self-exiled
Damage Resistances poison
Zumari (emerald). Records also tell of a lost clan, the Amasi Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14
(diamond) sky dwarves, but the nwoda avoid discussing Languages Common, Nwoda
such things with outsiders. Challenge 2 (450 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
Born of Gems. The nwoda’s ability to fly is not limited
to themselves but is a power imparted to them by their Dwarven Resilience. The nwoda has advantage on saving
una’jawahm’a, their birthstones, the city-sized floating gem throws against poison effects.
Natural Flight. The nwoda’s long jump is up to 30 feet,
clusters where every nwoda is born. Each clan has their own and its high jump is up to 10 feet, with or without a running
una’jawahm that corresponds to their clan’s color, and each start. It ignores difficult terrain when landing.
is filled with complex, winding tunnels and vast caverns
that make up the nwoda’s home. In the shadow of each ACTIONS
una’jawahm, oases and forests of strange, crystalline plant Multiattack. The nwoda makes two Dagger attacks.
life have sprung into existence, known as ni’khela, or shield Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (2d4 + 3)
plateaus. On these Shields, these islands of refuge, disparate, piercing damage.
nomadic peoples have formed walled cities to live off of this
odd environment. REACTIONS
Sky Pirates. Nwoda dwarves are also the most feared Yahum’s Gift. If the nwoda falls, it slows its descent,
pirates in the world, as their flying ships can raid anyone, lands on its feet, and takes no damage (as per the
feather fall spell).
anywhere. While the immense majority of nwoda pirates
belong to the Emerald clan, all sky dwarf tribes have their
own raiding ships and quite a number of infamous captains
to their name.
Nwoda Sky Pirate Natural Flight. The nwoda’s long jump is up to 30 feet, and
its high jump is up to 10 feet, with or without a running start. It
ignores difficult terrain when landing.
Medium Humanoid (Dwarf, Fai) Shard-Weapons. The nwoda’s weapon attacks are magical.
Armor Class 13 (leather)
Hit Points 112 (15d8 + 45)
Speed 25 ft., flying 20 ft. Multiattack. The nwoda makes two weapon attacks.
Poisoned Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5
ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) slashing damage plus 11 (2d10)
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA poison damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 13
12 (+1) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 8 (-1) Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for 1 minute.
Shard-Shooter. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range
Saving Throws Str +3, Dex +4 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) piercing damage, and
the target must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw
Skills Acrobatics +4, Nature +2, Perception +3, Survival +3
or take 4 (1d8) acid damage.
Damage Resistances poison
Dirty Tricks. The nwoda performs a series of confusing
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
maneuvers against one creature within 15 feet of it that can
Languages Common, Nwoda see it. The target must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving
Challenge 3 (700 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 throw or the nwoda has advantage on its attack rolls against
the target until the end of the nwoda’s next turn.
Dwarven Resilience. The nwoda has advantage on saving
throws against poison effects. REACTIONS
Evasive Flight. When the nwoda takes the Dash action, until Yahum’s Gift. If the nwoda falls, it slows its descent, lands on
the start of the nwoda’s next turn, all weapon attacks against its feet, and takes no damage (as per the feather fall spell).
it are made with disadvantage.
Once-Forgotten Fury
A once-forgotten fury is a Fell—typically a warrior, a
lancer, or a captain—whose mettle has been sharpened
into frenzied rage. Their lances become serrated razor-glass
limbs that cuts down everything in their path, and they
wield Fai with dangerous precision, turning
even the softest dream magic into
mind-rending blades.
Once-Forgotten Longing Bleeding Magic. Any creature that starts its turn within
30 feet of the longing must succeed on a DC 14 Charisma
Large Feydh (Fai) saving throw or take 3 (1d6) necrotic damage. Feydh
creatures are immune to this aura.
Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
Hit Points 34 (4d10 + 12)
Speed 30 ft. Multiattack. The longing makes two Psychogenic Blast
Psychogenic Blast. Melee or Ranged Spell Attack: +6 to
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA hit, reach 5 ft. or range 30 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4)
8 (−1) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) psychic damage.
Howling Discharge. The longing erupts in a wild blast of
Saving Throws Int +4, Wis +2, Cha +6 psychic energy. Each creature within 30 feet of the longing
must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw, taking 9 (2d8)
Damage Vulnerabilities bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing psychic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage
from deadsteel weapons on a successful one.
