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(11) EP 1 958 718 B1


(45) Date of publication and mention (51) Int Cl.:

of the grant of the patent: B23B 19/02 (2006.01)
14.08.2013 Bulletin 2013/33 (86) International application number:
(21) Application number: 05745780.6
(87) International publication number:
(22) Date of filing: 26.05.2005 WO 2006/126284 (30.11.2006 Gazette 2006/48)



(84) Designated Contracting States: (74) Representative: Becker Kurig Straus

DE FR GB IT Bavariastrasse 7
80336 München (DE)
(43) Date of publication of application:
20.08.2008 Bulletin 2008/34 (56) References cited:
JP-A- 3 213 243 JP-A- 4 191 587
(73) Proprietor: MAKINO MILLING MACHINE CO., LTD. JP-A- 4 193 450 JP-A- 11 033 876
Meguro-ku, JP-U- 7 040 055 US-A- 5 782 586
Tokyo 152-8578 (JP) US-A1- 2003 223 834

(72) Inventor: KIKKAWA, Yasuhiko,

Makino Milling Machine Co. Ltd.
Yamanashi 4010310 (JP)
EP 1 958 718 B1

Note: Within nine months of the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent in the European Patent
Bulletin, any person may give notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to that patent, in accordance with the
Implementing Regulations. Notice of opposition shall not be deemed to have been filed until the opposition fee has been
paid. (Art. 99(1) European Patent Convention).

Printed by Jouve, 75001 PARIS (FR)

1 EP 1 958 718 B1 2

Description plied to the cartridge-type spindle device, the rotary joint

will be arranged behind the unclamp device of the draw
TECHNICAL FIELD bar. This requires the draw bar to be long or requires
support for the bearing in the process, thereby posing a
[0001] The present invention relates to a spindle de- 5 problem that a structure is required in which the draw bar
vice of a machine tool according to the preamble of claim can be separated while being pulled off the spindle.
1, for facilitating a change of a spindle of a vertical or
horizontal milling machine or a machining center, etc., DISCLOSURE OF THE INVENTION
and in particular to a spindle device of a machine tool
having a through spindle coolant unit for applying a work- 10 [0005] The technical object of the present invention is
ing fluid through the spindle. Such a spindle device of a to solve these problems of the prior art and an object of
machine tool is disclosed in US 5 782 586 A1. the present invention is to provide a cartridge-type spin-
dle device having an easily separable structure despite
BACKGROUND ART the fact that it comprises a rotary joint for a through spin-
15 dle coolant device.
[0002] A spindle device of a machine tool which is ro- [0006] In order to achieve the above object, according
tated at high speed and receives high cutting resistance to the present invention, there is provided a spindle de-
during a cutting operation, may result in a bearing or a vice of a machine tool according to claim 1. There is pro-
collet being damaged or worn, or a disk spring for a tool vided a spindle device of a machine tool having a spindle
clamp arranged in a spindle being broken. Such prob- 20 rotatably supported in a housing by a front bearing and
lems in the spindle device may occur not only in the spin- a rear bearing, the housing including a front housing and
dle itself but also in the internal structure of the spindle a rear housing which are separably fastened, the front
and the bearing. In the case where the spindle device is bearing of the spindle built in the front housing, the rear
