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Evolving Trends in Web Application Vulnerabilities: A Comparative Study of

OWASP Top 10 2017 and OWASP Top 10 2021

Article in International Journal of Engineering Technology and Management Sciences · November 2023
DOI: 10.46647/ijetms.2023.v07i06.038


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Bhasutkar Mahesh
Dr.K.V.Subba Reddy Institute of Technology, Kurnool


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International Journal of Engineering Technology and Management Sciences
Website: ijetms.in Issue: 6 Volume No.7 November - December – 2023
DOI:10.46647/ijetms.2023.v07i06.038 ISSN: 2581-4621

Evolving Trends in Web Application

Vulnerabilities: A Comparative Study of
OWASP Top 10 2017 and OWASP Top 10
Devendra Upadhyay1, Dr. Nilesh R. Ware2
PG – Technology Management, DIAT, Pune, Maharashtra*
Assistant Professor - Technology Management, DIAT, Pune, Maharashtra
Corresponding Author Orcid ID: ORCID [0009-0001-6676-958X]

In today’s digital era online services and interactions are present everywhere, which makes Web
application security a primary concern. A global community that is serving to guide efforts toward
web application security is the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP)[1]. It achieves this
target by releasing a periodic list of the security risks that are most critical from the point of view of
web application security[2], this list is known as OWASP Top 10, This research paper aims to unveil
the evolving nature of vulnerabilities present in web application through an in-depth comparative
study of the OWASP Top 10 lists from 2017 and 2021 editions. It enlightens the continuously
changing horizon going deep in ranking changes of threats, vulnerability descriptions, and identifying
emerging trends. The comparative study enables organizations, security practitioners, and developers
to adopt their security strategies and practices. It serves as a compass to address the ever-evolving
challenges of web application security in the contemporary digital era.
Keywords—Authentication, Cybersecurity, Injection, OWASP, Vulnerability.

1. Introduction
Various aspects of our modern life involve web applications as an integral part of it, It includes e-
commerce, communication, entertainment, or any other form of information exchange. This
pervasive reliance on web applications has made them a cornerstone of the digital age. However, this
ubiquity makes web applications the prime targets for cyberattacks, Malicious actors often seek to
exploit the exposed vulnerabilities for financial gain, data theft, or service disruption[3].
The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) has played a pivotal role in handling the
complex horizon of web application security. OWASP, a global community working at the forefront
to enhancing web application security through dedicated efforts to identify, categorize, and mitigate
web application vulnerabilities. Periodic compilation of the most critical web application security
risks is one of its flagship initiatives which is published as OWASP Top 10[4].
The threats and vulnerabilities targeting web applications are evolving as a relentless pace as the
digital ecosystem. Recognizing the imperative of staying ahead of these dynamic challenges, OWASP
has periodically updated its Top 10 list. The latest edition, OWASP Top 10 2021[5], represents the
organization's continued commitment to keeping pace with the evolving threat landscape. Fig. 1
represents the Top 10 vulnerabilities identified in OWASP 2021.

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International Journal of Engineering Technology and Management Sciences
Website: ijetms.in Issue: 6 Volume No.7 November - December – 2023
DOI:10.46647/ijetms.2023.v07i06.038 ISSN: 2581-4621

Fig 1. Top 10 vulnerabilities identified in OWASP 2021

The intention of this research paper is to guide into the evolving trend of vulnerabilities in web
applications by comparing and analyzing the 2017 edition and the 2021 edition of OWASP Top 10.
It has an objective of exploring the transformation in the horizon of web application vulnerabilities
over this period by delving into emerging security strategies, evolving risks, and changing priorities.
Understanding and mitigating their vulnerabilities is of paramount importance in the era where web
applications are integral components of our digital lives rather than merely tools. Through the journey
of exploration and analysis, we are looking to provide necessary knowledge and insights to security
practitioners, developers, and organizations so that they may adapt their strategies and practices
effectively[6]. The comparative study guides us through the ever-evolving landscape of web
application vulnerabilities and serves as a beacon pointing the way toward a more secure digital

