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(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,

Vol. 13, No. 5, 2022

Smart Agriculture Monitoring System using Clean

LAROSERI Laboratory, FS Chouaib Doukkali University
El Jadida, Morocco

Abstract—Internet of Things (IoT) technology makes all areas II. LITERATURE SURVEY
of human life more comfortable. The development of farms
through the use of IoT positively influences agricultural To study the use of IOT in the agricultural field, it is
production not only by strengthening it, but also by making it essential to make a literary study on the current state, projects
more profitable and reducing the cost of production. The goal of and studies that have been carried out in this field, this step is
this paper is to offer a new IoT-based smart agriculture system important to be able to have visibility on the current state and
that helps farmers get real-time data such as (temperature, on the difficulties encountered, it will allow us to make
humidity, soil moisture) for effective environmental monitoring proposals for improvement in this area.
that will allow them to increase overall yield and product quality.
The farm monitoring system proposed in this paper is based on A. Data Collection
the ESP32 microcontroller with a set of sensors. This new model To carry out our literary study we focused our research
produces a real-time data feed that can be viewed online via a work on three databases ACM Library, Science Direct and
mobile app. The proposed new system uses solar energy with IEEE. The Pattern used is IOT and agriculture during the last
battery as an energy source. four years (2018-2022) this has allowed us to have 29
publications on the different methods and procedures of use of
Keywords—IoT; smart agriculture; new model; solar panel; the IOT in the agricultural field as well as the advantages,
esp32; mobile app disadvantages, and prospects for improvement in this field,
I. INTRODUCTION Table I below summarizes the research approach.
Agriculture has always played a very important role for the TABLE I. ARTICLES
human being and for the economies of countries, indeed
countries that have experienced significant economic growth Years of Number of
Database Search pattern
publication articles
have experienced a significant increase in the agricultural
sector, agriculture is not only an important factor of economic ACM Library
IOT and
(2018-2022) 8
growth but also a heritage, a way of life, a cultural identity of a agriculture
country. The use of the Internet of Things in agriculture makes IOT and
Science Direct (2018-2022) 10
it possible to put technology at the service of the development agriculture
of agriculture and also to help the farmer to: IOT and
IEEE (2018-2022) 12
 Make very important decisions at the right times.

 Deal with the lack of information. Year /

Data / Technologi
Author Challenges Sensors es
 Increase agricultural production.
 Allow the farmer to develop and develop his Node
agricultural production. Monitor Temperature
Hsiao-Tzu Agricultur MCU
the Humidity
(2018) e Rasepberr
 Increase the participation of agriculture in job creation. [1] monitoring
condition of
CO2 y
 Ensure our country's needs for agricultural products. land Web
The organization of the article is as follows, in Section II
(Literature Survey): we collected the work carried out in the Arduino
field of smart agriculture, Section III (discussions and results): Temperature Wifi
we treated and analyzed the work done and proposed Joy G. Bea Smart Monitor a Humidity Coud
(2019) farming chicken Ammonia technology
improvements in this area, Section IV (the new model): we
[2] farm Ultra sonic Mobile
proposed our new intelligent farm system, and Section V technology
(Conclusion and outlook).
Waleed Greenhou Examine Soil Arduino

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(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 13, No. 5, 2022