repaired on the site of operation of the machine tool, it is bearing of the spindle supported by the rear housing, the
common practice to remove hydraulic and pneumatic 25 front bearing, the spindle and the rear bearing adapted
pipes for lubrication, cooling or cleaning, and electrical to be able to be separated from the rear housing integrally
wiring to the motor and the limit switch, disassemble the with the front housing when the front housing is separated
whole spindle device, change the spindle, the parts in from the rear housing, which includes:
the spindle or the bearing and then reassemble them.
This results in large-scale repair work that requires so- 30 a draw bar extending in the spindle along a central
phisticated expertise and skill along with considerable axis of the spindle for clamping a tool mounted to
time. For this reason, a spindle device generally referred the forward end of the spindle;
to as a cartridge-type spindle in which the spindle and a coolant passage formed to extend through the
the bearing can be removed integrally has been devel- draw bar along the central axis;
oped and disclosed in, for example, US Patent Publica- 35 an unclamp unit having a draw bar driving piston for
tion No. 2004/0074074A1. pushing the draw bar toward the forward end of the
[0003] In recent years, on the other hand, heavy cutting spindle along the central axis for unclamping the tool
has been required in machine tools in order to reduce mounted to the forward end of the spindle; and
machining time. This greatly increases the temperature a rotary joint located in a recess formed in the piston
of the machining area between the cutting edge of the 40 of the unclamp unit, and including a coolant supply
tool and the workpiece. Therefore, in order to efficiently pipe having a second seal ring attached to the for-
cool the machining area, a through spindle coolant device ward end thereof and provided so as to be movable
has been used in which a coolant or pressured air flows along the central axis of the spindle in such a manner
through the spindle of the machine tool and is supplied as to come into contact with or be separated from a
to the machining area from the tool mounted at the for- 45 first seal ring attached to the rear end of the draw bar,
ward end of the spindle. Japanese Unexamined Patent wherein the draw bar accompanied by the first seal
Publication No. 6-241364 discloses such a through spin- ring can be separated from the rear housing and the
dle coolant device and a rotary joint for transferring a fluid rotary joint together with the spindle and the front
from a fixed pipe to a rotating pipe of the through spindle housing.
coolant device. 50
[0004] However, the rotary joint disclosed in Japanese [0007] The unclamp means is provided close behind
Unexamined Patent Publication No. 6-241364 does not the rear end of the spindle, and the rotary joint is located
have an assumption that it would be applied to the car- in the draw bar driving piston of the unclamp means.
tridge-type spindle device. Therefore, an attempt to use Therefore, the rearward projection amount or rearward
the rotary joint for the cartridge-type spindle has a prob- 55 extension amount (overhang) of the draw bar can be
lem in that the spindle cannot be smoothly pulled off. shortened, and the seal ring on the rotation side of the
Specifically, when the rotary joint described in Japanese rotary joint can be configured without a bearing. Also,
Unexamined Patent Publication No. 6-241364 is just ap- since the rearward projection of the draw bar can be