2. Background
2.1 Web Application Security Landscape
In today’s digital age web applications have redefined how we communicate, transact, and access
information, serving as the backbone of online services and interactions. On the other hand, web
applications have also been exposed to an ever-evolving landscape of security threats in this digital
With the proliferation of web applications, they become an attractive target for cybercriminals
seeking to exploit security weaknesses for various malicious purposes. Hence it become an essential
discipline in the realm of cybersecurity to practice protecting web applications from vulnerabilities
and attacks, which is called Web application security.
2.2 The Role of OWASP
These challenges require an organization dedicated to improving the security of web applications and
software as a beacon of knowledge and guidance. the Open Web Application Security Project
(OWASP) fulfils this purpose as a global non-profit organization. Under OSWAP organizations,
security experts, and developers operate as a collaborative community with a shared commitment of
enhancing web application security[7].
Publication of the document to provide insight into the most critical web application security risks is
one of OWASP's flagship initiatives which is known as OWASP Top 10. For organizations, security
practitioners, developers, and those striving to secure their web applications effectively the OWASP
Top 10 serves as a reference point and a roadmap.
2.3 The Evolution of the OWASP Top 10

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International Journal of Engineering Technology and Management Sciences
Website: ijetms.in Issue: 6 Volume No.7 November - December – 2023
DOI:10.46647/ijetms.2023.v07i06.038 ISSN: 2581-4621

Web application security is a field characterized by its constant evolution. As new technologies
emerge and attack vectors evolve, the nature of web application vulnerabilities changes. To reflect
these shifts in the threat landscape and provide up-to-date guidance, OWASP periodically updates its
Top 10 list[8].
The focus of this research review paper is a comparative analysis of two significant editions of the
OWASP Top 10: the 2017 edition and the 2021 edition. By examining the changes and trends between
these two editions, we aim to shed light on how web application vulnerabilities have evolved over
this critical period.
The comparative study conducted in this paper acknowledges OWASP's pivotal role in shaping web
application security practices. To gain an in-depth understanding of the evolving trends in web
application vulnerabilities, the expertise, and insights of the global cybersecurity community towards
the previous editions of the OWASP Top 10 have been used.
The methodology employed for this analysis will be discussed in the following sections which will
explore the changes in rankings and emerging threats that have shaped the landscape of web
application security along with vulnerability descriptions. Our aim is to provide valuable insights for
security practitioners which will help them adapt in a rapidly changing digital world by fortifying
their web application security strategies[9].

3. Methodology
A comparative study of the OWASP Top 10 2017 and OWASP Top 10 2021 was the methodology
employed to ensure rigor, comprehensiveness, and objectivity. The research methodology consisted
of several key steps:
3.1. Data Collection
The first step involved gathering the primary data sources for the study:
3.1.1. OWASP Top 10 2017 Report:
The 2017 edition of the OWASP Top 10 served as a foundational document for understanding web
application security vulnerabilities prevalent at that time. This document was obtained directly from
the official OWASP website.
3.1.2. OWASP Top 10 2021 Report:
The 2021 edition of the OWASP Top 10, which represents the most recent snapshot of web
application security risks, was also sourced from the official OWASP website.
3.2. Data Analysis
3.2.1. Comparative Analysis of Rankings:
•A detailed comparison was made between the rankings of web application security risks in the 2017
and 2021 editions of the OWASP Top 10.
•Each vulnerability's ranking was assessed to identify changes in priority. A focus was placed on
understanding which vulnerabilities gained or lost prominence over the years.
3.2.2. Evolution of Vulnerability Descriptions:
•The vulnerability descriptions provided in both editions were meticulously analysed.
•Differences, updates, and changes in the descriptions were noted. Particular attention was given to
identifying new terminology, concepts, or explanations introduced in the 2021 edition to reflect
evolving attack techniques or security considerations.
3.2.3. Emerging Trends:
•The comparative analysis also aimed to identify emerging trends and vulnerabilities introduced or
emphasized in the OWASP Top 10 2021.
•A qualitative assessment was conducted to understand the relevance and significance of these trends
in the contemporary web application security landscape.
3.3. Ethical Considerations
Throughout the research process, ethical considerations were paramount. The research review paper
is based solely on publicly available and authorized documents from the official OWASP website.
We have avoided utilizing any sensitive or confidential information in this study.

