GeM Bidding 5695447
GeM Bidding 5695447
GeM Bidding 5695447
Dated/ दनांक : 06-12-2023
Ministry/State Name/मं ालय/रा य का नाम Ministry Of Heavy Industries And Public Enterprises
Total Quantity/कुल मा ा 9
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Bid Details/ बड ववरण
Required/आव यकता No
Required/आव यकता No
Splitting/ वभाजन
1. Purchase preference to Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs): Purchase preference will be given to MSEs as
defined in Public Procurement Policy for Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) Order, 2012 dated 23.03.2012 issued
by Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises and its subsequent Orders/Notifications issued by concerned
Ministry. If the bidder wants to avail the Purchase preference, the bidder must be the manufacturer of the offered
product in case of bid for supply of goods. Traders are excluded from the purview of Public Procurement Policy for
Micro and Small Enterprises. In respect of bid for Services, the bidder must be the Service provider of the offered
Service. Relevant documentary evidence in this regard shall be uploaded along with the bid in respect of the
offered product or service. If L-1 is not an MSE and MSE Seller (s) has/have quoted price within L-1+ 15%
(Selected by Buyer)of margin of purchase preference /price band defined in relevant policy, such Seller shall be
given opportunity to match L-1 price and contract will be awarded for 25%(selected by Buyer) percentage of
total QUANTITY.The buyers are advised to refer the OM No.F.1/4/2021-PPD dated 18.05.2023
OM_No.1_4_2021_PPD_dated_18.05.2023 for compliance of Concurrent application of Public Procurement Policy
for Micro and Small Enterprises Order, 2012 and Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India) Order, 2017.
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Technical Specifications/तकनीक विश याँ
Advisory-Please refer attached BOQ document for detailed consignee list and delivery period.
S.No./ . Reporting/Officer/ Delivery Days/ डलीवर के
परे षती/ रपो टग Address/पता Quantity/मा ा
सं. दन
Advisory-Please refer attached BOQ document for detailed consignee list and delivery period.
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S.No./ . Reporting/Officer/ Delivery Days/ डलीवर के
परे षती/ रपो टग Address/पता Quantity/मा ा
सं. दन
Advisory-Please refer attached BOQ document for detailed consignee list and delivery period.
S.No./ . Reporting/Officer/ Delivery Days/ डलीवर के
परे षती/ रपो टग Address/पता Quantity/मा ा
सं. दन
Advisory-Please refer attached BOQ document for detailed consignee list and delivery period.
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Consignees/Reporting Officer/परे षती/ रपो टग अिधकार and/ तथा Quantity/मा ा
S.No./ . Reporting/Officer/ Delivery Days/ डलीवर के
परे षती/ रपो टग Address/पता Quantity/मा ा
सं. दन
Advisory-Please refer attached BOQ document for detailed consignee list and delivery period.
S.No./ . Reporting/Officer/ Delivery Days/ डलीवर के
परे षती/ रपो टग Address/पता Quantity/मा ा
सं. दन
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Buyer Added Bid Specific Terms and Conditions/ े ता ारा जोड़ गई बड क वशेष शत
1. Generic
OPTION CLAUSE: The Purchaser reserves the right to increase or decrease the quantity to be ordered up
to 25 percent of bid quantity at the time of placement of contract. The purchaser also reserves the right to
increase the ordered quantity by up to 25% of the contracted quantity during the currency of the
contract at the contracted rates. Bidders are bound to accept the orders accordingly.
2. Generic
Bidder financial standing: The bidder should not be under liquidation, court receivership or similar
proceedings, should not be bankrupt. Bidder to upload undertaking to this effect with bid.
3. Generic
Bidders are advised to check applicable GST on their own before quoting. Buyer will not take any
responsibility in this regards. GST reimbursement will be as per actuals or as per applicable rates
(whichever is lower), subject to the maximum of quoted GST %.
4. Generic
Data Sheet of the product(s) offered in the bid, are to be uploaded along with the bid documents. Buyers
can match and verify the Data Sheet with the product specifications offered. In case of any unexplained
mismatch of technical parameters, the bid is liable for rejection.
5. Generic
Supplier shall ensure that the Invoice is raised in the name of Consignee with GSTIN of Consignee only.
6. Generic
While generating invoice in GeM portal, the seller must upload scanned copy of GST invoice and the
screenshot of GST portal confirming payment of GST.
7. Certificates
Bidder's offer is liable to be rejected if they don't upload any of the certificates / documents sought in the
Bid document, ATC and Corrigendum if any.
8. Certificates
Material Test Certificate Should Be Sent Along with The Supply. The Material Will Be Checked by Buyer’s
Lab & the Results of the Lab will be the Sole Criteria for Acceptance of the Item.
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Bridge and Roof Co. (India) Limited
(A Government of India Enterprise)
CIN : U27310WB1920GOI003601
2217-4053/4054/4056/4469 to 73
E-mail: [email protected]
In case bidder(s) are interested for the above work, please submit lowest competitive tender complete
d in all respect, strictly in the manner described in the clauses titled “Instruction To Tenderer ” and “
Submission of Tender” of ANNEXURE-B, based on the same Terms and Conditions, Specifications, Pro
cedures etc. as stipulated an defined in this NIT and in the various Annexures and Sections of the TD wi
thout taking any deviations.
Notwithstanding anything contained in the NIT and TD, we reserve the absolute right to –
Reject or accept or cancel any or all Tenders received against this NIT, (ii) Cancel the NIT and (iv) Issue
a fresh Tenders at our sole discretion without assigning any reasons whatsoever thereof and our decisi
on in this regard shall be final and binding upon supplier and no correspondences/ communications in t
his regard shall be entertained by us (BANDR).
