Resolution Policies Programmes Youth

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12 February 2015

Policies and Programmes involving Youth

The Commission for Social Development,

PP1 Recalling General Assembly resolution 50/81 of 14 December 1995 and

resolution 62/126 of 18 December 2007, by which it adopted the World Programme
of Action for Youth (WPAY), as contained in the annexes thereto, and acknowledging
that the Programme of Action provides Member States with a useful policy
framework and practical guidelines for improving the situation of youth; (agreed ad

PP2 Reiterating that all fifteen priority areas of the World Programme of
Action for Youth are interrelated and mutually reinforcing; (agreed ad ref)

PP3 Emphasizing the importance of the twentieth anniversary since the

adoption of the World Programme of Action for Youth marked in 2015 and the need
for a meaningful assessment of the progress made towards its implementation;
(agreed ad ref)

PP4 Stressing that the implementation of the World Programme of Action for
Youth and the achievement of the internationally agreed development goals, including
the remaining days of the Millennium Development Goals and beyond 2015, require
the full and effective participation of youth and youth organizations and other civil
society organizations at the local, national, regional and international levels; (agreed
ad ref)

PP5 Recalling the Secretary-General´s set of indicators linked to the World

Programme of Action for Youth, in order to assist Member States in assessing the
implementation of the World Programme of Action for Youth and thus the evolution
of the situation of youth; (agreed ad ref)

PP6 Acknowledging the positive contribution of youth, as agents and

beneficiaries of development, to the initiatives and discussions on the sustainable
development in the post-2015 agenda, as well as to the general well-being, progress
and diversity of society, as a way of contributing to a progressively fairer distribution
of opportunities for them, which will constitute a step forward to economic
development, social justice, social integration and equity; (agreed ad ref)

PP7 Taking note of the Secretary-General’s Five-Year Action Agenda that

identifies “Working with and for women and young people” as one of the five
generational opportunities; (agreed ad ref)

PP8 Stressing that increased coordination and collaboration among United

Nations entities and with other regional and international organizations working on
youth contribute to making the youth-related work of the United Nations system more
effective; (agreed ad ref)

1. Takes note with appreciation of the Report of the Secretary-General on
Policies and Programmes involving Youth;1 (agreed ad ref)

2. Reiterates that the primary responsibility for implementing the World

Programme of Action for Youth lies with Member States and urges Governments, in
consultation with youth and youth organizations, to develop holistic and integrated
youth policies based on the World Programme of Action for Youth and to evaluate
them regularly as part of the follow-up action on and implementation of the World
Programme of Action for Youth; (agreed ad ref)

3. Calls upon Member States to continue the implementation of the World

Programme of Action for Youth, including its fifteen interrelated priority areas, as a
policy framework and practical guidelines for national action and international
support to improve the situation of young people, at the local, national, sub-regional,
regional and international levels, while taking into account the views of youth and
youth organizations as a part of the effective participation of youth in the society;
(agreed ad ref)

4. Encourages Member States to develop comprehensive policies and

action plans focused on the best interests of youth, particularly the poor and
marginalized, and address all aspects of youth development, in line with the World
Programme of Action for Youth; (agreed ad ref)

5. Also encourages Member States to promote gender equality and the

empowerment of young women and girls in all aspects of youth development and
recognize the important role of young men and boys in ensuring this; (agreed ad ref)

6. Calls upon Member States to consider, on a voluntary basis, the

indicators proposed in the Report of the Secretary-General2 for their selection and
adaptation in monitoring and assessing the implementation of the World Programme
of Action for Youth, giving particular attention to young women and marginalized
groups, including indigenous youth, youth in rural areas, youth with disabilities and
young migrants, taking into account the national social and economic circumstances
in each country; (agreed ad ref)

7. Calls for Member States to collect, on a continuous basis, reliable,

comparable and relevant data, disaggregated by age and sex, to measure progress
towards the implementation and monitoring of the World Programme of Action for
Youth, and in this regard also encourages Member States to engage youth and youth
organizations in the collection, analysis and dissemination of data in the process of
assessing progress and evaluating youth policies; (agreed ad ref)

8. Further calls upon Member States to give due consideration to youth

issues in all appropriate aspects of the post-2015 development agenda, underlining the
importance of closely consulting with and actively involving youth and youth
organizations in the implementation of the upcoming post-2015 development agenda;
(agreed ad ref)

9. Encourages Member States to ensure a coherent and mutually

reinforcing approach while implementing all relevant agreed frameworks, including
the World Programme of Action for Youth and the upcoming post-2015 development
agenda; (agreed ad ref)
10. Urges Member States to ensure the full enjoyment by all young people
of all human rights and fundamental freedoms, in accordance with the Charter of the
United Nations and other international instruments related to human rights, in the
implementation of the World Programme of Action for Youth; (agreed ad ref)

11. Encourages Member States to consider including youth representatives

in their delegations at all relevant discussions in the General Assembly and the
Economic and Social Council and its functional commission and at relevant United
Nations conferences, as appropriate, bearing in mind the principle of gender balance
and non-discrimination, and inter alia, to consider establishing a national youth
delegate programme, and emphasises that youth representatives should be selected
through a transparent process which ensures that they have a suitable mandate to
represent young people in their countries; (agreed ad ref)

12. Urges Member States to promote the full and effective participation of
young people and youth organizations in relevant decision-making processes,
including in developing, implementing and monitoring policies, programmes and
activities, including those related to the World Programme of Action for Youth;
(agreed ad ref)

13. Reaffirms that the strengthening of international cooperation regarding

youth, capacity building, enhancement of dialogue, mutual understanding and the
active participation of young people are crucial elements of efforts towards achieving
the eradication of poverty, full employment and social integration, and in this regard
stresses the importance of promoting access to nationally owned social protection and
social services as an important instrument for empowering youth; (agreed ad ref)

14. Takes note with appreciation of the increased collaboration among

United Nations entities on youth through the Inter-Agency Network on Youth
Development, calls upon the United Nations entities to develop additional measures to
support local, national, regional and international efforts in addressing challenges
hindering youth development, and in this regard encourages close collaboration with
Member States as well as other relevant stakeholders, including civil society,
particularly youth-led organizations; (agreed ad ref)

15. Calls upon donors, including Member States and intergovernmental and
non-governmental organizations, to actively contribute to the United Nations Youth
Fund in order to facilitate the participation of youth representatives from developing
countries in the activities of the United Nations, taking into account the need for
greater geographical balance of youth representation, as well as to accelerate the
implementation of the World Programme of Action for Youth and in this regard
requests the Secretary-General to take appropriate action to encourage contributions
to the Fund; (agreed ad ref)

16. Requests the Secretary-General to submit to the Commission for Social

Development at its fifty-fifth session, a comprehensive report on the implementation
of this resolution, including progress on the achievements and challenges in the
implementation of the World Programme of Action for Youth, in consultation with
Member States, as well as with the relevant specialized agencies, funds and
programmes, and regional commissions, taking into account the work done by the

United Nations system; and also encourages the Secretariat to consult, as appropriate,
with youth-led and youth-focused organizations. (agreed ad ref)

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