NNAS ApplicantHandbook ENG ExpeditedVersion 20240620

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Simple. Fast. Safe.

Expedited Service
Applicant Handbook
A new service for RN and LPN Applications
Your journey to a nursing career in Canada starts here

Last updated February 2024

This Handbook explains Canada’s National Nursing Assessment’s
(NNAS) new, Expedited Service for collecting and authenticating the
credentials of Internationally Educated Nurses (IENs). We hope it
will start you on your journey to practice nursing in Canada.

The new Expedited Service is a simple, fast and safe process for
IENs who wish to obtain a license to practice nursing in Canada
as a Registered Nurse (RN) or Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN).

This new expedited process is offered in partnership with certain

Nursing Regulatory Bodies (RBs) in Canada. If you are interested in
applying as a Registered Psychiatric Nurse (RPN) or applying to a
regulatory body that is not participating in the Expedited Service,
you are still able to do so under NNAS’s standard process.

We recognize that some of the terms in the Handbook may be new

to you. On page 4 you will find a glossary (a dictionary) that might
be helpful to you. Words that appear in the glossary are bolded
throughout this document.
Dear NNAS Applicant,

Thank you for your choosing NNAS. We are here to help you begin
the process of becoming licensed as a nurse in Canada.
NNAS is pleased to offer a new, Expedited Service for IENs interested
in working as a RN or LPN in Canada. This new service is designed to
provide a simple, fast and safe way to review the credentials of IENs.
Moreover, applicants can apply for licensing as an RN or LPN at the
same time. NNAS will now issue a single report for both professions
at a single price. Over the past 10 years, NNAS has listened and
learned from IENs, regulatory bodies and other key stakeholders in
the health care system. The Expedited Service incorporates those
lessons. We recognize the value IENs’ education, skills and experience
bring to Canada. Our new Expedited Service streamlines the process.
Under this service your credentials will be reviewed and your Advisory
Report released within 5 business days of all documents being
received. No curricular assessment is required.
This Applicant Handbook describes the new Expedited Service. It
will help you understand what you need to do to complete your
streamlined application. The Applicant Handbook will also help you
understand what is expected of Third Parties who will need to provide
information to NNAS. Most importantly, the Applicant Handbook also
explains what you can expect from NNAS.
If you started your NNAS application before we introduced this We know that every applicant’s
service and are applying to one of the RBs that is participating in situation is unique and that
the service, your application will automatically be transferred to the in some cases, you may face
Expedited Service. You do not need to do anything. additional challenges with the
In addition to this Applicant Handbook, we encourage you to read process. The NNAS Corporate
other material about nursing in Canada. You will be able to find Office has Applicant Navigators
resources on the NNAS website (www.nnas.ca). available to provide additional
support in these situations.
If you have questions about your application, please feel free to
The Applicant Navigators
contact our Applicant Support department for assistance. Applicant
will work with you and the
Support can be reached at [email protected] or by calling +1-855-977-
service providers that are
1898, Monday to Friday 8:00 am–4:00 pm (0800–1600), eastern time.
involved in the delivery of
This is a free call for you if you are in Canada or the United States.
NNAS services to find a
NNAS is pleased to be the starting point for IENs interested in being solution to the challenges
licensed or registered as a nurse in Canada. We wish you all the best you are facing. The Applicant
on your journey. Navigators can be reached at
[email protected]

Gayle Waxman
Executive Director

NNAS Applicant Handbook

Table of Contents
Glossary of Terms.............................................................................4
About NNAS........................................................................................5
Canada’s Nursing Professions........................................................6
Who is Eligible to Apply to NNAS’s Expedited Service........8
Your Responsibilities as an NNAS Applicant.............................9
The Expedited Service Application Process..............................10
Monitoring the Status of Your Application..............................16
Your NNAS Expedited Service Advisory Report.....................17
New Expedited Service Fee Schedule.........................................18
Contact NNAS....................................................................................19

NNAS Applicant Handbook

Glossary of Terms
Advisory Report: The NNAS application process is intended to produce an Advisory Report
that verifies your identification, nursing education and nursing registration/licensing.