3 EP 1 958 718 B1 4

shortened, the spindle including the draw bar can be fixed by a bearing holder 39 through an outer race collar.
shortened, so that the spindle can be easily separated [0013] A stator 41 of the built-in motor is provided in
from the rear housing, thereby making it possible to the rear housing 25, while a rotor 43 thereof is provided
change the spindle easily and quickly. on the side of the spindle 15 with a minuscule radial gap
5 between the stator 41 and the rotor 43. The rotor 43 is
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS shrinkage fitted on a shrinkage fitting sleeve 45, which
in turn is shrinkage fitted on the spindle 15.
[0008] [0014] The tool holder 21 is inserted into the tapered
hole 15a at the forward end of the spindle 15, and a pull
Fig. 1 is a sectional view of a spindle device of a 10 stud 47 provided at the rear portion of the tool holder 21
machine tool. is held by a collet 49. The collet 49 is retractable in the
Fig. 2 is an enlarged sectional view of the rear end axial direction by a draw bar 51. A multiplicity of disk
portion of the spindle, showing a rotary joint accord- springs 55 are provided on the inner peripheral surface
ing to a preferred embodiment of the present inven- of the spindle 15 through a sleeve 53, and the right side
tion. 15 of the disk springs 55 is restricted by a nut 57 screwed
into the rear end of the draw bar 51 through a collar. The
BEST MODE FOR CARRYING OUT THE INVENTION disk springs 55 apply a rearward elastic urging force to
the draw bar 51, so that the collet 49 clamps the taper
[0009] The preferred embodiments of the present in- shank of the tool holder 21 in close contact with the ta-
vention will be described below with reference to the ac- 20 pered hole 15a of the spindle 15.
companying drawings. Although the present invention is [0015] A draw bar driving means for pushing and driv-
described below with reference to the embodiments, tak- ing the draw bar 51 toward the forward end of the spindle
ing a horizontal machining center as an example, it is not 15 is provided in the rear of the rear housing 25. The
limited to a horizontal maching center, but may also be draw bar driving means includes a draw bar driving cyl-
applied to a vertical machining center. 25 inder 61 mounted to the rear end of the rear housing 25,
[0010] In Fig. 1, a spindle head 11 of a horizontal ma- and a draw bar driving piston 63 reciprocating along the
chining center is adapted to move up and down along a central axis O hydraulically in the draw bar driving cylin-
Y-axis guide rail 13 of a column (not shown) erected and der 61. Referring to Fig. 2 which is an enlarged sectional
fixed on a bed (not shown) making up a base. A spindle view of the rear end portion of the spindle 15, the draw
15, rotationally driven by a built-in motor, is rotatably sup- 30 bar driving piston 63 is formed with a contact portion 63a
ported in the spindle head 11 through front bearings 17a, projected in the form of a boss from the forward end sur-
17b and rear bearings 19a, 19b. A tool holder 21 having face (right end surface in Fig. 2) opposed to the rear end
various tools (not shown) mounted therein can be of the spindle 15, a recess 63b formed to open rearward
changeably mounted in a tapered hole 15 at the forward in the draw bar driving piston 63, and a through hole 63c
end of the spindle 15. 35 extended from the contact portion 63a to the recess 63b.
[0011] A housing of the spindle head 11 is configured The draw bar driving cylinder 61 is formed with first and
of a front housing 23 and a rear housing 25, both of which second hydraulic ports 65 and 67.
are integrally fastened to each other with a plurality of [0016] On the other hand, the draw bar 51 includes an
bolts 27. The two front bearings 17a, 17b for rotatably extension 51b extending rearward from the rear end por-
supporting the front portion of the spindle 15 are provided 40 tion of the draw bar 51 along the central axis O so as to
in the front housing 23. The inner race of the left front be fitted slidably into the through hole 63c of the draw
bearing 17a is in contact with the shoulder of the spindle bar driving piston 63, and a contact shoulder 51a formed
15, and the inner race of the right front bearing 17b is at the root of the extension 51b so as to be able to come
fixed to the spindle 15 by a nut 29 through an inner race into contact with and come away from the contact portion
collar. The outer race of the right front bearing 17b is in 45 63a. The draw bar 51, as described above, is urged rear-
contact with the shoulder of the front housing 23, and the ward by force of the disk spring 55 in order to clamp the
outer race of the left front bearing 17a is fixed by a bearing tool holder 21 mounted in the tapered hole 15a of the
holder 31 through an outer race collar. spindle 15. Once the pressured oil is supplied to the first
[0012] A bearing case 33 is fitted into a hole 35 formed hydraulic port 65 of the draw bar driving cylinder 61, the
in the rear housing 25, and the two rear bearings 19a, 50 draw bar driving piston 63 moves forward and the contact
19b for rotatably supporting the rear portion of the spindle portion 63a thereof comes into contact with the contact
15 are provided in the bearing case 33. The inner race shoulder 51a of the draw bar 51 thereby to press the
of the left rear bearing 19a is in contact with the shoulder draw bar 51 forward. As a result, the collet 49 is moved
of the spindle 15, and the inner race of the right rear forward through the draw bar 51. Then, the forward end
bearing 19b is fixed to the spindle 15 by a nut 37 through 55 of the collet 49 is positioned in the portion of the sleeve
an inner race collar. The outer race of the left rear bearing 53 having a large inner diameter, so that the collet 49 is
19a is in contact with the shoulder of the bearing case disengaged from the pull stud 47 thereby to unclamp the
33, and the outer race of the right rear bearing 19b is tool holder 21.

