Data Representation Assessment

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GCSE Computer Science Revision - Data

Representation Quiz
Total questions: 53
Worksheet time: 39mins

1. What is the binary representation of the decimal number 13?

a) 1011 b) 1110

c) 1101 d) 1001

2. How many bits are in a hexadecimal digit?

a) 16 b) 2

c) 4 d) 8

3. Which of the following is NOT a method of data compression?

a) Encryption Compression b) Lossless Compression

c) Lossy Compression d) Run-Length Encoding

4. What is the primary purpose of data encryption?

a) To convert data into a secret code for b) To convert data into binary form for
security transmission

c) To increase the speed of data transmission d) To compress data to save storage space

5. What is the hexadecimal notation for the binary number 1010 1101?

a) AE b) AD

c) BD d) 9D

6. In the context of data transmission, what does the term "bandwidth" refer to?

a) The security protocol used during data b) The compression ratio achieved during
transmission data transmission

c) The amount of data that can be stored on a d) The maximum transmission capacity of a
device device
7. Which of the following is an example of lossy compression?

a) PNG b) ZIP


8. Which of the following best describes the process of converting plaintext into ciphertext?

a) Data Encryption b) Data Transmission

c) Data Compression d) Data Representation

9. How is sound represented in digital form?

a) By converting analog sound waves into b) By converting analog sound waves into
binary numbers colors

c) By converting analog sound waves into d) By converting analog sound waves into
shapes letters

10. What is the unit used to measure the frequency of sound waves?

a) Degrees Celsius (°C) b) Hertz (Hz)

c) Miles per hour (mph) d) Kilograms (kg)

11. What is the sampling rate for CD-quality audio?

a) 44.1 kHz b) 55 kHz

c) 22 kHz d) 10 kHz

12. What is the bit depth of CD-quality audio?

a) 8 bits b) 24 bits

c) 32 bits d) 16 bits

13. What is the difference between analog and digital sound representation?

a) Analog sound representation uses b) Analog sound representation uses digital

continuous signals while digital sound signals while digital sound representation
representation uses discrete signals. uses analog signals.

c) Analog sound representation has better d) Analog sound representation is louder

quality than digital sound representation. than digital sound representation.
14. What are the advantages of digital sound representation over analog?

a) More expensive, limited options, and b) Better quality, easier manipulation, and
inconvenient to use easy storage and transmission

c) Worse quality, difficult manipulation, and d) No difference in quality, harder

hard storage and transmission manipulation, and difficult storage and

15. What are the common file formats used for digital sound representation?


c) WAV, MP3, AAC, and FLAC d) JPG, PNG, GIF

16. How does compression affect the quality of digital sound representation?

a) It reduces the quality of digital sound b) It has no effect on the quality of digital
representation. sound representation.

c) It only affects the volume of digital sound d) It improves the quality of digital sound
representation. representation.

17. What are the challenges in accurately representing sound in digital form?

a) Wind speed, humidity, and air pressure b) Sampling rate, quantization, and

c) Latitude, longitude, and altitude d) Color temperature, brightness, and


18. Choose the best answer about character sets:

a) All characters in character sets are stored b) Only binary characters in character sets
in binary. are stored in binary.

c) Some characters in character sets are

stored in binary.

19. The following is true about character sets:

a) Lower and upper case letters share the b) Each letter has a unique code
same codes

c) ASCII is one of the latest character sets to

be adopted
20. Identify a true statement:

a) Standard ASCII only uses the first 255 b) Standard ASCII only uses the first 128
positions in the table. positions in the table.

c) ASCII has more letters than Unicode

21. The main purpose of character sets is:

a) To simplify computer programming b) To allow humans to express alphanumeric

characters in a binary table

c) To run the Internet

22. Uppercase characters in ASCII:

a) Don't get unique codes to store their b) Appear before lowercase characters.
position in binary.

c) Appear after lowercase characters.

23. Unicode can represent:

a) 127 characters b) 255 characters

c) 65,536 different characters

24. ASCII uses one byte per character. Unicode uses how many bytes per character?

a) 2 bytes per character. b) 4 bytes per character.

c) 3 bytes per character.

25. Quality of an image depends on:

a) Metadata b) Resolution

c) Computer's speed d) Screen size

26. Resolution is measured in:

a) Pixels per mm or per inch b) Milimeters.

c) Bytes. d) Print size.

27. Identify a true statement:

a) Image files can be compressed by setting b) Resolution doesn't affect the printed size
pixels with similar colour to the exactly of an image.
same colour.

c) Compressing files improves their quality. d) Black and white images have colour depth
of two bits.

28. Most graphic formats create many colours from:

a) Red, white, blue. b) Red, pink, yellow.

c) Black, white, green. d) Red, green, blue.