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2. Techno-Commercial Questionnaire Sheet : ANNEXURE - II
9. Format for Bank Guarantee in lieu of Earnest Money Deposit ( NOT APPLICABL
Bid documents are to be submitted through GeM (Govt. e-market Place) Portal (htt
ps:// within the prescribed date & time mentioned in portal. Indian Ve
ndors having valid registration with GeM may participate in Tender as per instructi
ons, guidelines framed herein and in compliance of the Terms & Conditions & Tech
nical Specifications / Drawings / Documents etc. mentioned/enclosed elsewhere of
This Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) along with all Annexure (s) as ATC shall supersed
e the General Terms and condition of GeM portal. In case of any ambiguity betwee
n ATC and General Terms & condition (GCC) of GEM, ATC specified in NIT shall pre
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ODISHA – 754142
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[ Tenderer’s are required to print this on their Company’s Letter head an
d sign, stamp before uploading in Part – I ]
b. FAX NO. :
c. E-MAIL ID. :
TO -
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NAME OF THE TENDER: Design, Manufacturing, Testing, including Hydro Test, Inspection as per Approve
d QAP, Supply and Delivery & Commissioning of FOAM STORAGE VESSELS, MOC-SS-316 as per Data Sheet
No. IT-3U62A-EV-DAT-4316, Specifications and other documents attached with NIT for Crude Oil Import Ter
minal (COIT) Project of Numaligarh Refinery Limited (NRL) at Paradip.”
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3.0 Pre-Qualificati Bidder should submit the following documents to meet “Qu
on Criteria alifying Criteria” as mentioned below along with Techno-C
ommercial part of Tender (Part-I) in the following manner:-
In line with Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India), Order 2017 dated
15.06.2017, 28.05.2018, 04.06.2020 & 18.05.2023 and subsequent orders issue
d by the respective Nodal Ministry, Govt. of India by way of providing purchase p
reference, BandR has implemented “Purchase Preference Policy”. The “Purchase
Preference” is applicable for the “Local Supplier “for the items / services covered
in the tender subject to the following terms & conditions :
BandR reserves right to consider Local supplier (i.e whose offered product or ser
vice meets the minimum local content of tender) in case, emerged L1 bidder is
Non Local supplier & quoted prices of Local suppliers are in the bracket of L1 + 2
0% and if they agree to match with L1 prices as per the “Public Procurement (Pr
eference to Make in India) order 2017 of GOI, Dept of DIPP”.
'Local content' means the amount of value added in India which shall, unless o
therwise prescribed by the Nodal Ministry, be the total value of the item procure
d (excluding net domestic indirect taxes) minus the value of imported content in
the item (including all customs duties) as a proportion of the total value, in perce
'Class-I local supplier' means a supplier or service provider, whose goods, ser
vices or works offered for procurement, has local content equal to or more than
50%, as defined under said Order
'L 1 ' means the lowest tender or lowest bid or the lowest quotation received in
a tender, bidding process or other procurement solicitation as adjudged in the e
valuation process as per the tender or other procurement solicitation
'Margin of purchase preference' means the maximum extent to which the pri
ce quoted by a "(Class-I local) supplier" may be above the L 1 price for the purp
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ose of purchase preference.
'Works' means all works as per Rule 130 of GFR- 2017, and will also include turn
key works '.
(a) In procurement of all goods, services or works in respect of which the Nodal
Ministry / Department has communicated that there is sufficient local capacity a
nd local competition, only 'Class-I local supplier', as defined under the Order,
shall be eligible to bid irrespective of purchase value.
(b) In procurement of all goods, services or works, not covered by 2(a) above, a
nd with estimated value of purchases less than Rs.200 Crore, in accordance with
Rule 161(iv) of GFR, 2017, Global Tender Enquiry shall not be issued except with
the approval of competent authority as designated by Department of Expenditur
e. Only 'Class-I local supplier' and 'Class-II local supplier', as defined under the O
rder, shall be eligible to bid in procurements undertaken by procuring entities, e
xcept when Global Tender Enquiry has been issued. In Global Tender Enquiries, '
Non-local suppliers' shall also be eligible to bid along with 'Class-I local suppliers'
and 'Class-II local suppliers'.
(c) For the purpose of this Order, works includes Engineering, Procurement and
Construction (EPC) contracts and services include System Integrator (SI) contrac
(a) Subject to the provisions of this Order and to any specific instructions issued
by the Nodal Ministry or in pursuance of this Order, purchase preference shall be
given to 'Class-I local supplier' in procurements undertaken by procuring entit
ies in the manner specified here under.
(b) In the procurements of goods or works, which are covered by para 2(b) abov
e and which are divisible in nature, the ‘Class-I local supplier' shall get purch
ase preference over 'Class-II local supplier' as well as 'Non-local supplier', as per
following procedure:
ii. If L 1 bid is not a 'Class-I local supplier', 50% of the order quantity sh
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all be awarded to L 1. Thereafter, the lowest bidder among the 'Class-I l
ocal supplier' will be invited to match the L 1 price for the remaining 50
% quantity subject to the Class-I local supplier's quoted price falling wit
hin the margin of purchase preference, and contract for that quantity sh
all be awarded to such 'Class-I local supplier' subject to matching the L
1 price, In case such lowest eligible 'Class-I local supplier' fails to match
the L 1 price or accepts less than the offered quantity, the next higher '
Class-I local supplier' within the margin of purchase preference shall be
invited to match the L 1 price for remaining quantity and so on, and con
tract shall be awarded accordingly. In case some quantity is still left unc
overed on Class-I local suppliers, then such balance quantity may also b
e ordered on the L 1 bidder.
