Rey Jaroo Thesis Communication Problems of Security Personnel of PAGCOR 1 Edited 2 3 5

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Communication Problems of Selected Internal Security Personnel of Philippine

Amusement and Gaming Corporation

Basis Communication Enhancement Program


Communication between and among security officers and their team members as well as

between and among security officers and their clients must be fluid and constant for modern

security processes to be applied effectively. Security personnel are expected to be able to present

clear verbal and written documents to offer the best possible service. This general assumption

applies to all services provided by the public and commercial sectors, whether on a small-scale

basis or on a large-scale. Without effective communication between the general management and

the professionals in charge of the many departments of the organization, it is impossible for it to

function. Since managers and specialists frequently operate in various informational bubbles and

speak different languages, communication can be challenging at times when such cooperation is

being conducted. Specialists, including those in the information security service, focus on their

unique technical jobs while management considers profit, expenses, and progress.

Nothing would get done in the workplace if communication guidelines could not be

made, supplies and equipment could not be ordered, advancement could not be tracked, and

Customers could not receive goods and services. Asserted that the five Planning, organizing,

staffing, leading, and controlling are all management functions, relying on verbal exchange. In

fact, studies of highly effective managers worldwide found that effective communication was

chosen as the most crucial skill in the nation for a manager to succeed. However, research
indicates that a lot of personnel believe their supervisors are poor communicators, and

supervisors have the same opinion of the staff (Drucker, 2019).

According to Reznikov (2023), although the understanding between company managers

and information security experts is typically improving, there are still certain issues. In terms of

the direct effects of this misconception, 62 percent claimed that it had resulted in at least one

security incident, and 61 percent reported detrimental effects to the firm, such as losses, the loss

of important staff, or a worsening of departmental communication. Yet, the security specialists

themselves are not always aware of any issues. While 76 percent of these specialists believe that

everyone understands them completely, 42 percent of corporate leaders would want to see the

security specialists speak more effectively.

Several security personnel of the Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation found

it difficult to interact with foreign customers. Some of the employees were struggling to

communicate with the foreign customers; most of the security personnel were undergrads, and

some were not fluent in the English language. The foreign customers feel protected if the

security personnel can easily approach them and understand them. It will be difficult for the

foreign customer to depend on or even trust the security personnel in terms of their safety. This is

a major problem for the normally sizable company. The company seeks to boost client loyalty.

They think that enhancing customer happiness will be crucial to accomplishing their objective of

boosting repeat business

For many years, English education for security personnel has focused on identifying

professional vocabulary and reading simple English help documents. As the demand for new
information technology service talents gets higher and higher, the development of English

application ability of such talents needs to pay attention to information technology professionals.

Monan (2018) states that the protection of a company's personnel, property, sites, brand,

and reputation is the responsibility of security teams. They naturally encounter several

difficulties especially as security affects every corporate function. Having such a large impact,

security must have an internal voice in the form of communications representation to ensure that

policies, procedures, and pertinent breaking news are consistently and widely disseminated. By

allocating a portion of the communications team's time to the security team, programs and

activities that are crucial to the organization's safety can be promoted globally, enhancing

programmatic success. Being able to communicate effectively is clearly a requirement to every

job that is beneficial to everyone, one cannot deny the fact that there are also challenges that a

security personnel faces at work in terms of communication or communication skills.

Nawakara (2021) emphasizes that being a security guard entails more than just physical

fitness, awareness, and the ability to secure the premises. There are a couple more traits they

should possess to be effective in their field and proper communication is one of them. As a

customer or visitor in a new place or a public place, it is essential to feel protected and be able to

easily approach security guards for help. But if there is a lack of knowledge in proper customer

interaction on the part of the security guard, it may be difficult for people to depend on or even

trust them in case of an emergency.

For Jablin and Putnam (2018), speaking and listening are both crucial components of

communication. The supervisor who is employed to assist in identifying and resolving workplace

issues are more likely to be good listeners to problems. This is not shocking, just as we prefer
that our boss respects and hears our staff members want us to appreciate and be open to their


Certo (2018) expressed that seasoned leaders are aware that having access to a steady

stream of information from their team members and other stakeholders makes their jobs much

easier. Both positive and negative feedback, as well as ideas, observations, and problems, should

be sought out from everyone in every area of the organization. Additionally, asking for input

from employees boosts staff morale by demonstrating to them that management values their

views and wants to involve them in the organization's continuing progress. Communication is the

lifeblood of any business, and without it, nothing gets done. However, there should be an

awareness that some businesses may be unable to understand, employ, and benefit from sound

communication techniques.

