Treasures & Trinkets - Treasure Hoards 2

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T R I N K E TS & T R E A S U R E S : T R E A S U R E H OA R D S #2
Your PCs are deep in the dungeon and have just defeated a terrifying dragon! As they bandage their wounds, and ready their fallen
friend’s bodies for return to the surface, they look around and ask “So what treasure’s in the dragon’s hoard, anyway?” At that point,
unless the GM has prepared a detailed list of treasure, the PCs get (possibly) literally tons of coins and some generic magic items. (After
all, most GMs have better things to do with their prep time than generate descriptions for stuff the PCs will likely sell).

Treasures & Trinkets: Treasure Hoards #2 banishes these problems by providing a veritable hoard of 25 pre-generated, richly detailed
treasure hoards for challenges 5-10 ready to insert into almost any GM’s campaign.

Treasures & Trinkets: Treasure Hoards #2 is designed for use with the 5th edition of the world’s most popular roleplaying game.

Design: Ronald Calbick, Andrew J. Martin and Liz Smith Challenge 5-10 Treasure Hoards .................................................. 2
Development: Creighton Broadhurst Support Raging Swan Press .......................................................... 7
Art: William McAusland. Some artwork copyright William OGL V1.0A .................................................................................... 7
McAusland, used with permission.

Product Identity: All trademarks, registered trademarks, proper

©Raging Swan Press 2016. names (characters, deities, artefacts, places and so on), dialogue,
plots, storylines, language, incidents, locations, characters,
The moral right of Ronald Calbick, Andrew J. Martin and Liz artwork and trade dress are product identity as defined in the
Smith to be identified as the author of this work has been Open Game License version 1.0a, Section 1(e) and are not Open
asserted in accordance with the Copyright Designs and Patents Content.
Act 1988.
Open Content: Except material designated as Product Identity,
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be the contents of Trinkets & Treasures: Treasure Hoards #2 are
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Use the table below, to determine which set of items the PCs TREASURE HOARD 2
find. They can find the entire hoard in one place or the GM can
§ Coinage: 1,192 cp, 6,076 sp, 1,848 gp, 97 pp.
split it up among encounter areas.
§ Bloodstones (2): This matched pair of square-cut dark green
D% TREASURE HOARD NOTES stones have bright red flecks. They appear opaque, but admit a
01-04 Treasure hoard #1 No magic items faint glow through the edges when held to the light (worth 50
05-08 Treasure hoard #2 gp each; DC 15 Intelligence check identifies and values).
