Veterinary Acupuncture
Veterinary Acupuncture
Veterinary Acupuncture
What is acupuncture?
The term acupuncture is from the Latin, “acus” meaning ‘needle’ and “punctura” meaning
‘to prick’. Acupuncture, in its simplest sense, is the
treatment of conditions or symptoms by the insertion of
very fine needles into specific points on the body in
order to produce a response. Acupuncture points can
also be stimulated without the use of needles, using
techniques known as acupressure, moxibustion,
cupping, or by the application of heat, cold, water,
laser, ultrasound, or other means at the discretion of
the practitioner.
Acupressure Training Photos Each acupuncture point has specific actions when
courtesy of Tallgrass Animal
stimulated. Combinations of points are often stimulated to take advantage of synergistic reactions
between them. Which acupuncture points are
stimulated, the depth of needle insertion, the type of stimulation applied to the needles,
and the duration of each treatment session depends on the patient’s tolerance, the
experience and training of the practitioner, and the condition being treated.
Certified veterinary acupuncturists have the knowledge and skill to understand the
interactions between different forms of treatment and to interpret the patient’s response
to therapy. If your pet is receiving acupuncture treatment from a practitioner other than
your regular veterinarian, it is imperative that both individuals are kept updated about the
ongoing treatment in order to provide coordinated care of your pet, to allow proper
evaluation of treatment and to minimize any avoidable interactions or interferences.
Treatment of animals with acupuncture by anyone other than a veterinarian trained or
certified in its methods is not advisable.
This client information sheet is based on material written by Steve Marsden, DVM ND MSOM LAc DiplCH
AHG, Shawn Messonnier, DVM and Cheryl Yuill, DVM, MSc, CVH.
© Copyright 2004 Lifelearn Inc. Used with permission under license. May 16, 2017.