Affidavit: This is an official written statement made by an individual, under oath, and
verified by a notary public or other authorized official.

A Course-by-course assessment report: A course-by-course assessment report is used

to verify that your international degree, diploma, or certificate is valid and equal to a
Canadian one.

Expedited Service/Process: The new Expedited Service is a simple, fast and safe process
for IENs who wish to obtain a license to practice nursing in Canada as a Registered Nurse
(RN) or Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN). It is being offered in partnership with participating
Nursing Regulatory Bodies and is based on a streamlined application process. Once all
documents are received, a single Advisory Report for both LPN and RN professions will be
released within 5 business days.

Internationally Educated Nurse (IEN): Internationally Educated Nurses are nurses who
have completed post-secondary (university or college) nursing education outside of Canada,
including Canadians who have completed their nursing education outside of Canada.

Notary Public: A person authorized by the government to certify that a document is a true
copy of an original. A notary public is often referred to simply as a “notary”.

Regulatory Body: A Regulatory Body (also referred to in this document as a “Nursing

Regulatory Body”) is an organization with a mandate to govern its profession and ensure
that the highest possible standards are maintained so that the public is protected. Nursing
Regulatory Bodies ultimately decide who will be granted a nursing license.

Scope of Practice: For a regulated profession like nursing, a “scope of practice” refers to
the type of work a person is authorized to do based on their training and competencies,
according to the policies (rules) of the Regulatory Bodies. The “scope of practice” for the
nursing professions varies by province and is posted on each Regulatory Body’s website.

Standard Service/Process: The NNAS standard service is available for IENs interested
in becoming licensed as a Registered Psychiatric Nurse (RPN) or for IENs interested in
applying to Nursing Regulatory Bodies that are not participating in the Expedited Service.

Third Party: A Third Party is an organization that has a supporting role to play in the NNAS
application process. This includes licensing authorities that can verify nursing credentials
outside of Canada.

NNAS Applicant Handbook: Expedited Service Glossary of Terms | 4

About NNAS
Since 2014, NNAS has been the starting point for IENs interested in
being licensed or registered in Canada.

The NNAS process ensures a consistent approach to collecting,

verifying, and storing documents that Nursing Regulatory Bodies in
Canada require.

In the new, Expedited Service, NNAS is responsible for:

• Receiving and verifying your identity documents.

• Receiving and verifying documents about your nursing credentials

from Third Parties.

• Receiving and verifying your Course-by-Course assessment report.

• Collecting information related to your employment and

examinations (documentation from Third Parties not required).

• Issuing a single Advisory Report for both RN and LPN professions

within 5 business days of all documents being received.

NNAS will transfer to CGFNS International the documents that you share
with NNAS. CGFNS will review your documents, following the policies set
by NNAS. You can view NNAS’s Assessment Policies at https://www.nnas.
ca/assessment-policies/. CGFNS will keep your personal information and
documents in its secure database. You may also be required to submit
information directly to CGFNS.

From the information submitted to NNAS, we will issue a single Advisory

Report for both RN and LPN professions that is sent to the Nursing
Regulatory Body (or Bodies) in the province applicants are intending to
live and work. You can download a copy for your NNAS Advisory Report
once the Advisory Report is completed.

NNAS does not grant licenses to practice nursing. NNAS does not have
a role in making decisions about licenses, nor can NNAS advocate
on behalf of any applicant. Only Nursing Regulatory Bodies have the
authority to decide whether an application is successful. Nursing
Regulatory Bodies in each province set the registration criteria.
NNAS works with CGFNS
Therefore, it is important for all applicants to carefully review the
International, Inc., (Commission
licensing requirements of the regulators where they wish to apply.
on Graduates of Foreign Nursing
Schools) in Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, USA.

