Best Example by Henk - Research Proposal 1
Best Example by Henk - Research Proposal 1
Best Example by Henk - Research Proposal 1
Instructional videos are increasingly used in education but the learning effectiveness of those videos is
not yet optimal. To achieve optimal learning effectiveness, it is important that the learner engages in
adequate information processing in order to recall the content. Next to the cognitive processes,
motivation of the learner has an effect on the retrieval of memory. A review (summary) could be a
possible solution to make sure that the learner engages in the right information processing. In
addition, it is expected that the review enhances self-efficacy and compensates for little self-regulated
learning skills. This research aims to investigate the effects of reviews in an instructional conceptual
video on primary school (i.e. grade 8-9) children’s retention and motivation.
The expected cognitive and motivational effects of reviews will be investigated using an
experimental design and by means of interviews. Within the timeframe, knowledge tests, self-efficacy
tests and self-regulated learning tests are administered. The control group will receive an instructional
video without the presence of a review, whereas the experimental group will receive an instructional
video with reviews included. After the experiment, interviews are held. Subsequently, ANOVAs will
be used to analyse the effect of the different conditions on video engagement, motivation and
retention. The interviews will be analysed using a hybrid coding scheme. In order to provide in depth
recommendations for design based principles, cognitive and motivational effects are taken into
account. Furthermore, this research will shed light on the previous proven effectiveness of summaries
in text, with regard to videos.
‘What is the effect of reviews in instructional conceptual video on primary school children’s (i.e.
grade 8-9) learning outcomes and motivation? ‘
1)To what extent does a review influence children’s immediate and delayed post-retention of
an instructional video?
2)To what extent does a review influence children’s video interaction, self-efficacy and self-
3) How do children experience reviews regarding learning and motivation?
Approximately 50 children in grade 8-9 of primary school will participate in this study. Based
on convenience sampling two classes of grade 8-9 of different schools are selected. To assure that
differences in children outcomes cannot be ascribed by factors of the school, children are randomly
assigned to condition, after stratification for classroom. When examining group differences, a
prerequisite for a relative high power is that there are approximately 20 children per condition
(Wilson Van Hoorhis & Morgan, 2007).
A variety of instruments is used to collect relevant data in the different phases of this research.
In order to investigate the effect of reviews, four reviews will be developed and incorporated into an
existing instructional video. When the children are watching the videos, user logs will be used in
order to examine the children’s engagement with the video.
In addition, a couple of tests are used. First, knowledge tests are used in order to asses factual
knowledge. A pre-test, immediate domain knowledge test and delayed domain knowledge test are
administered. The assessed content will be aligned with the theory discussed in the instructional video
and the tests are developed on the basis of Bloom’s Taxonomy (Jones, Harland, Reid & Barlett, 2009).
Second, self-efficacy will be measured with the Initial Self-Efficacy Questionnaire (ISEQ) and the
Final Self-Efficacy Questionnaire (FSEQ) (Rheinberg, Vollmeyer & Burns, 2001). This test is
previously used in empirical studies who examined the effect of reviews in procedural knowledge
videos on self-efficacy (e.g. van der Meij et al. 2018; van der Meij, 2017). The survey is based on a 7-
point Likert scale and four questions are asked per timepoint. An example question from the ISEQ is:
‘How much do you know about this topic?’ Third, a self-regulation test (MSLQ) is administered in
order to determine the level of self-regulation (Duncan & McKeachie, 2005; Pintrich & Smith, 1993).
The learning-strategies scale (cognitive) will be used for this research because this examines the
concept of self-regulation targeted with this research. Ledoux, Meijer, Van der Veen and Breetvelt
(2013) examined the psychometric quality of the instrument and report that the MSLQ is a reliable
and valid instrument to use. The scale will be translated in Dutch and quality will be assessed prior to
using it. Also, all instruments will be pilot-tested to ensure that the instruments are appropriate to use.
For the qualitative part, an interview guide is developed to investigate children’s view
regarding the review. A grounded theory lens is used because sensitizing concepts from the theoretical
framework are used to develop the interview guide. While administering the interviews, story-
eliciting techniques will be used which is recommended in research with children (Flick, 2018).
Before data will be gathered, the ethics commission of the University of Twente will be asked
for permission. The participating children and their parents will be asked for consent, after they are
informed about the purpose of this study. The measurements and interviews will be conducted during
school hours at the primary school of the children. In the first meeting, three pre-tests are
administered, namely a prior knowledge test, a self-efficacy test and a self-regulation test. What
follows is the instructional video (with or without reviews present). While watching the instructional
video, user logs are administered. When children have watched the video, they fill in a domain
knowledge test, a self-efficacy test and a self-regulation test.
After 2 weeks, a second meeting will be planned. During this meeting, a delayed retention test
will be administered followed by focus groups. A focus group is chosen because more information can
be gathered in a short amount of time in comparison with one-to-one interviews (Flick, 2018). By
means of stratified random sampling, only children from the experimental group will be selected for
the interview because the aim of this research is to get insight in the experiences of children with
reviews. The interviews will be recorded and transcribed, so that the researcher can focus on the
interview itself. As discussed with the teacher, the children will be thanked for their participation in
this study through doing the ‘Freek Vonk Game’. When the teacher would like to know the outcomes
of the study, he/she could indicate to receive an infographic with important findings.
Table 1 provides a planning of this research project. The table shows when which activities
take place. The darkest colours indicate different parts of the project and the aimed week for delivery
or finishing and the lightest colours indicate sub activities of those parts. As indicated in the table, the
project starts in July and intends to be finished at the end of January 2020.
First, an analysis of the target group and theories regarding the to be developed product
(review) is made. Second, instruments are created and data can be collected. Third, the data is
analysed and will inform the answering of the research questions. Finally, everything can be brought
together in the product of the thesis.
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