11th Class Guess Papers 2024 Chem Long

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 What is mass spectrometer? How it is used to  Helium gas in a 100 cm3 container at a pressure of
determine the relative atomic mass? 500 torr is transferred to a contaner with a volume
 Write down various steps to calculate the of 250 cm3. What will be the new pressure if not
empirical formula of a compound. change in temperature occurs?
 Explain combustion analysis of an organic  A sample of krypton with a volume of 6.25 dm3, a
compound along with diagram. pressure of 765 torr and a temperature of 20 oC is
 What is stoichiometry? Give its assumptions? expanded to a volume of 9.55 dm3 and a pressure
Mention two important laws, which help to of 375 torr. What will be its final temperature in
perform the stoichiometric calculations? oC?
 What is a limiting reactant? How does it control  Working at a vacuum line, a chemist isolated a gas
the quantity of the product formed? in a weighing bulb with a volume of 255 cm3, at a
 What are the factors which are mostly responsible temperature of 25oC and under a pressure in the
for the low yield of the products in chemical bulb of 10.0 torr. The gas weighted 12.1 mg. What
reactions? is the molecular mass of this gas?
 A sample of nitrogen gas in enclosed in a vessel of
volume 380 cm3 at 120 oC and pressure of 101325
Nm-2. This gas is transferred to a 10 dm3 flask and
cooled to 27 oC. Calculate the pressure in Nm-2
exerted by the gas at 27 oC.
 Helium gas in a 100 cm3 container at a pressure of
500 torr is transferred to a container with a volume
of 250 cm3.What will be the new pressure if its
temperature changes from 20o C to 15o C?
 One mole of methane gas is maintained at 300K. Its
volume is 250cm3 calculate the pressure exerted by
gas considering that it is behaving as non-ideal. a =
2.253 atm. dm6.mol-2 b = 0.0428 dm3mol-1
 A sample of krypton gas with a volume of 6.25 dm3,
a pressure of 765 torr and temperature of 20 oC is
expanded to a volume of 9.55 dm3 and a pressure
of 375 torr. What will be the new temperature in


 Explain hydrogen bonding in NH3, H2O and  Define and explain Hess’s law and give its
HF. How is it helpful in explaining the applications.
structure of ice?  State Hess’s Law of constant heat
 What is boiling point? What is the effect of summation. Explain it giving two examples.
external pressure on the boiling point? Why  State 1st law of thermodynamics. Prove
the temperature remains constant at boiling that ∆E=qv
point although heat is continuously supplied.  State 1st law of thermodynamics. How does
 What are ionic solids? Give their properties in it explain that ∆H=qp?
details.  Define Enthalpy of reaction. How is it
 What are liquid crystals? Give their uses in measured by Glass Calorimeter?
daily life.  Explain Bomb Calorimetric method for the
 What are molecular solids? Give their measurement of enthalpy of reaction. Also
important characteristics? draw diagram.
 What is vapor pressure of a liquid? Also  Explain the following terms;
discuss its measurement by Manometric a. Standard heat of neutralization
method and draw diagram. b. standard enthalpy of solution
 Give Postulates of Kinetic Molecular theory


 Write four defects of Bohr’s atomic model.  Calculate the pH of buffer solution in which 0.11
 Derive an expression to determine the radius molar H3CCOONa and 0.09 molar acetic acid
of an orbit using Bohr Model. solutions are present Ka for H3CCOONa is 1.85 x
 Describe Millikan’s oil drop method for the
measurement of charge on electron.  N2(g) and H2(g) combine to give NH3(g). The value of
Kc in this reaction at 500Co is 6.0 x 10-2 calculate
 Define Quantum numbers. Discuss briefly the value of Kp for this reaction.
Azimuthal quantum number.
 Benzoic acid, C6H5COOH, is a weak mono basic
 Give properties of neutron in detail (any four). acid (Ka = 6.4 x 10-5moldm-3).What is the pH of a
 Write down the experiment how neutron was solution containing 7.2 g of sodium benzoate
discovered. (C6H5COONa) in one dm3 of 0.02 mol dm-3
 Describe J.J Thomson’s experiment for benzoic acid? (Atomic masses Na: 23, C:12)
determining e/m value of electron.
 Ca (OH)2 is a sparingly soluble compound. Its
solubility product is 6.5 x 10-6. Calculate the
solubility of Ca(OH)2. (Atomic mass: Ca = 40).
 The solubility of CaF2 in water at 25oC is found to
be 2.05 x 10-4 mole dm-3. What is the value of Ksp
at this temperature?
 Write the main postulates of VSEPR theory and  Define electrochemical series? Explain its
explain the structure of Ammonia on the basis of any three applications.
this theory.  How electrochemical series is helpful in the
 Explain the structure of ethyne according to prediction of feasibility of chemical reaction
hybridization concept. and relative chemical reactivity of metals?
 Explain sp3 hybridization by taking example of
 Explain the structure and function of voltaic
Methane (CH4).
 What is sp2 hybridization. Explain the structure of or galvanic cell.
ethene?  How can you measure electrode potential of
 Explain the molecular orbital structure of following an element using standard hydrogen
molecules on the basis of MOT. N2 and O2 electrode (SHE)?
molecule.  What is standard hydrogen electrode (SHE)?
 Define dipole moment. Give its units. How is it How it is used to measure the electrode
used to determine the geometry of molecule? Give potential of Zinc.
an example.  Describe the electrolysis of molten sodium
 Define ionization energy. Write factors affecting. chloride and a concentrated aqueous
Define factors affecting it and trends in the periodic
solution of sodium chloride.
 Define Solubility curves. Explain  Explain the energy of activation.
continuous and discontinuous solubility  How does Arrhenius equation help us to
curves. 2021,2022 calculate the energy of activation of a
 Give graphical explanation of boiling point reaction?
elevation of solution.  Define half life period. Describe half life
 What are Colligative properties of method for the determination of order of
solutions? Explain elevation of boiling reaction.
point.  Define order of reaction and explain 2nd
 State and explain Raoult’s law in three order and zero order reactions.
forms.  Define Order of reaction. Describe it with
 State different forms of Raoult’s law. How three examples.
can this law help us to understand the  Write a brief note on the following:
ideality of a solution?  Homogeneous catalysis
 What are ideal solutions? Explain the  Heterogeneous catalysis
fractional distillation of ideal mixture of two  What are enzymes? Write any four
liquids. characteristics of enzyme catalysis.
 Differentiate between ideal and non-ideal


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