Research of Effective UAV Detection Using Acoustic Data Recognition

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Satbayev University

UDС 534:004.932.72’1(043) Manuscript Copyright


Research of effective UAV detection using acoustic data recognition

6D071900 – Radio engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications

Thesis for the Degree of

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

candidate of technical sciences,
associate professor
L.B. Ilipbayeva
doctor PhD,
E.T. Matson
(Purdue University)

Republic of Kazakhstan
Almaty, 2023


NORMATIVE REFERENCES……………………………………………. 4
INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………… 6
1.1 UAV detection systems………………………………………………. 10
1.2 Acoustic data-based UAV detection…………………………………. 12
1.2.1 The Role of Classification for UAV Acoustic Data Recognition……. 14
1.3 Related works on UAV sound detection and classification methods… 15
1.3.1 Pre-processing methods of the UAV acoustic data recognition system 18
1.3.2 Machine Learning algorithms for UAV acoustic data recognition…… 20
1.3.3 Deep learning algorithms for acoustic data recognition……………… 21
1.4 Problem Statement: The protection system for strategic areas from
unidentified UAVs based on acoustic recognition…………………… 27
1.4.1 Suspicious UAVs with high-risk cases: Loaded and Unloaded UAVs 27
1.4.2 UAV distance Identification………………………………….……… 28
1.4.3 Multiple model UAV recognition……………………………………. 28
2.1 UAV sound recording in different positions and models…………… 29
3.1 Foundational principle of sound data representation……………….. 32
3.2 Acoustic Data in Time Domain……………………………………… 34
3.3 Short-Time Fourier-Transform (STFT)……………………………… 36
3.4 Mel-Scale Spectrograms…………………………………………….. 39
3.5 An efficient signal processing proposal: the KAPRE method………. 40
RECOGNITION……………………………………………………………. 42
4.1 Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) in Sound Recognition
Problems…………………………………………………………….. 43
4.2 Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) in Sound Recognition………... 45
4.2.1 Simple Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) in Sound Recognition... 45
4.2.2 Long-term short-term memory (LSTM) for sound recognition…..… 46 Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)……………….…. 49
4.2.3 Gated Recurrent Neural Networks (GRU) for Sound Recognition..... 50
CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM……………………………………………… 52
5.1 The proposed real-time Drone Sound recognition system…………. 52
5.1.1 Adaptation of UAV Sound Recordings for Real Time System……. 52
5.1.2 Processing of UAV acoustic signals using the KAPRE method:
Melspectrogram……………………………………………...……… 56
5.1.3 Real-time and RNN network-based UAV sound recognition
architecture…………………………………………………….……. 58
5.2 Results and discussion of the Proposed System…………………….. 62
CONCLUSION………………………………………………………………. 71
REFERENCES……………………………………………………….……… 72
APPENDIX A – Model and layers of the CNN algorithm based on the
publication……………………….……………………………………………. 78
APPENDIX B – Visualization of the Stacked BiLSTM-CNN model
presented in publication.………………… ………………………………….. 79
APPENDIX C – Composition of the initial dataset of the study……………. 80
APPENDIX D – Studying the sounds of background objects and UAVs with
6 classes in the Time domain…………………...……………………………. 81
APPENDIX E – Experimental studies at the stage of audio data adaptation... 82
APPENDIX F – Plot of the Power level of UAV sound 83
APPENDIX G – Investigation of spectrograms with various
hyperparameters during the experiment ……………………………………… 84
APPENDIX H – Implementation of the proposed system in the Python
program……………………………………………………………………….. 85
APPENDIX I – Confusion matrix from an experiment on recognizing UAVs
at close range and a certain state………………………………...……………. 86
APPENDIX K – Conducting experimental studies at international research
institutions…………………………………………………………..………… 87
APPENDIX L – Publication of experimental studies at the conference…….. 90
APPENDIX M – Minute on the acceptation of a scientific project by the
"Zhas Galym 2022-2024"……………………………………………………... 91


This thesis uses references to the following standards:

“Instructions for the preparation of a dissertation and author’s abstract”
Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 28th September,
2004. 377-3 y.
GOST 7.32-2001. Report on research work. Structure and design rules.
GOST 7.1-2003. Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General
requirements and compilation rules.
GOST 7.32-2017. System of standards of information, librarianship and
publishing. Research report. Structure and design rules.


UAV – Unmanned aerial vehicles

UAS – Unmanned aerial systems
R&D – research and development
CNN – Convolutional Neural Network
RNN – Recurrent Neural Network
LSTM – Long-Short Term Memory
BiLSTM – Bidirectional Long-Short Term Memory
GRU – Gated Recurrent Unit
DL – Deep Learning
ML – Machine Learning
FT – Fourier Transform
DFT – Discrete Fourier Transform
FS – Fourier Series
STFT – Short-time Fourier transform
MFC – Mel Frequency Cepstral
MFCC – Mel Frequency Cepstrum Coefficients
WAV – Waveform Audio File
AAC – Advanced Audio Coding
FLAC – Free Lossless Audio Codec
MSS – Mel-Scale Spectrograms
KAPRE – Keras Audio Preprocessing Layers
CPU – central processing unit
GPU – Graphics Processing Unit
NLP – natural language processing
Fmaps – feature maps


General characteristics of the work. The proposed dissertation researches the

development of a UAV detection system based on the recognition of acoustic
signatures. The recognition of UAV acoustic signals was processed in the form of
Melspectrogram frequency characteristics and studied by deep learning methods, in
particular, recurrent neural networks. As a result, the GRU based architecture in the
developed structure was proposed as an effective method for the UAV acoustic data
recognition system.
Relevance of the work. In recent years, unmanned aerial vehicles have
become widespread and have become very popular. The use of these small devices,
also called drones, is increasing day by day, especially for purposes such as children's
toys, adult recreational entertainment, photography, video surveillance in hard-to-
reach places, agronomy, military intelligence, delivery, and transportation. Its
increased technological capacity, including longer flight times, the ability to take
flexible photos and videos from a variety of angles, and the opportunity for unfettered
entry into different zones, is the primary factor behind their increased use by people.
[1-7]. Also, over the past decade, the mass manufacturing of unmanned aerial
vehicles (UAVs) at affordable prices has led to the problem of continuous use of
these vehicles for various dubious and recreational purposes [1, p. 862-864; 2, p. 242-
243; 6, p. 138669-138680; 7, p. 3856-1-3856-17]. The use of these vehicles
carelessly or destructively puts individuals, their lives, protected institutions, and
international borders in danger. These justifications take into account the fact that
UAVs are becoming increasingly hazardous. Recently, there have been several drone
incidents in the country. In particular, drones of the Republic of Uzbekistan, one of
the five countries bordering our country, were registered in the border areas during
their unauthorized flights. At the same time, the headquarters of the Border Guard
National Security Troops of the Republic of Kazakhstan confirmed the fact of the
UAV crash of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and negotiations were held between the
relevant services of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Republic of Uzbekistan [8].
Another similar incident was observed in 2019 in Nur-Sultan, above the building of
the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan. This is not the first case of an
underwater incident with the unauthorized use of a UAV. At the same time, two
people who tried to launch the quadcopter were detained and prosecuted. As a result,
the procedure for using unmanned aerial vehicles (quadcopters) over settlements is
published on the official website of the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure
Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan [9, 10]. In addition, the UAV was found
in the south of the country in the city of Arys [11]. Moreover, drones used for
recreational purposes and as children's toys have caused significant damage around
the world. That is, there are many cases of damage caused by improper management.
At the Saudi Arabian border city of Asir, a similar unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)
disaster also happened [12]. Another UAV disaster took place in China: 12 of the
200 drones that were in the air at the same time as a light show in Zhengzhou
crashed. Only 2.5 minutes after their triumphant climb, the UAVs in this incident
started to plummet back to the ground, colliding with everything in their path as they
dropped, including trees, automobiles, and other objects. Unmanned drones forced
several event attendees to escape and hide [13]. Overall, the reasons why the
sustainable use of these vehicles is impossible are more thoroughly addressed in
works [6, p. 138670-138681; 7, p. 3856-1-3856-17]. Thus, the high frequency of
unauthorized drone flights requires the development of reliable real-time drone
detection systems for protected areas. Therefore, these detection systems for the
unauthorized use of UAVs are becoming more and more relevant. Particularly in the
buildings of establishments such as kindergartens, hospitals, universities,
administrations, ministries, border regions of the nation, protected territories where
military bases are situated, reservoirs that shield major cities from snowmelt, and
agricultural areas. In order to stop the proliferation of unlicensed drones in restricted
and protected key regions, there has been an increasing demand for research into
security measures based on drone detection systems. Generally, in the UAV research
and development (R&D) market, the Drone Detection System is being studied based
on the following four main methods: Radar reconnaissance, Camera-based detection,
RF signal processing, and Acoustic Sensor listening Detection [6, p. 138675; 7,
р. 3856-2]. The aforementioned drone incidents require the preparation of a
recognition system, including the recognition of their position, load states and models
during flight according to their protection zones. That is why the acoustic direction is
relevant due to its technical capabilities for recognizing such extended tasks.
The goal of the research. The goal of this thesis is to investigate an efficient
recognition method of UAV Acoustic Data.
The Objectives of the research. In the studies of this dissertation, three main
objectives are set:
1. Preparation and adaptation of UAV acoustic data and their various states.
2. Develop an efficient real-time system that integrates the acoustic signal
processing step into the deep learning architecture.
3. Explore UAV acoustic data recognition using deep learning networks such
as CNN, SimpleRNN, LSTM, BiLSTM and GRU.
In the first objective, UAV sounds were recorded in different states such as
"Unloaded" and "Loaded". The sounds of the loaded UAVs were recorded in the state
when they had a payload during the flight with different weights. The sounds of the
environment in various scenarios and objects with increased motor noise were
recorded as “background noise”. Various series of UAV models were also recorded.
At the second objective, the processing of UAV acoustic signals was combined
into the architecture of deep learning networks.
In the third objective, deep learning algorithms were studied. In particular, all
types of recurrent neural networks such as SimpleRNN, LSTM, BiLSTM and GRU.
These neural networks have been investigated and applied to UAV sound detection.
A comparative analysis of CNN and GRU networks was also carried out, as a result,
the advantage of the GRU network for recognizing UAV acoustic data was

Methods of the research. The research of this thesis was carried out on the
basis of a combination of analytical and empirical methods. In particular, the
experimental approach was employed to collect UAV sounds for the study's first
objective. Additionally, Fast Fourier analysis, Short-Time Fourier Transform and Mel
spectrogram filters were employed to analyze the audio signals that were gathered.
Moreover, the Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Recurrent Neural
networks (RNNs) deep learning methods were extensively used to achieve the last
The scientific novelty of the work.
The novelty of this study is to development of an architecture of a UAV
acoustic data recognition system with the integration of a modified Melspectrogram.
The theoretical and practical significance of the work. In this dissertation
work, types of recurrent neural networks for recognition of UAV acoustic data were
extensively investigated. The proposed system is recommended for national security
systems, in particular the security of people, densely populated areas, airports,
government buildings, kindergartens, schools, universities, national borders, customs
and strategic places.
Research publications:
1. Multi-label UAV sound classification using Stacked Bidirectional LSTM //
2020 Fourth IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing (IRC), (Taichung,
2020. – P. 453-458).
2. Stacked BiLSTM - CNN for Multiple label UAV sound classification //
2020 Fourth IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing (IRC), (Taichung,
2020. – P. 470-474).
3. Effectiveness of the System of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Detection on the
Basis of Acoustic Signature // Vestnik KazNRTU. Vestnik KazNRTU. – 2020. –
Vol. 4, Issue 140. – P. 300-307 (ISSN1680-9211).
4. Investigation of Acoustic Signals in Uav Detection Tasks for Various
Models (2021-08-17).
5. Survey on Different Drone Detection methods in the Restricted Flight Areas
// Vestnik KazNRTU. – 2019 (ISSN1680-9211).
6. Practical Study of Recurrent Neural Networks for Efficient Real-Time
Drone Sound Detection: A Review // Drones. – 2023. – №7. – Р. 26.
Acknowledgments. I would like to thank all who supported me with this
research and the writing of this research thesis, especially Professors L. Ilipbayeva
and E. Matson, who guided me toward a systematic approach to experimentation,
Professor John S. Gallagher, who originally provided the UAV audio data, and my
lab-mate U. Seidaliyeva, who worked on a related project in Vision-based UAV
detection and gave moral support during the study. I would like to express my deep
gratitude to my family and the memory of my mother Gulzhamila Utebayeva, who
has always inspired me and provided the basis for ambitious goals in science.
Structure and scope of the thesis.
This dissertation consists of 5 parts: "State of the Art: UAV detection with
acoustic data", " UAV acoustic data preparation", "Mathematical view on the signal
pre-analysis step in time and frequency domains", “Deep Learning methods for UAV
acoustic data recognition” and "Real-time UAV acoustic data recognition and
classification system''.


