11th Class Guess Papers 2024 Chem Long
11th Class Guess Papers 2024 Chem Long
11th Class Guess Papers 2024 Chem Long
Explain hydrogen bonding in NH3, H2O and Define and explain Hess’s law and give its
HF. How is it helpful in explaining the applications.
structure of ice? State Hess’s Law of constant heat
What is boiling point? What is the effect of summation. Explain it giving two examples.
external pressure on the boiling point? Why State 1st law of thermodynamics. Prove
the temperature remains constant at boiling that ∆E=qv
point although heat is continuously supplied. State 1st law of thermodynamics. How does
What are ionic solids? Give their properties in it explain that ∆H=qp?
details. Define Enthalpy of reaction. How is it
What are liquid crystals? Give their uses in measured by Glass Calorimeter?
daily life. Explain Bomb Calorimetric method for the
What are molecular solids? Give their measurement of enthalpy of reaction. Also
important characteristics? draw diagram.
What is vapor pressure of a liquid? Also Explain the following terms;
discuss its measurement by Manometric a. Standard heat of neutralization
method and draw diagram. b. standard enthalpy of solution
Give Postulates of Kinetic Molecular theory