2018 - Schwung, A. - A Cloud Based Condition Monitoring Using Machine Learning
2018 - Schwung, A. - A Cloud Based Condition Monitoring Using Machine Learning
2018 - Schwung, A. - A Cloud Based Condition Monitoring Using Machine Learning
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3 authors:
Andreas Schwung
Fachhochschule Südwestfalen
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All content following this page was uploaded by Fernando Arévalo on 12 December 2018.
DOI: 10.1109/INDIN.2018.8471970
A Cloud-based Architecture for Condition
Monitoring based on Machine Learning
Fernando Arévalo∗ , Mochammad Rizky Diprasetya† , Andreas Schwung‡
Department of Automation Technology
South Westphalia University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Email: {arevalo.fernando,schwung.andreas}@fh-swf.de, [email protected]
Abstract—In the framework of the Digitalization of the In- This paper presents a cloud-based architecture for con-
dustry, there is an increasing trend to use machine learning ditioning monitoring based on Machine Learning. A Web
techniques to assess condition monitoring, fault detection, and application presents the results to the end-user. This research
process optimization. Traditional approaches use a local IT
framework centralized in a server, in order to provide these is divided in two parts: the front-end development and the
services. Cost of equipment and IT manpower are associated to condition monitoring based on machine learning, see section
the implementation of a condition monitoring based on machine IV and section V respectively. The front-end development
learning. Nowadays, cloud computing allows to replace local IT uses a IaaS cloud computing model for the web application.
frameworks by a remote service, which can be paid according The back-end is based on an IT framework, which comprises
to the customer needs. This paper proposes a cloud-based
architecture for condition monitoring based on machine learning, the aforementioned services. This back-end is implemented
which can assess the end-user through a web application. The in the cloud service. The condition monitoring is developed
condition monitoring is implemented using a fusion of classifica- using machine learning techniques, specifically classification
tion methods. The fusion is implemented using Dempster-Shafer methods. An information fusion approach is used to improve
Evidence Theory (DSET). The results show that the use of DSET the performance of the condition monitoring system.
improves the overall result.
Index Terms—Cloud-based Architecture, Condition Monitor- II. R ELATED W ORK
ing, Machine Learning, IaaS, MQTT, OPC-UA, DSET
The Industry 4.0 refers to the implementation of systems
I. I NTRODUCTION with the concept of the internet of things. Ferrer et al. explains
Nowadays, an Industrial PC (IPC) is used as a monitor- about web-based IoT devices and cloud based manufacturing
ing system, which possesses a data analytics software for platform [5]. To achieve the internet of things concept, an
the industrial process. This IPC could be a dedicated PC, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) frame-
which is separated from the automation system. When a data work is implemented. ICT helps machines, sensors, embedded
analytics software uses a complex algorithm, which needs devices and software components to be connected with each
more resources, a powerful IPC is needed [1]. The more other, in order to use the information for monitoring pur-
powerful the IPC is, the more expensive it is. Often, a data poses. Cloud Collaborative Manufacturing Networks (C2NET)
analytics software relies on additional services such as access is implemented for the cloud-based platform. The C2NET
to technical documentation, databases, connectivity to mobile architecture uses WebSockets, MQTT and RESTful API for
applications and to the automation platform of the factory the connection between the IoT devices and the cloud-based
[2]. These services are normally contained in an local IT platform.
Infrastructure. The up-front cost for an IT infrastructure can There is an increasing trend in the industry to include
be high e.g. a suitable room, equipment cost, IT manpower, cloud computing in its data analysis. Elazab et al. designed
maintenance. Moreover, a user who does not have experience a condition monitoring system for power plants [6]. The
in setting up an IT infrastructure, requires more time to have application was based on an IaaS model, a LAN connection
a running system [3] and technical training. for the data collection, and in the concept of Cloud Based
There is an increased use of cloud computing as an alter- Condition Monitoring (CBCM).
native for a local IT infrastructure. A cloud service enables a OpenStack is a development toolkit for managing a cloud
user to share and access her system with minimal management computing platform. Zhen-wu et al. developed a cloud infras-
effort, often over the internet. It allows the user to minimize tructure for industrial applications based on OpenStack [7]. An
the up-front IT infrastructure cost and the maintenance cost. automation platform is integrated with the cloud infrastructure.
An Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) can be used for a user, The automation platform uses Siemens PLC’s.
who wants to implement her system in the cloud [4]. The user There is a term in industrial system applications, which a
does not have to configure the IT infrastructure, since the cloud machine communicates with another machine using different
provider offers it. Cloud computing is a suitable solution for architectures. It is called Machine to Machine (M2M) commu-
small and middle size companies, since there is no need to nication. One proper way to establish an M2M communication
invest in IT equipment, neither to maintain it. is through IoT. Domenech et al. designed a smart industrial
environment by using IoT as Web of Things [8]. The M2M C. Cloud Computing
communication is implemented through a RESTful API over
There are three basic models in cloud computing [4]:
1) Infrastructure as a Service: The cloud provider offers
III. A C LOUD - BASED A RCHITECTURE FOR C ONDITION hardware, software, server, security, storage, and maintenance.
M ONITORING IN THE F RAMEWORK OF THE C ORE S YS A computer software, such as Oracle Virtualbox, VMware,
P ROJECT or Hyper-V, runs a virtual machine as a guest in a server.
One server can run multiple virtual machines. It depends
The completion of this research comprises the understand- on the server capability, in order to maintain the stability
ing of different topics such as software framework, cloud while running the virtual machine. There are many providers
computing, communication protocols and development of end- that offer IaaS such as Google Cloud, Amazon AWS, and
user applications. DigitalOcean.
2) Software as a Service: The cloud provider offers only
A. The CoreSys Framework
the software. The software is developed in the cloud infras-
The CoreSys framework is designed to include different IT tructure. The user can only access the software.
services for supporting the end-user, see Fig. 1. CoreSys is 3) Platform as a Service: The cloud provider offers to
designed to work as a local IT Infrastructure. The main mod- the user: a development toolkit, operating system, web server
ules of CoreSys are: Machine Learning and Data Analytics and database. The user can only access the development
(MLDA), the Apache Server, Historical Data, and Knowledge environment. She cannot access the whole infrastructure of
Modeling. The purpose of MLDA is to provide functions the cloud.
for fault detection assessment and condition monitoring. The
historical data serves for training and testing models, as well D. MQTT Communication Protocol
as to run data analytics. CoreSys collects data from the
automation platform through data communication protocols. Nowadays, a web-based internet of things is used in In-
dustry for monitoring, analyzing, and tracking. One of the
known communication protocols, which is used for web-based
internet of things is Message Queue Telemetry Transport
(MQTT) [9]. MQTT is a simple publish\subscribe commu-
nication protocol that uses a message broker. The broker
listens to all clients that are subscribed to it. A client can
be either a publisher or a subscriber, or both. Publisher of the
client publishes a message to the broker with a certain topic
(broker label). When the broker updates a topic, the subscriber
retrieves the message from the topic.