(c) In the procurements of goods or works, which are covered by para 2(b) abov
e and which are not divisible in nature, and in procurement of services wher
e the bid is evaluated on price alone, the 'Class-I local supplier' shall get purcha
se preference over 'Class-II local supplier' as well as 'Non-local supplier', as per f
ollowing procedure:
ii. If L 1 is not 'Class-I local supplier', the lowest bidder among the 'C
lass-I local supplier', will be invited to match the L 1 price subject to
Class-I local supplier's quoted price falling within the margin of purc
hase preference, and the contract shall be awarded to such 'Class-I l
ocal supplier' subject to matching the L 1 price.
iii. In case such lowest eligible 'Class-I local supplier' fails to match t
he L 1 price, the 'Class-I local supplier' with the next higher bid withi
n the margin of purchase preference shall be invited to match the L
1 price and so on and contract shall be awarded accordingly, In case
none of the 'Class-I local supplier' within the margin of purchase pref
erence matches the L 1 price, the contract may be awarded to the L
1 bidder.
(d) "Class-II local supplier" will not get purchase preference in any pro
curement, undertaken by procuring entities.
(a) In case there is sufficient local capacity and competition for the item to be
procured as notified by the nodal Ministry, only Class-I local suppliers shall b
e eligible to bid. As such, the multiple suppliers, who would be awarded the
contract, should be all and only ‘Class-I local suppliers’.
(b) In other cases, ‘Class-I local suppliers’ and ‘Non local suppliers’ may also p
articipate in the bidding process along with ‘’ Class-I local suppliers’ as per p
rovisions of this Order.
(c) If ‘Class-I local suppliers’ qualify for award of contract for at least 50% of th
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e tendered quantity in any tender, the contract may be awarded to all
qualified bidders as per award criteria stipulated in the bid documents. How
ever, in case ‘Class-I local suppliers’ do not qualify for award of contract for
at least 50% of the tendered quantity, purchase preference should be given
to the ‘Class-I local suppliers’ over ‘Class-II local suppliers’/ ‘Non local suppli
ers’ provided that their quoted rate falls within 20% margin of purchase pref
erence of the highest quoted bidder considered for award of contract so as t
o ensure that the ‘Class-I local suppliers’ taken in totality are considered for
award of contract for at least 50% of the tendered quantity.
(d) First purchase preference has to be given to the lowest quoting ‘Class-I loc
al suppliers’, whose quoted rates fall within 20% margin of purchase prefere
nce, subject to its meeting the prescribed criteria for award of contract as
also the constraint of maximum quantity that can be sourced from any singl
e supplier. If the lowest quoting ‘Class-I local suppliers’, does not accept the
offered quantity, an opportunity may be given to next higher ‘Class-I local s
uppliers’, failing within 20% margin of purchase preference, and so on.
(e) To avoid any ambiguity during bid evaluation process, the procuring entitie
s may stipulate its own tender specific criteria for award of contract amongst
different bidders including the procedure for purchase preference to ‘Class-I
local suppliers’ within the broad policy guidelines stipulated in Sub-paras ab
Procurements where the estimated value to be procured is less than Rs.5 Lakh s
hall be exempt from this Order. However, it shall be ensured by procuring entiti
es that procurement is not split for the purpose of avoiding the provisions of this
Note: Sl. No. 3B (e) & 4 mentioned above will not be included in tender
s as it is only for internal guidance / approval.
a) The ‘Class-I local suppliers’ / ‘Class-II local suppliers’ at the time of tender,
bidding or solicitation shall be required to indicate percentage of local conte
nt and provide self-certification that the item offered meets the local content
requirement for ‘Class-I local suppliers’ / ‘Class-II local suppliers’.
In this connection, such bidders shall furnish following undertaking from the
manufacturer(s) on Manufacturer's letter head along with their techno-com
mercial bid. The undertaking shall become a part of the contract :
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b) In cases of procurement for a value in excess of Rs. 10 crores, the ‘Class-I l
ocal suppliers’ / ‘Class-II local suppliers’ shall be required to provide a certifi
cate from the statutory auditor or cost auditor of the company (in case of co
mpanies) or from a practicing cost account or practicing chartered accounta
nt (in respect of suppliers other than companies) giving the percentage of lo
cal content.
"We _________ the statutory auditor of M/s ________ (name of the bidder) here
by certify that M/s__________ (name of manufacturer) meet the mandatory Lo
cal Content requirements of the Goods and/or Services i.e. _____ (to be filled
as notified in tender as well as the said policy) quoted vide offer No.______ da
ted ______ against the tender No._____ by M/s ________ (Name of the bidder).”
c) Local Suppliers must note that once the declaration / certification is commit
ted by them at tender submission stage, the same cannot be altered at tech
nical negotiation stage or after award of contract otherwise would be treated
/ considered as false declaration by bidder. If it is identified that the is differe
nce in price receive & declaration made and local content is now not meetin
g the specified tender requirement (i.e only on the quoted price without any
loading) then such case is to be processed without any purchase preference
as Non-Local Supplier
In case of participation of MSE and Local Supplier against a same tender, office
memorandum dated 18.05.2023 shall be applicable Bidders are not to be allowe
d to change their status from MSE to Local supplier &visa versa.
Any bidder from a country which shares a land border with India will be eligi
ble to bid in any procurement whether of goods, services (including consulta
ncy services / non consultancy services) or works (including turnkey projects
) only if the bidder is registered with the Competent Authority (as per OM dat
ed 23.07.2020 issued by Ministry of Finance), relevant declaration format is
enclosed as Annexure –1.
a. The bidder, (Name of the bidder) is not from a country which shares a land b
order with India;
b. (or)
The bidder, (Name of the bidder) is from a country, (Name of the Country) which
shares a land border with India and are registered with the Competent Authority.
