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International Journal of Thermofluid Science and Technology (2021)

Volume 8, Issue 4, Paper No. 080402

Research Article

Optimization of Electrical and Optical Properties of Indium Tin Oxide

Thin Films Prepared by Magnetron Sputtering
Muslimin1, Darsikin2, Marungkil Pasaribu3, Nurulhuda Rahman4
1,2,3 Dept. of Physics education, Tadulako University, Central Sulawesi, 94119, Indonesia
4 Dept. of Agribusiness, Tadulako University, Central Sulawesi, 94119, Indonesia


Received: 18 May 2021; Indium tin oxide (ITO) is one of the most interesting physical
Received in revised form: properties to be studied. The ITO material properties depend
18 Sept. 2021; Accepted: heavily on deposition techniques and post deposition treatment.
28 Sept. 2021; Published The deposition of the ITO thin film was performed by dc
sputtering by changing the partial oxygen pressure at the time of
online 10 Oct. 2021
deposition and the different annealing temperature to the
sample. The X-ray result obtained all the samples having
Keywords :
maximal orientation of plane (400). The result of structural
Oxygen partial pressure analysis obtained by the latice constante (10,17-10,25) Å, and
Annealing the big grain (109,10-122,81) nm, Latice constante and big grain
Structure have changed each sample towards smaller if partial pressure of
Elektrical and optical oxygen and annealing temperature the higher. The electrical
properties resistivity, density, mobility and band gap changes if the partial
pressure of oxygen and the annealing temperature are increased.
Density (2.77-6.89) x 1020 cm-3, mobility (19,63-32,98) cm2V-1s-
1, band gap (3.78-4.30) eV and resistivity (3.67-9.7) x 10-4 cm-3,

the lowest resistivity was obtained at 3.70% oxygen partial

pressure and 250 oC annealing temperature. Optical cultures also
experienced changes including refractive index (2.09-2.25),
constuction damping (2.93-3.49), absorption coefficient (0.036-
0.072) and transmittance (81.94%-87.12%). The highest
transmittance is obtained at an oxygen partial pressure of 8.90%
with an annealing temperature of 250 °C.

@ Published at www.ijtf.org

1. Introduction so it will be a source of extrinsic charge.

There are two important things that
The electrical properties of the thin film
contribute to the free charge on the ITO thin
In2O3: SnO2 (indium tin oxide) or more
layer that forms the oxygen vacuum and
known by the name ITO is highly
substitution of the Sn atom against the In
dependent on the deposition parameters and
atom [3]. The oxygen vacuum will produce
the degree of crystallinity of the formed
two free electrons and substitution of Sn
layer [1, 2]. The degree of oxygen
atom on the In atom will result in a free
deprivation at the time of deposition may
electron [4, 5].
affect Sn dopping on the crystals that are
formed. Dopping Sn as a donor will replace
Corresponding e-mail: [email protected] (Muslimin)
Muslimin et al.
International Journal of Thermofluid Science and Technology (2021), Volume 8, Issue 4, Paper No. 080402

