Enigma of Saraswati
Enigma of Saraswati
Enigma of Saraswati
Figure 1: Ghaggar-Hakra river and the upper Ghaggar tributaries. The wide palaeochannel of
Ghaggar- Hakra and two palaeochannels of the Yamuna are marked. Note also the nearly N-S
Shatadru palaeochannel joining Ghaggar palaeochannel. (After Sinha, Singh and Khan, 2020)
The problem with the first hypothesis is Ghaggar-Hakra or the inferred Saraswati
that while the Vedic Saraswati is a mighty, River course, which led to the proposi-
roaring river, the Ghaggar-Hakra is an tion that the civilization should be called
ephemeral stream and the channel is dry Sindhu-Saraswati civilization. Some even
over long stretches and during a large part proposed that the Rigvedic people are the
of the year. The dried out river bed is Harappan people. The Harappan archaeo-
3 to 10 km wide suggesting that once it logical materials could be accurately dated
was a large river. Moreover the Rigvedic as follows: Pre-Harappan — 5050-3250
description suggests that the source of the BCE, Early Harappan to Mature Harappan
Saraswati is in the snowy mountains of the — 3250-2550-1950 BCE. Late Harappan
Himalayas, while the Ghaggar of today is — 1950-1250 BCE (Part 1 of this article).
sourced in the Siwalik hills and is rain-fed. Older dates have also been reported, for
The problem with the second hypothesis example, at Bhirrana the Mature Harap-
is that the other rivers mentioned in the pan is older by about 500 years. Post-
Rigveda in conjunction with Saraswati have Harappan dates as young as 800 BCE have
no counterparts in Afghanistan. been obtained from several sites. The
Meanwhile, many Harappan (Indus Valley pre-Harappan people are described as pas-
Civilization) sites were discovered along the toral to village farming community, mature
Harappans were highly urbanized, and they the Haryana plains and beneath the Thar
built large cities. In the declining stage Desert9,10 (Figure 4). The Hindutva propo-
the cities decayed and smaller villages and nents with political support from the BJP-
isolated farms were established. There led Central and State Governments started
is an overall cultural continuity over the propagating that science has proved the ex-
Harappan time span, but some cultural istence of the ancient Sarasvati river. They
changes took place during and after the equated the Vedic people with the Harap-
Late Harappan stage. It is interesting to pan people and proposed that the great
note that during the Late Harappan stage, civilization that developed on the banks
that is during its decline, the sites migrated of the Sarasvati be called the Sarasvati-
towards the Himalayan piedmont and the Sindhu civilization. Some claimed that the
western part of the Ganga basin, along the river is still flowing underground from the
Yamuna and the Yamuna-Ganga interfluve Himalayan foothills to the sea in Kutchh.
area. The State governments of Haryana and the
Himachal Pradesh made grandiose plans to
The first hypothesis, the Ghaggar-Hakra revive the Sarasvati, and a Sarasvati Her-
hypothesis, received a boost when Land- itage Development Board was constituted.
sat imagery analysis revealed the location
of a large number of palaeochannels in Satellite imageries revealed, along with
Figure 3: Reconstructed full course of the postulated Saraswati river along with the Mature Phase
Harappan sites. (After Danino, 2010)
several palaeochannels in the Indus- the upper Ghaggar channel and from there
Yamuna interfluve, the presence of a 5- the united channel extended from the exit
6 km wide sinuous palaeochannel of the of the Sutlej at the Himalayan moun-
Ghaggar-Hakra which represents an in- tain front to the Thar Desert11 (Figures 1
cised valley that has eroded several me- and 4). Then the waters coming down
tres into the surrounding plains, and from the High Himalayas flowed down the
which can be traced from Cholistan to Ghaggar-Hakra Channel. Later the Sutlej
the upper Ghaggar plains (Figures 1 and avulsed westwards to its present chan-
4). In the ancient time, the eastern- nel. One of the westerly palaeochannels
most palaeochannel of the Sutlej joined of the Sutlej and a palaeochannel of the
Beas joined the Hakra in the vicinity of Ghaggar-Hakra and formed the large river
Cholistan12 (Figure 2). Similarly, once upon Saraswati. If the Sutlej and the Yamuna
a time Yamuna was westerly flowing and at donated water to the Ghaggar-Hakra the
least two palaeochannels (Y1 and Y2 with ancient Saraswati would indeed have been
two branches) of the Yamuna joined the a mighty roaring glacier-fed river. Subse-
Ghaggar-Hakra 9 (Figures 1 and 4). Y1 quent avulsion of the Sutlej to the west and
palaeochannel of the Yamuna is along the of the Yamuna to the east to their respective
Markanda river13 and the Y2 palaeochannel modern courses led to drying up of the
is along the present day Chautang river Saraswati river and its degradation to a
which some have identified as the Rigvedic seasonal stream, the present day Ghaggar-
Drishadwati river14,15 . Y1 palaeochannel Hakra.
joined the Ghaggar palaeochannel in its However, it is not enough just to locate
upstream portion and Y2 joined the latter the paleochannels. Unless a time frame
downstream from Kalibangan (Figure 1). can be placed on when the ancient fluvial
The above palaeochannel configurations led system was active, the information would
to the hypothesis that in ancient times the remain inconclusive as far as the identifi-
Sutlej and the Yamuna drained into the cation of the Saraswati river is concerned.
OSL dating: a method of dating which measures If you are browsing on a mobile phone, just
the time since the sediments were buried and scroll down and you will see the ‘Apply online’
shielded from exposure to light. button at the bottom of the page.
Palaeochannel: ancient channel of a river Please fill up the online form and submit. At
Palaeoseismology: study of ancient earthquakes this stage you do not have to pay the mem-
bership fee. The concerned state committee
Pleistocene: geological time unit extending from will get in touch with you and if membership
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Piedmont: area at the foot of a mountain
The annual membership fee is Rs. 20/- for
Provenance: source region from where particu- students, and Rs. 50 for others.
lar sediments originate
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