1.1 UAV detection systems

Currently, UAVs, also referred to as drones, are becoming more and more
popular among consumers as they provide an easy solution for most day-to-day
needs. They are being used increasingly in areas such as agriculture, photography,
film production, law enforcement, logistics, and transportation. Drones are very
useful because they can reach even the most remote places without pilot control on
the board. With this capability, drones have become a global phenomenon and they
are increasingly being used for many activities. Modern technology is evolving more
quickly than it has ever been. Our lifestyles are constantly changing due to
advancements that could improve matters, quicker, and simpler. In this regard, UAVs
have completely changed the aviation industry, making it safer, more accessible, and
much more productive. Drones are getting more compact and accessible as
technology develops. One UAV can actually now fit in a human hand. They are
currently being used for various reasons by various companies due to their modest
size. Some types of them are used to support search and rescue efforts. Drones are
growing in popularity in the commercial sector as well since they can be simpler to
use, safer to operate, and more reasonably priced. They are increasingly being used
for military purposes due to their long stay in the air. They are also becoming more
and more popular with clients and professionals looking for advanced alternatives for
their homes and business. Although these UAVs were originally created and
developed for military use, today they serve an important purpose for various
businesses, governments, and individuals around the world [14]. Despite receiving a
lot of attention in a variety of civil and commercial solutions, UAVs pose a sort of
airspace security threat that can put in danger individuals, property, key areas, and
buildings. While the targets and complexity of such threats can range from
incompetent skill of the UAV controller to intentional attacks, they are all capable of
causing significant damage [15, 16]. There have been many cases of UAV
penetration into such protected areas and objects. Particularly, a drone crashed in
front of the White House lawn in the United States in 2015 due to a drunken
government official, in Canada in 2017 there was a small plane crash with a drone,
and in London in 2018, thousands of passengers were forced to cancel flights due to a
suspicious drone flying over Gatwick Airport [7, p. 3856-1-3856-2]. Several airports
in the US, UK, Ireland and the UAE experienced major outages in the first few
months of 2019 as a result of drone detections [17]. Drones are also often used for
delivery systems, terrorist activities, transportation of criminals, unauthorized use of
goods in restricted areas such as customs and prisons, among many other things [1,
p. 862-863; 2, p. 242-243; 18, 19]. Drones can also be used to take photos or videos
from unusual angles using additional cameras. All these reasons have made it
relevant to recognize UAVs when they have additional load [20]. This shows that the
problem of not only detecting a drone, but also simultaneously determining its state
in relation to loads is relevant. In an attempt to protect people from all these risks, it
is essential to develop a preventive strategy. For the booming UAV business to avoid
abuse and unauthorized use, appropriate regulations and rules must evolve at the
same pace as technology [1, p. 862-865; 2, p. 243-244; 4, p. 2-3]. Air traffic
controllers around the world are working hard to reduce the chance of unauthorized
drone use. These rules and regulations may discourage careless or unskilled drone
piloting, but cannot prevent criminal or terrorist attacks in protected areas. To form
an effective approach to this problem, it is necessary to develop technologies that
provide: 1) detection, classification, and tracking of drones, 2) suppression of drones,
and 3) collection of evidence on the fact of violation [6, p. 138669]. The scope of
work on all three tasks is extensive and, in turn, requires individual research
approaches [6, p. 138670]. And among these objectives, the detection of drones is a
significant research issue and direction. The detection of these objects is the first
issue even for the development of preventive measures against the use of drones for
inept and malicious purposes. Therefore, it is vital to create a system of UAV
detection. Another significant reason why the issue of detecting the presence of
UAVs in protected areas is becoming relevant today is the use of UAVs for military-
political purposes at the borders of countries [21, 22]. In general, scientists and
technical solutions have developed four main drone detection methods such as radar,
acoustic sensor, visual and radio frequency (RF) signals-based detection [6,
p. 138678]. In the last decade, general object detection has been widely used by
artificial intelligence methods, in particular Machine learning and Deep learning
methods. This is due to the fact that these methods can achieve high results in the
accuracy of object recognition. Also, the main four methods for detecting unmanned
aerial objects began to be studied based on these machine learning and deep learning
methods. And now, if we focus more closely on the task of detection, drones are
available in different positions, states and models, depending on the purpose of their
use. If the problem of recognition creates a high level of demand, the question of
UAV classification to determine their status and types is also put forward. And these
two tasks are often carried out simultaneously in terms of technical solutions. In the
task of detecting and classifying drones, Radar technology is considered as a sensor
that provides accurate identification of a flying object at a long distance and
performance independent of environmental factors and light levels. Small
commercial UAVs flying at relatively low speeds along non-ballistic trajectories
cannot be detected by the radar, since it is primarily designed to identify high-speed
targets with ballistic trajectories, such as military drones and missiles [7, p. 138678-
138679; 23]. Radar sensors are often used as reliable means of detection, but their
classification capabilities are unsatisfactory [24]. When a classification problem
arises, the similarities between the key characteristics of UAVs and birds often make
it difficult to identify their differences, making this option ineffective. In addition, the
price is quite exorbitant. In addition, researchers have begun to show great interest in
the acoustic sensor approach to drone detection. This method is considered to be a
cost-effective detection system that, using arrays of acoustic sensors or microphones,
can recognize the distinctive sound characteristics of UAV rotors even in poor
visibility condition. Machine learning and Deep learning-based acoustic identification
of drones are new advances in drone detection research. A significant barrier to this
study is the lack of enough data on multiple drone models flying at different altitudes,
speeds, and background noise levels. The proposed acoustic detectors have a
maximum detection range of 150 meters. However, this is an indispensable solution
for small strategic areas and borders between countries. And to expand the working
area of the sensor, there is a solution with a repetition of the sensor, which is cost-
effective [6, p. 138669-138680; 7, p 3856-2-17]. Acoustic methods have a great
advantage in daytime and nighttime operations because they are independent of
lighting conditions. Being able to recognize drone states when they have extra
payload is another great feature.
The RF approach is another way to identify and classify drones. Based on their
RF characteristics, drones can be identified and categorized. In addition, the SDR
approach is gaining popularity in this field. The RF sensor, which recognizes radio
frequencies, serves as a conduit between the UAV and its controller. When listening
to UAV controller signals, RF sensors, unlike acoustic sensors, overcome the issue of
limited detection range by using high-gain receiving antennas in conjunction with
high-sensitivity receiving systems [25]. The issue of environmental noise is also
addressed by using some noise cancellation techniques, such as bandpassing [7,
p. 3856-2]. In the case of detection of drones without RF transmission, low-cost
camera sensors based on computer vision algorithms and acoustic sensors can be
used. Drones can be visually detected using camera photos of the scene, and these
approaches are easy for humans to understand, have acceptable localization, average
detection range, and reasonable cost. However, this method does not work well at
night or when visibility is poor due to clouds, frost, or pollution. The use of thermal
imaging cameras can be a solution to some of these problems. However, for military
purposes, high-quality thermal imaging cameras are used. Available commercial
thermal imaging cameras may weaken in high humidity or other adverse
environmental conditions [6, p. 138675-138676; 7, p. 3856-3-4; 20, p. 26-1-26-5].
Each of the areas discussed above has its own successful recognition skills for certain
areas of interest. In accordance with this, the scope of the method is selected. And in
this work, we are considering a solution to the problem of incidents or the penetration
of drones with special cargo, which is considered very dangerous for the life of all
mankind. The focus of the problem is not the territory and not the range of protected
areas, but the state of drones penetrating the territory. As we discussed above, the
acoustic recognition method is an effective solution for recognizing and classifying
the states of these small UAVs. And in the following subsections this method will be
widely discussed, and technical solutions will be sought.

1.2 Acoustic data-based UAV detection

Nowadays, the problem of sound classification of UAVs has aroused particular
interest in the scientific community due to their ability to detect UAV states in the
presence of an additional load on them, at different positions or models [1, p. 863; 15,
p. 453-454; 16, p. 470-473; 20, p. 26-2-26-4]. Thus, this work is aimed at studying
the problem of UAV sound recognition. Moreover, the importance of this method
increases due to its ability to estimate distances from the interest areas. The detection
of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in protected areas using acoustic signals
expands the capabilities of accurate detection of harmful UAVs for timely activation
of the security system. UAVs are now more widely available due to their affordable
price and many features, which have increased their use in terrorist and criminal
strikes. Furthermore, technology has advanced, drone design and development have
become more affordable, and their potential applications have grown quickly. Drones
are especially utilized for the purposes such as pesticide delivery, food delivery,
search and rescue operations, transporting flocks of birds toward airports, small spy
drones, disaster relief, and agriculture, and the list is continually expanding [3,
p. 149; 20, p. 26-1-26-3]. Along with the numerous uses of drones in the airspace,
security concerns are associated with them, such as endangering the airspace itself,
invasion of privacy, use of vehicles as weapons, corporate espionage, vehicle
collisions, and drone hacking. One such incident occurred in which terrorists killed
two soldiers while smuggling explosives using UAVs in October 2016. Prolonged
use of such weapons can lead to mass casualties in metropolitan areas, where it is
easy to hit a large number of people [6, p. 138670-138675]. On September 29, 2022,
a different incident happened when an Alphabet subsidiary Wing delivery drone
collided with power lines in the Australian city of Browns Plains, knocking off
electricity for almost 2,000 clients. An unknown drone payload has stalled on an
overhead power wire. In this case, even removing the drone from the cable turned out
to be impossible. Although it did not turn off the power, the drone followed the
voltage until it landed at 11,000 volts, burst into flames, and crashed to the ground.
2,000 local residents were left without electricity for about 45 minutes, and another
300 remained without electricity for three hours so that power engineers could check
the lines for damage [27], figure1a. A number of Amazon's recent drone crashes have
also been caused by engine and propeller problems [28, 29], (figure1b).

a b
a – A loaded drone in the city area; d –A loaded drone on a path of power lines

Figure 1 – Delivery drone crash into power lines

As we can see above, there has been an increase in cases where unmanned
aerial vehicles (UAVs) have been widely used in hostilities in recent years. The work
[29] provides an extended list of incidents with drones in the military and other
different situations. Generally, non-military UAVs have often been implicated in
incidents where they have endangered aircraft as well as people or property on the
ground. Because a swallowed drone can quickly damage an aircraft's engine, there
have been safety concerns. Several confirmed collisions and hazards have involved
amateur drone operators, too, who have flown in violation of air safety laws. These
views claim that the identification and categorization of UAVs will always be of
paramount importance. And the acoustic sensor method can be an effective solution
to the problem of drone detection and classification. Due to the advent of
multifunctional technologies that have allowed drone users to create their own
drones, and the near impossibility of monitoring them, other methods are impractical.
The military can identify drones with very sophisticated radar systems, but these
systems are expensive, and their practical design is not suitable for urban
environments. In addition, there are a number of integrated commercial solutions that
use various complex sensor systems such as radar, RF, cameras, and thermal sensors
[3, p. 149-160; 6, p. 138682; 7, p. 3856-3-3856-7; 20, p. 26-20-25]. But the drone
incidents mentioned above require the definition of models or types, distances of
drones to objects, and their loads. And the acoustic sensor method is suitable for the
optimal solution of these problems from a technical point of view. That is, if drones
are studied by their sound signatures, then it is technically possible to determine their
model, state, and position. This is because different drone models have different
motors that make different humming sounds, which in turn produce different
frequency responses. As a result, enough data can be collected for processing using
deep learning methods in artificial intelligence. Also, if the drones are loaded with
special mass, even if they are the same model, the sound data will change due to the
weight on its engine. Summing up the mentioned factors and possibilities, the study
of sound recognition by drones shows that this is an effective solution. The use of
deep learning and machine learning methods, which are modern and productive
branches of artificial intelligence, is considered the most reliable solution for
processing such collected data. The recognition of these objects based on the
collection of a sufficiently large number of quantitative patterns and data from the
same object with high accuracy can be achieved by training their patterns using
neural networks.

1.2.1 The Role of Classification for UAV Acoustic Data Recognition

Activities conducted outside and indoors, whether they include human or non-
human activity, almost always contain sound. Technically, sound recognition
problem is difficult since the signal is dynamic and complicated, but interest in sound
research is growing because it has the potential to develop a variety of applications.
Indoor sounds refer to more specialized environments including corporate,
residential, and educational settings, whilst outdoor sounds might encompass ambient
and urban surroundings. Applications for analyzing human-produced sounds include
Automated Speech Recognition (ASR), Speaker Identification (SID), and Music
Information Retrieval (MIR). And the sounds produced by moving objects can be
called sounds caused by the impact of these objects and vehicle engines. Such
transport objects may include cars, types of motorcycles, trains, aircraft and drones.
Recognition of the sounds of these objects for security purposes is also one of the
important issues. In order to support sound recognition, machine learning has been
utilized, including both "conventional" (classical) techniques and deep learning. And
the most key question for sound recognition with these machine learning methods is
the processing of sound signals. Signal framing is a component of sound
preprocessing. It can be difficult to choose the frame length that will both fully
capture the sound of interest and exclude other sound kinds. Thus, traditional
machine learning methods and deep learning are the foundation of good sound
recognition research. Sound features are extracted and incorporated into standard
machine learning algorithms. The features of sounds are based on their acoustic
characteristics, such as loudness, pitch, and timbre. Spectrograms, Mel spectrograms,
Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC) and their derivatives are also often
used as cepstral features. The focus of this dissertation work is the recognition of
sound differences of objects. And the recognition of sounds coming from common
objects has become one of the most effective ways to identify them by classifying
them. And in the case of this classification, a number of scientific papers have
confirmed that it is possible to achieve good recognition by effectively processing the
mentioned acoustic characteristics of the sound signal. Deep learning techniques for
sound recognition have recently become the subject of considerable research. Deep
learning techniques differ from the conventional application of classical techniques in
that in the former, a pool of values from the time, frequency, and perceptual domains
are retrieved and fed into ML algorithms. The following chapters will analyze the
efficient processing of the acoustic parameters of the sounds of drone objects and the
research of recognition with deep learning.

1.3 Related works on UAV sound detection and classification methods

Generally, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), as was previously said, pose a
serious threat to public spaces like parks, schools, hospitals, and government
facilities. Different drone-detecting tactics are getting more and more active.
Researchers are particularly interested in the detection of UAVs using their acoustic
signals since it is less expensive than other conventional options and can solve more
scrupulous issues. Therefore, specific researchers in this field believe that using an
acoustic signal print to investigate a drone detection system is an effective technique
[30, 31]. This section focuses mostly on investigating cutting-edge scientific methods
for recognizing drones by their distinctive acoustic signal fingerprints. That is, a
review of the literature is given on various analyzes of already used drone sound
detection systems that are being studied and used to solve the complex problem of
determining the speed and unstable state of these small-looking vehicles. As we are
all aware, the four key areas where the drone detection system is being developed are
radar, computer vision, acoustic sensors, and radio frequency sensor systems.
Organizations in charge of air traffic control are working hard to lessen the risk posed
by drones. The use of drones that is irresponsible or untrained may be stopped by the
current restrictions, but attacks by criminals or terrorists will still happen [6,
p. 138670-138673]. Accordingly, scientists are intensively searching for an effective
method of “Drone Detection System” that meets the requirements of emerging tasks
and prevents attacks of all types of threats. High performance results are being
produced by efficient systems that fulfill these needs and objectives while using
machine learning techniques, which are impacted by the quick advancement of
contemporary research. Additionally, it has developed into an intriguing,
complicated, and difficult topic of technology to solve utilizing Deep Learning, a
subset of Machine Learning that is being investigated extensively. Most of the
research relies on standard machine learning methods (including KNN - K Nearest
Neighbor, SVM - Support Vector Machine, Random Forest, etc.), while the most
recent research demonstrates the need for deep learning methods. In order to respond
to the scientific inquiry regarding potential threats, this work has only selected and
examined one particular direction from drone detecting systems. In other words, the
central scientific issue is the detection system required for drones in their most
hazardous situations, such as when they are flying in specific locations with extra
load or in specific positions. Within the framework of this question, it was considered
that among the four methods of drone recognition, acoustic sensors are the most
effective method. It is also assumed that this method is effective for the operation of
the system regardless of environmental factors in the task of detecting dangerous
drones [31, p. 1-2]. According to the development of study in recent scientific works,
the technological direction of the acoustic method is split into two main distinct
regions: Drone detection and localization [6, p. 138677; 31, p. 302-303], (figure 2).

Figure 2 – Directions of the acoustic sensor method for UAV detection

Additionally, (figure )1 in work [5, p. 2-3] classifies and illustrates the

methodologies used by these two branches. This section provides an overview of
acoustic approaches, including a thorough examination of the detecting field within
the context of machine learning and deep learning, in contrast to the research work
[6, p. 138674-138675], which gives a comprehensive overview of all forms of drone
detection systems (hereinafter, if "detection" or "localization" is considered, that
these are methods based on acoustic sensors). The following primary goals are
distinguished by techniques like machine learning or deep learning for a
comprehensive solution to the drone detection problem: a - a binary classification,
indicating whether a drone is present in a specific area; B. Multiple classification,
including loaded and unloaded, with transport of goods (for instance, cargo 0.5 kg,
box, damaged box), without transport of goods, or classifications for various drone

models. Analyzes of scientific papers related to acoustic sensors based on machine
learning and deep learning were carried out (table 1). And research on individual
methods of each direction is discussed in the following sections.

Table 1 – Analyzes of scientific works related to acoustic sensors

Deep Learning Deep Learning DL: RNN -
Machine learning DL: CNN-RNN
UAV load estimation
with CNN
classification with
CNN: distinguishing
unloaded and loaded
classification with
Classification with
Binary Binary Classification
Classification with with CNN
Binary Classification Binary Binary
with CNN Classification Classification
with RNN with CRNN
Classification with
Classification with
Random Forest
Classification with
Complex methos on
Classification with
Note - Compiled according to the source [1, p. 863-865; 2, p. 241-244; 3, p. 3-148; 4, p. 2-
4; 15, p. 452-457; 16, p. 471-473; 26, p. 1858-1860; 32-36]

The literature review focused on research done with acoustic sensors using
machine learning and deep learning methods. The results of the discussion proved, as
can be seen from the table, that Deep Learning methods provide high performance,
and among them only the CNN network has been studied more. And very little
research has been done by other authors on RNNs with binary classification. A
scientific study was carried out on the LSTM network, which is a type of RNN
network, and published [15, p. 456-457; 16, p. 473]. From this we can see that a
complete study of RNNs by other authors has not been carried out, although RNNs
have been successfully used for audio signals. However, drone sounds must go
through preparatory processes that can be taken into account during training in order
to apply these algorithms. Namely, the acoustic structure of the UAV detection
system consists of the following main parts: data preparation, preprocessing and
classification. Data preparation is associated with the collection of acoustic data from
various types of UAVs using acoustic sensors, i.e., microphones. Pre-processing
considers getting ready audio data to the Network by extracting features from audio
representations. The classification task concerns training datasets using machine
learning or deep learning methods [15, p. 454]. And the following sections discuss
literature reviews related to these parts: pre-processing methods that prepare input
acoustic data for neural networks, machine learning, and deep learning methods.

1.3.1 Pre-processing methods of the UAV acoustic data recognition system

A branch of computational sound analysis called classification of
environmental or objects sound events aims to build intelligent machine listening
systems that can recognize acoustic situations that are familiar to human listeners [3,
p. 3-145]. And intelligent machine listening systems require technically to perceive
these sounds in a special format, which is called pre-processing of audio signals. The
pre-processing phase is extracts features from the UAV's acoustic representations.
That is, acoustic data must go through a number of pre-processing procedures before
analysis, just like any other unstructured data type. Basically, to analyze sounds, two
different types of features are used: Time domain features and frequency domain
features. Most studies have shown that time domain analysis is insufficient for
machine learning. As a result, processing in the frequency domain has become more
widely considered. The amount of processing space needed is greatly reduced when
data is provided in the frequency domain. As a result, the sound signal is divided into
different pure signals, each of which can be represented by a different value in the
frequency domain [38]. Basic operations from Fourier transform analysis, continuing
with spectrograms, filterbank coefficients, Melspectrograms, and MFCC, are used to
obtain frequency features [6, p. 138678; 15, p. 454; 16, p. 473; 18, p. 127; 39].
Figure 2 [6, p. 138677] shows a visual representation of these categories of audio
characteristics that can be extracted for analysis as a whole. Due to the complexity of
the signal, processing using spectrograms, filterbank coefficients, Melspectrograms,
MFCC frequency domain approaches, or other extra filters is also taken into
consideration in many research.