A thin films of oxygen-depleted ITO can be attributed to the change in the

will form a group consisting of the number of vacant oxygen in the formed thin
arrangement of free atoms In and Sn as well films [20].
as black oxide InO and SnO The formation
of black oxide groups in the ITO thin films 2. Experiments
may result in the layer becoming less
The ITO thin films is made by using dc
transparent [6, 7]. The amorphous layer of
sputtering PK 75 with rotary trivac D 665 B
ITO will crystallize quickly at a temperature
and 1000 rotary pump, 1000/1500
of 150 °C followed by electronic structure
turbotonic coverer frequencies such as Fig.
changes when it is temperature at 135 °C [8,
1. Samples were analyzed from XRD and
9]. The magnitude of the grains will
UV-Vis-NIR results, Hall Effect, four point
increase with the rise of annealing
Deposition was performed with some
The electrical and optical properties of
optimization is percentage of partial
ITO are highly dependent on high levels of
pressure of oxygen and annealing after
crystallinity [10, 11]. The lack of oxygen
deposition. The deposition is carried out in
prior to loading is due to the fact that at the
the vacuum chamber of 10-5 mBarr
time of deposition, the oxygen of the In2O3
pressure, the sputtering process begins, at
and SnO2 compounds are first deposited
the same time the argon gas and oxygen gas
because the boiling point of the oxygen is
are fed through the flow meter until the
smaller than the boiling point In and Sn as a
pressure reaches 2 x 10-3 mBarr. The partial
result of oxygen deficiency.
pressure of oxygen that is introduced in
Lack of oxygen during the deposition
each deposition is the ratio of the argon gas
process can cause In atoms and Sn atoms to
pressure with the oxygen gas of each
be completely oxidized. These events will
sample of 2.50%, 3.70%, 5.10%, 6.15% and
affect the structure, electrical properties and
8.9%, respectively. Annealing was carried
optic thin films that are formed [12, 13].
out in a vacuum chamber at a pressure of 10-
The addition of oxygen from the outside 3 mBarr for 60 minute with a temperature of
during the deposition process can join the
175 oC and 250 oC in each sample.
Atoms and Sn atoms forming the oxide
Thin films thickness was calculated
compound. Atoms In and Sn that are
based on the reflectance measurements of
electrically inactive at the insertion
the UV-Vis results at wavelength (350 -
position, can be activated by annealing [14].
800) nm. The microstructure analysis was
The electrical properties and optical
performed by Philips Analitical
properties of the ITO thin film depend on
Difractometer PW 3710 x-ray
the amount of doping Sn against In and the
diffractometer with anode tube Co. The
rate of oxygen deprivation in In₂O₃ [15–
width of the diffraction angle (2) is 200-
17]. The structure, electrical and optical
700, the peak position in degrees and the
properties of ITO can be optimized by
Full Width at Half Maximum (FWHM)
altering the deposition parameters such as
known as the indicator. The size of the
the oxygen partial pressure, and annealing
crystals, lattice distortion, grain size and
to change the density of the load carrier and
lattice constants were obtained from XRD
charge carrier mobility [18, 19]. Therefore,
the addition of oxygen at deposition, and
Measurement The electrical properties
annealing is one way that is considered
were analyzed by four point probes as in
effective in increasing the density and
Fig. 2. Carrier concentration, charge carrier
mobility of the load on the ITO thin films.
mobility and band gap are obtained by using
Partial oxygen pressure can determine the
some equations. Measurements of the ITO
degree of ITO layer transmit the energy
optical properties used UV-Vis, reflectance,
band shift occurring on the absorption curve
transmittance, constants attenuation and
Muslimin et al.
International Journal of Thermofluid Science and Technology (2021), Volume 8, Issue 4, Paper No. 080402

absorption were obtained using some

equations from UV-Vis results.

Fig.1. dc sputtering instrument.

Fig. 4. x-ray diffraction patterns of ITO film
for different partialoxygen

The resulting pattern of XRD ITO

coatings is crystal with a tendency to have a
field orientation (400). The orientation of
the diffraction coating plates is the same for
all variations in oxygen content, indicating
considerable compatibility with In2O3 bulk
Fig. 2. Four-point probes instrument.
cube structure data [21]. The greatest
intensity is at the corner (2) 40.9° which is
owned by the field reflection (400) of the
bcc body centered cubic (bcc) structure.
The field intensity (400) and (222) stand out
against the background intensity so as to
imply that the material structure is already
crystallized by the smaller FWHM. It is
estimated that the shape of this diffraction
pattern is due to the deposition temperature
of this material leaving the amorphous
Fig. 3. Hall effect measurement. region.
In the XRD pattern indicates maximum
The measurement of the ITO crystal intensity in the (400) plane there is a
micro structure is characterized by x-ray tendency for increasing oxygen levels. The
diffraction primarily for grain size, lattice increasing intensity of the diffraction
constants and crystal orientation. The pattern and the diminution of FWHM
obtained crystals have orientation occurs due to the increase in oxygen
orientation) hkl plane (400) Fig 4. The vacancy concentration and the diffusion
calculation of the grain size G and the rate due to annealing in the deposited layer.
lattice constants is done at the maximum The change is due to the In-free atom and
orientation angle of 2 about 40.9°. the Sn impurities decreasing as it is
oxidized by the oxygen introduced at the
time of deposition. Oxygen from In2O3 and