Abdallah se the rôle of Moisture Wifi Develop

(2018) Agriculture IOT in Temperature Mobile an Wifi
[3] Agriculture Humidity technology intelligent Soil Rasepberr
Benyezza irrigation Moisture y
Smart system
Kim Mey Monitor Arduino (2021) Temperature Cloud
Soil irrigation based on
chew Smart soil Wifi [15] technology
Moisture fuzzy
(2020) irrigation moisture for Web Mobile
[4] irrigation. technology technology
Devesh Monitor Soil NodeMC and IOT.
Mishr Smart soil Moisture U Develop
(2019) irrigation moisture for Temperature Coud an iot-based
[5] irrigation. Humidity technology intelligent WSN
Paniti irrigation Soil
Wifi Amarendra Wifi
Netinant Smart Automate system Moisture
Raspebery Goap Smart Zigbee
(2021) farming a farm using Temperature using Temperature
Mobile (2020) irrigation Rasepberr
[6] IOT. machine Humidity
technology [16] y
learning and
open source Arduino
Arduino technologie
Monitor Soil Coud s.
Jieying sum
Smart soil Moisture technology
(2021) Develop
irrigation moisture for NPK Web NodeMcu
[7] an iot-based
irrigation. technology Amit Thinspeak
Kumer system for  Humidity Cloud
PH Lora (2021) urban technology
Rentao zhao Greenhou Temperature Cloud [17] verfication Web
(2018) se Humidity technology agricultural technology
with andoid
[8] Agriculture CO2 Mobile parameters.
technology Develop Soil
PH an Moisture
AbhijitPath Madalina Agricultur Raspberry
Agricultur Support Temperature intelligent Humidity
ak Arduino (2020) e
e agriculture Soil system for Temperature
(2019) [18] Monitoring
Monitoring parameters. Moisture precision Water level
[9] agriculture. Light
Allows PH NodeMcu The
Tash Doshi Smart farmers to Temperature Cloud proposed
(2019) farming manage Soil technology system
offers a Soil
[10] their Moisture Mobile Mohammed
Greenhou fully Moisture Wifi
harvest. technology M. Abbassy
se automated Humidity Arduino
 (2020)
Emmanuel Monitor a Agriculture control of Temperature
Soil Rasepberry [19] climate Light
A biodum Smart drip Coud
Moisture change in
(2020) irrigation irrigation technology
[11] system. the
Automati  Wifi
ng Rasepberry Develop Soil
Soil Ravi kant NodeMcu
A. subeesh agriculture Coud an smart Moisture
Smart Moisture jain Smart Arduino
(2021) using technology drip Temperature
irrigation Water level (2020) irrigation
Humidity Cloud
[12] artificial Mobile irrigation
[20] system. technology
intelligence technology
and iot.
offer a Wifi
Soil USP Develop
low-cost Soil NodeMC
Neha K Moisture IU an irrigation
Smart intelligent Lova rajuk Moisture U
(2019) Temperature MQTT Smart systel for
irrigation module (2020) Temperature Rasepberr
[13] Humidity Web irrigation urban areas
based on [21] Humidity y
technology and rural
farmers Cloud
Automati Machine
Soil Ravi Soil
on of farm learning Intelligent Lora
Moisture kishore Agricultur Moisture
Anneketh irrigation Wifi farm ESP32
Smart Temperature kodali e Humidity
(2020) using iot Cloud monitoring Cloud
irrigation Humidity (2018) Monitoring Temperature
[14] and technology using lora.
Water level [22]
machine Rasepberr
learning. MQ2 GAZ V.D. Agricultur Monitor Soil Arduino
Arduino Bachuwar e agricultural Moisture Nodmcu

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(2018) Monitoring parameters Humidity Cloud B. Agricultural Domains