5 EP 1 958 718 B1 6

[0017] Further, referring to Fig. 2, a seal ring 69 is at- and 2. As a result, the contact portion 63a of the draw
tached to the rear end of the draw bar 51 and a coolant bar driving piston 63 comes into contact with the contact
passage 51c is formed along the central axis O of the shoulder 51a of the draw bar 51. The draw bar 51 ad-
draw bar 51. The coolant passage 51c is supplied with vances leftward in Figs. 1 and 2 against the urging force
the coolant from the rotary joint 100 built in the draw bar 5 of the disk spring 55, so that the tool T is unclamped
driving piston 63 as described later. This coolant is eject- together with the tool holder 21 mounted in the tapered
ed from the coolant passage 51c into the machining area hole 15a at the forward end of the spindle 15. On the
between a cutting edge (not shown) of the tool T and a contrary, by supplying the working oil to the second hy-
workpiece (not shown) through the passages 21a and draulic port 67 and the same time recovering the working
Ta formed in the tool holder 21 and the tool T, respec- 10 oil from the first hydraulic port 65, the draw bar driving
tively. piston 63 is retreated and the draw bar 51 is moved rear-
[0018] The rotary joint 100 includes a cylinder 101 dis- ward (rightward in Figs. 1 and 2) by the urging force of
posed in a recess 63b of the draw bar driving piston 63, the disk spring 55. As a result, the collet 49 at the forward
and a piston 103 provided in the cylinder 101 so as to be end of the draw bar 51 pulls the tool holder 21 into the
reciprocate along the central axis O. A piston 103 is 15 tapered hole 15a while holding the pull stud 47 of the tool
formed in a flange shape so as to be integrated with a holder 21, so that the tool holder 21 and the tool T are
coolant supply pipe 105, and the inner space of the cyl- clamped at the forward end of the spindle 15.
inder 101 is divided into a pneumatic chamber 107 and [0022] Next, before starting the machining operation
a spring chamber 109 by the piston 103. A coil spring with the tool T, compressed air is supplied to the pneu-
115 for urging the piston 103 and the coolant supply pipe 20 matic port 101a of the cylinder 101 of the rotary joint 100,
105 rearward is provided in the spring chamber 109. Also, and the piston 103 and the coolant supply pipe 105 are
a pneumatic port 101a for supplying compressed air to urged leftward in Fig. 2 against the urging force of the
the pneumatic chamber 107 is formed in the cylinder 101, coil spring 115. The seal ring 113 attached to the forward
and is connected to an external air pressure source (not end of the coolant supply pipe 105 comes into contact
shown) so that the compressed air can be supplied from 25 with the seal ring 69 attached to the rear end of the draw
the air pressure source into or discharged from the pneu- bar 51, so that the coolant passage 105a of the coolant
matic chamber 107. supply pipe 105 of the rotary joint 100 communicates with
[0019] The coolant supply pipe 105 includes a seal ring the coolant passage 51c of the draw bar 51. At the same
113 attached to the forward end of the coolant supply time, the cutoff valve 105c at the rear end of the coolant
pipe 105 so as to face the seal ring 69 of the draw bar 30 supply pipe 105 moves away from the valve seat 111c,
51, a coolant passage 105a formed along the central axis and the coolant passage 105a of the coolant supply pipe
O, a plurality of (four in the embodiment of Fig. 2) radial 105 communicates with the external coolant source
paths 105b formed so as to extend radially and open to through the radial passage 105b and a hose (not shown)
the coolant passage 105a at the portion adjacent to the connected to the inlet port 111b of the joint member 111.
rear end of the coolant supply pipe 105, and a cutoff valve 35 Thus, the coolant supplied from the coolant source is
105c formed at the rear end of the coolant supply pipe ejected into the machining area between the cutting edge
105. Also, a joint member 111 for connecting a hose (not of the tool T and the workpiece through the hose, the
shown) for connecting the coolant supply pipe 105 to an inlet port 111b, the radial passage 105b, the coolant pas-
external coolant supply unit (not shown) is coupled to the sage 105a, the coolant passage 51c and the passages
rear end surface of the cylinder 101. The joint member 40 21a, Ta formed in the tool holder 21 and the tool T, re-
111 is formed in a substantially cylindrical shape and spectively. The coolant leaking from between the two
includes an inner space 111a for accommodating the rear seal rings 113, 69 flows partly into the rear housing 25
end portion of the coolant supply pipe 105 including the through the gap between the extension 51b of the draw
radial passage 105b, and an inlet port 111b extending bar 51 and the through hole 63c of the draw bar driving
from the rear end of the joint member 111 to the inner 45 piston 63. However, the leaking coolant can be recovered
space 111a and coupled with an end of the hose. The by appropriately forming a drain 25a in the rear housing
inner diameter of the inlet port 111b is smaller than that 25.
of the inner space 111a, and a valve seat 111c for the [0023] On the other hand, the front housing 23 is sep-
cutoff valve 105c of the coolant supply pipe 105 to sit arated from the rear housing 25 together with the spindle
thereon is formed between the inlet port 111b and the 50 15 through the front bearings 17a, 17b by loosening the
inner space 111a. bolts 27 and pulling the front housing 23 forward. In the
[0020] An operation of this embodiment will be de- process, the spindle 15 has attached thereto the compo-
scribed below. nent parts built in the spindle 15 including the rotor 43,
[0021] By supplying a working oil from an external oil the bearing case 33 having the rear bearing 19 built there-
pressure source (not shown) to the first hydraulic port 65 55 in, the tool holder 21, the collet 49, the draw bar 51 and
and at the same time recovering the working oil from the the disk spring 55. These parts that can be removed to-
second hydraulic port 67 to the oil pressure source, the gether with the front housing 23 are called the front hous-
draw bar driving piston 63 advances leftward in Figs. 1 ing unit. Further, the draw bar 51 is pulled out with the

