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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

ISSN: 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2016): 79.57 | Impact Factor (2017): 7.296

A Theoretical Estimate on Development

Administration in the Light of Third World
Umakanta Hazarika
Assistant Professor, SPP College, Namti, Sivasagar Assam, India

1. Introduction holds that development administration is a process of

generating existing and new resources and techniques for
Development administration is one of new areas in modern development of poor or underdeveloped countries. On the
administration of third world and developed countries. It is a other hand, administrative thinker like Lucian Pye, Riggs
goal oriented approach to nation building process of etc. have defined that “development administration is a
countries achieved independence from colonial power. Most broad and comprehensive process of nation building of
of third world countries had to face challenges in newly emerged countries on the basis of its historical
construction of their nation after getting long expected background. “1. Similarly Donald Stones analysed the
freedom from imperialism. During colonial rule these concept of development administration in terms of 4Ps --
countries were run by imperial government and its plans, policies, programmes and projects towards the
traditional bureaucracy just for exploiting its resources and achievement of developmental goals.2 Hence, Development
masses. They did not have any interest to betterment and administration is concerned primarily with the tasks and
welfare of colonised masses. Therefore, no development and process of formulating and implementing the four Ps. So,
welfare projects were taken by them. It hardly thought of on the basis of such definitions it can be concluded that
socio economic, political, education, health and any development administration is an effective process and
infrastructural development for common people. Instead of method over all development of administrative mechanism
it, colonial government destroyed the local and indigenous for bringing long term benefit and progress of nation. It
economic system of colonised nation. After having gives importance on increasing strength, capabilities and
independent government of such countries have made effectiveness of administrative system.
sincere attempt for infrastructural and all round development
through long term objectives, projects, policies and planned Two Points of development administration
economy. In this situation, as a protest against traditional Development administration can be understood from two
administration the concept of development administration points --- Administration of Development and administrative
emerged in modern administration. development. Administration of Development means what
kind of development and change is to be applied in
Objectives of Study administration. And administrative development means the
Main objectives of the proposed study are new method and technique of administration.
1) To unveil Theoretical Meaning of Development
Administration Administration of development is concerned with
2) To analyse causes of growth of development following factors---
administration 1) Innovation at all levels of planning.
3) To understand distinction between traditional and 2) Importance to the development at grassroots level.
development administration 3) Development of human capital as a resource.
4) To focus on principles of administration in the light of 4) Politics and administration must go hand in hand to
the third world periphery establish rapid change in society and bring about just and
5) To make a critical estimate on success and failure of it. distinct social order.
5) Freedom of administrative machinery to express ideas,
2. Methodology views for the most effective and efficient use of natural
The proposed study has been made to unveil basic tenets of
Development administration with the help of historical and So, Development administration is concerned with
analytical method. Data used for it from secondary source increasing and improving the capabilities of the
.Logic used here both deductive and inductive. The proposed administrative system. The developmental goals are to be
study is limited to third world periphery. carried out successfully with efficiency and effectiveness.
There is the need of increasing the capacity of those
Meaning of development administration. involved in developmental activities. 3
Before explaining meaning of development administration it
is necessary to say that there are two views regarding its Administrative development focuses on following
meaning. One is narrow meaning and other is broad principles
meaning. Narrow meaning of development administration 1) Increase decision making capacity.

Volume 7 Issue 12, December 2018

Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20193945 10.21275/ART20193945 1383
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2016): 79.57 | Impact Factor (2017): 7.296
2) Development of skill and problems solving method in development administration maintains close relation and
difficult situation. issues in the personnel. contact with people.
3) Giving importance to training, effective use of 7) Static and Dynamic: One of main differences between
technology like to bring about change in Administrative development and Traditional public administration is
approach. that the later is static and the former is dynamic.
4) Increasing administrative capacity, capabilities, Traditional public administration is concerned with the
removing corruption and bringing in more accountability. maintenance of stability in the society. But development
5) Creating leaders out of bureaucrats for promotion of administration is highly concerned with the changing
development initiatives. ecology.
8) Public Accountability: In the Traditional public
This is identified with organizational development— administration accountability not necessarily goes to the
government departments, public enterprises, regulatory people. But the civil servants in development
agencies, public corporations, cooperative institutions, etc. administration are always accountable to the people as it
The government machinery is responsible for achieving the is employed for the people.
broader socio-economic and political goals. 9) Structures: Structure of the Traditional public
administration is very simple and it displays
Traditional and development administration differentiations. Development Administration has a
The above mentioned principles have shown that complex structure.
development administration is totally uncommon and 10) Leadership: In traditional public administration
different concept of traditional public administration. democratic leadership is avoided. But in Development
However, the differences between traditional public Administration democratic leadership is exercised for
administration and development administration can be having cooperation from the people.
viewed from the following heeds: 11) Decision Making: Decision Making is centralized in
1) Distinction in Ecology: Administration is as old as the traditional public administration almost there is no role
Government. But it is the product of its ecology and of the people in the decision making process. In
environment. We know that old or traditional development administration people plays active role in
administration was under colonial environment or decision making.
ecology. It was run for only colonial system. But 12) Motivation: The methods of motivation in development
development administration was created in new administration are indirect and in traditional public
environment and ecology after independence. 4 administration, it is direct.
2) Distinction in Objective: Development administration
is completely separated from the traditional Characteristics of Development Administration:
administration in the objective view. Objectively they Although the administration system of different countries
are different from each other. Development differs from different countries from one another yet we
administration has its own object to be fulfilled for look upon them from the point of view of the as defined
betterment own people and national development .But above.
traditional administration aimed at general law and
order situation for own purposes. . Elements of Development Administration: There are four
3) Distinction in Scope: The objectives of the special elements of development administration and they are
administrative systems determined their scopes .Scope ---:
of the traditional public administration is very limited. Substantive. (B) Managerial. (C) Elements Relating to
On the other hand, for the multiplicity of the nature of Social Change. (D) Political Elements.
development, the scope of development administration a) Substantive elements are - Technical and Socio-
is very wide. It deals with the different dimensions of Political development in the society is to be created by
the society like political economic administration. administration.
4) Distinction in Nature: Development Administration is b) Managerial Elements: The main aim of the managerial
Creative and innovative in nature. Development element is to enforce development plan properly, to
Administration is involved in experimental and creative mobilize every administrative unite and to make skilled
ideas. It undertakes new programs for the welfare of the executive system.
people. It prescribes positive thinking and application of c) Elements relating to Social Change: Social change is
policy. Traditional administration is the direct opposite an important element of development administration.
to the development administration; its nature is too Social change means mental and characteristically
mechanical and not concerned with welfare of people. 5 change of people in accordance with the governmental
5) Activities: Traditional public administration plays planned goals.6
reactive or undiplomatic or thoughtless role. Measures d) Political Elements: Political element is one of the
are taken when problems arise. On the other hand important elements of development administration.
development administration is positive and dynamic in Development in Economic and political administration
nature. It thinks of the problem and takes long measures sector is important for the development administration.
before arising problems. The main reason for this is that all the plans and
6) Relation to the people: Traditional public decisions of the government are taken by the
administration is confined within office. Development administrative elite. So without politics development
Administration is field oriented. That is why; administration cannot go on.