Certificate of registration is attached with the bid;
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The bidder, (Name of the bidder) is from a country, (Name of the Country) which
shares a land border with India and Government of India has extended lines of c
redit or is engaged in developmental projects in this country, (Name of the Coun
try) and hence do not require any separate registration for participation in this t
Signature :
Name :
Stamp :
1.1.1 The `purchaser’ shall mean Bridge & Roof Co. (India) Ltd.(BANDR) having it
s registered office at Kankaria Centre, 5th floor, 2/1, Russel Street, Kolkata-70
1.1.2 The `Tender/ Offer’ shall mean the proposal submitted by the tenderer / Bi
dder in response to Purchaser's Notice of Invitation to this Tender (NIT).
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1.1.3 The “Chairman-Cum-Managing Director” shall mean the Chairman-Cum-
Managing Director, Bridge and Roof Co. (India) Ltd.
1.1.4 The “Supplier/Vendor” shall mean the person(s), firm or company (hereinaf
ter called “tenderer”) whose tender has been accepted by the purchaser and
includes their legal representatives, successors and permitted assignees.
1.1.6 The `Supply’ shall mean and include all material inputs and work to be exec
uted in accordance with the order or part thereof as the case may be and sha
ll include all extras, addition, altered or substituted works as required for the
purpose of the supply order.
1.1.9 'Purchaser’s Client / Owner' mean client of Purchaser, i.e.M/s Indian Oil Ad
ani Ventures Ltd ( IAVL) client / M/s. Numaligarh Refinery Limited (NRL)
(Owner) at Paradip.
1.1.10 “Project site” shall mean the site of work for Composite Works at Crude Oil
Import Terminal (COIT) project of Numaligarh Refinery Limited (NRL) at Parad
1.1.11 The “Period of liability” in relation to the order means the specified period
from the date of issue of completion certificate by BANDR.
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1.1.12 The “Appointing Authority” for the purpose of arbitration shall be the Chai
rman-Cum-Managing Director or any other persons as designated by him.
1.1.15 "Purchase Order(P.O.)" shall mean a written purchase order issued by the
Chairman-Cum-Managing Director or his authorized representative, awarding
the work wholly or partly to the successful tenderer(s) for execution as per m
utually agreed terms & conditions.
3.1 Tenderer willing to take part in the process of online e-tendering will have to be e
nrolled & registered with the Government e-Procurement System through logging
on to Tenderer is to click on the link of online tender as given
on the web portal.
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Tender shall be submitted online only at GeM website: M
anual submission of Tender shall not be accepted. Tenderer are advised to
follow the instructions provided in the document for the e-submission of tender on
line through the GeM Portal for e-Procurement before proceeding with the submis
Tenderer shall be required to upload/ submit their offer followed by various steps
as per instruction given in GeM Portal.
Tenderer shall be required to upload/ submit their offer / bid in 2(two) separate P
arts : (a) Techno-commercial Bid (Part – I ) & (b) Price Part ( Part - II).
Bid shall be not modified or withdrawn after the due date of bid submission. With
drawal / backout / impairing /undue modification of bid within it’s validity period,
shall results in rejection of offer and may also lead to holiday/black listing, as sha
ll be deemed fit and forfeit the EMD (If any)
Bid / Offer submitted along with all requisite documents will be evaluated by the
Technical Committee of BANDR at its sole discretion and Techno-commercially re
commended bidders will be intimated only for the opening of price part at specifi
ed date and time which will be intimated through GeM portal.
Tenderer are requested to submit their bid / offer through GeM to the Tender invi
ting Authority (TIA) [General Manager (Commercial)] well before the submissi
on end dated and time (as per server system clock). The TIA will not be held resp
onsible for any sort of delay or the difficulties faced during the submission of offer
online by tenderer(s) at the eleventh hour.
3.2 Part – I : Technical and Commercial Unpriced Part shall comprises of foll
owing documents to be uploaded in GeM Portal :
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1. One set of the Tender Documents duly signed & stamped on each page.
9. Unpriced copy of Price Bid / SOQR duly mentioning as ‘quoted’ against eac
h component (Part – II).
Priced Bid :
Bidder shall quote their price as per BOQ in GeM portal and Quoted price shall b
e inclusive of Basic / Ex-works / Ex - Godown Prices, Taxes & Duties (GST), Packin
g & Forwarding, Freight, Transit Insurance, Octroi / Entry tax etc. as per SOQR.
Bidder shall quote in ‘BOQ’ and the same should be uploaded strictly as per the
format available in GeM with the tender failing which the offer may liable for reje
ction (renaming or changing format of BOQ sheet will not be accepted by system
No Hard Copy of Quoted Price Bid shall be submitted alongwith the Offe
r. Price shall be Quoted on specified place on GeM Portal only.
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The award of the order or rejection of the Tenderer’s Offer and/or cancellation of
the Tender will be made at the absolute discretion of Purchaser. The Purchaser r
eserves the right to accept or reject any or all tender(s) whether lowest or other
wise, without assigning any reason whatsoever thereof. A tenderer whose Tende
r is not accepted shall not be entitled to claim any cost, charges or expenses inci
dental to or incurred by him through or in connection with the preparation and su
bmission of the Tender to the Purchaser. The Purchaser also reserves the absolut
e right to split up and award the order between two or more Tenderers distributin
g the total requirement as defined in the tender if any.
