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PRESSURE When the stoppers are removed at the same time, it is

observed that water from the bottom hole (outlet) has

the longest range. This is so because the height
Pressure is defined as the normal force applied by an (depth) of water increases downward and this
object on a unit area on its surrounding in contact with increases pressure as well.
it. It means that the lower the contact area, the more Pressure at C is greater than pressure at B and A.
the pressure is.
3. Pressure depends upon the density of the liquid
The liquid exert a force on the surface below due its
weight which depends on its density (ρ).

Pressure (P) = 4. Pressure does not depend upon the shape of the
The SI unit of pressure is newton per meter square
(N/m ) or more commonly used pascal (Pa). a. VARIATION OF PRESSURE WITH DEPTH

Exercise When a fluid is at rest in a container, all portions of

1. In below figure all four glass tanks have same the fluid must be in static equilibrium— at rest with
amount of water and therefore have same respect to the observer. Furthermore, all points at the
weight (10N) but each one has different area same depth must be at the same pressure. If this
of contact with surface. were not the case, fluid would flow from the higher
pressure region to the lower pressure region.
Liquid flows from one tube to the other when there is
pressure difference until pressure is the same in all the

a. Calculate the contact area of each container?

b. Which container has more pressure?
c. Explain answer on question 2?
Liquid poured in a set Pascal vases is the
2. Calculate pressure for each container? demonstration that pressure depends on depth and
density only and not on the shape of the vessel. The
pressure due to liquid of density ρ and height h can be
expressed by:
A liquid held in a container exerts pressure on the
inner walls of the container as well as on any object
that is inside the liquid. Following are the properties
P = ρgh
applied to any object in a liquid.
1. Pressure of liquid on an object acts equally in all
It states that: the pressure applied at any point in a
fluid in a closed system, is transmitted equally to every
other point in a fluid

When the syringe is compressed, water will have the

same range from all the outlets.

2. Pressure of liquid increase with the increase of

Hydraulics makes use of Pascal’s principle.

A In equilibrium (balanced state) the pressure at piston

B A1 MUST be equal to the pressure at piston A2
When a downward force is applied to a small piston of
C area A1;
 The pressure is transmitted through a fluid to a
larger piston of area A2.
 As the pistons move and the fluids in the left is equivalent to the atmospheric pressure outside the
and right cylinders change their relative column.
heights, there are slight differences in the
pressures at the input and output pistons. The diagram below shows a set of barometer in
different position but recording same atmospheric
 Pressure will be transmitted equally pressure, since pressure depends on the height.
, from the definition of pressure, it then
follows that
That’s why a large loads, such as a car, using a
hydraulic jerk. Some application of Pascal’s principles
 Hydraulic brakes,
 car lifts,
 Forklifts.

In a car lift used in a service station, compressed air Exercise

exerts a force on a small piston of circular cross
section having a radius of r1 =5.00cm. This pressure is 1. How the barometer readings will be affected
by the following effects
transmitted by an incompressible liquid to a second
a. Cold air
piston of radius r2=15.0cm.
b. Hot air
3 3
I. What force must the compressed air exert on 2. Mercury has a density of 13.595 x 10 kg/m ; it
the small piston in order to lift a car weighing? has covered a height of h=0.76m of a
13 300 N? Neglect the weights of the pistons. barometer,
II. What air pressure will produce a force of that

Atmospheric pressure

Air pressure is dependent on altitude, because the

higher the altitude, the less air is above, and as a
result, the air pressure will be lower. We can measure
air pressure by using a device called a barometer.

One atmosphere of pressure is defined to be the

pressure equivalent of a column of mercury that is
2 a. Calculate its pressure Po?
exactly 0.76 m in height at 0°C with g =10 m/s . b. Write the pressure calculated in mmHg and

Manometers are used to measure the pressure

difference between two regions. It consists of a tube of
plastic or glass, bent into the U-shape and filled with a
liquid that is often oil

It is a device used to measure the atmospheric

pressure. It consists of a glass column of about 78 cm
in height, closed at one end and open at the other. The
open end is placed upside down inside a mercury-filled One end of a U-shaped tube containing a liquid is
container. The height of the mercury in the column open to the atmosphere, and the other end is
rises and adjusts until the weight of the mercury inside connected to a system of unknown pressure P.
the column balances the atmospheric force due to air
exerted on the mercury in the container. The height of If there is a pressure difference between the ends of
the manometer, the liquid moves until the pressure
the mercury column balances exactly at 76 cm which
difference is balanced by the difference in heights of
the ends of the liquid. The greater the pressure, the The atmospheric pressure then pushes liquid
greater the difference in heights up into space inside