Volume 7 Issue 12, December 2018

Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20193945 10.21275/ART20193945 1384
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2016): 79.57 | Impact Factor (2017): 7.296
3. Features of Development Administration governments in third world countries. Maximum project,
scheme and programmes are politicised in developing
It has many features. The main features of development countries. Thirdly, though development administration is
administration are as follows – called as people oriented but in real practice, character of
1) Planned and Coordinated Efforts- bureaucracy and political elites are not different from
Development administration in operational terms refers colonial system. Fourthly, corruption has polluted
to organized efforts to carry out development administrative system and due to red tapism no development
programmes and projects in the direction of state project complete in due time. Fifthly, development and
building and socio-economic progress. Planning and displacement are two sides of administration. Present four
coordination have become important in organizing lane project in Assam, Normoda dam, Lower Sowansiri
efforts. Dam etc are burning examples of displacement and
2) Goal-oriented Administration- development. Lastly, no administration will successful
Development administration is not just public without peoples’ participation. But illiterate and poor people
administration in the sense of carrying out activities; it can hardly think of participation in administration than their
is a goal-oriented administration with emphasis on daily livelihood.
achieving social and economic goals.
3) Management Capacities But can we ignore relevance of Developmental
Development administration involves creating and Administration? It has a long impact upon nation building
enhancing management capacities as a means for process. It is highly concerned with all round development
achieving development goals. of a nation and people in general. Limitation does not affect
4) Participation of people in modern techniques its importance. Since the earliest inception of development
Progressive realization of social and economic goals by administration third world countries are forwarding steps by
developing countries has been considered an important steps. It is that branch of public administration which is
task of governments of these countries. concerned with the development of a country's economy and
5) Creativity and Innovativeness society. The System of development administration depends
An important element in development administration is on the socio-political system existing in a country.
creativity. The term 'creativity' is often understood as
the ability and power to develop new ideas. On the other References
hand, 'innovation' generally means application of these
ideas. [1] Lucian Pye, Political Culture and Development,
6) Responsiveness and Accountability Princeton Legacy Library (1965) P.57
Development administration is required to be [2] Donal Stone, Education for Development
responsive and accountable. A top-down/bottom-up Administration, ASIN (1965) P.32
flow of communications and initiative is recognized as [3] Ibid. P.40
the main element in accountable administrative [4] Niru Hazarika, Loka Prashan , Students’ Stores (1999)
capacity. Pp.391 -392
7) People centred Administration [5] Ibid.
Development administration is essentially a people- [6] Avasthi and Maheswari , Public Administration, Laxmi
cantered administration. It aims at serving the people. Narain Agrwala , (2007) p.783
Development programmes and projects which are [7] Ibid.P.787
drawn up by the planners and administrators aim at
benefiting the people.7
8) Keeping in Touch with Social Realities
In contrast to the traditional administration,
development administration is required to keep in touch
with realities, including grassroots situations, local
problems, etc.

4. Critical Evaluation
Undoubtedly development administration is more effective
and creative than traditional administration. Its philosophical
foundation is positive and outstandingly rich in comparison
to old system of administration. But it is not free from
limitation. First of all, every nation need capital and
financial capacity for running developmental projects and
policies. In this situation, third world and developed
countries are largely dependent upon first world nation like
USA, Britain etc and international organisation like WHO,
IMF, WTO etc. As for example, India, Nepal, Pakistan are
running many development projects by taking loans, grant
from such organisations, nations . Secondly, development
administration is not sustainable due to frequent changes of
Volume 7 Issue 12, December 2018
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20193945 10.21275/ART20193945 1385

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