Effectiveness and Safety of Drugs For Obesity BJM 2022
Effectiveness and Safety of Drugs For Obesity BJM 2022
Effectiveness and Safety of Drugs For Obesity BJM 2022
BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj-2022-072686 on 25 March 2024. Downloaded from http://www.bmj.com/ on 29 September 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Effectiveness and safety of drugs for obesity
Kristina Henderson Lewis,1,2 Caroline E Sloan,2,3,4 Daniel H Bessesen,5 David Arterburn6,7
Department of Epidemiology
Recent publicity around the use of new antiobesity medications (AOMs) has focused
and Prevention, Wake Forest the attention of patients and healthcare providers on the role of pharmacotherapy
University School of Medicine,
Winston-Salem, NC, USA in the treatment of obesity. Newer drug treatments have shown greater efficacy and
safety compared with older drug treatments, yet access to these drug treatments is
Division of General Internal
Medicine, Department of
Medicine, Duke University limited by providers’ discomfort in prescribing, bias, and stigma around obesity, as
School of Medicine, Durham,
NC, USA well as by the lack of insurance coverage. Now more than ever, healthcare providers
must be able to discuss the risks and benefits of the full range of antiobesity
Department of Population
Health Sciences, Duke University
School of Medicine, Durham, medications available to patients, and to incorporate both guideline based
Margolis Center for Health advice and emerging real world clinical evidence into daily clinical practice. The
Policy, Duke University, Durham,
tremendous variability in response to antiobesity medications means that clinicians
Division of Endocrinology, need to use a flexible approach that takes advantage of specific features of the
Metabolism and Diabetes,
University of Colorado School of antiobesity medication selected to provide the best option for individual patients.
Medicine, Aurora, CO, USA
Future research is needed on how best to use available drug treatments in real
Kaiser Permanente Washington
Health Research Institute, world practice settings, the potential role of combination therapies, and the cost
Seattle, WA, USA
Division of General Internal
effectiveness of antiobesity medications. Several new drug treatments are being
Medicine, University of evaluated in ongoing clinical trials, suggesting that the future for pharmacotherapy
Washington, Seattle, WA, USA
Correspondence to: K H Lewis, of obesity is bright.
[email protected]
Cite this as: BMJ 2024;384:e072686
bmj‑2022‑072686 Introduction The goal of this review is to summarize recent
The prevalence of obesity (defined as a body mass guideline documents, systematic reviews, and
Series explanation: State of the
Art Reviews are commissioned index ≥30) has increased significantly in recent emerging randomized controlled trials and
on the basis of their relevance decades. Although most definitions of obesity are observational studies related to the safety, efficacy,
to academics and specialists based on body mass index, body mass index is now and health outcomes of antiobesity medications,
in the US and internationally.
For this reason they are written
widely acknowledged to be an imperfect measure of to help guide practicing physicians in their clinical
predominantly by US authors. adiposity and should not replace clinical judgment
decision making. We also alert clinicians to
in the assessment of adiposity related health risks.1 2
emerging trends in treatment and major unanswered
Additionally, adjustments of body mass index based
cut points need to be made for some racial and ethnic research questions to help guide conversations
groups. Regardless of its shortcomings for predicting with patients. Two recently published reviews and
individual health, having a body mass index ≥30 is guideline documents have provided a detailed
associated with increased morbidity and mortality summary of the relative efficacy and safety of these
at a population level and for many individuals.3 drug treatments.10 12 We augment these papers by
This association is manifested in large part by the presenting post-approval evidence on antiobesity
increased risk of weight related complications such medication effectiveness and comparative
as type 2 diabetes,4 hypertension,5 obstructive effectiveness in real world settings, and proposing
sleep apnea,6 and degenerative joint disease.7 In future avenues for research. When patients
light of the burden obesity places on human health meet guideline based criteria for consideration
and a growing understanding of the physiologic
of an antiobesity medication, clinicians should
processes underlying weight regulation, scientific
feel comfortable initiating conversations about
organizations including the American Medical
Association, the National Institutes of Health, and antiobesity medications and responding to their
others now recognize it as a relapsing, remitting patients’ questions. In a busy clinical practice,
chronic disease.8-11 Accordingly, modern guidelines conversations about antiobesity medications need to
recommend a long term treatment approach, which be efficient and to touch on several key points that
can include the use of antiobesity medications can drive clinical decision making. Key points that
(AOM). can guide the discussion are listed in box 1.
BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj-2022-072686 on 25 March 2024. Downloaded from http://www.bmj.com/ on 29 September 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Box 1: Key considerations for providers considering antiobesity medication prescribing
1. Antiobesity medications approved by the Food and Drug Administration are an evidence based adjunct to lifestyle treatment. Antiobesity medications should
be considered a standard tool to help people with obesity to lose weight and keep it off.
2. Because obesity is a chronic disease, like diabetes or hypertension, patients who want to maintain weight loss should understand that antiobesity
medications will likely need to be continued long term, because weight is usually regained after antiobesity medications are discontinued.
3. Many insurance companies in the United States currently do not cover antiobesity medications, so out-of-pocket costs usually play a role in the selection of
antiobesity medication. Clinicians should be prepared to discuss insurance coverage and drug treatment affordability with their patients.
4. Antiobesity medications vary in average effectiveness, cost, and side effect profile. The clinician and patient should together identify which factors are most
important, and tailor prescribing around those priorities.
5. Antiobesity medications can cause a variety of side effects. A useful initial strategy is to prescribe the selected antiobesity medication at a low dose and titrate
upwards based on the weight response and side effects.
6. The initial antiobesity medication selected should be discontinued and replaced with an alternative if the patient does not have ≥5% weight loss in 3-6
7. Antiobesity medications improve several markers of health, including blood pressure, lipid levels, and glycemic control. Among patients with diabetes,
glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists reduce incident cardiovascular events, and one trial has shown reduced cardiovascular events with semaglutide in
patients with pre-existing cardiovascular disease without diabetes.
BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj-2022-072686 on 25 March 2024. Downloaded from http://www.bmj.com/ on 29 September 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Table 1 | Overview of antiobesity medications approved by the Food and Drug Administration
Placebo Proportion
subtracted of patients
Generic name % weight achieving
(year loss 5% weight Cost for
approved, (95% CI) loss at 1 month
approval Mechanism of Route of at 12-24 12-24 Other weight supply, Ideal use case
type*) action administration months months, % loss estimates Side effects Contraindications $† (special benefits)
Phentermine Sympathomimetic Oral; options Unknown Unknown 5-15% total Common: Dry Cardiovascular 5-20 Young or middle
(1959, short amine; increases for daily or weight loss at mouth, insomnia, disease including aged patient with
term use, DEA norepinephrine three times 6 months29-32 constipation, arrhythmia, no cardiovascular
schedule IV) (primarily), daily dosing (uncontrolled anxiety, history of disease history
dopamine, studies) headache; substance and for whom
serotonin in 7.2% average Possible/ use disorder, affordability of
hypothalamic total weight loss rare: elevated hyperthyroidism, drug treatments is
nuclei that at 24 months33 blood pressure, poorly controlled a concern
regulate hunger (observational tachyarrhythmia; hypertension, (Affordability)
cohort) Theoretical: cardiac
32-80% of cardiovascular valvulopathy
patients lose at events such
least 5% over 3 as myocardial
months29 33-37 infarction, stroke
Orlistat Reversible inhibitor Oral; three 3.2 49.712 2.8% Common: Pregnancy, chronic 0-60 Patient for whom
(1999, long of gastric and times daily (95% CI (95% CI 2.4- flatulence, oily malabsorption cost is a concern
term use) pancreatic lipases; ingestion with 2.8-3.5)12 3.2)10 placebo stools, fecal syndrome (eg, but who is not
inhibits absorption meals subtracted % urgency, fecal celiac disease, worried about
of dietary fats weight loss up to incontinence. inflammatory gastrointestinal
4 years Rare/theoretical: bowel disease, adverse effects or is
liver failure previous bariatric adhering to a very
surgery), low fat diet‡
cholestasis (Few
Phentermine- Phentermine: as Oral; once daily 7.9 74.412 7.8-9.8% total Common: Same Same as 100-150 Young or middle
topiramate above; topiramate: dosing (95% CI weight loss at 12 as phentermine phentermine aged patient with
extended GABAergic agent 6.7-9.3)12 months and + paresthesias, + pregnancy no cardiovascular
release (2012, used for epilepsy, 9.3-10.5% total dysgeusia, category X disease history, with
long term use, carbonic anhydrase weight loss cognitive (topiramate); history of migraine
DEA schedule inhibitor at 24 months dysfunction consider avoiding headache and no
IV) (depending on Possible/ in patients risk of becoming
dose)38 39 rare: same as with glaucoma, pregnant
phentermine nephrolithiasis (Migraine
+ glaucoma, prophylaxis)
Naltrexone- Naltrexone pure Oral; twice daily 4.112 64.612 3.0% Common: Seizure disorder 500 Patient with alcohol
bupropion opioid antagonist. dosing (95% CI (95% CI 2.5- headache, or high risk of use disorder,
sustained Bupropion: weakly 3.0-5.2) 3.5)10 dizziness, seizures; opioid tobacco use
release inhibits neuronal Placebo nausea, vomiting, use; uncontrolled disorder, and/
(2014, long reuptake of subtracted % depression, initial hypertension; or depression
term) dopamine and weight loss at 56 increase in blood hepatic cirrhosis; and no history of
norepinephrine weeks pressure that current or recent hypertension, who
Mechanism leading resolves by 12 (<14 days) use would be willing to
to weight loss not weeks in RCTs. of monoamine take two separate
fully understood Rare: seizure, oxidase inhibitor, pills if cost was a
cholecystitis, pregnancy concern
suicidal ideation (Alcohol use
tobacco cessation)
Liraglutide GLP-1 receptor Subcutaneous 4.7 6412 Average total Common: Family history 1090 Patient with type
(2014, long agonist; acts injection; daily (95% CI weight loss 8.0% nausea, vomiting, of MEN type 2 diabetes whose
term) centrally to 4.1-5.3)12 +/- 6.7 (SD) at 56 constipation 2 syndrome; insurance will
improve satiety weeks40 Possible/rare: personal history of not cover weekly
and slows gastric pancreatitis medullary thyroid injectables
emptying cancer (Type 2 diabetes)
Setmelanotide Melanocortin-4 Subcutaneous Unknown Unknown Average total Common: None 20 904 Individuals with
(2020, long receptor agonist for injection; daily weight loss hyperpigmentation, an approved
term use) monogenic obesity 5-20%, 45-80% injection site monogenic obesity
syndromes achieved a 10% reactions, indication (POMC,
reduction at 1 gastrointestinal PCSK1, or LEPR
year depending upset, headache, deficiency, Bardet-
on gene defect41 sexual adverse Biedl syndrome)
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Table 1 | Continued
Placebo Proportion
subtracted of patients
Generic name % weight achieving
(year loss 5% weight Cost for
approved, (95% CI) loss at 1 month
approval Mechanism of Route of at 12-24 12-24 Other weight supply, Ideal use case
type*) action administration months months, % loss estimates Side effects Contraindications $† (special benefits)
Semaglutide GLP-1 receptor Subcutaneous 11.4 78.112 Average total Common: Family history 1100 Patient with at least
(2021, long agonist; acts injection; once (95% CI weight loss nausea, vomiting, of MEN type 10% weight loss
term use) centrally to weekly dosing 10.3-12.5)12 14.9% at 68 constipation 2 syndrome; clinically indicated,
improve satiety weeks42 Possible/rare: personal history of with cardiovascular
and slows gastric pancreatitis medullary thyroid disease, or
emptying cancer diabetes/insulin
resistance who
cannot take a
containing agent
(Type 2 diabetes;
substantial weight
Tirzepatide Dual agonist Subcutaneous 11.9 85-91 Average total Common: Family history 1060 Patient with at least
(2023, long to GLP-1 injection; (95% CI depending weight loss nausea, vomiting, of MEN type 10% weight loss
term) and glucose once weekly 10.4-13.4) on dose 15-21% constipation 2 syndrome; clinically indicated
dependent dosing to 17.843 at 72 weeks Possible/rare: personal history and diabetes or
insulinotropic (95% CI (depending on pancreatitis of medullary insulin resistance
polypeptide 16.3-19.3) dose) thyroid cancer who cannot take
receptors; and depending a phentermine
slows gastric on dose containing agent.
emptying (Type 2 diabetes;
weight loss)
CI=confidence interval; DEA=Drug Enforcement Administration; GABA=γ-aminobutyric acid; GLP-1=glucagon-like peptide-1; MEN=multiple endocrine neoplasia; RCT=randomized controlled trial;
SD=standard deviation.
