Properties of A Fading Agn From Sdss-Iv Manga

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MNRAS 000, 1–12 (2022) Preprint 15 March 2024 Compiled using MNRAS LATEX style file v3.

Properties of a Fading AGN from SDSS-IV MaNGA

Hao Mo 1,2,3 ,Yan-Mei Chen 1,2,3★ , Zhi-Yun Zhang 1,2,3 , Alexei Moiseev 4,5 , Dmitry Bizyaev 5,6 ,

Yong Shi 1,2,3 , Qiu-Sheng Gu 1,2,3 , Min Bao 1,2,3 , Xiao Cao 1,2,3 and Song-Lin Li 7,8
1 School of Astronomy and Space Science, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China
2 Key Laboratory of Modern Astronomy and Astrophysics (Nanjing University), Ministry of Education, Nanjing 210093, China
3 Collaborative Innovation Center of Modern Astronomy and Space Exploration, Nanjing 210093, China
4 Special Astrophysical Observatory, Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhny Arkhyz, Russia.
5 Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.
arXiv:2403.09174v1 [astro-ph.GA] 14 Mar 2024

6 Apache Point Observatory and New Mexico State University, Sunspot, NM, USA.
7 Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Australian National University, Canberra, ACT 2611, Australia.
8 ARC Centre of Excellence for All-Sky Astrophysics in 3 Dimensions (ASTRO 3D), Australia.

Accepted XXX. Received YYY; in original form ZZZ

We identify a fading AGN SDSS J220141.64+115124.3 from the internal Product Launch-11 (MPL-11) in Mapping Nearby
Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory (MaNGA) survey. The central region with a projected radius of ∼2.4 kpc is characterized
as LINER-like line ratios while the outskirts extended to ∼15 kpc show Seyfert-like line ratios. The [O iii]𝜆5007 luminosity of
the Seyfert regions is a factor of 37 (2) higher than the LINER regions without (with) dust attenuation correction, suggesting that
the AGN activity decreases at least ∼8 × 103 yrs (∼2.4 kpc/light-speed) ago. We model the emission line spectra in the central
region with double Gaussian components (a narrow core and a broad wing) and analyze the properties of each component. The
narrow core component mostly co-rotates with the stellar disc, whereas the broad wing component with a median of the velocity
dispersion ∼300 km s−1 is related to a wind outflow. The kinematic position angle (PA) of the ionized gas shows a ∼20° twist
from the galaxy center to 1.5 effective radius. The median of the PA difference between the gas and stellar components is as large
as ∼50° within 0.4 effective radius. The tidal feature in DESI image and star-gas misalignment suggest this galaxy is a merger
remnant. Combining all these observational results as well as public available X-ray and MIR luminosities, we confirm this is a
fading AGN, the merger process kick-started the central engine to quasar phase which ionized gas composed of tidal debris, and
now the activity of the central black hole decreases. The discontinuity in [O iii]𝜆5007 flux and EQW maps is due to multiple
AGN outbursts triggered by merger remnant gas inflows.
Key words: galaxies: active – galaxies: nuclei - galaxies: evolution - galaxies: individual: SDSS J220141.64+115124.3.

1 INTRODUCTION (Husemann et al. 2013). There are some EELRs show modest elec-
tron temperatures and narrow line widths which are much smaller
Active galactic nuclei (AGN) can have a strong influence on the in-
than that generated from direct interaction with either an outflow or
terstellar medium of the host galaxies, through photoionization of the
a radio jet, indicating they are ionized by radiation from the nucleus
gas, the mechanical input from radio jets or winds driven by AGNs
(e.g., Knese et al. 2020). Due to their physical extension, EELRs
(Morganti 2017). These kinds of AGN feedback is thought to play a
provide an ideal laboratory to probe the effect of the AGN on their
critical role in regulating the evolution of both the host galaxy and
galaxy (e.g., Harrison et al. 2015; Sun et al. 2017). Furthermore, we
the central supermassive black hole (SMBH) (e.g., Gebhardt et al.
can obtain a view into the activity history of the central black holes
2000; Kormendy & Ho 2013).
through light-travel time to the gas clouds (Aoki et al. 1994; Finlez
The AGN can photoionize gas out to a scale of ∼1 kpc, which is
et al. 2022; Moiseev & Smirnova 2023).
the well-known narrow-line region (NLR). Observations also show
The suggestion that EELRs can be the result of a fading AGN
that AGN-ionized gas can often extend well beyond this limit and
was originally explored in an extended, highly ionized cloud called
reach tens of kiloparsecs (e.g., Liu et al. 2013; Harrison et al. 2014;
Hanny’s Voorwerp 15∼35 kpc (Keel et al. 2012a) to the south of
Finlez et al. 2022). Extended emission line regions (EELRs) can
galaxy IC 2497 (Lintott et al. 2009). It is bright in SDSS 𝑔-band
exhibit complex morphologies and be spatially and kinematically
due to unusually strong [O iii]𝜆4959, 5007 emission lines. The dif-
distinct from the NLR. In early studies, the EELRs are connected
ference in the energy budget between the nucleus and the ionization
with the presence of radio jets (Stockton et al. 2006). However, fol-
requirements in Hanny’s Voorwerp indicates that the AGN faded
lowing works find EELRs in active galaxies without radio emission
from quasar phase to a modest Seyfert or LINER level (Keel et al.
2017). Starting with the unusual morphology and 𝑔, 𝑟, 𝑖 colors of
★ Hanny’s Voorwerp, similar objects were discovered from the Galaxy
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© 2022 The Authors