09-12 Treasure hoard #3 § Ivory Scroll Case: The off-white surface of this cylinder is
13-16 Treasure hoard #4 marked by gold wire inlay giving shape to a simple labyrinth
17-20 Treasure hoard #5 design. Prying off one of the stitched leather end caps reveals
21-24 Treasure hoard #6 rolled sheets of linen paper, each bearing painstakingly neat
25-28 Treasure hoard #7 handwriting describing gourmet recipes (worth 250 gp; DC 15
29-32 Treasure hoard #8 Intelligence check values).
33-36 Treasure hoard #9 No magic items § Scrimshaw Incense Burner: An incense boat of beautiful ivory
37-40 Treasure hoard #10 has intricate scrimshawed details of a mass of tiny undulating
41-44 Treasure hoard #11
serpents. Gold fittings provide a gleaming trough to collect ash
45-48 Treasure hoard #12
and a small receiver for the stem of an incense stick (worth
49-52 Treasure hoard #13
53-56 Treasure hoard #14 No magic items 500 gp; DC 15 Intelligence check values).
57-60 Treasure hoard #15 § Rope of Climbing: This coil of sixty feet of silk rope shimmers
61-64 Treasure hoard #16 with reflected light from the multitudinous thin, periwinkle
65-68 Treasure hoard #17 dyed strands.
69-72 Treasure hoard #18 No magic items
73-76 Treasure hoard #19 TREASURE HOARD 3
77-82 Treasure hoard #20
§ Coinage: 842 cp, 5,046 sp, 2,768 gp, 54 pp.
83-86 Treasure hoard #21
§ Jade and Silver Tea Service: A silver tray is the base of a tea
87-92 Treasure hoard #22
service whose utensils and vessels are of carved, deep green
93-96 Treasure hoard #23
97-98 Treasure Hoard #24 jade. The fittings, handles and the base of the teapot are silver
99-100 Treasure Hoard #25 with a raised floral pattern matching the edges of the tray
(worth 500 gp; DC 15 Intelligence check values).
§ Potions of Healing (3): This waterskin contains three doses of
TREASURE HOARD 1 a lavender-coloured liquid.
§ Coinage: 644 cp, 9,044 sp, 1,981 gp, 64 pp. § Bag of Holding: This heavy black leather sack has a brown
§ Pearls (8): The almost metallic lustre and light weight of these leather thong threaded through a series of small slits near its
tiny, powder-pink spheres identifies them as pearls (each opening to serve as a drawstring. It already contains a carefully
worth 100 gp; DC 10 Intelligence check identifies and values). wound ball of waxed twine, a three-barb steel fishing hook
§ Large Wool Tapestry: This wool tapestry, when unrolled, with its points embedded in tiny cylinders of cork and the
depicts a hunting party surrounding a unicorn, its flanks remains of a broken lantern.
peppered with arrows and streaming with blood. The colours
are particularly vibrant, and the workmanship
sufficiently masterful that even a glint of
fear may be detected in the
unicorn's eye (worth 250 gp; DC
15 Intelligence check values).