Good communication plays a vital role in the workplace, especially for the security

personnel. Effective application of current security processes requires open and continuous

communication between security officers and their team members as well as between security

officers and their clients. To provide the best possible service, security professionals must be

able to communicate both orally and in writing. This broad presumption holds true for all

services offered by the public and private sectors, whether on a small or big scale. It is

impossible for the organization to operate without adequate communication between the general

management and the experts in charge of the different departments. In the workplace, without

communication, it would be impossible to create guidelines, purchase supplies and equipment,

track advancement, and provide goods and services to customers.

Cooperation between coworkers is necessary for the effective operation of a workplace,

and coworkers must be able to communicate effectively to work together productively

(Clutterbuck, 2018). Additionally, there needs to be communication among team members and

between the entire team and the rest of the business.

The Interactionist Theory (also known as sociocultural theory) combines ideas from

sociology and biology to explain how language develops. According to this theory, language

depends on and evolves through social contact. The target audience for our communication will

determine how we use language, according to the interactionist viewpoint, which holds that our

desire to communicate leads to the development of our language abilities. It underlines how

important the environment and culture are for language development. While accepting the

existence of innate biological systems, interactionists emphasize the value of social interactions

(Levine & Munsch, 2018). Lev Vygotsky, the most well-known interactionist theorist, provided

other interactionists with a theoretical framework on which to construct their own theories of

language acquisition. Language instruction begins with the teaching of frequently used words

and phrases before focusing more on conversational production than rote memorization. Even

when we expand our native tongue vocabulary, we keep the words we usually use.

Since English is our predominant language, the researcher will be able to use

interactionist theory in this study. Our second language is heavily influenced by the terms we use

in Filipino. As a result, some of the security personnel find it difficult to communicate in English

with foreign clients. This theory will also determine whether the security personnel native

dialects exist and how that may impact on how they communicate in terms of vocabulary,

grammatical structure of sentences and comprehension. Because of this theory, the researcher

will be able to identify the needs of the security team when developing solutions.
In this study, the researcher seek to answer the following questions: What are the oral

communication problems of the respondents in terms of vocabulary, grammatical structures of

sentences and comprehension? What communication enhancement program can be

recommended for the respondent?

grammar and Distributing OUTPUT
comprehension? and Collecting Data
through survey Communication
Questionnaire. enhancement program.

The conceptual framework that will be used in this study is the Input-Process-Output

model. This figure shows the flow of the study, the input where you can find the oral

communication problem encountered by the respondents in terms of vocabulary, grammar and

comprehension. The process is composed of the validated survey questionnaire and the

quantitative data analysis such as the frequency, percentage and weighted mean. As for the

output, the researcher will propose an enhancement program for communication skills that will

help the respondents cope with their problems in oral communication.

The purpose of this study is to identify the oral communication problems of the security

personnel when communicating with the costumers at the Philippine Amusement and Gaming

Corporation in terms of their vocabulary, grammatical structures of sentences and

comprehension. To identify how these difficulties affect their work performance and the

company; to propose an Enhanced Communication Program that will help the selected security

personnel in dealing with customer to improve their communication skills.

This research would be able to help the:

Future Researcher. This research can be used by future researchers as their guide and

basis in their report and research study. This will motivate them to do their research and it can be

their source of information.

Researcher Themselves. This study may surely help the researchers to gain more

knowledge and to understand how proper communication is important, especially when inside

the workplace.
Security Personnel. This will give information to those security personnel who are

having a hard time dealing with and communicating with customers. This study will help them

improve their communication skills and be better at communication at their workplace.

Teachers. This research could be a big help to the teachers to educate their

students about the proper use of language, especially in communicating.