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
from nonmagical attacks REACTIONS
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Mind Shield (Recharge 5–6). When the longing takes
Languages Common, Oneiric damage, it magically creates a protective barrier around
Challenge 2 (450 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 itself. The barrier reduces the damage dealt to the longing
by 3 (1d6), to a minimum of 0, and the attacker takes that
same amount of psychic damage.
Once-Forgotten Pride last turn, it ripples with power and gains a cumulative +1
bonus to its damage rolls. This bonus lasts until the pride
Medium Feydh (Fai) regains hit points or is reduced to 0 hit points or is healed
to its Hit Point maximum.
Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
Hit Points 90 (12d8 + 36) ACTIONS
Speed 30 ft. Multiattack. The fury makes two Broken Scepter or
Rending Scream attacks.
Broken Scepter. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5
ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) slashing damage and 5 (2d4)
8 (−1) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 20 (+5) psychic damage.
Rending Scream. Ranged Spell Attack: +7 to hit, range 60
Saving Throws Wis +2, Cha +7 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d6 + 5) psychic damage.
Skills Perception +2 Voice of Creation (Recharge 5–6). The pride unleashes
Damage Vulnerabilities bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing a burst of creation magic, and a dream imp appears in
from deadsteel weapons an unoccupied space within 30 feet of it. The imp takes
its turn immediately after the pride’s turn on the same
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
initiative count and disappears when it is reduced to 0 hit
from nonmagical attacks
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
Languages Common, Oneiric REACTIONS
Challenge 3 (700 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 Defend the Crown. When a creature the pride can see
targets it with an attack, the pride chooses a dream imp
Growing Pride. At the start of its turn, if the pride was within 5 feet of it. The pride and the dream imp swap
dealt damage by a hostile creature since the end of its places, and the dream imp becomes the target instead.
Armor Class 15 (studded leather) Incorporeal Movement. The specter can move through
Hit Points 39 (6d8 + 12) other creatures and objects as if they were difficult
Speed 30 ft. terrain. It takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it ends its turn
inside an object.
Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the specter has
disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom
13 (+1) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) (Perception) checks that rely on sight.
Multiattack. Isandor makes two Throwing Knife attacks.
Throwing Knife. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to
hit, reach 5 ft. or range 40/80 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4
+ 3) piercing damage.
Scout STR
12 (+1)
16 (+3)
14 (+2)
16 (+3)
10 (+0)
12 (+1)
Medium Humanoid (Any Ancestry, Any Aspect)
Saving Throws Dex +5, Int +5
Armor Class 13 (leather armor)
Skills Arcana +5, Perception +2, Stealth +5, Survival +2
Hit Points 16 (3d8 + 3)
Damage Resistances poison
Speed 30 ft.
Condition Immunities poisoned
Senses passive Perception 12
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Languages Common, Tyverian
11 (+0) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 13 (+1) 11 (+0) Challenge 1 (200 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
The shev, also known as shadow halflings, originated in
Southeast Valerna. Their civilization grew from out of
the Clotmarshes in Tyveria, one of the most unforgiving
regions in Valerna. As the shev adapted to their homeland,
they learned to be cautious and inventive. Shev are small
and typically hairless, with pasty skin and wide, pale eyes.
Their teeth are sharp, and their faces are bat-like, bearing
broad snub noses and long, pointed ears.
Inventive Alchemists. Shev were the first alchemists
in Valerna, developing healing concoctions and virulent
poisons early to fight off their homeland’s deadly
ecosystem. Later on, they were the first of Valernian
peoples to experiment with nonmagical explosives.
Their arsenal ranges from bottles containing explosive
components full of shrapnel and a liquid that ignites
when the air touches it, to sticky liquids that slow their
opponents and poisonous gases that blind, choke, or kill
them outright.
Tyverian Recruits. The Blood Empire of Tyveria was
quick to bring the shev into their fold, utilizing the shadow
halflings’ inventiveness for their own ends. Many shev
act as spies, alchemists, and cutthroats for the Tyverian
military, the Crimson Hawks, or the maghyr noble houses.
Saving Throws Dex +6, Int +4 10 (+0) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 16 (+3)
Skills Acrobatics +6, Deception +1, Perception +4, Stealth
+8 Skills Deception +5, Insight +4, Investigation +5, Perception
Senses passive Perception 14 +6, Persuasion +5, Sleight of Hand +4, Stealth +4
Languages Common, Tyverian Senses passive Perception 16
Challenge 2 (450 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 Languages any two languages
Challenge 1 (200 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
Juvenile Termeszek
Medium Beast (K’aab)
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.
