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ACADEMIC YEAR 2024 - 2025

A Quantitative Research
Presented to Senior High School Faculty

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in




Research Teacher

December 2024




The study aims to explore whether students who exhibit a strong

preference for visual learning methods achieve higher academic results

compared to those who do not. If the visual learning style is shown to

have a significant impact on academic performance, it would suggest

that incorporating more visual-based teaching methods in Science,

Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education could

be beneficial for student outcomes.

Basic rights under the 1987 Philippine Constitution are

education, which has been a fundamental in most nations and

recognized as having the ability to uplift everyone as it forms the most

essential foundation of national progress or growth (Article XIV,

Section 1). To which, the government implemented Republic Act No.

10533, K-12, in pursuit of excellence to make quality education

answerable to the needs and changes occurring among students in

preparation to the future challenges that one should face. This new

education framework should comprise the best practices of effective

teaching and learning, coupled with the unique styles of each student's

learning. One strategy would be visual learning, which would increase

the engagement of the students and improve their performance in


According to Dizon & Sanchez (2020) and Salendab &

Dapitan (2020) effective implementation of visual learning methods

can be helpful in different ways that learners process information,

leading to better academic success. It encourages teachers to use

friendly and acceptable strategies that align with the positive learning

preferences of students. An evaluation of how teaching methods, such

as visual learning, affect student proficiency in the light of the K-12

program that is intensifying focus on Science, Technology,

Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education is badly needed.

Studies about student proficiency and academic performance

(Alferez et al., 2023; Amihan & Sanchez, 2023; Salendab, 2021,

2023) underscore that the results of students' learning should be

viewed in some specific contexts so that there will be further

improvement in educational practice. The research contributes to the

efforts of curriculum development undertaken under RA 10533 with the

evidence it could provide on how visual learning can underpin

responsive education programs. In this regard, the findings of this

research could be very valuable for teachers, curriculum developers,

and policymakers towards designing strategies that would best

optimize the results of learning and respond to changes in students'

needs. On its objective to fill up an identified gap in knowledge gaps of

visual learning and its implication for the academic outcome, this study

aims to complement all efforts toward strengthening the Philippine

educational system. All evidenced recommendations from these results

would assure every learner, most especially in those who take degrees

in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)

field, experience quality education by strength and preference. The

relationship between learning styles and academic performance has

been the subject of more and more educational study in recent years.

Of particular interest have been the ways in which various learning

modalities might affect student outcomes. Visual learning is one of the

most talked-about learning styles among those that have been

recognized. Visual aids including charts, graphs, films, and written

instructions help those who are visual learners acquire knowledge

more efficiently. Visual learning resources may be essential for helping

students in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

(STEM) fields better understand difficult ideas and achieve better

academic results. In the academic year 2024–2025, this study seeks to

determine the degree to which the visual learning style of Grade 12

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) students

at Westbridge Institute Technology Inc. affects their academic


Understanding whether including visual aids and visual-based

teaching methods could enhance student engagement and student

academic performance in a difficult field like Science, Technology,

Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) is the importance of this

research. Students sometimes find Science, Technology, Engineering,

and Mathematics (STEM) studies extremely difficult because of their

fundamental ideas, complicated processes. Traditional lecture-based

teaching techniques, which mostly rely on spoken and written content,

cannot always be enough to ensure that students understand the

subject matter completely. Because of this, teachers have been

developing with different teaching methods that fulfill different learning

styles. Among them, the visual learning method has become more

common because of its capacity to make difficult concepts

understandable through the use of flowcharts, graphs, images, and

other visual aids. These aids are believed to enhance thinking critically,

increase comprehension, and improve memory.

Statement of the Problem

The main objective of this study is to determine the level of

effectivity of the visual learning style on the academic performance of

Grade 12 Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)

students of Westbridge Institute of Technology, Inc. during the

academic year 2024 - 2025. Specifically, it seeks to answer the

following questions.

1. What is the demographic profile of the Grade 12 STEM students in

terms of:

1.1 Age

1.2 Sex

1.3 General Weighted Average

2. What is the average academic performance of Grade 12 Science,

Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) students who

prefer the visual learning style?

3. Is there a significant relationship between the visual learning style

and the academic performance of Grade 12 Science, Technology,

Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) students?

4. How does the academic performance of students who prefer the

visual learning style compare to those who prefer other learning styles?


H0: The use of visual learning styles has no significant effect on

the academic performance of Grade 12 Science, Technology,

Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) students at Westbridge Institute

of Technology Incorporated during the academic year 2024–2025.

H1: The use of visual learning styles has a significant positive

effect on the academic performance of Grade 12 Science, Technology,

Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) students at Westbridge Institute

of Technology Incorporated during the academic year 2024–2025.

Significance of the Study

This research is made with the aim to provide crucial information

and knowledge regarding the Level of Effectivity of Visual Learning

Style to The Academic Performance of Grade 12 Science, Technology,

Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Students in Westbridge

Institute of Technology Incorporated Academic Year 2024 - 2025 from

the respondents, recent studies or theses, and related sites needed for

the expected importance to the individuals as follows:

Students. This study will provide data on how visual learning style

affects their academic Performance and it will also provide them

information on how they can improve their reading comprehension as a

visual learner.

Educators. They will become more aware, concerned, and sensitive

enough to understand the importance of adapting their teaching

strategies to cater to visual learners. Additionally, educators teaching

STEM courses may be motivated to incorporate more visual aids into

their lessons, such as instructional films, interactive simulations, and

graphic organizers.