Muslimin et al.
International Journal of Thermofluid Science and Technology (2021), Volume 8, Issue 4, Paper No. 080402

Sn2O compounds is firstly deposited changed significantly since the free atoms
because the boiling point of oxygen is less are almost all experiencing diffusion.
than the boiling point of In and Sn due to The results obtained therefrom the
oxygen deficiency. results of indium amorphous oxide will
The intensity of the diffraction pattern generally crystallize rapidly at a
there is an increasing tendency and full temperature of 150 oC, because
width at half maksimum (FWHM) in crystallization continues, the entire layer is
samples being annealing temperature 250oC filled with granules and almost
intensity and maximum half peak. In line perpendicular to the surface [26, 27].
with that done by [22], it obtains a peak in Annealing temperatures can make the
the field (222) having maximum intensity, crystals grow larger and reach the surface so
with the orientation of the plating 400 (26), that they touch each other on the surface and
and the plane 400 at the deposition leave the amorphous area [28].
temperature 350 °C by the Beam electron The grain size is almost the same as that
method whereas with HDPE in the (222) obtained by [29] with (100-460) nm at
field it is explained that the amorphous temperature (423-473) K and with (35-50)
indium oxide will generally crystallize nm which is carried out at 350oC with 5%
rapidly at a temperature of 150 °C. by weight of Sn. The lattice constants
In general, the widening of the peak x- obtained 11,9 nm, substrate temperature
ray diffraction pattern of a crystal sample is 600oC [30].
affected by the size of the crystal and the Conversion of lattice constants can be
mictrostrain effect [23, 24]. The diffraction analyzed using the Cohen method [31]:
peak width is assumed as a result of small
size and not due to lattice strain. 𝑎
= 𝑎 = 𝑐𝑜𝑠  (2)
The crystallite size was calculated from
the XRD pattern using formula Debye- 𝑎
Scherrer [25] 𝑑ℎ𝑘𝑙 = ℎ2 + 𝑘2 + 𝑙2 (3)
0.9 
𝐺= (1) Where is size lattice, a is lattice constant,
 cos 
 is constant 0,9 and hkl is prefared
where  is x-ray wave length ,  is FWHM orientation.
in radian and  is Bragg’s angle. Constante lattice smallest 10.17 Å on
oxygen partial prssure 6.15% annealing 175
The change in grain size is due to the oC. The result of lattice analysis has
oxygen vacancy rate and the diffusion rate distortion of lattice both shrinkage and
due to the annealing temperature. The entire widening due to the influence of oxygen
layer will be perfectly crystallized into fine partial prssure and temperature annealing.
grains of size (68.99-122,76) nm. This The lattice constants of the above samples
average size will increase to 112.09 nm for are quite good when compared to the ITO
annealing temperatures of 175 oC and price of the ASTM card of 10.118 Å. The
117.06 for annealing 250 oC. The change in price of shrinkage of grating parameters
crystal grain size at (175-250) oC obtained is quite good because it is
temperature due to annealing has almost not relatively small that is about (0.052 - 0.212)

Muslimin et al.
International Journal of Thermofluid Science and Technology (2021), Volume 8, Issue 4, Paper No. 080402

Table 1. Structural parameter of prepared ITO thin films for different partial oxygen and annealing

Oxygen partial Annealing 2(deg) Intensity FWHM hkl Latice Grain (hkl)
(%) (oC) max (deg) constant (Å) (nm)
175 41.065 400 0.16 400 10.25 122.81
250 40.955 729 0.16 400 10.23 122.76
175 40.880 745 0.18 400 10.24 109.44
250 41.250 686 0.16 400 10.21 122.80
175 41.060 729 0.18 400 10.21 109.51
250 40.910 226 0.18 400 10.21 109.10
175 41.180 325 0.18 400 10.17 109.55
250 35.345 350 0.16 222 10.19 120.70
175 41.060 747 0.18 400 10.20 109.16
250 41.135 1102 0.18 400 10.21 109.95