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International Journal of Engineering Technology and Management Sciences
Website: ijetms.in Issue: 6 Volume No.7 November - December – 2023
DOI:10.46647/ijetms.2023.v07i06.038 ISSN: 2581-4621

3.4. Limitations
The primary limitation of this study is that it relies on the content and categorizations presented in
the OWASP Top 10 reports. The completeness and accuracy of the information provided in these
reports also affect the findings of the comparative analysis.
The results derived from the methodology of comparative analysis outlined here will be presented
and discussed in the subsequent sections which provide valuable insights into evolving trends in web
application vulnerabilities. Organizations, security practitioners, and developers who are looking to
enhance their web application security strategies can use the result to get practical insights into the
changing landscape of web application vulnerabilities.
4. Comparative Analysis
Fig. 2 presents an overview of comparative analysis between the OWASP Top 10 2021 and 2017,
We found that 3 new categories have been introduced, the Scope and names are changed for 4
vulnerability categories, and consolidation for a few categories in the Top 10 for 2021. The intention
behind changing names is to focus on the root cause rather than the symptom.

Fig 2. Top 10 vulnerabilities identified in OWASP 2021

4.1. Result: Changes in the Top 10 for 2021

Detailed Analysis for comparison of both reports has been made in line with the previous studies in
this field. The analysis summary has been presented in the form of Table 1.

Table.1. Summary of Comparative Analysis

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International Journal of Engineering Technology and Management Sciences
Website: ijetms.in Issue: 6 Volume No.7 November - December – 2023
DOI:10.46647/ijetms.2023.v07i06.038 ISSN: 2581-4621

4.2. Key Findings

• Injection vulnerabilities, broken access control and sensitive data exposure remain significant
threats in both versions.
• The removal of XXE vulnerability from the 2021 list indicates a decreasing prevalence of this
• Insecure deserialization is a new addition to the 2021 list, highlighting the growing recognition of
its risks.
• Both versions emphasize the importance of strong authentication, access control, and protection
of sensitive data.
• Insufficient logging and monitoring can hinder the detection and response to security incidents in
web applications.

5. Discussion
The comparative analysis of the 2021 & 2017 version of OWASP Top 10 2017 reveals several critical
insights into the evolving trends in web application vulnerabilities. These insights have far-reaching
implications for security practitioners, developers, and organizations seeking to bolster their web
application security measures in the face of a dynamic threat landscape.
5.1. Consistency in Top Priority Vulnerabilities
One of the striking findings of this comparative study is the continuity in the top 3 vulnerabilities in
2021 are from the Top 5 of the 2017 edition. It indicates that these vulnerabilities persist as a major
threat to web application security. As there is consistency in top vulnerabilities, it is important to
address these vulnerabilities as a foundational step in achieving of web application security.
Organizations must make it a priority to prevent and mitigate injection attacks, Broken Access
Control, and Cryptographic Failures[10].
5.2. Updated Vulnerability Descriptions
The 2021 edition underwent updates and refinements in the vulnerability descriptions while there is
a relatively stable nature of core vulnerabilities. To adopt the continuous change in the landscape of
threats these updates and refinements were essential so that it may accommodate modern application
architectures. The revised descriptions direct toward effective mitigation strategies by focusing more
on a deeper understanding of each vulnerability, offering context on how attackers use it. This
evolution of the OWASP Top 10 list helps individuals and organizations better grasp the complexities
present in web application vulnerabilities.
5.3. Recognition of Emerging Trends
The 2021 edition of the OWASP Top 10 introduced "Software and Data Integrity Failures " and
"Insecure Design" as new additions that demonstrated a keen awareness of emerging trends in web
application security[11]. It reflects the importance of addressing security concerns at the design stage
itself and emphasizes the increasing prevalence of data Integrity in modern applications. Through
this, it guides to incorporation of corresponding measures into security practices for handling the
emerging trends.
5.4. Adaptability is Key
The comparative study strongly reinforces that continuous adoption for web application security is
required because of the evolving threat landscape as it is not a static discipline and insists that
development practices, security strategies, and risk mitigation efforts must also evolve with time.
Organizations should adopt an agile and adaptive approach to web application security, staying
informed about the latest trends and vulnerabilities. This adaptability is crucial for effectively
countering new and emerging threats.
5.5. Role of OWASP in Shaping Security Practices
Practices of web application security are guided by the OWASP Top 10 over the years. Its influence
extends beyond the list itself, as it serves as a reference point and educational resource for the global
cybersecurity community[12]. The updates and enhancements introduced in the 2021 edition
underscore OWASP's commitment to reflecting the evolving threat landscape accurately. Security