The bidder is liable to be disqualified, even though they meet the qualifying criter
ia if they Made misleading or false representations, statements and attachments
submitted in proff of the qualification requirements and /or deliberately gives wro
ng information /submit fake, false, fabricated, forged documents.
The Tender submitted against this enquiry/tender document shall remain valid fo
r acceptance for a period of 180 days from the due date of receipt of tender.
The Tenderer/Vendor shall not be entitled before the said 180 days without BAN
DR’s consent in writing to revoke or cancel his tender given or any terms thereof.
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7 As security for proper and faithful fulfilment of the obligation under the order, the
supplier will furnish to the purchaser a Security cum Performance Guarantee equ
al to 10 (Ten) % of the total order value by Bank Draft payable to Bridge and
Roof Co. (India) Ltd. At Kolkata or in the form of a bank guarantee in B and R’s pr
escribed format (enclosed) from a nationalized/scheduled bank within fifteen (15)
days from the date of receipt of LOI / Purchased Order. The bank guarantee shoul
d be valid till end of guarantee period/defect liability period.
8 If you fail to deliver the materials within the time schedule mutually agreed upon a
s specified in the order, then BANDR. at their sole discretion:
Shall recover from supplier an amount as Liquidated Damage @ 0.5% per week
of delay subject to maximum 5% of the total value of undelivered portion except
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9 Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) – Rs. 3,40,000.00 (Rupees Three Lakh Fort
y Thousand Only) is payable in the form of Demand Draft (Valid for 90 days) or B
G Drawn on any Nationalized Schedule Bank in India with a validity of 06(Six) Mont
hs from the last date of submission of Tender, in favour of Bridge and Roof Co. (Indi
a) Ltd., payable at Kolkata, West Bengal (No A/C Payee Cheque shall be consid
However, The DGS&D / MSME / NSIC / SSIC Registered Parties are exempte
d from submission of EMD amount as per the prevailing Govt. Purchase Policy. T
he party have to submit /upload notarized copy of the valid registration c
ertificate in support of this exemption along with techno-commercial part
of the tender.
Total price shall remain firm till the completion of supply at BANDR's Crude Oil Imp
ort Terminal (COIT) project of Numaligarh Refinery Limited (NRL) at Paradip. India b
asis & shall not attract any escalation due to any reasons whatsoever.
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The Tenderer / Bidder shall quote the prices confirming clearly the following compo
nents, to be paid extra.
The Tendered / Bidder must have registration with the GST Authority. The GST as le
gally leviable & payable by the bidder under the provision of applicable lae / act sh
all be paid by BANDR as per bidder’s bill. The GST (i.e. SGST, CGST or IGST) amoint
shall be shown separately in Invoice and also submit proper Tax Invoice as per sect
ion 31 of CGST Act and Rule 46 OF CGST Rule, 2017 to get input tax credit by BAND
R. If the Input Tax Credit is disallowed by authority due to any reason attributable t
o bidder, the same shall be recovered from Bidder’s bill. The bidder shall also have
to submit the relevant documents w.r.t. GST Registrartion and mentioning HSN / S
AC Code to be applicable on the Items / materials, alongwith the Techno-commerci
al part of offer.
Road Permit / e-Way Bill (if required), shall be arranged by BANDR. You shall place
requirement of necessary Road Permit/ e-Way Bill upon readiness of despatch alon
g with Transporter’s details (i.e. Address; From & To; Total distance in KM; LR No &
Date; Driver’s Name & License No., issued from; Vehicle No.; Vehicle type; Vehicle
Owner’s name & address; Nature of Transaction; Value including GST; HSN Code of
material etc.), Invoice mentioning consignment value, GSTIN from you end, along
with the Inspection Clearance prior to dispatch of material to DGM (Projects) Par
adip at our Crude Oil Import Terminal (COIT) project of Numaligarh Refinery Limit
ed (NRL) at Paradip. However, you may opt for generate e-way bill from you
r end also.
The supplier shall be solely responsible for safe delivery of all materials to be suppl
ied under the order and shall take necessary insurance policy for 110% value cover
ing all risks during transit. The cost of Transit Insurance shall be included in
the quoted price.
In case of any damage, loss, pilferage etc. Of material during supply, supplier will a
rrange prompt replacement so as to ensure that overall delivery schedule is not ha
mpered. All claims in the said policy shall be lodged and pursued by the supplier an
d purchaser shall not have any liability in this regard.
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14 CONSIGNEE’S ADDRESS:- Billing Address:-
The Supplier shall dispatch the materials at consignee’s address properly in roadwo
rthy packing as applicable to ensure that there is no damage to the materials durin
g loading/unloading / storing and transportation. The price(s) shall be included
in the quoted price.
Freight Charges:-
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All materials shall be supplied strictly in accordance with the specification, sizes, qu
antities stated in the order/tender. no deviation from such specification or alternati
ons of these conditions shall be made without the written consent of the purchaser.
the comprehensive warranty period (defect liability period), i.e. including all preven
tive and breakdown maintenance spares and all services, shall be WITHIN 24 (TW
rantee / warrantee (defect liability period) will be without prejudice to the certificat
e of inspection by third party inspection agency(If any) or materials receipt note iss
ued by the site- in-charge in respect of the materials during guarantee / warrantee (
defect liability) period all the charges of the spare parts, visits, consumables and an
y other charges shall be borne by supplier. Supplier shall maintain the entire syste
2025, during which time the supplier is bound by the guarantee clause gi
ven above.
The payment shall be made from our project site through RTGS/e-payment mode in
the following manner.