7 EP 1 958 718 B1 8

spindle 15 and the seal ring 69, while at the same time axis for unclamping said tool mounted to the for-
separating the draw bar 51 from the coolant supply pipe ward end of said spindle (15); and
105. Specifically, the coolant supply passage extending a rotary joint (100) including a cylinder (101) lo-
from the coolant source to the machining area constituted cated in a recess formed in saiddraw bar driving
by the hose, the inlet port 111b, the radial passage 105b, 5 piston (63) of the unclamp unit, piston (103) pro-
the coolant passage 105a, the coolant passage 51c, the vided in the cylinder (101) so as to be reciprocate
passage 21a of the tool holder 21 and the passage Ta along the central axis, a coolant supply pipe
of the tool T etc. is separated between the seal ring 69 (105) integrated with the cylinder (101) and hav-
of the draw bar 51 and the seal ring 113 of the coolant ing a second seal ring (113) attached to the for-
supply pipe 105. 10 wardcoolant supply pipe (105) and
[0024] Although this embodiment represents a case in wherein said draw bar (51) accompanied by said
which the rotary joint 100 is fixed in the recess 63b of the first seal ring (69) can be separated from said
piston 63, the rotary joint 100 may be supported by a rear housing (25) and said rotary joint (100) to-
bracket from the cylinder 61 and located in the recess gether with said spindle (15) and said front hous-
63b of the piston 63 independently of the piston 63. 15 ing (23;)
[0025] Further, although this embodiment has been characterised in that
described taking a structure as an example in which the a cutoff valve (105c) is formed the rear end of
front housing unit of the horizontal machining center is the coolant supply pipe (105); and
manually pulled off from the rear housing 25, the present a joint member (111) coupled to the rear end
invention is not limited to this structure and can be applied 20 surface of the cylinder (101) and forming a valve
to a spindle device of a vertical machining center. Spe- seat (111c) for the cutoff valve (105c) of the cool-
cifically, a flange-equivalent member of the front housing ant supply pipe (105);
of the vertical spindle device is fixed on a table through wherein an inner space (111a) of the cylinder
a jig and, using the Z-axis vertical feed motion, the front (101) is divided into a pneumatic chamber (107)
housing unit can be pulled out of the rear housing in the 25 and a spring chamber (109) having a spring
same manner as in the horizontal machining center. The (115) for urging the piston (103) and the coolant
present invention can be also applied to a multipurpose supply pipe (105) rearward;
machine tool for manually performing the feed operation wherein if compressed air is supplied to the
as well as to the machining center and the NC machine pneumatic chamber (107) the piston (103) and
tool. 30 the coolant supply pipe (105) are urged against
the spring (115) of the spring chamber (109) to-
ward the draw bar (51) so that the second seal
Claims ring (113) comes into contact with the first seal
ring (69), the coolant supply pipe (105) commu-
1. A spindle device (11) of a machine tool having a spin- 35 nicates with the coolant passage (51c) formed
dle (15) rotatably supported in a housing by a front in the draw bar (51) and the cutoff valve (105c)
bearing (17) and a rear bearing (19), said housing moves away from the valve seat (111c).
including a front housing (23) and a rear housing (25)
which are separably fastened, said front bearing (17)
of said spindle (15) built in said front housing (23), 40 Patentansprüche
said rear bearing (19) of said spindle (15) supported
by said rear housing (25), said front bearing (17), 1. Spindeleinrichtung (11) einer Werkzeugsmaschine
said spindle (15) and said rear bearing (19) adapted mit einer Spindel (15), die durch ein vorderes Lager
to be able to be separated from said rear housing (17) und ein hinteres Lager (19) in einem Gehäuse
(25) integrally with said front housing (23) when said 45 drehbar gelagert ist, worin das Gehäuse ein vorde-
front housing (23) is separated from said rear hous- res Gehäuse (23) und ein hinteres Gehäuse (25) um-
ing (25), said spindle device (11) comprising: fasst, die trennbar befestigt sind, worin das vordere
Lager (17) der Spindel (15) in dem vorderen Gehäu-
a draw bar (51) having a first seal ring (69) at- se (23) verbaut ist, worin das hintere Lager (19) der
tached to a rear end thereof extending in said 50 Spindel (15) durch das hintere Gehäuse (25) ge-
spindle (15) along a central axis of said spindle stützt ist, worin das vordere Lager (17), die Spindel
(15) for clamping a tool mounted to a forward (15) und das hintere Lager (19) angepasst sind, um
end of said spindle (15); von dem mit dem vorderen Gehäuse (23) einstücki-
a coolant passage (51c) formed to extend gen verbundenen hinteren Gehäuse (25) getrennt
through said draw bar (51) along the central axis; 55 zu werden, wenn das vordere Gehäuse (23) von dem
an unclamp unit having a draw bar driving piston hinteren Gehäuse (25) getrennt wird, worin die Spin-
(63) for pushing said draw bar (51) toward the deleinrichtung (11) umfasst:
forward end of said spindle (15) along the central

