Travel Ex
Travel Ex
Travel Ex
After the Travelex logo, colour is the most distinctive element of our corporate identity. It can help achieve recognition and presence in the global marketplace. The Travelex colours are primarily blue and red on a white background. The balance of these colours can vary between applications. Detailed below are the specifications and guidelines for use of Travelex colours. Please note that these guidelines are flexible and allow for differing needs of application, media and event. Travelex Dark Grey is used as a headline and body copy colour in literature as well as a solid background colour.
In lieu of the Travelex colours specified throughout these guidelines, you may use the following PANTONE colours, the standards for which are shown in the current edition of the PANTONE formula guide. For Travelex Red use Pantone 485 For Travelex Blue use Pantone 072 For Travelex Dark Grey use Pantone 424
Bright white White is the first choice background colour for the Travelex logo. Ensure that the white is as bright as possible. RAL 9003 Signal White
Travelex Red This is reserved only for the worldwide money square. Do not use it for any other devices or applications (subject to discretion). Custom colour Pantone 485 4-colour process C:0 M:100 Y:90 K:0 RGB R:254 G:0 B:12 Web Hex FF0000 RAL 3020 Traffic Red
Travelex Blue This is primarily used in the Travelex logo rectangle. However it is a key identifier and can be used in typography or as a background colour to signage and literature. Custom colour Pantone 072 4-colour process C:100 M:88 Y:0 K:5 RGB R:15 G:35 B:140 Web Hex 330099 RAL 5002 Ultramarine Blue
Travelex Dark Grey This is primarily used as a headline and body copy colour in literature. Custom colour Pantone 424 4-colour process C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:65 RGB R:89 G:89 B:89 Web Hex 666666 RAL 7037 Dusty Grey
The colours shown here and throughout these guidelines have not been evaluated by Pantone, Inc. for accuracy and may not match the PANTONE Color Standard. Consult current PANTONE publications for accurate colour. PANTONE is the property of Pantone, Inc.
The Travelex wordmark consists of specially drawn letters. The Travelex wordmark is unique. Therefore, it should never be redrawn or manipulated in any way. The worldwide money square symbolizes Travelexs unique offer. It consists of specially set letters and should never be re-set. The two boxes should always appear as shown below in a constant relationship with space between them. This space is a fixed relationship which cannot be adjusted.
The master logo The rectangle prints Travelex Blue (Pantone 072), the square prints Travelex Red (Pantone 485) and the type always prints white.
worldwide money
The master logo The logo can appear on a background without a keyline if the background colour is light enough and doesnt conflict with the logo.
Minimum size The minimum width that any Travelex logo should be applied.
Minimum clear space area Graphics and text must not infringe the clear space area indicated.
The logo on a conflicting image An image that has detail, texture or light and shade will conflict with the Travelex logo. A white keyline in equal width to the space between the boxes must be added.
The logo on a dark colour When the logo appears on a dark background a white keyline in equal width to the space between the boxes must be added.
Minimum clear space area with keylined logo Graphics and text must not infringe the clear space area indicated.
Single-colour logo For use in single-colour only documents e.g. Internal Memorandum. The rectangle prints 100% solid and the square prints as a 65% tint. This single-colour version can only be printed in process black or Travelex Blue.
The logo reversed out of a single colour When the logo appears on a dark background and there is only one colour available for printing, the type and the outline to the boxes print white, the interior of the boxes remains the background colour.
Solid black version For use on fax headers, to increase legibility after fax transmission. It should not be used for any other purpose.
Sponsorship logo Only for use in event/team sponsorship and where the Travelex name requires more prominence than the standard logo allows. It should not be used for any other purpose.
Retail logo For retail fascia only. On a long fascia the logo can be repeated. See retail section for the application details.
DO NOT Add a thin white keyline when reversing out of a dark background.
DO NOT Put the logo in a box when reversing out of a dark background.
DO NOT Reproduce one or both Travelex colours as percentage tints unless you are printing in single colour (see page 3.3 single colour use).