29. Alpha-channel present in some images refers to:

a) Degree of file compression applied to an b) The order in which alternative pixels are
image file. loaded.

c) Transparency of pixels. d) Quality of a file.

30. A bitmap file is an example of raster graphics.

a) False b) True

31. A bitmap file contains virtually unlimited number of colours.

a) False b) True

32. 11010101 + 00000001 =

a) 215 b) 11010102

c) 10110101 d) 11010110

33. 00010111 + 01001100 =

a) 1110001 b) 1100011

c) 1111011 d) 11100011

34. 01010101 + 10101010 =

a) 11111110 b) 11110000

c) 11111111 d) 10101011
35. What effect does a right shift have on a binary number?


36. What effect does a left shift have on a binary number?


37. Perform a left shift of 1 on 00000001


38. Perform a left shift of 2 on 00001111


39. Perform a left shift of 3 on 00011011


40. Perform a right shift of 1 on 00001111


41. A left shift of 1 multiples a number by


42. Right shifts can lead to...


43. Images can contain a geographical location of where the picture was taken. This is stored in a
special area of an image file called:

a) Alpha-channel. b) File name.

c) Compression area. d) Metadata

44. The following is true about metadata:

a) It is data about data. b) It is corrupted data.

c) It significantly increases file sizes.

45. Image metada can present privacy risk.

a) False b) True

46. Metadata can be used to organise and search for images.

a) True b) False

47. A measure of how detailed a Bitmap image is given by

a) The colour depth b) the Bits per Dot

c) the Dots per Inch d) the Pixel size

48. When resizing Vector images

a) They lose definition b) There is no loss of quality

c) Colour depth is lost d) The image becomes compressed

49. An image has a colour depth of 4 bits per pixel, what is the maximum number of colours that
can be displayed?

a) 16 b) 256

c) 18 d) 4


Resolution is the number of pixels in an image, what is the resolution of this image?

a) 8 pixels b) 64 pixels

c) 32 pixels d) 2 pixels
51. When is Run Length Encoding used?

a) When we want to compress patterns of b) When we want to decompress patterns of

data data

c) When we want to encode running videos


The first line of this image in RLE would be...

a) 2G, 10P, 17Y, 2Bl b) 8W, 1Bl, 20B, 1W

c) 10B, 4Y, 17R, 2G

53. Replaces repeating pixels or codes

a) Dictionary Encoding b) Run Length Encoding


Computer Science:
Data Representation
Total questions: 50
Worksheet time: 17mins

1. What is the smallest unit of data in computing?

a) Byte b) Bit

c) Kilobyte d) Nibble

2. How many bits are there in a byte?

a) 16 b) 8

c) 32 d) 4

3. What is a nibble equivalent to?

a) 2 bytes b) 1 byte

c) 8 bits d) 4 bits

4. What does binary data represent in computers?

a) Hexadecimal numbers b) None of the above

c) Decimal numbers d) Analogue data

5. What device converts analogue signals to digital data?

a) Signal Processor b) Analogue-to-Digital Converter

c) Binary Converter d) Digital-to-Analogue Converter

6. How many bytes are in 1 kilobyte?

a) 1000 b) 1024

c) 2048 d) 500
7. What is the binary system also known as?

a) Base 16 b) Base 2

c) Base 8 d) Base 10

8. What is the unit used to measure large quantities of data, which is larger than a terabyte?

a) Kilobyte b) Megabyte

c) Petabyte d) Gigabyte

9. What is the primary form in which data is stored in a computer?

a) Decimal b) Analogue

c) Hexadecimal d) Binary

10. What is the term for a unit of data containing 8 bits?

a) Nibble b) Bit

c) Byte d) Word

11. What does ADC stand for?

a) Audio Digital Converter b) Analogue-to-Digital Converter

c) Advanced Data Conversion d) Analogue Data Conversion

12. Which of the following is not a type of data?

a) Boolean b) Integer

c) Character d) Formula

13. What is used to convert a digital signal back to an analogue signal?

a) ADC b) DAC

c) GPU d) CPU

14. How many kilobytes are in one megabyte?

a) 500 b) 1000

c) 1024 d) 100
15. What does the term 'binary digit' refer to?

a) Bit b) Block

c) Byte d) Baud

16. Is 'real' sound analogue or digital?

a) Digital b) Analogue

17. A pixel is the _______ part of an image.

a) Smallest b) Largest

18. How does a higher picture resolution effect quality & file size?

a) Quality is improved as there is more detail, b) Quality is worse, as there is less detail but
file size is larger a smaller file size.