2 Mo et al.
Zoo (Keel et al. 2012b, 2013) and from the SDSS survey (“the green Apache Point Observatory (Gunn et al. 2006). MaNGA employs
beans”, Schweizer et al. 2013). These are luminous [O iii] emitting dithered observations with 17 fiber-bundle IFUs (Law et al. 2015)
clouds with extraordinarily high equivalent widths (EQWs) of sev- with 5 sizes varying between 19 fibers and 127 fibers (or 12.5′′ -
eral tens angstrom. More similar cases of extended ionized gas of 32.5′′ diameter in the sky) to explore the detailed structure of nearby
lower luminosity AGNs have been reported using Integral Field Unit galaxies (Drory et al. 2015). Two dual-channel BOSS spectrographs
(IFU) spectroscopy in the local universe, e.g. an off-nuclear Seyfert- (Smee et al. 2013) provide simultaneous spectral coverage over
like compact emission line region in spiral galaxy NGC 3621 by 3,600∼10,300Å at a median resolution of 𝑅 ∼2,000. MaNGA selects
Menezes et al. (2016), they suggest this emission line region as a "Primary" and "Secondary" samples defined by two radial coverage
“light echo” from an active galactic nucleus which has decreased goals. The "Primary" sample is extended out to ∼1.5 effective radius
by a factor of 13∼500 during the last ∼230 yr; two asymmetric (𝑅𝑒 , Petrosian 50% light radius) while the "Secondary" sample is
gas clouds have been found by Comerford et al. (2017) in SDSS extended out to ∼2.5 𝑅𝑒 (Yan et al. 2016b). SDSS J2201+1151 be-
J1354+1327, one ∼10 kpc cone of photoionized gas to the south of longs to the "Primary" sample and has 𝑅𝑒 of ∼10′′ in 𝑟-band. The 2′′
the galaxy center and one ∼1 kpc semi-spherical front of shocked fiber diameter corresponds to 1.2kpc spatial resolution at the redshift
gas to the north of the galaxy center, they suggest the two clouds 𝑧 ∼0.0298 of this galaxy. A typical exposure time of 3 hours on-sky
as a result of different AGN accretion cycles; Xu & Wang (2022, ensures a per-fiber 𝑟-band continuum signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) of
2023) also found EELRs due to past AGN activities in NGC 7496 5 at 1.5𝑅𝑒 , with much higher S/N ∼100 towards the center.
& NGC 5195. Mostly targeting normal galaxies, the MaNGA sur- The Data Reduction Pipeline (DRP, Law et al. 2016) of MaNGA
vey is ideal for searching low luminosity AGN echoes, which should provides sky-subtracted and flux-calibrated 3D spectra for each
be much more common than the extremely luminous AGN echoes galaxy. The Data Analysis Pipeline (DAP, Westfall et al. 2019) is
identified from the SDSS imaging data, providing critical insights a survey-led software package for analyzing the spectra produced by
into the fueling, triggering, and starving of lower level AGN activ- the DRP. It has been developed since 2014 and has gone through sev-
ity, as well as how the maintenance-mode AGN feedback operates eral versions, which heavily relies on pPXF (Cappellari & Emsellem
in low-redshift galaxies. The first attempt of this sort of search was 2004) and a subset of stellar templates drawn from the MaSTar li-
performed by French et al. (2023) who found several EELRs related brary (Yan et al. 2019). DAP fits the stellar continuum in each spaxel
to fading AGNs in MaNGA sample of post-starburst galaxies. and produces estimates of the lick indexes and measurements of 21
SDSS J220141.64+115124.3 (hereafter SDSS J2201+1151), the major nebular emission lines in the MaNGA wavelength coverage.
galaxy studied in this work, was first considered as a fading AGN can- In this work, we use the following parameters from the MaNGA
didate in Keel et al. (2012b) along with other 18 galaxies with AGN DAP products drawn from the internal MaNGA Product Launch-11
ionized regions at projected radii > 10 kpc. They estimate a ratio of (MPL-11) named "MAPS-SPX-MILESHC-MASTARSSP", includ-
3.4 between the ionizing luminosity of the EELRs and far-infrared ing line-of-sight rotation velocity of stars (𝑉★), stellar velocity dis-
(FIR) AGN luminosity, indicating the extended cloud can not be persion (𝜎★), line-of-sight rotation velocity of ionized gas (𝑉gas ), gas
ionized by an obscured AGN in SDSS J2201+1151. The most direct velocity dispersion (𝜎gas ), [O iii]𝜆5007 flux, [O iii]𝜆5007 equivalent
interpretation is that the EELRs are ionized by AGN that has faded width (EQW).
over the light-travel time between the ionized gas and nucleus. These
results were confirmed in the study of ionization history based on
HST narrow band imaging (Keel et al. 2017). The ionized gas kine- 2.2 General properties of SDSS J2201+1151
matics of this galaxy was briefly considered by fitting [O iii]𝜆5007 Figure 1 shows the gas & stellar kinematics, as well as ionization
emission line using a single Voigt-profile (the convolution of the mechanism of SDSS J2201+1151. Figure 1(a) is the SDSS 𝑔, 𝑟, 𝑖
Gaussian and Lorentz profiles, Moiseev & Egorov 2008) based on color image in which the purple hexagon marks the region covered
data from Big Telescope Alt-azimuthal (BTA) in its scanning Fabry- by the MaNGA bundle. Figure 1(b) is the DESI image which is
Perot Interferometer mode (FPI, Keel et al. 2015). ∼2 mag deeper than SDSS, the tidal feature in the bottom left of
In this work, we use the MaNGA data to study the gas and stel- this galaxy was first discovered in the Big Telescope Alt-azimuthal
lar components in SDSS J2201+1151. The paper is organized as (BTA) 𝑅-band image presented by Keel et al. (2015), again the purple
follows. In Section 2, we give a short introduction to the MaNGA hexagon marks the region covered by the MaNGA bundle. Figure 1(c)
survey, general properties of this galaxy, and method of emission shows the ionized gas velocity field traced by the H𝛼 emission line,
line fitting. In Section 3, we analyze the detailed properties of this only spaxels with H𝛼 S/N larger than 3 are included.
galaxy, including the velocity field, [S ii]-BPT diagram, dust attenu- Figure 1(d) shows the velocity field of the stellar component. Red
ation, AGN luminosity, and kinematic position angle of the gas and represents moving away from us while blue represents moving to-
stellar components. We discuss the observational results in Section ward us, and the color bars indicate the value of velocities. Figure
4. Finally, we draw conclusions in Section 5. Throughout this paper, 1(e)&(f) show the [S ii]-BPT diagnostic diagram (Baldwin et al.
we use the flat ΛCDM cosmological parameters with 𝐻0 = 70km 1981; Veilleux & Osterbrock 1987) as well as the spatial resolved
s −1 Mpc −1 , Ω𝑚 = 0.3, and ΩΛ = 0.7. All wavelengths stated are in BPT for spaxels with S/N larger than 3 for the four emission line
vacuum. (H𝛽, [O iii]𝜆5007, H𝛼, [S ii]𝜆𝜆6717,6731 doublets). The solid curve
in Figure 1(e) marks the theoretical upper boundary of extreme star-
bursts determined by Kewley et al. (2001). The black dashed line
is the division between low-ionization nuclear emission-line regions
2 OBSERVATIONS & DATA REDUCTION (LINERs, below) and Seyfert (above) galaxies (Kewley et al. 2006).
In Figure 1(e)&(f), yellow represents the LINER region and red rep-
2.1 The MaNGA survey
resents the Seyfert region. It is totally out of our expectation that
MaNGA is one of three core programs in the fourth-generation Sloan the central region of this object is characterized as LINER-like line
Digital Sky Survey (SDSS-IV, Blanton et al. 2017; Yan et al. 2016a) ratios while the outskirts show Seyfert-like line ratios.
started on July 2014, using 2.5m Sloan Foundation Telescope at

