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thropological data indicate that between 5 and 10 mil-
lion years ago (mya), the lineage of our extinct bipedal
ancestors diverged from the most closely related ape lin-
eage, that led to the two extant chimpanzees, Pan troglo-
dytes, the common chimpanzee, and Pan paniscus, the
‘bonobo’ [9]. This critical split of the common hominoid
root followed climatic and geological events that, in east
Africa, led to an expansion of dryer, sparsely wooded sa-
vannahs at the expense of primary rainforest [10]. This
must have resulted in increased availability of potential
new foods that had previously been scarcely exploited,
such as hard seeds, insects and abrasive roots and grass-
es, with comparatively reduced availability of fruits and
soft leaves. The hominoid species ancestral to both hu-
mans and chimpanzees, which occupied these progres-
Fig. 1. Darwin’s ‘finches’ (also known as the Galápagos Finches or sively fragmented forest environments and was most
Geospizinae), a classic example of diversification by natural selec- probably partially adapted to terrestrial life, must have
tion, from the original illustration published in the 1859 and sub- been subjected to a strong selective pressure for new nu-
sequent editions of On the Origin of Species [3]. These Passerine tritional adaptations. In fact, the earliest known fossils
birds include a number of related species, mostly classified with-
ascribed to close relatives or direct ancestors of humans,
in the genus Geospiza, which are connected to American tanagers
in the family Emberizidae rather than to the European finches. broadly dated between 7 and 3 mya, had chimpanzee-
(1) Geospiza magnirostris. (2) Geospiza fortis. (3) Geospiza par- sized brains and may have been still imperfectly bipedal,
vula. (4) Certhidea olivacea. G. magnirostris and G. fortis have but already displayed notable and typical morphological
broad, deep beaks useful for crushing seeds; G. parvula has a and structural changes in the dentition (decreased size
small symmetrical beak, suitable to more generalist ground feed-
of canines, large molars and, particularly, increased
ing, while C. olivacea, the ‘warbler’ finch, has an elongated beak
useful for capturing insects. In September 1839, when HMS Bea- thickness and different microstructure of enamel) [11,
gle reached the Galápagos islands, these and other ‘finches’ struck 12]. These dental changes allowed a functional shift from
Darwin’s mind, later highlighting the concept that exploitation of ape-like slicing and cutting, suited to relatively soft but
different food resources leads to evolutionary divergence. It has tough foods and dependent on shearing crests forming
been recently shown that beak diversification in Geospiza and
on molars at wear-exposed enamel-dentine junctions, to
other bird species is determined by heterochronic and heterotop-
ic gene regulation during craniofacial development. human puncture-crushing and grinding, better adapted
to process hard, brittle foods and affording better protec-
tion, and thus prolonged tooth life, in the presence of an
abrasive diet. This provided a critical selective advantage
from beak morphologies, which manifest different nutri- since, under natural conditions, the health and lifespan
tional adaptations (fig. 1) [3]. Today we know that in bird of mammals is primarily dependent on the status of the
species, beak diversification is determined by the heter- dentition, which must allow adequate food processing
ochronic and heterotopic expression of genes differential- and protection from infection [13]. Genome-wide pro-
ly modulated during craniofacial morphogenesis, partic- tein sequence evolution data support the view that di-
ularly BMP4 (implicated in the well-known signaling etary shifts played a major role in the divergence between
pathway of bone morphogenetic proteins) and calmodu- the ancestors of humans and chimpanzees. In fact, based
lin (a mediator of calcium signaling) [5–7]. Notably, a re- on the comparison of 7,645 human-chimp-mouse gene
cent study conducted on a population of common Medi- trios, the most significant functional gene categories
terranean lizards (Podarcis sicula), which had been exper- showing positive selection include those involved in
imentally introduced into a novel insular environment, amino acid metabolism, in addition to those implicated
demonstrated that exploitation of a different dietary re- in skeletal regulation, olfaction and sound perception
source may trigger surprisingly rapid large-scale evolu- [14]. Furthermore, the promoter sequences and the ami-
tionary divergence in morphology and physiology [8]. no acid sequences of diet-related genes carry more dif-
The fossil record points to a major dietary shift at or ferences between humans and chimpanzees than do ran-
near the stem of human evolution. Genetic and paleoan- dom genes [15]. - 11/1/2015 10:46:01 PM
Universita degli Studi di Bologna
Fig. 2. Lower Paleolithic flake tool from the Saharan desert, rep- breaks with sharp edges. a Dorsal (upper) face of the flake.
resentative of stone industries associated with Homo erectus. This b Sharp edges suitable for cutting and slicing meat and skin.
flake was struck with a stone hammer from a nucleus of chert, c Ventral (or underside) face, with the characteristic percussion
which like other cryptocrystalline stones used by our ancestors, bulb starting from the striking platform.
