Improving Uptime With Ocpp v1 1
Improving Uptime With Ocpp v1 1
Improving Uptime With Ocpp v1 1
This document is made available under the *Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Public
License* (
This white paper is identical to the version of March 2023, with the addition of chapter
NOTE Regionally standardized error codes (new in v1.1) and Appendix: ChargeX Minimum Required
Error Codes.
CS Charging Station
CSMS Charging Station Management System. The CSO backoffice system to which all charging
stations connect.
EMSP e-Mobility Service Provider, also known as Card Provider or Mobility Operator
EV Electric Vehicle
EVSE Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment. The part of the charging station that supplies energy
to the EV.
1. Introduction
This white paper describes how OCPP can be used to detect and (in some cases) avoid downtime of a charging
station. Note, that OCPP by itself is not responsible for downtime — it is just a set of messages between a
charger and its management system. A charging station operator (CSO), however, can utilize certain messages
and configuration options to allow for early detection of problems.
Before we can measure downtime we need to define which components are part of the downtime calculation,
because a successful charging session involves more than just the charging station. A backoffice system is
involved to authorize the user and track the charging session, and third parties, like an EMSP (card provider) or a
smartphone app for authorization might also be involved. Last but not least, the EV itself needs to function
properly for a charging session to be successful.
If the end goal is to measure successful charging sessions for a legitimate customer, then the whole chain needs
to be taken into account. It may become quite complex to determine what goes wrong and where, and the
information about failures may have to come from different locations. Since the CSO is tracking the charging
session, this party is best suited to collect information about failures that are reported by or caused by the
charging station and failures in the communication with roaming partners (EMSPs).
It is not hard for a CSO to discover that a charging station is not responding, but a failed authorization can have
multiple causes. A customer may have an invalid or expired charging card, in which case it is correct to refuse
the service, but it can also be caused by the fact that CSO has outdated information about validity of cards, or
the communication with the EMSP is not working. Even when a customer is able to charge the EV, then the
service may still not be on par with customer expectation. If a 150 kW charging station delivers only 15 kW, then
this may be perceived as a failure by the customer. But at the same time, this situation can also be caused by the
state of charge of the battery of the EV being too high or its temperature too low.
The bottom line is that it will be really hard to measure the rate of successful charging sessions and to attribute
failures to the correct component in the chain. This paper will not try to come up with a solution for this, but
instead focus on how a CSO can use OCPP to monitor the charging station.
If a charging station is supposed to operate 24/7 and over a 30 day period it has been shown to be inoperative
for a total of 3 days, then the downtime is calculated as 3/30 * 100% = 10%. The uptime is, of course, the inverse
of downtime and is calculated as 100% - downtime. In the above-mentioned example that equates to: 90%.
The question arises whether uptime should be calculated per location, per charging station or per EVSE. A CSO
might install multiple charging stations at a location to achieve redundancy, and argue that as long as at least
one charger is operational, the location should be considered operational. A customer, on the other hand, who
connects to a charging station, only to find out that it does not work, might not agree with this point of view. The
same reasoning applies to a charging station with multiple EVSEs.
In the end it is up to the legislator to decide the granularity with which uptime is to be reported: location,
charging station or EVSE. In order to be prepared for whatever is decided, we recommend to calculate the
uptime per EVSE rather than per charging station or location. It is always possible to aggregate this data to the
level of charging station or location if that is required.
There are cases where the EVSE is equipped with two cables with different plug types: CHAdeMO
NOTE and CCS. Even though there are two cables, there is only one power converter, and only one EV
can be served at a time. This is therefore counted as one EVSE for uptime calculations.
Type Description
EV handshake failure Initial handshake between EV and charging station fails (includes isolation
Authorization error Valid card is not accepted, e.g. error in local whitelist, or roaming failure. This
also includes failure to start via smartphone app.
It is by no means said that failures must be classified in above-mentioned categories, but it makes sense to
classify failures for reporting purposes in a limited number of categories similar to the above.
version separately.