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Properties of a Fading AGN from SDSS-IV MaNGA 3

Figure 1. (a) The sloan 𝑔, 𝑟, 𝑖 color image of SDSS J2201+1151. (b) The DESI image which is ∼2 mag deeper than SDSS. In both panel (a) and (b), the purple
hexagon marks the region covered by the MaNGA bundle. (c) The ionized gas velocity field traced by H𝛼 emission line, only spaxels with H𝛼 S/N larger than
3 are included. (d) The velocity field of the stellar component. Red represents moving away from us while blue represents moving toward us, and the color bars
indicate the value of velocities. (e) The [S ii]-BPT diagram. The black solid curve marks the theoretical upper boundary for extreme starbursts determined by
Kewley et al. (2001). The black dashed line is the division between LINER and Seyfert regions (Kewley et al. 2006). Yellow represents the LINER region and
red represents the Seyfert region. (f) The spatially resolved BPT diagram. The color definition is the same as panel (e).

Figure 2. (a) The [O iii]𝜆5007 equivalent width map. The galaxy center is marked with a black cross while the black contours mark the regions with enhanced
[O iii]𝜆5007 EQW. (b)&(c) The central emission line spectrum of the H𝛽 & H𝛼 regions, respectively. Black is the observed emission line spectrum, red is the
single Gaussian model of each emission line given by MaNGA DAP while green is the combination of all the Gaussian components. The vertical gray lines
mark the restframe wavelength center of the H𝛽 and H𝛼 emission lines.

2.3 Method of emission line fitting 2 shows the emission line spectrum for the central spaxel. Figure
2(a) shows the [O iii]𝜆5007 EQW map. The galaxy center is marked
In order to explore the reliability of ionization state measurements with a black cross while the black contours mark the regions with en-
and the origin of the ionization state variations from the center to hanced [O iii]𝜆5007 EQW. Figure 2(b)&(c) show the center emission
the outskirts, we check the spectrum of each spaxel, finding that line spectrum in the H𝛽 and H𝛼 regions, respectively. Black is the
in some spaxels the emission line spectra can not be modeled by a observed emission line spectrum, red is the single Gaussian model
single Gaussian component, especially for the central region. Figure

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4 Mo et al.

