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JPI, Vol. 10 No.

1, March 2021
p-ISSN: 2303-288X, e-ISSN: 2541-7207 DOI: 10.23887/jpi-undiksha.v10i1.24371

Multimedia Assisted Analogy: Learning Approach to

Developing Mathematical Representation Skills
Gelar Dwirahayu1*, Dyah Tantri2, Afidah3
1,2,3 Department of Mathematics Education, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia
e-mail: [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected]

This study aims to examine the application of mathematics learning using a multimedia-assisted analogy
approach in developing mathematical representation. The sample used was grade 7 students of two
classes, totaling 44 students. The research method used was a quasi-experimental design with
randomized posttest only. Two classes were randomly selected as samples, namely class VII-1 as the
experimental class and class VII-3 as the control class. The analysis was performed using the t-test at
α = 5%, obtained t-count = 4.205> t-table = 2.018. The results indicate that the mathematical
representation ability of students whose learning uses the analogy approach is significantly higher than
students whose learning uses a conventional approach or in other words, the multimedia-assisted
analogy approach can be used as alternative learning in developing student representation abilities
especially in algebraic material.

Keywords: Analogy, Mathematical Representation Skills

1. Introduction
According to the National Council of Mathematics Teachers, representation skills is
one of the five aspects of ability that must be developed in teaching and learning mathematics.
The other four skills are reasoning skills, communication skills, connection skills, and problem
solving skills (Reys, 2010, Hutagaol, 2013; Dwirahayu, 2018). The process of representation
in translating problems or ideas into new forms (NCTM, 2000). Proses representasi melibatkan
penerjemahan masalah atau ide ke dalam bentuk baru (NCTM, 2000). Representation in
general is a model a problem situation as a result of the interpretation of thought. This
representation is the delivery of mathematical ideas in a more tangible form so that other
people understand them (Setiadi, 2012). Representation has an important role in learning
mathematics, representation can be seen as an internal abstraction of mathematical ideas or
cognitive structures built by students through experience; as a new mental formation from a
previous mental state; as a presentation of students' cognitive structures through pictures,
symbols or symbols (Herdiman, 2018; Sabirin, 2014). The ability of mathematical
representation needs to be developed because it will help students make more concrete ideas
so that students understand concepts more easily and solve complex math problems becomes
simpler (Sari, 2018). It is also overcoming the stigma of mathematics as a boring, uninteresting
and difficult subject to apply, because mathematics is always associated with abstract formulas
and problems.
The ability of representation does not mean the final product of mathematical solving,
but representation is more emphasized on the construction of new and different knowledge
than before, for example in understanding mathematical concepts, operations, and its
relationships (Sabirin, 2014; Sulastri, 2017). The representations presented by students are
mathematical ideas in an effort to find solutions to problems that are being developed ( Sabirin,
2014; Sulastri, 2017) . Representation can be presented in three ways, namely through action,
through visual images or through words (Herdiman, 2018; Kartini, 2009; Minarni, 2016) or a
combination of the three (Hutagaol, 2013).
Based on information obtained from the results of research by Misel and Herdiman
shows that the ability of students in several schools in Indonesia has not been able to present
mathematical concepts or ideas properly (Herdiman, 2018; Misel, 2016). Furthermore, student

*Corresponding author.
Received 13 April 2020; Accepted 01 October 2020; Available online 25 March 2021
© 2020 JPI. All Rights Reserved

Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia (JPI) | 117

JPI, Vol. 10 No. 1, March 2021
p-ISSN: 2303-288X, e-ISSN: 2541-7207 DOI: 10.23887/jpi-undiksha.v10i1.24371