Figure 3 – Types of features during preprocessing of audio signals

As a rule, processing of signals in the time domain is mandatory, since the

entire range of information domain of signals can be explored in the time domain.
Since it is difficult to process audio signals recorded by microphones, after defining
the information domain in the time series, the frequency domain is further
Since the audio signal is continually changing over time, these components are
presumed to be constant if the area value is obtained over a short period of time,
which is another reason to take into account the frequency domain. A short-time
Fourier transform (STFT) was used to retrieve these constant portions. The linear
frequencies are then transformed into logarithmic frequencies and analyzed using the
Mel scale. A filter serves as the basis for filter banks. The filter bank coefficients are
protected from energy decorrelation using the discrete cosine transform (DCT). It
compresses all information to lower frequencies. MFCC coefficients (Mel Cepstral
Coefficients) are obtained as a result. Melspectrograms can be acquired as an
alternative [40, 41]. Numerous studies in this area have demonstrated superior MFCC
frequency response performance for audio classifiers. MFCC provides useful
qualities, especially for capturing the periodicity of the fundamental frequencies
produced by the drone's rotor blades. The authors of [26, p. 1859-1860] captured and
displayed the sound of a drone using MFFC functions in an audible harmonic
structure. The authors also noted a distinct area of effect on the spectrogram between
5000 Hz and 7000 Hz. But not every drone model used in their tests included these
features. In terms of energy, low frequency data travels farther than high frequency
data. Because of this, the authors only examined low frequency data below 1500 Hz.
The smallest audio data length converted to an MFCC vector that performed
optimally with the GMM configuration was 40ms with 50% overlap. When
processing data of at least 240 ms length converted to a Melspectrogram with a Mel-
bin of 40, the other models, CNN and RNN, have demonstrated the best performance
as 80.09%. While the task can identify drone sounds, it is constrained by its inability
to provide a high accuracy score and by not considering the drone's state, such as its
load. The authors of the work [1, p. 864-865; 42, 43] investigated and used the
extraction of MFCC and STFT functions from an optimized system with several
acoustic nodes. In [33, p. 510-515], a method for recognizing drones by the sounds
made by their propellers was proposed. This method used the Mel frequency cepstral
coefficient (MFCC) method for feature extraction for classification. The first of two
feature extraction algorithms, which also adds dynamic features, uses twenty-four
MFCCs and a forecasted thirty-six MFCCs. And the authors in [6, p.188677; 18,
p. 127-129] used a variety of feature representations based on signal processing
methods, comprising pitch, energy, zero-crossing rate, mean-crossing rate,
spectrogram, Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC), Mel logarithmic
spectrum, and Spectrogram extensively.

1.3.2 Machine Learning algorithms for UAV acoustic data recognition

A drone in flight makes a buzzing noise that acoustic sensor may record and
analyze using various techniques to determine unmanned aerial vehicles sound
pattern. Machine learning classification or correlation/autocorrelation approaches are
used for acoustic drone recognition in the initial studies in this direction [6,
p. 188677-188678]. A feasibility study for drone detection from sound was given by
Nijim and Mantrawadi [6, p. 188670-188675; 44]. To find the DJI Phantom 3 and
FPV, they used a Hidden Markov Model. To identify a drone within 150 meters, Jeon
et al. suggested utilizing the Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM), CNN, and RNN
classification [26, p. 1859-1860]. By combining various environmental noises with
uav sounds, the authors proposed constructing datasets in order to solve the paucity
of audio features for flying drones. Using various uavs to train and evaluate the
classifiers seems to be an intriguing component of their research. They discovered
that the RNN classifier outperformed the others (80%), GMM (68%) and CNN
(58%), respectively. With unknown data, although, all classifiers perform noticeably
worse. To distinguish the drone noise from other signals like crowd and daily nature
sounds, Bernardini et al. employed a multi class SVM classifier [6, p. 188672-
188675; 37, p. 61-63]. To use an audio file extractor, the task involves gathering web
sound data with an emphasis on files with sampling rates greater than 48 kHz. The
dataset comprised five 70-min UAV flight sounds, together with audio from daylight
nature, busy streets, passing trains, and crowds. Then, the acquired data were divided
to overlapping 10-ms chunks lasting 5 seconds for midterm analysis and 20-msec
subframes for short-term investigation. In order to train a Classification model, the
authors have provided characteristics from pre-processed data, including short time
energy, temporal centroid, Zero Crossing Rate (ZCR), spectral centroid, spectral roll-
off, and Mel – Frequency cepstrum Coefficients (MFCCs). 96,4% accuracy was
achieved when comparing the results for detecting the drone sound to the other
categories. In order to identify the DJI Phantom 1 and 2, Kim et al. [39, p. 544-547]
suggested employing correlations, spectrum representations of sounds, and k-nearest
neighbor (KNN) classifier techniques. Various audio signals have been captured from
the UAVs inside (without propeller) and outdoors, as well as from a drone-free
outside area and background noise from a YouTube video. Each recorded sound was
divided into frames of one second in this work. Image correlation produced accuracy
of 83%, and KNN produced accuracy of 61%. An acoustic wireless sensor network
(WSN) with machine learning (ML) was used by Yue et al. to construct a distributed
system that could detect UAVs and determine their approximate location [45]. The
scientists conducted a number of studies and discovered that the unmanned aerial
vehicles sound's PSD differs from other ambient noises. After prepossessing an
unmanned aerial vehicles sound using a lowpass filter (LPF) with a cutoff frequency
of 15 kHz, the PSD is derived using the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). The outcomes
of the study demonstrated that the audio signal may be filtered to remove unwanted
noises at around this cutoff frequency. A PCA-based dimension reduction method
was used to train an SVM classifier to distinguish the drone sound from other sounds
(rain, ambient). The database was compiled from many classes, each of which has
20,000 samples. Subsequently, 2000 tuples have been arbitrarily chosen and divided
into 50, 30 and 20%, that were utilized for validation, training, and producing
overlapping signals for subsequent testing. For the test case with a signal to
interference ratio (SIR) greater than 10dB, supplementary Gaussian noise has been
applied. The results show that this amount of injected SIR or higher was effective in
detecting the drones. Seo et al. suggested using the normalized STFT to extract 2D
pictures from the audio signal of drones [6, p. 138671-138678; 46]. First, 20-ms
segments with 50% overlap were created from the acoustic source. A method with
numerous calibrated acoustic nodes was suggested by authors of [47] to extract the
MFCCs and the STFT characteristics. The characteristics were then used to train the
SVM and CNN classifiers, two types of supervised classifiers. The CNN structure
provided for the representation of the sound signal using 2D images. This model
included pooling and dropout layers, as well as two convolutional layers, two FC
layers, and four full layers. During the initial instance, the drone had a maximum
range of 20 meters and also was flying between 0 and 10 meters above the 6-node
acoustic apparatus. In another instance, data collection took place without the use of
an UAV, and the only sound recorded was background noise. The Parrot AR Drone
2.0 was the one of the UAV models examined [6, p. 138678].

1.3.3 Deep learning algorithms for acoustic data recognition

The possibility of sound understanding similar to human could lead to a wide
range of applications, such as intelligent machine state monitoring, using acoustic
information, acoustic surveillance, categorizing, and information extraction
applications. Environmental sounds are more varied and cover a wider frequency
range than speech [18, p. 127-128; 19, p. 456-458]. And the majority of the existing
research on sound recognition relies on conventional classifiers like GMM and
machine learning methods, which lack the feature abstraction capabilities present in
deeper models. And in works such as [18, p. 128], which extensively studied audio
signals, the results of successful analysis of the frequency content were achieved
using deep learning algorithms.
The authors concentrated on the problem of classifying an acoustic scene,
which involved selecting a semantic label to describe the acoustic surroundings of an
audio stream. Modern deep learning (DL) architectures have been applied to a variety
of feature representations generated using signal processing methods. They utilized
the following designs, specifically: 1. Deep Neural Network (DNN). 2. Recurrent
Neural Network (RNN). and 3. Convolutional Deep Neural Network (CNN). The
following models were also investigated in combination: (DNN, RNN and CNN).
Along with i-vectors and the mixed Gaussian model (GMM), we also contrast DL
models. The authors found that deep learning models compare favorably with
traditional pipelines (GMM and i-vector). In particular, GMM with MFCC function,
the base model achieved a test accuracy of 77.2%, while the best performing model,
which is a hierarchical DNN, achieved a test accuracy of 88.2%. RNNs and CNNs
typically have performance in the 73-82% range. Combining temporary specialized
models such as CNNs and RNNs with specialized resolution models (DNNs, i-
vectors) greatly improves overall performance. The fact that the most efficient model
is a non-temporal deep neural network model suggests that environmental sounds do
not necessarily exhibit strong temporal dynamics. This is consistent with our
everyday experience that environmental sounds tend to be random and unpredictable
[18, p. 127-129].
Recent research into drone sounds is ongoing in deep learning networks. This
is because the results of CNN networks in this area were with high recognition
accuracy. One of the successfully studied work in the field of UAV sound recognition
[26, p. 1859-1861] showed the best performance as 80.09% with the use of CNN and
RNN algorithms. Their research looked into how a deep neural network may be used
to identify commercial hobby drones in actual environments by examining their
acoustic data. Their work was intended to aid in the detection of drones used for
nefarious purposes, like terrorism. In specifically, they made an effort to outline a
technique for detecting the existence of commercial hobby drones as a binary
classification problem based on the detection of sound events. To cover the gap in
drone sound data in diverse contexts, they recorded the sounds made by a number of
well-known commercial hobby drones. They then supplemented this data with a
range of environmental sound data. The effectiveness of these models was evaluated
by empirical research on a test dataset gathered from a city street. Their RNN models
thus had the best detection performance, with an F-score of 0.8009 at 240 ms of input
audio and quick processing times, demonstrating their suitability for real-time
detection systems. However, this work did not undertake the study of drone states.
The study [32, p. 460-463] attempted to offer approaches for identifying and
detecting drones utilizing deep learning tools as convolutional neural networks,
recurrent neural networks, and convolutional recurrent neural networks (CRNN). In
order to locate and identify flying drones, these algorithms took advantage of their
distinctive acoustic signatures. Based on their dataset, which contains audio
recordings of drone movements, they suggest comparing the effectiveness of various
neural networks. The main contribution of their work is to give a robust evaluation of
the performance of various deep neural network algorithms for this application and to
confirm the utilization of these approaches of drone detection and identification in
real-world scenarios. The paper attempted to demonstrate the ability to identify drone
models with a maximum recognition rate of 93.83%, but did not address the study of
other suspicious drone positions. As can be seen from the works discussed, most of
the advanced work on the study of sound recognition by drones has been carried out
using deep learning neural networks, and in the works on binary classification or
classification of several UAV models, networks with CNNs have been carried out
using high performance. However, these works did not represent an extended task.
And one of the successful and large-scale works in this direction is the study of the
RNN network with the highest score among other algorithms [32, p. 463-464]. But
this work did not take into account the state of the UAV. As a result of all the
ongoing work, the widely studied deep learning algorithms have evolved as shown in
figure 4.

Figure 4 – The most studied networks in deep learning for UAV detection

During the research phase of this dissertation, an experiment was conducted

using a CNN network and published based on that experimental work. When
studying publications [1, p. 865-866; 2, p. 244], which are analogues of the research
of this dissertation, new CNN network structures were processed, adapted to the
newly created database, table 1 in Appendix A. When developing layers in the model
structure (CNN) used in the publication [48], a final BatchNormalization layer was
added to the fuzzy layers as a method of stabilizing the operation of artificial neural
networks and improving their performance. Since the project is based on 3 classes,
the softmax function and the filter size of 3 were used. And the
“sparse_categorical_crossentropy” function was taken as the system loss function. In
the experiment of the research paper [48, с. 42-43], 2 different databases were
considered. The first database was compiled based on the complex background noises
of the drone sounds of the DJI Phantom 2 system. The DJI Phantom 2 model is
widely used to detect payload drones and is a vehicle capable of carrying 0.5 kg of
payload compared to the DJI drone Phantom 1. When recording sounds, situations
with complex sounds (wind, motorcycle, train and cars) were considered.
Consideration in such a complex situation is the main focus of this study. This is
because building a robust system for real-world applications requires separating
drone flights from other superimposed complex noises. The second base is
supplemented with the sounds of the DJI Phantom 1, 2, 3, 4 drone models, as well as
the acoustic signal data of the Syma x5, x20, Tarantula drones, which are widely used
as children's toys, and other types of drones in open areas. These databases have been
validated against two different CNN model structures set out in table 1 in the
Applications section. In general, both databases were divided into three parts: 60%
training, 40% verification and 40% testing. The data in the test and validation parts
were not pre-trained by the model. The results of training and testing data using
model estimation (model estimation) are shown in figures 5, 6, and test data using
model prediction.

Figure 5 – Accuracy and loss models for the initial database of training using CNN

This demonstrates that as the database grows, the neural network recognition
system's identification accuracy has an optimal performance score and the ability to
train the model, as shown by the second graph.

Figure 6 – Accuracy and loss models for the modified database of training using

At this stage, a feature vector of randomly selected items in the test data, i.e.
audio image data values, is presented in table 2 to accurately represent the prediction
results. The main goal is to test the system created as in works [1, p. 863; 2, p. 243]
against a database of many different drone models, to study its reliability in a real-
time system, and to identify the main problems.

Table 2 – The results of the study of CNN models in the publication

Dataset MFCC size Models Accuracy
Dataset I (63, 20, 1) CNN by [1] 94.41% (100 epoch)
(DJI P2) CNN by [2] 89% (20 epoch)
Dataset II (Many (63, 20, 1) CNN by [1] 96.1% (50 epoch)
models of UAVs) CNN by [2] 81% (30 epoch)
Note – Compiled according to the source [48, p. 41-42]

The study in this publication required the addition of several layers of CNN
work and many more epochs, using data from a newly collected database to test the
new target. This showed that the study with the CNN model is limited by such
reasons as a large number of trainable parameters and the use of excess time for
training them. Considering the above studies, it was noticeable that with the help of
an acoustic signature, it is possible to perform a binary classification of the UAV, as
well as determine the load of the drone. In the course of which a research task was
carried out on two targets in the form of a publication: the first goal was to create a
classification system with many models, and the second goal was to research LSTM
one of the types of RNN, that is, the development of a multi-level bidirectional long-
term short-term memory (LSTM) with two hidden layers to categorize the sounds of
multiple UAVs. The collected data used in the research in [16, p. 471] was gathered
for three primary classes of multiple UAV detection, including background noise, the
sound of unloaded drones of different models in the scene, and loaded drones in the
scene, (figure 7).

Figure 7 – UAV audio data distribution

Note – Compiled according to the source [16, p. 471]

Figure 8 – UAV audio data distribution

Note – Compiled according to the source [15, p. 454]

This research project's primary objective was to create a multi-label
classification system. It is a classification challenge for many labels due to the
dataset's architecture (figure 8). A frequency of 44100 Hz and a microphone bit depth
with a resolution of 16 bits were used to record UAV sounds (DJI phantom I, DJI
phantom II, Syma x20, 6 axis Gyro, tarantula, etc.).
Uncompressed WAV files have been used to store the audio recordings.
Additionally, the set of data included 3 primary classes for all audio data: "loaded,"
"unloaded," and "no drone". Modeling clay weighing 0.5 KG is carried as a
supplementary payload by "loaded" class UAVs. The "P1" class of UAVs was
designated as the "unloaded" class so the testing findings indicated that they are too
fragile to support any sizeable load.
This research's secondary objective was to construct a Recurrent neural
network. The model has an input layer, four input dense layers wrapped in
TimeDistributed layers, two stacked bidirectional LSTM layers, a dropout layer, a
flat layer, and a dense layer. Bi-directional layers are used to enclose hidden LSTM
layers. The hidden LSTM layer employed 128 memory cells [49-52].
This computation process is completed by multiplying by two by the
bidirectional shell, which adds another layer. The "categorical crossentropy" loss
function is tailored for the multi-label classification problem in the implementation of
the suggested model. The weights are optimized using the "Adam" gradient descent
implementation, and then during model training and validation, the classification
"accuracy" is determined. According to the model's evaluation, the network's
predicted skill on training dataset was 94.02%. The best precision, however, was only
attained in epoch 49 with an accuracy of 94.09% in 57 s, which presents a challenge
for the creation of real-time systems [15, p. 457]. As a follow-up to the work from
[15, p. 457-458], the construction of LSTM architecture with a mixture of
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) for UAV sound categorization challenges
was examined further in [16, p. 471]. As a result, utilizing the LSTM-CNN
architecture, the study [16, p. 472] tackled the issue of categorizing a UAV's sound
with several labels.