*Short term indicates three months; long term indicates 12 months or longer.
†In US dollars, 2023 reported average wholesale prices (does not account for potential insurance coverage).
‡Also recommended to prescribe a daily multivitamin with orlistat owing to resulting malabsorption of fat soluble vitamins.
§In clinical trials, no difference in serious adverse event rate was observed for active drug participants compared with placebo.
Antiobesity medications approved before 1999 2014. These drug treatments are dosed daily or more
The group of antiobesity medications approved frequently, and provide a wide range of average weight
before 1999 which are still available on the market is loss, as low as 3% and up to 11% depending on dose
small and includes phentermine and the other older and duration of use. Importantly, two of the antiobesity
sympathomimetic amines (eg, phendimetrazine). medications in this category represent combinations
Having been available on the market for over half a of drug treatments which, when used alone in an off-
century, phentermine is currently the most widely label fashion, can independently promote weight loss.
prescribed antiobesity medication in the US because of Topiramate, for example, was previously studied as a
its low cost; however, long term data to guide outcome standalone antiobesity medication, but formal FDA
comparisons with newer antiobesity medications approval for weight management was never sought.
are almost completely lacking. Of note, unlike newer The doses used in the initial trials of topiramate
antiobesity medications, phentermine is only FDA monotherapy were as high as 192 mg daily and
approved for three months of use, although recent produced 6-8% placebo subtracted weight loss in
guideline documents do provide guidance for longer patients with obesity.44-46 In a 48 week clinical trial of
term prescribing (as summarized later). bupropion monotherapy 300-400 mg daily for patients
with obesity, the average weight loss in patients was
Antiobesity medications approved from 1999 2.4-3.2% higher than placebo.47 48
to 2014
This group of antiobesity medications have varying Antiobesity medications approved in 2015 or later
mechanisms of action, reflecting an evolving This group of antiobesity medications, which includes
understanding of obesity physiology during the period. those currently awaiting approval, contains highly
The group includes orlistat, which blocks dietary fat effective drug treatments (mean weight loss 11-21%)
absorption and was approved in 1999, the combination that primarily target incretin pathways such as the
of phentermine and topiramate extended release GLP-1 receptor agonist semaglutide (approved for
approved in 2012, the combination of naltrexone obesity in 2021), and the novel combination GLP-1
and bupropion, and the glucagon-like peptide (GLP- receptor agonist/glucose dependent insulinotropic
1) receptor agonist liraglutide, both approved in polypeptide (GIP) receptor agonist tirzepatide
BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj-2022-072686 on 25 March 2024. Downloaded from http://www.bmj.com/ on 29 September 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.
(approved for obesity in 2023). In their current Antiobesity medications developed for the
formulations, these drug treatments (semaglutide treatment of genetic syndromes resulting in obesity
and tirzepatide) are injected weekly, and in placebo The only drug treatment currently in this final
controlled clinical trials, resulted in greater weight category is setmelanotide. This agent is not approved
loss than was seen with older antiobesity medications. for treatment of general obesity but is specifically
They are also substantially more expensive than older useful in monogenic and syndromic obesity.
antiobesity medications. Several additional highly
effective antiobesity medications and combinations Overview of non-FDA approved options for obesity
that leverage nutrient sensitive hormone pathways pharmacotherapy
are in late phase clinical trials, and will likely become Several drug treatments that are not specifically
available over the coming years. These antiobesity approved by the FDA as antiobesity medications
medications include oral versions of GLP-1 receptor have been found to cause weight loss in some people
agonists, which could be important for patients who (table 2). Here, we summarize the existing evidence
are hesitant to use injectable drug treatment. around weight loss efficacy and safety considerations
Table 2 | Overview of selected drug treatments used in an off-label fashion for weight loss
Placebo Proportion
subtracted % of patients
weight loss achieving Cost for
(95% CI) 5% weight 1 month
Generic name or Mechanism of Route of at 12-24 loss at 12-24 Other weight supply, Ideal use case
class action administration months months, % loss estimates Side effects Contraindications $* (special benefits)
Metformin Multiple Oral; options 2.5 43.212 Common: nausea, Renal dysfunction; 11-50 Patients with
mechanisms, for daily or (95% CI, vomiting, diarrhea decompensated diabetes or pre-
including AMPK twice daily 1.7-3.3) Possible/rare: congestive cardiac diabetes
dependent dosing in patients lactic acidosis in failure; acute or (Polycystic ovary
and AMPK with pre- people with heart chronic metabolic syndrome)
independent diabetes or failure, kidney acidosis; impaired
mechanisms diabetes12 or liver disease, hepatic function
alcohol use
Topiramate GABAergic Oral; options 2.4-8.0 at 36-67 10% weight loss Common: Pregnancy category 3-244Patients with
agent used for daily or 6 months achieved by 29- paresthesias, X; consider history of migraine
for epilepsy, twice daily depending 44% of patients, dysgeusia, avoiding in patients headache or on
carbonic dosing on dose and depending on cognitive with glaucoma, antipsychotics
anhydrase study49 50 dose dysfunction nephrolithiasis and no risk of
inhibitor Possible/ becoming pregnant
rare: glaucoma, (Migraine
nephrolithiasis prophylaxis;
induced weight
Bupropion Weakly inhibits Oral; options 2.8-3.2 in 40 Common: Seizure disorder or 17-230 Patient with
neuronal for daily or patients headache, dry high risk of seizures; tobacco use
reuptake of twice daily with major mouth, insomnia, uncontrolled disorder and/or
dopamine and dosing depression51 tachycardia, hypertension; depression and no
norepinephrine. at 26 weeks tremor, hepatic cirrhosis; history
Mechanism hypertension current or recent (Depression,
leading to Rare: seizure, (<14 days) use of tobacco
weight loss not suicidal ideation monoamine oxidase cessation)52
fully understood inhibitor
SGLT2 inhibitor Reduces renal Oral; daily 2.1 51.1 Common: nausea, Severe renal 300- Patients with
drug treatments tubular glucose dosing (95% CI, fatigue, polyuria, dysfunction 500 diabetes and
(canagliflozin, reabsorption, 1.1-3.0) in polydipsia, and heart failure who
dapagliflozin, and producing a patients with xerostomia might have mild
empagliflozin) reduction in diabetes Possible/rare: to moderate renal
blood glucose acute renal injury dysfunction
without (Safe for use
stimulating in patients
insulin release with mild to
moderate renal
Lisdexamfetamine Blocks the Oral; daily Unknown Unknown Average total Common: Monoamine oxidase 100- Patients with
reuptake of dosing weight loss in Decreased inhibitor use 400 obesity and binge
norepinephrine patients with appetite; headache eating disorder or
and dopamine; binge eating nausea; upper ADHD
primary disorder 3.1-4.3 abdominal or (ADHD treatment)
approval for kg at 11 weeks53 stomach pain;
ADHD treatment vomiting
ADHD=attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; AMPK=adenosine monophosphate activated protein kinase; CI=confidence interval; GABA=γ-aminobutyric acid; SGLT2=sodium glucose
cotransporter 2.
