Kapwa BSP Newsletter

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"Yes, once a Scout, always a Scout!" is a The phrase acknowledges that Scouting
well-known phrase that emphasizes the is not just a temporary experience, but

lifelong impact of the Scouting rather a transformative one that can

experience. It's often used to express the shape an individual's character, values,
idea that the values, principles, and skills and behavior for years to come. It's a
learned through Scouting stay with reminder that the principles of Scouting
individuals for the rest of their lives.
– such as honesty, kindness, and
This phrase was first coined by Robert
responsibility – are meant to be carried
Baden-Powell, the founder of the
forward long after an individual has
Scouting movement, in his book
completed their formal Scouting journey.
"Scouting for Boys" (1908). It has since
become a widely recognized and
cherished motto within the Scouting
Extended Multiplication
How to use commas
“IT'S AHow
WAYto useOF LIFE!”
plant seeds
SCOUTS How to paint mountains
As I progressed through the ranks, I
POINT OF VIEW learned How to paint
important trees
skills like first aid,
camping, and leadership. I made lifelong
Dhennver C. Amul
friends and had incredible experiences
that shaped me into the person I am today.
As a Boy Scout, I can attest that "Once a But what I think is most special about
Scout, Always a Scout" is more than just Scouting is the way it teaches us to be
a phrase - it's a way of life! good citizens, to respect others, and to
When I joined Scouting, I was just a take care of the environment. Scouting
young kid looking for adventure and new shows us that we can make a difference,
experiences. But little did I know, that we can be leaders and change-makers.
Scouting would become so much more And even when we leave Scouting behind,
than that. It would become a part of who those lessons stay with us. We carry them
I am, a way of seeing the world, and a set with us, and they continue to shape our
of values that would guide me decisions and actions.
throughout my life.

Tabangao Integrated School BSP - 209

KAPWA Newsletter

Meeting for New Advancement

Scheme for Senior Scout

Senior Scout Dhennver C. Amul

Meeting with the

aspiring Eagle Scouts
Preparation for
Advancement Training

Teaching Simple Co
in BSP with Eagle Smmand
Jillian E. Lacsamacnout

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Lowering of Flag

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