Fms 2023

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21U543 (Pages: 2) Name: ...................................

Reg.No: ...................................


(Commerce: Finance - Core Course)
(2019 Admission onwards)
Time : 2.5 Hours Maximum : 80 Marks
Credit : 4

Part A (Short answer questions)

Answer all questions. Each question carries 2 marks.

1. Give any four examples for financial instruments.

2. Define Inflation. What is the impact of Inflation?

3. Give any four examples for fee based financial services.

4. List out any four requisites of a well developed money market.

5. What are T-bills?

6. List out any four features of Indian Money Market.

7. Who is an underwriter?

8. Write down any four functions of a merchant banker.

9. Define grey market.

10. Write down the benefits of listing.

11. What is the rematerialization of shares?

12. What is mobile banking?

13. What are income mutual funds?

14. What is advance factoring?

15. Illustrate variable reserve ratio.

(Ceiling: 25 Marks)
Part B (Paragraph questions)
Answer all questions. Each question carries 5 marks.

16. Define financial system. Explain the significance of financial system.

17. Define financial institution. Explain the classification of financial institutions.

18. Elaborate the recent developments in Indian Money Market.

19. Elucidate the role of the new issue market in the economy.

20. Write a note on different kinds of speculators.

21. Define online trading. Explain the advantages of online trading.

22. Illustrate the functions of insurance.

23. Write a note on the need for and objectives of SEBI.

(Ceiling: 35 Marks)
Part C (Essay questions)
Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks.

24. Define financial system. What are its functions? What is its significance?

25. Define Venture Capital. Explain the stages of VC. Also the modes of investment.

26. Write a note (a) Classification of leasing (b) Merits of leasing (c) Demerits of leasing

27. What are the attempts taken by SEBI to put the Securities Market in the right track?
(2 × 10 = 20 Marks)


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