Figure 3. The central emission line spectrum of the H𝛽 (top) and H𝛼 (bottom) regions. Black is the observed emission line spectrum, red represents the narrow
core component while blue represents the broad wing component. The green spectrum is the combination of the blue and red components, which is the best-fit
model. The vertical gray lines mark the rest-frame wavelength center of H𝛽 and H𝛼 emission lines.

given by MaNGA DAP while green is the combination of all the Figure 4(a) shows the reduced 𝜒2 ratio of [O iii]𝜆5007 region
Gaussian components. It is obvious that a single Gauss is insufficient (4980Å ≤ 𝜆 ≤ 5030Å) for spaxels with [O iii]𝜆5007 S/N larger
for describing the profile of the emission lines. than 3. Figure 4(b) shows the reduced 𝜒2 ratio of [S ii]𝜆𝜆6717,6731
In this section, we fit each emission line (H𝛽, [O iii]𝜆4959, region (6690Å ≤ 𝜆 ≤ 6760Å) for spaxels with [S ii]𝜆𝜆6717,6731
[O iii]𝜆5007, [N ii]𝜆6548, H𝛼, [N ii]𝜆6583, [S ii]𝜆𝜆6717, 6731) with S/N larger than 3. Spaxels with 𝜒12 /𝜒22 greater than 1.2 for both the
double Gaussian components (a narrow core plus a broad wing) us- [O iii]𝜆5007 and [S ii]𝜆𝜆6717,6731 emission lines (the region within
ing the package curve_fit in SciPy (Virtanen et al. 2020). Since each the black polygon) are selected for the double Gaussian fitting (Hu
Gaussian component of these lines likely arises from the same phys- et al. 2008). We also visually inspect the emission line spectra by eyes
ical region with similar kinematics, H𝛽 and [O iii]𝜆4959 are tied to to select spaxels requiring double Gaussian fitting for the emission
have the same line center and line width as [O iii]𝜆5007 in the ve- lines. 90% spaxels selected by eyes are also selected by the ratio of
locity space for each Gaussian component, while [N ii]𝜆𝜆6548,6583 reduced 𝜒2 method. Overall, we use the double Gaussian model (a
and [S ii]𝜆𝜆6717,6731 are tied to have the same line center and line narrow core plus a broad wing) to describe the profile of the emis-
width as H𝛼. We also tried to untie the line center and line width of sion line spectra for spaxels within the black polygon. For the outer
the emission line components, finding our following results keep the regions, a single Gaussian model (narrow core) is applied to fit each
same. emission line.
In Figure 3, we show the emission line spectrum of the central
spaxel as well as its best-fitting double Gaussian model as an exam-
ple. Black is the observed emission line spectrum, red represents the 3 RESULTS
narrow core components while blue represents the broad wing com-
ponents. Green is the combination of the blue and red components, 3.1 The kinematics of gas & stellar components
which is the best-fit model. Comparing with the single Gaussian In this section, we study the kinematics of stellar and gas compo-
model given by MaNGA DAP in Figure 2, it is obvious that the nents. The stellar velocity and velocity dispersion fields are given
double Gaussian describes the spectrum much better than the single by MaNGA DAP. The gas velocity is estimated through comparing
Gaussian model. the restframe line center of an emission line to the line center of the
In order to qualify which spaxels require double Gaussian models, best-fit Gaussian model and the gas velocity dispersion is calculated
we calculate the reduced chi-square (𝜒2 ) of the single (𝜒12 ) and dou- from the best-fit line width. Figure 5(a) shows the stellar velocity
ble Gaussian models (𝜒22 ) respectively. The reduced 𝜒2 is defined field. Figure 5(c)&(e) show the gas velocity fields of the narrow
as 𝜒2 per degree of freedom (Lupton 1993). We apply the ratio of core (𝑉 NC BW
gas ) and broad wing components (𝑉 gas ), respectively. The
reduced 𝜒2 between single and double Gaussian models (𝜒12 /𝜒22 ) to narrow core component appears to co-rotate with the stellar com-
qualify how significant the fitting is improved by the double Gaussian ponent, while the broad wing component seems different from the
model (Peng et al. 2014). stellar component and much more complicated. Figure 5(b) shows
the stellar velocity dispersion, while Figure 5(d)&(f) show the gas

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Properties of a Fading AGN from SDSS-IV MaNGA 5

Figure 4. The ratio of 𝜒 2 between single and double Gaussian models. (a)&(b) The reduced 𝜒 2 ratio of the [O iii]𝜆5007 and [S ii]𝜆𝜆6717,6731 emission line
regions, respectively. Spaxels within the black polygon have reduced 𝜒 2 ratio larger than 1.2 for both [O iii]𝜆5007 and [S ii]𝜆𝜆6717,6731 emission lines.