[23] using IOT. Temperature Mobile
Light Wifi
We have grouped the articles and classified them by
agricultural field, as shown in Table III below. This ranking
gave us four agricultural sub-domains, following the results
Humidity obtained we deduced that smart irrigation is the most treated
Teddy surya Smart an smart Arduino
Temperature agricultural field with a percentage of 40%.
(2019) farming chicken Wifi
[23] poultry
farm. CO2
IOT- Moisture Arduino
Jishakc Agricultur Agricole domain Percentage (%)
Based water ULTRASONI Cloud
(2018) e
level C Mobile Smart irrigation (40%)
[24] Monitoring
Agriculture monitoring (33%)
Smart Soil Arduino
Agricultur agriculture Moisture Smart farming (17%)
Manideep Camera
e with image Humidity
(2019) GSM Greenhouse agriculture (10%)
Monitoring capture Temperature
[25] module.
C. Data Collected
Develop Nodmcu
Jenny an smart Cloud
Data collection is part of the objectives of the IOT, so it is
Agricultur Humidity
priyanka monitoring necessary to collect a large amount of data to give accurate
e Temperature Mobile
(2020) system for results, to follow up on our analysis it was deduced that many
poultry SMS
[26] articles are focused on temperature (31%) and soil moisture
(28%), and humidity (25%). Other data were also collected but
R Monitor
Soil y
with a small percentage. Table IV shows the results.
Nageswara crops with a
rao Smart Moisture Cloud
irrigation Temperature technology
(2018) irrigation
system Mobile
[27] Data collected Percentage (%)
Bilgi Nodmcu Temperature (31%)
Develop a Soil
gorkem Agricultur Cloud Soil Moisture (28%)
monitoring Moisture
yazgac e Web
system for Temperature Humidity (25%)
(2021) Monitoring technology
[28] Light (5%)
Humidity Nodmcu
Develop Temperature Cloud
Ph (4%)
Agricultur an Winddirecti
Fan zhany Web Water level (4%)
intelligent on
(2020) e technology
green house CO2 (3%)
[29] Monitoring Windspeed Bluethoot
t system. Light h
D. Technologies used
The grouping of technologies used in the articles covered
B. Data Processing tells us that cloud technology is identified as the most used
The processing and analysis of the work carried out in this technology (23%), followed by Arduino and Mobile
area will allow us to compare the following attributes: data technologies (16%). Followed by WIFI (15%), followed by
collected, technologies used, challenges of the current Nodmcu (12%) and followed by Raspeberry (11%) other
approach. Table II shows this comparison. During our analysis, technologies were also used but with a small percentage.
we excluded the number of sensors, the amount of data Table V shows the results.
collected, the underlying technologies, the topology of the
sensors and other intermediate gateways were not included as TABLE V. TECHNOLOGY
this does not add value to our research work.
Technology Percentage (%)
III. DISCUSSIONS AND RESULTS Cloud technology (23%) (23%)

A. Data Analysis Wifi (15%) (15%)

The analysis of the data gave us the opportunity to have Arduino (16%) (16%)
quantitative and qualitative data on the use of IOT in the Mobile technology (16%) (16%)
agricultural field, our analysis focuses on the agricultural field
Nodmcu (12%) (12%)
and the types of data collected, the technologies used and the
areas of application. The objective of this analysis is to Raspeberry (11%) (11%)
increase productivity and efficiency while saving natural and Web technology (2%) (2%)
human resources in the agricultural sector.

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E. Results source, uses an interconnection technology with low energy

