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Research Article: Biomechanical Analysis of The Human Knee Joint

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Journal of Healthcare Engineering

Volume 2022, Article ID 9365362, 8 pages

Research Article
Biomechanical Analysis of the Human Knee Joint

Sheng Wang
Shanxi University, Taiyuan 030006, China

Correspondence should be addressed to Sheng Wang; [email protected]

Received 17 December 2021; Accepted 31 January 2022; Published 4 March 2022

Academic Editor: Nima Jafari Navimipour

Copyright © 2022 Sheng Wang. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Exercise is an indispensable part of human daily life. The knee joint is inseparable from human movement. The knee is relatively
fragile and easy to get injuries. Therefore, the biomechanical properties of knee joints were studied. The VICON T40S 3D
motion acquisition and analysis system and the AMTI 3D force measurement platform were used to collect the lower limb
kinematics and dynamics data of five male volunteers. Then the knee angle and moment of the human body are analyzed, the
foot pressure was obtained by force plate, and the ground reaction force was obtained. The results show that: (1) in terms of
knee flexion and extension torques, the peak stretching torques occurred in about 25% and 65% of the gait cycles. At the
beginning of the gait, which is the flexion moment, the knee joint produces a moment of −24.65 Nmm, 25% of gait cycles
reached the maximum peak value of 896.89 Nmm, 65% of gait cycles reached the second peak value of 315.81 Nmm; (2) The
change of reaction force in a gait cycle is: when the ground starts to react, the ground reaction reaches 600 N. At normal times,
the ground reaction force rapidly rises to the maximum value of 890 N; when the gait is in the middle of a single support phase,
the ground reaction force is 462 N; when the ankle joint moves in plantar flexion, the ground reaction force increases to 830 N
again; finally, when the toe is lifted off the ground, the ground reaction force quickly drops to zero; (3) in the course of a gait
cycle, the spatial and temporal parameter curve distribution of the subjects was consistent, and the difference was not
significant (P > 0.05).

1. Introduction ligament, the meniscus, and other related structures are

damaged. Among them, anterior cruciate ligament injury is
The knee joint is the main joint of the human lower limbs. It a kind of common potential injury, and it often appears as
has a lot of weight-bearing and a large amount of exercise, a kind of noncontact injury in sports, such as landing,
and it is the hub of lower limb activities. The structure and changing direction, twisting, and other movements.
function of the knee joint are the most complex joints in the Research on knee biomechanics mainly includes the
human body. Due to the anatomical complexity of the knee influence of movement, joint contact, and soft tissue de-
joint (three-component bones: femur, tibia, and patella and formation and force on joint movement and force. Many
their surface cartilage tissue; major ligaments: anterior and scholars have studied this issue. The AMTI 3D three-di-
posterior cruciate ligaments, medial and lateral collateral mensional force platform is equipped with several piezor-
ligaments, patellar ligaments, meniscus, attached muscle esistive sensors to measure the pressure changes in different
groups, etc.), kinematic complexity (multiaxis three-di- parts of the entire platform, and the changes in force and
mensional motion) and mechanical complexity (pressure, torque on the X, Y, and Z axes are calculated. Products are
tensile stress, and shear force are simultaneously applied to widely used in sports science, clinical medicine, ergonomics,
the knee during motion and these forces vary dramatically military scientific research, aerospace, and other fields.
with the gait cycle stage), it is of great theoretical significance Therefore, the VICON T40S motion capture system and the
to study the mechanical system of knee joint. In the sports AMTI 3D force measurement platform are used to collect
population, the improper movement mode often causes the kinematic and dynamic data of the lower limbs. Then, the
knee joint injury, for example, the anterior cruciate human knee angle and moment values in the human gait
2 Journal of Healthcare Engineering

