IT GRADE 11 Short Note

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UNIT ONE (1)  Hardware

 Software
 Data/information
1.1 Data, Information, Knowledge, and  People
Wisdom  Procedure
1.1.1 Data 1.Hardware
Data is raw facts that cannot give meaning on Hardware includes digital devices that are
its own. It is a representation of what we see required to perform core information system
and perceive using things like letters and functions such as data storage, data processing,
numbers. and communication.
Example: 250, age, Ethiopia 2.Software
Data is recorded(represented) and stored using Software is a set of instructions that commands
numbers, texts, and images. the computer hardware to do something. It
1.1.2 Information includes the operating system, the Database
Information is data processed in a meaningful Management System (DBMS), application
way to the end users. It can be represented in software, anti-virus software and others.
the form of a table, line graph, bar graph or 3.Data and Information
formulas. Organizations generate different types of data
1.1.2 Knowledge when they interact with their customers and
Knowledge is an understanding which is suppliers.
acquired by further processing and integrating 4.People
different sets of information. It includes both Information systems require qualified or trained
understanding and skill. knowledge is acquired people with knowledge to operate the
by integrating information from different technologies and identify new data that must
sources such as reading books, engaging in be captured and stored by the information
different activities, discussing with other system.
people, and observing when something 5.Procedure
happens. Knowledge is the capability to think Procedure is another component of information
and act to solve a problem or accomplish a systems. A procedure is a series of steps
given task. followed to achieve a desired outcome or goal.
1.1.3 Wisdom Procedures are the policies and methods to be
Wisdom is the ability to make wise decisions followed in using, operating, and maintaining an
and judgments using one’s knowledge. It is the information system.
highest level of human understanding. It is necessary for organizations to have clear
1.2. Introduction to Information System procedures that clarify:
An information system (IS) is a set of  What data should be captured by the
interrelated components working together to information system.
collect, process, store, and disseminate  Who should have access to the data.
information to potential users. It is used to  Who should have the privilege to
capture data and generate summarized reports modify data.
for decision making.
1.2.2 Components of IS
Information systems can be viewed as having
five major components. Those are:

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