Figure 9 – MFFCs on UAV audio data

Note – Compiled according to the source [16, p. 472]

The suggested architecture consists of CNNs and Stacked Bidirectional LSTMs

that have been tested on UAV MFCC representations, (figure 9) [15, p. 472; 16,
p. 455]. According to this experiment's conclusions, employing Stacked BiLSTM and
CNN model, Figure 1 in Appendix B, together produced results that were more
accurate than utilizing either architecture individually.
However, all studies carried out so far have given high results only on the basis
of recognition with many epochs. And the Loaded UAV class had an insufficient
database. And the limitations of the works [15, p. 457; 16, p. 473] are that the correct
area of the graph does not stop in the history of the recognition graph. As a result, the
flow of research continued. And in the next part, an extended statement of the
problem of the second study in this direction is considered in order to supplement all
the limitations and shortcomings.

1.4 Problem Statement: The protection system for strategic areas from
unidentified UAVs based on acoustic recognition
As a result of their many recreational uses, delivery systems, military strikes,
reconnaissance, and cross-border political objectives, UAVs are gradually becoming
more significant. Additionally, there are terrorist operations and criminal smuggling,
including the smuggling of items through borders, restricted locations, and prisons.
The issue of drones being used widely and illegally to take pictures or videos from
unusual perspectives [1, p. 863; 2, p. 243; 3, p. 149; 6, p. 138670; 7, p. 3856-2] is
also brought up. As a consequence, it is critical to identify drones that are loaded.
Based on the results of the literature review, it can be concluded that the drone
recognition systems investigated thus far have attempted to address the issues of
binary classification, classification that distinguishes between various models, and
classification that establishes the load of only one model. Further reporting of
incidents using drones requires a serious investigation to determine their states,
positions, distances in the case of different models in real-time.

1.4.1 Suspicious UAVs with high-risk cases: Loaded and Unloaded UAVs
Cases such as the case of a drone with a load that fell on high-voltage power
lines, Amazon drones that flew into a technical fault during transportation, the
incident in China of drones that were launched to throw fireworks and fell on people
during a holiday, the frequency of suspicious drones that are often launched in
various countries for the purpose of military intelligence show that the suspicious
cases of drone use are becoming more frequent. And promotes their timely
identification in protected areas where human life is important. Their use with
harmful loads in the transportation of contraband goods poses a great danger. Drones,
which are used as additional weapons or for special reconnaissance, are considered a
factor that raises suspicions, especially for densely populated areas and strategic
territories. At the same time, drones that are used as an interest or hobby are often
loaded with additional power banks for long flights and high-resolution cameras for
taking high-quality pictures and videos. In one of these situations, there is a risk of
being managed clumsily. Falling into an occupied or hazardous area, whether due to
inflexible management, can result in significant losses. As a result of these incidents,

the problem of both loaded and unloaded drone recognition is very important, and in
turn, there is a need to develop a system for recognizing both.

1.4.2 UAV distance Identification

Human life is a vital factor that needs to be protected at the highest level and at
the right time. That is why there is a need to protect densely populated areas and
identify factors that cause suspicion in that area. One of the most dangerous of these
suspicious factors is the presence of suspicious drone flights in these areas. And in
order to prevent this danger, the issue of timely detection of suspicious drones in the
region and its implementation in real time is put forward. And if the drone flight is
found in protected areas, the problem of determining how far they are from people,
objects and important buildings becomes secondary.

1.4.3 Multiple model UAV recognition

If drones are found flying in protected areas, there is a need to determine their
condition or, in some situations, what model they are. In cases where they are found
to be suspicious, it is necessary to assess exactly which models have been launched
and how much damage they pose. The reason is that UAV models are predictable in
terms of how much damage they can cause


2.1 UAV sound recording in different positions and models

In the process of researching suspicious UAV actions, it was proposed to create
a more reliable detection system for these aircraft based on the recognition of UAV
acoustic data, which could identify their sounds in a variety of situations, including
their loaded states. The proposed acoustic UAV detection system aims to develop an
intelligent audio sensor capable of detecting the appearance of UAVs in certain areas
or territories of interest in real time by their sounds if they are flying or if they are
flying with an additional load. The next two stages make up the development of this
system: preparation of UAV acoustic data for various models and conditions; and
architecture structure of the real-time recognition system. In this section, the stage of
collecting acoustic data from the UAV is performed, since the initial database must
be assigned to start the study.
The initial stage concerned the preparation of acoustic data from the UAVs by
recording their flight and their flight with payloads of different models and payload
weights, as well as at different distances of 0.5 m and 100 m from the microphone,
(figures 10a, 10b, 10c) [20, p. 26-12]. The recording process of the UAV dataset was
created by conducting UAV flights with the DJI Phantom 1 and DJI Phantom 2
models with and without payload at a distance of 0.5-100 m from the microphone,
(figure 10a).

a b c
a – Flight of a loaded drone over a field; b – Loaded drone parking; c – Microphone

Figure 10 – UAV audio recording from DJI Phantom series with payload flying over
an arable field

The data was collected over several different seasons. A freight train,
motorcycles, cars, Gator trucks and background noises with human voices were heard
passing nearby while some of the UAVs were launched. Wind, canopy rustling, and
other ambient noises were also heard during the testing period, and their data was
also collected to distinguish UAV noises from false negatives. During recording, the
DJI Phantom 2 was used to launch a loaded UAV carrying a 0.5 kg payload of
sculpting clay. The Syma X20 UAV model, which is often used for leisure activities,
was delivered using a 0.425 kg metal power pack in both loaded and unloaded
situations. When assessing the load on these recreational or amateur drones, the
possibility of harm from a control error from them was taken into account. In
addition, additional reasonably priced UAV models have been tested for unloaded
UAV enclosures, including Tarantula x6 and Syma x5c ranging from 1 to 40 meters.
Other UAV models, including DJI Phantom 1, 2, 3, 4, DJI Phantom 4 Pro, Mavic
Pro, and Qazdrone, were also launched with parameters as in table 3 and their noises
were added to the dataset.

Table 3 – UAV model specifications and UAV load states

Models of the UAVs Loading Parameters (kg) Range (m)
DJI Phantom I - 2 -100
DJI Phantom II - 2-100
DJI Phantom II 0.5 unknown
DJI Phantom III - unknown
DJI Phantom III 0.454 unknown
DJI Phantom IV - 2 -100
DJI Phantom IV 0.4 2 -100
DJI Phantom IV Pro - unknown
DJI Phantom IV Pro 1.36 unknown
DJI Phantom quadcopter - unknown
Mavic Pro 0.156-0.256 unknown
Syma x5 - 1-40
Syma x20 0.425 1-40
Tarantula x6 - 1-40
Qazdrone - 0.5-30

All of these UAVs were recorded using 16-bit microphone depth resolution at
44,100 Hz, moving up and down, forward and backward at varying speeds depending
on their technological characteristics, starting fairly close to the microphone and a
nearby parking lot. And the remaining information was gathered from free and open
resources. The process of collecting audio files from public sources such as
"" and "" required much more effort. This is
due to the fact that our prediction system was based on an acoustic sensor capable of
listening at a frequency of 44100 Hz and a depth of 16 bits, and the sounds of the
loaded UAV were detected only on amateur videos and processed using a special
converter at a frequency of 44100 Hz and a bit depth of 16 bits. The rest of the data
from open sources were also converted from various formats to a sampling rate of
44000 Hz with 16-bit depth resolution and "mono" microphone mode with the
extension ".wav". Since our model was created to receive audio data through the wav
extension. The DJI Phantom 2 and its loaded states were the only UAV model
considered in earlier studies [1, p. 864-867; 2, p. 243-244] that had this limitation.
This study aims to investigate the effect of acoustic data from various UAV models
on the problem of complex UAV sounds and their load states. This study aims to
investigate how the acoustic data of different UAV models influence UAV load
recognition across different models and weights. In general, all UAV recording
information was collected and divided into three categories such as "Unloaded",
"Loaded" and "Background noise". The three folders include all of these recorded
and collected sounds. Recorded drone noises ranged in duration from a few seconds
to more than five minutes. Table 4 provides a general overview of the duration of the
sounds collected for each class, in seconds.

Table 4 – Extended UAV sound dataset duration

Total Duration, in (s) Train set, in (s) Prediction Set, in (s)

7612 7312 300

Loaded UAV 1513 1413 100

Unloaded UAV 3334 3234 100
Background Noise 2765 2765 100

UAV sounds from open sources included several sounds in "stereo" mode.
During the experiment, some of the sounds emitted by Qazdrone, DJI Phantom 2, DJI
Phantom 4 and DJI Phantom 4 Pro drones were recorded using microphones from
Apple products such as the Apple iPhone 13B iPad AIR 2020. Using a specially
created filter, all data files were changed to 44 100 Hz and "mono" mode.
The next two sections are devoted to theoretical solutions for recognizing these
initial acoustic database, and the last section explores the development of the system
itself and its practical solution.


Generally, sound signal is a complex and non-stationary signal. As mentioned

above, more recently, studies on sound classification have become interested in a
variety of machine learning (ML) approaches and methods [53], particularly Deep
Learning methods. Sound signals are needed to be processed or converted into a
format that can be used for machine learning or deep learning so that they can be
classified using these approaches. This initial stage or phase in the classification of
sound signals using deep learning or machine learning is known as Signal
Preprocessing or Feature Extraction. In fact, all significant characteristics of the
sounds of the studied object can be taken into account at the stage of signal
preprocessing. Sound signals are first examined in the Time Domain to observe the
duration and amplitude of sounds. First, the concept of sound duration determines
whether it is simply studied in general or taken into account for real-time systems.
Furthermore, an investigation in the frequency domain as an initial source also
requires the characterization of time series. Therefore, it should go without saying
that every audio signal must first be evaluated in the time domain. And an important
reason to study in the frequency range is that a wider range of information can be
seen from this range. And if one looks at time and frequency domain together, one
can get enough input for machine learning approaches. Such broadly considered
signal data has its own specific names for each of their steps and their mathematical
foundations. They will be discussed in the following subsections.

3.1 Foundational principle of sound data representation

The study of this thesis examines the processing and recognition of object
sounds, in particular UAV sounds, sounds of various motorized objects and the
environment. Therefore, this section discusses the presentation of the theoretical
fundamental representation of the general audio signal and their representation to
pave the way for the study of acoustic signals that can be produced by various objects
or backgrounds.
An audio signal is a representation of any sound, often made up of either a
series of binary values for digital signals or a changing electrical voltage level for
analog signals [54, 55]. In essence, sound occurs when an object's vibrations travel
through a medium and strike the eardrum. In physics, sound is a pressure wave. As a
result of an object's vibration, the air molecules in its vicinity also vibrate, which
creates a series of sound waves to resonate across the medium. Vibration of
motorized objects can be generated by the movement of engine components. And
UAVs are one of the types of such objects. Sound exists independently of a person's
ability to perceive it, whereas the physiological definition also takes into account the
subject's ability to hear, (figure 11) [56].

Figure 11 – The process of sound formation and the human perception system

So, a pressure wave is created when an object vibrates, which produces sound.
The surrounding medium (air, water, or solid) is subject to a pressure wave that
induces vibrational motion in the particles. The sound is transmitted further through
the medium as a result of the adjacent particles moving as a result of the particles'
vibration. Vibrant air particles cause tiny components of the human ear to vibrate,
which causes the ear to detect sound waves [57]. And the trajectory of these particles
is similar to a sine waves. In connection with the existence of this physical
phenomenon, the study of sound in the form of waves is generally accepted. And
sound waves are often simplified to describe sinusoidal waves that have common
properties such as frequency, wavelength, amplitude, sound pressure or intensity, etc

Figure 12 – Sine wave representation

The common formulation of sine wave in Figure 12 can be represented as in

the equation (1):

𝑦(𝑡) = 𝐴sin(2𝜋𝑓𝑡 + 𝜑) = 𝐴 sin(𝜔𝑡 + 𝜑) (1)

here 𝐴 – amplitude, function’s maximum deviation from zero;

𝑓 – is the frequency, the quantity of variations (cycles) that take place every
second of time;
ω = 2πf is the angular frequency, the rate of change in the function's argument,
measured in radians per second.
𝜑 is the phase, indicates (in the radiaons), where in its cycle the oscillation is t =
0. When 𝜑 is not zero, the whole shape of the wave, apparently, is shifted in time by
the number of φ/ω seconds. A negative value is a delay, and a positive value is an
advance. Since it keeps its wave shape when combined with another sine wave of the
same frequency and arbitrary phase and magnitude, the sine wave is significant in
physics. This characteristic is unique to this periodic waveform. This characteristic
makes it acoustically distinct and contributes to its significance in Fourier analysis
[58; 59; 60].
In general, amplitude and frequency are primary characteristics of sound
signals. A signal's magnitude, such as the loudness of an audio signal, is known as its
amplitude. Frequency is the number of times per second that a sound pressure wave
repeats itself and is measured by Hertz. Since there are a lot of such air particles that
vibrate in nature due to adjacent particles, and the mathematical sum of several or
many sines or cosines can represent the sounds of certain objects. The addition of
several sine waves creates a distinct waveform, which alters the timbre of the sound.
Towards the human ear, a sound made up of more than one sine wave will have
audible harmonics. Summing up the mentioned phenomena, we can say that sounds
are complex signals. Complex signals can be analyzed using discrete time and
continuous time models. These two different frameworks for simulating variables that
vary over time. A continuous signal is a signal that varies over time and typically has
a continuum for its domain. The domain of the function is thus an uncountable set.
The actual function does not need to be continuous. A continuous-time signal, also
referred to as an analog signal, is a signal with constant amplitude and duration.
Every moment of time will have some value for this (a signal). While a discrete-time
signal, like the natural numbers, has a countable domain. In the same way that sounds
can be presented discrete signals, discrete systems are what will be created for these
audio signal processing [59; 60; 61]. The next subsection ensures the study of audio
signals in the Time Domain.