cycle are analyzed, and the foot pressure is obtained by using with an acquisition frequency of 1500 Hz, a T-type cali-
the force plate. The ground reaction force was obtained to bration frame, and computer and data transmission-related
analyze the biomechanical properties of the knee joint. equipment was added. The 3D force plate and the motion
Therefore, the development of new therapies is critical to capture system are connected with the computer software to
prevent permanent adaptive changes in posture in patients collect the gait data needed for the experiment at the same
with knee injuries [1]. Biomechanics: knowledge of bio- time. Finally, VICON Nexus, a data processing device,
mechanics helps predict stresses in different parts of the knee corrected the data and calculated the data.
during daily activities. Biomechanical parameters such as The experiment involved five men, all healthy and able to
contact pressure, contact area, and maximum compressive walk naturally. The lower limbs were normal, and there was
stress of the fully extended knee during the gait cycle were no history of knee joint problems. The specific operation is
evaluated [2]. in the shooting area of the laboratory staff around the T-
Understanding the complex biomechanical behavior of shaped correction frame. The method is to obtain the camera
injured knee joints is critical in a variety of clinical situations position by collecting the marker movement data. After the
[3]. Chen conducted a biomechanical analysis of the knee calibration begins, the camera continuously collects the data
joint during take-off and landing [4]. Kumbhalkar et al. of the marker point, and the marker light on the camera can
conducted a biomechanical study on knee replacement [5]. show the collection situation of the camera. When the blue
Chang et al. analyzed the biomechanical properties of ankle indicator blinks until the green indicator turns on, the
cartilage and ligament in BKTS, a typical Tai Chi movement camera has collected enough data. When all 10 cameras
[6]. Zhang et al. used finite element analysis to study bio- complete the collection, the system will automatically stop
mechanical changes in load distribution of longitudinal tear the collection and start calibration calculation. Successful
of the knee joint semilunar angle [7]. Tarnita et al. applied calibration for each camera is to collect more than 1000
finite element analysis (FEA) to a virtual component con- frames of effective data.
sisting of an orthotic device and an osteoarthritic knee joint In the experiment, each subject was required to add 26
(OAK) using Ansys Workbench 14.5 software, to study the marker points as shown in Figure 1, head (RFHD, LFHD,
influence of orthopedic devices on the maximum stress value LBHD, and RBHD), torso (CLAV, C7, RBAK, and T10),
of knee cartilage [8]. Yong-Jun et al. established the finite points of the pelvis (LASI, LPSI, RASI, and RPSI), lower
element model of the discoid meniscus of the knee by fusing limbs (RANK, RWRB, RTHI, RKNE, RTIB, LANK, LTIB,
CT and MRI data to provide a reliable finite element model LKNE, LTHI, and LWRB), and toes (RTOE, LTOE, LHEE,
for the study of the discoid meniscus [9]. Abidin et al. and RHEE). The points captured by the camera are syn-
analyzed the biomechanical effects of different fixators (cross thesized by the computer to obtain the kinematic indexes.
nail technique) on knee stability after ACL-R. Finite element
analysis was performed on the knee joint with a DST graft
and fixator [10]. 2.2. Experimental Data Collection. In order to reduce the
The triangular partial grid model and the tetrahedral influence of various factors on the human body while
element solid grid model of the knee joint are established in walking, before the experiment, subjects were asked to do
this paper. The structure of each part of the model is clear a small amount of walking on their own in the most
and smooth, the grid continuity is good, and the size is right. relaxed state along the route beforehand, familiarize
The mesh is in line with the actual situation. The quality of themselves with the route, and experiment when they are
the mesh is excellent after several times of optimization, and not nervous. The experiment process is as follows: first,
it can be applied to the relevant finite element analysis well. the basic information of the subject is filled and the
measurement data by manual measurement in the com-
puter system; second, the subjects should establish a static
2. Research Methods model, with their arms spread in a T-shape and their feet
spread about 20 cm, in standard standing posture, stand
2.1. Experimental Scheme Design. In order to obtain the with toes facing forward on the force plate, and hold still.
changes in knee angle, force, and moment during a single After the markers were identified by VICON, the skeleton
gait cycle in healthy subjects, VICON T40S 3D motion model of the subject was established. All subsequent
acquisition and analysis system was adopted in this ex- experiments were performed under this model. The line
periment. The system has a high sampling rate and good where the flat force plate is located is the route for the
real-time performance, with a maximum of 16 million pixels subjects to walk. Finally, each participant was asked to
and the fastest capture speed of 120 fps. The instrument is walk at a natural walking speed on a set path, ensuring that
widely used in VR, biological motion mechanics, human the force plate had a full gait cycle. There is a five-minute
engineering research, physical education, robot design, and break between each walk so as to not cause fatigue and
other research fields. affect the final results. One subject is required to complete
The experimental equipment used 10 cameras with 15 sets of valid data test experiments to ensure that the
a frequency of 100 Hz and sensors with light-emitting data has more than 10 sets of optional data. Finally, the
spheres, making it easy for the camera to pick it up. In data of each cycle of walking in the same direction were
addition, three three-dimensional force measuring plates extracted from the 15 groups of data.
Journal of Healthcare Engineering 3