Vampyr Officer
Medium Humanoid (Vampyr, Id)
Multiattack. The vampyr officer makes three weapon
Flail. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5ft., one target.
Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) bludgeoning damage.
Pike. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
target. Hit: 8 (1d10 + 3) piercing damage.
Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach
5 ft. or range 30/120, one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 1 (1d4 - 1) piercing damage.
Smokescreen (Recharge 6). The dragon
emits a cloud of dark smoke in a 15 foot
radius. The smoke spreads around corners,
and the area is heavily obscured. The smoke
remains for 1 minute or until a wind of
moderate or greater speed (at least 10
miles per hour) disperses it.
Large flying insects with massive stingers and wings,
vespidai, or blood wasps, give off a loud, droning buzz
as they patrol the skies. They are native to the Oriashi
jungle, where they live in large swarms and build massive
mud nests that house dozens of them. The droning from a
vespida nest can be felt in the ground almost a mile away,
as the vibrations from so many wings sends a constant
hum through the earth.
Swarming Predators. Vespidai rarely hunt alone,
instead venturing out in groups of at least three to search
for prey. When they find a creature, they swarm around
it, using their massive stingers to poison and eventually
kill their target. If the prey is small enough, one vespida
will carry it back to the nest to feed the others. Otherwise,
they’ll cleave it into manageable pieces with their
mandibles, bringing each chunk back separately.
Aerial Cavalry. Vespidai are the air force of the
Tyverian armies, trained for battle and long-range
reconnaissance. They are most often deployed as
elite shock troops, using their manueverabiltiy and
advantageous view of the battlefield to overwhelm their
opponents and disrupt enemy forces. They are also used as
beasts of burden in many Tyverian cities. Though they are
not as strong individually as some creatures, their ability to
deliver goods by air makes them infinitely valuable.
Vespida Droning Buzz. Any creature that starts its turn within 30 ft.
of a flying vespida must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving
Large Beast (Id) throw or become frightened of the vespida until the end of
the vespida’s next turn.
Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
Hit Points 78 (12d10 + 12) ACTIONS
Speed 10 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover) Stinger. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
creature. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage, and the target
must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA take an additional 7 (2d6) poison damage and become
15 (+2) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 2 (-4) 9 (-1) 3 (-4) poisoned for 1 minute. A poisoned creature can repeat
the saving throw at the end of its turn, ending the effect
on a success.
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9
Languages — BONUS ACTION
Challenge 1 (200 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 Unnecessary Cruelty. The vespida makes a Stinger attack
against a frightened creature within 5 feet.
Vespida, Young
Medium Beast (Id) ACTIONS
Stinger. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Armor Class 13 (natural armor) target. Hit: 1 piercing damage, and the target must succeed on
Hit Points 9 (2d8) a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or take an additional 7 (2d6)
Speed 10 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover) poison damage.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 7 (2d4 + 2) piercing damage. If the target is
a creature, it must succeed on a DC 11 Strength saving
throw or be knocked prone.
Xaltozani is a feathered Coatl dragon, with a sinuous body
and colorful feathers on her wings and back. Like most of
her brood, this Coatl is fierce and curious, eager to study—
or hunt—new things. She is particularly fond of cheese
and sweets.
Xibac Kaabmarked
The North Quarter of Nahuac, Mígtal,
is ruled over by nine powerful undead
sorcerers. They, and most other humans in
Mígtal, practice xibac necromancy, which
most of Nahuac considers a perversion of
Source magic. Those who practice such magic,
however, consider it a natural part of Source.
Risen Undead. Xibac sorcerers are able
to create undead to serve them. Most of
these undead are mindless thralls, known as
the kaabmarked and are little more than walking
corpses. Raising an undead with their memories,
feelings, and personality intact is a much more
difficult process, requiring a ritual involving not just
Source but also Dream and Will.
Xibac Burned
Typically created from those who died by fire, xibac
burned are not often used in public due their appearance.
Their flesh is charred and cracked, their hair or feathers
blackened or missing entirely. However, they still hold a
spark of the fire that killed them within their hearts. Their
touch can burn, and they can regenerate themselves from
that same spark, making them useful in battle.
Xibac Burned
Medium Undead (K’aab)
Burning Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one creature. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) slashing damage plus 3 (1d6)
fire damage.