Biocultural Factors and Dietary Adaptations in ticularly defleshed marrowbones and heads containing
Earliest Human Ancestors brains, abandoned by carnivores, as well as placentas,
which are shed in numbers during delivery seasons, must
In the human lineage, technology was soon to become have been readily available on the ancient African savan-
a major motor for new nutritional adaptations. Several nahs densely populated by large herding ungulates [21].
species of extant Old and New World primates may use The bipedal gait also freed hands and arms from their
stone anvils and hammers to process hard foods, such as function in locomotion, allowing their full use to hold
nuts, but in general the upper limbs of non-human pri- excess food, which could then be carried away in quan-
mates are anatomically unsuited to manufacture and use tity to safe hiding places (fig. 3). This must have signifi-
tools with sufficient precision [16]. Instead, in the early cantly improved the scavenging strategies of our early an-
representatives of our lineage, the extensive anatomical cestors, since carrion in open savannahs rapidly attracts
remodeling of the hand made possible by the progressive dangerous competitors and thus cannot be consumed on
acquisition of bipedalism, perfected the acquisition of the site [22].
two fundamental human handgrips – the ‘power’ and Abundant archaeological evidence supports the view
‘precision’ grips – which serve for finely controlled crush- that the use of stone tools allowed dietary flexibility and
ing, for the related ability to manufacture sharply-edged a more systematic reliance on animal foods in the spe-
stone tools (fig. 2), and for the use of such tools in cutting cific lineage of early bipedal apes that gave rise to the ge-
and slicing [17]. These critical abilities decisively facili- nus Homo [23]. The first evidence of stone tools use for
tated access to foods of animal origin, in the absence of bone defleshing and crushing, from a site in Gona in the
the specific dental adaptations usually associated with Afar region of Ethiopia, is dated at 2.6 mya [24]. The in-
mammalian carnivorism [18–20]. Animal carcasses, par- creased dietary quality due to tool use may have deter- - 11/1/2015 10:46:01 PM
Universita degli Studi di Bologna
Fig. 3. Several extant chimpanzee populations live in environ- area, the ability to walk upright, using both arms and hands, in
ments that may approach that of the ancient common ancestor of addition to the mouth, to carry away potential food items for lat-
humans and chimpanzees. a A band of common chimpanzees er consumption under cover, provides a distinct advantage. The
(Pan troglodytes) feeding at the edge of a forested area in Uganda. young male (b), a member of the band in a, exemplifies this type
When food is abundant and not specifically concentrated, the of behavior, which must have been useful to our earliest ancestors
feeding behavior is relaxed and animals use only the 4-legged gait. in competing with other scavengers for placentas or partial ani-
However, when a cache of food is concentrated in a limited open mal carcasses. Images: R. Mariani-Costantini (2005).
mined rapid large-scale evolutionary divergences in mor- dated between 1.8 and 1.0 mya, are found in a broad
phology, physiology, social behavior and ecology. In par- southern Eurasian belt comprising sites as distant as
ticular, it resulted in larger body size, and may have Dmanisi in Georgia, Sangiran in Java and Atapuerca in
promoted the acquisition of a set of diet-related anatom- Spain [29, 30].
ic, physiologic and metabolic characteristics which dis- Significantly, the spread of H. ergaster/erectus coincid-
tinguish humans from the extant great apes. These in- ed with the extinction of the robust Australopithecines,
clude encephalization, decrease in gastrointestinal tract African bipedal apes representing a side-branch of the
length, better adaptations to diets high in fat and choles- human lineage that did not develop stone tool technology
terol and related changes in gut microbiota [25–27]. and that may have subsisted mainly on vegetable savan-
nah foods (fig. 4) [9, 12].
Archaeological evidence at most H. erectus sites, both
Meat, Stones, Fire and the Spread of the Homo in Africa and in Eurasia, strongly suggests that this hom-
ergaster/erectus Lineage inin species was capable of hunting large mammals or, at
least, successfully competing with large carnivores for
Progressive incorporation of more meat into the diet the appropriation of carrion [30]. The consistent evidence
of our early ancestors depended on progress in active of cannibalism associated with the Eurasian forms de-
hunting in addition to scavenging, in both cases made rived from H. erectus along the extinct antecessor/heidel-
possible by improvements in tool technology and social bergensis/neanderthalesis lineage and also, later, along
organization (fig. 4). Ecologically, carnivores, particular- our own lineage, H. sapiens, suggests that dependence on
ly those of large size which are more mobile and can adapt meat was driven by ecological necessity [31–37].
