ClariFly Larvicide Premix 67 Specimen Label 50 LB
ClariFly Larvicide Premix 67 Specimen Label 50 LB
ClariFly Larvicide Premix 67 Specimen Label 50 LB
• Prevents the development of house flies, stable flies, horn flies, and face flies in the
manure of treated Beef and Dairy Cattle (including calves)
• Prevents the development of house fly and stable fly larvae in the manure of treated
Equine, Swine, Sheep and Goats
flies, face flies, house flies, and stable flies in the manure Livestock Premix 3.25 lb 6.10%
of treated beef and dairy cattle, but is not effective 0.67%
against existing adult flies. ClariFly® Larvicide Livestock Free-Choice Minerals 50 lb 93.90%
Premix 0.67% contains diflubenzuron, which prevents the Total 53.25 lb 100.00%
development of house flies and stable flies in the manure 2 OZ PER DAY FEEDING RATE
of treated equine, swine, sheep and goats, but is not ClariFly® Larvicide
effective against existing adult flies. Start feeding ClariFly® Livestock Premix 13.5 lb 11.89%
Larvicide Livestock Premix 0.67% early in the spring 30 0.67%
days before listed flies begin to appear, and continue Free-Choice Minerals 100.0 lb 88.11%
feeding throughout the summer and into the fall until cold Total 113.5 lb 100.00%
weather ends fly activity. In some cases, supplemental fly 1
These calculations are based on a 1,000 pound animal.
control measures may be needed in and around pastures, Place the product plus mineral mixture in feeders close to
barns, feedlots, pens, and facilities to control adult house water sources and/or resting areas. Use one feeder for
and stable flies which can breed in other decaying organic each 15 to 20 head. Fill the feeders with no more than a
matter or silage in the area, or that migrate in from other 5 to 7 day supply of the mixture at one time, and protect
locations. the mixture from rain.
The dosage of ClariFly® Larvicide Livestock Premix 0.67% MIXED-RATION FEEDING: Use the table below as a guide
is proportional to the animal’s body weight and must be for mixing ClariFly® Larvicide Livestock Premix 0.67% with
offered daily throughout the entire fly season. The following grain or a feed supplement.
table provides the feeding rate for all approved species.
Feed Intake ClariFly® Larvicide
Body Weight Feed Intake
Daily Feeding as a % body Livestock Premix
(lb) (lb/head/day)
Rate of DFB AI wt. 0.67% lb/ton
50–200 See table: “For Formulating Calf Starters (and Milk Replacers)”
mg/kg mg/cwt 250 1.50% 3.75 2.0
Cattle - This product may be fed to beef and 500 1.50% 7.50 2.0
dairy cattle, including breeding cattle, lactating 750 1.50% 11.25 2.0
dairy cattle, growing and finishing cattle and 1000 1.50% 15.00 2.0
calves, either in dry lot or on pasture up to 0.10 4.55 1500 1.50% 22.50 2.0
slaughter and to lactating dairy cows without 250 2.00% 5.00 1.5
withholding milk from market during or after 500 2.00% 10.00 1.5
treatment. 750 2.00% 15.00 1.5
1000 2.00% 20.00 1.5
Equine - This product may be fed to equine 1250 2.00% 25.00 1.5
0.15 6.82
including ponies, burros, and donkeys. 250 2.50% 6.25 1.2
500 2.50% 12.50 1.2
Swine - This product may be fed to swine
750 2.50% 18.75 1.2
including nursery, grow-finish, and breeding
0.20 – 9.10 – 1000 2.50% 25.00 1.2
stock (excluding limit fed gestating sows) with
0.30 13.64 1500 2.50% 37.50 1.2
no withdrawal period. Use the higher inclusion
250 3.00% 7.50 1.0
rate for lighter weight pigs.