mathematics learning outcomes in Indonesia are still low, this is related to the low ability of
mathematical representation (Annajmi, 2016; Sulastri, 2017). Efforts that can be made to
optimize students' mathematical representation abilities are by selecting the right learning
model. Developing the simplest student representation abilities is to get students closer to the
environment. Teaching mathematics through real contexts will train students to connect real
contexts with mathematical concepts (Annajmi, 2016). The analogy learning approach is an
approach that helps students understand new concepts easily because it is through other
simpler concepts and illustrates real life examples.
Analogy is a mathematical ability that can describe an abstract concept into concrete
or real objects, this is done to make it easier for students to understand mathematics. Analogy
is also defined as the process of drawing conclusions from two different things (Dwirahayu,
2018) to determine their similarities. The analogy process will help students form new schemes
based on previous schemes or previous knowledge which are expected to form a
heterogeneous representation between one student and another so that representation skills
can develop properly. Analogy can be used as a tool or approach in learning mathematics
(Simms, 2017). Analogical reasoning is a thought process by representing ideas, information
and objects in the real world as an interconnected system (Richland, 2016). The results of
research show that analogy learning can improve the reasoning skills of high school students
on derived material (Dwirahayu, Mubasyiroh, Afidah, 2018). Other research shows that
learning with the analogy approach has strong reasoning power in teaching physics concepts
because with analogies students are able to find inspiration, construct knowledge based on
previous knowledge (Simms, 2017). Learning with an analogy approach helps students
understand the concept of photosynthesis, the teacher teaches the concept of photosynthesis
by analogizing it to the processes that occur in plants (Maria, 2011). The analogy approach is
very effective in transferring knowledge so that students are able to construct knowledge from
analogy to target concepts.
Learning using an analogy approach is focused on students' attention to build a
connection between two events, two examples or two things (domains) (Gentner, 2012), not
letting students focus on the events or problems that is arised (Richland, 2016). Therefore, the
analogy learning process used in this study does not display an incident where students are
asked to focus on the incident and then look for similarities between the two events, but in
beginning the learning process carried out in this study uses an incident, then with the guidance
of the teacher, students directed at finding similarities that exist in the incident presented with
the concept to be taught. The analogy learning technique used in this study uses six steps
adopted from research by (Glynn, 2007; Kristayulita, 2015; Lindsey, 2004). The first step is to
introduce students to the concept of algebra by using lectures, the second step the researcher
uses multimedia as a medium that introduces analogue concepts and to understand students'
initial understanding of the application of algebraic concepts that they often find in everyday
life. After that, students must report what they find in their ril life, the third step is students who
observe to make a connection or connection between the events in the video with the algebraic
forms being studied. In step five, using the Student Worksheet, students to identify of similiarity
shapes. At this stage the researcher uses two forms of similarity, namely similarity of symbol
and similarity of incidents. The similarity of symbol is used to explain the basic concepts of
algebra, while similarity of incidents is used to explain the concept of algebraic operations. The
fifth stage is to explain when analogy can be applied. Sometimes there are the same events
that are not analogous to the concept of algebra. In this study, the researcher provides an
example of water and oil events, this event can be used as an analogy to algebraic addition
operations but does not support other operations. The last stage is a conclusion about the
concept of algebra, the teacher and students together make conclusions from what has been
done using the analogy approach.
The importance of analogical reasoning in learning, because it can improve students’
ability on recognize and analyze the relationship between new knowledge and previous
knowledge. besides that, analogical reasoning can abstract mathematical concepts are
associated with real life students and analogical reasoning is able to provide a fairly long
memory (Lailiyah, 2014). Analogy as a process of thinking about the transfer of information

Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia (JPI) | 118

JPI, Vol. 10 No. 1, March 2021
p-ISSN: 2303-288X, e-ISSN: 2541-7207 DOI: 10.23887/jpi-undiksha.v10i1.24371