*In US dollars, 2023 reported average wholesale prices (does not account for potential insurance coverage).
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for some of these options. As noted above, guidelines efficacy.57-59 Longstanding bias and stigma towards
generally recommend against the off-label use of patients with obesity is probably an important
these drug treatments exclusively for weight loss contributing factor as well. Providers might think
purposes. that obesity represents a failure of character and that
prescribing antiobesity medications is giving patients
Metformin the “easy way out.” Patients can have internalized
Metformin is a generic biguanide agent commonly stigma, blame themselves for their weight, and even
used to treat type 2 diabetes, but it can also lead to avoid healthcare altogether60-65 (table 3).
modest weight loss (eg, 2.5% more than placebo).12 54
Metformin is best used in patients with type 2 diabetes, Observed effectiveness of antiobesity medication in
pre-diabetes, or polycystic ovarian syndrome who are real world settings
unable to tolerate or afford a GLP-1 receptor agonist. Most studies evaluating the real world effectiveness
of FDA approved antiobesity medications are
single arm retrospective observational studies that
Sodium glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors
compare post-drug treatment weights with pre-drug
SGLT2 inhibitors are drug treatments that are FDA
treatment weights.75 79 Two thirds of these studies
approved for use in patients with type 2 diabetes,
were conducted in specialty weight management
heart failure, and chronic kidney disease. They
clinics or centers, where access to and knowledge of
are associated with modest weight loss (eg, 2.1%
antiobesity medications is typically higher than in
more than placebo).12 SGLT2 inhibitors could be
primary care settings. The majority were conducted
particularly useful in patients with heart failure, for
in the US. Most of these studies were aggregated in
whom phentermine is contraindicated. Metformin
two reviews published in 2021.75 79 Twenty nine
can also be useful in patients with decompensated
additional studies have since been published.80-108
heart failure. In patients with diabetes, the glucose
In general, the efficacy of antiobesity medications
lowering properties of SGLT2 inhibitors could also
persists in real world scenarios across many different
help reduce doses of insulin, a known contributor to
groups of patients; however, estimated weight loss is
weight gain. Side effects of SGLT2 inhibitors include
highly variable between studies, even within a single
genitourinary tract infections and urinary frequency.
antiobesity medication. In three long term studies
evaluating the effectiveness of taking any antiobesity
Lisdexamfetamine medication at any dose, weight loss was 2.2-9.3% at
Lisdexamfetamine is an amphetamine derivative, 12 months and 10.5% at 24 months.83 84 109 A common
FDA approved for binge eating disorder and attention finding was that patients experienced greater weight
deficit hyperactivity disorder, and is associated with loss when they consistently took their prescribed
modest weight loss.55 Lisdexamfetamine might antiobesity medications. However, many patients stop
be a preferred treatment for adults with obesity using antiobesity medications over time owing to lack
and binge eating disorder. Importantly, this is of effectiveness, side effects, or difficulty obtaining
a Drug Enforcement Administration schedule II them because of inadequate insurance coverage and
drug treatment (high potential for abuse), which high cost.75 Long term efficacy estimates in real world
has implications for restrictions on prescribing. settings could reflect a selection for those patients
Additionally, based on its mechanism of action, who find the drug treatments useful and are able to
lisdexamfetamine has similar cardiovascular acquire them consistently.
contraindications to phentermine.
Antiobesity medication use in practice: current patterns Most studies evaluating the effectiveness of
of use and real world evidence on effectiveness phentermine in clinical practice have followed
Rates of antiobesity medication prescriptions tend to patients for only three months.29 34 110-116 Total
be specific to the clinician and the site of practice, with percentage weight loss in these studies was widely
a subset of clinicians and certain sites prescribing divergent, ranging between 2.1-12.8%,29 34 111-
a majority of antiobesity medications.19 20 56 113 115
and similarly, estimated rates of clinical
For example, in 2010, antiobesity medication response (proportion of patients experiencing
prescription rates for US veterans with obesity ranged ≥5% weight loss) were also broad, ranging from
from 0-21% of eligible patients across 140 Veterans 21-97%.29 34 110 111 114 Limited observational data
Health Administration facilities nationwide.19 suggest that patients who remain on phentermine
Clinicians who do prescribe antiobesity medications for longer than three months are generally able to
appear to frequently do so in an off-label fashion, with, maintain their weight loss. In a study of 13 972 US
for example, up to half of phentermine prescriptions patients with obesity who took phentermine for up to
lasting >3 months and one third lasting >1 year.20 In two years, those who consistently took phentermine
surveys, physicians and advance practice providers for ≥1 year had an average weight loss of 7.5% two
describe several major barriers to prescribing years after initiation.33
antiobesity medications, including high costs and
lack of insurance coverage, side effects, medication Naltrexone-bupropion
interactions, insufficient knowledge, lack of time In a single large study evaluating the effectiveness of
for weight loss counseling, and a perceived lack of naltrexone-bupropion in multiple US primary care
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Table 3 | Barriers to evidence based prescribing of antiobesity medications in clinical practice
Barrier Pertinent data Possible solutions
Cost of drug • Insurance coverage of antiobesity medications in the US is highly variable and is not required by law.66-69 • Drug prices are expected to fall as additional
treatments, • In 2015-2016, among 7378 adults surveyed about their employer based insurance, 21% reported highly effective antiobesity medications
limited having coverage for antiobesity medications.66 enter the market in the coming years.
insurance • As of 2017, only 16 out of 50 state Medicaid plans cover ≥1 antiobesity medication.68 Medicare Part D • Prices will fall further as the drugs come off
coverage, and does not cover treatment with any FDA approved antiobesity medications at all. patent and become available as generics.
supply chain • The GLP-1 receptor agonists liraglutide and semaglutide are particularly expensive, costing $324- Liraglutide is expected to come off patent
problems 1619/month before insurance.70 71 within the next five years.