Successful bidder shall intimate their Bank’s details for such e-paymen
(a) All materials shall be inspected by any of M/s EIL’s approved third party inspection
agency (viz. CEIL / LRIS / DNV / BV / TUV) as per approved QAP, Datasheets, dra
wings etc.. Engagement of approved third party inspection agency (TPIA) shall be i
n bidder’s scope and bidder shall consider/quote against TPI charges in BOQ.
(b) Supplier is to submit their ‘QAP’, ‘Data sheet’, ‘Drawing’ etc. in lin
e to our technical documents enclosed in ‘Annexure-G’ of NIT for
our approval within 10 days after receipt of LOI / PO.
30 / 44
(c) Data sheets, Drawings, QAP etc. of the successful bidder(s) shall be forwar
ded to M/s EIL during post order stage and supplier shall incorporate the c
omments of EIL (if any) without any extra cost implication to BANDR.
(d) Supplier shall make all necessary arrangement for each inspection and shall provide
all necessary facilities to carry out stage inspection / final inspection and testing of t
he finished products
(e) TPIA /BANDR /EIL shall have the right of access to the supplier’s works at all reason
able time to inspect the materials and to measure the progress of execution of orde
(f) The supplier shall provide assistance, instruments, machines, labour and materials
which are required for examining, measuring and testing any materials & its work
manship as may be selected and required by the TPIA /EIL /BANDR without any extr
a cost.
(g) Even if inspection and / or tests are fully carried out at the supplier’s works by the
TPIA at any stage of execution of the order, supplier shall not be absolved of any
degree of his obligations / responsibility to ensure that all materials supplied compl
y strictly with requirement as per specification given in the tender / order and BAN
DR /TPIA /IAVL/NRL shall be free to point out any defect till the guarantee period is
(h) All tests certificates for raw materials and finish materials are to be provided and s
ubmitted by the supplier at the time of inspection and along with supply with identi
fication mark for co-relating with heat marks. All testing charges are to be borne by
the supplier.
(i) All documents shall be reviewed by EIL / IAVL for final acceptance. Dispat
ch of the materials shall be made only on receipt of material Inspection c
ertificate cum Release note from the TPIA.
31 / 44
2 (Two) sets of QAP (duly endorsed by TPIA) within 7(seven
) days of receipt of LOI/P.O along with soft copy which shal
l be scrutinized and approved by EIL/IAVL/NRL.
As Built Documents:-
In case the supplier fails to supply complete materials within delivery schedule and/
or progress of work is found to be unsatisfactory, purchaser, at their sole discretion
, shall be entitled to terminate/cancel the purchase order.
32 / 44
The supplier should confirm acceptance of LOI/SLOI over fax latest
within seven days of receipt of the same. If such confirmation is n
ot received by BANDR from supplier within the specified time as a
bove, it will be deemed that the supplier has accepted the LOI/SLO
Purchase order shall be issued in duplicate and supplier shall retur
n duplicate copy of the purchase order duly signed and stamped a
s a token of acceptance within Five (5) days of receipt of the P.O.
if duplicate copy of P.O. is not received within the said (5) days, it
will be deemed that the PO has been accepted in toto.
25 Acceptance of BID
26 Quantity Variation
Not Applicable.
27 Integrity Pack:
33 / 44
Arbitration and Conciliation:
28. BANDR confidently feel that there shall not arise any disputes or differences
during execution and completion of the order / Contract by the Contractor(s).
However, in the event of any dispute arising between the Company and the Contra
ctor (hereinafter referred individually as “the Party” and collectively as “the Parties
”), concerning the interpretations of any terms and conditions of the Contract and /
or contractual obligations / performance / liabilities / responsibilities of the Parties t
o the said Contract, the disputing Party shall refer the matter to the other Party for
holding a mutual discussion for resolving the dispute. In case the Parties fail to arriv
e to any settlement through mutual discussion, either of the Parties may avail the f
ollowing remedies :
(i) Any party may refer the dispute for Conciliation under Rules of
Conciliation and Arbitration under SCOPE Forum of Conciliation an
d Arbitration (SFCA), 2003 and amendments made thereto from ti
me to time. (hereinafter referred as “the Rules”) by making applic
ation to the Secretariat of the SCOPE Forum. The Party initiating c
onciliation shall send to the other party a written invitation to conc
iliate under the Rules,
briefly identifying the subject matter of the dispute. The settlemen
t so rendered between the Parties in pursuance thereof shall be fin
al and binding on the Parties.
If the other party rejects the invitation, there will be no conciliation proceedings at
The entire proceedings of Arbitration shall be governed under the Arbitration and C
onciliation Act, 1996.
The venue of Arbitration shall be mutually decided by the Parties. In case the Partie
s do not agree for resolution of dispute through Conciliation and Arbitration by the
above-mentioned SCOPE Forum, the disputing Party shall opt for stipulated rules lai
d down under the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996.
The Contract and the Parties therein shall be governed under the jurisdiction of Cal
cutta High Court
In the event of any dispute or difference relating to the interpretation and applicati
on of the provisions of the contracts and commercial agreements (except Income T
ax, Customs, Excise duty and also concerning Railways) between company (BANDR
) and any other Public Sector Undertaking/Government Department/Bank/Port Trus
t etc., such dispute or difference shall be referred by either
34 / 44
party for Arbitration to the sole Arbitrator in the Department of Pub
lic Enterprises to be nominated by the Secretary of the Governme
nt of India in-charge of the Department of Public Enterprises. The
Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 shall not be applicab
le to arbitration under this clause. The award of the Arbitrator
shall be binding upon the parties to the dispute, provided, howeve
r, any party aggrieved by such award may take a further reference
for setting aside or revision of the award to the Law Secretary, De
partment of Legal Affairs, Ministry of Law & Justice, Government of
Upon such reference the dispute shall be decided by the Law Secretary or the Speci
Subject to any amendment that may be carried out by the Government of India fro
m time to time, the procedure to be followed in the arbitration shall be as mentione
d above, which is as per O.M. No. 4(1)/2011-DPE(PMA)GL dated 12.06.2013. of Dep
artment of Public Enterprises, Ministry of Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises, G
ovt. of India or any modification issued in this regard.