and meaning from a particular subject (analog or source) to an another specific subject (target),
analogy is also a language representation that shows the process of implementing the
relationship between the two subjects (analog and target) (Loc, 2014). Based on this, analogy
learning is known as analogue concepts and target concepts (Lindsey, 2004; Basir, 2018). In
principle, the application of analogy in learning, the teacher must produce an analogy concept
for the target concept so that the initial concept / analogue concept is conveyed well to
students. The advantages of the analogy approach in learning mathematics include: helping
students understand new concepts easily because of other simpler concepts; Training
students' reasoning skills because students are faced with two similar but different problems,
students who monitor to find similarities and differences; understanding abstract concepts that
refer to examples in real life; analogy requires the teacher to consider the initial knowledge /
concepts that students have so that the learning process carried out will reduce students' lack
of understanding of the material or concepts being taught (Dwirahayu, Mubasyiroh, Afidah,
2018). The forms of analogy that can be used in learning include using: diagrams, short
sentences, actual physical experiences, simulations, activities using computers (Dwirahayu,
2018), concrete objects (Hafiz, 2016) or what is known as media manipulative.
Research conducted by Zuchri shows that manipulative media can bridges between
real-world contexts and mathematical concepts (Zuchri, 2017). Manipulative media in learning
mathematics can: introduce mathematical concepts more easily and varied, students can
practice math facts and concepts, improve mathematical concepts, and improve students'
ability to solve problems. Furthermore, Nizham in his research uses visual media to provide
real illustrations of operations on integers (Nizham, 2016). The results of his research indicate
that learning media in visual form can help develope students' understanding, especially in the
concept of numbers. Thohirudin's research also utilizes two different media simultaneously,
namely plastic mica media and Geogebra software (Thohirudin, 2016). The results of his
research indicate that plastic mica media and Geogebra software help students understand
the concept of building space very well, because by using these two media, students can easily
visualize images.
The results of previous research shows that the analogy process is able to develop
students' thought processes and the use of media help teachers in visualizing real objects.
This study analyze of the process of learning mathematics in algebra material uses a
multimedia-assisted analogy approach, with the hope that the combination of analogy and
multimedia approaches in learning will be more effective. Teacher shoudl prepare their lesson
plan with context presented real with the help of multimedia. The use of multimedia in analog
learning makes it easier for teachers to find or determine analog concepts. This helps teachers
realize the real form of objects that are teaching, making it easier for students to understand
learning materials so that they achieve the target concept (Chiu, 2009). Therefore, multimedia
is needed in an analogy strategy to support every stage of the learning process
The multimedia used in this study is a powerpoint slide that shows pictures and
animations that are effective in supporting the delivery of subject matter. Multimedia also
integrated with the learning videos. Multimedia is used as a manipulative of target concepts,
namely mathematical concepts that created as a form of concrete representation of objects
that are thought to be known by students, so that the manipulative material added is between
the students' possibility of making image connections with the expected mathematical ideas.
So that in the end the multimedia-assisted analogy approach will provide a better
understanding to students and able to develop their representation skills.
Based on descriptions above, this study aims to focus on developing mathematics
learning by using an analogy approach that is assisted by multimedia to develop students'
mathematical representation skills.

2. Method
This research was conducted at the Ruhama Islamic Junior High School in the city of
South Tangerang in the 2017-2018 academic year, from October to November. The research
method used was a quasi-experimental with a posttest only control group design. The
population in this study were 4 classes of grade VII students at SMP Islam Ruhama. The

Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia (JPI) | 119

JPI, Vol. 10 No. 1, March 2021
p-ISSN: 2303-288X, e-ISSN: 2541-7207 DOI: 10.23887/jpi-undiksha.v10i1.24371

sample was randomly selected and class VII-1 was selected as an experimental group, namely
a group of students learning mathematics using the multimedia-assisted analogy approach as
many as 24 students and class VII-3 as a control class, namely a group of students who studied
using the conventional approach as many as 20 students. The instrument used to measure
the mathematical representations’ skills is a test in the form of a description of 8 questions
which is described in three indicators, namely visual representation (2 questions), verbal
representation (3 questions) and symbolic representation (3 questions). The questions have
been empirically validated and of the 10 questions made only 8 were valid, with a degree of
reliability of 0.69 (moderate). The degree of difficulty of the questions consisted of 3 questions
in the difficult category, 4 questions in the medium category, and one question in the easy
After both classes completed the learning process, students in the experimental class
and in the control, class were given the same representation test. The data obtained were
tested for normality and homogeneity test. After it was obtained that the data were normally
distributed and homogeneous, then the data were analyzed using the two-average difference
test, namely the t test to prove the hypothesis whether there was a difference in the ability of
representation between students learning to use the multimedia-assisted analogy approach
and students learning using the conventional approach.

3. Result and Discussion

The learning process in this study used a multimedia-assisted analogy approach in
algebraic material for grade VII students. The learning process is carried out in seven
meetings. At first, students were very enthusiastic about paying attention to subject matter with
multimedia-assisted real contexts. The teacher explains the concept of algebraic addition using
fruits, then the students listen to what the teacher says, students begin to find it difficult when
students understand algebraic concepts based on analogy illustrations given by the teacher,
then in the end the teacher jointly determines the algebraic concepts that are being studied.
The multimedia-assisted analogy learning steps carried out in the research are
presented in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Flow Chart of Multimedia-assisted Analogy Learning