• No consensus exists on the healthcare cost impact of long term antiobesity medication use. Different • States, payers, and employers are
studies have used various assumptions, with some estimating substantial savings in healthcare costs, increasingly considering and expanding
while others estimate a net cost increase.69 72 coverage for antiobesity medications
• Shortages in availability of newer medications have made it difficult to initiate and consistently
maintain patients on these treatments as they are first coming to market73
Concerns about • Clinicians’ concerns about side effects59 might be related to the recall of several antiobesity medications • Ongoing clinical trials investigating
safety of long owing to increased risk of valvular heart disease and pulmonary hypertension (fenfluramine), stroke and cardiovascular outcomes and longer term
term antiobesity myocardial infarction (sibutramine), and cancer (lorcaserin).74 safety of antiobesity medications will likely
medication use • In real world effectiveness studies of currently approved antiobesity medications, most adverse events help reduce concerns.
are reported as mild and moderate. That said, how frequently side effects are severe enough to lead to • Additional postmarketing surveillance studies
discontinuation is unclear from these studies.75 will likely be conducted in the coming years
• Long term safety of antiobesity medications outside of clinical trials is not well understood75 76
Lack of clinician • Primary care physicians’ knowledge of obesity guidelines is poor. In one survey of 1506 primary care • Educational interventions that aim to improve
awareness/ physicians, only 8% could correctly identify guideline recommended weight and weight loss criteria for clinical knowledge of obesity and its treatment
education starting and continuing antiobesity medications77 options have been shown to increase comfort
with counseling about and prescription of
antiobesity medications.78
Antiobesity • Implicit and explicit bias against people with obesity is widespread among physicians, nurses, students, • Various groups are developing interventions
stigma and bias and nutritionists,62-64 owing to a belief that obesity is primarily caused by poor behavior. and trainings for healthcare providers to help
• Even obesity specialists who were surveyed at an obesity related medical conference in 2013 revealed identify and mitigate bias and stigma
implicit and explicit bias, pairing words like “bad” and “lazy” with “obese.”65 These biases have real
implications for the care that patients receive. For example, clinicians perceive patients with higher
body mass index to have lower drug treatment adherence,61 and therefore, could be reluctant to
prescribe antiobesity medications.
• In audiorecorded visits, clinicians provide less empathy, legitimation, and reassurance to patients with
overweight and obesity60
FDA=Food and Drug Administration; GLP-1=glucagon-like peptide-1.
BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj-2022-072686 on 25 March 2024. Downloaded from http://www.bmj.com/ on 29 September 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.
randomized trials comparing the effectiveness of included intensive lifestyle intervention, orlistat,
different antiobesity medications head-to-head. phentermine, phentermine-topiramate, lorcaserin,
One trial of 338 adults with overweight or obesity liraglutide, and semaglutide.142 Phentermine was
and without type 2 diabetes found that once weekly found to be the most cost effective strategy, followed
subcutaneous semaglutide resulted in significantly by semaglutide, with all other treatment options
greater weight loss at 68 weeks compared with once being dominated by these options (more effective
daily subcutaneous liraglutide135 (-15.8% with and cheaper). Finally, another model found that
semaglutide v -6.4% with liraglutide (difference -9.4 phentermine-topiramate in addition to lifestyle
percentage points (95% confidence interval -12.0 modification was the most cost effective option,
to -6.8), P<0.001)). These findings are consistent particularly when prescribed generically.143 The
with other randomized trials of patients with type 2 model also reported that, at current prices in the US,
diabetes,136-138 where patients receiving semaglutide the cost effectiveness of semaglutide or liraglutide in
had better improvement in weight and HbA1c than patients without type 2 diabetes exceeded commonly
those receiving liraglutide. Another randomized trial used cost effectiveness thresholds. The health benefit
including 756 adults found that the combination price benchmark for semaglutide (defined as the
phentermine-topiramate 7.5 mg/46 mg (-8.5%) price range that would achieve incremental cost
and 15 mg/92 mg (-9.2%) achieved greater weight effectiveness ratios between $100 000 and $150
loss versus placebo (P<0.0001) and their respective 000 per QALY gained), was estimated at $7500 to
monotherapies (P<0.05) at 28 weeks.139 $9800 per year, which would require a discount from
the wholesale acquisition cost of 44-57%. Given
Network meta-analyses the variability in modeling approaches used across
A systematic review and network meta-analysis studies and the strong assumptions necessary to
(search date March 2021) identified 143 trials that conduct these models, further research is necessary
enrolled 49 810 participants.12 The main findings before firm conclusions can be drawn about the most
were that placebo subtracted percentage weight loss cost effective approach to prescribing antiobesity
was highest with phentermine-topiramate (-7.97%; medication.