NNAS Applicant Handbook: Expedited Service About NNAS | 5

Nursing Professions
Nursing in Canada includes three regulated nursing professions:
NNAS’s new, Expedited Service
(1) a Registered Nurse (RN); (2) a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) or
is currently only available for
(3) a Registered Psychiatric Nurse*.
IENs interested in becoming
Each province has its own policies and regulations. It is important licensed or registered as a RN
for you to become familiar with the policies and regulations of the or LPN in Canada. Applicants
Nursing Regulatory Bodies in the province where you want to work. interested in becoming
NNAS’s Expedited Service is only available for IENs interested in licensed as an RPN will need
becoming licensed as an RN or LPN. to apply through the regular
NNAS process.
For a regulated profession like nursing, a “scope of practice” refers
to the type of work a person is authorized to do based on their In Canada, the differences
training and competencies, according to the rules of Regulatory between the nursing
Bodies. The “scope of practice” for the nursing professions varies by professions are in (1) the type
province. of education and training
Education and experience in any of the nursing professions can required; and the (2) “scope
open the doors in Canada to related work in health care, including of practice”.
administration and management.

Registered Nurse (RN)

Becoming a Registered Nurse in Canada usually requires a four-
year university program that leads to a nursing degree. The
program includes theory and clinical instruction in medical and
surgical nursing.

An RN is a generalist nurse with the skills to work with all types

of patients and in all clinical settings. Some RNs specialize in a
particular type of nursing.

RNs are trained to give direct care and to take on the role of
coordinating care for individuals, families, groups, and communities
in a variety of health care settings and with a variety of health care
professionals. Clinical instruction prepares the RN to take on a
leadership role when care requirements become more complex.

To earn a Master’s degree or a PhD in nursing, one first needs to

be an RN.

NNAS Applicant Handbook: Expedited Service Canada’s Nursing Professions | 6

Nursing Professions
Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN)*
Becoming a Licensed Practical Nurse in Canada usually requires * In Ontario, the term
a 2–3-year college program leading to a nursing diploma. Registered Practical Nurse
Training includes theory and clinical instruction in medical and is used instead of Licensed
surgical nursing. Practical Nurse.

An LPN is a generalist nurse with the skills to work with all

types of patients and in a variety of clinical settings. Some LPNs
specialize in a particular type of nursing, although their scope of
practice is more limited than that of
an RN.

LPNs provide and coordinate care for individuals, families, and

groups in a variety of health care settings and with a variety
of health professionals. They work with patients of varying
complexity, consulting and collaborating with other health care
professionals when required.

Like all nurses, LPNs often have opportunities to work in other

health care roles, including administration and management.

Registered Psychiatric Nurse (RPN)

Registered Psychiatric Nursing is a regulated profession in
British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. In
these provinces, becoming an RPN usually requires 2.5–4 years
of nursing education at the college or university level. RPN
programs include theoretical and clinical training in psychiatric
and general nursing.

RPNs provide care for patients with complex psychosocial,

mental health, and physical needs. They coordinate care for
individuals, families, groups, and communities in a variety
of health care settings, working with a variety of health care

NNAS Applicant Handbook: Expedited Service Canada’s Nursing Professions | 7

Who is Eligible
to Apply to NNAS’s
Expedited Service?
You are eligible to apply to NNAS ‘s Expedited Service if you have:

• Completed a post-secondary nursing education program

(university or college) outside of Canada.

• Must have been licensed as a nurse outside of Canada.

• Will be applying for licensure as an RN or LPN with a regulator

who is participating in the Expedited Service.

NNAS Applicant Handbook: Expedited Service Eligibility to Apply | 8

Your Responsibilites
as an NNAS Applicant
Agree to the Terms and Conditions
Applicants must agree to NNAS’ Terms and Conditions that are
located within the Applicant Portal. Please read the Terms and
Conditions carefully before agreeing to them.

Provide True and Complete Documents

The documents you provide to NNAS must be true and
complete. Also, the documents that are submitted by others
on your behalf (Third Parties) must be true and complete. You
must provide all information that is required. This includes all
previous nursing registrations and all employment within the
last five years.

Incomplete, altered, or false documents will result in your

application being cancelled or delayed. (Please review NNAS’s
Fraudulent/Irregular Documents Policy).

Complete the Application Process

Applicants start the process by opening and completing an
online application form. The form is easy to complete and you
will be provided with instructions right in the portal.

Applicants must submit all the required documents within a

12-month period of becoming an applicant. If we do not receive
all of your required documentation within the 12-month period,
your application will expire.