to different temperatures, tend to have a wide geographic As stated above, human evolution provides a fascinat-
dispersal, as meat can be naturally found in a large vari- ingly complex model for the study of the evolutionary
ety of climates and habitats [28]. Thus, increased car- relevance of biocultural interactions. Control of fire was
nivorism may lie at the basis of the first wave of the early a cultural adaptation that impacted on dietary quality,
human ‘out of Africa’ migration, which appears to have and hence on biology [38]. Data from extant apes suggest
coincided with the emergence of the large-sized Homo an innate preference for cooked food in hominoids [39].
ergaster/erectus lineage in east Africa around 1.9 mya, The earliest evidence of fire use, probably due to H. ergas-
and soon after in Eurasia. The first non-African fossils, ter/erectus, comes from archaeological sites in eastern - 11/1/2015 10:46:01 PM
Universita degli Studi di Bologna
1 A. aethiopicus A. robustus
(410 cc) (530 cc)
H. habilis
A. boisei (600 cc)
(510 cc) H. antecessor/heidelbergensis
2 (1,000 cc)
A. africanus
(415 cc)
3 A. afarensis
(385 cc)
A. anamensis
A. ramidus
O. tugenensis
6 S. tchadensis
(350 cc)
Fig. 4. Evolutionary timetable of fossil hominins and brain sizes. pedal ape species dated between 3 and 1 mya, such as Australo-
The first fossil species, Sahelanthropus tchadensis, represented by pithecus robustus, Australopithecus boisei and Australopithecus
a unique well-preserved skull dated to about 7 mya, was probably aethiopicus, did not develop particularly large brains. These ex-
very close to the common ancestor of humans and chimpanzees, tinct close relatives of humans did not develop a distinct stone tool
had a cranial capacity of about 350 cm3 (that of chimpanzees), but technology and appear to have relied on a diet of grubs and plants.
dental features supporting its relation with the human lineage. Returning to the human lineage, about 2 mya, with the emergence
Orrorin tugenensis, Ardipithecus ramidus and Australopithecus of Homo ergaster/erectus, probably from Homo habilis or related
anamensis, dated between about 6.5 and 4 mya, had dental adap- forms, there is a rapid increase in absolute and relative brain size,
tations typical of the human lineage and postcranial anatomy in- associated with strong evidence of tool manufacture and use. H.
dicating imperfect bipedalism. Brain size was most probably in ergaster/erectus butchered, and probably hunted, large animals.
the chimpanzee range, although informative fossils are lacking. Reliance on meat increased environmental adaptability, allowing
In Australopithecus afarensis, a later bipedal ape dated at about 3 spread to Eurasia, where local evolution took place along the an-
mya, and represented by the famous partial skeleton known as tecessor/heidelbergensis/neanderthalensis lineage. These ancient
‘Lucy’, we have evidence of a cranial capacity still nearing that of Eurasian hominids, which appear to have been later entirely re-
chimpanzees. With Australopithecus africanus, and particularly placed by Homo sapiens, certainly relied on meat and more or less
with Homo habilis, there is a definite increase in brain size. The consistently used fire. H. sapiens, our species, emerged about
available documentation suggests that these species tended to 200,000 years ago from an advanced African H. ergaster/erectus
consume animal foods, possibly by scavenging, although tool use population. The brain of H. sapiens, although on average smaller
is not clearly documented. Notably, the robust australopithecines, than that of Neanderthals, shows major structural differences,
representing a side branch of the human tree which includes bi- particularly expansion of the frontoparietal regions. - 11/1/2015 10:46:01 PM
Universita degli Studi di Bologna
The striking absolute and relative increase in brain Origin and Spread of H. sapiens, the Perfected
size along the evolutionary sequence that, through the H. Hunter-Gatherer
ergaster/erectus stage, led to our species, H. sapiens, oc-
curred through genetic processes that largely remain to The analysis of mtDNA and Y chromosome variation
be clarified. Primary microcephaly, a rare genetic disor- of modern human populations, supplemented by data on
der due to deficient neurogenesis in which the brain is other nuclear DNA variation and by phylogenetic studies
severely reduced in size but architecturally normal, may of human-specific pathogens, supports the view that our
provide clues to such processes [42]. Evolutionary studies own species, H. sapiens, originated quite suddenly in Af-
of two of the known primary microcephaly-causing rica less than 200,000 years ago (200 kya), from an ad-
genes, microcephalin (MCPH1) and abnormal spindle- vanced ergaster/erectus population [54–57]. This is in
like microcephaly associated (ASPM), which encode pro- good agreement with the fossil evidence [58, 59]. In fact,
teins that influence neurogenic mitosis, reveal clear evi- the earliest isotopically well dated fossils attributed to our
dence for positive selection in the human lineage [43– species, from the Kibish Formation of the Omo River and
46]. from Herto, Middle Awash, both in southern Ethiopia,
Nonetheless, a diet including energy-dense foods that have suggested estimated ages of 200–190 kya and 160–
provided the full complement of nutrients must have 154 kya respectively. These are quite consistent with the
been a prerequisite for the selection of the genetic varia- timeframe independently inferred from the above-men-
tion that allowed encephalization (fig. 4) [47]. The brain tioned genetic studies. H. sapiens spread from Africa to
has much greater energy demands per unit weight than southern Eurasia by approximately 100 kya, and by about
muscle and, unlike muscle, its metabolism cannot be 50–30 kya appears to have replaced, apparently with no
down-regulated to conserve energy [48]. The brain ac- interbreeding, all the continental Eurasian human vari-
counts for about 20–25% of the resting metabolic rate in ants that had evolved from the earlier dispersal of H. erec-
adult humans, compared to about 8–10% in other extant tus, such as the well-known Neanderthals in Europe.
