Biology Form 3 Paper 2 - Question Paper

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NAME …………………………………………..ADM NO………….STREAM………………...

NAME OF SCHOOL ……………………………DATE……………..SIGN…………………….





1. This paper has TWO sections: A and B

2. All Questions in Section A are Compulsory
3. Question 6 is Compulsory
4. Choose Either Question 7 or 8
5. Write your Answers in the Spaces Provided
6. Wrong Spelling of Technical Terms shall be Penalized

Section Question Max Score Student’s Score

1 8
2 8
3 8
A 4 8

5 8
6 20
B 7 or 8 20

1. The diagram shown below represents an organ system in mammals

a) i) Name the structure that prevents entry of food into the part labelled A (1mk
ii) State the function of the fluid found in the part labelled B (1mk
b) How are the following features important in the functioning of part labelled A (3mks
i) Presence of ciliated epithelium
ii) Goblet cells
iii) Rings of Cartilage
c) Give TWO adaptations of part labelled D to its function (2mks
d) Name the chemical form in which the following are transported in the blood (2mks
i) Carbon (IV) Oxide

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ii) Oxygen
2. Use the diagram shown to answer the questions that follow

a) Give TWO ways in which high blood pressure is created in part labelled 2 (2mks
b) Explain the following observations
i) Renal fluid in part labelled 8 has more urea than in part labelled 9 (1mk
ii) No glucose is found in renal fluid in part labelled 4 (1mk
c) i) Name the hormone that enhance the functioning of part labelled 8 (1mk
ii) Describe how the hormone named in ci) help restore normal osmotic pressure of
blood when it has risen beyond normal (2mks

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d) Give a feature that brings about large surface area in part labelled 9 (1mk
3. Use the following illustration of various organs to answer the questions that follow



a) i) Name the muscle that regulates movement of food from part D to C (1mk
ii) State the importance of secretions stored in B in lipid digestion (1mk
b) i) Name the specific tissue in organ labelled E that secretes hormones. (1mk
ii) Describe how part E help lower blood sugar level back to normal (2mks
c) Name the substance secreted by Organ E which maintains pH required in part C
d) When a piece of part A is dipped in hydrogen peroxide, a lot of Oxygen is liberated.
Explain. (2mks

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4. The following are cross-sections of two organs of the same plant


a) i) Name the class in which the plant from which the organs were obtained (1mk
ii) Give a reason for your answer in ai) above (1mk

b) Fill the table shown below to show the identity of each organ as well as the reason
Organ Reason

c) Calculate the magnification used to observe the organ Y (2mks


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5. The set ups below were used to study physiological processes in a laboratory. Set up R
shows the observation made when dialysis tubing filled with iodine solution was immersed
in starch solution for 5minutes.

Set up P Setp up Q Set up R

a) i) Which other material would have been used instead of the dialysis tubing for the
same purpose in the experiment? (1mk
ii) Which structure in a living cell is represented by the dialysis tubing? (1mk
b) State the expected result on the softness and size of the dialysis tubing at the end of the
experiment for Set up P and Q (4mks
Set up Softness of tubing Size of tubing

c) Account for the observation made in set up R (2mks


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Qn 6 is COMPULSORY. Choose either Qn 7 or 8
6. The table below shows the rate of product formation for an enzyme
pH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rate of Product 0.0 0.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 30.0 40.5 23.5 11.0 6.0

a) Draw a graph of rate of product formation against pH (6mks

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b) Account for the rate of product formation between

i) pH 1 to 2 (2mks
ii) pH 6 to 7 (2mks

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iii) pH 8 to 10 (2mks
c) Giving a reason, name the part of the alimentary canal where the enzyme is found
i) Where found: …………………………………………………………. (1mk
ii) Reason: …………………………………………………………………(1mk
d) Determine the rate of product formation at pH of 8.5 (1mk
e) State THREE factors needed to increase rate of production formation if pH is
maintained at 7.0 with the same amount of substrate and no inhibitors (3mks
f) Explain ways by which inhibitors can lower rate of product formation at pH of 7. (2mks

7. a) Explain how various products of digestion are assimilated (6mks

b) i) Give reasons why plant lack well developed excretory organs (4mks
ii) Describe the role of bacteria in the Nitrogen cycle (10mks
8. a) Describe how a red blood cell is adapted to its functions (8mks
b) Explain the effect of increased physical exercise on the activities of the following
human organs i) Skin (6mks
ii) Heart (8mks

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