You can reactivate an expired Application for up to one year

(12 months) after your application has expired. There is an
additional fee for doing so. It is called a reactivation fee.

For a full list of Fees, please

refer to page 18

NNAS Applicant Handbook: Expedited Service Your Responsibilities | 9

The Expedited Service
Application Process
In order to proceed with the NNAS Expedited Service, you
will need to provide NNAS with a set of required documents.
Some of the documents will need to come directly from you,
while other documents will have to be sent directly from Third
Parties. Third Parties are organizations responsible for issuing
the documentation, such as your nursing licensing authority (or
authorities). Please read the instructions for each requirement

Your documents must be provided in English or French,

depending on the requirements of the Regulatory Body (or
Bodies) to which you are applying. If any of your documents
are not available in either English or French, you will need to
have them translated at your own expense. Please review the
document translation section below.

Document Checklist: New Expedited Service for RN and LPN Applications

Required Document Who Submits it to NNAS?

Applicant directly uploads in Applicant

Two forms of notarized
Portal. Please make sure the documents
are legible.

First and current nursing Official authorized to provide

registration/license form registration/licensing information

Course-by-Course assessment Official authorized to provide course-by-

report course assessment report

NNAS Applicant Handbook: Expedited Service Application Process | 10

Step 1: Create Your Account and Agree
to the Terms and Conditions
Once you open an NNAS application, you will be given access to your If you started your NNAS
file through the Applicant Portal on our website. You will be able to application before we
follow the status of your application and communicate with NNAS about introduced the Expedited
your application. Through the Applicant Portal, you will also be able to Service and are applying
receive important information from NNAS. to one of the Nursing
Regulatory Bodies
Here is how to create your account: that is participating in
1. Go to nnas.ca and select the Apply/Login link the Expedited Service,
your application will
2. Click Create an Account:
automatically be
• Provide your email address transferred to the
• Answer 3 security questions Expedited Service. You do
• Read and agree to the Terms and Conditions not need to do anything.
• Enter the security code sent to your email address
• Create a new password

3. Start your application.

Some provinces offer
4. Select which regulatory body (or bodies) you wish to apply to. You
programs that will cover
can request an Advisory Report to multiple regulatory bodies at no
some or all of the NNAS
additional cost. The Advisory Report can be sent to any RN or LPN
application fee. If you have
regulator participating in the Expedited Service as it is now a single
been accepted into one of
these programs, you will
5. You will receive a welcome email with your NNAS identification receive a special link to
(ID) number 24-48 hours after your payment has been made and start your application.

6. Once you complete the application form, add your credit card
payment information to submit payment (VISA and Mastercard
accepted. NNAS does not accept debit cards).

Step 2: Submit Information and Pay

Within the Applicant Portal, you must disclose information related
to your personal identity, education, nursing license/registration,
employment, the NCLEX-RN examination and licensing conditions.
Please read all instructions in the Applicant Portal carefully. Instructions
will be provided when documentation from relevant Third Parties is
required and when it is not required. NNAS or the Nursing Regulatory
Body (or Bodies) to which you apply reserve the right to request
documentation even if it is not required as part of the NNAS expedited
application process. Not disclosing this information may cause delays
and may result in your application being cancelled.

NNAS Applicant Handbook: Expedited Service Application Process | 11

Step 3: Submit Required
Documents • Applicants can now upload
identity documents directly in
As part of your application, you must submit copies of two forms the Applicant Portal.
of identity documents. Applicants can upload identity documents
• You are responsible for all
directly in the Applicant Portal. Please do not provide original
fees related to preparing your
identity documents to NNAS. The Identity documents that you
notarized documents.
submit to NNAS must be a notarized true copy. Please refer to the
instructions below on notarized documents. • Please make sure that any
documents you upload are
• You must submit notarized copies of two forms of identification
legible and easy to read.
directly to NNAS.
If the documents are not
• Documents must be notarized, true copies of original legible, this will delay your
documents (signed, dated, and stamped by a notary). process. We recommend that
you have a recent, legible
• At least one form of identification must contain your photo and
copy of any documents you
upload. For birth certificates,
• Expired documents will not be accepted. we recommend that you get
a copy from a civil registry
• You must be with the notary at the time your original or the appropriate agency
documents are copied and notarized as certified true copies. responsible for issuing the
Acceptable Forms of Photo ID are:
• Passport