The learning procedure based on diagram 1 is described in detail as follows: Learning

mathematics using analogy in the conception consisting of concept target and concept
analogy. In this case, a concept target is an algebraic. To explain or introduce the concepts
target of algebra to students using the multimedia assisted analogy approach. To explain the
concept of the target, the researcher uses concept analog as a learning procedure in order to
refer to the concept of algebra. At this stage, Algebra was explained by three kind of analogy,
namely image analogy, symbol analogy and event analogy. Image analogy is to assume the
variables of ajlabar x, y, and z by using the context of fruit names such as apples, pears and

Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia (JPI) | 120

JPI, Vol. 10 No. 1, March 2021
p-ISSN: 2303-288X, e-ISSN: 2541-7207 DOI: 10.23887/jpi-undiksha.v10i1.24371

oranges. Symbol analogy is using various symbols to show a context, for example "if five
pineapples are known, state the sentence in a mathematical model". To answer the question,
the students filled in 5 pineapples, for example 5n or 5a or 5x, where the letters n, a or x were
notations or symbols that represented pineapples; and analogies, namely events that use the
context of events or events to change algebraic form changes. An example is an analysis of
the case of a shipment of goods as shown in Figure 2. In that event, students can make a
mathematical model of how many apples and oranges are shipped to the modern market and
how many apples and oranges are shipped to the modern market. From the analogy of this
event, students are expected to be able to form the concept of algebraic operations using
distributive properties. In addition, in order for analogy to be real and easy to implement, it is
necessary to juxtapose the target concept and analog concept in one view so that it will be
easier to compare comparisons.

Figure 2. Image Analogy and Event analogy

The teacher explains concept of algebraic form similarity. This similarity is usually
expressed by using the sign "=", questions given to students for example, "what is the x value
of the following math equation: 5x +6 = 3x -12". To explain this equation, the teacher provides
an analogy with the scales (see figure 3),

Figure 3. Analogy for Similiarity of Algebra

if the scales are in balance then both bags contain the same object. Then the solution is:
5x + 6 = 3x – 12
5x + 6 – 6 = 3x – 12 – 6 both sides are subtracted by 6
5x = 3x – 18
5x – 3x = 3x – 3x –18 both sides are subtracted by 3x
2x = –18
2𝑥 18
=− 2 both sides are divided by 2
x = –9

As long as learning process, teacher provides assistance in explaining the concept

target to students, remembering that the concept analog will cause misconceptions if students
are not properly guided. For example, the concept analog that explains the concept target

Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia (JPI) | 121

JPI, Vol. 10 No. 1, March 2021
p-ISSN: 2303-288X, e-ISSN: 2541-7207 DOI: 10.23887/jpi-undiksha.v10i1.24371

about addition in algebraic patterns, the analog concept will not follow the concept of target
multiplication or algebraic division. For example, two different variables, namely water and oil.
Water and oil are used as an introduction that two different variables cannot be added together,
but cannot be used to explain the concept target of multiplication. Therefore, the use of concept
analog must be carefully prepared so that there are no misconceptions in student
understanding. The final step is ordering mathematical ideas carried out by students together
with the teacher to make concepts from concept analog presented through multimedia to find
and understand the concept target.
As explained in the previous section, this study uses two classes as the research
sample. The first class as an experiment is a class where students learn using an analogy
approach while the second class is a control class where students learn using a conventional
approach. After the learning process is complete, both classes are given the same
mathematical representations’ skills test. The data of Students' mathematical representation
based on posttest is presented in Table 1.

Table 1. The Value of Students' Mathematical Representation Ability

Statistics Experiment Group Control Group

Number of samples (N) 24 20
Mean (𝑥̅ ) 61,25 37,85
Median (𝑀𝑒) 60,835 36,5
Modus (𝑀𝑜) 58 23,5
Variance (𝑠 2 ) 311,413 368,661
Standard deviation (𝑠) 17,647 19,201
Minimum 17,86 10,71
Maximum 89,29 71,43

Based on the data in Table 1, it shows that the students’ representation in the
experiment group mean value ̅̅̅ 𝑥𝑒 = 61,25 and the standard deviation 𝑠𝑒 = 17,654; while the
students’ representation in the control group mean value ̅̅̅
𝑥𝑐 = 37,85 and the standard deviation
𝑠𝑐 = 19,21. Its means that the average score of the experiment group is higher in the control
group, and the students' representation in the control group is more spread out compared to
the experimental group. Visually, the distribution of data in the second group can be seen in
Figure 4.