3.2 Acoustic Data in Time Domain

Signal processing can occur in any field since auditory signals can be
represented electronically in both analog and digital formats. Digital processors
operate computationally with binary representations of the signal, whereas analog
processors deal directly with electrical signals. The notion of analog and digital
signals should therefore be briefly examined. Analog sound is electrical. And as
mentioned above, the voltage level is a sound wave of air pressure. On the other
hand, the pressure waveform is expressed digitally as binary integers or as a discrete
function. In its simplest form, digital representation involves the use of computers
and microprocessors. Since digital signal processing techniques are significantly
more potent and effective than those based on analog technologies, most
contemporary audio systems adopt this strategy despite the fact that analog to digital
conversion can be lossy. Sound storage, or the recording and replaying of sounds, is
one of the frequently used applications of audio signal processing techniques. Spoken
voice, background noise, or music can all be represented digitally by leaving
electrical or mechanical traces on a medium, which can then be used to reconstruct
the original sound waves. For instance, music was once frequently recorded on CD
players, which we can decode back and record a digital version of the audio signal.
Data compression, commonly referred to as audio coding, is another use for signal
processing. Reduced storage space needs for audio files and bandwidth constraints
for digital audio streams are the main objectives here. There are two different types of
compression techniques: lossless, where no information is lost, and lossy, where
some information is lost but presumably not any that is crucial for perception. The
audio file format which called “WAV files” are one type of perceptual audio coder.
There is another audio encoder that can convert the file into a much smaller file. The
format of such files is called MP3. This is a very compressed format based on the
perceptual characteristics of sounds. Recently, audio formats other than this format
are spreading: AAC, Ogg Vorbis, and FLAC [62]. And for signal recognition, audio
files are effective in the "WAV" format extension. This is because "WAV" audio files
contain lossless information. In the study of this thesis, the "WAV" extension was
chosen during the recording of audio signals based on this reason. Accordingly, the
first preparatory step is to record the sounds, adhering to these audio file extensions.
The data contained in these audio files is considered raw data. The signal processing
starts from this raw data. Sounds, as it is known from its physics, are continuous-time
signals and change over time. And the processing of audio signals begins with the
extraction of discrete-time signals. This process is called signal sampling. Sampling
is the conversion of a continuous-time signal into a discrete-time signal in signal
processing. The transformation of a sound wave into a series of "samples" is a
common example. A sample is a signal's value at a certain moment in time or place.
Hence, a sampler is a component or procedure that extracts samples from a
continuous stream. A theoretically perfect sampler generates samples at the specified
points that are equal to the instantaneous value of the continuous signal. So, it is
possible to get a vector stream from these file types by restoring the original signal.
That is, the audio signal transmission in the time domain is a long vector [63, 64].
And a time series in mathematics is a collection of data points that have been
indexed, listed, or plotted according to time. A time series is often a sequence that is
obtained at a series of evenly spaced moments in time. As a result, it is a collection of
discrete time data [65]. In audio file signal processing, the first step is frequently to
display an audio sample file as time series data. Any recorded audio signal can be
displayed in the time domain from the above-mentioned audio files, audio coders or
compressors. The representation of any audio signal can be taken as a function 𝑥(𝑡).
And this function 𝑥(𝑡) can be reflected as in figure 13 when they are retrieved from
the formats of these audio files, audio coders or compressors during audio signal
Thus, sound can be conceptualized as a one-dimensional vector that holds the
numerical values related to each sample. On a time series plot, these sample values
can be seen in two dimensions as a function of time 𝑥(𝑡), (figure 13).
So, the variation of the amplitude with respect to time can be studied in the
Time Series. It forms a long vector containing acoustic information of a given length
of time in a time domain.

Figure 13 – Representation of the audio signals as a function 𝑥(𝑡)

There is one strict rule to keep in mind when conceptualizing the audio signal
processing. The sampling rate must be calculated using the Nyquist-Shannon theorem
when signals with sampled values are considered even in the time domain. The
Nyquist-Shannon theorem is a crucial link between continuous-time signals and
discrete-time signals in the field of signal processing. It creates a necessary condition
for a sample rate that allows a discrete series of samples to fully capture the
information from a continuous-time signal with a finite bandwidth. The Nyquist-
Shannon sampling theorem offers a requirement for discretizing an analog signal into
uniformly spaced samples, making it possible to reconstruct the analog signal from a
discrete signal. It also includes removal of aliasing's effect. The process of aliasing
blends together several signals. The sampling theorem states that the sampling
frequency 𝐹𝑠 should be more than twice the maximum frequency component, where
𝑓𝑚𝑎𝑥 is the maximum frequency component of the analog signal, equation (2).

𝐹𝑠 > 2 𝑓𝑚𝑎𝑥 (2)

And in digital devices that have special programs for automatic processing of
audio signals, this law is preserved for the sampling rate. It is also necessary to
perform signal processing while preserving the conditionality of this Nyquist theorem
in programming environments where machine learning is being studied during
information recovery from recorded audio file formats and their processing.
Since the time domain only provides information about the amplitude over
time, it is not possible to obtain more extensive information. Therefore, by
considering them in the frequency range, you can get more information needed for
sound recognition. The next subsection will consider the study of audio signals in the
Frequency domain.

3.3 Short-Time Fourier-Transform (STFT)

All of the audible sound signals found in nature can be subdivided into a
collection of pure sinusoids of various frequencies. A mathematical method known as
the Fourier transform uses the decomposition of a signal into its individual pure
frequencies to determine the signal's spectral composition. The generated Fourier
transform sinusoids for signal as a function of time are a complex value whose
imaginary portion is the phase shift of the pure sinusoid and whose absolute value is
the value of the corresponding frequency component. And the audio signal is
discrete. The discrete Fourier transform, sometimes known as DFT, is the Fourier
transform applied to discrete signals. In general, the mathematical basis of the

aforementioned DFT transform, which helps to move from the time domain to the
frequency domain, is defined by the following equation (3) below:
𝑋𝑘 = ∑𝑁−1
𝑛=0 𝑥𝑛 𝑒 𝑁 (3)

Discrete signal transformation can be represented by complex numbers and

complex trigonometric waves. And the most effective method of calculating the DFT,
which allows changing the signal from the time domain to the frequency domain, is
the FFT. A Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is used to represent the signal in the
frequency domain and analyze it there, equation (4), [48, p. 39].

𝑓(𝑥) = ∫−∞ 𝑓(𝑥) 𝑒 −2𝜋𝑖𝑘𝑥 𝑑𝑥 (4)

In practice, if a FFT is applied to an audio file of a certain length, it will only

provide information about the frequency and magnitude of that audio signal.
Processing a signal in frequency and magnitude alone is not enough to create a
machine learning data stream. To this end, processing an audio signal while
simultaneously storing information about its parameters from the time domain and
the frequency domain makes it possible to obtain information about the extended
content of that audio signal. The Short-Time Fourier Transform (STFT) helps to carry
out this data processing while preserving information from the time and frequency
domains. The audio signal is always a changing signal, so we can assume that it does
not change significantly during the short intervals in order to simplify the stages of
processing. For this reason, dividing the length of the input signal into small time
intervals allows you to extract from them a stream of information associated with
their frequency. These parts are called frames. Typically, these frames last from 20 to
40 ms and can be created using this input audio signal. If the frame is much longer,
the signal is too much fluctuate for the frame, and if it is much shorter, then the
samples will not be enough to obtain a reliable spectral assessment. This is carried
out on a theoretical basis using the mathematical method of short -term
transformation of Fourier, (figure 14). STFT is a Fourier-related transform. It is used
to determine the sinusoidal frequencies and phase composition of small signal
intervals, since it changes in time. Let function is presented as any audio signal
representation, (figure 14). And this function x (t) is performed to divide into a
certain “small time segments”. Further, the FFT will be calculated for each segment,
(figure 14). Small segments in figures 14, 15 are selected by a special rule. This is
called Windowing. A "window" in signal processing is a function (shape) that is
nonzero for a certain period of time and zero before and after that time. With the
exception of the nonzero part of the window, where it exposes the other signal,
multiplying it by another signal results in an output of 0. Windowing is most
frequently employed in spectrum analysis, which is the process of seeing a brief
period of a larger signal and examining its frequency content.

Figure 14 – The fundamental basis of the STFT calculation process for audio signals

Moreover, windows are employed to produce brief sound fragments that last
only a few milliseconds. Any finite sound with a beginning and an end can be
thought of as a windowed piece of time in general. There are numerous window
forms that are possible such trapezoidal, triangular, polynomial windows, and "sine"
windows. DFT often employs Hann and Hamming windows [66]. That is, intentional
small segments of time or frame are obtained with a certain time. This is called the
length of the frame. This frame length adheres to a constantly accepted stable length
for all other future segments. The very first frame is taken from the zero point of the
coordinate with the length of the frame. As stated above, the frame length is between
20-40 ms. The second frame does not start from the end of the initial frame. The
second frame will be calculated with a certain time step, which begins relative to the
coordinate of the starting point. This is called the "hop" step.
Typically, the "hop" length is 10 milliseconds. This is also called the step size
of the frame. Thus, the next frames are calculated by this rule relative to the previous
frames on the basis of sliding until the end of the given signal, (figure 15) in [67].
Figure15 shows that the frames are overlapped during the calculation:

Figure 15 – Visual representation of the calculation of frames

And let's take the length of this window vector as 𝑋𝑖 . In other words, 𝑋𝑖 is 𝑖-th
frame of signal 𝑥. Thus, the DFT is calculated for each of these received frames
according to the sequence. DFT will help to take complex numbers from real
numbers, equation (5). As a result, it gives a matrix which has 𝐾 size:

Ẋ𝑖 ∈ 𝐶 𝐾 (5)

The discrete Fourier transform is quickly calculated with the formula below as
in equation (6):
Ẋ𝑖 (𝑘) = ∑𝑁
𝑛=1 𝑋𝑖 (𝑛)𝑔(𝑛)𝑒 𝑁 , 𝑘 = 1, … , 𝐾 (6)

Here, 𝑁 is size of the frame signal. And 𝐾 is the number of FTs to be executed
on entire signal. These results are obtained with frequency indicators, that is, they
show spectra. The changing spectra are then often plotted as a function of time using
a tool called a spectrogram. Values obtained according to formula 6 are complex
numbers. Therefore, the absolute values of these complex numbers are obtained. And
it gives real numbers, equation (7):

𝑃𝑖 (𝑘) = 𝑁1│Ẋ𝑖 (𝑘)│2 (7)

The results obtained are called periodograms. Thus, the basis of audio signal
processing using STFT while preserving the time and frequency indicators of the
original audio signal was considered. All these measured quantities are mathematical
methods of the signal. And neural deep learning networks work on the basis of the
auditory system of the human ear as a part of artificial intelligence. Therefore, it is
necessary to process the scale of the studied signal into the logic of the system that
the human ear works with. This scale is called the Mel scale [20, p. 13]. The next
section deals with the theory of Mel spectrogram processing.

3.4 Mel-Scale Spectrograms

A pitch perception scale in hearing system that is established to be evenly
spaced apart from one another is called the Mel scale (after a hearing). The reference
point between this scale and the normal frequency measurement is achieved by
selecting a perceptual step. The Mel scale is created mathematically from the
frequencies. Equation (8) is used to convert from frequency domain to Mel domain.
𝑚 = 2595 log10 (1 + ) (8)

In other words, Mel-Scale is a psychoacoustic linear scale representation of

frequency. Each of the cochlea's membranes vibrates to a certain frequency
component, acting as a crucial bandpass filter in the human hearing system. Stevens,
Volkmann, and Newmann suggested the "Mel" pitch unit in 1937 as a way to
replicate these characteristics in audio processing [20, p. 11]. Mel is the perceptual
scale of pitches that listeners perceive to be equally spaced from one another.
Through a series of investigations, it was discovered that the human auditory system
perceives signals on a linear scale when they are less than 1000 Hz and on a
logarithmic scale when they are over 1000 Hz. Mel-main scale's purpose is to put this
characteristic into context. The Mel scale usually produces Mel spectrograms and, in
some cases, MFCC coefficient spectrograms. The spectrograms of the MFCC
coefficient are calculated using DFT from the values of the Mel spectrograms.
Thus, in this section, the theoretical and mathematical foundations of effective
methods of audio data processing for deep learning were given. In the fourth chapter,
programmatic and experimental calculations of these operations are carried out.

3.5 An efficient signal processing proposal: the KAPRE method

Acoustic signal recognition systems that use classical deep learning typically
pre-process audio signals and store them in separate folders before they are actually
trained. These signal processing methods have also evolved in different ways
depending on the task at hand and the type of signal. In the previous subsection, these
methods were studied theoretically in detail. The STFT, Filter Banks, Mel
spectrograms and MFCC were the most efficient methods for processing audio data
among other methods. As is known from the theoretical considerations from the
second subsection, audio data is processed in two dimensions, starting from STFT,
and at the same time, it is known that filter banks, Melspectrograms and MFCC
matrices are calculated in stages with the continuation of mathematical calculations.
So, the processed audio data, started from the STFT spectrograms, is two-
dimensional. That is, they contain both time and frequency data. Each spectrogram,
including the STFT, Melspectrogram, and other spectrograms, has one thing in
common when examined in further detail: they are all two-dimensional
representations of the time and frequency of audio signals. They are helpful because
they separate an audio signal, which is simultaneously a mixture of numerous
frequency components, into various frequency components. The frequency bins are
arranged in such a way that they represent only marginally different frequency
components; this gives them a spatial feature. Since the cochlea is used by humans to
perceive sound, which also includes frequency breakdown, these spectrograms are
based on this idea [43; 68]. As mentioned above, these resulting 2D matrices or
spectrogram images were often pre-processed prior to being trained by deep learning
methods. This was due only to demand and the search for an effective method among
them in the last decade. After confirming the possibility of recognizing sound and
voice, their real-time implementation on a practical solution began to gain great
demand. However, due to the current demand, their real-time execution and fast
processing has become an important scientific demand. The authors of [43]
experimentally realized this scientific question on a practical basis.
Currently, the task of recognizing sound signals using deep learning methods is
widely implemented using Keras libraries in Python programming environments.
Using the Keras libraries, it is possible to process large calculations very quickly
using ready-made neural layers. Data pre-processing frequently requires a significant
amount of time and effort, despite the fact that building deep neural network models
is becoming simpler with frameworks like Keras that offer pre-built modules. Due to
its vastness and intricate decoding computations, dealing with audio data presents
more difficulties than dealing with images or texts. Decoding, resampling, and
conversion to a time-frequency representation are typically stages included in the
preparation process for audio data. Resampling and decoding must be simple to avoid
becoming a major bottleneck. There are many options for implementing "time-
frequency conversion", each with its own advantages and disadvantages. There is a
trade-off between data storage and computation time, whether frequency conversion
occurs at runtime in real time or not. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to find the
ideal audio pre-processing setting, which is its main advantage. While the decoded
audio samples for each configuration often take up the same amount of memory, this
can save a significant amount of memory. Therefore, the authors of the work [20,
p. 11-12; 43] proposed the KAPRE method, which calculates the time and frequency
representations, which is performed as a layer of Keras. And its calculation will be
performed when processing on-CPU or on-GPU. One of the key arguments in favor
of on-GPU audio preprocessing is its simplicity and speed of implementation. A
preprocessing layer can be added with just one code line. With multiprocessing, it can
be done on the CPU and might even be faster, but an efficient implementation is
difficult. The Kapre approach makes the entire training and preparation process easy.
Specifically, creating a generator that loads the data, decoding (and maybe
resampling) audio files, saving them in binary formats, and adding a Kapre layer to
the Keras model's input side. Thus, the mathematical basis of these spectrograms is
the same, and computing the audio data with the Keras method will ensure efficient
execution by correctly and properly assigning hyperparameters in a line of code as a
Keras layer. And the main advantages of this practical solution for calculating these
matrices are the ability to calculate faster than traditional solutions, and the ability to
implement coherent learning in the form of adding other neural layers to the deep
learning flowchart. The Kapre technique experiments were also taken into
consideration for this dissertation's research. The fourth part goes into greater into
about it.


Sound and speech recognition using neural networks has a long history. Neural
networks, a subfield of machine learning and the basis of deep learning algorithms,
are sometimes referred to as artificial neural networks (ANNs) [69]. And the initial
studies of sound recognition showed that machine learning methods, such as vector
support machines (SVM), the KNN classification algorithm, K-means and random
forest algorithm, were studied by a significant pace, as is noticeable from the
subsection of the literature review. And recent studies were widely used to ensure
effective results with deep learning methods. The concept of the name of deep
learning was formed from the thickness of the hidden layers of neural networks.
Traditional machine learning techniques are dominated by convolutional neural
networks (CNN), deep feedforward neural networks (DFN), and recurrent neural
networks (RNN) in difficult forecast problems [20, p. 2-3].
In recent years, they have attracted attention with the significant improvements
in acoustic recognition systems provided by deep feedforward networks. Given that
sound is inherently a dynamic process, it seems natural to consider recurrent neural
networks (RNNs) as an effective model. In neural networks, recurrent neural
networks, are effective models for sequential data [70]. Due to the consecutive
occurrence of its connected data points, an audio waveform is a sort of sequential
data. Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) are able to learn characteristics and long-
term dependencies on sequences and data over time. If we conduct a comparative
analysis, CNN's ability to learn sequential dependencies has allowed them to gain
popularity in applications such as audio processing [42, p. 412-414], speech
recognition, machine vision, and image, and video captioning. However, audio
signals are constantly changed over time. The consistent and time-varying nature of
sounds makes the RNN networks an ideal model for studying the features. Since a
RNN has a recurrent hidden state, whose activation at each step depends on that of
the preceding phase, it can handle consecutive inputs, unlike a feedforward neural
network [49].
Taking into account the factors discussed above, the study aims to explore
RNNs in more depth in this thesis. Before studying the RNN network, it was also
planned to consider the recognition of drone data using the CNN network for
comparison in a practical basis. The results provided by the CNN architecture,
explored by previous research work in this area, were compared with the study of
RNN network architectures. However, the fact that theoretical predictions and
theoretical knowledge about the recognition of audio signals presupposed the
effectiveness of the RNN network in advance. So, this section briefly outlines the
theoretical foundations of CNNs and provides a detailed mathematical description of
RNN network architectures.

