Ipcrf Development Plan
Ipcrf Development Plan
Ipcrf Development Plan
Action Plan
Strengths Development Needs Learning Timeline
Intervention Needed
A. Functional Competencies (RPMS-PPST Objectives from Part II of e-SAT)
1. Applied knowledge 1. Applied a range of To learn different To attend seminars or Year-round Use of ICT,
of content within and teaching strategies to innovative teaching webinars and apply what I Learning Activity
across curriculum develop critical and strategies in have learned using ICT for Sheets, Lesson
teaching areas creative thinking, as developing critical, blended and online Exemplar,
well as other higher- creative, and learning and preparing Resource person
order thinking skills higher-order learning activity sheets for
thinking skills modular learning that
among learners. includes non-routine
problems and skills in
problem-solving that will
develop the learner's
critical, creative, and
higher-order thinking skills.
2. Ensured the 2. Communicated To develop a plan in To conduct physical or Year-round Use of ICT,
positive use of ICT to promptly and clearly communicating the online orientation by Agenda,
facilitate the teaching the learners’ needs, learner's needs, connecting stakeholders Parents/Guardian
and learning process progress, and progress, and such as parents/guardians and Teacher
achievement to key achievement to the in a group chat, google
stakeholders, including parents and meet, group message, and
parents/guardians guardians using any other means to
means available communicate the learners'
promptly and needs, progress, and
clearly. achievements.
3. Planned and 3. Performed various To pursue a To actively participate in Year-round Use of ICT, Lecture
delivered teaching related works/activities master's degree or write notes/handouts or
strategies that are that contribute to the doctor's degree, shops/workshops/contests, files, Resource
responsive to the teaching-learning attend seminars or seminars, LAC sessions, or person, Financial
special educational process webinars and webinars in the new
needs of learners in participate in normal education related
difficult different activities to the subject being taught
circumstances, to contribute to the and other related works.
including: geographic teaching-learning To continue schooling in
isolation; chronic process. master's or doctor's
illness; displacement degree and finish
due to armed conflict, academic units.
urban resettlement,
or disasters; child
abuse and child labor
This shall be accomplished/updated during: i) Phase I: Performance Planning and Commitment, based on the results of e-SAT; ii) Phase II: Performance Monitoring and Coaching, based on the agreements on the Performance Monitoring
and Coaching Form and Mid-year Review Form; and iii) Phase IV: Performance Rewarding and Development Planning, based on the actual results of IPCRF.