3F SteepTurnsManeuverGuide

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Steep Turns Maneuver Guide

● Altitude, Power, Airspeed stable
● Maneuver ready
● Clearing turns, Outside reference

Roll In
● Look straight ahead (horizon)
● Roll into turn with hands and feet
● Add a little power as you pass 30° bank
● Stabilize bank at 45° using horizon as guide

● Stable pitch and stable bank using nose and horizon
● Optional aft trim for comfort if desired
● Attention outside with occasional glances at:
‒ VSI and altimeter for altitude
‒ Attitude indicator for bank
‒ Airspeed indicator for speed
‒ Ball for coordination
● Any control corrections mode while eyes focused outside

Roll Out
● Coordinated roll out
● Power reduced back to APAMCO level

3F - Steep Turns Maneuver Guide 1

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