Figure 1: Schematic diagram of human test standard points.

3. Results Analysis and Discussion As shown in Figures 3 and 4, a 27-year-old subject with
a weight of 75 kg and a height of 180 cm was taken as an
The VICON motion capture system defines the angle of the example. The standard deviation of 15 groups of data of knee
knee joint as follows: the reference line is the extension line joint angle and moment was obtained by average processing,
of the long axis of the femur, the angle is between the and the movement of the knee joint was analyzed accord-
reference line and the long axis of the tibia; knee flexion, ingly. In the Figures 3(a)–3(d) are the angles and torques of
adduction, and internal rotation were positive, while the the left and right knee joints, respectively, the solid line of
opposite movement was negative; the simulated spatial each figure is the average value of the 15 groups of exper-
cartesian coordinate system in the VICON motion capture imental data, and the gray band is the error band.
system defines the X, Y, and Z-axis coordinates of the We select 1, 5, and 10 kinds of materials for the femur
marked points, where the X-axis coordinates are defined as model, respectively, and assign values to the femoral materials
the left and right directions of the spatial origin, the Y-axis by the uniform method. That is, we subdivide the gray value of
coordinates are defined as the front and back directions of the femoral body mesh into 1, 5, and 10 parts, and each small
the spatial origin, and the Z-axis coordinates are defined as interval represents an each small area, which is represented by
the upper and lower directions of the spatial origin. Since the a central gray value, and each material is represented by
knee joint is mainly in the sagittal plane during walking, that a different color. Then we determine the expression of the
is, the Y-axis in the VICON system, the kinematics of this femur, the expression of elastic modulus, and the Poisson’s
study mainly focus on the movement on the Y-axis. ratio to set the parameters of the material according to the
In order to process the large amount of data obtained in relevant reference books and the referenced literature is
the experiment, the data required in this experiment can be Density � −13.4 + 1017 × Grayvalue,
extracted by using Mokka software, Mokka software can
directly visualize data information, as shown in Figure 2. The E − Modu × lus � −388.8 + 5925 × Density, (1)
import format is C3d, and the data collected by gait is Poisson Coefficient � 0.3.
imported into Mokka, the first and second landing moments
of the left and right heels are respectively treated as a gait The time parameters of gait include support time, swing
cycle. Finally, the knee joint angle value, the plantar pressure time, and a complete gait cycle time, in which the single
value on the force plate, the motion trajectory of the marked support time on one side is consistent with the swing time on
point on the Y-axis, and the three azimuth torque com- the other side. The complete gait cycle time was compared
ponent values on the knee joint can be extracted and selected and analyzed. The left leg gait cycle time refers to the time
during preservation. The observation method of time se- from when the left foot hits the ground until the left foot hits
lection is to intercept a complete gait cycle on the time axis the ground again, and the left foot single support time refers
and the data is exported in Excel format. to the time from when the right foot leaves the ground until
4 Journal of Healthcare Engineering








0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400







0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400






0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Figure 2: Importing data in Mokka.

the right foot hits the ground again; the same is true for the legs is about −5° before bending the knee, and the knee
right side. The range of knee joint changes in adolescent gait angle reaches about 30° when the heel is off the ground at
is affected by many factors. The magnitude of the change in the beginning. During the first landing in the state of
the knee joint becomes smaller and smaller as the grade bending the knee, the full extension of the knee joint is
increases. close to 0°, during the next swing when the gait cycle is
It can be seen that the knee angle changes throughout about 78% of the complete gait, the knee flexion angle
the gait cycle as follows: the knee angle of the left and right reaches a peak of about 60°, and the next cycle is the foot
Journal of Healthcare Engineering 5