95% confidence interval -6.7 to -9.3) and GLP-1
receptor agonists (-5.8%; -5.2 to -6.3). In a post hoc Remaining gaps in evidence and call to action for future
analysis that separated the GLP-1 receptor agonists, research
percentage weight loss was higher for semaglutide Personalized treatment approaches to antiobesity
(-11.4%; -10.3 to -12.5) than for liraglutide medication prescribing
(-4.7%; -4.1 to -5.3). Phentermine-topiramate and As is true with other forms of obesity treatment,
naltrexone-bupropion had the highest risk of adverse patient response to antiobesity medications is
events leading to discontinuation. A recent analysis highly variable. Ideally, clinicians would select
of SURMOUNT-1 and STEP 1 trial data concluded the antiobesity medication most likely to lead to
that tirzepatide was likely more effective than clinically significant weight loss in a given patient.144
semaglutide.140 The choice is easy in patients with specific forms of
monogenic or syndromic obesity where setmelanotide
Real world comparative effectiveness data is uniquely beneficial.145 Unfortunately, the
We found insufficient data from observational published research is not sufficient to accurately
comparative effectiveness research designs to predict individual response to antiobesity
understand the real world treatment effectiveness and medications. However, several principles can be
safety of antiobesity medications.80 More research used in clinical practice to make an initial selection
is needed to help inform treatment decisions in of antiobesity medication. First is a consideration
populations that are not typically included in clinical of how secondary effects of drug treatments might
trials, such as those with multiple comorbidities and be beneficial to individual patients (table 1). For
advanced age. example, naltrexone-bupropion might be preferred
for a patient with depression, binge eating, or food
Cost effectiveness studies cravings.146 147 Phentermine-topiramate extended
Cost effectiveness analyses use modeling strategies release might be useful in patients who have another
to estimate the value of alternative treatment indication for topiramate, such as peripheral
strategies and relate them on a cost per quality neuropathy or migraine headaches. GLP-1 receptor
adjusted life year (QALY) scale. A cost effectiveness agonists are particularly useful in people with type 2
analysis comparing semaglutide 2.4 mg weekly diabetes. Some evidence suggests that phentermine
with three other antiobesity medications (liraglutide might be more effective in people who eat excessively
3 mg, phentermine-topiramate, and naltrexone- owing to hunger (as opposed to emotional stress,
bupropion)141 found that semaglutide 2.4 mg was cost boredom, etc).148 While clinicians can and do use
effective compared with all other comparators, with these generalizations, few studies have specifically
the incremental cost per QALY gained ranging from evaluated the effectiveness of antiobesity medication
$23 556 to $144 296. A separate model compared in these subpopulations.
costs and outcomes of seven weight loss strategies Another important question for healthcare systems
plus no treatment for five years. The treatments is how to balance effectiveness and cost, given the
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large number of people who could potentially benefit agent targeting a different pathway be started? These
from antiobesity medications. Newer antiobesity are critical questions that should be answered as
medications reliably produce more weight loss than part of future research priorities on antiobesity
older drug treatments, but they cost substantially medications.
more. It might not be financially viable in the short
term to provide insurance coverage for the newest, Weight loss maintenance
most effective drug treatments for all eligible patients. Another unanswered question in obesity medicine is
Therefore, it could be seen as reasonable to use the how best to manage antiobesity medications during
older, less expensive drug treatments in patients with weight loss maintenance. Increasingly, clinical trials
lower body mass index or those without extensive of antiobesity medications follow patients up to 2-3
comorbid conditions. Since some individuals will years after initiation of a drug treatment, and have
have an excellent response to older drug treatments, provided strong evidence that clinically significant
it could also be reasonable to try these first, and weight loss is maintained so long as patients stay on
reserve newer, more effective drug treatments for the drug treatment.38 Following a 20 week run-in on
those who are “non-responders” to older drug semaglutide, the STEP 4 trial randomized participants
treatments and/or need more weight loss for health to remain on study drug versus placebo until week
benefits. For example, patients with a lower body 68. Those who remained on active drug lost an
mass index might not need the 15% or 20% weight additional 8% of their body weight, while those on
loss that are more likely to be produced by newer drug placebo regained 7%, for a final difference between
treatments. Current guidelines have focused broadly groups of 15% body weight.156 Thus, much as has
on which patients should be offered treatment for been observed for lifestyle interventions,157 weight
obesity. A consensus on weight loss targets has not regain seems a foregone conclusion for patients
yet emerged, other than an established minimum of who discontinue obesity treatment, including
5% weight loss. antiobesity medications. Guidelines recommend
the long term use of antiobesity medication, yet the
Combination therapy practical, clinical, and economic implications of this
In light of the multiple neuroendocrine pathways recommendation are unknown. In particular, the
governing body weight and appetite,11 a single agent long term safety implications of taking these drug
pharmacotherapy approach is likely inadequate to treatments beyond a few months to a few years are
support durable, clinically significant weight loss for not yet known. Long term safety is an important
all patients. In a nod to this idea, current antiobesity area for future research, especially as antiobesity
medications in the pipeline include dual agonist medication use is increasing among young adults
and triple agonist agents, drugs that simultaneously and even adolescents. Additionally, with an average
target multiple pathways (eg, tirzepatide, which wholesale price of $1619 to $2023 per month,158
targets GLP-1 receptor agonist and GIP receptor the indefinite use of semaglutide for all but the most
agonist)43 in an attempt to circumvent these natural economically advantaged patients would present an
redundancies.149-152 enormous financial strain under current payment
Whether currently available (and possibly generic, models.159 Substantial changes to the way payers
more affordable) agents might be combined in a cover these drug treatments, and/or major reductions
stepwise, off-label fashion to produce greater total in price for the drugs by pharmaceutical companies,
weight loss or more durable weight loss has not could make the widespread long term use of GLP-1
been rigorously studied. Given a lack of research receptor agonists and similar drugs more feasible in
on this topic, modern obesity treatment guidelines the future.
state that, while promising, off-label combination Key research and policy questions that must be
therapy is not recommended.153 By contrast, modern resolved moving forward include whether more
treatment guidelines for type 2 diabetes154 and affordable (albeit likely less efficacious) antiobesity
essential hypertension155 (also nutrition related medications, a cycling on/off approach, or a lower
chronic diseases), do recommend a stepped care dose antiobesity medication could be used for
approach to pharmacotherapy. In some cases, weight loss maintenance; and if so, when best
guidelines even recommend starting combination to initiate a trial of these strategies, and in which
therapy as an initial approach to facilitate the more patients.
rapid achievement of glycemic or blood pressure
targets. Outcomes beyond percentage weight loss
In practice, the lack of a clear guideline around Historically, one challenge to broader uptake
combination therapy for obesity presents a of antiobesity medications has been the lack of
conundrum: how should providers manage a patient randomized trial evidence showing that these
who had an initial clinically significant response to treatments reduce adverse health outcomes.
a single agent (eg, liraglutide), but has subsequently Recently, however, the SELECT trial reported a 20%
plateaued or begun to regain weight after longer reduction in the risk of cardiovascular events with
term exposure? Should the agent be discontinued in semaglutide 2.4 mg versus placebo over a mean
favor of another; or, similarly to how we approach duration of treatment of 34 months among 17 604
hypertension or type 2 diabetes, should an additional patients 45 years of age or older who had pre-existing
BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj-2022-072686 on 25 March 2024. Downloaded from http://www.bmj.com/ on 29 September 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.
cardiovascular disease and a body mass index of 27 Tirzepatide is currently approved for use in type 2
or greater but no history of diabetes.160 A primary diabetes and obesity. Weight loss with tirzepatide
cardiovascular endpoint event occurred in 569 of the is being evaluated in the SURMOUNT studies.