The pressure at point B equals P0+ ρgh, where ρ is the

density of the fluid. The pressure at B, however,
equals the pressure at A, which is also the unknown
pressure P. We conclude that:

The pressure P is called the absolute pressure, and

is called the gauge pressure. Oil is often used
rather than water because water evaporates and also
oil is less dense which makes the manometer more When the sucker is moistened and pressed on
a smooth surface, the air inside is pushed out.
Exercise Atmospheric pressure then holds it firmly
A submarine is at rest deep beneath the surface of the against the surface. Suckers are used for
sea. The gravitational field strength is 10 N/kg, the attaching car licenses to windscreens and lift
atmospheric pressure is 1.0 × 10 Pa and the density metal sheets in industries
3 3
of sea water is 1.0 x 10 kg/m . Calculate
a) The pressure due to the sea water at a depth
of 120 m, [2] WEATHER FORECAST
b) The total pressure at a depth of 120 m. [1] Pressure is an important measurement in weather
predictions. In general a steady rise in pressure is a
EFFECTS OF AIR PRESSURE sign of good weather and a rapid fall is a sign of bad
Pressure in weather maps is given in millibars (mb).
Normal atmospheric pressure at sea level is:

1000 mb = 1 bar = 100 000 Pa = 760 mmHg

ISOBARS - An isobar is a line drawn across a map

that joins or links places of equal pressure.
All the air is driven out by filling the can with The isobars are often at intervals of 4mb. These
steam. While the steam pressure is inside it patterns are used to guide prediction of weather trends
balances the atmospheric pressure (air and give present situation.
pressure) outside. When the steam
 Low pressure area (L) - Closely spaced
condenses, the inside pressure falls. The
isobars indicate a big pressure difference over
much pressure outside crushes the can. a short distance and suggest strong winds are
2. SUCKING UP A STRAW likely and weather is highly unstable. It is
known as Cyclone and stormy, rain, cloudy are
characteristics of such area
 High pressure area (H) - Widely spaced
isobars show gradually steady pressure
change and suggest light winds and stable. It
is known as Anticyclone and calm, sunny,
clear skies are characteristics of that area.

It is done by reducing pressure inside the DIFFERENCE BETWEEN CYCLONES AND

mouth so that air pressure on the surface of ANTICYCLONES
the drink pushes it up the straw.

The piston/plunger in the syringe is raised. Anticyclone (High) – it is an area of high

This reduces the pressure below the piston. pressure in which winds flow clockwise in
northern hemisphere and anticlockwise in the b) The work done on the gas during
southern hemisphere. In anticyclones cool air compression. [2]
3. Fig. 3.1 shows a diver working below the
sinks as it sinks it warms up causing relative surface of a lake. The density of the water in
humidity to lower, as a result clear skies are the lake is 1000 kg / m 3, the atmospheric
formed. pressure at the surface is 1.0 × 105 Pa and the
gravitational field strength is 10 N / kg.
Cyclone (low) - A cyclone is an area of low pressure
around which the winds flow anticlockwise in the
northern Hemisphere and clockwise in the southern
Hemisphere. In cyclones warm air rises, as it raises
rain clouds are formed due to condensation process.


The diagram below shows isobars map of Fig. 31

The diver inflates a balloon with air at a depth of 15 m
northern hemisphere, study it and answers
and attaches the balloon to a tray of objects.
questions below. a) Calculate
I. The pressure due to 15 m of water,
II. The total pressure at 15 m below the
surface of the lake. [1]
b) The air in the balloon occupies a volume of
0.048 m3 at the pressure calculated in (a)(ii).
The diver releases the tray and the balloon,
and they begin to rise. The temperature of the
air in the balloon does not change. HINT-(Use
gas laws)
I. Calculate the volume occupied by the
air in the balloon at atmospheric
a. Label the lower pressure area (L) and the pressure. [2]
higher pressure area (H)? II. The pressure of the air inside the
b. Draw an arrow to show direction of winds on balloon is less at the surface than at a
depth of 15 m. Explain, in terms of the
both pressure areas? air molecules inside the balloon, why
c. Predict weather on each pressure? the pressure is less. [3]
c) State one difference between the
Revision arrangement of the molecules of water in the
lake and the molecules of air in the balloon.
1. Calculate the pressure on the top lid of a chest
buried under 4 meters of mud with density
3 3
1.75 x 10 kg/m at the bottom of a 10.0m
deep lake. Answer 2.68 x 10 Pa
2. Fig. 2.1 shows gas trapped in a cylinder by a

Fig 2.1
The piston has a cross-sectional area of
0.0050 m2. It moves upwards through a
distance of 0.074 m, compressing the gas.
During this compression, the average pressure
of the gas is 4.6 × 10 Pa.
a) The average force exerted on the
piston by the gas during compression,

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