West of Ys (CabinFever2024) - Ver1.0
West of Ys (CabinFever2024) - Ver1.0
West of Ys (CabinFever2024) - Ver1.0
West of Ys
ver 1.0 (5/29/3034)
with public domain images from
The British Library
& additional images from
Abode Stock
DIVINITY. You are a divine of the undersea. Reduce the DR of all actions by 1 if you are in
darkness or a storm. Increase DR by 1 if you are in light or there is no wind.
You do not need to eat, sleep, or breathe as mortals do. However, you must consume a bottle of
blood a week or suffer hunger. You must rest in water for a combined 14 hours a week or suffer
FLOCK. When you gain experience, test Spirit DR 10 to turn a mortal into a vampiric vessel
(Morale -).
Ж Success: Gain a greater vessel (HP 6 Violence d6)
Ж Failure: Gain a lesser vessel (HP 2 Violence d4)
*You can never have more vessels than your Presence, minimum 1.
Your vessels will only take orders from you (unless you command them to follow someone else).
Whatever personality they had in life is but a distant memory compared to your holy influence
(for instance, particularly violent Dzitzimidl create violent vessels).
Vessels fail all tests unrelated to their immediate survival. When you command vessels to take
actions that require a test, you make a Presence roll against the DR of the test. If you succeed,
the vessel succeeds, if you fail, the vessel fails.
Should you perish, you may “respawn” within a vessel, taking over their body, mind, and soul.
The vessel is lost in the process, and you reform from their viscera. Doing so is not without
cost, as you must lower all your abilities by 1 (to a minimum of -3).
10. Carcinante
Hemos encontrado la antigua
ciudad del oro.
Nos dio la que deseábamos, ¡y más!
Starting Feature
MOBIUS TRANSFORMATION. You have the blessing of the fountain of youth. When
you begin, and when you gain experience, roll d6 for a feature. Each can be taken
twice (reroll if rolled three times). The 13th time this happens you attain Perfection.
You gain -d4 natural armor. It can’t be repaired, but it does recover after you spend
an hour in saltwater. Human clothing no longer fits you.
If taken again: -d6 natural armor.
Your hands become claws (d6). You can no longer manipulate anything that requires
If taken again: claws (2d4), severs limbs on a critical hit.
Your torso gains several extra limbs. You can climb on rough surfaces without the aid
of tools. You must wear modified clothing or armor.
If taken again: grapple checks gain -2 DR.
Your head sprouts two antennae. You can no longer wear hats, but perception checks
are -2 DR.
If taken again: perception -4 DR.
You can breathe both water and air.
If taken again: Gain +1 Toughness.
Your insides twist, forming a new lattice of being. You cannot become infected, sick,
or poisoned.
If taken again: Gain +4 HP.
You no longer debase yourself with mortal tongues. All social tests made to influence
mortals suffers a +4 DR.
When you desire, you can call upon your brothers and sisters, who will appear from
the sea and rend the flesh of your enemies. When the orgy of violence completes, you
will follow them back to the fountain of youth, never to be seen again.
Make a new character.
11. PRIEST(ESS) First rule of
the Dark Caribbean,
trade yer skepticism for
iron. Follow me, I know
someone who can help…
Aid of the lwa. When you begin, you know the purview of one lwa. Knowledge of
other lwa and how to call on them can be found across the Dark Caribbean.
You can call upon a lwa for aid with a Presence DR12 test. Gain -1 DR for every favor
you use when calling a lwa (name, favorite color or food, etc). On a failure, you can
force the lwa to assist, but must roll on Mystical Mishaps (PB 66). The lwa do not
suffer arrogant fools.
Lwa will never directly harm mortals. Their power is more subtle, revealing
information, manipulating hearts, and changing the environment. Players are
encouraged to creatively use the lwa, and GMs have final say on what a lwa can and
cannot do.
When you gain experience, lower the DR to call upon a known lwa by 1.
When you gain experience, you can take
one of the improvements below. You can
only have a number of improvements
active equal to your Toughness score.
You can swap improvements known in an
action that takes 4 hours.