Constant crystal lattice changes there is SnO₂ based on the valence of +2 or +4 [40
a downward trend if oxygen partial pressure – 42]. The Sn+⁴ state of SnO₂ can function
is increasing [32–34]. This change has as an n-type donor releasing electrons in the
something to do with the distortion conduction energy band.
occurring in the crystal caused by the point The concentration of atom dopping Sn
defect caused by the oxygen atom as a increases then the electron wave function at
relatively small sized insert compared with the level of impurities will overlap each
the In and Sn radius of about 1.509 Å [35]. other. The occurrence of this overlapping
This local distortion acts as an additional effect on the potential changes in the energy
scattering center to the electron current levels of each electron resulting in the
flowing through the crystal to produce formation of a band of energy levels in the
resistance to the crystal. area. The impurity band of energy will
The lattice constuction changes due to widen and merge into one with an intrinsic
strains, due to the contribution of oxygen band if the concentration of impurities
vacancies, the effects of oxygen partial continues to increase.
pressure at the time of deposition is very Another effect that arises as a
significant with the consteous change of consequence of the increase in impurity
lattice while the lattice contant becomes concentration is the formation of impurity
decreased as the temperature rises energy bands that can affect the energy
annealing is caused by Sn/In getting smaller bands. This impedance causes the lower
[36, 37]. Decrease in lattice contents of energy band to expand, resulting in a
microstrain effect, and elastic strain caused narrow band of energy bands (tail band
by impurity, vacancy [38], [39]. Results effect).
analysis of ITO thin films structures such as Price estimates of critical density
Table 1. donors can be determined by criteria n
3.2 Electrical Studies Moott that is , n3ca∗o  0,25, a∗0 = π e2m∗ ,

Indium Tin Oxide is a compound doped εM static dielectric constants of the parent
with Sn. Atom dopping Sn can function as grid (εM = εIn2O3 ( = 0) = 8,9). effective
a substitute for one of the atoms of the mass on the conduction band (m∗c = 0,35 me
master In₂O k crystal also can place itself in ) with a Bohr radius a∗0  1,3 nm [40].
the insertion position. Sn atoms can also
form a bond with oxygen such as SnO or

Muslimin et al.
International Journal of Thermofluid Science and Technology (2021), Volume 8, Issue 4, Paper No. 080402

Table 2. Electrical parameter ITO thin films for different oxygen partial and annealing

Oxygen partial Annealing Resistivity Density (n) Mobility () Energy

(%) (oC) (x10-4 cm-3) x1020 cm-3 (cm2V-1s-1) Gap (eV)
175 5.50 5.39 21.49 3.92
250 3.67 6.03 28.24 3.81
175 4.89 6.51 19.63 4.29
250 3.06 6.89 29.64 3.92
175 7.34 3.38 25.19 4.20
250 4.89 3.88 32.94 3.78
175 9.17 3.05 22.35 4.30
250 6.11 3.25 31.47 4.10
8.90 175 9.78 2.77 22.86 4.35
250 6.72 2.82 32.98 4.20

The structure of the energy band of ITO thin films made at the same
oxygen partial pressure but different
indium tin oxide with high dopping density
annealing treatments will produce different
is shown,
resistivities. Meanwhile, the resistivity of
Ec(k) = E0c + ℏ∑c(k) (4) the ITO thin layer made at 3.7% oxygen
partial pressure with annealing at a
Ev(k) = E0v + ℏ ∑v(k)
temperature of 175 oC was higher than that
Ev(k) with dopping valence energy and Ec of the thin film annealed at 250 oC.
(k) dopping conduction energy
The density and mobility of electron 10.0
carriers of extrinsic semiconductor loads
Resistivity (10-4cm-3)