4.1 Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) in Sound Recognition
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) are one of the Deep Learning networks
used in various fields such as Object Recognition, Computer Vision, Audio
Recognition and natural language processing (NLP) [31, p. 302]. The primary
structural characteristic of a CNN is the presence of a standard neural network, which
consists of a sampling layer and numerous convolutional layers. Convolutional neural
networks are mostly developed for two-dimensional feature-based image recognition.
Its input can employ feature layering to accomplish learning and presentation using
2D images. So, there can be many layers in a convolutional neural network, and each
layer will learn to recognize different aspects of the image. Each training image is
subjected to filters at various resolutions, and the result of each convolved image is
utilized as the input to the following layer. Beginning with relatively basic properties
like brightness and borders, the filters can get more complicated until they reach
characteristics that specifically identify the object. It is very capable of learning,
requires little signal processing, and has been used successfully for handwriting
recognition, object recognition, face recognition, and sound recognition [71].
A CNN architecture comprises of three layers: an input layer, a group of
hidden layers, and an output layer, (figure 16) [72, 73]. It has the three most common
layers: convolution, activation, and pooling. The foundational component of the CNN
is the convolution layer. It carries the majority of the computational load on the
network. With convolution, a series of convolutional filters are applied to the input
images, each of which activates different aspects of the images. The next layer type is
activation. With the matching of negative data to zero and the preservation of positive
values, activation enables quicker and more effective training. “Relu”, “sigmoid”,
“softmax” and “tanh” functions are the most popular types. Mostly, Activation
function “Relu” is accompanied by Convolution in CNNs (figure 16). So, any
intermediary layers in a feed-forward neural network are known as hidden layers
because the final convolution and activation function conceal their inputs and
outputs. The convolutional layers in a convolutional neural network are hidden
layers. A convolutional layer extracts the image into a feature map, also known as an
activation map. Layers using convolutions transmit their output to the following layer
after convolutioning the input. This resembles how a visual cortex neuron would
react to a particular stimulus. Every convolutional neuron only processes information
for its particular “receptive field”. Although fully connected feedforward neural
networks can be used to learn features and classify data, this architecture is typically
impractical for larger inputs (for example, high-resolution images), where it would be
necessary to use enormous numbers of neurons because each pixel is a significant
input feature. As well, regularized weights across fewer parameters help prevent the
disappearing gradients and exploding gradients issues that were present during
backpropagation in early neural networks.

Figure 16 – General architecture of the network

Pooling layer comes next in the list. Using nonlinear downsampling, pooling
reduces the amount of parameters the network needs to learn while still simplfying
the output. Convolutional networks may also have standard convolutional layers and
local or global pooling layers. By merging the outputs of neuron clusters at one layer
into a single neuron at the next, a technique known as pooling layers reduces the
dimensionality of data. Little clusters are combined using local pooling, which
regularly uses tiling sizes of 2x2. Each neuron of the feature map is affected by
global pooling. Max and average are the two most widely used types of pooling.
When comparing local clusters of neurons in the feature map, max pooling utilizes
the largest value whereas average pooling uses the average. The structure of a CNN
switches to classification after learning features in numerous layers. The next-to-last
layer is a fully connected layer that generates a vector of “N” dimensions (“N” is the
maximum number of classes that may be predicted) and contains the possibilities for
each class that a target image belongs to. All of the neurons in one layer
communicate with all of the neurons in the other layer through fully connected layers.
It is equivalent to a conventional multilayer perceptron neural network (MLP). To
identify the images, the flattened matrix passes through a layer that is fully
connected. The final output of the final classification is provided by a classification
layer in the last layer of the CNN architecture [73]. Various types of CNN models
have evolved throughout the evolution of the object recognition problem. These
include LeNet, AlexNet, ResNet, GoogleNet / Inception, MobileNetV1, ZfNet and
Depth based CNNs. And when studying the problem of recognizing sound signals,
simple types of convolutional layers created by several layers were used a lot [1,
p. 864-866; 3, p. 170; 16, p. 472-473; 17, p. 2-3; 74-78]. The CNN infrastructure is
adaptable for image data due to the description of the network and their functionality.
Therefore, the next subsection discusses the theoretical foundations of recurrent
neural networks, which are considered effective for time-varying signals such as
sound [79-83].

4.2 Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) in Sound Recognition
The initial and most basic design of an artificial neural network was a
feedforward neural network. In this network, data only travels forward from the input
nodes, via any hidden nodes present, and onto the output nodes. The network
contains no loops or cycles. Feed-forward neural networks for sound recognition
tasks have proven attractive in more researches. Moreover, a feedforward network
has become popular for solving prediction problems like image recognition, computer
vision, speech recognition, sound detection [84-86] and others since it employs
multiple hidden layers to maximize learning from the input data [75, p. 229-233; 76,
p. 8-10; 77, p. 87-90]. Overfitting is the primary issue with merely utilizing one
hidden NN layer. By increasing the number of hidden layers, overfitting can be
decreased and generalization can be enhanced. As NNs increase layers, they become
Deep FNNs. Deep FF neural networks also have a drawback in that adding more
layers exponentially lengthens training time, making FF quite impractical [20, p. 26].
Based on the development of functional shortcomings of feed-forward neural
networks, RNN networks have appeared. Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) are
derived from Feedforward Neural Networks (FF) as a subset. RNNs can extract long-
term dependencies and features from sequential and time-series data. The input
received by each neuron in an RNN's hidden layers is delayed in time. Current
iterations in recurrent neural networks need access to historical data. For instance,
one needs to be aware of the words that came before the one they are predicting in a
sentence. The RNN can use any lengths and weights as it processes the input over
time. This model's computations take into account historical data, and its size is
independent of the volume of input data. The slow processing speed of this neural
network is a weakness of this network [78]. Based on the solution to this
shortcoming, several types of RNNs have emerged. At present, four different
computational cells of RNNs such as simple RNN, LSTM, BiLSTM and GRU are
popular for prediction. The following subsections provide a theoretical basis for these
4 different RNN networks.

4.2.1 Simple Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) in Sound Recognition

RNNs, or Standard Recurrent Neural Networks, are a subclass of neural
networks capable of recognizing sequence data. And these networks are widely used
by the Python programming environment with the Keras libraries. Standard RNN
networks are known as "SimpleRNN" in the Keras libraries. There are three layers in
a simple RNN: input, hidden, and output layers, as shown in figure 17. According to
Simple RNN's fundamental working theory, nodes are connected to comprehend
current information by feeding the output of the neural network layer at time t to an
input from the identical network level at time t +1. A series of vectors over time t,
such as ..., xt - 1, xt, xt + 1, ... make up the input data. Input blocks in a Simple RNN
with complete connectivity communicate to hidden blocks in a hidden layer. The
hidden units in the hidden layer are as follows: ht = ht-1, ht, ht+1,..... They are
connected to one another throughout time by periodic connections. In figure 17, the
idea of an unrolled structure for RNN networks is depicted as a "Unfolded" form for
the situation of multiple input time steps xt-1, xt, xt+1,..., multiple internal state time
steps ht-1, ht, ht+1,..., and multiple output time steps yt-1, yt, yt+1,....

Figure 17 – Simple RNN structure and its unfolded (unrolled) form

The performance and stability of the network can be increased by initializing

hidden modules with modest non-zero elements. There are disadvantages to these
networks. The gradient disappearing and explosion difficulties are Simple RNN's
primary drawbacks. In the process of solving the shortcomings of the standard RNN
network, LSTM networks appeared. The next subsection will provide the basis of
Long-term short-term memory (LSTM) networks [20, p. 6].

4.2.2 Long-term short-term memory (LSTM) for sound recognition

The Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) architecture of the recurrent neural
network (RNN) was created to address the regular RNN's vanishing and expanding
gradient issues [50, p. 339-340; 51, p. 11]. In the areas of handwriting recognition,
language modeling, image captioning, and classification of acoustic signals, LSTMs
have demonstrated effectiveness in predicting sequence issues [87-89]. Compared to
other techniques, LSTM network model training is more accurate but takes more
time. Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) networks have been designed to shorten training
times while retaining a high level of training accuracy. The usage of GRU networks
in classification tasks is also widespread [48, p. 2163-2-2163-10]. This thesis
suggested to investigate SimpleRNN, LSTM-based RNN units, and Gated Recurrent
Unit (GRU) models for UAV acoustic representations categorization challenge.
Recently these models have been applied more effectively to the training of sound-
based recognition systems.
A recurrent neural network structure called LSTM substitutes the normal layers
of the neural system with long-term memory cell blocks to get around the issue of
long-term reliance (figures 18, 19). Typical LSTM cell blocks are composed of four
interlocking layers: a cell state, an input gate, an output gate, and a forget gate.

Figure 18 – LSTM architecture

Figure 19 – Computational cell of LSTM

The output data from the previous cell ℎ𝑡−1 is mixed with the feature extraction
sequence data 𝑥𝑡 . Also, this combination of input data passes via the input gate 𝑖𝑡 .
(10) and the forget gate 𝑓𝑡 (9). Both gates have sigmoid activation functions that
outputs between 0 and 1. equations (9), (10), (11), (12), (13), (14).

𝑓𝑡 = 𝜎(𝜔𝑓 [ℎ𝑡−1 , 𝑥𝑡 ]+𝑏𝑓 ) (9)

𝑖𝑡 = 𝜎(𝜔𝑖 [ℎ𝑡−1 , 𝑥𝑡 ]+𝑏𝑖 ) (10)

𝐶́𝑡 = tan(𝜔𝐶 [ℎ𝑡−1 , 𝑥𝑡 ]+𝑏𝐶 ) (11)

𝐶𝑡 = 𝑓𝑡 × 𝐶𝑡−1 + 𝑖𝑡 × 𝐶́𝑡 (12)

𝑂𝑡 = 𝜎(𝜔𝑂 [ℎ𝑡−1 , 𝑥𝑡 ]+𝑏𝑂 ) (13)

ℎ𝑡 = 𝑂𝑡 × tan 𝐶𝑡 (14)

As a result, the input gate (11) determines which input values to update, while
the forget gate (9) determines what data to delete from the cell. Moreover, the tanh
layer, 𝐶́𝑡 ., compresses that mixture.
Here 𝜔𝑓 , 𝜔𝑖 , 𝜔𝐶 are the weights of the corresponding gate neurons; and 𝑏𝑓 , 𝑏𝑖 ,
𝑏𝐶 are the offsets for the corresponding gates. LSTM cells have an inner loop (cell
state) consisting of a 𝐶𝑡 (12) variable called a constant error carousel (CEC). The old
state of cell 𝐶𝑡−1 is switched to set an efficient recurrent loop with the input. The
compressed combination 𝐶́𝑡 is multiplied by the × input data of the 𝑖𝑡 (figure 19).
A forget gate, which chooses which data should be kept or deleted from the
network, is in charge of controlling this recurring loop.
Instead of multiplying, the addition approach ⊕ in this case lowers the chance
of the gradient disappearing. The system then uses the tanh function to push the
values between {-1} and {1} and multiply that result by the output of the sigmoid
gate to position the cell state (12).
So, this gate (13) chooses which values from the ℎ𝑡 cell should be output as the
actual output. In general, updating the internal state is done via the input gate and the
forget gate (11). Because to their many memory slots, LSTM networks have more
complicated computations and greater memory requirements than simple RNNs. It
varies from traditional RNNs in that it has strong advantages over gradient vanishing
as well as long-term dependence.
In the course of the experiment, vanish LSTM, (figure 20) and stacked LSTM,
(figure 21) models were studied, as a result, a single-layer model was developed to
spend less time on calculation.

Figure 20 – Vanilla LSTM

Figure 21 – Stacked LSTM

To sum up, LSTM advantages are that it overcomes disappearing and
exploding gradients as well as long-term temporal dependency issues with input
sequences [20, p. 6-7; 51, p. 11-12; 52, p. 2-3]. Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)

Bidirectional LSTMs are a development of typical LSTMs that can enlarge
model performance in sequence classification tasks. With all the time steps of the
input sequence, Bidirectional LSTMs train two LSTMs instead of a single LSTM in
the input. Bidirectional LSTMs solve the problem by outputting data from the input
sequence in the forward and reverse directions over time steps.

Figure 22 – Stacked Bidirectional LSTM architecture

By placing two layers side by side, delivering the input sequence exactly as it
is at the first level's input, and providing a reverse copy of the input sequence at the
second layer's input, this architecture effectively duplicates the first recurrence level
in the network. Hence, this extra context speeds up the results [35, p. 2527-2528; 36,
p. 403-405]. As a result, two different hidden layers are used by the BiLSTM network
to process the 𝑥𝑡 sequence data in both the forward and reverse directions, and their
hidden layers are joined by a single output layer, as shown in figure 22. Similar to the
LSTM level, the Bidirectional LSTM level's final output is a vector, 𝑦𝑡 =
[𝑦𝑡−1 , … , 𝑦𝑡+1 ] the last element of which is the predicted sequence for the following
time steps 𝑦𝑡+1 . Due to its increased computational complexity over LSTM as a
result of forward and backward learning, BiLSTM demonstrates its drawback. Their
key benefit is that, compared to LSTM networks, they more accurately reflect the
input sequence's past and present contexts [20, p. 7].
4.2.3 Gated Recurrent Neural Networks (GRU) for Sound Recognition
The LSTM network has been shown to be a practical solution for keeping
gradients from dissipating or exploding, however because of the many memory
locations in their architecture, they require more memory [49]. To address this issue,
the scientists [53, p. 1724-1733] created the GRU network, which requires less
learning time than the LSTM structure and still achieves great accuracy. The output
gate of GRU networks is absent, in contrast to LSTM networks. The structure of
GRU is seen in figure 23. Two input functions, the previous output vector ℎ𝑡−1 and
the input vector 𝑥𝑡 , are found in the structure of GRU networks at each instant of
time. Moreover, the input of each gate can undergo a logical operation and a non-
linear transformation before being used as the output.

Figure 23 – Gated Recurrent Neural Network architecture

Here, the output to input ratio can be described as follows, equations (15), (16),
(17), (18):

𝑟𝑡 = 𝜎𝑔 (𝜔𝑟 𝑥𝑡 +𝑈𝑟 ℎ𝑡−1 + 𝑏𝑟 ) (15)

𝑧𝑡 = 𝜎𝑔 (𝜔𝑧 𝑥𝑡 +𝑈𝑧 ℎ𝑡−1 + 𝑏𝑧 ) (16)

ℎ𝑡 = (1 − 𝑧𝑡 )ℎ𝑡−1 + 𝑧𝑡 ℎ̀𝑡 (17)

ℎ̀𝑡 = 𝜎ℎ (𝜔ℎ 𝑥𝑡 +𝑈ℎ (𝑟𝑡 ℎ𝑡−1 ) + 𝑏ℎ ) (18)

Where 𝑈𝑟 , 𝑈𝑧 , 𝑈ℎ and 𝜔𝑟 , 𝜔𝑧 , 𝜔ℎ are weight matrices for the individual gate

neurons, 𝑧𝑡 is the update gate vector, 𝑟𝑡 is the reset gate vectors are rt, zt, ht. A
hyperbolic tangent is 𝜎ℎ , and 𝜎𝑔 is a sigmoid function [20, p. 8; 48, p. 2163-2-2163-
When the reset gate is near to 0, as in this configuration (figure 23), the hidden
state ignores the prior hidden state and only resets with the current input. This enables
the hidden state to delete any data that will no longer be relevant in order to provide a
view that is more condensed. The update gate also regulates the amount of data that is
moved from the prior hidden state to the present hidden state. This enables the RNN
to store long-term information and functions similarly to LSTM memory cells. Each
hidden module will develop the ability to recognize dependencies at various time
scales because each one has a unique reset and update gate. A reset gate will be
frequently active in modules that are taught to capture short-term dependencies, but
an updated gate will be more frequently active in modules that gather long-term
dependencies [53, p. 1725-1730; 90-92].
The drawback of GRU is that it has a higher computational cost and memory
need than Simple RNN because to the numerous hidden state vectors. GRU networks
offer a wider range of practical uses thanks to benefits like the capacity to represent
long-term dependent sequences, resilience to gradient reduction, and reduced
memory requirements. This thesis aimed to conduct practical research for the UAV
sound recognition task, taking into consideration all the characteristics of computing
modules RNN networks stated above in theory [20, p. 6-8].


