Synthesis Essay Assignment - Jordyn Solano

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Jordyn Solano

Professor Knight

College Composition

12 November, 2024

Synthesis Essay of Sidney Fussell, Nerdwriter1, and Rocio Avila

What is a true dark pattern? There are many different definitions of dark patterns, with

the most broad being a tactic used on the internet in order to get a user to involuntarily purchase

or want the advertised item. However, why would something like that need multiple different

definitions? Dark patterns are one of the unavoidable things on the internet, which is ultimately a

bad thing. Throughout the internet’s evolution, companies have gotten more and more sneaky

with dark patterns, with most becoming invisible at first glance. Nerdwriter1 informs the

audience about a game using an effect known as a Pavlovian Response (“How Dark Patterns

Trick You Online”). While it might not seem like much at first, it can completely alter your

opinion when you understand how untrusting you have to be just to keep your money. All

sources about dark patterns will tell you that they are bad or can be bad, however most don’t

expand past the surface. Combining multiple explanations from sources can provide a deeper

understanding with more context, rather than just one alone. Companies, while they might

benefit yourself or others, still use dark patterns in order to use your natural responses in order to

benefit itself. There’s also the fact that companies often use dark patterns on top of inflation and

other underhanded tactics. Some everyday dark patterns that we see are most ads, playable game

ads, paywalls, etc. These, while may be more noticeable than others, still ultimately work on the

majority of people. Dark patterns and the internet, while they may be beneficial for different

parties and people, ultimately do more harm to everyone than it does good.
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Firstly, each of the sources has its own unique perspective on the individual effects of

dark patterns and the internet. Dark patterns have multiple different types of outcomes based on

the person who is writing about it. The first source, and the one used the most, is Fussell talking

about the different types of dark patterns and where we can find them. Fussell explains that

“Dark patterns are often the unseen web-design choices that trick users into handing over more

time, money, or attention,” (Fussell 799). Through Fussell’s definition, he tells us his perspective

on what a dark pattern is, further explaining it in later paragraphs with outside sources, such as a

Princeton research study, in order to explain his definition. Avila follows up with, “stressors

contribute to employee dissatisfaction, leading … employees to escape their problems by using

the internet …,” (Avila 803). This shows us that while we may not feel like we’re dependent on

the internet, we often use it as an escape. Both Fussell and Avila tie in together rather nicely

together because they have a similar base problem. While dark patterns are mainly unseen ads

trying to get you to buy something from the company, cyberloafing, personal time on the internet

during working hours, causes the employees to run straight to certain games or websites because

that’s what they’re familiar with and want. However, they’re also different because Fussell talks

about certain types of ads or deals while Avila tells us about internet usage during working hours

and whether or not it’s beneficial. Through these sources, we can bring in Nerdwriter1, who

shows us both dark patterns and dangerous internet usage. Nerdwriter1 explains that, “there’s a

difference between those who [take] their time to build trust and loyalty and the offer you clicked

which enrolled you in a monthly subscription,” (“How Dark Patterns Trick You Online”).

Nerdwriter1 is telling us that if companies want their customers to be loyal and stay with them,

they should take their time and offer deals that would make them want to stay rather than
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constantly trying to trick them into staying. These sources all have different perspectives on an

issue that has prevailed since the dawn of the internet: constant usage of the internet.

Additionally, while each source is unique, they have similar ideas between each effect of

the internet and dark patterns spotted throughout it. Each source gives us a different explanation

behind internet usage, and dark patterns, but each gives a different version of a similar argument.

Fussell shares that, “overconfidence can … make us more vulnerable to exploitation, because we

underestimate the power of dark patterns,” (Fussell 800). With this quote, we can safely say that

many people are going to eventually fall for dark patterns. Not just because we are naturally

overconfident in something we use often, another conclusion that can be drawn, but also because

we don’t want to be wrong. Avila adds that “one … reason[s] for organizations to pay attention

to cyberloafing … is that it can make sensitive, secure information vulnerable,” (Avila 805).

There’s lots of things that this could point to, but I think this ties more relevantly into dark

patterns trying to exploit information out of people. Fussell tells us that our overconfidence and

our want to be correct in any given situation can be a reason we fall for dark patterns so often,

but mixing it with a workplace environment can be detrimental. Not only do we want to appear

right to earn ‘credit’ from people, but if we’re in a position of power, we want to be correct even

more. Nerdwriter1 also informs us that, “LinkedIn tried to trick users eight times in their sign up

and onboarding procedures into surrendering their email contacts,” (“How Dark Patterns Trick

You Online”). This not only shows us how low companies are willing to go, but also how easy it

is to give up valuable information to something we think is small. Each source told us about

something simple, like dark patterns and cyberloafing, but each showed us the different effects

that they leave behind and how it affects us accordingly.

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Finally, they all support the same belief behind dark patterns and internet usage, but they

each have varying ways of explaining it to us. Fussell explains it to us by saying, “Dark patterns

are often the unseen web-design choices that trick users into handing over more time, money, or

attention,” and “overconfidence can … make us more vulnerable to exploitation, because we

underestimate the power of dark patterns,” (Fussell 799/800). Avila adds onto this with,

“stressors contribute to employee dissatisfaction, leading … employees to escape their problems

by using the internet …,” and “one … reason[s] for organizations to pay attention to cyberloafing

… is that it can make sensitive, secure information vulnerable,” (Avila 803/805). Nerdwriter1

then finished with, “there’s a difference between those who [take] their time to build trust and

loyalty and the offer you clicked which enrolled you in a monthly subscription,” and “LinkedIn

tried to trick users eight times in their sign up and onboarding procedures into surrendering their

email contacts,” (“How Dark Patterns Trick You Online”). Each of these quotes gave evidence

that both dark patterns and overindulging in internet usage can be detrimental to people no

matter how much the company benefits from it. With potentially compromising company

information, to purposefully going alone with a dark pattern in order to appear right can all be

added to the endlessly growing list of cons with the internet. Even with all of these cons being

explained through sources, we are inevitably going to go back to the internet every time. While

some people don’t want to admit it, we rely on the internet for multiple different things, not just

solely entertainment. We need it for information, communication, and for work and school. We

may need the internet, but that doesn’t mean we should make it the center of our lives. By taking

the proper steps of limiting yourself when you need a break and taking a break every once in a

while, we can take the time to get away from the internet and be self-reliant.
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Works Cited

Avila, Rocio. "Cyberloafing: Distraction or Motivation?" The Norton Field Guide to Writing with

Readings, 6th ed., edited by Richard Bullock et al., W.W. Norton, 2022, pp. 803-807.

Fussell, Sidney. "The Endless, Invisible Persuasion Tactics of the Internet" The Norton Field

Guide to Writing with Readings, 6th ed., edited by Richard Bullock et al., W.W. Norton,

2022, pp. 798-802.

Nerdwriter1. “How Dark Patterns Trick You Online.” YouTube, 28 Mar. 2018,

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