35 / 44
8 Drawing 7-12-0009 (Rev. 6), 02 Pages
IT-3U62A-ME-GAS-4305-00 (Rev-
14 GAD of Foam Concentration Storage Tank
D1), 02 Pages.
IT-3U62A-EV-DAT-4316-00 (Rev.
16 Datasheet of Foam Concentrate Tank
D1), 03 Pages
36 / 44
THIS DEED OF GUARANTEE made this _____________________ day of ________________________
___________________________________ by____________________________________________
(Name of Bank)
(wherever the context so requires includes its successors and assigns hereinafter called “the Bank
”) in favour of Bridge & Roof Co.(India) Ltd., having its registered office at Kankaria Centre, 2/1, R
ussel Street, 5th floor, Kolkata-700071 (wherever the context so requires includes its successors
and assigns, hereinafter called “the Purchaser”) :
(wherever the context so requires includes its successors and assigns, hereafter called “the Suppli
er”) has been awarded an Order No. _____________________________________________________________
on the Terms & Conditions setforth in the said order dated ________________________
The conditions of order provide inter alia that the supplier shall pay to Purchaser a sum of
____________________________________________________________________) being
______% of order value as security deposit/performance guarantee, in the form and manner and s
ubject to the terms therein mentioned. The form of payment of security deposit/performance gua
rantee includes a guarantee executed on behalf of the and at the request of the supplier by a Nat
ionalized Bank, undertaking full responsibility to indemnify purchaser in case of default.
The said supplier has approached us and at their request and in consideration of the above menti
oned premises we _________________________ having our office at _________________________________
have agreed to and hereby give such guarantee as is hereinafter mentioned in Purchaser’s favour
37 / 44
2. The Purchaser will have the full liberty without reference to us and without affecting this guarant
ee, postpone for any time or from time to time the exercise of any of the powers and rights confer
red on the purchaser under the said order with the said supplier and to enforce or to forbear from
enforcing any powers or rights or by reason of time given to the said supplier which under law rel
ating to the sureties would but for the provision have the effect of releasing us. Any such time/in
dulgence/forbearance and/or any act or omission or commission on purchaser’s part will not vitiat
e out this guarantee.
3. The Purchaser’s right to recover the said sum of Rs./US Dollar _______(Rupees/US Dollar _________o
nly) from the Bank in the manner aforesaid will not be affected or suspended by reason of the fa
ct that any dispute(s) are pending before any officer, Tribunal or Court or Arbitrator(s)/Umpire.
4. The guarantee herein contained shall not be determined or affected by the liquidation or winding
up, dissolution or change of constitution or insolvency of the said supplier but shall in all respects
and for all purposes be binding and operative until full payment is received by purchaser as if this
is a continuing guarantee to secure purchaser’s ultimate dues in the above mentioned premises.
5. We the Bank have power to issue this guarantee in purchaser’s favour under Memorandum and A
rticles of Association and the undersigned has full power to do under the Power of Attorney dated
______ granted to him by the Bank.
6. The Bank will have no right of subrogation against the supplier unless all dues of the purchaser as
aforesaid are paid in full. Bank do hereby waive their rights of surety ship which are inconsistent
with all or any provisions hereof.
7. The Purchaser will be at liberty to alter the terms & conditions of the said order and/or to take any
other security/guarantee/promissory notes from the supplier or others which will not affect/vitiate/
discharge this guarantee issued by the Bank.
This guarantee will bind our successors and assigns and will remain operative irrespective of any
change in the constitution of the Bank and/or the supplier.
9. Notwithstanding anything contained hereinbefore the Bank’s liability under this guarantee will be
restricted to Rs./US $ _____(Rupees/US Dollar ___________________ only) and this guarantee shall re
main in force until ____________________ and unless a claim to enforce the guarantee is filed with th
e Bank within one month from ______(which is the date of expiry of guarantee) all rights of purcha
ser under the said guarantee shall be forfeited and the Bank shall be relieved and discharged fro
m all liabilities there under.
38 / 44
(To be printed on a 120 rupee NJ stamp paper)
1. That ABC is a Micro/Small/Medium Enterprise ( choose the correct option) and is registered u
nder the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006(hereinafter referred to
as the MSMED Act) /National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC) / SSI and has its registered o
ffice at ………………………
2. That ABC avails all benefits under the said Act or NSIC as applicable and complies with all st
atutory formalities from time to time and has never been in default in this regard. (State the c
orrect status of MSME mentioning stage of Part I and Part II in case the registration of MSME is
in process as per relevant Act or registration under NSIC as applicable)
3. That ABC, being a Micro/Small/Medium Enterprise under MSMED Act, 2006 or Small Scale I
ndustry or Enterprise registered under NSIC is entitled to claim exemption from deposit of Ten
der Fee and Earnest Money for the Tender put under notice by Bridge & Roof Co.(I) Limited, ha
ving their office at 2/1 Russel Street, Kolkata- 700071 (hereinafter referred to as the Compan
y/BANDR) i.e. : Tender No............................ for …………………….(name of the Project)
4. That all documents of Bid submitted by ABC before the Company/BANDR related to their re
gistration, business activities, credentials and expertise are copies of original certificates and/
or documents obtained on production of valid documents and facts.