Fire Bolt. Ranged Spell Attack: +3 to hit, range 30 ft., one
creature. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) fire damage.
Flame Within. The xibac burned regains 7 (2d6) hit points.
Xibac Drowned
Medium Undead (K’aab)
Xibac Numbed
Armor Class 13 (natural armor) Medium Undead (K’aab)
Hit Points 90 (12d8 + 36)
Speed 20 ft. Armor Class 10 (natural armor)
Hit Points 22 (4d8 + 4)
Speed 20 ft.
17 (+3) 13 (+1) 17 (+3) 3 (-4) 11 (+0) 6 (-2) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
11 (+0) 7 (-2) 13 (+1) 1 (-5) 10 (+0) 3 (-4)
Damage Immunities cold, necrotic, poison
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
from nonmagical attacks Damage Immunities necrotic, poison
Condition Immunities exhaustion, frightened, poisoned Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10 from nonmagical attacks
Languages understands Common and Náhuinn, but cannot Condition Immunities exhaustion, frightened, poisoned
speak them Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Challenge 3 (700 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 Languages understands Common and Náhuinn, but cannot
speak them
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
Kaabmark. The xibac drowned bears a magical rune, known
as a kaabmark, somewhere on its body. When the xibac
drowned is reduced to 0 hit points, it will rise again at full hit Kaabmark. The xibac numbed bears a magical rune, known
points 24 hours later, unless its kaabmark is destroyed. as a kaabmark, somewhere on its body. When the xibac
numbed is reduced to 0 hit points, it will rise again at full hit
ACTIONS points 24 hours later, unless its kaabmark is destroyed.
Multiattack. The xibac drowned makes two Claw attacks.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
creature. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) slashing damage. Macahui Blade. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5
ft., one creature. Hit: 3 (1d6) piercing damage.
Rotten Spray (Recharge 5–6). The xibac drowned vomits
gore-choked water in a 10-foot cone. Each creature in the Grave Breath. The xibac numbed exhales a gout of cold
area must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw graveyard mist in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in the area
or take 7 (2d6) poison damage and become poisoned until must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or
the end of its next turn. become poisoned for 1 minute. A poisoned creature can
repeat the saving throw at the end of its turn, ending the
effect on itself on a success.
NEW MAGIC This greatsword feels like an extension of your arms when
you wield it, cutting through the air with deadly precision.
If you use an action on your turn to attack a creature with
this blade, you can use your bonus action to make a one
additional attack with the blade.
Curse. If you use the Attack action to make an attack
with this blade and you don’t or can’t use your bonus
action to make an additional attack, you must succeed on
This appendix details the new magic items that appear a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or attack yourself with the
within this book. blade (no action required).
NEW things, and attack and cast spells as if the dream were reality.
Your dream-self has the same statistics and abilities as your
waking self.
If you cast this spell while in a dream, you can target
another creature, at any distance, as long as you have seen it
before. If the new target fails the Wisdom saving throw, you
can immediately move from the previous target’s dream to
Spells and other mechanics unique to the world of the new target’s dream if it is asleep.
Dragonbond: Endless Sagas can be found here. When the target creature wakes, it remembers the dream
and any interactions it had with you while in it.
Interacting with the Dream. While within the dream, you
can attempt to alter it to suit your needs, changing elements
Magic such as the environment, people, and overall feel of the dream.
Each time you wish to change something, you must succeed on
a Wisdom (Arcana) check with a DC equal to 8 + the target’s
Dreamlance proficiency bonus + the target’s Wisdom modifier. On a failed
save, the dream does not change, and the target has the chance
to notice something is amiss (see “Getting Caught”).
5th-level enchantment, Dreamshaping (Fai) Getting Caught. An unwilling target may notice you
Casting Time: 1 action are intruding into its dream and attempt to force you from
Range: 60 feet its mind. If you act in a way unexpected by the target in
Components: V, S the context of the dream, if you fail an attempt to alter the
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute dream, or if you or your allies attack the target, the target
Class: Bard, cleric can immediately make a new Wisdom saving throw. On a
You blast a creature you can see within range with psychic success, the dream ends, and you are forced from the dream
power. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw, taking (see “Ending the Dream”).