Figure 4. Distribution of students' Mathematical Representation

Figure 4 shows the distribution of students' representations both of groups. It appears

that the students' mathematical representation in experiment group is higher than control
group, students with lower abilities in experiment group are less than control group, and vice
versa, students with moderate and high abilities in the experiment group are higher than those
in the control group.

Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia (JPI) | 122

JPI, Vol. 10 No. 1, March 2021
p-ISSN: 2303-288X, e-ISSN: 2541-7207 DOI: 10.23887/jpi-undiksha.v10i1.24371

Furthermore, to determine the difference of students' representation both of groups is

significant or not, a different test analysis (t test) is used by taking α = 5%. The results of
calculations using the t test obtained tcount = 4.205 and ttable = 2.018, because tcount> ttable, it was
concluded to be H0, in other words that the students' representation whose learning using
multimedia- assisted analogy approach was higher than the students' representation of
learning conventionally.
Furthermore, the acquisition of the average value of students' mathematical
representation of experiment group view from three indicators is presented in Figure 5.

Mathematical Representation in Experiment Group

Visual, 66.16 Simbolik, 64.24

Verbal, 53.36

Figure 5. Distribution of students' Representation view from indicators

After knowing the average of students' mathematical representation in experiment

group, the researcher then classified the students' abilities in the experiment group based on
indicators of representations’ skills: visual, symbolic and verbal. This grouping is carried out to
determine which indicators increase the highest if learning uses a multimedia-assisted analogy
approach. In Figure 5, it can be seen that the representation ability of the visual indicators
shows the highest value (66.16), followed by the value on the symbolic indicator (64.24),
although the difference of two group is around 2, and the last is the value on the verbal

Based on the data analysis, it shows that the students' mathematical representation
whose learning uses the multimedia-assisted analogy approach is higher than the students'
mathematical representation whose learning uses a conventional approach. The learning
process with the multimedia-assisted analogy approach provides opportunities for students to
think, make hypotheses from concept analog given through illustrations conveyed on power
points. From this concept analog, students are able to find the concept target, although it still
needs teacher guidance, in other words that concept target is not fully discovered by students
but is assisted by the teacher. This is done so that there are no students' misconceptions, this
activity supports the developing of students' mathematical reasoning. The learning process
using a multimedia-assisted analogy approach greatly helps students in understanding of
algebra, terms often used in algebra and algebraic problem solving. All technique is done
through image analogies, symbolic analogies, and event analogies. The results of this study
are similar with the results of research conducted by Irawati where the learning process with
the analogy approach has strong reasoning power in teaching concepts so that students are
able to find inspiration, construct knowledge and in the end students are able to understand
the concepts of physics (Irawati, 2012). Another study that has succeeded in increasing
student understanding using an analogy approach (Guerra, 2018). Students is more
understand the concept of photosynthesis if learning is carried out using an analogy approach.
Likewise, the research results show that the analogy approach helps high school students

Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia (JPI) | 123

JPI, Vol. 10 No. 1, March 2021
p-ISSN: 2303-288X, e-ISSN: 2541-7207 DOI: 10.23887/jpi-undiksha.v10i1.24371

