Unit 3
Unit 3
Unit 3
This chapter deals with the kinetics of fluid-particle reactions - non-catalytic
heterogeneous in which a gas or liquid is brought in contact with a solid and reacts with
the solid to transform (convert) it into a product. Fluid-particle reactions yield fluid and/or
solid products and thus may be represented by
Examples of fluid-solid reactions in which the solid does not appreciably change in
size during reaction are :
(i) The roasting of sulphide ores in air to yield the metal oxides. For example, zinc
sulphide is roasted to produce zinc oxide.
(ii) The reduction of metal oxides to the corresponding metals. For example,
reduction of magnetite, Fe3O4, by hydrogen occurs according to the following
reaction to produce iron.
Fe3O4 (s) + 4H, (g) 3Fe (s) + 4H2O(g) 4
Prepared by: Mr. Jaimin Pandya Page No. 1
Semester – VII (CHEM)
Chapter Name: Fluid-Particle System
2. The particle size changes with the progress of reaction (the particle decreases in
size, Shrinks during the course of reaction until it disappears).
In fluid-particle reactions this will happen when -
(a) A flaking ash or product material is formed or
(b) Pure B is used in the reaction of Fluid products
Examples of fluid-solid reactions in which the size of solid changes are :
(i) The production of carbon disulphide from the elements:
C(s) + 2S (g) → CS2 (g)
(ii) The production of water gas by the action of steam on coal (with low ash content).
C (s) + H20 (g) → CO (g) + 2H(g)
(iii) The burning of pure carbon in air :
C(s) + O2 (g) + CO2(g)
Many kinetic models have been developed for the progress of the reaction within a
single solid particle. To describe the progress of the non-catalytic reaction of particles
with surrounding fluid, we consider two simple models regarded as perfect in reality,
namely the progressive Conversion model and the shrinking unreacted - core model.
We define converted solid (i.e., solid product) and inert material as ash. An unreacted
core of solid continuously decreases in size / shrinks in size during reaction until it is
entirely consumed (Here the amount of solid material to be consumed by reaction is
shrinking with time)
At any given instant, the solid particle comprises of a core surrounded by an envelope.
The core is the unreacted reactant (that shrinks with time) so this model is referred to
as shrinking unreacted-core model. The envelope consists of a solid product and inert
material. The shrinking of size of unreacted core of solid with reaction time is shown
in Fig.
As the shrinking - core model (SCM) has been reported to approximate closely a
number of fluid - solid reactions, let us develop its kinetic equations for fixed as well
as variable se particles.
In doing this, we consider the surrounding fluid to be a gas spherical particles and
irreversible reaction between a gas and a solid
Please note that in the analysis to follow we consider the surrounding fluid a gas but
keep in mind that the analysis given below is applicable equally well to liquids.
All these steps offer resistance to reaction and the magnitude of the resistances of
these steps usually differ greatly from each other. In such cases, the step with the
highest resistance is considered as the rate - controlling / rate - determining for the
overall reaction process.
One of the following three steps may control the overall reaction rate. Therefor
develop the conversion equations for spherical particles by considering each of the
steps separately to be rate controlling.
(i) Diffusion through the gas film.
(ii) Diffusion through the ash (converted solid and inert material) / ash layer.
(iii) Chemical reaction.
In case of such reactions as no ash layer is present, the following three step occur in
succession/series :
(i) Diffusion of gaseous reactant A through the gas film to the surface of the solid
- from the main body of gas.
(ii) Reaction on the surface between gaseous reactant A and solid reactant B.
(iii) Diffusion of reaction products from the surface of the solid back into the main
body of gas through the gas film.
Here the rate-controlling step may be gas film diffusion or chemical reaction
Particle Size. The time needed to achieve the same fractional conversion for
particles of different but unchanging sizes is given by
Thus kinetic runs with different sizes of particles can distinguish between reactions in
which the chemical and physical steps control.
Ash Versus Film Resistance. When a hard solid ash forms during reaction, the
resistance of gas-phase reactant through this ash is usually much greater than through
the gas film surrounding the particle. Hence in the presence of a nonflaking ash layer,
film resistance can safely be ignored. In addition, ash resistance is unaffected by
changes in gas velocity.
Predictability of Film Resistance. The magnitude of film resistance can be estimated
from dimensionless correlations. Thus an observed rate approximately equal to the
calculated rate suggests that film resistance controls.
Overall Versus Individual Resistance. If a plot of individual rate coefficients is made
as a function of temperature, as shown in Fig, the overall coefficient cannot be higher
than any of the individual coefficients.
Figure: Because of the series relationship among the resistances to reaction, the net or observed
rate is never higher than for any of the individual steps acting alone.