Group 2 - How Does Music Impact Plant Growth
Group 2 - How Does Music Impact Plant Growth
Group 2 - How Does Music Impact Plant Growth
Section: 9A
Research Questions
Significance of the Our topic can help provide a positive change in our food
Topic system by using an alternative method instead of chemical
products. Chemical products are a big problem because they
can contaminate the environment around them. But with
music, it benefits the plant's growth and the environment, by
using an environmental-friendly method.
Research Design: There are numerous studies that support that music does help
a plant’s growth. That’s why we chose a research design that
will utilise this information by controlled experiments. We're
investigating the potential of music to improve crop yields by
testing the effects of different genres on the growth rate and
unraveling the underlying mechanisms behind any observed
Materials and
Equipment: 1. 30 Rosa Chinensis plants (grafted on same day from
same mother plant
2. Pots (similar sizes)
3. Mud (same amount)
4. Music player
5. Measuring tape
6. Scale
Data Collection
1.Thirty Rose plants (Rosa chinensis) will be purchased from
the flower shop.
2. The plants will be divided into five groups.
3.Each group will be potted in similar sized pots with equal
amounts of mud.
4. Each group will be subjected to one of the following types of
music, Indian Classical music, Vedic chants, Western Classical
music, and Rock music while one group is kept in silence as
the control group.
5.The elongation of shoot, internode elongation, the number of
flowers and the diameter of the flowers will be recorded and
studied over a period of 60 days.
Statistical Tool:
Some of these tools can be:
1.Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
2. Descriptive Statistics (Mean. Median, Mode, Variance,
Standard Deviation)
3. T-test
4. Pearson r- correlation
5. Regression Analysis