Note, that although this proves that the websocket connection is working, it does not necessarily mean that the
charging station application is fully functional.
Since this check uses regular OCPP messages it provides more reassurance that the charging station application
firmware is functioning as it should.
4.1.3. StatusNotification
The charging station itself can send a StatusNotification message to report the status of the station or a specific
connector. The StatusNotification contains a status and an errorCode in addition to optional info and
vendorErrorCode fields. The latter two fields are non-standardized, free format fields with information that is
specific to the charging station vendor.
Status can be one of: Available, Preparing, Charging, SuspendedEVSE, SuspendedEV, Finishing,
Reserved, Unavailable, Faulted. The values Unavailable and Faulted might indicate downtime.
The capabilities of StatusNotification are limited in the sense that it does not handle multiple errors very well.
When an error situation is no longer active, this can be reported by sending a StatusNotification without an
errorCode or with a value of NoError. However, when more than one error is reported (by two or more
StatusNotification messages), then it is unclear whether all errors are still active, or the first error is no longer
applicable. Similarly, it is not possible to selectively clear one error, while keeping another error active.
If desired, the management system can force the charging station to send a StatusNotification message with the
status of the charging station by sending it a TriggerMessage.req(requestedMessage = "StatusNotification",
connectorId = 0). If connectorId is omitted, then the charging station will send a StatusNotification for both the
charging station as a whole and for each connector separately.
MemoryExhaustion The Flash or RAM memory of the Charging Station is getting full
InvalidMessages The Charging Station has received messages that are not valid OCPP
messages, or signature of signed message incorrect
When introducing such a variable, it is recommended to call it "UptimeSeconds". This variable holds the number
of seconds since last power up.
Table 3. Checks per failure category for OCPP 1.6
Type Description
Grid faults Power outage: the charging stations "dies" and the websocket connection is
broken. This is first detected by the websocket ping mechanism. When the
station comes back online it sends a BootNotification message (and possibly a
security event "StartupOfTheDevice"), which can also serve as a clue to the
Overvoltage and undervoltage: this will be reported as a StatusNotification
with errorCode = OverVoltage or UnderVoltage.
Physical damage There is no OCPP errorCode to report this situation. It depends on the
charging station and the kind of damage whether it will be able to detect the
physical damage. If so, then it can be reported as a StatusNotification with
errorCode = OtherError and a descriptive text in the info field, or a security
event "TamperDetectionActivated".
Data communication loss A weak signal can be reported as a StatusNotification with errorCode =
A complete loss will first be noted by the websocket ping mechanism.
Charging station will switch to offline mode.
Server down If data connection is lost, then behavior will be identical to "Data
communication lost" above.
If the websocket remains open, but the server is not responding, then this will
be discovered by charging station firmware when it is not receiving any
response. Charging station will switch to offline mode.
EV handshake failure The initial handshake between EV and charging station fails. This applies to
both the mode 3 protocol for AC chargers and ISO 15118 or DIN for DC
chargers. It is reported as a StatusNotification with errorCode =
EVCommunicationError. This error may have been caused by the EV and
should in that case not contribute to downtime.
Authorization error An authorization error cannot be reported by the charging station as an error,
because this is discovered by the management system. Failure to authorize is
not necessarily an error. The charge card may simply be unknown or expired.
If the management system is equipped with roaming interfaces to allow
access to third party charge cards, then frequent authorization errors should
trigger the CPO to check whether all roaming interfaces are operational.
Type Description
Power electronics failure It depends on the capabilities of the charging station which kind of failures
can be detected. A StatusNotification with errorCode = PowerMeterFailure
or PowerSwitchFailure can be used to report errors with the meter or
power relais. Other types of errors will have to reported with OtherError
and an info field or vendorErrorCode providing more information.
Connector lock failure A failure to lock or unlock connector is reported with a StatusNotification with
errorCode = ConnectorLockFailure.