19. Each pixel is displayed using a combination of what three colours?

a) White, red and blue b) Blue, green and purple

c) Red, grey and white d) Red, green and blue

20. Define what is meant by the term 'metadata'.

a) Metadata is a lossy compression file b) Metadata is the number of bits used to

format that allows for very compact file store the colour of a pixel.

c) Metadata is the smallest element of an d) Metadata refers to information stored

image. about an image.

21. Which of the following is NOT metadata that could be stored about an image?

a) Printer description b) Pixel width and height.

c) Picture resolution measured in DPI d) Camera name and model.

22. What formula is used to calculate the file size of an image without knowing the DPI?

a) Width of pixels x Height of pixels x colour b) Width of pixels x Height of pixels x 8

23. An image is 50 pixels wide by 20 pixels high. The colour depth is 2 bit, what is the file size in

a) 2000 bits b) 20000 bits

c) 20 bits d) 200 bits

24. Define what is meant by the term 'colour depth'

a) The number of pixels in an image, b) The number of bits used to encode each
width*height, measured by dpi. pixel and thus the number of available

25. How does a higher colour depth i.e. 16 bit instead of 4 bit effect quality & file size?

a) Quality is worse, as there are less colours b) Quality is improved as there are more
available per pixel but a smaller file size. colours available per pixel but file size is

26. How is sound caused?

a) By playing it through a hi-fi with speakers b) Vibrations travelling through air, water or

27. The amplitude of a sound wave is....

a) The frequency at which it is sampled b) The speed at which it travels through air

c) How high the wave is from the crest or


28. Define what is meant by 'sampling'

a) The number of samples taken each second b) Height of the wave is measured, at
intervals and stored as binary.

c) The amount of information required to d) The number of bits used per second of
describe one second of a sound. audio

29. Define the term 'sample rate'.

a) The amount of information required to b) Height of the wave is measured, at

describe one second of a sound. intervals and stored as binary.

c) The number of samples taken each second d) The number of bits used per second of
30. Define what is meant by 'bit depth'

a) The amount of information required to b) Height of the wave is measured, at

describe one second of a sound. intervals and stored as binary.

c) The number of samples taken each second d) The number of bits used per second of

31. Which three factors affect the quality of an audio clip?

a) Sample rate, analogue, number of pixels b) Bit rate, bit depth and number of pixels

c) Bit rate and bit depth d) Sample rate, bit rate and bit depth

32. How does sample rate affect the quality of an audio clip and file size?

a) Greater the frequency of the samples, the b) The more bits that are sampled the better
better the sound quality. the accuracy of the file but also the greater
the file size.

c) The higher the bit depth, the higher the

quality of the audio, but the larger the file

33. Define what is meant by the term 'character set'?

a) A set of characters in Disney b) All the characters recognised/can be

represented by a computer. Each
character has a number.

34. How many bits (0s and 1s) are used in ASCII?

a) 9 b) 7

c) 8 d) 16

35. How many bits are used in Unicode?

a) 16 b) 8

c) 9 d) 7
36. How many characters can be encoded using 8 bit extended ASCII?

a) 256 b) 65536

c) 128 d) 512

37. How many characters can be encoded using 16 bit Unicode?

a) 65536 b) 128

c) 512 d) 256

38. Why was Unicode developed in 1991?

a) To improve the character sets on b) To replace early character sets used on

computers teletype and teleprinting machines

c) There was a need for a universal standard d) Needed so we could display non-printing
and more characters to cover all languages characters
on earth.

39. ASCII, Extended ASCII and Unicode are Standards for inputting data into a computer - True or

a) True b) False

40. Convert the Hex number 1F to binary.

a) 00011111 b) 00111111

c) 00010111 d) 00001111

41. Convert the Hex number B9 to binary.

a) 10111001 b) 10101001

c) 10111101 d) 10111000

42. What is 98 in hexadecimal

a) 69 b) 62

c) AB d) 98
43. What is 184 in hexadecimal

a) 10111000 b) B4

c) B8 d) 9A

44. What is D in binary

a) 1111 b) 1101

c) 0111 d) 1011

45. Why is hexadecimal used by humans

a) It is easier to type b) It is easier to read

c) it is easier to remember d) It saves space on the computer

e) it takes up less space on the page/screen

46. What does Lossy Compression do to files?

a) Decreases the file size and keeps the same b) Increases the file size and keeps the same
quality quality

c) Eliminates unnecessary information in a d) Eliminates no information at all

file to reduce file size

47. What is Lossless Compression?

a) Compression involves an algorithm b) There is no loss of information at all after


c) Files which have the exact same data after d) No information is lost but file size is
compression increased

48. What type of compression would you use to compress a video?

a) Lossy b) Lossless

49. What type of compression would you use to compress a text file?

a) Lossy b) Lossless

50. Which of the following are not in a compressed format?

a) JPEG b) MP3

c) MPEG d) Bitmap

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