4d6 psychic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage Dropping to 0 Hit Points in the Dream. If you are
on a successful one. On a failed save, a creature’s consciousness reduced to 0 hit points while within a dream, the spell ends,
is also pushed out of its body and banished into Dreamspace. and you awaken in your body with 1 hit point. If the target
While the target’s consciousness remains in this realm, is reduced to 0 hit points while you are within its dream, the
its body falls into a catatonic state. At the end of each of its dream ends, and the target is reduced to 0 hit points.
turns, the target makes a Wisdom saving throw, taking 4d6 Ending the Dream. If the dream ends due to the target
psychic damage on a failed save or ending the spell on a waking, dying, dropping to 0 hit points, or succeeding
successful one. If the creature’s body takes damage from any on its saving throw, you are shoved out of the dream and
other source, it can repeat the saving throw, ending the spell must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw. You take 4d10
on a success. psychic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on
a successful one, and you immediately awaken. You can end
the dream voluntarily at any point, causing you to awaken.
If the dream ends on its own at the end of the spell duration,
Dreamwalking you awaken naturally.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
1st-level divination, Dreamshaping (ritual, Fai) slot of 2nd level or higher, for each slot level above 1st,
Casting Time: 1 action the distance increases by 12 miles and you can bring one
Range: 3 miles additional creature within 30 feet of you when you cast the
Components: V spell into the dream.
In addition, if you cast this spell while in a dream using
Duration: 8 hours
a spell slot of 7th level or higher, you can use it to instead
Class: College of nightmares bard, sorcerer, warlock, wizard immediately step from the target’s dream and into the real
You link your dreams with the dreams of another sleeping world, teleporting yourself and anything you’re wearing or
creature, allowing you to step into its dreams to converse carrying, as well as any number of creatures of your choice
with, spy on, or even attack them. To do so, you must cast that entered the dream with you, into unoccupied spaces
the spell before a long rest, declaring the target of your spell within 20 feet of the target.
at the time of casting. The target must be a creature you are
familiar with or whose dreams you have visited before. The
target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or, during
your long rest, you can enter its dreams, interacting with
Character Level
6-15 2
16 and higher 3
Bonding Requirements
A character can bond with any dragon of the appropriate
age category or younger, as determined by their character
level. Refer to the Character Level and Dragon Ages table to
determine the dragon age a character can bond with.
Character Level and Dragon Ages
Nobody knows how or why it happens, but millennia ago
it was discovered that dragons and mortals could entwine CHARACTER LEVEL DRAGON AGE CATEGORY
their Vaala together. This radically changed the lives of 1 Hatchling
both Valernians and dragons, leading to at least three 3 Wyrmling
world-spanning wars and the rise of four separate nations
throughout history. 7 Young
A Dragonbond can occur spontaneously when a dragon 13 Adult
and a mortal share a moment of profound understanding and 18 Ancient
respect for one another. It can happen in a fraction of a second,
and when it does, the mortal and dragon are linked, their essences
interconnected through Vaala. The moment of bonding is a soul-
shaking event for both parties, and those who have experienced Advancing Bonded Dragons
it struggle to put the feeling into words. This bond provides the Feeding upon an unending flow of Vaala from their bonded
dragon with a permanent link to the mortal’s Vaala, which stops partner, bonded dragons advance in power and size at a much
its craving for an essence it does not possess, and gives the mortal faster rate compared to unbonded dragons. When a character
the dragon’s extended lifespan, among other benefits. From that reaches certain levels, their bonded dragon will also grow in
moment on, the lives of both creatures are bound together, and kind. Refer to the Character Level and Dragon Ages table to
their paths become one. Each retains their own personality and determine when a dragon reaches a new age category.
identity, but their life forces blend into a shared whole. If one dies, If a character has bonded with a dragon that is
the other follows soon after. significantly below their level, that dragon increases an age
When the first Dragonbond occurred, it shifted the category each time the character gains a level until it reaches
balance between the dragons, mortals, and Protogons. the age indicated in the table.
Dragonbonded mortals felt strong enough to challenge the
dragons of the Red Moon, and bonded dragons felt strong
enough to challenge the Protogons. The ensuing conflicts Bonding with Older Dragons
marked the end of the Age of Mortals and led to the Age of At the GM’s discretion, a character may bond with a
Heroes, which saw the rise of the legendary Altanesi Empire. dragon whose age is above what their level allows. If this
It also gave mortals unprecedented protection against dragon occurs, the dragon does not increase in age or power
raids in the form of dragonbonded champions, whose until the character reaches the appropriate level.
dragon allies fought to protect those with whom their lives
were now linked.