TREASURE HOARD 4 § Jade Amulet: This tiny amulet of white jade has been cut into
the intricate shape of a stylized lionfish surrounded by frothy
§ Coinage: 772 cp, 8,086 sp, 1,874 gp, 88 pp.
swirls of water (worth 100 gp; DC 10 Intelligence check values).
§ Zircons: A forest green felt drawstring pouch contains four cut
§ Necklace of Adaptation: A pair of criss-crossing waveforms of
stones, in shades of translucent yellow and grey (worth 20, 40,
fine gold chain, between two thin strands of gold links, defines
80 and 90 gp; DC 15 Intelligence check identifies and values).
the lattice of precious metal in this choker necklace.
§ Superior Lock: This double-shaft brass and steel rim lock was
obviously designed to be attached to the outside of a door. It
sits in the bottom of a leather belt pouch, along with its key
(worth 150 gp; DC 15 Intelligence check values). § Coinage: This beer cask is filled to within an inch of the rim
§ +1 Heavy Crossbow Bolts (8): The two fletches on these bolts with coins: 626 cp, 8,092 sp, 2,549 gp, 105 pp.
are each of a different colour; one brown, the other white. § Azurites (15): Green flecks contrast sharply with the deep
§ Potion of Animal Friendship: A cracked vial contains an earthy- azure blue of these rounded, triangular translucent stones
smelling brown liquid. (each worth 10 gp; DC 15 Intelligence check identifies and
§ Healer’s Ointment (2): Two glass jars are each wrapped in a values).
brown cloth and contain a thick paste smelling of aloe. § Citrines (6): These transparent amber stones are cut into a
shape that calls to mind a small, angular throw pillow (each
TREASURE HOARD 5 worth 50 gp; DC 15 Intelligence check identifies and values).
§ Saddle of the Cavalier: Each side of this exquisite saddle has
§ Coinage: 972 cp, 9,055 sp, 1,477 gp, 114 pp.
been embroidered with a knight on her rearing mount.
§ Alexandrite: An elongated pear-shaped cut with triangular
facets gives this transparent, dark green stone an exotic TREASURE HOARD 8
appearance (worth 500 gp; DC 15 Intelligence check identifies
and values). § Coinage: 293 cp, 11,005 sp, 2,205 gp, 123 pp.
§ Damaged Puzzle Box: Over 100 tiny panels cover this tiny box; § Garnets (3): These orange-pink heart-cut gemstones are as
each can be manipulated to slide in any of four directions, translucent as glass (each worth 100 gp; DC 15 Intelligence
presumably to open the lock. One side has been forced open check identifies and values).
and the contents removed, but the craftsmanship is still § Bejewelled Anklet: Dainty, transparent purple amethysts in
remarkable (worth 250 gp; DC 20 Intelligence check values). silver settings are connected together as an anklet by pairs of
dainty silver chains (worth 500 gp; DC 15 Intelligence check
§ Medal: A heavy bronze disc half again the diameter of a silver
coin, bearing the profile of a man with patrician features and a
§ Potion of Growth: This metal flask contains a bright yellow
formal wig who is bracketed by two curves of laurel branch,
liquid and smells of lemons.
trails a pair of tattered pieces of green and blue ribbon
§ Scroll of Tongues: This piece of parchment is rolled into a tube
attached to a small stud on the top of the medal. An
which has been subsequently flattened.
inscription on the back reads "For Honour and Duty" (worth
100 gp; DC 10 Intelligence check values).
§ Vial of Holy Water (4): Silvery water fills these crystal vials.
They each have a beaten copper stopper (each worth 25 gp). § Coinage: 738 cp, 6,035 sp, 1,747 gp, 80 pp.
§ Amulet of the Planes: This bejewelled circular amulet is set § Pearls (3): These small, cream coloured spheres have an oily
with a large crimson ruby in the centre flanked by two violet metallic sheen and are trapped within a tea ball of tin wire
amethysts. mesh (each worth 100 gp; DC 10 Intelligence check identifies
and values).
TREASURE HOARD 6 § Cherry Wood Jeweller's Tools: A well-made cherry wood box a
bit larger than a breadbox, its interior lined with black velvet,
§ Coinage: 809 cp, 11,026 sp, 1,862 gp, 151 pp.
contains a tiny metal mallet and chisel, small bottle of
§ Onyxes (4): These gleaming, translucent, chocolate brown
stones are cut to the shape of a small faceted square (each polishing compound and other tools of a gem cutter's trade,
each resting in their own compartments (worth 300 gp; DC 15
worth 50 gp; DC 15 Intelligence check identifies and values).
Intelligence check values).
§ Rock Crystals (5): Pieces of irregularly-shaped granite sport a
§ Property Deed: A sheet of yellowed paper, the deed to a
dense, haphazard spray of colourless, obelisk-shaped crystals
country estate, describes a 17-acre parcel of land with a large
(each worth 50 gp; DC 15 Intelligence check identifies and
house at the property's southern border (worth 500 gp; DC 20
Intelligence check values) but not the estate’s actual position.