Figure 5. Kinematics for stellar and gas components. (a)&(b) The stellar velocity and velocity dispersion fields given by MaNGA DAP. (c)∼(f) The gas velocity
and velocity dispersion fields of the narrow core (c,d) and broad wing (e,f) components. The blue dotted ellipse in panel (a) marks 0.4𝑅𝑒 region. Similar to
Figure 4, the black polygon marks the region which requires double Gaussian model.

velocity dispersion of the narrow core (𝜎 NC BW

gas ) and broad wing (𝜎 gas ) 3.2 The [S ii]-BPT diagram
components, respectively. The median of the velocity dispersion is
∼100 km s −1 for the narrow core component and ∼300 km s −1 for Mapping diagnostic line ratios across a galaxy reveals spatial vari-
the broad wing component. The velocity dispersion of the broad ations in the ionization state of the gas (Rich et al. 2015; Davies
wing component within the central ±2′′ region is up to 400∼500 et al. 2016; Florian et al. 2021). In this section, we re-visit BPT
km s −1 , which is possibly related to a wind outflow. We discuss this diagram using the Gaussian fitting results given in Section 2.3.
possibility in more detail in Section 4.1. We note the fitting of H𝛽 Standard BPT diagnostic diagrams are based on the line ratios
regions gives similar velocity and velocity dispersion of narrow core of [O iii]𝜆5007/H𝛽 vs. [N ii]𝜆6583/H𝛼, [S ii]𝜆𝜆6717, 6731/H𝛼 or
& broad wing components to that of H𝛼 region although they are not [O i]𝜆6300/H𝛼. In both [S ii] & [O i]-BPT diagrams, high-ionization
tied together in our fitting process. Seyfert galaxies/regions and LINERs have been shown to locate on
two distinct sequences. Since the S/N of [S ii] is much higher than
[O i]𝜆6100 in most spectra, we choose to use the [S ii]-BPT diagram

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6 Mo et al.

Figure 6. [S ii]/H𝛼 vs. [O iii]/H𝛽 diagnostic diagrams. (a)&(c) The [S ii]-BPT diagrams of the narrow core and broad wing components, respectively. The blue
star in panel (a) is the median line ratio measured from APO long-slit outside the MaNGA bundle. (b)&(d) The spatially resolved BPT diagram of the narrow
core and broad wing components. The region within the black polygon is defined as LINER regions.

to separate LINER and Seyfert regions. with a median value of 1.1 mag, while the Seyfert regions have 0.2
Figure 6 shows the [S ii]-BPT diagram for the narrow core (top < 𝐴𝑉 < 1.1 mag with a median value of 0.6 mag. For the broad wing
row) and broad wing (bottom row) components. It is clear that the component, it has 0.6 < 𝐴𝑉 < 2.5 mag with a median value of 1.7
central region within a projected radius of ∼4′′ (2.4 kpc) is dominated mag. The broad wing component exhibits stronger dust attenuation
by LINER emission not only for the narrow core but also for most of compared to the narrow core component, since the narrow core com-
the broad wing components, while the outer region is dominated by ponent traces the narrow line regions (NLRs), while the broad wing
Seyfert-like emission. This result is in agreement with what is shown component is originated within NLRs.
in Figure 1(e) and (f). In this work, we define the region within the
black polygon as LINER, see Figure 6(b).
3.4 AGN luminosity
3.3 Dust attenuation In this section, we calculate the [O iii]𝜆5007 luminosity for the
LINER and Seyfert regions according to the division in Figure 6(b).
Using the flux ratio of H𝛼 & H𝛽 under Case B assumption for
We use equation (1) for dust attenuation correction. The observed
temperature 𝑇 ∼ 10,000 K, we correct the dust attenuation according
[O iii]𝜆5007 luminosity (𝐿 obs
) from MaNGA data is 1040.17 erg
to the following equation:
s −1 and 1040.76 erg s −1 for LINER and Seyfert regions, respectively.
𝐹𝜆 = 𝐹𝜆,0 × 10 −0.4𝑘 (𝜆) 𝐸 (𝐵−𝑉 ) , (1) The [O iii]𝜆5007 luminosity after attenuation correction (𝐿 inc ) is
where 𝐹𝜆 and 𝐹𝜆,0 are the observed and intrinsic radiation intensity, 1041.40 erg s −1 and 1041.32 erg s −1 for LINER and Seyfert regions,
𝑘 (𝜆) is the Galactic dust extinction curve (Calzetti 2001) with 𝑅𝑉 = respectively. We note that the MaNGA bundle only covers part of
3.1, and color excess 𝐸 (𝐵 − 𝑉) = 0.934 × ln[(FH𝛼 /FH𝛽 )]. The 𝑉- the two emission line nebulae with enhanced [O iii]𝜆5007 EQW in
band extinction value in magnitudes is estimated as 𝐴𝑉 = 𝐸 (𝐵 −𝑉) × the northeast and southwest, which are shown as blue blobs in Fig-
𝑅𝑉 (Cardelli et al. 1989). Case B assumes that a nebula is considered ure 8(a). Thus, the [O iii]𝜆5007 luminosity for the Seyfert regions is
optically thick to all Lyman emission lines with wavelength shorter underestimated.
than Ly𝛼, in another word these photons are absorbed and re-emitted We observe this galaxy with 3.5m telescope at the Apache Point
as a combination of Ly𝛼 and higher order emission lines, i.e. Balmer Observatory (APO) and obtain the long-slit spectra with an observ-
lines (Osterbrock & Ferland 2006; Mehdipour et al. 2012; Groves able wavelength coverage of 3874∼7823Å. Figure 8(a) shows the
et al. 2012). DESI image with the white line marking the slit position. Figure
Figure 7 shows the maps of H𝛼/H𝛽 and 𝐴𝑉 for the narrow core 8(b)&(c) show the ionized-gas velocities traced by [O iii]𝜆5007 emis-
(top) and broad wing (bottom) components. For the narrow core sion line and normalized [O iii]𝜆5007 flux along the slit, respectively.
component, the central LINER regions have 0.7 < 𝐴𝑉 < 1.5 mag Black dots & red crosses are measured from APO and MaNGA

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Properties of a Fading AGN from SDSS-IV MaNGA 7

Figure 7. Maps of H𝛼/H𝛽 and the 𝑉-band dust attenuation 𝐴𝑉 derived from the Balmer decrement. (a)&(b) The H𝛼/H𝛽 & 𝐴𝑉 maps for the narrow core
component. Similar to Figure 4, the black polygon marks the region which requires double Gaussian model. (c)&(d) The H𝛼/H𝛽 & 𝐴𝑉 maps for the broad
wing component.