500 3.00% 15.00 1.0
Limit Fed Gestating Swine - This product may 750 3.00% 22.50 1.0
be fed to limit fed gestating sows with no 0.10 4.55 1000 3.00% 30.00 1.0
withdrawal period. 1250 3.00% 37.50 1.0
Sheep and Goats - This product may be fed to Body Weight (lb)
0.40 18.18
sheep and goats with no withdrawal period. Inclusion of ClariFly Larvicide
100 X 3
Livestock Premix 0.67% (lb/ton)
MIXED WITH FREE-CHOICE MINERALS: Mix ClariFly ® Feed Intake (lb)
Larvicide Livestock Premix 0.67% with free-choice-fed
Thoroughly mix this product with grain or a feed supplement.
minerals to produce a product and mineral mixture as
The mixing and feeding rates in the above table will provide
shown in the table below1.
the required daily intake of 4.54 mg diflubenzuron/100 lb Use the following equation when calculating inclusion level
of body weight per day. based on a 0.10 mg/kg dosage: This ration for limit fed
For formulating calf starters and milk replacers to be fed to Body Weight (lb)
calves weighing between 50 and 200 pounds, use the Inclusion of ClariFly® Larvicide
following table: 100 X 3
Livestock Premix 0.67% (lb/ton)
Average Daily
lb of ClariFly®
FEED INTAKE g of Thoroughly mix this product with grain or a feed
lb/head/day Diflubenzuron/ supplement.
Livestock Premix
50 – 99 lb 1.0 – 1.4 3.0 9.1
100 – 150 lb 1.0 – 1.4 4.5 13.6
Use the formula below to calculate the inclusion level of
100 – 170 lb 1.5 – 1.7 3.6 10.9
ClariFly® Larvicide Livestock Premix 0.67% with grain or a
100 – 200 lb ≥1.8 3.0 9.1
feed supplement.
MIXED-RATION FEEDING Inclusion of ClariFly® Larvicide
Use the formula below to calculate the inclusion level of this 100 X 12
Livestock Premix 0.67% (lb/ton)
product with grain or a feed supplement. Average Daily
Body Weight (lb) Feed Intake (lb)
Inclusion of ClariFly® Larvicide Thoroughly mix this product with grain or a feed supplement.
100 X 4.5
Livestock Premix 0.67% (lb/ton)
Feed Intake (lb) Do not contaminate water, food, or feed by storage or disposal.
Thoroughly mix this product with grain or a feed supplement. PESTICIDE STORAGE: Keep this product in its tightly closed
original container. Store in a cool, dry (preferably locked)
SWINE MIXING DIRECTIONS area that is inaccessible to children and animals. Do not
MIXED-RATION FEEDING contaminate with pesticides or fertilizer.
Use the formulas below to calculate the inclusion level of
ClariFly® Larvicide Livestock Premix 0.67% with grain or PESTICIDE DISPOSAL: Wastes resulting from the use of this
a feed supplement based on the target dosage. Use the product may be disposed of on site or at an approved waste
higher inclusion rate for lighter weight pigs. disposal facility.
Use the following equation when calculating inclusion level CONTAINER HANDLING: Nonrefillable container. Do not
based on a 0.20 mg/kg dosage: reuse or refill this container. Completely empty bag by shaking
and tapping sides and bottom to loosen clinging particles.
Body Weight (lb) Empty residue into mixing equipment. Then offer for recycling,
Inclusion of ClariFly® Larvicide if available, or dispose of bag in a sanitary landfill or by other
100 X 6
Livestock Premix 0.67% (lb/ton) procedures approved by state and local authorities.
Average Daily
Feed Intake (lb) For more information, call 1-800-347-8272.
Use the following equation when calculating inclusion level
based on a 0.30 mg/kg dosage:
Body Weight (lb)
Inclusion of ClariFly® Larvicide
100 X 9
Livestock Premix 0.67% (lb/ton)
Average Daily
Feed Intake (lb)
Manufactured for:
NOTICE: This product can expose you to silica, which is
known to the State of California to cause cancer. For
more information, visit
ClariFly, ClariFly Larvicide with design, and Starbar are registered trademarks of
Wellmark International.
January, 2021
CTL 21-002
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