50 50
Knee Angle (deg)

Knee Angle (deg)

40 40


-10 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
The gait cycle (%) The gait cycle (%)

Mean knee Angle Mean knee Angle

1000 1000

knee moment (Nmm)

knee moment (Nmm)


200 400


-600 -200
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
The gait cycle (%) The gait cycle (%)

knee moment knee moment

Figure 3: Knee angle and moment.

following the ground. At this point, the knee angle returns ground reaction force reaches 600 N after the initial stage of
to the minimum, as shown in Table 1. However, in the same walking. At normal times, the ground reaction force rapidly
gait cycle of the left leg and the right leg, the stride length of rises to the maximum value and reaches the maximum value
the left leg is smaller, and the angle difference between the of 890 N. At this time, the ratio of weight to body weight on
left and right legs is smaller. As can be seen from the figure, one limb is 11.8, which is at 20% of the gait cycle. When the
the joint angle of the left knee has a slight overextension gait is in the middle of the single support phase, the value of
phenomenon, which is due to the error caused by the the force decreases gradually. The curve trough occurs at
inaccuracy between the position of the knee joint sticking about 50% of the gait cycle, and the ground reaction force is
point and the standard model. 462 N. The ratio of this value to the subject’s body weight is
In terms of knee flexion and extension moments, the 6.16. When the ankle is plantar flexion, the ground reaction
peak stretching moments occurred at about 25% and 65% of increases again to a second crest. At this point, it reaches
the gait cycle. At the beginning of the gait, is the flexion 830 N, which is about 80% of the gait cycle. The ratio of this
moment, the knee produces a moment of −24.65 Nmm 25% value to the bodyweight of the walker is 11. Finally, when the
of the gait cycle reaches the maximum peak value of toe is off the ground, the ground reaction force quickly drops
896.89 Nmm, 65% of gait cycles reached the second peak of to zero, as shown in Figure 4. The specific values are shown
315.81 Nmm (see Table 2 for details). The comparison of the in Table 3.
initial torque of the gait cycle and the two large peaks of the In order to verify the validity of the data from this gait
torque is shown in Figure 5. experiment, since height also has an impact on the space-
In the sagittal plane, the ground reaction curve shows time parameters of gait, the left knee joint angles of the
two peaks in a gait cycle. In the early stage of walking, the subjects aged 22–27 years, average height (175 ± 5) cm,
ground reaction force fluctuates in a small range, and the weight (70 ± 5) kg were averaged, and the standard
6 Journal of Healthcare Engineering



Ground reaction (N)




0 20 40 60 80 100
The gait cycle (%)

Average ground reaction force

Figure 4: Ground reaction force.

Table 1: Knee angle changes in a gait cycle.

The gait Bend your knees before Heel off the ground First landing The second time off the ground Second landing
The angle(°) −5 30 0 60 −5

Table 2: Peak torque of a gait cycle.

The gait cycle 25% 65%
Peak(Nmm) 896.89 315.81






The intial value 25% 65%

Figure 5: Initial torque and 2 peak torque of a gait cycle.

Table 3: Ground reaction force in a gait cycle.

Feet on the ground Foot flat Single supported phase Plantar flexion movement Toe off the ground
The gait
(N) (N) metaphase (N) (N) (N)
600 890 462 830 0
Journal of Healthcare Engineering 7




Knee Angle (deg)




0 20 40 60 80 100
The gait cycle (%)
volunteer 1
volunteer 2
volunteer 3
Figure 6: Verification of the validity of gait data.

deviation was obtained, as shown in Figure 6. It can be Conflicts of Interest

seen from the results that the spatial and temporal pa-
rameter curve distribution of the three subjects in a gait The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.
cycle is consistent, and there is no significant difference
(P > 0.05). Therefore, the results can represent the normal References
gait pattern.
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