Table 1. Logarithmic of [O iii]𝜆5007 luminosity measured from MaNGA and FPI. Column (2): The results are calculated from MaNGA. Column (3): The
results are calculated from FPI observation. The separation between Seyfert & LINER regions is shown in Figure 6(b).

observations, respectively. The vertical blue lines mark the inner the kinematic major axis of the ellipse.
boundary of the two emission nebulae with enhanced [O iii]𝜆5007 The observed [O iii]𝜆5007 luminosity measured from FPI is
flux. It is clear that APO and MaNGA observations give consis- 1039.70 erg s −1 and 1041.27 erg s −1 for LINER & Seyfert regions,
tent results in both line-of-sight velocity and [O iii]𝜆5007 flux. The respectively. However, we lack the measurements of dust attenuation
emission line ratios measured from APO data show that the two for the two emission line nebulae outside the MaNGA bundle. We
emission line nebulae outside the MaNGA bundle are also located assume that the two emission line nebula outside the MaNGA bundle
at the Seyfert region, the median values of log([O iii]𝜆5007/H𝛽) is have similar dust attenuation values as that measured from the long
0.95 and log([S ii]𝜆𝜆6717, 6731/H𝛼) is −0.35, shown as the blue slit of APO in the Seyfert regions outside the MaNGA bundle. This
star in Figure 6(a). gives a intrinsic luminosity of 𝐿 inc
= 1041.71 erg s −1 for Seyfert
To obtain robust [O iii]𝜆5007 luminosity for the Seyfert regions, region. In Table 1, we list the [O iii]𝜆5007 luminosity measured from
we use the [O iii]𝜆5007 observation from the 6m BTA in its scanning MaNGA and FPI in detail.
FPI mode firstly presented in Keel et al. (2015). Figure 9(a) shows The [O iii]𝜆5007 luminosity of the Seyfert regions is a factor of
the HST image which compares the continuum and emission line 37 (2) higher than the LINER regions without (with) dust attenua-
structure of this galaxy. Red & green are the continuum and [O iii] tion correction, indicating the current AGN activity is insufficient to
emission, respectively. Figure 9(b)&(c) are the [O iii]𝜆5007 flux and power the two emission line nebulae. One natural explanation of this
line-of-sight velocity maps observerd by FPI. The purple hexagon in discrepancy is that the AGN activity has faded with time. Given a
Figure 9(b) marks the position of the MaNGA bundle, while pink, projected distance of ∼2.4 kpc between the nucleus and the bound-
yellow, and red contours mark regions with enhanced [O iii]𝜆5007 ary of the LINER regions defined in Figure 6(b), we suggest that the
flux at different radii. The LINER regions observed from MaNGA AGN activity decreases at least ∼8 × 103 yrs (∼2.4 kpc/light-speed)
are marked by the black polygon. In Figure 9(c), the blue dotted el- ago.
lipse shows 1𝑅𝑒 region of this galaxy and the blue dashed line marks

MNRAS 000, 1–12 (2022)

8 Mo et al.

Figure 8. (a) The DESI image with the white line showing the position of the slit along the two emission line nebulae in blue. (b) The ionized-gas velocities traced
by [O iii]𝜆5007 along the silt. (c) The normalized [O iii]𝜆5007 flux along the slit. Black dots & red crosses are measured from APO and MaNGA observation,
respectively. The vertical blue lines mark the inner boundary of the two emission nebulae with enhanced [O iii]𝜆5007 flux.