primates and 3–5% in most non-primate mammals. However, the spread of H. sapiens was not limited to Eur-
These figures are much higher in newborns, where over asia, as its mobility and technology very soon allowed
80% of the basal metabolic rate may be due to the brain colonization of Australia, and, later, near the end of the
alone, and in children, where, at about 5 years of age, the last glaciation, of the Americas [60]. Nonetheless, because
brain may account for over 40% of the resting energy de- of our relatively recent origin, the genetic legacy of our
mand [49]. Thus, the striking expansion of the cerebral species is African, and the highest diversity of the human
hemispheres in the Homo lineage necessitated a higher genome is still to be found in Africa, where variation ac-
quality diet, particularly in pregnant or breast-feeding fe- cumulated and was selected over a much longer period of - 11/1/2015 10:46:01 PM
Universita degli Studi di Bologna
Diet-Mediated Evolutionary Impact of the in the New Guinean highlands, about 9,000–6,000 years
Agricultural Revolution ago, in Subsaharan Africa, possibly 4,000–5,000 years ago,
and in Central, North and South America between 5,000
At the end of the last Ice Age the increase in human and 3,000 years ago [79, 80]. The agricultural revolution
populations that were capable of efficient hunting, coupled significantly affected nutrition and health, as it deter-
with the severe biological stress imposed by the glacial mined rise in population density, marked social stratifica-
maximum and by the marked postglacial climatic chang- tion and, therefore, differential access to foods, sedentary
es, determined the decline or extinction of major prey an- lifestyle and an increased workload. Overall poorer nutri-
imal species in several areas of the world [60, 77, 78]. This tion – reflecting reduced meat intake, reduced mineral ab-
appears to have triggered a global food crisis, which stim- sorption due to cereal-based diets, and seasonal monoph-
ulated migrations and the development of the new food agy – resulted in the spread of carential diseases, which,
sources, made possible by the transition from foraging and after the Neolithic, are readily evident in the osteoarchae-
hunting to farming and animal husbandry. This major ological record (fig. 7) [81–83]. Significantly, a marked de-
ecological and, hence, nutritional change occurred inde- crease in stature of about 15 cm compared to their paleo-
pendently and spread metachronously in several areas of lithic predecessors also becomes evident in many agricul-
the world, starting first at the Paleolithic-Neolithic transi- tural populations, a phenomenon which in several areas of
tion in the area of the ‘fertile crescent’ of the Middle East, the world may have been reversed only by the spread of the
about 11,000 years ago, then, independently, in the Yangt- affluent Western dietary lifestyles of the 20th century.
zi and Yellow River basins of China, about 9,000 years ago, Furthermore, sedentary life and close contact with domes- - 11/1/2015 10:46:01 PM
Universita degli Studi di Bologna
Fig. 7. After the agricultural revolution, evidence of carential dis- is characterized by pitting and porosity of the cortical smooth
eases becomes common in the osteoarcheological record, as ex- bone of the roof of the orbit. b Teeth of the cranium showing cir-
emplified here by skeletal material from the Iron Age necropolis cumferential rings of enamel hypoplasia, which may reflect diet
of Alfedena, Abruzzo, Italy (3rd century BCE). a Cranium of a or disease-related stresses during the mineralization of the per-
young individual showing cribra orbitalia, a pathological lesion manent dentition. Photo courtesy of Dr. R. D’Anastasio (G.
which has been associated with iron deficiency anemia and which d’Annunzio University, Chieti, Italy).
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Universita degli Studi di Bologna