9 EP 1 958 718 B1 10

eine Zugstange (51) mit einem ersten Dichtring Revendications

(69), der an einem hinteren Ende davon ange-
bracht ist, die sich in der Spindel (15) entlang 1. Dispositif de broche (11) d’une machine-outil pré-
einer Mittelachse der Spindel (15) zum Befesti- sentant une broche (15) supportée en rotation dans
gen eines Werkzeugs erstreckt, das an einem 5 un logement par un palier avant (17) et un palier
vorderen Ende der Spindel (15) befestigt ist; arrière (19), ledit logement comprenant un logement
einen Kühlkanal (51 c), der zur Erstreckung avant (23) et un logement arrière (25) qui sont fixés
durch die Zugstange (51) entlang der Mittelach- de manière à pouvoir être séparés, ledit palier avant
se gebildet ist; (17) de ladite broche (15) étant construit dans ledit
eine Löseeinheit mit einem Zugstangenan- 10 logement avant (23), ledit palier arrière (19) de ladite
triebskolben (63), um die Zugstange (51) ent- broche (15) étant supporté par ledit logement arrière
lang der Mittelachse in Richtung auf das vordere (25), ledit palier avant (17), ladite broche (15) et ledit
Ende der Spindel (15) zum Lösen des Werk- palier arrière (19) adaptés pour pouvoir être séparés
zeugs zu drükken, das an dem vorderen Ende dudit logement arrière (25) étant d’une pièce avec
der Spindel (15) befestigt ist; und 15 ledit logement avant (23) lorsque ledit logement
ein einen Zylinder (101) umfassendes Drehge- avant (23) est séparé dudit logement arrière (25),
lenk (100), der in einer Aussparung angeordnet ledit dispositif de broche (11) comprenant :
ist, die in dem Zugstangenantriebskolben (63)
der Löseeinheit gebildet ist, ein Kolben (103, der une barre de traction (51) présentant une pre-
in dem Zylinder (101) bereitgestellt ist, um so 20 mière bague d’étanchéité (69) fixée sur une ex-
entlang der Mittelachse hin- und herbewegt zu trémité arrière de celle-ci et s’étendant dans la-
werden, eine Kühlmittelzuflussleitung (105), die dite broche (15) le long d’un axe central de ladite
in dem Zylinder (101) eingebaut ist, und einen broche (15) pour serrer un outil monté sur l’ex-
zweiten Dichtring (113) aufweist, der an dem trémité avant de ladite broche (15) ;
vorderen Ende angebracht ist, worin die Kühl- 25 un passage de fluide de refroidissement (51c)
mittelzuflussleitung (105) und worin die mit dem formé pour s’étendre à travers ladite barre de
ersten Dichtring (69) verbundene Zugstange traction (51) le long de l’axe central ;
(51) von dem hinteren Gehäuse (25) und dem une unité de desserrage présentant un piston
Drehgelenk (100) zusammen mit der Spindel d’entraînement de barre de traction (63) pour
(15) und dem vorderen Gehäuse (23) getrennt 30 pousser ladite barre de traction (51) vers l’ex-
werden kann, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass trémité avant de ladite broche (15) le long de
ein Absperrventil (105c) an dem hinteren Ende l’axe central, afin de desserrer ledit outil monté
der Kühlmittelzuflussleitung (105) gebildet ist; vers l’extrémité avant de ladite broche (15) ; et
und un joint rotatif (100) comprenant un cylindre
ein Verbindungselement (111), das mit der hin- 35 (101) situé dans un renfoncement formé dans
teren Endoberfläche des Zylinders (101) ver- ledit piston d’entraînement de barre de traction
bunden ist und einen Ventilsitz (111c) für das (63) de l’unité de desserrage, un piston (103)
Absperrventil (105c) der Kühlmittelzuflusslei- fourni dans le cylindre (101) animé d’un mouve-
tung (105) bildet; ment de va-et-vient le long de l’axe central, un
worin ein Innenraum (111a) des Zylinders (101) 40 conduit d’approvisionnement en fluide de refroi-
in eine pneumatische Kammer (107) und eine dissement (105) étant formé d’une pièce avec
Federkammer (109) mit einer Feder (115) auf- le cylindre (101) et présentant une seconde ba-
geteilt ist, um den Kolben (103) und die Kühl- gue d’étanchéité (113) fixée sur l’extrémité
mittelzuflussleitung (105) nach hinten zu drän- avant du conduit d’approvisionnement en fluide
gen; 45 de refroidissement (105) et
worin, falls die pneumatische Kammer (107) mit dans lequel ladite barre de traction (51) accom-
Druckluft versorgt wird, der Kolben (103) und pagnée de ladite première bague d’étanchéité
die Kühlmittelzuflussleitung (105) gegen die Fe- (69) peut être séparée dudit logement arrière
der (115) der Federkammer (109) in Richtung (25) et dudit joint rotatif (100) de même que de
auf die Zugstange (51) gedrängt werden, so 50 ladite broche (15) et dudit logement avant (23) ;
dass der zweite Dichtring (113) den ersten
Dichtring (69) berührt, worin die Kühlmittelzu- caractérisé en ce que :
flussleitung (105) mit dem Kühlkanal (51c) in
Verbindung steht, der in der Zugstange (51) ge- une soupape d’arrêt (105c) est formée au niveau
bildet ist, und worin das Absperrventil (105c) von 55 de l’extrémité arrière du conduit d’approvision-
dem Ventilsitz (111c) wegbewegt wird. nement en fluide de refroidissement (105) ; et
un élément de joint (111) couplé à la surface
d’extrémité arrière du cylindre (101) et qui forme