In this paper, we were able to study the use of IOT in the consumption and secures agricultural fields against intrusions.
agricultural field, this allowed us to identify important IV. NEW MODEL
attributes to analyze it, for this we gathered and analyzed
recent scientific data, this survey was a way to have the list of A. Solution
the most studied sub-areas: Smart irrigation, Agriculture After the in-depth study of the work done in this area, we
Monitoring, Smart farming, Greenhouse Agriculture. found that agriculture is one of the main areas that use IoT.
Smart irrigation is the most studied agricultural sub-field in Several IoT components have already been put in place to
recent years, as most countries focus mainly on the use of serve the agricultural field to monitor soil conditions such as
water resources due to its lack. Smart irrigation has become an temperature, moisture, soil moisture and soil ph.
essential means that positively influence the agricultural field We also found that most authors propose solutions
and its production, current efforts focus on the management of provided by wires or batteries such as power sources, the
water resources this has given great value to irrigation things that make powering objects a real challenge for several
management to increase the quality and quantity of agricultural reasons, the most important of which are:
 The area of agricultural land is large, which increases
The second sub-area is forecast agriculture because the the cost of installing electrical cables. The installed
demand for products is constantly increasing so it is essential to cables remain subject to damage that can be caused by
opt for a forward-looking management of agricultural agricultural vehicles, insects, and water, as the cables
production. This makes it possible to review any risk that can are underground.
block the objectives of farmers and makes it possible to ensure
a quality and increase in agricultural production and also saves  The difficulties of maintenance and repair in case of
resources. Based on our analysis, it was found that ambient failure because the cables are underground it is
temperature followed by soil moisture and moisture are among necessary at each failure to remove them to repair them.
the most commonly measured data. According to the results of
our study, it was found that the use of the Internet of Things in  Battery life remains limited and varies from a few hours
agriculture can be used effectively to increase agricultural to several years.
production to meet the growing needs of the population.  The power of objects by alkaline batteries has major
The majority of research focuses on water management by disadvantages. These batteries have a limited amount of
monitoring environmental parameters such as temperature, energy.
humidity and soil moisture. Many results have emphasized the  The cost of purchasing and replacing the batteries of the
importance of the proper management of water resources, objects.
saving human and material resources.
We offer a solution that offers an improvement of existing
Innovation in the IT field makes it possible to cover all solutions. Our model is highly customizable and provides a
agricultural areas to allow an important development. IoT has data analysis solution that enables large-scale data processing
solved many problems related to agriculture and farming, but on real-time observation streams. Our new model uses solar
several limitations are to be taken into consideration such as energy with battery as a power source, the ESP32
the lack of interoperability and compatibility of devices, the microcontroller as a low-energy interconnection technology
problems of network flexibility when several devices connect, [30] and a motion detector to protect our agricultural field from
and the lifetime of the sensor are some of the limitations to be intrusions.
solved in future research.
B. Components
Food production is a great challenge for all economies
around the world due to the rapid and constant evolution of the 1) Ph: Sensor: The PH sensor is a sensor that allows
world's population, especially with climate change and labour determining the acidity of the soil between 0 and 14 at a
shortages. Currently, current research focuses on robotics to temperature between 0 and 60 ° C, this acidity varies
solve these problems. Many researchers and companies have depending on the availability of nutrients in water / soil. The
focused on robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) to reduce the detection of PH is therefore essential to understand how to
amount of herbicide used by farmers. fertilize it properly in order to prepare a good environment for
Following the analysis of the data collected, it was found agricultural production. Fig. 1 shows the ph sensor.
that the IOT is in great demand to develop the agricultural 2) Temperature and humidity sensor: The DHT11 sensor
field, several researches have been carried out in relation to this is a low-cost basic digital temperature and humidity sensor.
subject, the articles that we studied in this report have not taken Capable of measuring temperatures from 0 to 50°C with an
into consideration the sources of energy to power the IOT accuracy of 2°C and relative humidity levels from 20 to 80%
equipment and the security of agricultural fields against with an accuracy of 5%. A measurement can be made every
intrusions, thus the majority of articles use Arduino technology second. Fig. 2 shows the DHT11 sensor.
for the interconnection of IOT equipment, which is why we
will propose a new model that will take into account the energy

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Fig. 5. Esp32.

6) Solar panel: Solar panels, shown in Fig. 6, are the

devices used to absorb the sun's rays and convert them into
Fig. 1. Ph Sensor. electricity. In our case we will use solar panels to power our
IoT devices.

Fig. 2. Temperature and Humidity Sensor.

Fig. 6. Solar Panel.
3) PIR Sensor: The passive infrared sensor is used for
intrusion detection in agricultural fields and helps farmers 7) Lithium Batteries: In our case we will use the lithium
detect movements (of animals and humans) in their agricultural battery illustrated in Fig. 7, to have the possibility of setting up
fields. Fig. 3 shows the PIR sensor. an autonomous network equipped with a battery capable of
storing energy during the day and provides electricity during
the night.

Fig. 3. PIR Sensor.