School Administrators. Administrator can provide support and

guidance to teachers in implementing visual learning strategies. They

can mandate professional development for teachers on incorporating

visual elements into their lessons and assessment.

Future Researchers. They will acquire essential data on the level of

effectiveness of the visual learning style, specifically on how it affects

the academic performance of the students. This study may serve as a

reference for them, particularly when they choose the same or related


Scope and Limitation of the study

This study will be conducted during the academic year 2024-2025

at Westbridge Institute of Technology Incorporated, focusing on Grade

12 STEM students. It will explore the level of effectivity of visual

learning styles in relation to their academic performance. The research

aims to understand how visual learning influences these students'

academic achievements and why this particular learning style may

enhance or hinder their success.

Additionally, this study will involve students who identify visual

learning as their preferred method, assessing their performance in

various academic subjects. By analyzing this relationship, the study will

provide insights into the role of visual learning in shaping educational

outcomes and suggest possible implications for instructional strategies.

This study is only limited to the visual learning style and does not

consider other learning styles or factors that may also influence

academic performance.

Theoretical Framework

Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Theory

This study is based on Gardner's Multiple Intelligences Theory,

which provides the framework for examining the connection between

academic performance and visual learning styles. The Multiple

Intelligences Theory of Gardner assumes that visual-spatial intelligence

is one of the many intelligences, which implies that some students

learn better when presented with visual assistance like pictures, charts,

and diagrams. Since it helps explain why certain children favor visual

learning techniques, which may affect their academic performance in

topics like science and math, the idea of visual spatial intelligence is

relevant to this study.

Multimedia Learning Theory

The three components of multimedia learning theory, according

to Mayer (1997), helps in improving student learning. The first is the

multimedia principle, which states that information processing occurs

through two channels: audio and visual. According to this theory,

students could acquire knowledge more effectively from both words

and pictures than from just words alone. Moreover, it has been

assumed that neural systems exhibit sensory experiences to reflect

knowledge, based on dual coding theory. The artificial intelligence

technique, which uses the "symbolic" approach for developing

knowledge representation, is thought to be essentially distinct from this

kind of representation. The neural coding of non-sensory, language-

derived knowledge and the sensory-derived representation in various

brain systems have been confirmed by recent behavioral and

neuroimaging studies of color knowledge (and other visual knowledge)

with and without visual experience. The suggested dual-coding brain

framework, which is inspired by these new empirical findings, provides

nature's answer to the traditional problems of knowledge

representation that are connected to either the embodied approach in

neuroscience or just the symbolic tradition in artificial intelligence.

Fleming’s VARK Model

Furthermore, Fleming's VARK model divides students into four

categories: kinesthetic, visual, auditory, and reading/writing. This study

focuses on visual learners, who benefit more from visual aids like

charts and diagrams. This model suggests that preferring a visual

learning style is associated with better understanding and retention,

which may have an impact on academic results. This approach will be

used in this study to classify students according to their preferred

learning styles and analyze the academic achievement of those who

learn best visually. In consideration of these theories, this study will

examine them into the Academic achievement (as indicated by

students' grades) is the dependent variable, and the independent

variable is the preference for a visual learning style as identified by the

VARK questionnaire. According to the theoretical framework, students

who highly prefer visual learning would perform better academically

than those who prefer other learning styles.

Conceptual Framework

This study aims to discover the assessed level of Effectiveness

of Visual Learning Style to Academic Performance of Grade 12 STEM

Students at Westbridge Institute Technology Incorporated. This study

employs the figure of Input, Process, and Output (IPO).

The paradigm below shows three boxes and an arrow in the

middle. The first frame presents the input of the study, which include

the profile of selected student, statement of the problem and Related

Studies and Theories.

The second frame shows the study`s process, which includes

assessing the level of effectiveness of visual learning style through

data collection using questionnaire and statistical analysis.

The third frame displays the study`s output, which include the

assessed level of effectiveness of Visual Learning Style to Academic

performance. The arrows from the input to the process and to the

output demonstrate the logical flow of data—from gathering information

about students’ profiles and learning methods to analyzing the data

and achieving significant outcomes.

Figure 1. Research Paradigm


1. Demographic
profile of the Grade 1. Assessed Level
12 STEM students of Effectiveness of
in terms of age, sex 1. Data Gathering Visual Learning
and general of Students' Profile Style to Academic
weighted average Performance of
2.Questionnaire Grade 12 STEM
2. Statement of the Students at
3. Statistical Westbridge Institute
Problem Analysis Technology
3. Related Studies Incorporated
and Theories


Definition of Terms

For further understanding and clarification of the study, the

researchers provided the following terms which were either

conceptually or technically define.

Visual learning. It is a type of learning style in which students prefer to

use images, graphics, colors and maps to communicate ideas and

thoughts. It also refers to a mode of learning where students rely on

graphic aids to remember and learn material.

Academic Performance. is the measurement of student achievement

across various academic subjects. Teachers and education officials

typically measure achievement using classroom performance,

graduation rates, and results from standardized tests.

General Weighted Average. is the average of grades in all subjects

taken, whether passed or failed. It is the result of combining the

performance rating based on the screening criteria or subject. It serves

as the indicator of a student's academic performance in a given

semester or school year.


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