11 EP 1 958 718 B1 12

un siège de soupape (111c) de la soupape d’ar-

rêt (105c) du conduit d’approvisionnement en
fluide de refroidissement (105) ;
dans lequel un espace intérieur (111a) du cylin-
dre (101) est divisé en une chambre pneumati- 5
que (107) et en une chambre de ressort (109)
présentant un ressort (115) pour pousser le pis-
ton (103) et le conduit d’approvisionnement en
fluide de refroidissement (105) vers l’arrière ;
dans lequel, si de l’air comprimé est fourni à la 10
chambre pneumatique (107), le piston (103) et
le conduit d’approvisionnement en fluide de re-
froidissement (105) sont poussés contre le res-
sort (115) de la chambre de ressort (109) vers
la barre de traction (51) de telle sorte que la se- 15
conde bague d’étanchéité (113) vienne en con-
tact avec la première bague d’étanchéité (69),
le conduit d’approvisionnement en fluide de re-
froidissement (105) communique avec le pas-
sage de fluide de refroidissement (51c) formé 20
dans la barre de traction (51) et la soupape d’ar-
rêt (105c) se déplace en s’éloignant du siège de
soupape (111c).








EP 1 958 718 B1

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EP 1 958 718 B1


This list of references cited by the applicant is for the reader’s convenience only. It does not form part of the European
patent document. Even though great care has been taken in compiling the references, errors or omissions cannot be
excluded and the EPO disclaims all liability in this regard.

Patent documents cited in the description

• US 5782586 A1 [0001] • JP 6241364 A [0003] [0004]

• US 20040074074 A1 [0002]


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