Definition of Terms

Comprehension - The process of gaining meaning from written language, pictures, and


Enhancement Program - A proposed program of the researcher that will help to train the security

personnel’s communication skills in terms of their vocabulary. Grammar structure and


Grammar Structure - The way in which the parts of a sentence or paragraph or object are

arranged or organized, or a system arranged in this way.

Interactionist Theory- Theory proposed by Lev Vygotsky tackles how we use language,

according to the interactionist viewpoint, which holds that our desire to communicate leads to the

development of our language abilities.

PAGCOR - The Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation (PAGCOR) is a 100 percent

government-owned and controlled corporation under the Office of the President of the Republic

of the Philippines.

Security Personnel - The person employed by a government or private party to protect the

employing party's assets.

Systemic Functional Linguistic Theory - The study of the connection between language and its

social roles.

Vocabulary - the total number of words you know in a particular language.


This study covers the 20 selected security personnel from Philippine Amusement and

Gaming Corporation to be the respondents. This study will use purposive sampling and

questionnaire as a tool for gathering data and will identify the oral communication problem of

the security personnel in terms of vocabulary, grammar structure and comprehension

This part discusses the research method used, research design, research setting,

population sample and respondents, research instrument, procedure in gathering data and

statistical treatment of the data.

To determine the respondents' age, gender, educational attainment, and number of years

of service, the researchers employed the Descriptive-Quantitative approach. A sort of research

called descriptive research is used to outline a population's characteristics. Without concentrating

on "why," it primarily focus on describing the characteristics of a certain demographic segment.

This chapter will describe the research methodology, the profile of the respondents, the data

collection process, and the statistical analysis of the data.

The respondents of the study will be 20 security personnel at the Philippine Amusement

and Gaming Corporation. It is a Convenience Sampling because the researchers are the ones who

will choose their respondents and because of their availability. The respondents of this study
were described in terms of the following variables such as profile, in terms of their age, gender,

educational attainment and years in service.

The instrument that will be used by the researcher and the study was self-made

questionnaire. The questionnaire attempted to find out the relationship of Communication

problem of respondents to their profile.

The researcher’s questionnaire consisted of two (2) parts wherein part one (1) will deal

with the personal data of the respondents such as age, gender, educational attainment and years

in service. On the other hand, part two (2) will comprise of questionnaire identifying the

problems in communication of the respondents in terms of vocabulary, grammar structure and

comprehension. The questions were structured using the Likert scale. The question will be given

among 20 security personnel of Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation

The researchers asked permission and approval from the adviser. The researcher will thus

draft a researcher-made questionnaire and will show it to the research validator. The

questionnaire, after the proper corrections, validation, adjustments and revisions will be

conducted for its final form for the administrations to the respondents. The questionnaire

including the personal data sheet will be produced in several copies and distributed personally to

the respondents.

The statistical treatment used to analyze the data for problem was shown in the following:

This study will use percentage and frequency. The researcher will identify the percentage and

frequency of the respondents in terms of their demographic profile, gender, age, educational

attainment and their years in service.

Weighted Mean

The weighted mean will be used to identify the communication problem of Security

Personnel in the Casino when dealing with foreign customers in terms of vocabulary, grammar

structure and comprehension.

To determine the average score of each question, the researchers used the Liker Scale.

Scale Verbal Description

4.50-5.00 Extremely Difficult

3.50 – 4.49 Very Difficult

2.50 – 3.49 Moderately Difficult

1.50 – 2.49 Slightly Difficult

1.00 – 1.49 Not Difficult

To react to the precise issues posed in this study, the data collected from the respondents

was provided. Gender, age, level of education, and years of service in a casino were taken into

consideration while analyzing the respondent profiles. The researcher will also provide an

informed letter for the ethical consideration of the respondents.

Statement of The Problem:

In this study, researchers seek to answer the following questions: What is the demographic

profile of the Security Personnel respondents of Philippine Amusement Gaming Corporation in

terms of Age, Gender, Educational Attainment and Years of Service? What are the oral

communication problems of the respondents in terms of vocabulary, grammatical structures of

sentences and comprehension? What communication enhancement program can be

recommended for the respondent?


Communication Problems of Selected Internal Security Personnel of Philippine

Amusement and Gaming Corporation

Basis Communication Enhancement Program

Name (optional): _______________________________ Date: ___________________

Part 1: Please put a check (/) in the box that describes you.


