Group 2 - How Does Music Impact Plant Growth

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Capsule Research Proposal for Grade 9 (Quantitative)

Study Title: How does Music Impact Plant Growth?

Section: 9A

Researchers of the Audrey Cherrylia Iskandar, Jazshelyn Anne Santoso, Joceline

Study: Vilasa Sudibyo, and Kelly Austin Lie


Rationale: Climate change is causing crop failure and leading to price

hikes across the world as reported by the World Bank. Rice for
example, according to ANTARA News, the Indonesian
government had to point out that the amount of rice consumed
has not changed, but production has decreased, resulting in a
supply shortage. Therefore a solution we will propose is using
music to increase the growth rate of plants.

Research Questions

1. Do the vibrations of different music genres have an

effect on how fast plants grow?

2. Is there a specific range of frequency that can be

beneficial for plant growth?

3. Are plants capable of sensing and responding to


Significance of the Our topic can help provide a positive change in our food
Topic system by using an alternative method instead of chemical
products. Chemical products are a big problem because they
can contaminate the environment around them. But with
music, it benefits the plant's growth and the environment, by
using an environmental-friendly method.

Review of Related Information # 1: For most plants playing classical or jazz

Literature: music caused growth to increase, while harsher metal music
induced stress. This may be because the vibrations of metal
music are too intense for plants and stimulate cells a little
too much. We think of this like massaging your plant with a
song – they prefer a gentler touch.

Oxford, B. (2020, February 19). Should you sing to your

plants? Here's what the science says. Pistils Nursery.

Information # 2: A researcher engaged in a few highly

controlled greenhouse experiments. He found that soy and
corn plants exposed to music were thicker and greener with
significantly larger yields.

20Dyer, M. H. (2021, April 26). Playing music for plants –

How does music affect plant growth. Gardening Know How.

Information # 3: Plants detect vibrations and respond that will

increase their fitness. It is similar to how animals use sounds.

Royal Society of Biology. (n.d). Safe and Sound. Royal Society


Information # 4: Sound also affects the metabolism of plants.

This is because when sound waves hit cell walls they increase
the rate of transportation within the cell.

Albrecht, M.(2023, September 5). Tunes & blooms: Does

music actually help plants? Green Bay Botanical Garden.

Information # 5: Intriguingly, plants respond to specific sound

frequencies in ways that enhance their growth and well-being.
Here are some frequencies that have been found to influence
plant growth: 125Hz: Known to stimulate germination and root
growth in plants

Gupta, A. & Chowdhury, A. R. (2015, December). Effect of

Music on Plants - An Overview. International Journal of
Integrative Sciences, Innovation and Technology (IJIIT), 4(6),

Research Design: There are numerous studies that support that music does help
a plant’s growth. That’s why we chose a research design that
will utilise this information by controlled experiments. We're
investigating the potential of music to improve crop yields by
testing the effects of different genres on the growth rate and
unraveling the underlying mechanisms behind any observed

Research Locale: We will conduct our experiment in our school’s scientific


Variables: Independent Variable: Type of music

Dependent Variable: Growth of the plant

Controlled Variable: Temperature and amount of water given

Materials and
Equipment: 1. 30 Rosa Chinensis plants (grafted on same day from
same mother plant
2. Pots (similar sizes)
3. Mud (same amount)
4. Music player
5. Measuring tape
6. Scale

Data Collection
1.Thirty Rose plants (Rosa chinensis) will be purchased from
the flower shop.
2. The plants will be divided into five groups.
3.Each group will be potted in similar sized pots with equal
amounts of mud.
4. Each group will be subjected to one of the following types of
music, Indian Classical music, Vedic chants, Western Classical
music, and Rock music while one group is kept in silence as
the control group.
5.The elongation of shoot, internode elongation, the number of
flowers and the diameter of the flowers will be recorded and
studied over a period of 60 days.

Statistical Tool:
Some of these tools can be:
1.Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
2. Descriptive Statistics (Mean. Median, Mode, Variance,
Standard Deviation)
3. T-test
4. Pearson r- correlation
5. Regression Analysis

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), T-test, Regression Analysis

Reference List:
Dyer, M. H. (2021). Playing music for plants – How does
music affect plant growth. Gardening Know How.

Royal Society of Biology. (n.d). Safe and Sound. Royal Society


Albrecht, M.(2023, September 5). Tunes & blooms: Does

music actually help plants? Green Bay Botanical Garden.

Gupta, A. & Chowdhury, A. R. (2015, December). Effect of

Music on Plants - An Overview. International Journal of
Integrative Sciences, Innovation and Technology (IJIIT), 4(6),

Mogul. (2024, January 29). What Music Do Plants Like?


Michelson, M. (2014, 8 July). Do Plants Hear? California

Academy of Sciences.

Dyer, M. H. (2021, April 26). Playing Music For Plants - How

Does Music Affect Plant Growth. Gardening Know

Ralls, E. (2023, October 10). Plants that listen to music grow

faster and healthier.

Sinaga, Y. A. (Ed.). (2024, February 19). Increasing rice price

in Indonesia caused by climate change: Jokowi.

Al Jazeera. (2023, July 4). Scientists warn of crop failure

‘uncertainties’ as Earth heats up. Al Jazeera.
Jagiellonian University. (n.d.) What do plants hear?
Jagiellonian University.

Chivukula, V., & Ramaswamy, S. (2014, October). Effect

Different Types of Music on Rosa Chinensis Plants.
International Journal of Environmental Science and
Development, 5(5), 431-434.

Oxford, B. (2020, February 19) Should you sing to your plants?

Here's what the science says. Pistils Nursery.

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