3.5 Kinematic position angle of the gas and stellar components the [O iii]𝜆5007 emission line cannot be model by a single Gaus-
sian model. Two Gaussian components (a narrow core plus a broad
In this section, we fit the kinematic position angle (PA) of the
wing) are required to model [O iii]𝜆5007 emission line, suggesting
[O iii]𝜆5007 velocity field in Figure 9(c) and the stellar velocity
that the broad wing component originated from ionized gas outflows
field in Figure 5(a) as a function of radius based on the established
are prevalent among type 2 AGNs. Kang et al. (2017) suggest that
method (Krajnović et al. 2006). The kinematic PA is defined as the
strong outflows are ubiquitous in galaxies with 𝜎 H𝛼 /𝜎★ > 1.4, where
counter-clockwise angle between the north and a line that bisects
𝜎 H𝛼 & 𝜎★ is the velocity dispersion of the H𝛼 emission and stellar
the velocity field of gas, measured on the approaching side. Figure
component, respectively. We closely follow the method of Kang et al.
9(d) shows the kinematic PA as well as ±1𝜎 error range of the gas
(2017) to estimate the velocity dispersion from [O iii]𝜆5007 profile,
component as a function of radius. The PA increases from about 180°
finding a median dispersion of ∼300 km s −1 within the central 3"
at the galaxy center to about 200° at 1.5𝑅𝑒 . Figure 9(e) shows the
region (the aperture of a single fiber used in the early stage of SDSS
kinematic PA as well as ±1𝜎 error range of the stellar component as
survey), which is 1.5 times larger than the median of the stellar ve-
a function of radius. It is clear that there is an obvious variation of
locity dispersion ∼200 km s −1 in the same region, suggesting the
stellar PA within ∼0.4𝑅𝑒 . The ellipse with 0.4𝑅𝑒 kinematic major
existence of strong outflow in galaxy SDSS J2201+1151. Moreover,
axis is marked in Figure 5(a). Comparing the gradients of gas &
the velocity dispersion of the broad wing component ranging from
stellar PAs, we find although the warping direction of gas and stellar
400∼500 km s −1 is suggested to originate from shock generated
disks is consistent, the median of the position angle difference is as
by the outflow interaction with the interstellar medium (D’Agostino
large as ∼50° within 0.4𝑅𝑒 , and decreases to ∼25° over this radii.
et al. 2019).
Keel et al. (2012b) calculate the FIR AGN luminosity and the
luminosity required for the EELRs ionization in SDSS J2201+1151,
finding that the luminosity required for the EELRs ionization is 3.4
times larger than the FIR AGN luminosity, suggesting the extended
4.1 Comparison of SDSS J2201+1151 properties with previous cloud can not be ionized by an obscured AGN in SDSS J2201+1151.
studies The most direct interpretation is that the EELRs are ionized by AGN
that has faded over the light-travel time between the ionized gas and
In this section, we compare our results from Section 3 with previous nucleus, which is consistent with our result that the bolometric lumi-
studies, including kinematics of the broad wing component, AGN nosity in the LINER region is 2 times lower than the Seyfert regions.
luminosity, and kinematics position angle of the gas component. The gas kinematic PA measured from FPI increases from about
Based on a large sample of ∼39,000 type 2 AGNs at 𝑧 < 0.3 180° at the galaxy center to about 200° at 1.5𝑅𝑒 shown in Figure
from the MPA-JHU Catalog of the SDSS Data Release 7 (Abaza- 9(d). The ∼20° change of PA from the inner to the outer region is
jian et al. 2009), Woo et al. (2016) perform a detailed analysis on consistent with Keel et al. (2015) in that they model this galaxy with
[O iii]𝜆5007 emission line structure, finding that in ∼43.6% AGNs,

MNRAS 000, 1–12 (2022)

Properties of a Fading AGN from SDSS-IV MaNGA 9

Figure 9. (a) HST image of SDSS J2201+1151 which compares the continuum and emission line structure. Red & green are the continuum and [O iii]𝜆5007
emission, respectively. (b) The FPI [O iii]𝜆5007 flux map. The purple hexagon shows the MaNGA bundle, while pink, yellow, and red contours mark the
regions with enhanced [O iii]𝜆5007 flux. The LINER regions from MaNGA observation are marked by the black polygon. (c) The gas velocity field traced by
[O iii]𝜆5007 emission line measured from the FPI observations. The blue dotted ellipse shows 1𝑅𝑒 region of this galaxy and the blue dashed line marks the
kinematic major axis of the ellipse. (d)&(e) Kinematic position angle as a function of radius measured from the gas and stellar velocity field where the error
bars show ±1𝜎 scattering region, respectively.

a differential processing disk, finding the existence of a warped disk traces the nuclear source luminosity originates from ∼10 −2 pc-scale
tilted by ∼23 degrees to the stellar disk of the host galaxy. or timescale of 3 × 10 −2 yrs (Hawkins 2007). Mid-infrared (MIR)
radiation is dominated by the obscuring dust located few parsecs
away from the nucleus (Ramos Almeida & Ricci 2017). [O iii]𝜆5007
4.2 SDSS J2201+1151: A fading AGN luminosity traces the narrow emission line region which is located
at kpc scale (Keel et al. 2017). The closer the structure to the
SDSS J2201+1151 shows LINER-like ionization within its central galaxy center, the shorter the timescale of the evolution. In a fading
∼2.4 kpc while the outskirts show Seyfert-like emission. The scenario, we would expect the luminosity from the NLR to be higher
[O iii]𝜆5007 luminosity of the Seyfert region is about 2 times higher than that from obscuring dust, while the accretion disk current
than the LINER region after dust attenuation correction, suggesting bolometric luminosity being the lowest among them.
that this galaxy as a fading AGN. In this section, we further Esparza-Arredondo et al. (2020) developed a method to select fad-
confirm this galaxy as a fading AGN by comparing its multi-band ing/rising AGNs by applying the linear relations between radiations
luminosities. of several AGN structures at different observing bands. Figure 10(a)
It is well-known that differences in the energy budget between shows the best fit linear relation (black line) between 2-10keV X-ray
different AGN components, like the accretion disk, dust torus, luminosity and the attenuation corrected [O iii]𝜆5007 luminosity
and optical ionizing regions, can be interpreted as a hint on in logarithmic space (see their Figure 1). Figure 10(b) shows
AGN evolution (Schawinski et al. 2015; Ichikawa et al. 2019a,b; the 2-10keV X-ray luminosity versus the MIR 12𝜇m continuum
Esparza-Arredondo et al. 2020). As we know, the X-ray emission