5.1 The proposed real-time Drone Sound recognition system

The study of this dissertation work is aimed at developing a drone detection
system with the recognition of their acoustic data. The main objective is the creation
of a system that can recognize UAV sounds in real-time. This is due to the fact that
when suspicious UAVs are employed in crowded areas, identifying UAV sounds aids
in establishing security as one of the UAV detection methods. The key issue is real-
time detection of suspicious UAVs. One of the initial steps is fast real-time analysis
of their acoustic data. The literature review section demonstrates that while drone
sound processing and recognition has been researched generally, but no specific work
has been found to adapt it for real-time performance based on SPU or GPU base. In
order to recognize UAV sounds in real time, it must be possible to quickly process
their acoustic data. In this regard, our study considered it appropriate to investigate
this research question.
In most sound recognition studies, the signal pre-processing step is often
performed in advance during the data preparation step. That is, these pre-prepared
data are stored in special folders, which occupied additional space and time, then it
could be obtained from these folders when it is fed into the recognition algorithm. So,
in the preparation of acoustic data of the UAV at this stage consisted of two steps:
first, the UAV was recorded in different states, and then processed in advance. And
according to the proposed study of this dissertation, the fast sound signal processing
layer is located before the neural layers as the Keras layer. It is based on the KAPRE
method [43]. This section creates a proposed recognition system through the next
three subsections: “Adaptation of UAV Sound Recordings for Real Time System”,
“Processing of UAV acoustic signals using the KAPRE method: Melspectrogram”
and “Real-time and RNN network-based UAV sound recognition architecture”.

5.1.1 Adaptation of UAV Sound Recordings for Real Time System

In general, the study of the sound recognition of drones began with the
recording of their sounds. This is due to the fact that the sounds of the drones were
needed as initial data to start the study. This procedure was therefore carried out and
addressed prior to the selection of methods and their theoretical explanation in
section 2. The main focus of this dissertation is the development of a recognition
system that can detect in real-time. "Real-time" comprehension in this study is
presented as a system adapted to recognize an audio file of 1 second duration. To do
this, it must first satisfy the requirements for processing audio data using deep
learning. In other words, audio data for deep learning model needs to be divided into
groups for "training" to train the model and "validation" to test the model's reliability.
Firstly, all the recorded sounds of drones were divided into 3 main classes in
accordance with their content value in Section 2. It was a class of “Loaded UAV”
with a special payload imitating suspicious drones, and the class “Unloaded UAV”
and the “Background noise” class. The collected sounds for these 3 different classes
were preserved with their initial length of 3 different folders. However, the duration
of the audio recording must be adjusted such that recognition feedback can be
received every second. Therefore, the length of previously recorded and collected
audio data is requested to be 1 second each. Because of this task, a “special filtering
block” has been created that re-adapts recorded UAV audio recordings of various
states and lengths to the given conditions into appropriate folders (figure 24).

Figure 24 – UAV sound recording adaption algorithm for real-time systems

This “filtering block” retrieves all previously recorded UAV audio files of 1-
second length. It is important to emphasize that the study was carried out using
supervised learning. The filtering unit receives audio data of different lengths. There
are 2 functions here. One of them is envelope function (figure 25). And threshold
value taken as "0". Because the envelope of an oscillating signal is a smooth curve
defining its extremes, the envelope function was utilized (figure 26). Since the sounds
of the drone are superimposed on background sounds and there are sounds from
various motorized objects, the “0” threshold was effective.

Figure 25 – Implementation of the envelope function in “Filtering Block”

Figure 26 – Signal Envelope method with the threshold “0”

All initial files of their different lengths, figure in (Appendix E), were cut as 1-
second audio files and stored in folders classified according to the initial classes such
as “Loaded UAV”, “Unloaded UAV”, and “Background noise” (figure 27).

a – Splitting long files into seconds files; b – Saving received files with classes

Figure 27 – Audio filter preserving audio files under one second in length

The acoustic data of the UAV were adapted before studying the stage of
recognition of UAV sounds based on the analysis of frequency ranges. Acoustic data
was studied in the time domain first. And our background noise class consists of the
sounds of many motorized objects. The sounds of these objects were collected to
prevent false recognition due to the possibility of confusion during recognition.
Therefore, due to the large number of types of background noise objects, the
background noise class was temporarily expanded in this adaptation step, Figures in
(Appendix D) and figures 28, 29. The frequency range of the extended classes was
then studied to preliminarily determine the range of object spectra up to the KAPRE
layers in the model. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the sounds of various objects
in the frequency domain based on their natural appearance (figures 28, 29).

Figure 28 – Temporary extension of background noises

The spectra for each class in the frequency range for our signals were obtained
using the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) to perform this fundamental analytical work.
They were separated in time and frequency domain only temporarily during the
adaptation analysis stage. And during the application in the neural model, these all
extended classes of background noise were processed together as background noise.
This class extension analysis method helped to determine the frequency ranges
of the desired objects at the level of 16000 Hz, since the informative parts were
visible only in this region (figure 29). That is, the informative component of the
sounds of the UAV and the background noise we need is reflected only up to 16000
Hz, which can be seen in the frequency domain (figure 29).

Figure 29 – UAV signal analysis in the frequency domain using extended six classes
The UAV dataset had adapted to be down sampled based on research of
objects’ frequency range. This specially created filter unit of the Downsampling was
constructed to perform these tasks (figure 30).

Figure 30 – Function unit for "Downsampling”

The audio data through this block gave a database of audio files with 1 second
duration and a frequency set to 16000 Hz (figure 31). In addition, cutting off the
audio spectrum above the 16,000 Hz region saved over-computing time.

Figure 31 – Filtering block with Downsampling

The characteristics of the audio signal of the UAV at this stage of the temporal
expansion of classes are not processed, but only adapted. The spectra of the signals
that have successfully adapted to the above procedure using the filter bank are shown
in Figures (Appendix F, G). Feature extraction from audio signals has been
incorporated into the deep learning model itself, which will be discussed in the next
section. The next subsection discusses building the first layer of a basic RNN
recognition model, i.e. the signal processing layer, using the Keras libraries and the
KAPRE method.

5.1.2 Processing of UAV acoustic signals using the KAPRE method:

The deep neural network models that will be presented in this paper in the next
subsection use the image-based classification method. And it is able to distinguish
between different types of object images according to their feature vectors taken from
the audio data. Therefore, it is necessary to extract feature vectors from UAV sounds.

By examining the frequency spectrum of drone sounds extensively, these feature
vectors can be produced. In general, the processing of drone sound data obtained
during research in the frequency range is called "feature extraction". Efficient
frequency extraction for a real-time UAV sound recognition system was found in the
course of empirical studies that were published earlier in publications [15, p. 457-
458; 16, p. 473-474; 20, p. 26-24-26-25]. Efficient frequency extraction was the
layers of Melspectrogram [20, p 26-25]. Table 5 displays the hyperparameter ranges
and chosen values for the Melspectrogram feature layer. The python programming
environment was used to perform fast calculations to obtain this Melspectrogram

Table 5 – Hyperparameters of Melspectrogram layer

Keras layers Hyperparameters Best fit Range
Melspectrogram Sampling rate 16000 Hz 600-44100 Hz
Window length 512 512, 1024
Hop length 160 160, 256
Number of Mels 128 40-128
[Frequency, Time] 128*100

Thus, it is suggested that the vectors of the Mel scale be extracted from the
UAV sound data while keeping the time and frequency information parameters,
which are called STFTs. In many investigations, the libraries Librosa and Essentia
are primarily used to implement temporal and frequency characteristics based on
conventional approaches. This study implements the KAPRE method built as Keras
layers in Python. The adjustment of acoustic sound processing parameters is the main
benefit of the Kapre approach. And the presentation of the hyperparameters of this
layer from a programmatic point of view was given in (figure 32a).

a – Programmatically feeding the hyperparameters of the Melspectrogram layer; b – Layers
of processed signals based on Melspectrogram Layer during training

Figure 32 – Implementation of the Melspectrogram Keras layer

And when the hyperparameters of this Melspectrogram layer are implemented
in accordance with the code line in figure 32a, the mathematical calculations which
discussed in the third section above will be performed based on fast calculations. This
can be seen from (figure 32b).
The features of the proposed Melspectrogram layer can also be seen visually in
figure 33, where they are represented as a picture.

Figure 33 – Melspectrogram images with 4 class database case

The other representations of feature extraction methods such as MFCC, Filter

bank, their normalization, and data augmentation can also be carried out in real-time
on a GPU or CPU using this KAPRE method. In fact, this method allows finding
optimal time-frequency representations and their characteristics for use in audio pre-
processing. This can save a lot of memory since each configuration often uses the
same amount of memory as the decoded audio samples [20, p. 7-8]. A wide variety of
methods of the feature Extraction were obtained and used during empirical research.
And their visual appearances are presented in the figures in the appendices section.
The sequence of experiments demonstrated the effectiveness of the Melspectrogram
layer. Therefore, the Melspectrogram layer was chosen for the drone database.
To summarize this subsection, the Melspectrogram is a KAPRE layer that has
been expanded on the spectrogram by multiplying the Mel scale transformation
matrix from the linear frequencies [43]. The proposed approach explored a large
range for the Melspectrogram layer, as can be seen from (table 5). As a result of
experimental attempts, 100-time vectors and 128 frequency features were obtained,
(figure 33). And the next subsection will consider the entire structure of the proposed

5.1.3 Real-time and RNN network-based UAV sound recognition architecture

This dissertation is primarily aimed at performing real-time UAV sound
classification. The study of CNN and RNN networks, which are widely known for
general purpose object recognition systems and have a high recognition ability, is
considered. According to literature reviews, CNNs have been the preferred models
for image processing and recognition. Much of the work on UAV sound recognition
using CNN models has been achieved by deepening the CNN layers. Again, a
number of references show that most sound recognition systems are the preferred
models for processing and recognizing audio signals. On this basis, extensive
experimental studies have been carried out on the recognition ability of recurrent
neural networks compared with CNN networks. All common types of recurrent
networks have been considered. In particular, SimpleRNN, LSTM, Bidirectional
LSTM and GRU networks. The significant success of recurrent neural networks in
the analysis of sound (audio) signals and speech has become a motivating factor for
their more extensive practical research on sounds than CNNs. Because the initial data
in this thesis are sound data, not images.
Previous studies [1, p. 863-865; 2, p. 244-245] on UAV sound recognition have
shown that signals of 20 seconds or less were processed and recognized. That is,
using the research model of work [1, p. 865-866] would require 20 seconds to process
sound for the security of the protected environment. In general, this work is
appreciated because it has made a great contribution to the solution of the scientific
question of the recognition of drone audio signals and is able to experimentally prove
the possibility of UAV audio data using one model of the Pantom series. In general,
many dangerous situations could develop in 20 seconds. That is why it is necessary to
create a real-time system that could instantly distinguish between UAV states, in
particular, loaded and unloaded UAVs or background noise. These aspects were
taken into account when carrying out experimental work on the problem of
classifying three types of UAV sounds using four different types of computational
neural cells from recurrent neural networks, including SimpleRNN, LSTM,
Bidirectional LSTM and GRU. The classes "Unloaded UAV", "Loaded UAV" and
"Background noise" were taken as the main base classes. This is because in many
situations, identifying a particular type of drone does not result in a pressing need.
However, earlier works [6, p. 2-3; 7, p. 1-3] considered the potential of this problem.
Also, figuring out the drone's load is an extremely important system for scenarios that
seem suspicious. In particular, it can be applied as a solution or preventive action for
life-threatening problems such as the transit of life-threatening products, the
possibility of weight being dropped on people even though it is harmless, and for
military purposes. Also, the detection of a suspicious UAV entering a strategically
protected area can be resolved with the ability to recognize UAV sounds.
Furthermore, figuring out the UAV's load is challenging because it sounds similar to
the UAV itself. The flight sound with an extra weight might have different time and
frequency matrices, which might facilitate recognition. Therefore, in order to find a
solution to this scientific question, the architecture of a deep learning based neural
network was studied from an experimental point of view. Based on extensive
research, a deep neural network architecture has been developed for recognizing
UAV acoustic data. And in this proposed system, the UAV sound processing step is
added as the first layers of the recognition system architecture. The structure was
given in figure 34 [20, p. 11].

Figure 34 – The proposed RNN based Framework for Real-time UAV sound

It can be seen from figure 34 that in the proposed structure, the block on the
left is a 1 second file type adaptor, which filters the audio data as explained in the
previous subsections. This device can be thought of as a drone sound production
stage. And the main big block in the middle of figure 34 is a deep learning structure
with modified Melspectrogram that allows us to recognize drone sounds.
The input layer of this main block is the Melspectrogram layer, which
processes drone sounds based on the On-CPU. The Melspectrogram is processed with
the help of STFT calculation and FFT calculation in real time according to the
respective steps as explained in the theoretical framework. Therefore, this layer
consists of several layers during training.
And from one layer during the code line. This layer calculates features of UAV
acoustic data in the dimension of 128 features vectors of frequency by 100 features
vectors of the time. And the KAPRE method libraries in Keras, which allow
processing this layer, are pre-installed and their libraries are called according to the
programming requirements. The tuned hyperparameters of the proposed UAV
acoustic data recognition architecture was given in table 6.

Table 6 – The hyperparameters of the proposed architecture

Keras layers Hyperparameters Best fit Range

1 2 3 4
Sampling rate 16000 Hz
600-44100 Hz
Window length 512
512, 1024
Melspectrogram Hop length 160
160, 256
Number of Mels 128
[Frequency, Time] 128*100
LayerNormalization Batch Normalization - -
Reshape TimeDistributed (Reshape) - -
Dense TimeDistributed (Dense), tanh - -
Table 6 continuation
1 2 3 4
RNN cells (Fmaps) SimpleRNN, LSTM, GRU (64) 32-64
Dense Dense, relu (64) 33-128
MaxPooling MaxPooling1D - -
Dense Dense, relu 32 32-128
Dropout Dropout 0.25 0.2-0.3
Dense Dense, relu 32 8-32
activity regularizer 0.01 0.01-0.00001
activity regularizer 0.00001 for 0.01-0.00001
GRU (64)
Dense Dense (# classes) 3 (3,4)
Activation in classification softmax
Optimization solver adam sgdm, adam
# epochs 25 25-150

Melspectrogram hyperparameters were studied experimentally in order to

determine the effective length of the feature extraction of this layer in different
ranges. 100 and 128 are the most effective lengths. And the studied range of the
lengths of the vectors of this layer were discussed in table 5, 6. And it was modified
by splitting frames according to table 5 from 1 second audio. This is because
deepening other layers in the recognition architecture created with deep learning did
not yield a very high recognition capability. In this regard, 2 factors should be
mentioned. First, the UAV acoustic data was investigated with a small database at the
beginning, figures (Appendix C). Secondly, in previous publications [15, p. 455; 16,
p. 472], the MFCC signal processing method was used with short feature vectors for
recognition. And then the Melspectrogram layer was studied extensively. On the
basis of this layer, a sufficiently high recognition rate was obtained. So, the modified
feature vector was selected according to Table 5 and 6. The UAV acoustic database
was expanded from the initial. The study was carried out again on this database using
modified Melspectrogram, and published in work [20, p. 18]. To adapt acoustic data
feature vectors derived from Melspectrogram layers to feed into RNN layers,
normalization and layer reshaping layers were provided (table 6). These
Melspectrograms use a normalization layer after themselves in the model that
normalizes the 2D input data by time, frequency, batch and channel. Further, the
received vectors are sent through the TimeDistributed (Dense) layer with the
activation function tanh and fed into the RNN cells. The recurrent cells SimpleRNN,
LSTM, BiLSTM, GRU, described in the theoretical section, were used as RNN
layers. As a result, considering each type of RNN models separately, 4 RNN models
were studied. A concatenation layer was added after the RNN cells, and dense layers
were connected depending on the hyperparameters as in Table 6. The number of cells
of recurrent networks was initially taken as 32. To simplify the study of the design,
the MaxPooling1D layer was added. Then a dense layer of 32 relu cells was
developed. Multidimensional output is also linearized and transferred to a dense layer
using a Flatten layer. For the classification task, the output of the Flatten layer is
passed to the next layers. When testing a 32-cell RNN model, a Dropout layer with a
coefficient of “0.2” was added as a next layer to prevent model overfitting. Before the
final dense layer, a 32-cell dense layer was added along with an activity regularizer
and a “relu” function. It is important to note that the activity regularizer feature
significantly affected the to the accuracy plots during model training for certain UAV
sounds. Thus, the range of this function was from 0.01 to 0.00001. And the
coefficient of Dropout layer has been adjusted according to the size of the RNN cells.
In the case of the GRU model, a change in the dropout coefficient from 0.2 to 0.3 was
taken into account, since the model could be retrained with an increase in the number
of cells to 64. As a result, a factor of 0.25 was optimal for the Dropout layer in GRU
model case.
The "categorical cross-entropy" loss function is tuned for the multiple
classification problem in the model implementation. The classification problem and
weights are optimized using the "Adam" gradient descent implementation. To assess
the model's ability to learn and generalize across all architectures, "accuracy" is
calculated during model training and validation.
The proposed deep learning-based recognition architecture was designed with
hyperparameter tuning set according to table 6. A total of 5 models were considered,
including 4 RNN models and 1 CNN model. The results obtained and visible layers
during training will be discussed in more detail in the next section. The proposed
deep learning framework, trained according to the hyperparameters in table 6,
consisted of only one RNN layer. Compared to previous studies [1, p. 862-865; 15,
p. 457; 16, p. 473-474], it differs in that it has a simpler structure. This, in turn,
requires less computation for calculations. The number of epochs indicating the
number of training sessions is also small. However, many experimental studies have
been carried out empirically to determine the hyperparameters of such a simple and
fast computational structure of the CNN as well. This set of experiments is shown in
Table 6 as the hyperparameter search area. And information about the recognition
process trained on the basis of this modified model and its verification is widely
discussed. The results of these studies are summarized in the Learning and
Assessment Metrics subsection. However, the CNN shows good recognition
capability only by increasing the CNN layers. This model deepened with several
CNNs itself had a lower recognition rate than a single-layer RNN network. For this
reason, in this dissertation, priority is given to the study of the ability to recognize
types of RNNs. And in order to justify the comparison of the RNN network with the
results of the CNN network, the subsection will be discussed based on the
experimental results.