§ Coinage: 650 cp, 1,041 sp, 2,022 gp, 44 pp. § Coinage: 983 cp, 5,069 sp, 2,583 gp, 136 pp.
§ Bronzewood Tankard: A pewter handle, rings at the top and § Carnelians (10): Red stones with a touch of orange to their
bottom and badge depicting a parrot adorn the apparently colour, nearly opaque but for a faint translucency visible at
seamless bronzewood body of this beautifully crafted drinking their edges, have been cut into the shape of small apples (each
vessel (worth 50 gp; DC 5 Intelligence check values). worth 50 gp; DC 15 Intelligence check identifies and values).
§ Bottle of Fine Wine: A broad-bottomed green glass bottle with § Moonstones (2): Opalescent, translucent ovoid stones (each
a hemp bottle basket tightly woven about its base contains an worth 50 gp; DC 15 Intelligence check identifies and values).
exceptionally fine elven red wine (worth 200 gp; DC 10 § Whalebone Corset: Carefully wrapped in felt, the white satin
Intelligence check values). of this whalebone corset is still in excellent condition; it has no
§ Magnifying Glass: Dark brown leather provides the edge of a snags or discolouration (worth 100 gp; DC 10 Intelligence
three-inch-wide circle of glass, convex on both sides, with a check values).
loop of cord fixed to the leather ring by a tiny iron post (worth § Potion of Greater Healing: The lavender liquid in this flask
100 gp; DC 10 Intelligence check values). smells strongly of lilacs.
§ Potion of Supreme Healing: This frosted glass bottle contains a § Potion of Fire Breath: A slender vial contains a pale red liquid
silver fluid with the consistency of liquid metal. smelling of cinnamon.
§ Potion of Resistance: A small clay pot with a loose-fitting lid is
TREASURE HOARD 11 filled with a clear liquid containing flecks of silver.
§ Coinage: 963 cp, 9,039 sp, 2,666 gp, 161 pp.
§ Aquamarine: The square top surface and pointed base of this
transparent blue stone are characteristic of a princess cut § Coinage: A pile of worn and threadbare wool bags, each tied
(worth 500 gp; DC 15 Intelligence check identifies and values). closed with twine and heavy with coins: 703 cp, 7,005 sp,
§ Golden Bracelet: This plain golden bracelet is a thin circle of 2,433 gp, 55 pp.
metal half an inch wide with the edges curled into narrow lips. § Cyclops Agates (9): Irregular concentric rings of varying shades
A deep nick in one edge cuts halfway across its width, and a of red give this polished stone the appearance of an inhuman,
crust of black could be the blood of its former owner (worth 50 fiery eye (each worth 10 gp; DC 15 Intelligence check identifies
gp; DC 10 Intelligence check values). and values).
§ +2 Arrows (3): Three finely crafted arrows are bound together § Fine Gold Chain: The thin gold links of this fine chain support a
with a ribbon of pale blue silk. The three fletches on each tiny, intricate clasp. It is long enough to comfortably fit around
arrow are deep red in colour. a slender neck (worth 400 gp; DC 15 Intelligence check values).
§ Sending Stones: A pair of identical pale white stones in a white
drawstring pouch. Dwarven runes professing love and loyalty TREASURE HOARD 15
are embroidered on one side of the bag in blue thread. § Coinage: 777 cp, 9,019 sp, 2,649 gp, 177 pp.
§ Masterpiece Painting: A beautiful woodland landscape is the
TREASURE HOARD 12 subject of this painting; the canvas is carefully rolled and
§ Coinage: 712 cp, 9,025 sp, 1,590 gp, 122 pp. tucked into a stiff leather tube closed at both ends by brass
§ Tourmalines (4): These transparent, pale green stones are cut caps lined with felt. It looks like the canvas may have been cut
into the shape of a rhombohedra (each worth 100 gp; DC 10 from its frame (worth 500 gp; DC 20 Intelligence check values).
Intelligence check identifies and values). § Disguise Kit: Clumps of thick prosthetic paste, tins of make-up,
§ Ruby Earrings: Bright red diamond-cut rubies serve as elegant, twined bundles of hair and other tools of an actor's (or spy's)
expensive stud earrings via the intricate knot work design of trade are carefully arranged inside the small drawers and trays
their settings (worth 500 gp; DC 15 Intelligence check values). of the small pine trunk which has a brass carrying handle on its
§ +1 Shortsword: An ivory-hilted, pattern-welded shortsword. lid (worth 25 gp, DC 10 Intelligence check values).
§ Silk Stockings and Garter Belt: A white satin lace garter belt
and a pair of sheer white silk stockings share a simple wooden
box with a felt-wrapped corset (worth 25 gp, DC 15
Intelligence check values).
§ Staff of Power: This dark grained wooden quarterstaff’s finish
is smooth and even. It weighs roughly half what one might

