Notes Teachers Parents KeyCompetencies

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Notes for teachers and parents

This Activity Bank provides content organised The activities are addressed to the students
into the eight Key Competencies which are part but the instructions are really prompts to give
of the new education law, LOMLOE. teachers and parents ideas of how to integrate
competency development in English.
Key Competencies are a combination of
knowledge, skills and attitudes designed to To get the most out of these activities it is
help learners develop tools which they can use inevitable that the student’s first language (L1)
both academically and in a wider social context. will be needed to set up some of the activities
As an aid to lifelong learning they lay the well or to allow the students to express
foundations for the future when they move on their opinions around big topics in more
to higher level studies and the working adult depth, especially for the younger children.
world. This approach is very much in line with the
C2 Multilingual Competence, encouraging
The Activity Bank offers activities for all eight students from an early age to explore
competencies, most of which are project-based languages, including their own and how there
ideas. These can be used as extended classroom are similarities and differences across the
activities or exploratory ideas to carry out at languages they speak.
home. The ideal situation would be to set a
specific time aside each week, either at home of
at school.

Key Competencies

C1 C5
Competence in Personal, social and
linguistic communication learning to learn

C2 C6
Multilingual competence Citizenship competence

C3 C7
Mathematics, science Entrepreneurship
and technology (STEM) competence

C4 C8
Digital competence Competence in cultural
awareness and expression

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