This situation will also lead to a StatusNotification with status = Faulted for
the connector.
4.1.7. Certification
The OCPP 1.6 certification verifies a proper implementation of the above-mentioned mechanisms, as follows:
• Websocket ping — Ping mechanism is checked during certification. The PICS states whether the websocket
ping is configurable, and which interval has been used during testing
• Heartbeat interval — Heartbeat mechanism is checked during certification. The PICS states the mininum
and maximum supported heartbeat interval.
• TriggerMessage for StatusNotification — The TriggerMessage is not part of the "Core" profile and as such
not mandatory to be implemented. It can be certified as part of the "Remote Trigger" profile.
TriggerMessage is, however, not needed to implement the above-mentioned checks.
4.2.2. StatusNotification
The StatusNotification message is slightly different in OCPP 2.0.1. Since errors are now reported via device
model messages, the errorCode is no longer present in StatusNotification. The StatusNotification message is
used to report the connectorStatus with values: Available, Occupied, Reserved, Unavailable,
Faulted. The values Unavailable and Faulted might indicate downtime.
being the additional MaintenanceLoginAccepted/Failed events. Security events are sent whenever an event
happens that could impose a security risk. Not all of these events relate to downtime, but the events shown in
the table below might be.
MemoryExhaustion The Flash or RAM memory of the Charge Point is getting full
InvalidMessages The Charge Point has received messages that are not valid OCPP
messages, or signature of signed message incorrect
There is a limited subset of 17 components that are mandatory to be supported and reported by the charging
station. The following mandatory components and variables are relevant in the context of monitoring charging
station availability.
A DC fast charging station is likely to report many more components, such as an AcDcConverter or
AirCoolingSystem, but these are not mandated by OCPP to be reported.
The errorCode of an OCPP 1.6 StatusNotification is no longer present in OCPP 2.0.1. Instead, any errors are
reported by the NotifyEvent message. This message is used to report events for a specific component, and can
contain optional free format fields techCode and techInfo with vendor-specific information. These events can be
errors, warnings or measurements at regular intervals, that can be predefined in the firmware or have been
configured as 'monitors' by the CSO.
When introducing such a variable, it is recommended to call it "UptimeSeconds" and report it as part of the
component "ChargingStation". This variable holds the number of seconds since last power up.
Monitors can be defined for upper and lower thresholds, value changes (delta) and periodic measurements.
An upper threshold monitor defines a threshold for the value of a variable above which a NotifyEvent message
will be sent with a certain severity. For example, an event of severity "warning" can be sent when the
temperature of an AcDcConverter exceeds 80 C, and an event of severity "error" can be sent at a temperature
over 100 C.
A periodic monitor can be used to periodically report the value of a variable. For example, a periodic monitor
can be used to report the AvailabilityState of an EVSE every 15 minutes, or report the charging station overall
temperature during the day.
Table 6. Checks per failure category for OCPP 2.0.1
Type Description
Grid faults Power outage: the charging stations "dies" and the websocket connection is
broken. This is first detected by the websocket ping mechanism. When the
station comes back online it sends a BootNotification message (and possibly a
security event "StartupOfTheDevice"), which can also serve as a clue to the
Overvoltage and undervoltage: this can be reported by a NotifyEvent message
for component "ElectricalFeed" and variable "ACVoltage" when crossing the
respective upper or lower threshold for this value.
Physical damage Depending on the type of damage, this can be reported by a NotifyEvent
message for the variable "Active" of the component "ShockSensor" or
"TiltSensor" (e.g. in case of a collision with the charging station housing) or the
component "CableBreakAwaySensor" (e.g. when the cable has been damaged
or forcibly removed), or a security event "TamperDetectionActivated"..
Electrical safety RCD tripped: This can be reported as a NotifyEvent for the variable "Tripped"
of component "RCD".
Groud isolation protection: This can be reported by the variable "Active" or
"Problem" of component "GroundIsolationProtection".
