Research Paper 2
Research Paper 2
Research Paper 2
Abstract—Internet of Things (IoT) technology makes all areas II. LITERATURE SURVEY
of human life more comfortable. The development of farms
through the use of IoT positively influences agricultural To study the use of IOT in the agricultural field, it is
production not only by strengthening it, but also by making it essential to make a literary study on the current state, projects
more profitable and reducing the cost of production. The goal of and studies that have been carried out in this field, this step is
this paper is to offer a new IoT-based smart agriculture system important to be able to have visibility on the current state and
that helps farmers get real-time data such as (temperature, on the difficulties encountered, it will allow us to make
humidity, soil moisture) for effective environmental monitoring proposals for improvement in this area.
that will allow them to increase overall yield and product quality.
The farm monitoring system proposed in this paper is based on A. Data Collection
the ESP32 microcontroller with a set of sensors. This new model To carry out our literary study we focused our research
produces a real-time data feed that can be viewed online via a work on three databases ACM Library, Science Direct and
mobile app. The proposed new system uses solar energy with IEEE. The Pattern used is IOT and agriculture during the last
battery as an energy source. four years (2018-2022) this has allowed us to have 29
publications on the different methods and procedures of use of
Keywords—IoT; smart agriculture; new model; solar panel; the IOT in the agricultural field as well as the advantages,
esp32; mobile app disadvantages, and prospects for improvement in this field,
I. INTRODUCTION Table I below summarizes the research approach.
Agriculture has always played a very important role for the TABLE I. ARTICLES
human being and for the economies of countries, indeed
countries that have experienced significant economic growth Years of Number of
Database Search pattern
publication articles
have experienced a significant increase in the agricultural
sector, agriculture is not only an important factor of economic ACM Library
IOT and
(2018-2022) 8
growth but also a heritage, a way of life, a cultural identity of a agriculture
country. The use of the Internet of Things in agriculture makes IOT and
Science Direct (2018-2022) 10
it possible to put technology at the service of the development agriculture
of agriculture and also to help the farmer to: IOT and
IEEE (2018-2022) 12
Make very important decisions at the right times.
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(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 13, No. 5, 2022
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(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 13, No. 5, 2022
The analysis of the data gave us the opportunity to have Arduino (16%) (16%)
quantitative and qualitative data on the use of IOT in the Mobile technology (16%) (16%)
agricultural field, our analysis focuses on the agricultural field
Nodmcu (12%) (12%)
and the types of data collected, the technologies used and the
areas of application. The objective of this analysis is to Raspeberry (11%) (11%)
increase productivity and efficiency while saving natural and Web technology (2%) (2%)
human resources in the agricultural sector.
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Vol. 13, No. 5, 2022
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Vol. 13, No. 5, 2022
Fig. 5. Esp32.
C. System Description
To achieve a high-quality yield, we will build a new smart
Fig. 4. Soil Moisture Sensor.
farm monitoring system powered by solar energy. The
proposed solution consists of two parts, a hardware part and a
5) ESP32 Microcontroller: The ESP32, illustrated in hardware part consists of a transmitter node that
Fig. 5 designed and produced by the company Espressif, it contains the pH, soil moisture, temperature, humidity, and
integrates functions dedicated to the Internet of Things and motion sensor connected to ESP32 and a solar panel and
more particularly wireless communications and Bluetooth and battery to supply our system with electrical energy. The
lora for a reduced cost. It is the best choice for smart cities, software part consists of a mobile application that allows
smart farms, and smart homes. farmers to monitor their agricultural environment as long as it
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Vol. 13, No. 5, 2022
is connected to the internet. The method of data acquisition is 3) Algorithms and flowchart: This section presents the
illustrated in Fig. 9. The pH, soil moisture, temperature, algorithms and flowchart of the overall process of our new
humidity, and motion sensors send digital data to the ESP32. Smart Farm System:
This data will be transmitted to the cloud server via WIFI
a) Algorithms: Generic process algorithm for
communication. When there is incoming data on the cloud
server, farmers can monitor their farming environment via a temperature, humidity, soil moisture and pH sensors.
mobile app. STEP 1: start the process;
STEP 2: connected to wifi;
STEP 3: read temperature, humidity, soil and ph;
STEP 4: get temperature, humidity, soil and ph values from
analog pins;
STEP 5: send data to cloud;
STEP 6: delay to 10 seconds;
STEP 7: repeat step 4, 5 & 6 until the process end;
STEP 8: end;
b) Flowchart: Generic process flowchart for pir sensor
motion sensor (Fig. 10).
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Vol. 13, No. 5, 2022
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Vol. 13, No. 5, 2022
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