understand the concept of derivatives (Dwirahayu et al., 2018). Analogy learning with
multimedia-assistance will help students visualize real concepts, not only words. The content
is in accordance with previous research conducted by Nizham and Thohirudin which states
that media or multimedia is a bridge between concepts and the real world, so that the concept
illustrations conveyed in the learning process become more real and help students form
visualizations in thought, so as to improve mathematic skills (Nizham, 2016; Thohirudin, 2017).
The learning process in the class uses a conventional approach, the material is
delivered by teacher in a conventional way, teacher explains the material and students listen
what the teacher says. In delivering material, the teacher also provides real examples of the
material to be taught. The difference is, in the experiment group the explanation uses
multimedia, while in control group, questions are explained by the teacher and accompanied
by questions and answers to the students, this activity is also carried out to develop students'
mathematical representation. In control group, even though students pay attention to the
teacher's explanation, they still have difficulty solving math problems, and students do not try
to solve them instead of asking to the teacher, and the teacher guides students to solve the
problem, so that students' reasoning is limited to changes in algebraic form. Another alternative
is to ask his friend and see the results of his friend's work.
The learning process using the conventional approach does not encourage students
make reasoning process. This is similar with the results of Azmi's research that conventional
approaches are not able to significantly improve capabilities (Azmi, 2017). Students do not
attempt to independently solve high-level math problems, students prefer to ask their teacher
or friends if they face some problems, they even prefer to solve problems that are similar to
examples. This finding is also similar with the results of research by Minarni which states that
in general the learning process which is dominated by teachers does not train reasoning skills
and representation skills (Minarni, 2016).
Viewed from indicator of mathematical representation, the indicator "visual" gets the
highest score. It is because of images analogous presented at a power point which is able to
provide a detailed and clear picture of the concept analog, then students are asked to think
about what is in the images presented in relation to the concepts being taught. Through the
use of images or various contexts, students are trained to use their reasoning skills, and the
mathematical ideas presented in a visual form are better. Whereas in the control group,
students' representation does not increase because it is caused by the low of students'
reasoning, and the occurrence of misconceptions (Safitri, 2015; Sari, 2018) in presenting
mathematical ideas in visual form due to learning dominated by lectures or stories. This is also
similar with the opinion of Goldschmidt, that visual analogies have an influence on students'
cognitive abilities, and visual analogies are also able to help students represent problems so
that mathematical problems will be easily resolved (Goldschmidt, 2001).
The Simbolic representation also shows a fairly good value, it is because in learning
using multimedia-assisted analogy approach students are trained to be able to represent the
same object with different notations or symbols. As stated by Woleński that formal proof in
analogical reasoning also has an important role as analogical reasoning related to human
activities (Woleński, 2019). On the other hand, the students' representation ability who learn
with conventional approaches is less developed because students are not given the freedom
to use different notations, students are only required to solve algebraic problems
algorithmically. In the control group, students have a low understanding of algebraic concepts
because they do not master the concept, students tend to solve relatively the same questions
as the examples given by the teacher, as a result of low understanding it also causes low
representation abilities (Minarni, 2016).
For indicator "verbal representation” does not develop well in experiment group. In
learning by multimedia-assist analogy, students do more analogy with pictures and analogy
symbols must convey oral ideas. The learning process is also assisted by using Student
Worksheets. Filling in the Worksheet is dominated by questions that use analogical images
and analogical symbols, so that communication does not improve much during the learning
process. This is similar with Safitri’s opinion that student representation can be low due to
factors of low representation ability and conceptual understanding (Safitri, 2015). The ability to

Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia (JPI) | 124

JPI, Vol. 10 No. 1, March 2021
p-ISSN: 2303-288X, e-ISSN: 2541-7207 DOI: 10.23887/jpi-undiksha.v10i1.24371

reasoning and understanding the concept is very influential in the process of the concept
analog to concept target, causing procedural flaws, which is a process that bridges the real
concept (concept analog) with the abstract concept (concept target).
Increased representation of students whose learning uses a multimedia-assisted
analogy approach only occurs in visual representations and symbolic representations, while
verbal representations do not a significant increase, this is in line with Guerra’s findings that
analogy has an important role in enhancing students’ knowledge (Guerra, 2011). In a certain
thing that analogy needs to consider because analogy has advantages and disadvantages in
its use. In line with this, Walliser says that the use of verbal analogy is actually a learning
process that focuses on the use of "Mother Language" as a basis in various situations
(Walliser, 2017). Furthermore, verbal analogies are used to enrich language through shifting
terms from new terms in context of usage. This is what needs to be considered in the use of
verbal analogy, where two situations or two objects are associated without making clear the
general nature of which they share. So there are times when the use of the analogy approach
will improve students' abilities in certain aspects (visual and symbolic), while other aspects do
not develop as expected.

4. Conclusions and Suggestions

The conclusion of this study is the students' mathematical representation whose taught
using multimedia- assisted analogies is higher than the students' mathematical representation
whose taught using conventional approaches. However, if it is viewed from the indicators, the
analogy approach with multimedia-assistance can significantly develop the ability of visual
representation and symbol representation. Meanwhile, the ability of verbal representation is
not well developed. So the multimedia-assisted analogy approach is effective in developing
the ability of visual and symbolic representations. Based on this, the researcher recommends
using the multimedia-assisted analogy approach as an alternative to learning mathematics,
especially to develope visual and symbolic representation skills. While the verbal
representation needs to be modified the multimedia or use other approaches that are more
relevant to train students to convey mathematical ideas verbally.

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p-ISSN: 2303-288X, e-ISSN: 2541-7207 DOI: 10.23887/jpi-undiksha.v10i1.24371

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