MNRAS 000, 1–12 (2022)

10 Mo et al.

Figure 10. (a) 2-10keV X-ray luminosity versus the dust attenuation corrected [O iii]𝜆5007 luminosity (both in logarithmic scale). (b) 2-10keV X-ray luminosity
versus the MIR 12𝜇m continuum luminosity in logarithmic scales. The black lines show the best-fit linear with the gray shadowed region indicating the ±1𝜎
scattering region (Esparza-Arredondo et al. 2020). SDSS J2201+1151 is marked as red stars in both panels.

luminosity, again the black line is the best-fit linear relation. In both 5 CONCLUSIONS
panels, the gray shadowed region indicates the ±1𝜎 scattering re-
gion. AGNs located up the +1𝜎 boundary are defined as rising AGNs We identify a fading AGN SDSS J2201+1151 from MaNGA MPL11.
while fading AGNs are located down the −1𝜎 boundary. We estimate We use the double Gaussian model (a narrow core and a broad wing)
2-10keV X-ray luminosity from XMM-Newton and MIR 12𝜇m to describe the profile of the emission line spectra for the spaxel
continuum luminosity from WISE. SDSS J2201+1151 is shown as within the black polygon marked in Figure 6(b), while only a single
red stars in both panels of Figure 10 and it is clear that this galaxy Gaussian model (a narrow core) is applied to fit each emission line
deviates far from the linear relation, clearly located at the fading for the outer region and analyze the detailed properties of this galaxy:
AGN region, which is consistent with previous [O iii]𝜆5007 lu- i) The central region within a projected radius of ∼2.4 kpc is dom-
minosity measurements of Seyfert and LINER regions in Section 3.4. inated by LINER emission not only for the narrow core but also for
the broad wing components, while the outer region is dominated by
Seyfert-like line ratios. We obtain robust [O iii]𝜆5007 luminosity for
the Seyfert and LINER regions, finding [O iii]𝜆5007 luminosity of
the Seyfert region is 37 (2) times higher than that of the LINER
region without (with) dust attenuation correction, indicating that the
4.3 Episodic AGN outbursts AGN activity decreases at least ∼8 × 103 yrs ago.
ii) The narrow core component appears to be co-rotating with
Figure 9(b) shows several regions with enhanced [O iii]𝜆5007 flux the stellar component, while the kinematics of the broad wing com-
marked by contours with different colors, there are obvious flux gaps ponent seems different from the stellar component and much more
between these regions. The central region marked by the red contour complicated. The median velocity dispersion is ∼100 km s −1 for the
is characterized as LINER and the outer regions marked by the pink narrow core component and ∼300 km s −1 for the broad wing com-
contours are dominated by Seyfert. However, the regions in-between ponent. The velocity dispersion of the broad wing component within
marked by the yellow contours on the north side is dominated by the central ±2′′ region is up to 400∼500 km s −1 , which is related
Seyfert while half of the south yellow contour is located within the to a wind outflow. The broad wing component exhibits stronger dust
LINER region. This discontinuity is also found in [O iii]𝜆5007 EQW attenuation compared to the narrow core component, since the nar-
map, see the black contours in Figure 2(a). row core component traces NLRs, while the broad wing component
One possible explanation for the discontinuity in the distribu- is originated within NLRs.
tion of [O iii]𝜆5007 flux and EQW is episodic AGN outbursts. The iii) There are obvious gaps between several regions with enhanced
tidal feature in Figure 1(b) indicates SDSS J2201+1151 is a merger [O iii]𝜆5007 flux and EQW. One possible explanation for the dis-
remnant. The merger process kick-started the central engine to the continuity in the distribution of [O iii]𝜆5007 flux and EQW maps is
quasar phase which ionized gas composed of tidal debris, resulting episodic AGN outbursts.
in the regions marked by pink contours. The largest projected dis- iv)We use well-known linear relations between luminosities in
tance from the pink contours to the galactic center is about 15 kpc, logarithmic space of several AGN components at different wave-
corresponding to an AGN burst that happened at least ∼5 × 104 yrs lengths. These relations are based on the assumption that when the
(∼15 kpc/light-speed) ago. AGNs have no variations in luminosity, the different AGN compo-
The regions marked by yellow contours correspond to a second nents trace the same bolometric luminosity. Outliers of the relations
AGN outburst due to the merge remnant gas inflow which occurred at imply variability in AGN activity. SDSS J2201+1151 deviates far
least ∼1.3 × 104 yrs ago corresponding to a projected distance of ∼4 from the linear relation, obviously located at the fading AGN region.
kpc between the nucleus and the farthest end of the yellow contours. v) The kinematic position angle of ionized gas increases from

MNRAS 000, 1–12 (2022)

Properties of a Fading AGN from SDSS-IV MaNGA 11
about 180° at the galaxy center to about 200° at 1.5𝑅𝑒 and there DATA AVAILABILITY
is an obvious variation of stellar PA within ∼0.4𝑅𝑒 . Comparing the
The data underlying this article will be shared on reasonable request
gradients of gas & stellar PAs, we find although the warping direc-
to the corresponding author.
tion of gas and stellar disks is consistent, the median of the position
angle difference is as large as ∼50° within 0.4𝑅𝑒 , and decreases to
∼25° over this radii. The large misalignment between gas & stellar
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