Power Performance Characteristics Investigationof Gas Engineusing New Injector
Power Performance Characteristics Investigationof Gas Engineusing New Injector
Power Performance Characteristics Investigationof Gas Engineusing New Injector
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Abstract 2
The conversion of marine diesel engine to Gas engine has ipwr itq avrgrpm (1)
been reduced the engine power. The Gas engine is need 60000
improvement to increase the engine power. In this paper, the The indicated power is called ipwr in kilowatts (kW). itq is
new injector has been improved to increase the Gas engine the indicated torque of the engine in Newton-metres (N-m),
power. The investigation results of the effect of new injector avgrpm is the engine speed in rpm; is instantaneous and the
on power performance of a Gas engine are based on nominal value is 3.14.
experimental. The effect of the new injector nozzles with The instantaneous brake power, bkw, represents the power
multi-diameter holes on the indicated and brake power available at the flywheel, after accounting for all friction and
performance of the Gas engine is shown that new injector attachment losses as well as the acceleration of the cranktrain
nozzle with 3.0 mm diameter holes produced the highest inertia for brake torque. Brake power, bkw is calculated using
power compared to the other injectors. In this investigation, Equation (2).
the 3.0 mm diameter hole injector nozzle increased the higher 2
power by 8.5%, since the greater diameter nozzle holes bkw btq avgrpm (2)
injected gas fuel more evenly and enhanced mixing with 60000
intake air in the combustion chamber. Brake power is in kilowatts (kW), btq is brake torque in
Newton-metres (N-m) and avgrpm is engine speed (rpm).
Keywords: Gas engine; diameter holes injector; engine
conversion; new injector; power performance
A CNG engine was developed in this study. Engine
INTRODUCTION specifications for the base engine are presented in Table 1.
Natural Gas (NG) has been found in various locations in oil The specific values of the input parameters, including the air
and gas-bearing sand strata located at various depths below fuel ratio, engine speed, injection timing, injection pressure,
the earth’s surface [1]. CNG is NG in compressed form. It has ignition timing and the compression ratio were defined in the
been recognised as one of the most promising alternative fuels model.
due to its substantial benefits compared to gasoline fuel and
diesel fuel. These include lower fuel costs, cleaner exhaust gas Table 1: Specifications of the engine
emissions and higher octane number.
Diesel engine can be converted to CNG engine. Engine Parameters Value
Unfortunately, the conversion of engine has been reduced the Bore (mm) 86.0
engine power performance characteristics. So, the CNG Stroke (mm) 70.0
engine is need the improvement to increase the power Displacement (cc) 407.0
performance. Number of cylinders 1
The objective of this paper is to improve the CNG engine Connecting rod length (mm) 118.1
injector to increase the engine power performance. The Piston pin offset (mm) 1.00
improved CNG engine injector has called the new injector. Max. intake & exhaust valve open (mm) 7.095
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 11, Number 11 (2016) pp 7462-7466
© Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com
part of ISO 3046 applies to engines used to propel road degree nozzle holes, the injected CNG fuel is sprayed more
construction and earth-moving machines, industrial trucks and evenly and mixes more with the intake air in the combustion
for other applications where no suitable international standard chamber. Unfortunately, too-high degree nozzle holes, such as
exists for these engines. This part of ISO 3046 was applied to the 30 degree nozzle hole, reduced the flow velocity of
the test on a test bed. injected CNG fuel in the combustion chamber of the engine.
The experimental testing of the SPI CNG engine using the This was caused by better fuel flow and fuel-air mixing,
original injector and the new injector nozzle with multi-hole resulting in excellent combustion with the 25 degree nozzle
geometry was run based on engine speed variations [5]. holes compared the other new injectors with multi-degree
The engine was run from 1000 rpm-4000 rpm with a range of nozzle holes. This excellent combustion increased the
500 rpm. The throttle positions were opened at 25%, 50%, indicated power of engine by 13.4%. This was caused by the
75% and 100%. The CNG was injected into the intake dominant in-flow velocity effect, where the velocity with the
manifold at variable pressures from 1 Bar to 4 Bar. A detailed 25 degree nozzle hole was higher than with the other injectors.
schematic of the SPI CNG engine experimental set-up is Unfortunately, the new injector nozzle with 10 degree nozzle
shown in Figure 1. holes produced lower indicated power for the sequential port
injection CNG engine compared to the other new injectors.