8803 patients (6.5%) in the semaglutide group and in SURMOUNT 1 tested tirzepatide at 5, 10, or 15 mg
701 of the 8801 patients (8.0%) in the placebo group weekly for 72 weeks, and found that the 15 mg
(hazard ratio 0.80; 95% confidence interval 0.72 to formulation produced a 17.8% placebo subtracted
0.90; P<0.001). Adverse events leading to permanent weight loss, and 56.7% achieved >20% weight
discontinuation of the trial product occurred in 1461 loss.167 SURMOUNT 2 tested tirzepatide in people
patients (16.6%) in the semaglutide group and 718 with type 2 diabetes, and at 72 weeks found a slightly
patients (8.2%) in the placebo group (P<0.001). lower (11.5%) placebo subtracted weight loss.168
Another recent study showed that semaglutide In SURMOUNT 3, subjects who lost >5% with an
2.4 mg resulted in improvements in symptoms intensive lifestyle intervention were randomized to
and walking time in people with heart failure and placebo, 10 mg, or 15 mg tirzepatide weekly. After 72
preserved ejection fraction161 and another analysis weeks, the placebo subtracted weight loss in the 15
showed a reduction in the risk of developing type mg group was 19.9%, with a total placebo subtracted
2 diabetes.162 Additional studies are needed to weight loss including the lifestyle intervention of
investigate the impact of antiobesity medications 22.8%.169
on other weight related health outcomes, such as Evidence of the effectiveness of tirzepatide has
non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and cancer. Another encouraged the development of other dual agonists,
ongoing trial is looking at cardiovascular outcomes including three GLP-1 receptor agonist/glucagon
of tirzepatide, with results expected in the next 1-2 dual agonists: mazdutide (IBI362 or LY3305677),170
years. survodutide (BI456906),171 pemvidutide (ALT-
Along with this line of research, there might need 801), and cotadutide.172 The fact that multiple large
to be a shift in the view of how we define success pharmaceutical companies from the US, Europe,
for a patient following antiobesity medication Japan, and China all have dual agonists in late phase
prescribing. The threshold for clinically significant 2 and early phase 3 programs suggests that dual
response to antiobesity medication has traditionally agonists will be a competitive segment of the market,
been narrowly defined as 5% weight loss at three and gives hope for a range of treatment options and
months after initiation11; however, this goal might lower prices in the future.
not be appropriate for all patients. For example, Retatrutide is the first triple agonist with activity
weight stability and improvement in HbA1c could directed at GLP-1, glucagon, and GIP receptors.172
be a reasonable clinical goal after initiating an Recent phase 2 trial data on retatrutide administered
antiobesity medication in a patient with pre-diabetes at doses of 1-12 mg weekly for 48 weeks showed a
who was previously gaining weight. Similarly, weight placebo subtracted weight loss ranging from 6.6-
stability and improved appetite control in a post- 22.1%.173 In this study, 48% of participants on the
bariatric patient trying to maintain surgical weight highest dose lost >25% of baseline weight and 26%
loss could also be a clinically significant outcome lost >30%. SAR441255 is another triple agonist
from initiating antiobesity medication therapy. currently in early human trials.174
Pramlintide is an amylin analog that is FDA
Emerging treatments approved for the treatment of type 2 diabetes,
The arrival of semaglutide and tirzepatide is just and was studied but never FDA approved as an
the beginning of what promises to be a growing antiobesity medication. A newer long acting acylated
armamentarium of highly effective antiobesity amylin analog named cagrilintide has been studied
medications. Many drugs in the pipeline are based on alone and in combination with semaglutide for the
incretin hormones which have been found to be useful treatment of obesity. In a study of patients with
in the management of type 2 diabetes.163 While most overweight or obesity, the combination of cagrilintide
GLP-1 receptor agonists have been given by injection, 4.5 mg plus semaglutide 2.4 mg per week produced
a number of newer agents can be delivered orally. a 15.4% reduction in body weight at 20 weeks.152
A 50 mg oral formulation of semaglutide recently That study had no placebo arm, and participants
was shown in a phase 3 trial to produce a 12.7% were instructed not to change their diet or physical
placebo subtracted weight loss from baseline to week activity. In a more recent study in subjects with type 2
68.164 Recent phase 2 data on orforglipron, an oral diabetes, this combination produced a 15.6% weight
non-peptide GLP-1 receptor agonist given at doses loss at 32 weeks. This study also had no placebo
ranging from 12-45 mg/day, produced 7.1-12.4% group.175
greater weight loss than placebo at 36 weeks.165 The large weight losses seen with newer highly
Danuglipron is another oral small molecule GLP-1 effective antiobesity medications have raised
receptor agonist that is undergoing phase 2 trials for concerns about the potential for a loss of lean body
the treatment of both obesity and type 2 diabetes.166 mass. Results from the STEP 1 trial of semaglutide
Tirzepatide is the first approved dual agonist. suggested that 40% of total weight loss was derived
Dual agonists are single peptide molecules that from lean mass.42 In response to this concern, new
contain domains conveying receptor agonism for drug treatments are being examined that could help
two different receptors, in this case GLP-1 and GIP. to maintain lean body mass in the context of weight
BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj-2022-072686 on 25 March 2024. Downloaded from http://www.bmj.com/ on 29 September 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.
loss therapy. Several agents acting in the myostatin/ (eg, 3-6 months) owing to lack of durable health
activin A pathway, which regulates skeletal muscle benefits. In 2020, Canada issued its own obesity
mass, are being tested with this goal in mind. treatment guidelines which have since been replicated
Bimagrumab, a monoclonal antibody that blocks the in other countries.178 The Canadian guidelines
activin type II receptor, is administered by infusion primarily differ from US based documents in that
every four weeks. A 48 week trial of bimagrumab recommended antiobesity medication options do
treatment in subjects with obesity and type 2 diabetes not include phentermine or phentermine containing
produced 6.5% overall weight loss, but with a small compounds, which are unavailable in that country.