• Driver’s license

• Other forms of government-issued photo ID • Your name (or the translation

of your name) must be the
If your name has changed, please send notarized copies of same on all of the documents
documents showing your original and your changed name. This that you submit to NNAS.
could include: If there are differences in
your name, you will need to
• Birth certificate send either (1) a form of ID to
• Legal name-change document support each variation of your
name; or (2) an affidavit to
• Marriage certificate or divorce decree explain the differences.

• An affidavit is not a form of

identification on its own.

• A legal name-change
document is acceptable as a
form of identification.

NNAS Applicant Handbook: Expedited Service Application Process | 12

Notarized Copies of Documents
A notary public is authorized by the government to certify that the
documents you provide are true copies of the original. They apply
their official signature and seal to each document they review and
declare in a written statement that they are not in any way related
to you.
1. In Canada, notarized copies must be prepared by a notary
public or a lawyer.
2. Outside of Canada, notarized copies must be prepared by an
official who has the legal authority to certify true copies of
identity documents. Check with your local authorities to be
3. You and your family members cannot certify copies of your

A notarized copy must include the following:

• The signature and seal of the notary public, along with their
address and phone number, in case NNAS has to contact them.
• The date the copy was notarized.
• A written statement that the notary public has seen the
originals, made the copies, and certifies that they are true
copies of original documents.

If your country, state or province does not have a process for

certifying true copies, please contact Applicant Support for the
process your documents can be certified.

Document Translations
• All documents for your NNAS application must be written
or translated into English or French, depending upon the
requirements of the Regulatory Bodies to which you are

• Once your identity documents are translated, take copies of

your original identity documents and the translated copies to
a notary public. Both the original and translated copies must
be certified true copies.
• You are responsible for all translation costs.

Translations can be done in one of three ways:

1. By an approved institution (for example, your college,
university, or licensing authority)
2. By a certified translator
3. By NNAS (for a fee)

NNAS Applicant Handbook: Expedited Service Application Process | 13

All translated documents must include:
• The translator’s official stamp and/or identification number, Translation by NNAS:
address, telephone number, and date of the translation.
• Translation costs US$115.00
• A statement by the translator that it is an accurate per page.
representation of original document(s).
• Contact NNAS by mail or
• Printed name and signature of translator. The signature must through the Contact Us page
be original (not a copy or a stamp). on the website to request a
The certified translations and your notarized true copies of the translation.
original documents, must be mailed directly from the translator to • Please tell us which documents
NNAS. you want translated, the
original language of the
documents, and the total
number of pages.
Request a Course-by-Course Assesment Report
• With this information, NNAS
The Nursing Regulatory Bodies participating in the Expedited
will notify you of the total cost.
Service require applicants to submit a Course-by-Course
• NNAS will not accept
assessment report. The Report may also be referred to as a
documents if you have
Postsecondary Comprehensive Assessment or Specialized
translated them yourself or
Assessment Report from an organization approved by if a relative has translated
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). them for you (even if you or
your relative is a certified
Once you have completed your Course-by-Course Assessment translator).
Report from one of the approved IRCC organizations, you will
need to request your report be sent directly to NNAS from the
relevant Third Party either by mail or digitally. Instructions on
how to request the Course-by-Course Assessment Report are
found in the Applicant Portal. To submit documents digitally, the
Third Party sending the report must have established a secure Organizations that are approved
by IRCC to provide Course-by-
link with NNAS.
Course Reports include the
Request Required Documents from Third Party
Licensing Authorities • World Education Services
This section outlines the required documents that need to be sent
directly by Third Party nursing licensing authorities. NNAS accepts • Comparative Education Service
documents digitally through a secure portal for some Third (CES)
Parties, other Third Parties submit documents by mail.
• International Credential
On your Dashboard in your Applicant Portal, you will find all the Assessment Service (ICAS)
required forms in your NNAS application: • International Credential
Evaluation Services (ICES)
• First and Current Nursing Registration Form: This form
must be printed and mailed to your licensing authority
(or authorities).

