03 Word Tokenization 14-26

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>> Word tokenization is an important part

of text processing, Every natural language

processing text has to normalize the text
in some way, we start by segmenting or
tokenizing the words off and we often
have to normalize the format of each of
the words and as part of this process
we're gonna have to break out sentences
from the text. So lets start by
talking about this kind of word
tokenization. How many words are there in
a sentence? Here's a sentence, I do main,
mainly business data processing. How many
words are in that sentence? It's a
complicated question. There's a word like
is a word? Or how about the cut off main
of mainly? So we call things like main a
fragment. We call things like "uh" filled
pause. So for certain applications we
might want to be counting these, if we're
dealing with speech synthesis or speech
recognition, or, or correcting things.
What about cat and cats? We talked about
the cat in the hat. So we define the term
lemma. Two words are the same lemma if
they have the same stem, the same part of
speech, the roughly the same word sense.
So cat and cats are both nouns, they have
similar meaning. We could, we say that cat
and cats are the same lemma, so the same
word in that sense. We define the term
word form to mean the full-inflected
surface form, so cat and cats by that
definition of word are different words.
They're different word forms. So we're
gonna use different definitions depending
on our goals. So let's look at an example
sentence. They lay back on the San
Francisco grass and looked at the stars,
and their, so on, and let's Ask how many
words there are in this sentence. So count
for yourself. We can define words in a
couple ways. Word types, how many
vocabulary elements there are. How many
unique words there are, and word tokens.
How many instances of that particular type
there are in running text. So, how many
tokens do we have in, in here? Well,
should be easy to count: one, two, three,
four, five and so on. So if we count San
and Francisco separately, we end up with
fifteen. If we count San Francisco as one
token, we end up with fourteen. So even
the definition of, of a word depends a
little bit on what we're gonna do with our
spaces. How about types, count for
yourself. Well, it's thirteen types, again
depending on how we count. So we have
multiple copies. The word the, there's the
and the again it depends if we count San
Francisco as a one word or two and
remember our lemmas. We might decide that
they and their and since they are the same
lemma although a different word forms, we
might want to count them as the same type
depending again on our goal. In general,
we're gonna be referring to the number of
tokens, which comes up whenever we're
counting things with capital N. And we'll
use capital V to mean the vocabulary, the
set of different types and we'll use set
notation so the cardinality of the set V
is the size of the vocabulary, although
sometimes for simplification, we'll just
use capital V to mean the vocabulary size
when it's not ambiguous. So how many words
and tokens and types are there in the kind
of data sets that we look at in natural
language processing? Well, let's look at a
couple of these. Da, data sets of text are
called corpora. And here's three important
corpora. The switchboard corpus of phone
conversations has 2.4 million word tokens.
And there's 20,000 word types in those 2.4
millions words. Shakespeare has just under
a million word tokens. Shakespeare is
quite a small corpus. He wrote, 800,000
words in his lifetime. And in that less
than a million words, he actually used
31,000 distinct words. So he had a very,
very broad vocabulary famously. And if you
look at a very huge corpus, the Google
N-grams corpus that has a trillion
different tokens, a very large number of
words, there's. Thirteen million types, so
how many words are there in English? Well,
if you look at conversation, 20,000
different words. If you look at
Shakespeare, 30,000 words. And if you
combine the two, probably somewhere, not
quite the sum of the two, but some larger
number. But if you look at the Google
engrams, we have thirteen million. And of
course, some of those are probably urls,
and. And email addresses, but even if you
eliminate all of those, the number of
words in a language is very large, maybe
there's a million words of English and if
fact. Church and Gale have, suggested the
size of the vocabulary grows greater than,
with the square root of the number of
tokens as you get N tokens. The square
root of n more vocabulary on it. So
vocabulary keeps growing and growing and
it's names and other kind of things that
contribute to this growing in vocabulary.
We are gonna introduce some standard Unix
tools that are used for text processing.
So I have here a corpus of Shakespeare,
Shakespeare's complete works, you can see
here's the sonnet and it goes onto a
place. So let's start by extracting all
the words in the corpus. So we are gonna
do this using the TR program. [sound] All
right, so the TR program takes. Character,
and it maps every instance of that
character into another character. And we
specify TR-C, which means compliment. So
it means, take every character that's not
of these characters. And turn it into this
character. So in this case, it's take
every non-alphabetic character, and turn
it into a carriage return. So we're gonna
replace all the periods and commas in the
spaces in Shakespeare with new lines. So
we're gonna create one line, one word per
line in this way, so let's look at that.
So there's, we've know turned the sonnets
into one word per line. [sound]. And now.
We're gonna sort those words, to let us
look at the unique word types, so let's do
that. And you can see, here's all the As,
there's a lot of them and it occurs a lot
in Shakespeare. And, that's, this is a
very boring way to look through all of
Shakespeare, we don't wanna do this. So
let's, instead. Use the program uniq,
and the program uniq will take that
sorted file and tell us for each unique
type, the count of times that it occurs.
So, let's try that. So, here we have all
the words in Shakespeare, with a count
along the left. This is the product of the
unique program, and we can walk through.
So we know that in Shakespeare the word
achievement with a capitol A occurs once,
the word Achilles appears 79 times, the
word acquaint six times and so on. So
that's interesting. But, it would be nice
if we didn't have to just look at these
words in alphabetical order. But if we
could look at them in frequency order. So
let's take this same, list of words, and
now, resort it by frequency. So now we
have them. The most frequent word in
Shakespeare is the word 'the',
followed by the word 'I',
followed by the word 'and', then