increase in lean mass.176 Additional agents with Finally, in 2022, the American Gastroenterological
related mechanisms of action that are in the drug Association published the most recent guidelines on
development pathway (phase 2 or earlier) include the pharmacotherapy of obesity.10 These guidelines
apitegromab, taldefgrobep, and the mitochondrial are the first to make priority recommendations for
uncoupling agent HU6. Whether and when these antiobesity medication selection on the basis of
agents will progress to approval for broad use in available evidence from individual agent trials,
patients with obesity is not yet clear. explicitly recommending the use of semaglutide
Many other drug treatments that make use of other 2.4 mg because of the magnitude of clinical benefit.
mechanisms are in preclinical and phase 1 testing, The American Gastroenterological Association
suggesting that this is only the beginning of a period guidelines next prioritize liraglutide 3.0 mg, followed
of remarkable growth in antiobesity medications. by phentermine-topiramate, and then naltrexone-
Unfortunately, very few of these new agents are bupropion. Like the Endocrine Society, the American
currently being tested in children and adolescents. Gastroenterological Association guidelines also allow
for off-label long term phentermine prescribing,
Guidelines while acknowledging the low quality of evidence in
Over the past decade, several professional societies this space. Importantly, they advise against the use
and even nations have issued clinical guidelines that of orlistat as an antiobesity medication, given the
directly deal with the use of antiobesity medications. modern available options that are superior and better
In 2013, The Obesity Society, the American Heart tolerated. A summary approach to prescribing FDA
Association, and the American College of Cardiology approved antiobesity medications based on existing
together issued a comprehensive obesity treatment guidelines is provided in figure 1.
guideline document.177 While expansive in detail It should be noted that, given the expanding
on lifestyle interventions and bariatric surgery, this array of available antiobesity medication options,
document was limited with respect to antiobesity treatment guidelines from just 5-10 years ago are
medications. An expert recommendation was made already becoming out of date. Most reviews on adult
for when to initiate antiobesity medications, stating antiobesity medications from high profile groups
that FDA approved antiobesity medications could be are also out of date, and do not reflect the available
considered as adjunctive treatment for adult patients evidence on the most recent antiobesity medication
with body mass index ≥30 or ≥27 with a weight options.179-182 With more antiobesity medications in
related comorbidity, who were unable to lose weight the pipeline targeting novel pathways, more frequent
or sustain weight loss with lifestyle intervention updates to clinical guidance documents are needed
alone. Additionally, it was recommended to consider to ensure safe and equitable antiobesity medication
discontinuation of antiobesity medications in prescribing. Additionally, evidence synthesis groups
patients not losing at least 5% of their body weight like Cochrane and USPSTF have an important role,
after 12 weeks of treatment. In 2015, following as they can more regularly revise systematic reviews
FDA approval of two new antiobesity medications and meta-analyses as new trial results are published.
for long term use, the Endocrine Society released
its own guidelines outlining the same antiobesity Conclusions
medication initiation criteria as earlier guidelines, Obesity is a serious and growing public health problem
but also recommended continuation of antiobesity in the US and around the world. Pharmacotherapy
medications during weight loss maintenance, and has historically been viewed by many physicians as a
suggested a more detailed plan for antiobesity fringe treatment, resulting in the persistence of “eat
medication monitoring.11 The Endocrine Society less, move more” advice that fails to produce durable
advised against off-label prescribing of drug weight loss for most patients. This perception
treatments indicated for other purposes solely to has been reflected in the underuse of antiobesity
achieve weight loss. Lastly, this guideline allowed medications by a minority of clinicians. However,
for off-label, long term (>3 months) prescribing of the advent of newer, highly effective antiobesity
phentermine, for patients deemed safe candidates. medications has brought pharmacotherapy of obesity
In 2016, the American Association of Clinical into the mainstream, and patients are increasingly
Endocrinologists and the American College of asking their physicians for advice on these drug
Endocrinology also issued clinical practice guidelines treatments. Prescription rates are increasing rapidly,
for obesity.153 Although largely aligned with earlier leading to challenges in maintaining drug treatment
documents, these guidelines explicitly recommended supply.183 New antiobesity medications are on the
against the short term use of antiobesity medications horizon and will provide levels of efficacy that were
BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj-2022-072686 on 25 March 2024. Downloaded from http://www.bmj.com/ on 29 September 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.
BMI ≥30 or 27-29.9 with weight related complication
• Patient has previous attempt at lifestyle based therapy with non-response or weight regain or
• As part of initial treatment if ≥10% weight loss clinically indicated
Fig 1 | A guideline informed strategy for antiobesity medication prescribing. AOM=antiobesity medication. *After factoring in patient comorbidities,
preferences, and affordability/insurance coverage, clinicians could consider prioritizing based on expected weight loss, such as: - GLP-1 receptor
agonist (semaglutide/liraglutide (semaglutide produces more weight loss on average than liraglutide)) or dual agonist (tirzepatide) - Phentermine-
topiramate extended release - Bupropion-naltrexone sustained release - Phentermine monotherapy or similar (if patient is an appropriate candidate
and in concordance with regulations and guidelines in your institution or location) - Orlistat (if patient is unable to take other, more effective
drugs) †Depending on tolerability, some drug treatments can take longer than three months to reach full dosing. In these cases, longer monitoring
for weight loss and adverse events is indicated. ‡Current guidelines do not specifically advise this additive approach to pharmacotherapy; however,
the approach could be reasonable with individual patients under the care of an obesity medicine specialist (provided that the second agent is well
tolerated, affordable, sustainable and appears to benefit the patient). Further research is needed in this area to guide general practice
previously only seen with bariatric surgery. The hope benefits and drawbacks of antiobesity medications.
is that competition will bring down the cost of these Major research gaps remain around examining the
drug treatments over time, and insurance companies optimal clinical definition of obesity that warrants
will gradually provide coverage for antiobesity antiobesity medication treatment, the comparative
medications much as they do for new drug treatments effectiveness of antiobesity medication for outcomes
for other chronic metabolic diseases such as diabetes beyond weight loss, the utility of combination
and hyperlipidemia. Clinicians should work to therapy, determining how to personalize treatment
become comfortable having comprehensive yet for individual patients, and showing the cost
efficient conversations with their patients about the effectiveness of antiobesity medications.
BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj-2022-072686 on 25 March 2024. Downloaded from http://www.bmj.com/ on 29 September 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.
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