NNAS Applicant Handbook: Expedited Service Application Process | 14

Please provide complete information to NNAS. All nursing • If you were licensed as a midwife
licenses/registrations must be disclosed, however documentation before being licensed as a nurse
is only required for the first and current nursing license. Not outside of Canada, your first
disclosing all nursing registrations may cause delays and may license for the NNAS expedited
result in your application being cancelled. process is your nursing license,
not your midwifery license. Please
Important Notes: ensure your first nursing license is
• You must sign Part A of all forms and mail them directly to the Third submitted for your application or
Parties who will be submitting documents on your behalf. you may experience delays with
• If your Third Party is sending documents in by mail or courier, your application.
please note that each form contains the specific designation of the
Third Party to which it is to be mailed. Please make certain that you
• If the jurisdiction or country of your
send each form to the appropriate Third Party indicated on the
initial nursing program does not
form to avoid delays in the acceptance of your documents.
issue licenses but your diploma
• You are responsible for any fees that the Third Parties request, gives you the right to practice,
including translation costs.
you will need to request your
• NNAS must receive all of your completed forms and supporting diploma be submitted to NNAS by
documentation directly from the nursing licensing authorities your educational institution. Your
providing the information. NNAS cannot accept any documents sent diploma will be considered your
directly by you or anyone else who does not have the authority to
first license as part of the NNAS
complete the forms. The documents that are sent to NNAS must include
expedited application process.
the organization’s name, return address, and official seal or stamp.

• If NNAS receives forms that are written in languages other • If you currently hold two nursing
than English or French, without an English or French translation licenses in two different jurisdictions,
attached, they can be translated by NNAS for a fee. NNAS will not you will need to request the
translate your forms automatically. You will need to request that required documentation from both
NNAS complete the translation and agree to pay the costs of the nursing licensing authorities.

• After NNAS receives and evaluates the forms and other documents,
we will let you know if we need more information from you.

• Your application expires after 12 months, so it is important to • We encourage you to communicate

communicate early with Third Parties. early with your Third Parties to
ensure the process moves smoothly.
• Printed name and signature of translator. The signature must be
original (not a copy or a stamp). • Provide complete information.

• If information about your nursing

Nursing Registration Form
registration is missing, there will
• Download and print the Nursing Registration Form, including Part be a delay in processing your
B (“Nursing Examination and Registration Information”) and Part C application.
(“Identification of Official”) from your online account.
• Make sure all the correct pages are
• Send a Nursing Registration Form to the nursing licensing authority
sent to each Third Party.
where you obtained your first and current license/ registration. Ask
them to complete the form and send itby mail or courier directly to • A Third Party must include the
NNAS. organization’s name, return
address, and official seal or stamp
• The Nursing Registration Form must be completed by officials
on documents sent to NNAS.
authorized to provide registration/licensing information.

NNAS Applicant Handbook: Expedited Service Application Process | 15

Step 4: Monitor Status and Receive Advisory

You will be able to monitor the status of your application

through the Application Portal. This allows you to:
• Monitor when documents are received by NNAS Notes:
• Monitor the status of your application as it moves through • Contact your Third Parties
the process before starting the NNAS
process to find out how long
Some common stages you will see on the Applicant Portal are: it will take them to issue your
• Waiting for Required Documents – This means that NNAS documents, what it will cost, and
is waiting to receive all the required documents from you what process you will need to
and/ or Third Parties. complete.
• Ready for Review – This means that all required documents • Make sure they know you have
have been received and an evaluator will be assigned to 12 months to complete the NNAS
review your application for completeness before they begin process.
to review your documents.
• Follow up with Third Parties
• Ready for Final Review – This means that your application
shortly after you have sent your
is in the final stage of review and undergoing a quality
request to release information
assurance review. (All NNAS applications undergo a final
to NNAS to make sure they
quality assurance review before they are released.)
understand the request.
• Report Issued – This means that you have completed the
NNAS process, and your Advisory Report is complete and • To make it easier to track
available. documents, please ask your
Third Parties to provide you
with the tracking number of all
packages sent to NNAS.