5. That all the above representation and information disclosed in para 1 to 4 are correct and tr
ue to my knowledge and nothing material has been concealed. In case any documents or infor
mation are found to be false or forged, the bid submitted by ABC or any Job Order awarded to
ABC shall be liable to cancelled by BANDR and ABC shall be liable to indemnify BANDR agains
t the risk, cost and damage which the latter may suffer due to such acts of ABC.
RATION ON THIS ………. DAY OF ……………..
Authorised Representative
I, the above named Deponent do hereby verify that the contents of the above Affidavit cum Declaratio
n are true and correct to my knowledge & belief and no part of it is false. Nothing material has been c
oncealed there from.
39 / 44
Authorised Representative
Pin :
Please select the applicable response under column C in respect of details set out in column “B”.
( (B) (C)
40 / 44
3 Specific category excluded from compliance to e-invoicing, as not
. ified.
Further, any invoice or document issued by the Company to Bridge and Roof Co. (India) Ltd. having GS
TIN: 21AABCB3166E1ZB shall be properly and timely reported under respective return under GST by t
he Company in line with the notified provisions and the applicable tax collected form Bridge and Roof
Co. (India) Ltd. shall be timely and correctly paid to respective Government by us.
We acknowledge that information furnished above are true to the best of our knowledge. In case any o
f the above information is found to be incorrect at a later date or due to failure on our part to comply
with the relevant laws/regulations and if any GST liability, interest, penalties or any other amount bec
omes payable or input tax credit is denied to Bridge and Roof Co. (India) Ltd. having GSTIN: 21AABCB
3166E12ZB, we shall indemnify for the same.
Name: …………………………………………
‘PART – II ’
41 / 44
Total Amo
Sl. No Quantit
Item Description Unit Rate
. y (in Rs.)
Design, Engineering, Manufa ONED
cturing, Testing, including Hy HERE
dro-test, Inspection as per ap
proved QAP, Supply, Delivery
& commissioning of 2 nos. F
oam Storage Vessels, MOC
-SS-316 as per Data Sheet N PLEASE
o. IT-3U62A-EV-DAT-4316, Sp WRITE ‘
ecifications and other docum
ents attached with NIT and c QUOTE
omprising the following : D’ AGAI
42 / 44
Disclaimer/अ वीकरण
The additional terms and conditions have been incorporated by the Buyer after approval of the Competent
Authority in Buyer Organization, whereby Buyer organization is solely responsible for the impact of these clauses
on the bidding process, its outcome, and consequences thereof including any eccentricity / restriction arising in
the bidding process due to these ATCs and due to modification of technical specifications and / or terms and
conditions governing the bid. Any clause(s) incorporated by the Buyer regarding following shall be treated as
null and void and would not be considered as part of bid:-
1. Definition of Class I and Class II suppliers in the bid not in line with the extant Order / Office Memorandum
issued by DPIIT in this regard.
2. Seeking EMD submission from bidder(s), including via Additional Terms & Conditions, in contravention to
exemption provided to such sellers under GeM GTC.
3. Publishing Custom / BOQ bids for items for which regular GeM categories are available without any
Category item bunched with it.
4. Creating BoQ bid for single item.
5. Mentioning specific Brand or Make or Model or Manufacturer or Dealer name.
6. Mandating submission of documents in physical form as a pre-requisite to qualify bidders.
7. Floating / creation of work contracts as Custom Bids in Services.
8. Seeking sample with bid or approval of samples during bid evaluation process.
9. Mandating foreign / international certifications even in case of existence of Indian Standards without
specifying equivalent Indian Certification / standards.
10. Seeking experience from specific organization / department / institute only or from foreign / export
11. Creating bid for items from irrelevant categories.
12. Incorporating any clause against the MSME policy and Preference to Make in India Policy.
13. Reference of conditions published on any external site or reference to external documents/clauses.
14. Asking for any Tender fee / Bid Participation fee / Auction fee in case of Bids / Forward Auction, as the
case may be.
Further, if any seller has any objection/grievance against these additional clauses or otherwise on any aspect of
this bid, they can raise their representation against the same by using the Representation window provided in
the bid details field in Seller dashboard after logging in as a seller within 4 days of bid publication on GeM. Buyer
is duty bound to reply to all such representations and would not be allowed to open bids if he fails to reply to
such representations.
43 / 44
This Bid is also governed by the General Terms and Conditions/ यह बड सामा य शत के अंतगत भी शािसत है
In terms of GeM GTC clause 26 regarding Restrictions on procurement from a bidder of a country which shares a land border with India, any bidder from a country which
shares a land border with India will be eligible to bid in this tender only if the bidder is registered with the Competent Authority. While participating in bid, Bidder has to
undertake compliance of this and any false declaration and non-compliance of this would be a ground for immediate termination of the contract and further legal action
in accordance with the laws./ जेम क सामा य शत के खंड 26 के संदभ म भारत के साथ भूिम सीमा साझा करने वाले दे श के बडर से खर द
पर ितबंध के संबंध म भारत के साथ भूिम सीमा साझा करने वाले दे श का कोई भी बडर इस िन वदा म बड दे ने के िलए तभी पा होगा
जब वह बड दे ने वाला स म ािधकार के पास पंजीकृ त हो। बड म भाग लेते समय बडर को इसका अनुपालन करना होगा और कोई भी
गलत घोषणा कए जाने व इसका अनुपालन न करने पर अनुबंध को त काल समा करने और कानून के अनुसार आगे क कानूनी कारवाई
का आधार होगा।
44 / 44