LAB#5 3-Phase Induction Motor F24
LAB#5 3-Phase Induction Motor F24
LAB#5 3-Phase Induction Motor F24
Lab Report
Lab Session:
Group # (if any):
Student Name: Student ID
Lab Objectives:
Table 1
Equipment Exercise
Induction Motor
1. Workstation 1
2. Resistive Load, 8311 1
3. Inductive Load, 8321 1
4. Capacitive Load, 8331 1
5. Power Supply, 8821 1
6. Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply, 8960 1
7. Data Acquisition and Control Interface, 9063 1
8. Four-Pole Squirrel Cage Induction Motor, 8221 1
9. Timing Belt, 8942 1
1. Initial experimental set up and connections before setting up the experimental circuit -
i) The required equipment is already installed in the LabVolt Workstation according to Table 1 and Figure 1 to
perform Lab #5.
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EECS 3603 Electromechanical Energy Conversion Lab #5 Fall 2024
According to Table 1
USB Cable
ii) Connect the USB port of the Data Acquisition and Control Interface to a USB port of the host computer with a
USB cable.
Connect the Power Input of the Data Acquisition and Control Interface to a 24 V ac power supply. Turn the 24
V ac power supply on. This will activate Data Acquisition and Control Interface (DACI) module.
iii) Connect the USB port of the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply to a USB port of the host computer
with a USB cable. The Power Input of the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply is already connected to
an ac power outlet.
Turn the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply on, this will activate Four-Quadrant
Dynamometer/Power Supply module.
iv) Four-Pole Squirrel Cage Induction Motor module is already mechanically coupled to the Four-Quadrant
Dynamometer/Power Supply using a Timing Belt.
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EECS 3603 Electromechanical Energy Conversion Lab #5 Fall 2024
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EECS 3603 Electromechanical Energy Conversion Lab #5 Fall 2024
Record the nameplate rating of the Four Pole Squirrel Cage Induction Motor.
3. In LVDAC-EMS, open the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply window, then make the following settings:
- Set the Function parameter to CW Constant-Speed Prime Mover/ Brake.
- Set the Speed parameter to 1800 r/min (Synchronous Speed).
- Set the Pulley Ratio parameter to 24:24.
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EECS 3603 Electromechanical Energy Conversion Lab #5 Fall 2024
Start the CW Constant-Speed Prime Mover/ Brake by clicking the Start/Stop button.
Adjust the Speed parameter until the torque produced by the three-phase induction motor is as close as possible to
0 N·m.
In the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply window, measure and record the no-load speed n of the three-
phase induction motor.
6. In the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply window, decrease the Speed parameter until the mechanical
power PM produced by the three-phase induction motor is as close as possible to 200 W. Measure and record the
Nominal motor speed, n =______________r/min
Nominal motor line current, ILine =______ A
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EECS 3603 Electromechanical Energy Conversion Lab #5 Fall 2024
8. In the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply window, stop the CW Constant-Speed Prime Mover/Brake.
On the Power Supply, turn the three-phase ac power source off to stop the three-phase induction motor.
9. In LVDAC-EMS, open the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply window, then make the following settings:
- Set the Function parameter to Speed Sweep.
- Set the Start Speed parameter to 1800 r/min (Synchronous Speed).
- Set the Finish Speed parameter to 1600 r/min.
- Set the Number of Steps parameter to 10 steps.
- Set the Step Duration parameter to 7s.
- Set the Record Data to Table parameter to Yes.
- Set the Pulley Ratio parameter to 24:24.
10. Set the Data Table to record the three-phase induction motor speed n, torque T, mechanical power PM, three-phase
induction motor line voltage ELine (input E1), line current I Line (input I1), active power P, reactive power Q, and
motor power factor PF.
11. On the Power Supply, turn the three-phase ac power source on to start the three-phase induction motor.
In the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply window, start the Speed Sweep function.
12. Observe the Data Table. Wait for the Speed Sweep function to complete its sweep of the specified speed
interval set above.
13. In LVDAC-EMS, open the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply window, then make the following settings:
- Set the Start Speed parameter to 1560 r/min.
- Set the Finish Speed parameter to 0 r/min.
- Set the Number of Steps parameter to 14 steps.
- Set the Step Duration parameter to 7s.
- Start the Speed Sweep function.
14. Wait for the Speed Sweep function to complete its sweep of the specified speed interval.
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Did you save the recorded data table in .csv format? If yes, great!
On the Power Supply, turn the three-phase ac power source off to stop the three-phase induction motor.