@2023, IJETMS | Impact Factor Value: 5.672 | Page 266

International Journal of Engineering Technology and Management Sciences
Website: ijetms.in Issue: 6 Volume No.7 November - December – 2023
DOI:10.46647/ijetms.2023.v07i06.038 ISSN: 2581-4621

professionals and organizations can continue to rely on OWASP as a valuable source of guidance and

6. Recommendations & Scope for future work

6.1. Recommendations
On the basis of the analysis carried out from the above study we recommend a few important points
to be taken care of by organisations and Individuals.
6.1.1. Implement Comprehensive Web Application Security Training
To address the persistent vulnerabilities highlighted in this study, organizations should prioritize
ongoing training and awareness programs for their development and security teams. Comprehensive
training on secure coding practices, vulnerability detection, and secure design principles can empower
teams to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities effectively. This proactive approach helps prevent
common security pitfalls.
6.1.2. Embrace Automation and Security Tools
The use of automated security testing tools and vulnerability scanners should be a fundamental part
of the development lifecycle. These tools play a vital role early in the development process as they
can assist in identifying and addressing vulnerabilities, which in turn reduces the risk of security
issues reaching production environments.
6.1.3. Address Design Flaws from the Start
"Insecure Design" as another emerging trend highlights the importance of addressing security
concerns at the design stage of web applications[13]. Organizations should incorporate security by
design principles into their development processes, emphasizing threat modelling, secure
architecture, and risk assessments early in the project lifecycle.
6.1.4. Stay Updated and Adaptable
Web application security is a constantly evolving field. Security practitioners and organizations need
to be vigilant and updated about emerging threats and vulnerabilities and should adapt accordingly to
their security strategies. Regularly reviewing and implementing the recommendations provided by
OWASP and other security organizations is crucial to maintaining robust security practices.
6.1.5. Collaborate and Share Insights
The security community thrives on collaboration and knowledge sharing. Organizations should
encourage their security teams to actively participate in security communities, attend conferences,
and engage in information exchange. Sharing insights and experiences can help collectively address
evolving threats more effectively.
6.2. Scope for Future Work
Though valuable insights into the evolving trends of vulnerabilities in a web application have been
provided by this comparative study, still there is a need for future research and exploration in a few
6.2.1. In-Depth Analysis of Emerging Trends
It is required to understand the challenges and mitigation strategies specifically associated with
emerging trends like "API Security" and "Insecure Design" to provide practical guidance for security
6.2.2. Longitudinal Studies
To look more comprehensive evolution view of web application vulnerabilities over time studies over
several years are needed. Analysing multiple editions of the OWASP Top 10 and other sources over
the years is a must to identify long-term trends.
6.2.3. Real-World Case Studies
Examining real-world case studies can be valuable learning resources for web application
vulnerabilities and breaches and can provide concrete examples of how vulnerabilities are exploited
and their real-world impact[14].

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International Journal of Engineering Technology and Management Sciences
Website: ijetms.in Issue: 6 Volume No.7 November - December – 2023
DOI:10.46647/ijetms.2023.v07i06.038 ISSN: 2581-4621

6.2.4. Quantitative Analysis

To assess the impact and severity of any specific vulnerabilities over time future research involving
quantitative data can be explored which may involve data from security incident reports, breach
statistics, and vulnerability databases.

This comparative study of the OWASP Top 10 2017 and OWASP Top 10 2021 provides valuable
insights into the evolving trends in web application vulnerabilities. The continuity in certain
vulnerabilities, updated descriptions, recognition of emerging trends, and the importance of
adaptability all point to the dynamic nature of web application security. Security practitioners and
organizations should leverage these insights to enhance their web application security measures and
navigate the ever-changing digital landscape effectively[15]. By doing so, they can contribute to the
ongoing effort to secure web applications and protect user data in an increasingly interconnected
world. Incorporating the recommendations mentioned and pursuing future research avenues can
contribute to a more secure web application landscape and enhance the resilience of organizations
against evolving web application vulnerabilities.

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International Journal of Engineering Technology and Management Sciences
Website: ijetms.in Issue: 6 Volume No.7 November - December – 2023
DOI:10.46647/ijetms.2023.v07i06.038 ISSN: 2581-4621

[15] J. Joshi, W. Aref, A. Ghafoor, and E. Spafford, “Security models for Web-based applications,”
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