Computer Data Storage and
Data Acquisition
Generally, the new injectors increased the indicated torque.
Processing System
Figure 2 (c) shows the indicated power performance of the
sequential port injection CNG engine using injectors with
Crank Angle Cylinder Pressure
Encoder and Temperature
multi-degree diffuser holes. The new injector nozzle with 25
Computer Injection Control degree diffuser holes produced the highest indicated power
and ECU Monitoring
compared to the others. In this investigation, the injector with
Gas Injector 25 degree diffuser holes increased the indicated power by
Compressed 10.95% compared to the original injector. The new injector
Natural Gas
ECU with 25 degree diffuser holes produced higher indicated
power because with higher degree diffuser holes, the injected
Exhaust Gas Gas Analyzer gas fuel can be sprayed at a higher velocity and spread evenly
Analyzer Monitoring and Control
Pressure in the combustion chamber. But, too high an angle, such as
Eddy Current Dynamometer with the 30 degree diffuser holes, reduced the flow spray and
Dynamometer Monitoring and Control mixing of the injected gas fuel. So, the combustion of the
engine was excellent with 25 degree diffuser holes compared
Figure 1: Schematic of CNG engine experimental testing to the other injectors. The increased indicated power was
caused by the fuel flow spray, fuel-air mixing and the flow
velocity of CNG fuel in the combustion chamber of the engine.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The effect of increasing fuel spray, fuel-air mixing and fuel
The investigation results of the effect of new injector nozzles velocity is increased indicated power performance of the
with multi-hole geometry on indicated power performance of engine.
a sequential port injection CNG engine are shown in Figure 2. Figure 2 (d) shows the indicated power performance of the
The effect of the new injector nozzles with multi-diameter sequential port injection CNG engine using the new multi-
holes on the indicated power performance of the sequential hole injector nozzles at varying engine speeds. All of the new
port injection CNG engine is shown in Figure 2 (a). The new multi-hole injectors increased the indicated power compared
injector nozzle with 3.0 mm diameter holes produced the to the original injector. The new injector nozzle with four
highest indicated power compared to the other injectors. In holes produced the highest indicated power compared to the
this investigation, the 3.0 mm diameter hole injector nozzle other injectors. The new injector with four holes increased the
increased the higher indicated power by 8.5%, since the indicated power by 9.5% compared to the original injectors.
greater diameter nozzle holes injected gas fuel more evenly The increase in indicated power occurred because the new
and enhanced mixing with intake air in the combustion injector with four holes sprayed the fuel more evenly in the
chamber. But, too-large diameter nozzle holes, such as in the combustion chamber, the injected CNG fuel mixed more with
original injector, can reduce the flow velocity of the injected the intake air and the fuel flow velocity was higher in the
gas fuel. Given this phenomenon in fuel flow, the combustion combustion chamber of the engine. The effect of the new
in the engine was certainly excellent with the 3.0 mm injector in the combustion of engine was excellent with four
diameter hole nozzle compared to the other injectors. Better holes compared to injectors with fewer holes.
air-fuel mixing produces better indicated power [6 - 25]. The results of the effect of new injector nozzles with multi-
Figure 2 (b) shows the effect of the new injectors with multi- hole geometry on brake power performance of the sequential
degree nozzle holes on indicated the power performance of port injection CNG engine are shown in Figure 3.
the sequential port injection CNG engine. In the new injector Figure 3 (a) shows the effect of the new injector nozzles with
nozzles with multi-degree nozzle holes, the new injector multi-diameter holes on the brake power performance of the
nozzle with 25 degree nozzle holes produced the highest sequential port injection CNG engine. With the new injector
indicated power compared to the others. Baumgarter [6] (2006) nozzles with 1.0 mm, 1.5 mm, 2.0 mm, 2.5 mm and 3.0 mm
has postulated that injector with higher degree nozzle holes diameter holes, the highest brake power was determined at an
would produce higher indicated power because, with higher engine speed of 2500 rpm.