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EECS 3603 Electromechanical Energy Conversion Lab #5 Fall 2024
15. Plot a graph of the three-phase induction motor torque T as a function of the motor speed n.
On the graph, indicate the nominal motor speed n and nominal motor torque T recorded in step #6.
Observe the graph you just plotted. Describe how the three-phase induction motor speed n varies as the
motor torque T increases.
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EECS 3603 Electromechanical Energy Conversion Lab #5 Fall 2024
16. Open the .csv format file you saved with a spreadsheet application (e.g. MS Excel).
Add a new column in the Excel spredsheet to determine the induction motor efficiency (ⴄ).
17. Observe the recorded data. Explain the effect of line current ILine as the torque T produced by the motor increases?
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EECS 3603 Electromechanical Energy Conversion Lab #5 Fall 2024
18. Using MS Excel, plot a graph of the three-phase induction motor active power P and reactive power Q as a function
of the motor mechanical power PM. Fundamentals of Induction Motor.pdf, Page #11
19. Observe the reactive power plot. What conclusion you can achieve when you analyze the reactive power-versus-
mechanical power curve?
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EECS 3603 Electromechanical Energy Conversion Lab #5 Fall 2024
Briefly explain why it is not recommended to use a three-phase induction motor in applications requiring the motor to
work at less than its nominal mechanical power.
20. Is the amount of motor reactive power Q higher than the amount of motor active power P when the three-phase
induction motor operates without load? What d o e s t h i s i n d i c a t e a b o u t t h r e e -phase i n d u c t i o n m o t o r s
o p e r a t i n g without load?
21. Using MS Excel, plot a graph of the three-phase induction motor power factor PF as a function of the motor mechanical
power PM. Do not use any d a t a points when the motor mechanical power PM decreases after having
reached its maximal value.
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EECS 3603 Electromechanical Energy Conversion Lab #5 Fall 2024
22. Using MS Excel, plot a graph of the three-phase induction motor line current ILine as a function of the motor mechanical
power PM. Do not use any d a t a points when the motor mechanical power PM decreases after having
reached its maximal value.
Observe the graphs you just plotted. Describe how the three-phase induction motor power factor PF and line current
ILine vary as the motor mechanical power PM increases.
23. Using MS Excel, plot a graph of the three-phase induction motor efficiency ⴄ as a function of the motor mechanical
power PM using the data in the MS Excel application.
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EECS 3603 Electromechanical Energy Conversion Lab #5 Fall 2024
Observe the graph you just plotted. Describe how the three-phase induction motor efficiency ⴄ varies as
the motor mechanical power PM increases.
Ensure that in the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply window, Speed Sweep function is stopped. In
addition, Power Supply should be off.
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EECS 3603 Electromechanical Energy Conversion Lab #5 Fall 2024
25. On the Power Supply, turn the three-phase ac power source ON.
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EECS 3603 Electromechanical Energy Conversion Lab #5 Fall 2024
In the previous setup, what would you have to do in order to reverse the rotation of the three-phase induction
motor? Describe how the simple solution to this problem works. Demonstrate the reverse rotation operation of
the motor, and record the motor direction of rotation.
We switched
phases 2 and 3 .
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EECS 3603 Electromechanical Energy Conversion Lab #5 Fall 2024
26. In the Metering application, make the required settings in order to measure the rms values (ac) of the three-phase
induction machine line voltage (input E1) , and line current (input I1). Set two other meters to measure the machine
active power P and reactive power Q using the two-wattmeter method (meter function PQS1 + PQS2).
27. In LVDAC-EMS, open the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply window, then make the following settings:
- Set the Function parameter to CW Constant-Speed Prime Mover/ Brake.
- Set the Speed parameter to 1900 r/min (above the Synchronous Speed).
- S t a r t CW Constant-Speed Prime Mover/ Brake
Observe the meters from Dynamometer window and Metering window, and record the following parameters:
Speed, n =__________________r/min
Machine active power, P =_____________ W
1 448
Torque, T=_____________N·m
- -
M echanical power, PM =
294 W
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EECS 3603 Electromechanical Energy Conversion Lab #5 Fall 2024
Does the three-phase induction machine active power P measured in the previous step indicate that active power flows
from the three-phase induction machine to the three-phase ac power source?
synchronous generator
asynchronous generator
28. On the Power Supply, make sure that the main power switch is set to the O (off) position, then turn the 24 V ac
power source off. Close the LVDAC-EMS software. Turn the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply off.
Your lab report must consist of required schematics, all the data and results you obtained from LVDAC-EMS.
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