due to electrons [43],
4e π 4.0
μ= n―2/3 (5)
h 3 annealing 175oC
250 oC
2.0 175 oC
annealing 250oC
μ is the carrier mobility, n electron density. 0.0
The electrical conductivity σ can be 0.0 5.0 pressure
Oxygen partial 10.0
expressed by equation,
Fig. 5. Risistivity to oxygen and annealing.
σ = e(μn n + μh p) = ρ (6) This is related to the level of
crystallinity. This can be seen with the
with σ electrical conductivity, ρ electrical
smaller carrier density obtained, namely
4.86 x 1020 cm-3 and mobility 34.02 cm2/
Thin films resistivity to oxygen partial
pressure and annealing such as Fig. 5. The
The change in density and charge
lowest ITO thin film resistivity was
carrier mobility is the contribution of the
obtained at a partial oxygen pressure of
free electrons to indium tin oxide derived
3.7% by annealing treatment at a
from the diffusion of the impurity atoms
temperature of 250 oC. This resistivity is
Sn+4 replacing the Sn+3 atom in the In2O3
related to the load carrier density obtained
parent grid according to equation (4). The
which is 6.89 x 1020 cm-3 with a charge
electron contribution originating from Sn
carrier mobility of 29.64 cm2/Vdet with a
due to binding to oxygen replacing the
band gap of 3.92 eV.
position of the In atom on the In2O3 lattice

Muslimin et al.
International Journal of Thermofluid Science and Technology (2021), Volume 8, Issue 4, Paper No. 080402

has a relation to the density of the load diffusion causes the oxygen atoms to
carrier which results in a change in diffuse into the ITO thin films resulting in a
electrical resistivity. The above mentioned decrease in the density of the oxygen
changes are also caused by the electrons of vacuum during the annealing process
free atoms In and Sn that are not able to whereas the diffusion Sn is the diffusion of
oxidize due to the increased concentration Sn atoms from the grain boundary and the
of oxygen vacancies at the time of location of the insertion to the lattice
deposition. At the time of deposition, the location of In2O3 and form the SnO2 oxide.
In2O3 compound releases some oxygen, to a Generally, donors from Sn are activated
different composition initially that In2O3-x after experiencing a certain temperature
(Vo")xe2x with Vo" denotes the oxygen increase so that the free electron density of
vacuum of two electrons, whereas e2x' the ITO thin layer increases in a certain
represents the electron needed to be neutral. temperature so that the free electron density
Similarly, from SnO2 releasing some of the ITO thin layer increases dramatically
oxygen, it becomes a different composition as shown in Fig. 6.
initially that is SnO2-x (Vo")xe2x' In general
the thin film sample is estimated to be In2- 7.5
7.0 Resistivity
ySny'O3-x (Vo")xe2x'ey', Sny' substitution Sn 6.5 Density
to In which produces one free electron. Resitivity (10-4cm-3) 6.0
The oxidation conditions result in a 5.0
change in the concentration of oxygen 4.5
vacancies, and in turn can result in changes 3.5
in load density. Increased oxygen content in 3.0
the ITO layer can also improve the 2.0
orientation of the carrier mobility. On the 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0
other hand the oxygen content may cause a Oxygen partial pressure (%)

change in the density of the load carrier and Fig. 6. Resistivity, density, mobility at
does not result in significant carrier annealing 250 oC
mobility changes. The effect of increased
oxygen density of insertion on grain The density decrease in oxygen partial
boundaries and ħ oxides is invisible. pressure of 3.7% is due to the formation of
Changes in the density and mobility of InO, SnO and In and Sn free atoms capable
the carriers are due to several processes of functioning as an impurities that act as
during the course of annealing, including centers of ion scattering.
oxygen absorption and diffusion of thin Electrical resistivity decreased to 3.06
films. Due to the diffusion of oxygen can x 10-4 Ω cm in oxygen partial pressure
cause a decrease in oxygen vacuum. 3.70% then increased to 6.72 x 10-4 Ω cm in
Annealing may cause diffusion of Sn oxygen partial pressure 3,70%-8,90%, and
impurity atoms from grain boundaries and temperature annealing 250 oC. The change
lattice sites of insertions to normal lattice in the density and mobility of the load
sites so Sn can act as an active donor carriers due to the oxygen void in In, is
because the atomic valence is greater than overcome when the addition of oxygen
In. This annealing process improves the from the outside is 3.70%.
crystallinity or crystal growth process so as
to minimize the scattering between the grain 3.3 Optical Studies
boundaries. Reflectance (R) is the ratio of the flux
The change in electrical resistivity of of reflected energy to the coming energy
the ITO layer after annealing is caused by flux,
the diffusion process of oxygen and the
opposite diffusion of Sn. The oxygen