we have the actual accounts in
Shakespeare. So that, here is all the
lexicon of Shakespeare sorted in a
frequency order. There are some problems,
one is that the word 'and' occurs twice
because we didn't map our uppercase words to
lowercase words. So let's, let's fix the
mapping of case first. So let's try
that again. We're gonna map all of the
uppercase letters to lower case letters.
And Shakespeare. And we're gonna pipe
that. To another instance of the t r
program. Which replaces all of the non
alphabetics with new lines and now we're
gonna do our sorting as we did before
we're going to be unique to find all the
individual type "uniq -c" tells us the
actual account and then we're gonna
sort again, n means numerically and r means
start from the highest one and then we'll look at
those, so lets do that. Alright, so now
we've solved the problem of the Ands, so
now we only have lowercase and we don't
have our uppercase and appearing. But we
have another problem. We have this D here.
Why is the word D or the word S. Why are
they so frequent in Shakespeare? We also
have to decide a standard that we're gonna
need for. Is our words, so for example if
our input is Finland, apostrophe S,
capital. How we gonna tokenize Finland's
depends on, on our goal. So we might
choose to keep all the apostrophes in and
then we have Finland apostrophe S, we
might choose to replace all the
apostrophes with nothing, we might choose
to eliminate all the apostrophe S-es.
Similarly we might choose to expand the what'res to
what are. And the "I'm"s to "I am"s because
if we're for example looking for all the
cases of I for some sentiment analysis
task. Or if we're looking the cases of
negation for some, some task we might want
to turn isn't to is not. How about Hewlett
Packard. We have to decide whether a word
like Hewlett Packard are going to be
represented. Or n. Or with a space. The
same is true with phrases like state of
the art. We'll have to decide for words
like lowercase, should they have a dash,
no dash at all. Should they have a space.
We talked about the issue of San
Francisco. And then issues with periods
become a huge issue. We have to decide if
we're gonna represent MPH, leave the
periods in and then all of our algorithms
that use periods for splitting things are
gonna have to be sensitive to this. The
issue of tokenization becomes even more
complicated in other languages. We have
the French phrase L'ensemble. For the l
apostrophe to be a separate word, and if
so do we turn it into, into the full
article Le or do we just keep it as l
apostrophe, or just an l by itself. We'd
like it to match this same, the same word
ensemble, even if a different article
occurs before it. So we're going to want
to break them up for some reasons but then
we're stuck with these sort of non-words.
So another issue that we have to deal
with. In German. The long nouns are not
segmented as they are in English. So, a
word like life insurance company employee
in English would be segmented up. In
German, we're gonna get into these very
long phrase, but spelled as a single word.
So if, for German tasks, like information
retrieval, we're gonna need to do, like
compound splitting. In Chinese and
Japanese, we have a different problem.
There's no spaces at all between the
words. So here's [inaudible] and we've
shown you the, the original Chinese
sentence here. And now here's the sentence
segmented out so here Sharapova now lives
in US, and so on and so on. In English we
segment out, in Chinese we don't. So if we
wanna do natural language processing on
Chinese in the applications we need to
break things up into words and so we'll
need some way of doing that. Similarly in
Japanese we have the problem that there's
no spaces between words and we have the
problem that there are multiple alphabets
that are intermingled. There is the
katakana alphabet. There's the hiragana
alphabet. There are kanji, which are
like the Chinese characters. And there's
romaji, the roman letters. Another
complicating issue that has to be dealt
with in tokenizing Japanese. [sound]. The
word tokenization in Chinese is a common
research problem that has to be addressed
when doing any kind of Chinese natural
language processing. And the, characters
in Chinese represent a single syllable, often a single morpheme. And the average
is about 2.4 characters long. So a word,
it has to be broken up into approximately
two or three characters. And there are
lots of complicated algorithms. For this,
but there was a standard, a baseline
segmentation algorithm called the max
match, the maximum matching algorithm,
also called the greedy algorithm. So let's
look at max match as an algorithm. We're
given a word list of Chinese. So a
vocabulary of Chinese, a dictionary, and a
string. We'll start a pointer at the
beginning of the string. We'll find the
longest word in the dictionary that
matches the string, so far, starting at
the pointer. We'll move the pointer over
the word in the string and then we'll go
back and move on from the next words.
Let's just see an example of that working,
I'm gonna pick an English example, it's
easier to think about. We'll take the
phrase, imagine English was written like
Chinese with no spaces, we'll have a
phrase like, the cat in the hat all ran
bun together. And we have a dictionary
that has words like. The and, and cat. So
we look at this and we say what's the
longest word in our dictionary? That
matches the beginning and the longest word
in our dictionary is the, because "thec" is
not a word, and "theca" is not a word, and so
on. So we'll start with the, and now we've
gotten to here, and then we say what's the
longest word starting with C, and the
longest word is cat. So now we say, what's
the longest word, starting with the I, and
so on. And we do a good job. How about the
phrase, the table down there. We've taken
the spaces out of the table down there.
What's our segmentation of a [inaudible]
segmentation algorithm gonna do with the
table down there? Think a little for
yourself. You may think that what it's
gonna do is produce the table down there.
But there's a problem, English has a lot
of long words. English has the word theta
for the variable. And so, instead of, the
table down there, we're gonna get theta,
right after that, bled. And then own and
then there. So we're gonna get theta bled
on there. So "Max match" is in fact not a
generally good algorithm for this kind of pseudo
English, English without spaces, because
English has these very long words and
short words all mixed together. But since
Chinese in general has relatively
consistent word length this works very
well for, for Chinese. And it turns out
the at modern problemistic segmentation
algorithms work even better. So that's the
end of our section on word tokenization.

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