21-25 26-30 31-35 36 and above


Male Female

Educational Attainment:

Master’s Degree

College Degree
Associate/ Vocational

High School Graduate

Years in Service

1-3 years

4-6 years

7-10 years

11 years and above

Part 2: Using the Likert scale below, kindly rate the level of problem in communication you

experienced in the following statements. Put a check (/) inside the box.

5 4 3 2 1

Communication Areas Extremely Very Moderat Slightly Not

Difficult Difficult ely Difficult Difficult



1. I find it difficult to use the exact

words in communicating to

customers correctly

2. When I meet a new word or phrase, I

know I find it difficult to clearly

remember it.

3. I find it hard to understand the

thoughts of the customer even if

they use unfamiliar words.

4. It is difficult to try to remember a

word and to also try to remember a

sentence in which the word is used.

5. I cannot clearly explain the

meanings of words, especially

those words that are difficult to

pronounce or read.

Grammatical Structure

1. I find it difficult identify the

subject being described

2. It is difficult identify the action or

state of being

3. I do not understand what the

subject is doing

4. I cannot easily identify the object

being described

5. It is difficult for me to identify the

complement in a sentence

1. I find it difficult to exchange

conversation with the customer

2. I can easily grasp the main idea

while listening to the concerns of the


3. It is hard to pay attention to and

understand the implied meaning

while listening to the costumer’s


4. It is difficult to draw conclusion in

each situation

5. It is difficult to solve the

customers problem

The data obtained from the respondents were presented to answer the specific questions

raised in this study. The profiles of the respondents were considered in terms of age, gender,

educational attainment, and number of years in Casino.

Table 1 shows the Profile Respondents in terms of Age. Out of 20 respondents 3 respondents

or 15% belonged to the age bracket of 26-30 years old while another 1 respondents or 5%

belonged to the age bracket of 31-35 years old and 16 respondents or 80% belonged to the age

bracket of 36 years old above.

Table 2 shows the Profile of the Respondents in terms of Gender. Out of 20 respondents

8 or 40% of the respondents belonged to male and 12 respondents or 60% of the respondents

belonged to female.

Table 3 shows the Profile of the Respondents in terms of Educational Attainment.

Out of 20 respondents 1 or 5% of the respondent got Master’s Degree, 18 or 90% of the

respondent got their College Degree and 1 or 5% of the respondents got their


Table 4 shows the Profile of the Respondents in terms Number of years in Casino. Out of

20 respondents 1 respondent or 5% belonged to the number of years bracket of 1-3 years in the

casino, 3 respondents or 15% belonged to the number of years bracket of 4-6 years in casino, 2

respondent or 10% belonged to the number of years bracket of 7-10 years in casino and 14

respondents or 70% belonged to the number of years bracket of 11 years and above working in

Table 5 shows the respondents responses on each statement in terms of Vocabulary.

The Total weighted mean for this category was 1.92 with the descriptive equivalent of “Slightly

Difficult” the highest mean score was 2.05 with the descriptive equivalent of “Slightly Difficult”.

With the statement of “when I meet a new word or phrase. I know I find it difficult to clearly

remember it”. Next was 1.95 with the descriptive equivalent of “Slightly Difficult” with the

statement of “I cannot clearly explain the meanings of words, especially those words that

are difficult to pronounce or read”. For the statement “it is difficult to try to remember a

word and also try to remember a sentence in which the word is used”. Respondents reflected

a weighted mean of 1.9 with the descriptive equivalent of “Not Difficult”. For the statement “I

find it hard to understand the thoughts of the customer even if they use unfamiliar words”.

Respondents reflected a weighted mean of 1.85 with descriptive equivalent of “Slightly

Difficult” and lastly, the statement “I find it difficult to use the exact words in communicating

to customers correctly”. Respondents reflected a weighted mean of 1.85 with descriptive

equivalent of “Slightly Difficult”.