Data communication loss A complete loss will first be noted by the websocket ping mechanism.
Charging station will switch to offline mode. Signal loss can be reported by the
variable "SignalStrength" or "Problem" of component "DataLink".
Server down If data connection is lost, then behavior will be identical to "Data
communication lost" above.
If the websocket remains open, but the server is not responding, then this will
be discovered by charging station firmware when it is not receiving any
response. Charging station will switch to offline mode.
RFID reader failure This can be reported by the variable "Problem" of component "TokenReader".
EV handshake failure The initial handshake between EV and charging station fails. This applies to
both the mode 3 protocol for AC chargers and ISO 15118 or DIN for DC
chargers. This error may have been caused by the EV and should in that case
not contribute to downtime. The situation can be reported by several
variables, depending on the type of connector.
- For a mode 3 connector: "CPPMWController", variables "Problem" and
- For a CHAdeMO connector: "CHAdeMOCtrlr", variables "Problem", "Tripped".
- For an ISO 15118 connector: "ISO15118Ctrlr", variables "Problem", "Tripped".
- If charging station supports the ConnectedEV component, then information
reported by EV can also be shown, for example "ProtocolAgreed", which is
empty if EV and EVSE could not agree on a protocol version, and
"ChargingState", which reports things like high battery temperature or
charging system error.
Type Description
Authorization error An authorization error cannot be reported by the charging station as an error,
because this is discovered by the management system. Failure to authorize is
not necessarily an error. The charge card may simply be unknown or expired.
If the management system is equipped with roaming interfaces to allow
access to third party charge cards, then frequent authorization errors should
trigger the CPO to check whether all roaming interfaces are operational.
Power electronics failure It depends on the capabilities of the charging station which kind of failures
can be detected. This can be reported by a NotifyEvent message for the
following component/variable combinations:
- "AcDcConverter", variables "Problem", "Tripped", "Overload".
- "PowerContactor", variable "Problem".
- "ELVSupply", variable "Problem"
- "OverCurrentProtection", variable "Operated".
Connector lock failure This can be reported by a NotifyEvent message for the component
"ConnectorPlugRetentionLock" and variable "Problem".
This situation will also lead to a StatusNotification with connectorStatus =
Faulted for the connector and/or a NotifyEvent message for the EVSE with
"AvailabilityState" = Faulted.
4.2.8. Certification
The OCPP 2.0.1 certification verifies a proper implementation of the above-mentioned mechanisms, as follows:
• Websocket ping — Ping mechanism is checked during certification. The PICS states whether the websocket
ping is configurable, and which interval has been used during testing
• Heartbeat interval — Heartbeat mechanism is checked during certification. The PICS states the mininum
and maximum supported heartbeat interval.
• NotifyEvent — The support for NotifyEvent messages is checked, but the compliance testing tool cannot
verify whether such a message will be sent when a hardware error occurs.
• Monitoring — Support for component monitoring is not part of the "Core" profile and as such not
mandatory to be implemented. The compliance testing tool does check monitoring messages and
behavior, when the "Advanced Device Model" profile has been implemented.
• TriggerMessage for StatusNotification — TriggerMessage is checked during certification. It is, however, not
needed to implement the above-mentioned checks.
1. Monitor websocket ping to discover as soon as possible when the connection is broken.
2. Set heartbeat interval to a value of 15 minutes (or 1 hour) to ensure that you receive a message from the
charging station at least every 15 minutes (or 1 hour).
3. OCPP 1.6: Monitor status and errorCode from the StatusNotification messages that the charging station
4. OCPP 2.0.1: Monitor NotifyEvent messages and connectorStatus from StatusNotification messages that the
charging station sends.
5. OCPP 2.0.1: Enable monitoring for crucial components of the charging station.
6. OCPP 2.0.1: Tune the back-off retry parameters to improve reconnection time after connection loss.
7. Implement a check at the management system to verify the health of roaming interfaces to third parties.
8. Enable offline behavior at charging station to enhance perceived uptime for the customer. See
Configuration options.
