Life Coaching Client Feedback Form

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Foundations of Life Coaching: LC 101-OL 1

Life Coaching Client Feedback

Name of Coach:

Thank you for participating in your student coach’s educational process! Please be candid with your comments
and feedback. Feedback is the quickest method to perfect one’s technique.

Directions: Please enter a number between 1 and 5 to indicate the coach’s mastery of each area. A score of 1
indicates that the student needs practice, whereas, a score of 5 indicates mastery.

Greeting and Pre-coaching Interview: Level of Mastery

1. How professional was your coach’s greeting?

2. How well did your coach explain what coaching is and what it isn’t?
3. How well did your coach explain how the session will go today?
4. How completely did your coach answer your questions?

Coaching Experience:

5. How confident did the coach seem?

6. How well did your coach listen to you?
7. How centered (focused) did your coach seem?
8. How well did your coach meet your needs?
9. How successful was this coaching experience?
10. How well did your coach acknowledge you and your greatness?
11. How highly would you recommend this coach to others?
12. Are you interested in another Coaching session? Yes No

If you indicated ‘No’, please provide some feedback explaining your response so that we may identify areas
for improvement:

Thank you!

Southwest Institute of Healing Arts

1538 E. Southern Ave. Tempe, Arizona 85282 (480) 994-9244

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