Muslimin et al.
International Journal of Thermofluid Science and Technology (2021), Volume 8, Issue 4, Paper No. 080402

( n 2  1) 2  k 2 88
R (7)
( n 2  1) 2  k 2 87

Transmitance (%)
and the transmittance (T) thin films can be 86

ignited with, 85
T 8) 83 annealing 175oC
n2  n1 175 oC
annealing 250oC
82 250 oC

The relation of weakening index k with α 81

2 4 6 8 10
absorption coefficient can be expressed by, Oxygen partial pressure (%)
4 k
 (9) Fig. 8. ITO Transmittance.
 The change in the bandgap of the ITO
with α is the absorption coefficient, k index coating energy to changes in partial
of attenuation bias and λ wavelength. presuure oxygen and annealing such as Fig.
Transmittance of electrons undergoing a 7. the energy band gap changes because the
direct transition [44], concentration of Sn dosing atoms starts to
decrease due to the bonded Sn atom with
 h   h   E g n (10) oxygen added from the outside. So that the
electron wave function at the level of
with Eg is the bandgap of the transition
impurities will not overlap each other. and
energy band, the photon energy and n=1/2
affect the potential energy level changes of
for the direct transition and n = 3/2 for the
each electron which may result in the
indirect transition.
formation of a band of energy levels in the
5.0 area. Another effect that arises as a
consequence of the reduced concentration
4.5 of impurities causes the lower energy band
Band gap (eV))

to expand, so that the band gap energy

4.0 occurs tailings band effect.
The energy band gap shift can also be
3.5 annealing 250oC
250 oC
associated with the annealing temperature
annealing 175oC
175 oC associated with the atom diffusion rate of
3.0 oxygen at the grain boundary. A rise in
0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0
Oxygen partial pressure (%)
partial pressure oxygen may increase Fig.8
transmittance, as a result of the change of
crystallination of thin layer of ITO FWHM
Fig. 7. Band gap energy ITO
increasing Fig. 4. ITO coated grains begin
Transmission changes to partial to leave the amorphous structure at
presure oxygen and annealing levels such as temperature (150-250) oC to be fine grain
Fig. 8. with size between (68.99-122,76) nm.
The changing pattern of ITO layer
transmittance to partial pressure oxygen and
annealing changes such as Fig. 8. The high
transmittance of some samples up to the
area appears to correspond to the ITO
material properties having a wide band of
energy (3.78 - 4.35) eV.
The energy band gap shift due to
vacancy was formulated by Burstein-Moss

Muslimin et al.
International Journal of Thermofluid Science and Technology (2021), Volume 8, Issue 4, Paper No. 080402

Egeff  Ego  g  (k) of partial pressure oxygen causes a decrease

[45] with,
in electron impurities, so that the energy
where the electron scattering contribution is band gap widened [46-47].
impurities. To reduce the contribution of
electron impurities, In and Sn. The addition

Table 3 Optical parameter ITO thin films for different oxygen partial and annealing

Oxygen partial Annealing Wave Ref indeks Peredaman coefient Trans

(%) (oC) lengh (nm) (%) bias constante (k) absorps (a) max (%)
175 686 11.96 2.18 3.30 0.061 81.94
250 598 10.38 2.20 3.34 0.070 82.65
175 664 9.65 2.20 3.36 0.063 84.05
250 615 8.39 2.18 3.36 0.069 84.71
175 591 8.40 2.20 3.38 0.072 84.41
250 615 7.70 2.20 3.40 0.072 85.05
175 727 9.61 2.09 3.08 0.053 85.07
250 664 10.76 2.22 1.93 0.036 85.59
8.90 175 668 7.00 2.22 3.44 0.065 86.60
250 700 6.61 2.25 3.49 0.062 87.12

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