There is no added value to requesting a StatusNotification every 15 minutes from the charging
station by sending a TriggerMessage. The charging station will send a StatusNotification with an
errorCode (OCPP 1.6), or a NotifyEvent message (OCPP 2.0.1), when an error occurs, and the
heartbeat mechanism will ensure that messages are exchanged every 15 minutes or so.
Check that charging station is supporting all or most errorCodes in a StatusNotification message (as
opposed to reporting no errors or only a generic OtherError code.)
ErrorCode values are:
Check that charging station supports EventNotifications for all or most components, that are mentioned
in Checks per failure category for OCPP 2.0.1:
Component Variable
Component Variable
CableBreakAwaySensor Active
ConnectorPlugRetentionLock Problem
ELVSupply Problem
ElectricalFeed ACVoltage
GroundIsolationProtection Active
OverCurrentProtection Operated
PowerContactor Problem
RCD Tripped
ShockSensor Active
TiltSensor Active
TokenReader Problem
Check that charging station supports monitoring functionality for above-mentioned device model
variables (where applicable). Monitoring these values periodically or when exceeding a threshold will
provide an early warning of possible problems. Since extremely high or low temperatures are known to
cause problems to the electronics it is beneficial to monitor the temperature of vital components.
Websocket ping Websocket ping is activated by setting the configuration variable WebSocketPingInterval to
a value greater than 0. It represents the number of seconds between each ping message.
Suggested range: 50 - 600.
Purpose Configuration method
Heartbeat interval The heartbeat interval is the interval of inactivity (no OCPP exchanges) with the
management system after which the charging station should send a Heartbeat message.
This interval is controlled by the configuration variable HeartbeatInterval as a number of
seconds. It initially reflects the value of the field interval in the BootNotification.conf
message that the station receives from the management system, but can be changed by
a ChangeConfiguration message.
Suggested range: 300 - 3600.
Offline behavior The offline authorization of charge cards is enabled by the configuration variables
LocalAuthorizeOffline and AuthorizationCacheEnabled and/or LocalAuthListEnabled. See
section Offline behavior.
Allow offline The acceptance of any charge card when the station is offline, is enabled by the
transactions for configuration variable AllowOfflineTxForUnknownId.
unknown cards
Websocket ping Websocket ping is activated by setting the variable WebSocketPingInterval from
component OCPPCommCtrlr to a value greater than 0. It represents the number of
seconds between each ping message.
Suggested range: 50 - 600.
Heartbeat interval The heartbeat interval is the interval of inactivity (no OCPP exchanges) with the
management system after which the charging station should send a Heartbeat message.
This interval is controlled by the variable HeartbeatInterval from the component
OCPPCommCtrlr as a number of seconds. It initially reflects the value of the field interval in
the BootNotificationResponse message that the station receives from the management
system, but can be changed by a SetVariables message.
Suggested range: 300 - 3600.
Offline behavior The offline authorization of charge cards is enabled by the variables LocalAuthorizeOffline
of the component AuthCtrlr and Enabled of the components AuthCacheCtrlr and/or
LocalAuthListCtrlr. See section Offline behavior.
Allow offline The acceptance of any charge card when the station is offline, is enabled by the variable
transactions for OfflineTxForUnknownIdEnabled of the component AuthCtrlr.
unknown cards
5.3. Offline behavior
OCPP supports so-called offline behavior. This is a situation where the charging station has no connection to the
management system, e.g. because the cellular data connection is down, or the entire management system is
offline, but the station still allows certain operations.
While offline, an OCPP charging station will allow any on-going transaction to continue normally. All progress
messages during the transaction, and the final stop message will be buffered by the charging station to be sent
as soon as the connection is restored. This means that an offline period has zero effect for transactions that had
already started, but authorizating new transactions may not be possible.