4) Soil Moisture Sensor: This sensor, as shown in Fig. 4, Fig. 7. Batteries.

measures soil moisture due to changes in the electrical
conductivity of the earth (soil resistance increases with 8) Top-up card for power bank: In our case we will use the
drought). A digital output with an adjustable threshold is used charge card, illustrated in Fig. 8, to build a power bank from
to trigger an alarm or sprinkler pump. A second analog output lithium battery cells to charge all IOT devices compatible
accurately tracks fluctuations in soil moisture. When the sensor with 5V.
fork is planted vertically in the ground (agricultural fields,
garden, etc.). The electrical resistance between the two
electrodes is measured.

Fig. 8. Power Bank.

C. System Description
To achieve a high-quality yield, we will build a new smart
Fig. 4. Soil Moisture Sensor.
farm monitoring system powered by solar energy. The
proposed solution consists of two parts, a hardware part and a
5) ESP32 Microcontroller: The ESP32, illustrated in hardware part consists of a transmitter node that
Fig. 5 designed and produced by the company Espressif, it contains the pH, soil moisture, temperature, humidity, and
integrates functions dedicated to the Internet of Things and motion sensor connected to ESP32 and a solar panel and
more particularly wireless communications and Bluetooth and battery to supply our system with electrical energy. The
lora for a reduced cost. It is the best choice for smart cities, software part consists of a mobile application that allows
smart farms, and smart homes. farmers to monitor their agricultural environment as long as it

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is connected to the internet. The method of data acquisition is 3) Algorithms and flowchart: This section presents the
illustrated in Fig. 9. The pH, soil moisture, temperature, algorithms and flowchart of the overall process of our new
humidity, and motion sensors send digital data to the ESP32. Smart Farm System:
This data will be transmitted to the cloud server via WIFI
a) Algorithms: Generic process algorithm for
communication. When there is incoming data on the cloud
server, farmers can monitor their farming environment via a temperature, humidity, soil moisture and pH sensors.
mobile app. STEP 1: start the process;
STEP 2: connected to wifi;
STEP 3: read temperature, humidity, soil and ph;
STEP 4: get temperature, humidity, soil and ph values from
analog pins;
STEP 5: send data to cloud;
STEP 6: delay to 10 seconds;
STEP 7: repeat step 4, 5 & 6 until the process end;
STEP 8: end;
b) Flowchart: Generic process flowchart for pir sensor
motion sensor (Fig. 10).

Fig. 9. New System.

D. Tools and Libraries used

In this paper we used several software and libraries to
implement our new farm monitoring system:
1) Arduino: The Arduino integrated development Fig. 10. Flowchart (Pir Sensor).
environment is a cross-platform application for Windows,
E. Mobile Application
Macos, and Linux that is written in C and C++ functions. It is
used to write and download programs to Arduino-compatible In creating our app, we used the blynk platform that
boards. The EDI source code is released under the GNU supports Android. It works with several types of
microcontrollers such as Arduino, Raspberry and ESP32. It
General Public License, version 2. The IDE environment consists of three main components:
contains mainly two basic parts: the editor and the compiler
where the old one is used to write the required code and later is  The blynk app that allows you to control a device and
used to compile and download the code in the given Arduino view data.
module.  The blynk server, which is a cloud service responsible
2) Libraries: The Arduino IDE can be extended using for all communications between objects and the
libraries, just like most programming platforms. Libraries offer smartphone.
additional features, such as working with hardware or
 Blynk libraries, which include various widgets such as
manipulating data. The standard libraries used are described
control buttons, display formats, and notifications.
a) DHT.h: To read the data from the DHT sensor, we When creating our application, as shown in Fig. 11, we
will use Adafruit's DHT.h library. To use this library, we must tried to make it very simple, with a single interface that shows
also install the Adafruit Unified Sensor library. the main information collected by our ESP32. This application
immediately requests real-time information from the cloud to
b) WiFi.h: This library allows our esp32 card to connect display it.
to the Wi-Fi network to start sending and receiving data.

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