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 11, Number 11 (2016) pp 7462-7466
© Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com
Figure 3 (b) shows the effect of the new injector nozzles with
multi-degree holes on the brake power performance of the Orig.
sequential port injection CNG engine. In the new injector 5.0 1.0DH
nozzles with 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 degree nozzle holes, the 1.5DH
the fuel and air were mixed completely in the combustion 20DN
chamber. 4.0 25DN
Figure 3 (c) shows the effect of the new injector nozzles with 30DN
multi-degree diffuser holes on the brake power performance
of the sequential port injection CNG engine. In the new 3.0
injector nozzles with 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 degree diffuser
holes, the highest brake power was determined at an engine 2.5
speed of 2500 rpm. All of the new injector nozzles increased 2.0
the brake power compared to the original injector. The new
injector nozzle with 25 degree nozzle holes produced the 1.5
highest brake power compared to the other injectors. In this 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500
investigation, the injector with 25 degree diffuser holes
increased the brake power by 10.9% compared to the original Engine Speed (rpm)
injector, because the injected gas fuel flow was sprayed at a (b). Indicated power of new multi-degree hole injector nozzles
higher velocity and spread evenly throughout the combustion
chamber with the new nozzle. However, too-high degree Orig.
diffuser holes such as the 30 degree diffuser hole reduced the 5.0 10DD
fuel flow spray, fuel-air mixing and the velocity of the 15DD
Indicated Power (kW)
injected gas fuel. Combustion in the engine was excellent with 4.5
the 25 degree diffuser hole injector nozzle compared to the 4.0 25DD
other injectors.
Figure 3 (d) shows the effect of the new multi-hole injector 3.5
nozzles on the brake power performance of the sequential port
injection CNG engine. With the new injector nozzles with two
holes, three holes, four holes and five holes, the highest brake 2.5
power was determined at an engine speed of 2500 rpm. The
new injector nozzle with four holes produced the highest 2.0
brake power compared to the original injector, and the 1.5
injectors with two, three or five holes. The injector with four
holes increased the brake power by 9.5% compared to the 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500
original injector, since with four holes, the injected gas fuel Engine Speed (rpm)
was sprayed more evenly, mixed more with air and was
injected with higher velocity into the combustion chamber. (c). Indicated power of new multi-degree diffuser hole injector
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 11, Number 11 (2016) pp 7462-7466
© Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com
5.5 4.5
Orig. Orig.
2H 4.0 10DD
Indicated Power (kW)
4.5 3H
1.5 1.5
500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500
Engine Speed (rpm)
Engine Speed (rpm)
(c). Brake power of new multi-degree diffuser hole injector
(d). Indicated power of new multi-hole injector nozzles nozzles
Figure 2: Indicated power against engine speed 4.5
4.5 4.0 2H
Brake Power (kW)
3.5 4H
4.0 1.0DH
1.5DH 5H
Brake Power (kW)
2.0DH 3.0
3.5 2.5DH
3.0 2.5
2.0 1.5
500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500
1.5 Engine Speed (rpm)
500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 (d). Brake power of new multi-hole injector nozzles
Engine Speed (rpm)
Figure 3: Variation of brake torque against engine speed
(a). Brake power of new multi-diameter hole injector nozzles
4.0 10DN In the indicated power performance, this was caused by better
15DN fuel flow and fuel-air mixing, resulting in excellent
Brake Power (kW)
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 11, Number 11 (2016) pp 7462-7466
© Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com
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