There are features that allow certain customers to start charging, even though their charge card cannot be
authorized when the station is offline. This is controlled by configuration settings of the authorization cache and
the local authorization list. The authorization cache keeps a copy of the authorization results of recently used
charge cards. In an offline situation the charging station will check if the charge card occurs in the cache, and if
the charge card was authorized the last time, then it assumes that the card is still valid. When the lifetime of the
authorization cache is set to one week or one month, then at least all regular customers of this charging station
will be able to charge normally. Even though no live authorization is done when offline, all transaction data is
buffered and will be sent to the management system as soon as the station comes online. No transaction
information will be lost; the transactions can still be invoiced.
As a CPO you can take it one step further. It is possible to upload a local authorization list to a station. This is a
whitelist of all charge cards that are allowed to charge at the station. The local authorization list has version
numbers and allows incremental updating to keep it in sync with the central database of the CPO. It is not part of
the core profile of OCPP, however, so not all charging stations will have implemented this.
For OCPP 2.0.1 an extra check is possible: the configuration variable OCPPCommCtrlr.QueueAllMessages can be
set to true to instruct the station to queue all messages during an offline period. In that case any
AuthorizationRequest or StatusNotificationRequests and NotifyEventRequest, that occurred in the offline period,
will be sent to CSMS when connectivity is restored. This allows an operator to check for failed authorization
attempts or error messages that occurred during the offline period.
5.4. Remote assistance
As long as the network connection with the charging station is up, there are number of messages that a CSO can
send to try and solve issues.
Command Description
Command Description
6. Regionally standardized error codes (new in v1.1)
OCPP 1.6 defines a list of 15 standard error codes, but not all of them are required to be supported by
manufacturers, and not all cases are covered by these error codes. OCPP 2.0.1 uses a different error reporting
mechanism using the component names of the device model. Although component names are standardized in
OCPP 2.0.1, the set of components to report is not. It is up to manufacturers to decide which of the charging
station components they want to disclose via the device model reporting.
In order to address this issue in the United States the National Charging Experience Consortium, or ChargeX
Consortium (, a collaborative effort between Argonne National Laboratory, Idaho
National Laboratory, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, electric vehicle (EV) charging industry experts,
consumer advocates, and other stakeholders, has defined a list of standard error codes to use when reporting
charging errors.
To simplify troubleshooting and increase charging reliability, the ChargeX Consortium proposes a unified
methodology to define and classify a minimum required set of error codes (MRECs). All error codes must be
supported by manufacturers.
The list of MRECs is included in Appendix: ChargeX Minimum Required Error Codes.
Similar initiatives are expected to evolve in different regions of the world. Open Charge Alliance will update the
appendix of this white paper whenever new regionally standardized codes are published.
7. Appendix: ChargeX Minimum Required Error Codes
The following table lists the standard error codes that have been proposed by the ChargeX consortium for use in
the United States as vendorErrorCode in a StatusNotification message in OCPP 1.6 or a techCode in a NotifyEvent
message in OCPP 2.0.1.
Please refer to for more details and JSON message examples.
5. OverVoltage CX005 Input voltage to the vehicle has risen above an acceptable
9. AuthorizationTimeout CX009 The user plugs in but fails to authorize a charging session
prior to the connection timeout between the vehicle and
11. CableCheckFailure CX011 Failure during the cable check phase. Includes isolation
12. PreChargeFailure CX012 The EVSE did not reach the correct pre-charge voltage.
15. PowerLoss CX015 The EVSE is unable to supply any power due to mains
16. EVContactorFault CX016 Contactors fail to open or close on the vehicle side. May
also include welding related errors.
17. EVSEContactorFault CX017 Contactors fail to open or close on EVSE’s side. May also
include welding related errors.
Numb Error Code Fault Code Description
20. PartialInsertion CX020 Cable latch is raised due to incomplete insertion into the
vehicle charging port.
24. ConnectorVoltageHigh CX024 The output voltage of EVSE is high before charging starts or
after charging ends.
26. CutCable CX026 The output cable has been severed from the EVSE.