5.2 Results and discussion of the Proposed System

In this subsection, four recurrent neural network models such as SimpleRNN,
LSTM, BiLSTM, and GRU were trained using the proposed neural architecture from
(table 6). And the CNN model structure shown in table 5 of [1, p. 243] was trained
using our set data. During the experimental work, the tests were carried out on the
Python program (Appendix H) and on the Intel(R) Core (TM) i5-8265U processor
with a clock frequency of 1.60 GHz. The distribution of UAV acoustic data is divided
according to 70 by 30, 70% of the total number of received sound files were given for
training, and the remaining 30% were stored for validation, which were not seen by
the models. In addition to these 30% validation files, 100 files of 1 second duration
for each class were separately saved, for a total of 300 files for all three classes, to see
how well and consistently the models can distinguish between each class. As a result
of training, the recognition accuracy of models developed for real-time systems was
thoroughly tested on 30 percent of the training data using model recognition accuracy
plots. Initially, all models were trained with 30 epochs when they had 32 RNN cells
on models. The "good fit" model curve area was selected with 25 epochs after the
training and having the accuracy plots. Each model went through a new training run
of 25 epochs before being saved as a Pickle file with a ".h5" extension. And the
classification efficiency of 300 independently stored files was tested using the
confusion matrix, F1, recall, and accuracy. The training times for these models are
given in figure 35 pictures in seconds.

Figure 35 – Training time with proposed models

To evaluate the practical applicability of RNN cell type recognition

capabilities, all layers of the architecture of RNN models remained unchanged after
training. Two experimental tests were run on these trained RNN models. When
training each model, the following architectures were obtained. Due to the fact that
the priority of the dissertation research is given to the architecture consisting of RNN
networks, the figure below shows the architecture of RNN models obtained after
training, figures 36, 37, 38, 39. At the initial stage, the graphs of the accuracy of the
model were studied. This was necessary to evaluate the reliability of the trained
models on the given dataset. The second step included a detailed prediction for 300
"one-second audio files" that had previously been stored separately. The confusion
matrix was obtained to accurately assess the ability to recognize individual classes.

Figure 36 – The architecture obtained during the compilation of a simple RNN

Figure 37 – The architecture obtained during the compilation of a simple RNN


Figure 38 – The architecture obtained during the compilation of a simple RNN

Figure 39 – The architecture obtained during the compilation of a simple RNN


Table 7 below shows the average value of the recognition results of the first 32
cell RNN networks. Also, the plot of the recognition accuracy obtained with the
performance of this training in each epoch is given in figure 36. In this table 7, the
results of the recognition accuracy obtained by the CNN model are also given

Table 7 – Comparison of Model Accuracy of the SimpleRNN, LSTM, BiLSTM,
GRU, and CNN models on 128-100 dimensional Melspectrograms
Trained models Accuracies in %
SimpleRNN 98
Bidirectional LSTM (BiLSTM) 97
GRU with 32 cells 98
CNN structure as in [1] 94
GRU with 64 cells 98

Accuracy plots of the models created by their values from 25 epochs. Here, the
solid lines represent the training line, and the dotted line represents the test line,
(figure 40).

Figure 40 – Model Accuracy plots of the 32 cell RNN models

After passing the initial stages of training, an analysis was made on the results
obtained. Recognition accuracy plots (train and test) were "non-representative" in the
SimpleRNN model plot, figure 40, despite the fact that the average recognition
accuracy scores were similar. In addition, the CNN network showed a lower
recognition rate than other models. This suggests that the recognition performance of
CNN models for the sounds of UAVs and other objects. The CNN layer can have
high recognition capability if more CNN layers are added deeply. Two CNN layers
were added because the CNN structure was based on previous work [1, p. 864].
However, compared to single-layer RNN models, the recognition of the CNN model
was significantly lower as seen (table 7). At the same time, at least 2-3 attempts were
made to repeatedly check each experiment. This is due to the assumption that a model
trained only once can be a random chance of prediction. The GRU and SimpleRNN
models were found to be significantly more accurate than the LSTM and BilSTM
models. The recognition history plot of the SimpleRNN network was found to be
unrepresentative and was not continued in further studies. The next step of the study
involved increasing the number of GRU cells to 64 and continuing training with 25
epochs. But the value of the "activity regularization" function in the penultimate layer
was sought from a different interval due to an increase in the number of cells. In the
GRU model with 64 cells, the values of the “activity regularization” function were
taken equal to L2 = 0.00001, which provided “good fit” to the recognition accuracy
plot. (figure 41) shows the overall accuracy of the models CNN and GRU.

Figure 41 – Model Accuracy plots of the GRU model and CNN model

The proposed GRU model with 64 cells therefore provides a relatively good
recognition ability, as illustrated in figure 25 above. Also, it displayed a "good fit"
model accuracy plot. The CNN model exhibits an unrepresentative gap between
training and testing accuracy, as well as a lower recognition capability than one-layer
RNN architecture. In general, there was also a 4-class dataset performed during
model building and testing. They were checked for drone sounds recorded in the
immediate area. Also, these were performed on the basis of the first database with a
small composition. A series of results from such a study is presented as a confusion
matrix in the (Appendix I).
In general, it is impossible to accurately demonstrate the capabilities of a
recognition system based on average recognition accuracy. Therefore, by presenting
the recognition results in an extended form with recognition accuracy characteristics
for each class, it is possible confidently assess the predictive power of the models.
The performance and robustness of the model in the case of many classification
problems is usually assessed using the classifier confusion matrix. Sensitivity (recall),
specificity and accuracy can be calculated using the components of the matrix. Many
performance indicators [7, p. 3856(17-19)], including Precision, Recall and F1, were
used to evaluate our strategy.
By calculating the ratio of false positive (FP) objects to true positive (TP)
objects using equation (19), the accuracy can be determined as follows:
𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 = (19)
𝑇𝑝 +𝑇𝑝

Equation (20) was used to evaluate recall by comparing true positive (TP)
predictions with false negative (FN) predictions:
𝑅𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑙 = (20)
𝑇𝑝 +𝐹𝑝
The F1 score, which reflects the average of the data, was calculated using
equation (9), (10) because precision or recall does not properly assess system
predictability, equation (22):
𝐹1 = (21)

Each class was made up of 100 files so that they could be visually seen when
these scoring methods were used on the prediction dataset (300 files). The prediction
results are shown in Table 8. A confusion matrix was also performed for the studied
basic 5 models and the later developed 6th GRU model. The confusion matrix, which
identifies and predicts each class, was able to provide sufficient information to
predict the reliability of the given models (table 8).

Table 8 – The performance of the models and their Prediction Metric

Model Classes Precision, % Recall, % F1-score, %
Simple RNN with 32 cells Background noise 99 100 100
Loaded UAV 100 96 98
Unloaded UAV 96 99 98
LSTM with 32 cells Background noise 96 100 98
Loaded UAV 98 97 97
Unloaded UAV 98 95 96
BiLSTM with 32 cells Background noise 97 100 99
Loaded UAV 99 95 97
Unloaded UAV 96 97 97
GRU with 32 cells Background noise 99 99 99
Loaded UAV 97 98 98
Unloaded UAV 97 96 96
CNN as in [1] Background noise 99 95 97
Loaded UAV 95 89 92
Unloaded UAV 90 99 94
GRU with 64 cells Background noise 99 99 99
Loaded UAV 99 98 98
Unloaded UAV 97 98 98

As a result, when estimating the background noise class, almost all types of
RNN models have a very high identifying ability. The CNN model also performed
slightly worse than the RNN models, but had better accuracy in the background noise
class. This demonstrates that while CNN models are capable of solving common
recognition problems, they are less efficient than RNNs when dealing with the same
sounds of objects that are in different states.
Moreover, almost all RNN cells have strong recognition abilities from a single
layer and have a great ability to identify elements based on the engine. Along with
the capabilities of the RNN network, the structure of the model also plays a special
role in this situation. Table 7 shows that the "tanh" activation function was used to set

the dense layer prior to the RNN model. The dense layers also got the "relu" feature
after the RNN layer.
To avoid overtraining, a Dropout layer has also been included. Also, the
dataset was upgraded from its previous version. In this way, ideal recognition results
were achieved. In both loaded and unloaded UAV situations, simple RNNs, LSTMs,
and BiLSTMs failed to demonstrate consistently high sound recognition rates, as
evidenced by the study of RNN models in table 8. True Positive recognition results,
shows that the level of recognition of loaded and unloaded UAVs decreased by 4-5%.
Also, the GRU with 32 cells showed the best performance for the main target class of
loaded UAVs. And by expanding to 64 cells, the best results were achieved for all
classes. This leads to the conclusion that GRU cells well and reliably recognize
different noise states of the same object. And CNN models have proven to be
effective in processing binary classification with a large number of levels. However,
all varieties of RNNs have outperformed CNNs on binary and multiple sound
classification problems due to their stable recognition capabilities.
This study concludes that the GRU model is a useful tool for recognizing UAV
acoustic data in different states. The confusion matrix created using the 64 cells of the
GRU model is shown in figure 42.

Figure 42 – The confusion matrix produced with the 64 GRU model cells

To sum up, the confusion matrices were designed to display accurately

predicted and mis predicted audio files of UAV states. The proposed model has
received wide recognition in the "Loaded UAV" and "Unloaded UAV" classes, which
were the main focus. The ROC plot of the proposed model is shown in figure 27 to
demonstrate the robustness of the model. To demonstrate the model's capacity for
accurate performance on the given dataset, ROC curves were also obtained,

(figure 43). Background noise class was paraphrased as ambient noise in this
assessing plot of the model.

Figure 43 – ROC curve demonstrating model performance

As a result, the classifier received a data set divided into three classes. In order
to evaluate the predictability of the chosen classifier and ensure that each distinct
class is correctly scored, the actual predicted audio files and false negatives of the
chosen classifier were mapped using a confusion matrix utilizing balanced 100 audio
recordings per class. The results of the tests using the 64-cell GRU model clearly
showed that the recognition skills based on the provided database were stable.


The main goal of this dissertation study was to solve the problem of UAV
acoustic data recognition. In the course of realizing this goal, the SimpleRNN,
LSTM, bidirectional LSTM and GRU architecture models have been explored in
depth for the real-time UAV acoustic data recognition system. This work especially
carefully examined the situation of whether the UAVs were loaded or unloaded.
Unloaded UAVs, loaded UAVs, and background noises such as the sound of other
engine-based objects from the background were the three main classes. Then, an
efficient method for recognizing UAV acoustic data was determined. During the
experiments (Appendix I, K, L), the accuracy of the UAV recognition system was
evaluated using all the metrics from numerous class classification problems. As a
result, the GRU architecture (64) was found to be an efficient model with a high level
of predictability on the given dataset. In addition, this model can identify loaded and
unloaded UAVs with 98% accuracy, as well as background noise with 99% accuracy.
This evaluation confirms the reliability of the UAV audio recognition system and
proposes to build a network of acoustic sensors using the proposed GRU model (64).
Moreover, various RNN network architectures are robust to binary and multi-
classification problems. Because they are better at content-based recognition than
CNN models. To sum up, the SimpleRNN, LSTM, BiLSTM, and GRU networks
with the proposed architecture can be used in the task of UAV load detection. The
CNN model had a somewhat lower level of multiple classification on sounds than the
RNN model. The CNN could better recognize binary classification instances as seen
from experimental studies.
A limitation of this work is the smaller amount of acoustic data from loaded
UAVs. However, this study showed that it is possible to recognize and evaluate UAV
loads in real-time mode. A further continuation of the study took the direction of a
bimodal method for detecting UAVs using software-defined radio (SDR). As a
scientific continuation of this work, project “AP14971907” is being implemented,
combining acoustic sensor and SDR methods, Appendix M. The system, in this
study, is proposed as a scientific solution for small territorial-strategic areas and a
bimodal method for ensuring national security. And for strategic areas with a large
area, this acoustic sensor can be repeatedly placed at several points or nodes and
carry out protection measures with centralized control.


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Table 1 – Model and layers of the CNN algorithm based on the publication

№ Layers # of layers Number of filters for each layer

1_CNN_by_[1] Convolutional (Conv2D) 1 32 (kernel size (3,3), strides

Activation functions: Relu (2,2))
MaxPooling (MaxPool2D)

2_CNN_by_[1] Convolutional (Conv2D) 1 64 (kernel size (3,3), strides

Activation functions: Relu (2,2))
MaxPooling (MaxPool2D)

3_CNN_by_[1] Flatten
Fully Connected Neural 1 100
Activation functions: Relu
Dropout 1 0.7
Fully Connected Neural 1 3
Activation function: softmax

1_CNN_by_[2] Convolutional (Conv2D) 1 10 (kernel size (3,3), strides

Activation functions: Relu (2,2))
MaxPooling (MaxPool2D)

2_CNN_by_[2] Flatten
Fully Connected Neural 1 10
Activation functions:
Sigmoid 1 0.1
Dropout 1 3
Fully Connected Neural
Activation function: softmax
Note – Compiled according to the source [48, p. 40]


Figure B.1 – Visualization of the Stacked BiLSTM-CNN model presented in

Note – Compiled according to the source [16, p. 472]


Figure C.1 – Composition of the initial dataset of the study


Figure D.1 – Studying the sounds of background objects and UAVs with 6 classes in
the Time domain


a – audio recordings of various lengths in original length; b – the process of studying the
filter bank, Melspectrogram and MFCC coefficients with various hyperparameters

Figure E.1 – Experimental studies at the stage of audio data adaptation


Figure F.1 – Plot of the Power level of UAV sound signals


a – filterbank Coefficients for Class 6 UAV Sounds and Ambient Noises by the dimension
40 by 100; b – decimal Spectrograms for UAV sound signals of the proposed system

Figure G.1 – Investigation of spectrograms with various hyperparameters during the



Figure H.1 – Implementation of the proposed system in the Python program


a – 4-class database recognition experiment; b – 3-class database recognition experiment

Figure I.1 – Confusion matrix from an experiment on recognizing UAVs at close

range and a certain state


Conducting experimental studies at international research institutions


Publication of experimental studies at the conference

Note – Compiled according to the source [15]


Figure M.1 – Minute on the acceptation of a scientific project by the

"Zhas Galym 2022-2024"


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