Table 6 shows the respondents responses on each statement in terms of Grammatical

Structure. The Total weighted mean for this category was 1.73 with descriptive equivalent of

“Slightly Difficult” the highest mean score was 1.85 with the descriptive equivalent of “Slightly

Difficult” with the statement “I find it difficult the subject being described”. Next was 1.9

with the descriptive equivalent of “Not Difficult” with the statement “it is difficult identify the

action or state of being”. For the statement “I cannot easily identify the object being

described” respondents reflected a weighted mean 1.7 with descriptive equivalent of “Not

Difficult”. For the statement “I do not understand what the subject is doing”. Respondents

reflected a weighted mean 1.6 with descriptive equivalent of “Not Difficult” and lastly, the
statement “It is difficult for me to identify the complement in a sentence”. Respondents

reflected a weighted mean of 1.6 with descriptive equivalent of “Not Difficult”.

Table 7 shows the respondents responses on each statement in terms of Comprehension.

The Total weighted mean for this category was 1.8 with descriptive equivalent of “Not Difficult”

the highest mean score was 1.9 with the descriptive equivalent of “Not Difficult” with the

statement “I find it difficult to exchange conversation with the customer”. Next was 1.9 with

the descriptive equivalent of “Not Difficult” with the statement “It is hard to pay attention to

and understand the implied meaning while listening to the customer’s statements”. For the

statement “It is difficult to draw conclusion in each situation”. Respondents reflected a

weighted mean 1.85 with descriptive equivalent of “Slightly Difficult”. For the statement “It is

difficult to solve the customer’s problem”. Respondents reflected a weighted mean 1.7 with

descriptive equivalent of “Not Difficult” and lastly, the statement “I can easily grasp the main

idea while listening to the concerns of the customer’s”. Respondents reflected a weighted

mean of 1.65 with descriptive equivalent of “Slightly Difficult”.


Table 1

Profile Respondents in terms of Age

Age Frequency Percentage

21-25 0 0%

26-30 3 15%

31-35 1 5%

36 Above 16 80%

Total 20 100%

Table 2

Profile of the Respondents in terms of Gender

Gender Frequency Percentage

Male 8 40%

Female 12 60%

Total 20 100%
Table 3

Profile of the Respondents in terms of Educational Attainment

Educational Attainment Frequency Percentage

Master’s Degree 1 5%

College Degree 18 90%

Associate/Vocational 1 5%

Total 20 100%

Table 4

Profile of the Respondents in terms Number of years in Casino

Number of years in Casino Frequency Percentage

1-3 years 1 5%

4-6 years 3 15%

7-10 years 2 10%

11 years and above 14 70%

Total 20 100%
Table 5

Communication Problems of Internal Security Personnel in terms of Vocabulary

Vocabulary Weighted Verbal

Mean Interpretation
1. I find it difficult to use the exact words in 1.85 Difficult
communicating to customers correctly
2. When I meet a new word or phrase, I know I find it 2.05 Difficult
difficult to clearly remember it.
3. I find it hard to understand the thoughts of the 1.85 Difficult
customer even if they use unfamiliar words
Not Difficult
4. It is difficult to try to remember a word and to also try 1.9
to remember a sentence in which the word is used.
5. I cannot clearly explain the meanings of words, 1.95 Difficult
especially those words that are difficult to pronounce or

Total Weighted Mean 1.92 Slightly


Table 6

Communication Problems of Internal Security Personnel in terms of Grammatical


Grammatical Structure Weighted Verbal

Mean Interpretation

1. I find it difficult identify the subject being described 1.85 Difficult
Not Difficult
2. It is difficult identify the action or state of being 1.9
Not Difficult
3. I do not understand what the subject is doing 1.6
Not Difficult
4. I cannot easily identify the object being described 1.7
Not Difficult
5. It is difficult for me to identify the complement in a 1.6
Total Weighted Mean 1.73 Slightly

Table 7

Communication Problems of Internal Security Personnel in terms of Comprehension

Comprehension Weighted Verbal

Mean Interpretation

1. I find it difficult to exchange conversation with the 1.9 Not Difficult


2. I can easily grasp the main idea while listening to the 1.65 Slightly
concerns of the customer. Difficult

3. It is hard to pay attention to and understand the 1.9 Not Difficult

implied meaning while listening to the costumer’s

4. It is difficult to draw conclusion in each situation 1.85 Slightly


5. It is difficult to solve the customers problem 1.7 Not Difficult

Total Weighted Mean 1.8 Not Difficult

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