Name: ___________________ Roll No ________ Section _____
Subject: Computer Time: 20 minutes Marks: 15
Class: 1st year-ICS Physics Obtained Marks: ________ OBJECTIVE TYPE: Note: You have four choices for each objective type question as A, B, C and D. The choice which you think is correct; encircle it. Use Pen or Marker to encircle. Cutting and overwriting will result in zero mark in that question. Q No. 1: Encircle the correct Option. 1. Which of the following is a shortcut key to open a new file. A. Ctrl + G B. Ctrl + H C. Ctrl + R D. Ctrl + O 2. From the following identify Phrased Conversion. Old System A. B. Old System New System New System
Old New System
C. Old New D. System System System
3. Online Trading is a method of accessing the ______________ via the internet.
A. Marketing B. Stock Exchange C. Office Automation D. Departmental Store 4. Is a section of Network? A. Chunks B. Frames D. Segments D. Packets 5. Identify a method of Ethernet which resolves the collision detection between two station: A. CSMA/ CS B. CSMA/ CD C. CSMA/ CR D. CSMA/ CQ 6. ARC net was introduced in A. 1967 B. 1976 C. 1977 D. 1979 7. NADRA offices in different cities of Pakistan is an example of the following A. LAN B. WAN C. MAN D. Bus Topology 8. Which Modem is connected with computer using serial cable to COM1 to COM2. A. Expensive Modem B. Broadband Modem C. Frequency Division Modem D. Radio Frequency Modem 9. Collection of 8-bit is called? A. Bit depth B. Nibble C. Byte D. Both B & C 10. Identify Radio Based Network? A. Microwave B. Communication Satellite C. Mobile Communication D. Fiber Optic Cable 11. Simulation of aeroplane is a part of? A. Complicated Experiments Performed by Students B. Pilot Training C. Chemical and Physical Experiments Performed by Students D. Pilot Training of Students 12. Which system can display 3-dimensional design of an object? A. CAL B. CAM C. CS D. CAD 13. CPU located on? A. Circuit Board B. Motherboard C. I/ O units D. ALU unit 14. How many buses are in Stored Program Computer Concept? A. One B. Five C. Seven D. Three 15. Identify Direct Access Memory? A. RAM B. ROM C. Cache Memory D. All are Incorrect