§ Coinage: 337 cp, 2,037 sp, 130 gp, 42pp. § Coinage: Thousands of coins are heaped in a large basalt bowl,
§ Tourmaline: The unusual acorn cut of this translucent stone spilling over its lip: 747 cp, 3,068 sp, 1,694 gp, 105 pp.
reveals a play of colour between the pale green at its edges § Amber: This stone is a polished oval of transparent golden
and the pallid reddish hue of its heart (worth 500 gp; DC 15 yellow, deepening to brown in the centre. It is about as long as
Intelligence check identifies and values). a man's thumb and twice as wide at its thickest point (worth
§ Potion of Animal Friendship: The strong smell of overturned 250 gp; DC 15 Intelligence check identifies and values).
earth wafts from this bottle when it’s opened. § Hat Pin: The thin shaft of this platinum pin is surmounted by a
§ Oil of Slipperiness: The thick yellow fluid in this large flask has bluish moonstone carved to resemble a honeysuckle flower in
no odour whatsoever. bloom (worth 500 gp; DC 15 Intelligence check values).
§ Ring of Swimming: A golden ring bearing the symbol of an § Scroll of Expeditious Retreat: This fragile piece of parchment is
octopus, the tentacles wrapped together to form the band. nearly torn in two.
§ Scroll of Jump: A few small holes have been burned into this
TREASURE HOARD 17 piece of vellum, although it remains readable.
§ Coinage: 626 cp, 5,096 sp, 1,904 gp, 79 pp.
§ Sardonyxes (5): The rust-red hue of these convex, nearly flat
round stones is broken into layers by thin strips of orange and § Coinage: 949 cp, 11,059 sp, 2,753 gp, 166 pp.
off-white (each worth 100 gp; DC 10 Intelligence check values). § Royal Sceptre: A golden rod studded with various gems and
§ Potion of Healing: This simple glass bottle with a cork stopper capped with a two-headed eagle clutching a sword (worth 300
contains a lavender liquid. gp; DC 15 Intelligence check values).
§ Potions of Climbing (2): These round bottles contain a syrupy § Silver Dagger: This foot-long blade has a jewelled hilt. Its blade
brown liquid that smells of cedar. is of shining silver, and a bear's claw symbol is engraved on the
§ Scroll of Cure Wounds: A worn and dirty piece of vellum is guard (worth 300 gp; DC 15 Intelligence check values).
wrapped around a piece of wood. § Spider Medallion: An amulet made from dark silver shaped
§ Scrolls of Faerie Fire (2): Two pieces of parchment are rolled like a fiendish-looking spider. Several small violet and red
up together in a simple cloth scroll case. gemstones serve as the creature’s eyes (worth 200 gp; DC 10
Intelligence check values).
TREASURE HOARD 18 § Lords of the Pit; a Guidebook to Devils: A beautifully
§ Coinage: 676 cp, 8,095 sp, 2,496, 108 gp. illustrated book, bound in leather with a pentagram on the
§ Haematites (3): These dark grey, dimpled balls with a metallic cover. It describes the various types of devils with dubious
gloss are about the size of a small apricot (each worth 10 gp; accuracy (worth 100 gp; DC 20 Intelligence check values).
DC 5 Intelligence check identifies and values). § +1 Breastplate: A coat of arms depicting a stag and an oak
§ Jasper Dice: Three cubic dice exactingly carved from tree, quartered, is enamelled over the heart of this highly
transparent burnt umber fill a small suede drawstring bag. polished breastplate.
Their pips are rendered in perfect squares; the surfaces
polished and edges smoothed (worth 150 gp as a set; DC 10 TREASURE HOARD 22
Intelligence check identifies and values). § Coinage: 492 cp, 11,005 sp, 2,354 gp, 96 pp.
§ Onyxes (2): These egg-shaped, polished stones that seem just
TREASURE HOARD 19 a touch too small to perfectly fit in one's palm draw the gaze
§ Coinage: 740 cp, 7,093 sp, 3,018 gp, 99pp. inward, as if peering into a well of impenetrable black
§ Chrysoberyls (3): The milky translucency of these oval stones shadows, where the deeper one looks the deeper the darkness
scintillates as the light plays across their faceted surfaces (each gets (each worth 50 gp; DC 15 identifies and values).
worth 100 gp; DC 15 Intelligence check identifies and values). § +1 Shield: This hefty rectangular shield, sized to cover a full-
§ Ivory Comb: This off-white comb's base is intricately carved to grown man from shoulder to knee, is constructed of dense
depict sprites frolicking amongst flowers (worth 200 gp; DC 10 wooden planks bound by iron bands. It bears the scars of
Intelligence check values). battle more shallowly than a seasoned warrior might expect.
§ Dust of Sneezing and Choking: The mirrored surface of this § Broom of Flying: The ends of this straw broom are frayed and
silver snuffbox is edged in detailed ornamental scrollwork. It worn, although the handle is a polished hardwood that looks
contains a white sandy powder that glitters in the light newly fashioned.
(snuffbox worth 50 gp; DC 10 Intelligence check values).