NNAS Applicant Handbook: Expedited Service Monitoring your Application | 16

Your NNAS Expedited
Service Advisory Report
After your completed application is reviewed, a single
Expedited Advisory Report will be prepared. This Advisory
Report is applicable for both RN and LPN professions. The
Expedited Advisory Report includes all of the documents
that have been submitted to NNAS and copies of any
correspondence (emails and letters) you have had with NNAS.

With the new, Expedited Service, NNAS aims to issue your

Expedited Advisory Report within 5 business days of receiving
your last document.

When your Advisory Report is complete, you will receive an

email letting you know that it is ready. You can then download
the report and apply to the Regulatory Body (or Bodies) of your

Please note that your Advisory Report is valid for one year
from the date it is issued. It is important to apply to the
Regulatory Body (or Bodies) of your choice during that year or
you will need to re-apply to NNAS. You can download a copy of
your Advisory Report anytime for one year from the date it was
issued. After that time, you will not be able to access a copy.
• While each applicant’s
circumstances are unique,
applicants can expect to
complete the new, simplified
service in a significantly reduced
amount of time given the
reduced documentation that is
now required.

• Many applicants find it easier to

get the documents they need
while still living in the country
where the documents were
issued instead of waiting until
they move to Canada

NNAS Applicant Handbook: Expedited Service Your NNAS Advisory Report | 17

New Expedited Service
Fee Schedule
All fees are in now Canadian Dollars (you will also have to pay applicable taxes)

Order Type Cost

Single RN & LPN application $750

Reactivation of an expired application $240

Document translation by NNAS $115

Appeals to NNAS (refundable if appeal is successful) $500

NNAS Applicant Handbook: Expedited Service Fee Schedule | 18

Contact NNAS
If you have questions about your application or required
documents, NNAS recommends that you first check the status of NNAS is a virtual
your online account. You may also contact NNAS by mail, phone, or organization. The mailing
through the Contact Us form at www.nnas.ca. address for documents is
the address of our provider
Mail: CGFNS. CGFNS is based in
the United States of America.
All required forms and documents sent directly from Third Parties,
If you would like to contact
should be mailed to NNAS. Third Party Authorization Forms, identity
NNAS directly, you can do so
documents, and any written correspondence can be mailed to this
by emailing [email protected].

P.O. Box 8658
Philadelphia, PA 19101-8658 USA

3600 Market Street, Suite 400
Philadelphia, PA 19104-2651 USA EMAIL

For general inquiries about your application, contact support@
nnas.ca or access the Correspondence tab in the Applicant Portal.
All emails must be sent from the applicant’s email address, for
confidentiality purposes. Always include your NNAS ID number,
application number, and full name in every email.

For general inquiries about your application, you may call NNAS
Applicant Support at +1-855-977-1898. This is a toll-free number if
you are calling from Canada or the United States.

Please have your NNAS ID number ready. NNAS will not release
information to anyone other than the applicant unless we have
received a Third-Party Authorization form signed by the applicant.
Applicant support is available Monday to Friday 8:00 am–4:00 pm
(0800–1600), eastern time.

NNAS Applicant Handbook: Expedited Service Contact NNAS | 19

Difficulties Completing the NNAS Process or Complaints:
We know that every applicant’s situation is unique and that in
some cases, you may face additional challenges with the process.
The NNAS Corporate Office has Applicant Navigators available
to provide additional support in these situations. The Applicant
Navigators will work with you to find a solution to the challenges
you are facing. The Applicant Navigators at the NNAS Corporate
Office can be reached at [email protected].

NNAS has service standards that NNAS staff and third-party

providers are expected to meet. If you are dissatisfied with the
service you received, please let us know by contacting the Applicant
Navigators at [email protected].

At NNAS, we are always looking to improve our communications with applicants.

We would welcome your feedback on this Applicant Handbook.
Please share your comments by sending an email to [email protected]

NNAS Applicant Handbook: Expedited Service Contact NNAS | 20

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