TREASURE HOARD 23 § Cape: White satin cape with a kraken embroidered across the
back in green and black thread (worth 300 gp; DC 15
§ Coinage: 843 cp, 10,051 sp, 2,552 gp, 136 pp.
Intelligence check values).
§ Aquamarine: This transparent blue gemstone's teardrop shape
§ +1 Chain mail: This suit of fine crafted chainmail is painted red,
flickers with light reflecting from the insides of its many facets
but its arms are painted black.
(worth 500 gp; DC 15 Intelligence check identifies and values).
§ Staff of Healing: A smiling, wizened woman’s face is carved
§ Wooden Shield: This light round shield has a silver tree
into the top of this butternut wood staff.
emblazoned on it (worth 250 gp; DC 15 Intelligence check
§ Wand of Lightning Bolts: A long slender piece of wood is
values) and weighs only 3 lbs.
diagonally wrapped with a single strip of leather dyed a pale
§ Adamantine Scale Mail: Apart from being an obviously high-
blue. A small lightning bolt is carved into its rounded bottom.
quality cuirass of scale mail, this armour's scales have each
been individually acid-etched with a simple image of an eight-
point sunburst.
§ Bracers of Archery: A string of emeralds runs down this pair of § Coinage: 1,121 cp, 3,008 sp, 2,013 gp, 80 pp.
thick bronze bracers. § Set of Silver Goblets: These four silver cups are decorated with
§ Wand of Web: This seven-inch rowan wand has a black-inked wave-like images (worth 100 gp; DC 10 Intelligence check
spider web motif inked into its surface. values).
§ Potions of Healing (2): These two flasks are filled with a deep
TREASURE HOARD 24 red liquid that smells of roses.
§ Scroll of Guidance: This surprisingly brief scroll has a small
§ Coinage: 760 cp, 8,035 sp, 2,533 gp, 75 pp.
bloodstain on one corner.
§ Mithral Chalice: A glistening silvery chalice, delicately crafted
§ Scroll of Vicious Mockery: Written in brown ink in a strong,
and possessing an airy lightness, lies within a fraying hempen
confident hand this scroll has mud stains on its back.
sack. It shares the sack with several woollen socks stuffed with
coins; a worn, dull hacksaw and an unused torch whose pitch
had long since hardened. Both the hacksaw and the torch
seem serviceable, but unremarkable except in their neglect
(worth 500 gp; DC 20 Intelligence check values).

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15 COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Open Game License v 1.0 ©2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Open Game License v1.0a. Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast Inc.
System Reference Document 5.0 Copyright 2016, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins, Rodney Thompson, Peter Lee, James Wyatt, Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce
R. Cordell, Chris Sims, and Steve Townshend, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
So What’s The Hoard Like, Anyway? II ©Raging Swan Press 2012; Authors: Andrew J. Martin and Liz Smith
Trinkets & Treasures: Treasure Hoards #2. ©Raging Swan Press 2016; Author: Ronald Calbick, Andrew J. Martin and Liz Smith.

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